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September 2009


Pendills/Sullivan Creek National Fish Hatchery

FISH PRODUCTION Lake Wild year class, which averaged six
pounds and twenty four inches in length; one
Early Dismissal at Sullivan Creek NFH hundred and fifty lake trout from the 2003
year class of Seneca Lake Wild strain which
When Sullivan Creek National Fish Hatchery averaged five and half pounds and twenty
has excess lake trout broodstock, the three inches in length; and one hundred lake
hatchery partners with the State of Michigan trout of the 2005 Lake Huron Parry Sound
Department of Natural Resources to locate Wild strain were also selected for Ottawa
inland lakes which have the essential habitat Lake and averaged two pounds and fifteen
base and depth required by our large lake inches in length.
trout. During June 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sullivan
- James Anderson
Creek NFH stocked out lake trout to three
inland lakes in the UP. Two hundred fish
from the 2006 year class of Seneca Lake Fin Clipping Starts
Wild lake trout broodstock, averaging
thirteen and a half inches in length with a September 14th marked the start of fin
weight of one and half pounds were stocked clipping at Pendills Creek NFH.
out. Perch Lake received fifty lake trout
and Lake Arfelin received the remaining one
hundred fifty lake trout. Several camps line
the edge of Lake Arfelin, so this should make
for an excellent sporting opportunity for the
campers. Ottawa Lake received one hundred
and fifty lake trout from the 2002 Seneca

Fin clippers working hard on a triple clip

Broodstock to USGS

Broodstock from Sullivan Creek NFH were

taken to the USGS Station in Ann Arbor, MI
on September 22nd for experimental studies.
Brood stock checking out their new home

TRAINING allow for going out into the open waters of
Lake Huron the class members did get to
Motorboat Operator Certification suit up in immersion suits and get in the
Course (MOCC) M/V Spencer F. Baird Cheboygan River for a life raft use
simulation. Other demos and simulations
July 16th concluded the US Fish and included fire suppression, radio use,
Wildlife's First Motorboat Operator emergency vessel control, docking,
Certification Course (MOCC) for the M/V undocking and line handling.
Spencer F. Baird, in Cheboygan, MI. The
MOCC was designed as a safety course for - Jaime Masterson
all Biologist and boat riders that work on
the Baird during stocking season, gill
netting/site assessments and through out the
year. Lead by the FWS' own Adam
Kowalski and Aaron Woldt, the three day
course covered general information about
the Baird, getting to know the vessel and
understanding boat operations. Water
survival training and emergency

Aaron Woldt addressing the class


Fish Biologist James Anderson attended

Introduction to Management Skills.
Jaime Masterson in an immersion suit

Fish Biologist Robert Deems attended

simulations such as man overboard and use USFWS Employee Foundations.
of visual distress signals were created for
hands on experience. Water safety training SCEP student Julie Timmer attended her
was preformed in a pool first to get first NCTC course, Financial Fundamentals
comfortable with the use of PFD's and
immersion suits. Although weather did not for Administrative Professionals.

Pendills In The Parade

Pendills Creek National Fish Hatchery took

part in the Brimley 4th of July Parade. Fish
Biologists Robert Deems and Jaime
Masterson, along with a few members of the
Friends of Pendills Group, decorated a
hatchery vehicle in red, white and blue for the
occasion. Assorted candy to throw was
provided by the Friends of Pendills, which
was much appreciated by the cheering crowd. Sandhill Cranes walking up from egg building

- Jaime Masterson
the hatchery, strolling down the driveway to
the hatchery residences, picking through the
tall grass, or wandering through the pine
trees. We’re hoping to see them bring out
their new baby before the fall migration

- Crystal LeGault-

Inspection Time!

La Crosse Fish Health center performed their

annual summer fish health inspection. Wild
Independence Day 2009 fish from the hatcheries water supplies,
Videan's Creek and Sullivan Creek, were also
- James Anderson
Sullivan Creek NFH Home To More Than
Just Lake Trout

The USFWS mission of Sullivan Creek is to

be the home for lake trout brood fish which
produce millions of eggs for the Great Lakes
Lake Trout Restoration Program, but we now
have a new “brood” in our midst…..of the
feathery kind! When our four foot deep snow
finally started to melt toward the end of April
and into May, some of our staff noticed a
mating pair of Greater Sandhill Cranes. We
James Anderson electrofishing Videan’s Creek
would find the cranes out on the front lawn of

Newsletter written and edited by Jaime Masterson

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