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1. Primitive man evolved in
a) America

b) Africa

c) Australia

d) India

2. Mendel observed 7 pairs of contrasting characters in Pisum sativum. One of the

following is not a part of that.
Identify it.
a) Tall and Dwarf
b) yellow and green seed colour
c) Terminal and axial flower

d) Smooth and rough stem

3. Theory of natural selection was proposed by

a) Charles Darwin
Baptist Lamarck

b) Hugo de Vries

c) Gregor Johann Mendel

d) Jean

4. Which of the following is inheritable


a) an altered gene in sperm

b) an altered gene in testes

c) an altered gene in zygote

d) an altered gene in udder cell.

5. Somatic gene therapy

a) Affects sperm

b) affects egg

c) affects progeny

d) affects body cell

6. Mendel has observed Tallness as dominant character in Garden pea plant. Similarly
tongue rolling is a dominant character in man. In a group of 60 students, 45 can roll their
tongue and 15 are non rollers. The percentage of dominant and recessive characters is




7. The eye colour among the human beings are varied as blue, black, brown , green, etc.,
this is called as
____________ variation.




8. SEXUALLY reproducing organisms produce off springs with marked, significant and visible




9. The modification of the genetic information of living organisms by manipulation of dna is

known as
a) Genetic engineering

b) Biotechnology

10. Who coined the term vaccine?


c) Both a and b

d) None

a) Gregor johann mendel

b) Edward jenner

c) Louis pasteur

d) None

11.In Mendels monohybrid cross, the total no. Of tall plants produced in f2 generation
a) 1


c) 2

d) 4



a) Molecular scissors

b) Paste Enzymes

c) Monoclonal Antibodies


13. Identify the contrasting character that was not studied by Mendel.
a) Round - wrinkled

b) Yellow -green

c) Violet - white

d) yellow- white

e) full-constricted

f) green - yellow

g) axial- terminal

h) tall

- dwarf

14.In Mendels monohybrid cross between tall(TT) and dwarf(tt) plants, the F1 progeny are,
a) All are dwarf plants
b) half of the total tall and another half dwarf c) all are tall
plants d) none of these.
15. Mendel termed these as wild types or pure breeding varieties
a) Tall plants
both a and b

b) dwarf plants

c) none of these


16. Phenotype means

a) Expression of gene
d) none of these

b) expression of morphological characters

c) both a and b

17. Who is well known for the use and disuse theory
a) Gregor johann mendel
d) Aristotle

b) Charles Darwin

c) Jean Baptist Lamarck

18 the gradual development of more complex species from pre existing simpler forms
this 3
Definition suits for
a) Variation

b) evolution

c ) heredity


19. Identify the correct

a) Hominid was called

the first human like being

c) Gorilla and Chimpanzees were the ancestor s to Hominids

b)Homo habilis - the homind
d) all of these

20. Which of the following is correct

a) Hominids (Homo habilis)- fruit eaters, used stones and weapons to hunt
b) Homo erectus - meat eaters
c) Neanderthal man lived in Asia and central Asia, used to hide them and buried their

d) Archaic Homo sapiens - arose in South Africa

e) All of these
21. Identify the correct sequence

Homo habilis

a) Gorilla, Chimpanzees
Archaic Homo sapiens

Homo erectusNeanderthal man

Modern Homo sapiens

22. The other names for Genetic engineering
a) Gene manipulation
d) none of these

b) recombinant DNA technology (r-DNA)

c) both a and b

23. Genetic engineering helps in


a) Understating of the gene structure and function

b) Production of large quantities of insulin, interferon
c) Human growth hormones
d) Vaccines and peptides (proteins) for foot and mouth disease of cattle
e) Transfer of genes involved in Nitrogen fixation
f) All of these
24. Identify the incorrect statement.

a) Genetic engineering helps in the production of insulin in large quantities

b) Genetic engineering has developed after the discovery of restriction end nucleases and
c) ligases are the paste enzymes
d) Restriction enzymes or restriction end nucleases are molecular scissors.
e) None of these.
25. Identify the correct matchings.

a. Fermentation processs - used in alcoholic beverages

b) enzymes - bio catalysts
c) antibiotics- toxic to some other microorganisms
d) Acetic acid - used for the production of vinegar
e) all
26. Find out the correct matching
a) Vitamins - do not furnish energy but are very essential for energy transformation and
regulation of
b) vaccines - act as antigens and stimulate the body to manufacture antibody.
c) steroids- lipids (eg. Cholesterol)
d) Prednisolone (steroid) is produced from -

rhizopus fungi

e) all of these
27. Pick out the right matching

a) Antibodies produced by cloned cells monoclonal anti-bodies

b) an experimental technique used to produce morphologically and genetically identical
organisms - cloning
c)Edward Jenner coined the term Vaccine
d) none of these
28. Match the following

a) organic acid

1. Citric acid

b)genetic engineering

2. Transgenic plants


3. Bio catylists



Kill micro organisms

29. Genetics is the study of


a) Resemblances amongst individuals

b) heredity and environment

c) Differences among individuals

d) heredity and variation

30. Who gave the rules inheritance?




d) Watson and

31. Gamets contain

a) Haploid chromosomes
Eukaryotic chromosomes

b) diploid chromosomes c) homologous chromosomes


31. Who coined the term gene?

a) Bateson

b) Mendel

c) van Benden

d) None of these

32. The concept of origin of species by natural selection was given by


b) Weismann

c) Darwin

d) Linnaeus

33.Which of the following is an example to analogous organs?

a) wings of a bird and wings of a bat

b) forelimbs of a bird and forelimbs of a frog

c) forelimbs of a bird and forelimbs of a bat

d) both a and c

34. Double helical structure of DNA was given by





35. Functional segments of chromosomal DNA are known as

a) centromeres

b) telomeres

c) genes

36.The sex of the child depends upon the chromosomes present in the

d) centrioles

a) egg of the female


b) sperm of the male


d) none of

37.The theory of chemical evolution of life was experimentally demonstrated by

a) Oparin

b)Millery and Urey

c) Mendel

38. The chromosomes in human males can be represented by the formula


b) 44+xy

c) 22+xx


39.The most ancient fossils found in the deepest layers of the earth include
a) Protozoa and bacteria
and mammals

b) reptiles and birds

c) birds and mammals

d) reptiles

40. Which plant was used by Mendel to carry out experiment on genetics?
a) Mangifera indica

b) Solanum tuberosum


d)Pisum s

41. Ability and inability to roll tongue is an example of

a) Acquired trait

b) Inherited trait

c) none of these

d) It is not a trait

42. An individual with two identical number of a pair of genetic factors is called
a) heteromorphic

b) homomorphic

c) heterozygote

d) homozygote

43.A plant is heterozygous and is designed Bb, it produces two kinds of gametes B and b.
The possibility of b gamete fertilizing B or b is




44. The two allelic genes are located on

a) The same chromosome

b) two homologous chromosomes

c) Two non-homologous chromosomes

d) any two chromosomes

45. How many pairs of contrasting characters in pea pod were chosen by Mendel?
a) two

b) three

c) four

d)seven mates Tt . What will be the characteristic of offspring?

a) 75% recessive

b) 50% recessive

c) 25%


47. Mendels second law is the law of

a) independent assortment

b) segregation

c) dominance

d) polygenic

48.The word chromosome was coined by

a. Benda

b. Waldeyer

c. Robert hooke

d. T. H. Morgan

49. Homologous organs are


a)Disssimilar origin and dissimilar structure

c) similar origin with dissimilar function

b) dissimilar origin but similar function

d) similar origin with dissimilar function

50. Which one is not a vestigial structure in humans?


b) vermiform appendix

c) wisdom teeth

d) scalp hair

51. Archeopteryx is known as missing link because it is a fossil and has characters between
a)Fishes and amphibians
and nonchordates

b) Birds and reptiles

c) Reptiles and mammals

d) Chordates

52. Fossils are dated by

a) amount of calcium
d) stratigraphic age.

b) radio active carbon content

c) association with mammals

53. Survival of fittest wa s used by

a) Charles Darwin

b) Herbert spencer

c) J. B. Lamarck

d) Hugo de

54. Charles Darwin was most influenced by

a) Lamarcks theory of acdquired characters b)Weismanns theory of germplasm
c) Wallace s theory of origin of species

d) essay on pollution by malathus

55.philosophic zoologique was written by

a) De Vries
56 .In the speciation process
a) natural selection

b) Lamarck

c) Mendel


which of the folllowing play important role

b) genetic drift

c) both of these

d) none of these

c) 9:3:3:!

d) none

57.In a dihybrid cross the phenotypic ratio is

a) 3:1

b) 1:2:1

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