Oracle Shipping Execution

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Overview of Shipping


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Overview of Shipping Execution

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Overview of Shipping Execution

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Overview of Shipping Execution

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Delivery and Delivery Lines

Delivery and Delivery Lines

Delivery Lines
Sales order lines that have been booked or scheduled are called delivery lines.
You can either manually or automatically group delivery lines to create a delivery. If a
delivery is auto-created, the delivery lines are grouped together by the mandatory default
criteria, Ship From Location and Ship To Location. However, additional grouping criteria can
be included such as:
- Customer
- Freight Terms
- FOB Code
- Intermediate Ship To Location
- Ship Method

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Trips and Stops

A trip is an instance of a specific freight carrier departing from a particular location containing
deliveries. A trip is carrier specific and contains at least two stops such as the pick-up stop and
drop-off stop. Trips can be created automatically or manually.
A stop is a point along the route of the trip. A stop can be either a pick-up or drop-off stop or

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Delivery Leg

Delivery Leg
A delivery leg is synonymous to bill of lading and consists of at least two stops. A bill of lading
is an agreement between the shipper and carrier acknowledging receipt of goods shipped. The
bill of lading has all the details specifying the terms of delivery. A delivery might consist of
several delivery legs to reach its final destination.

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License Plate Numbers (LPNs), also known as containers, are used for packing delivery lines.
You can create containers without assigning them to a delivery. This is useful if you want to
create multiple containers of the same type then pack them with unassigned delivery lines.

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Pick Release

Pick Release
Pick release is the process of finding and releasing eligible delivery lines that meet the release
criteria that you specify. Pick release creates move orders for picking from inventory. The
release criteria is defined based on your business requirements. You customize the release
criteria by defining the following:
Release Rules: The release rules identify which delivery lines should be considered for
pick release and the picking operations that should be performed on the selected lines.
Release Sequence Rules: The release sequence rules define the order in which eligible
picks are allocated inventory.
Pick Slip Grouping Rules: The pick slip grouping rules define how released order lines
are grouped on the pick slips for ease of picking.

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Move Orders

Move Orders
A move order is a request to transfer materials from subinventory to a staging location. The
pick release process creates move orders pre-approved requests for subinventory transfer. The
move order consists of move order lines that must be moved from the subinventory to the
staging location. To release the move order lines, the lines must be allocated with the materials
from the subinventory. Oracle Inventory picking engine fills in the move order lines with the
transaction details. It also places a high-level reservation on the material if no reservation
previously exists. This process is called allocation.
Staging Location
A staging location is the destination subinventory where the materials are deposited after
picking. Material deposited in the staging location is then in position for its next step, which is
ship confirm. Each organization must designate at least one staging subinventory. In a
warehouse, the staging location is physically located typically near the shipping dock. Staging
subinventories should be reservable. Each pick release batch created at pick release will have
the same destination staging subinventory.

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Pick Confirmation

Pick Confirmation
Pick confirmation is a process that performs the transfer of materials from the source
subinventory location to the staging location. The transfer is performed based on the allocation
made by Oracle Inventory to the move order lines. Pick confirmation automatically transfers
the high level reservation to an allocated reservation (including lots, subinventory, and
locators) in the staging location.

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Ship Confirm

Ship Confirm
Ship Confirm is the process of confirming that items have been shipped from the staging
location. Delivery lines must be in the Staged/Pick Confirmed status to perform Ship Confirm.
During Ship Confirm you can perform the following actions:
Backordering: Backordering when only a partial quantity of items that were pick
released require shipping. When a delivery line is backorder, the delivery line is split into
two delivery lines. The original line quantity is the detailed quantity. The new line
quantity is the difference between the requested quantity and the detailed quantity.
Consolidating Backorders: Consolidating backorders is an automatic process that
combines several backordered delivery lines having the same source line, back into one
delivery line. Consolidating Backorders is performed during Pick Release, Cycle Count,
or Ship Confirm. When a backorder occurs, Oracle Shipping Execution searches for the
existing backorder delivery lines for a particular source line.
Note: To consolidate backorders the Consolidate Backorder Lines field in the Global
Parameters window must be selected.
Making Items Non-Reservable: Making items non-reservable places a reservation on
the items such that they are not available for other delivery lines. While making the items
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non-reservable you must specify the subinventory and stock locator to pick the items
from. If the items are serial controlled, lot controlled, or revision controlled you must
specify the respective details while making items non-reservable.
Models: You can ship Model items non-proportionately, for example:
- You ship all the components but not in the correct proportion
- You do not ship all of the components

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Automated Shipping Process

Automated Shipping Process

The automated shipping processes will be useful when the shipping personnel rarely alter or
modify the attributes of the shipment. The automated shipping process can be used to perform
the following automatically:
Pick Release: The pick release process can be automated to perform delivery creation,
pick selection, pick allocation, and pick confirmation.
Packing: You can run Auto-Pack SRS to run the packing process periodically.
Ship Confirm: You can run Auto Ship Confirm SRS to run the ship confirm process
One Step Shipping performs Pick Release, Pack, and Ship Confirm all in one go.

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One Step Shipping

One Step Shipping

One step shipping involves picking and shipping, or picking, packing, and shipping of one or
more deliveries or delivery lines. When you perform one step shipping you achieve the
Auto create deliveries for delivery lines, if delivery lines are not associated with a
Pick release and pick confirm all delivery lines assigned to the deliveries. This includes
the deliveries that were autocreated.
Auto pack all delivery lines assigned to the deliveries that are in the Staged/Pick
Confirmed status.
Note: To automatically pack all delivery lines into LPNs,
you must set the autopack level for your organization as Yes
or Autopack Master in the Shipping Transaction tab of
Shipping Parameters window. For more information, see the
lesson titled Shipping Transaction Parameters slide.
Note: Container-load relationship should be defined for the
delivery line items

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Ship confirm all delivery lines assigned to the deliveries that are in the Staged status and
which does not require assignment of serial numbers.
Note: To automatically ship confirm, you must assign a ship
confirm rule to your organization. You can assign the same
in the Shipping Transaction tab of Shipping Parameters
window. For more information, see the lesson titled
Shipping Transaction Parameters slide.

Auto create trips, if trips and stops are not manually created for the delivery lines.
Note: If pick, pack, and ship process is not successful for even one delivery line of a delivery,
the one step shipping cannot be performed on the entire delivery.
Note: To ship confirm from the Shipping Transactions form, the organization to which the
sales order belongs should be attached with a ship confirm rule.

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Shipping Transactions Form

Shipping Transactions Form

Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Shipping > Transactions > Query Manager (Perform a search in the Query Manager
window. The search results are displayed in the Shipping Transactions form.)
You can use the shipping transaction form to plan, execute, and view all aspects of the shipping
process. The user interface is composed of two elements; the Query Manager and the Data
Manager. You can use extensively the Oracle folder and tree capabilities.

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Query Manager

Query Manager
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Shipping > Transactions > Query Manager
The Query Manager is a window used to search and save queries created on the shipping
entities. You create customized queries by entering your search criteria and saving them. You
can use the saved query for future searches. The queries are classified into the following:
Personal Query: Queries you save for your personal use. This query is not available to
other users.
Public Query: Queries you save and share with other users. This is very useful if you
want to centrally manage the queries.
Temporary Query: Queries that are not used frequently such as those that you use only
once. These are queries which are not used frequently. Temporary queries are not saved
and are valid for that session only.

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Data Manager

Data Manager
The data manager is a part of the Shipping Transactions form. You can perform the following
using the data manager:
Create or modify data pertaining to shipping entities
Plan shipping entities
Perform shipping operations such as Pick Release and Ship Confirm
Generate reports

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Quick Ship Window

Quick Ship Window

Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Shipping > Quick Ship
Quick Ship enables you to enter minimum requirements and process a shipment.
The Quick Ship window provides the following features:
Visibility to trips, deliveries, and delivery lines in the same window
Ship confirm multiple deliveries at the same time
Change ship quantities and also specify the inventory controls for each delivery line
View and resolve the shipping exceptions for the delivery, trip and delivery lines
Customization of the display of fields, initial view (delivery or trip), and folder options
for each entity based on your business needs

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Reports and Documents

Reports and Documents

Oracle Shipping Execution provides you with a variety of flexible and easy-to-use reports to
help you improve productivity and increase control. Text attachments can be used with reports
and documents to print shipping application data: for example, unpacking instructions entered
on a delivery line can be printed on the Packing Slip. You use the Shipping Reports and
Documents window to select the report you want to generate. The Shipping Execution Reports
are displayed based on the report parameters that you enter.
Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Shipping > Setup > Documents > Choose Printers
You can assign shipping documents and reports to specific printers. Printers can be assigned at
multiple levels, including the following:
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Integration With Oracle Order Management

Shipping Integration With Order Management

After a sales order is booked, the sales order lines must complete all workflow activities
leading up to the shipping activity. Two typical preceding workflow activities are Schedule
Line and Schedule Line Manual:
Schedule Line:
The Schedule Line subprocess schedules an order line for all order lines that must be
shipped. This activity makes the order lines demand visible to Oracle Inventory for planning.
It also sets the shipment schedule date for the order line.
Ship Line Manual:
The Ship Line Manual enables you to manually initiate shipping for an order line. The Ship
Line Manual process can return one of the following and reaches the end activity:
Over Shipped Beyond Tolerance
Ship Confirm
Non Shippable

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Integration With Oracle Transportation Execution

Shipping Integration With Transportation

If Oracle Transportation Execution is installed, you can utilize the following functionality in
Oracle Shipping Execution:
Compatibility Constraints: This enables you to define a variety of transportation related
restrictions related to the items, carriers, modes of transport, facilities, organizations, and
customers. These restrictions are used by the application to warn or prevent further order
processing if the defined undesirable condition is encountered.
Load Tendering: This enables you to communicate the characteristics of a delivery with
your carriers to facilitate shipment pickup.
Carrier Manifesting: Oracle Transportation Execution uses XML transactions to
transmit delivery details to the carrier manifesting system. Once the Carrier Manifesting
system has processed the information for the deliveries, the shipping details are
transmitted back to Oracle Transportation Execution using XML shipment process

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Integration With Oracle Warehouse Management

Shipping Integration with Warehouse Management

If Oracle Warehouse Management is installed, it provides the following functionality to Oracle
Shipping Execution
Plan Tasks: The planning tasks of warehouse such as pick, put away, moves and
replenishments are done by Oracle Warehouse Management.
Pick Methodologies: The pick methodologies are determined by Warehouse

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Integration with Oracle Transportation Planning

Integration with Oracle Transportation Planning

Oracle Shipping Execution coverts order lines input from Order Management to delivery lines.
Oracle Transportation Planning obtains information including delivery lines, firm deliveries,
and firm trips from Oracle Shipping Execution. Oracle Transportation Planning release plan
output including deliveries and trips to Oracle Shipping Execution. Oracle Shipping Execution
validates the plan output and if the release is successful, Oracle Transportation Execution
executes the planned trips.

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