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IBM Maximo Asset Management Installation Guide

Actual Installation of IBM Maximo Asset management 7.5 using IBM

Websphere and Microsoft SQL Server database
Microsoft SQL SMS Deployment
The article is dedicated to describe installation process of SQL Server
Management Studio for IBM Maximo Assets Management. This process has
some features that you should notice as even default installation could entail a
lot of errors through MAM deployment process further.
First I want to reveal the whole process of installation MAM:
1. Microsoft Server
2. IBM Maximo Middleware
a. .Dot Net Framework
b. Windows - Sometimes are included in SQL SMS
3. Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
4. Microsoft PowerShell
5. IBM Maximo Asset Management
I use 2003 SP2 version of Microsoft Server, then 3.5 SP1 Dot Net Framework
and 4.5 Windows installer. Microsoft PowerShell is included in add-on for
Microsoft Server. Microsoft SQL Server I have is 2008 R2 SP1 Enterprise Edition.
Process of SQL SMS installation is simple if you understand what to do
otherwise you just dont know what it have to be look like to meet IBM Maximo
Asset Management requirements. Thats why here is the article with step-bystep explanation of deployment and tuning process.

HOW TO: install Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SQL SMS)
1. I had SQL SMS on DVD disk, so there was nothing to do but insert the
DVD and wait welcome window. Choose Installation.

2. Then click on New inst

3. Wait till support rules is set up and then press OK.

4. You should have valid product key to proceed, type it into key bar and
click Next.

5. Accept the license terms and go Next.

6. Setup support files by pressing Install button. These files are needed for
further installation.

7. Press Show Details to make sure there are no red failures and if
everything is ok go Next.

8. Choose SQL Server Feature Installation and proceed Next.

9. I highly recommend mark bars with all features as it is listed below. Then

10.Then you are going through Rules Installation and if everything is ok go


11.Choose Named Instance and provide text field nearby with its name.
Then click Next.

12.Now you just informed about free space SQL SMS would take. Make sure
you have enough and go Next.

13.Then click on Use the same account for all SQL Server services,
then click Browse.

14.I put Administrator as my current account with all possible rights in the
text field and then pressed Check Names. It was modified according
needed syntax and then pressed OK.

15.You should provide your account name with a password and then press

16.Press Next.

17.Choose Mixed Mode (SQL Server authentication and Windows

authentication) and enter password for sa (system administrator)
account. Then go Next.

18.Press Add Current User and then Next.

19.Here the window should be like it was mentioned below, and then click

20.Just click Next.

21.Check amount of failed operations and if it is 0 then press Next.

22.Here is report of settings you just provided, read it carefully not to skip
any mistake then press Install.

23.Installation process is quite long, but eventually you will get this window.
Press Close.

That is right time to restart computer.

Now we have to tune our SQL Server. Go as it shows screenshot below:
All programs -> Miscrosoft SQL Server 2008 R2 -> Configuration Tools
-> SQL Server Configuration Manager

Expand SQL Server Network Configuration and click on Protocols for

MAX75SVR (or another server you use). Right click on TCP/IP and choose

Choose IP Adresses and see IPALL section.

Most commonly TCP DynamicPorts is active what cause a problem with IBM
Maximo Asset Management which uses static 1433 port to communicate with
SQL Server. Ive got exception CTGIN2032E: The port number is not
listening on the host trying to install IBM Maximo Asset Management over
default state of Microsoft SQL Server.

Here is how it should look like.

After changes you should restart SQL Server using SQL Server Services on left
side the window.

And now your Microsoft SQL Server is ready to install IBM Maximo
Asset Management.
I - Installing IBM Middleware
1. Location and double click the launchpad.exe

2. Select Install Product -> Middleware

3. Select a language to be used for the installation wizard.

4. Select Next

5. Read terms and conditions, accept and click Next.

6. Accept the default workspace and click Next

7. Click Next

8. Wait for a moment while Installing IBM Autonomic Deployment Engine.

9. Since you will be using Microsoft SQL Server as the database, select only
the J2EE Server option and click Next.

10.Click Next.

11.Check the Override the local machine hostname and input
since we are using the local account of the computer.

12.Just click OK for the warning box.

13.There is an option in which you can set a universal password for all
installations. Check this option if you dont want to have different
passwords for the programs to be installed.
Input the password and click Next.

14.Remove the Program Files from the installation path and click Next

15.Accept the default profile names and click Next

16.Remove Program Files from the installation path and click Next

17.Remove Program Files from the installation path and click Next

18. If this error occurs, click OK to change the HTTP port

19.Change the HTTP port to 81

20.Click Next.

21.Extract and to C:\Middleware\windows.

22.Select Specify a directory option to point the extracted middleware files.

Click Next.

23.Select Browse button to select the Middleware path.

24.Browse the C:\Middleware\windows and click Open.

25.Click Next

26.Accept the default Temporary files directory and click Next.

27.Select Deploy the plan.

28.Please wait while performing disk space checks.

29.Review the deployment plan and select deploy when done.

30.Wait while deploying the middleware components.

31.After the successful deployment. Click Finish.

II - Installing IBM Maximo Asset Management:

1. From the launchpad, select Install Product -> Maximo Asset

2. Wait while InstallAnywhere is preparing to install.

3. Select installation language to use and click OK.

4. Click Next.

5. Accept the default installation path and click Next.

6. Click Next.

7. Click Next.

8. Review license agreement and accept. Click Next.

9. Custom deployment and click Next.

10.Check the Import middleware configuration information and input the

needed credentials.





IP of the machine where

you installed the


User ID

Account user id of the

machine. This needs to
have admin privileges


Account password of the

User ID

Confirm Password

Account password of the

User ID

Workspace location

Workspace of Middleware

11.Wait while validating your inputs.


Accept default.

12.Select database type and click Next.

13.Enter database information.

14.Select Automate database creation and configuration.

15.Enter the information for SQL Server database. You will need the server
administrator user name and password in order for the IBM Maximo
Asset Management installer to access the database. Click Next.

16.Select IBM Websphere Application Server.

17.Enter the credentials for accessing IBM Websphere Application server.

This is the user and password set during middleware installation.

18.Enter a user ID of the windows where you are going to install. Account
should be an administrator account. Click Next.

19.Review information and click Next.

20.Select Use Maximo Internal authentication for IBM Maximo Asset

Management logins.

21.Provide the passwords for the 3 super maximo users.

22.Select Do not persist JMS messages and click Next.

23.Input SMTP server and Administrator email and click Next. You can set
values later if you dont have it yet.

24.Select a language to use as the bas-language and click Next.

25.Select the languages that you would like to add and click Next.

26.Click Next. Leaving the checkboxes unchecked will automatically

configure the services needed by IBM Maximo Asset management.

27.Accept the default path and click Next.

28.Review the inputs and click Next.

29.Click Install.

30.Wait for the installation to finish.

31.Message will be displayed if the installation is successful or not.

32. Restart Computer

33. Access Maximo. http://<computer_name>:81/maximo
III - Checking Application Services
1. Open the websphere console using this link https://<host_name> :

2. Login
3. Expand Applications > Application Types and select IBM Websphere
enterprise application and check if MAXIMO and MAXIMOIEHS status is

4. Expand Servers > Server Types and select WebSphere application

servers to see if the status of MXServer is running.

IV - Loading Demo Database

1. Open IBM Websphere console and go to Servers -> Server Types ->
Websphere application server

2. Check the MXServer checkbox.

3. Click Stop

4. Mark the checkbox and click Ok button.

5. Click Ok button.

6. Make sure that MXserver is not running before proceeding to the next

7. Open command prompt

8. Go to IBM Maximo Asset Management installation path.

9. Run maxinst -tPRIMARY -sPRIMARY -imaxdemo to load the demo database.

10.Press Enter to continue.

11.It will prompt a message if it is successful or not.

12.Go back to Websphere console and start the MXServer by selecting the
MXServer and click Start.

13.Wait for MXServer to Start.

V - Activating the right hostname and port for help files:

1. Open Maximo http://<hostname>;:9080/maximo and login as

2. Go to System Configuration -> Platform Configuration -> System


3. Filter for the word

4. Select and go to properties.

5. Change the Global Value to IBM Maximo Asset Management server host
name and click Save when done.

6. Select and go to properties and check if it has the right

port and click Save.

7. Check and and click live refresh button.

8. Click OK

IBM Maximo Asset Management Start Centers

The system administrator is responsible for assigning the Start Center to
different security groups. Start Center content contains reports, links to actions,
applications and data records that are relevant to the group. If a user is
assigned to more than one security group, the user will have more than one
Start Center.

Start Center Components

A Start Center consists of one narrow column and one wide column. Each
column can be configured to display one or more portlets that creates a
specific Start Center to support a particular job function. Below are the
common portlets:

Bulletin Board Messages in the bulletin board are displayed here.

Favorite Applications Displays links that can launch specific IBM

Maximo Asset Management applications.

Inbox/Assignments Routed records that require action or attention such

as review or approval can be found here.

KPI Graph Displays one or more Key Performance Indicator (KPI)

KPI List - Displays a list of links to one or more Key Performance Indicator
(KPI) reports located in the KPI Manager application.

Quick Insert Link that will allow you to launch an application

immediately and add new record, for Example create new database.

Result Set Displays the result set from a saved query.

Modifying a Start Center:

Login to IBM Maximo Asset Management.

Click the Modify Existing Template

Select a template you want to modify.

You can edit the portlet content by clicking the

Click the Save Template when done.


Assigning a Start Center

Login as system administrator.

Go to -> Security -> Security Groups.

Inside Security Groups application, hit enter to display the list of all security groups
and select the security group that you want to assign a Start Center.

Once you selected the group. Select the lookup icon beside start center template to
search for available start centers.

Select the template that you want to assign to the group.

Click Save when done.

IBM Maximo Advanced Financial Management Tutorial

IBM Maximo Advanced Financial Management is a third party Maximo add-on
which seeks to simplify one of the basic financial tasks which need to be done
by any organisation, administering the chart of accounts.
When setting up Maximo an organisation has the option to either use a
validated chart of accounts or to allow any combination of GL Components. It is
generally best practice to validate the chart of accounts for two main reasons:
1) Ensuring that all GL Accounts entered are correct combinations

2) Simplifying data entry by operators by only giving them access to

valid combinations while providing a step by step choices through
the different components.
The main downside of having a validated chart of accounts is that it needs to
be maintained. This means that whenever a new project, cost centre or account
is approved the Maximo Chart of Accounts needs to be updated, and usually
the task is quite onerous as it entails creating the GL Component, together with
numerous new valid combinations.
Chart of Accounts (AFM)
The following is a step by step tutorial in creating a new resource and linking
this together with a cost centre and a number of activities.
The first step will be to create the GL Component. This can be done in the
normal way in Maximo:
1) From the Go To > Financial > Chart of Accounts (AFM)
2) Click on the Organisation to which you would like to add the new
3) From the Select Action menu select GL Component Maintenance
4) Click on the resource and click on the New Row button
5) Add the following details:
a. GL Component Value 455
b. Description Rented Tools
6) Click OK to Save the GL Component

The next step is to create the combinations of Cost Centre, Activity and
Resources needed by the business. Generally this would entail creating this one
by one through the Chart of Accounts main area. This could take hours
depending on the number of combinations, if the new resource needs to be
attached to three cost centres and 30 activities a total of 90 new combinations
need to be created for each new resource. The Chart of Accounts (AFM)
application simplifies this by giving the user the option to select the
components and it will create all the combinations. This can be done by going
to the Create GL Account tab and following these steps:
1) Select from each one of your components the ones you would like
to link together

2) Click on the Create Accounts button and dialog box will appear

3) Ensure that it includes all the accounts you need and amend any
descriptions as needed

4) Click on Create All button and the system will create all the 36
new accounts for you in just a few clicks, giving messages about
any errors it encounters (such as accounts which already exist).
The system is all capable of de-activating multiple accounts together when a
project or cost centre has ceased to exist in a similar way.
See for further details
Database Configuration
1) Linking the fields to Domain (predefined lists)
2) Linking the fields to Conditional Expressions (to change attributes
according to the state/status of the object)
3) Linking the fields to Coding (to make nice stuff!)
4) Copying values from other documents (i.e. getting values on
invoice from PO)
Adding the attribute in Database Configuration
The Database Configuration is used to make changes to the underlying
database directly from Maximo.

The application includes functionality to:

1) Create new and amend existing Maximo objects which could be mapped
into database tables
2) Administer the attributes within these objects which could be mapped
into database attributes
3) Administer database indexes
4) Administer relationships with other Maximo objects
Changes to this application could have adverse effects on the system and
should be therefore tried on a test environment before being replicated in a live
The following steps describe how to add an attribute to an existing object:
1) From the Go To menu select System Configuration > Platform
Configuration > Database Configuration
2) From the List tab search and select the object to which you would like to
add an attribute. The object names always map into the objects which
exist in the database
3) Select the Attributes tab
4) Click on the New Row button
5) Add the following details:
a. Attribute the internal name to be used for the new field
b. Description used to described the use of the field to the users and
will appear in context sensitive help screen
c. Type the type of the field which can include:
a. ALN Alphanumeric
b. UPPER - Upper Case
c. YORN - Boolean Yes / No value
d. DATE - Date value

e. DATETIME - Date and time value


INT - Integer

Turning on Admin Mode will log off all the users in the system and should
therefore be used with due care.
Administrative mode also suspends all running cron tasks and listeners.
Administrative mode can be switched on from the Database Configuration
application. In order to switch this on:
1. Click on the List Tab of the Database Configuration application
2. From the Select Action menu select Manage Admin Mode
3. Click on Turn Admin Mode ON. Depending on the settings on your system
you might be asked to enter your password and reason for this.
4. Periodically click the Refresh Status button. When the system is Admin
Mode you will receive a message stating this.

UPPER Upper Case


YORN Boolean Yes / No value


DATE Date value


DATETIME Date and time value


INT - Integer


Length the length of the field

Required whether the field can be left blank by the users
Title the field description to be used on screen


Domain a link to an existing list of value from which the user

can select


Default Value the value to be added to the field when a new

instance is created, this can be later changed by the user

6) Save the record

Once the record is saved Maximo knows that the new field is awaiting
configuration but this change will not be mapped into the database until the
database configuration routine is run.
Entering Administrative Mode
In order to be able to run the configuration routine directly from the Maximo
application the system must be switched to Administrative Mode.
Administrative mode means that only specific users will be allowed into the
system, generally the ones which are part of the administrator groups, and logs
off all other users and doesnt all remote connectivity (therefore it will only
allow login through the server).
Turning on Admin Mode will log off all the users in the system and should
therefore be used with due care.
Administrative mode also suspends all running cron tasks and listeners.
Administrative mode can be switched on from the Database Configuration
application. In order to switch this on:
1) Click on the List Tab of the Database Configuration application
2) From the Select Action menu select Manage Admin Mode

3) Click on Turn Admin Mode ON. Depending on the settings on your system
you might be asked to enter your password and reason for this.
4) Periodically click the Refresh Status button. When the system is Admin
Mode you will receive a message stating this.

The system should be set into Admin Mode with user which has access to the
system when in Admin mode otherwise the user will be logged off.
Configuring the Database
When the system has been successfully set into Admin mode, the next step is
to configure the database. The database configuration routine maps the
changes made in the Maximo Database Configuration application to the

Warning: Before continuing with this step, make sure to take a database
backup. This can be used to return to the previous state if there are issues with
the database configuration.
This can be done by:
1) Click on the List Tab of the Database Configuration application
2) Make sure that the Do you have a current backup? checkbox is ticked
3) Click on Start Configuring the Database button. Depending on the
settings on your system you might be asked to enter your password and
reason for this.
4) Click on the Refresh Status button periodically. This will fetch the current
status of the process and show it on screen. Once the process finishes
you will be given a message stating this.

Adding the attribute to the Application

At this point the attribute has been added to the database but it is not yet
available for the users to interact with. In order for the users to be able to use
the new field this needs to be added to the appropriate application. This can be
done through the Application Designer application in Maximo. This can be done
by following these steps:
1) From the Go To menu select System Configuration > Platform
Configuration > Application Designer
2) On the List tab search for and select the application you would like to
3) This will take you to workspace tab which will show a WYSIWYG copy of
the application which can be amended using selections on toolbar menu

The functions circled from left to right are:


Control Palette used to add new controls to the application,

including text boxes, sections and tables


Control Properties used to amend the properties of the currently

active control.

4) Open the Control Palette by click on the first circled button above.

5) Drag the Text box to the place on the application where you wish to add
the newly created field
6) Once added to the correct place use the Control Properties dialog box to
define the details of the new field

7) From the dialog the following are the more important fields:

Label the value to show adjacent to the field, when not using the
default value


Attribute the name of the attribute created in the Database



Lookup any lookup to attribute to the field (use DATELOOKUP for

date fields, and VALUELIST for fields linked to Maximo domains)


Input Mode specifies whether the field is read-only, or mandatory

8) When done save the application and test the application directly in

Warning: Changing an application should be done when no users are in using

that application. If someone is using the application the user could be logged
off the system without warning resulting in loss of work.
Before making any changes to an application make sure to take a back of the
application. This can be done through the Application Designer application by
following these steps:
1) From the Go To menu select System Configuration > Platform
Configuration > Application Designer
2) On the List tab search for and select the application you would like to
3) From the Workspace tab click on the Export Application

This will export the application selected to an XML format which should be
saved and kept for safe keeping just in case you need to revert to an older
version of the application.
Remember: Turn the Admin Mode off after all the changes are completed to
allow the users back into the system.

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