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Every player has their own playing style and should tweak their hero build to
match that playing style.
The setup in this post is intended for players with pvp armies that see pvp as a
secondary goal.
Their primary goal is to participate in SFs, solo / duo & Main vs Main
Arty units with inf strength like arquebusier (europe) and heavy firelancers (asia)
are great for this.
Some cavalry units are also usable for this, but most infantry pvp units are not.

First hero (duelist)

support skill : merchant
When you reach terrain training (lieutenant - decanus) rank :
duelist skill 10
parry 10
agility 10
resilience 10
increase merchant

at captain**/captain*** (optio** / optio centuriate) rank :

leadership 10
increase duelist skill to 28 or 32
increase fighting skills, starting with parry

from border training rank :

bring merchant up to 35
increase ldrship to 20
keep increasing fighting skills and leadership

2nd hero

merchant 25
healing 20
merchant 30
healing 25
parry 10
agility 10
resilience 10
leadership 10

merchant is your primary support skill, healing secondary

Don't neglect fighting skills & leadership, use leftover points for those

3rd hero
merchant is primary support skill, trainer is secondary
parry 10
agility 10
resilience 10
leadership 10
trainer 15
merchant 30
trainer 20
merchant upto max
use leftover points for fight & leadership skills

From red ranks on you should consider giving 2nd and 3rd hero some duelist skill.

There seem to be many people that don't really know where to put points in hero

Every player has their own playing style and should tweak their hero build to
match that playing style.
My setup is intended for rankers that aim for marq, but prefer SFs over ranking
medal and/or PvP.
I expect many will question my choices, but they are based on my experiences
from 130+ ages of playing.

trainer 15
healing 25
merchant 30
ldrship 10
healing 30
parry 10
agility 10
resilience 10
pike 10

Get these skills for all 3 heroes in the order i listed.

Around the rank border training starts, choose a duelist and 2 support heroes.
I recommend either 1st or 2nd hero for duelist, depending on which of them is
highest in points.

Give your duelist duelist skill 24 or 28.

Lower numbers result in supports having to duel TOO often.
Higher numbers will result in your duelist having to fight stronger heroes in MvM.
If you're one of the highest ranking players in your country, you can consider
going to 32 or higher to help your country in MvM.

Spread all points duelist get fighting + ldrship skills, and some extra merchant
(don't go above 35 though).
Your duelist should have maxed out fighting skills at lvl 22 / approx 80k points.
If you want to reach that point sooner, put less points in merchant and healing.

Support heroes :

merchant & healing to 35

Bring leadership to max, then increase merchant / healing / trainer further .
Whether you also increase their fighting skills is your own choice.


I thought i had made it clear enough leadership is important for this build, but it
seems i was wrong.

Leadership helps with reducing deads and injuries in ALL battles you are in.

All 3 heroes should equip banners ALL THE TIME.

On rome map you should also take phrygian helmet (adds 10 extra leadership).

Player opinions differ on how much leadership you should have at a certain rank,
but this is my recommendation for supports :

gen* centurion* : ldrship 10

Vicemarshal / tribunus : ldrship 20
Baron / Prefect : ldrship 30
Count / Legate : 40
Marquess / Dux : 50

10 trainer
25 heal
10 leadership
30 heal
20 trainer
35 merchants

not much of a tip, if you going for essential hero skill:

merchant 30-39
heal: 20 if you dont train much, have range units
trainer 10-15 for partial rebuilter, 15+ is meant for color ranks above. else none if
you feel unneeded.
rest pts invest in hero duel skills, parry & agil 1:2 ratio

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