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Market Archers

Arguelles, Marya Mikaela

Austria, Caren
Estrada, Patricia Dyan
Leynes, Kathleen
1. Laptop
For geographical segmentation, demands of people on laptop vary according to
their regions. For provinces, laptops may not be that popular because it is an expensive item
for potential buyers. On the other hand, people who reside on modernized cities have the
most demand for laptops because it is a necessity for them to accomplish their work at the
least possible time. For demographic segmentation, laptop manufacturers are providing more
coloured laptops in contrast with the black and silver coloured laptops in order to attract young
customers. When it comes on income segmentation, small laptops or net books are being
produced for they cost lesser than the medium sized laptops. In addition, these products have
long power back ups and are very popular in the corporate sector where people like to work in
cars, flights and are hassle free from charger. For psychological segmentation, manufacturers
produce products at different prices, features and configurations which are all based on the
social class of the buyer wherein the product promotes affordability on the side of the buyers.
For behavioural segmentation, it is based on the attitude and responses of the customers.
One great example is the Dell laptops, wherein they allow laptops to be customised based on
what the buyer wants to have. At the same time, it promotes loyalty on the part of consumer to
2. Concerts
Concerts can be marketed through the use of demographic, psychographic as well as
behavioral segmentation. Demographic in a way that the purchase of this product depends on
the variables such as the age, gender and income. We can observe that those who frequently
watch concerts are the teens. It can also be observed that women watch concerts more often
than men. Most of the concert tickets are expensive that is why income is also a large factor in
segmenting the market for concerts. In addition, the segmentation for concerts can also be
psychographic. The personality characteristics of consumers can also affect the segmentation
of the market for concerts. Behavioral segmentation can also be used since occasions and the

knowledge of the consumers affect the market segmentation for concerts. It is true that there
are a lot of concerts during holiday seasons, particularly December. The consumer's
knowledge is very important in the segmentation for concerts. Most people watch concerts of
the artists that are very popular.
3. Condominiums
For demographic segmentation, it focuses on the number of members in a family.
Condominiums are composed of different rooms wherein they are properly divided to easily
locate a place for large and small families who would afford to have one. Another factor is
based on the income of the purchaser. Not all people have a high paying job that is why a
condominium who offers lesser charges is always being picked by most families due to
practicality. For behavioural segmentation, selected rooms on condominiums are also allowed
to be customised base on the needs and interests of the customer for better satisfaction.
4. Vegetarian Restaurants
Marketing a vegetarian restaurant involves demographic, psychographic, and
behavioral segmentation. It involves demographic segmentation because some people are
vegetarians due to the fact that they are not allowed to eat meat. In some countries, like India,
they are not allowed to eat food from animals because that is the law in their religion,
Hinduism. Although some Hindus already eat meat, their priests and teachers, Brahmins, do
not, meaning vegetarian restaurants should market in India because most Indians do not eat
meat or any animal-based ingredients. Vegetarian restaurant should also involve
psychographic segmentation because it is also important for them the interests, opinions and
personality of the people. For interests, the marketers should know what type of vegetarian
food vegetarians like. For opinions, they should consider the suggestions and they should
survey their customers on what needs to be improved and lastly, the marketers should know
the personality of the people because some vegetarians do not eat meat of animal-based
ingredient because they want to be involved in animal rights. They do not want animals to be
slaughtered just to be eaten. For behavioral segmentation, what can be included are the
benefits of the vegetarian food. People would want to be healthy, and some needs to be
because of sickness etc. The marketers should consider the people who would want to eat
their food because they would want to get the nutrients from the food they eat in the
vegetarian restaurants.
5. Stiletto

Market segmentation for stilettos can be through geographic, demographic, and

psychographic way. Geographic segmentation can be applied because stilettos are mostly used
my women from the Metro or Urban areas where it is mostly needed for work or fashion. We
usually see women wearing stilettos on high-class or corporate places. Demographic
segmentation is also considered because it is segmented to women only. This gives high class
and high fashion look to women in order to fit in the corporate world. Also, age should also be
considered because women who usually wear this type of shoes are those in their adolescent or
middle-age years. Next, we could also use psychographic segmentation because of the social
class and personality of the consumers. For example, Parisian offers high-class stilettos with
high price as well but definitely has a good style and quality. These suite women who want to
rock a high fashion look and have a high quality product. Women in the high social class also
should be segmented in this case because they are people from corporate world and should
also have a high class look which is offered by these stilettos.
6. Facial Centers
Facial centers can market their service through demographic and psychographic
segmentation. Through demographic segmentation, the marketers may target the people by
their age, because most customers of facial centers are between 20-50 years old who would
want to look younger and some who would want their face to be clear that there will be no
pimples, blackheads or acnes in their faces. Also in demographic segmentation, the marketers
could also consider the gender, because most of the people who would want to have a clear
face are women and the marketers should also consider the income of the people, because
some couldnt afford treatments in facial centers because it isnt their priority. For
psychographic segmentation, facial centers could focus on the lifestyle of people, especially
for actors, actresses, models, and the like. These people would want their face to clear and
fair because they are always seen by people and that they are easily noticed because they
are popular.
7. Soap Operas
Geographic and Demographic segmentation should be considered in soap operas
because certain places have different cultures, interests and language which marketers
should know. Koreanovelas is hitting the television of people around Asia and even in
countries outside Asia. Because of this, they produce stories that can be understood globally
but will still represent their country. They also adapt to American plots in order to produce

more global-friendly films. Soap operas also vary in target audiences especially when it comes
to age. For example is the cable channel Starworld which targets men and women in their
teenage or adolescent years because shows being aired are based on the range of
understanding of people on that age because some shows are PG or SPG rated.
Psychographic segmentation can also be seen on this cable channel because most programs
have something to do about the fashion world. This intends to target men and women who are
interested in shows concerning modelling, fashion designing and architecture.
8. Cellphones
The segmentations that can be use in cell phones are demographic, geographic,
psychographic and behavioral. For demographic, variables such as age and income affects the
market segmentation. Most adults have the less complicated cell phones than teenagers have.
People with higher income have the cell phones with better quality and higher price. Geographic
Segmentation can also be used in the market of cell phones. One good example for this is
Korea which usually prefer Samsung gadgets than any other brands. Psychographic can also
be applied because a consumer's social class affects the purchasing of cell phones. Usually,
consumers prefer to buy the cell phone that is on trend or what their group mates are using. For
behavioral, the consumer's knowledge about the ce
9. Music
Music is marketed with basically all of them, geographic, demographic,
psychographic and behavioral segmentation. For geographic, an example of this would be
country music. In countries like USA especially in Texas, they would listen to it and is very
popular to them but for countries like in the Philippines, it isnt that popular. For demographic
segmentation, they could consider the age, because some people whose ages are 50 and
above would like the jazz kind of music and sometimes, the classical type. For teenagers, they
would want music with a pop, rock, indie, punk, and other types of genre and for kids in the age
of 1-4, they would want the jolly type of music with lyrics that they can gain knowledge from.
For psychographic segmentation, they could consider the personality of the consumers
because their personality is the reason of their different likes and dislikes of music. They could
also consider the values of the person, if he/she doesnt want to hear bad words, they wouldnt
listen to raps because they are mostly explicit. For behavioral segmentation, they could
consider the occasions; an example of this would be Justin Biebers Under the Mistletoe
album which was released on November 1, 2011, which is close to Christmas season.

10. Coffee
In todays market, producers tend to think of more effective ways to advertise or sell
coffee. First, we could use demographic segmentation where we will divide the market into
specific groups based on their geographical location. An example would be certain Starbucks
braches which are located in the Batangas Area who offers coffee with the touch of the Kapeng
Barako, which makes the coffee taste stronger. Demographically and Psychographically
speaking, segmenting the market of coffee can be applied to age and occupations and social
class of customers. Coffee shops are usually located in places near college schools,
workplaces, malls and other places where coffee is demanded for its stimulant effect to these
busy people. These coffee shops also offer variety of products with different levels of caffeine
and different taste in order to cope with the different needs of their consumers.

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