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Design of Pedestrian Bridge

Ground and Structures

Mr .M.Jaros
Group 7 :




Graeme Stephen Thorne

Nathan MutualeMutamba


YudhvirAshwin Singh
Date :
3 April 2014


Table of contents


1. introduction
2. Project Scope
Purpose of Bridge
Traffic Control
Geometric Constraints
Structural Form of Bridge
3. Geotechnical Information
4. Design aspects
Design of Bridge Deck
Design of Beam
Design of Column
Design of Piles
Design of Retaining Walls
Design of Staircase
5. Bus Stop Layout
6. Conclusion
7. References




A Deck Design Calculations

B - Prestressed Beam Design Calculations
C - Staircase Design Calculations
D - Column Design Calculations
E Pile and Pile Cap Design Calculations
F Retaining Wall Design Calculations
G - Abutment Design Calculations
H Drawings :

A footbridge allows walking public to overcome obstacles such as a busy road that is
subjected to traffic, a river, railway switchyards and any area which is impossible or
dangerous to cross. The structure presents the perfect solution for pedestrians who
need to safely and easily cross a road.
Mr. M. Jaros of the University of KwaZulu-Natal has approached our team, Group 7, to
produce a design of a bridge that is to span over Princes Alice Avenue in Glenwood
as well as an extended retaining wall and a new layout for a bus stop. This document
contains the proposed design of these three elements which adhere to all of Mr.
Jaross specifications. Group 7 tailored the designs to suit the area using the Shear
Box Test Results 2013, by adhering to the necessary design codes, logically meeting

the needs of the pedestrians and drivers, as well as paying special attention to the
feasibility of the project.
2. Project Scope

Purpose of bridge
Princes Alice Avenue is situated adjacent to the University of KwaZulu-Natal and
separates the University from the Student Residence. A footbridge spanning across
this road is vital for the safety of students and drivers, minimizing potential hazards
caused on overcrowded roads. It would also serve as a quick shortcut in which
students may travel to and from the campus without causing congestion on the
sidewalks. The designs are considered to facilitate the public in a more convenient,
reliable fashion.


Traffic Control
Princes Alice Avenue is situated in a high density traffic zone. This road experiences
all types of vehicles especially motor cars, buses and local taxis throughout the day
and night. Although Princes Alice road is in a residential area, it separates the UKZN
Campus and the Student Residence and serves many purposes. The situation of the
road in relation to the University, as well as its use as a daily route between
Mazisi Kunene Road (South Ridge Road ) and the major intersection located at the
bottom of Rick Turner Road has resulted in a high trafficked area. To ease the
congestion, a new bus stop layout is proposed. A simple yet effective solution that
will allow buses to easily enter and exit a bus stop, picking up and dropping off
passengers safely and without drastically disturbing the vehicular flow of the road.
The proposed footbridge connecting the Campus and the Residence will also provide
traffic control by streaming all pedestrians away from road traffic reducing the
possibility of accidents.

2.3. Geometric Constraints

The geometric design of the existing road way within 100m of the bridge has limited
sight distance and blind corners resulting in difficult traffic management during
construction phase.
The limited space due to the location of existing bus bay.
Two lanes of traffic, therefore vehicles must be managed by pedestrian patrol officers
when lanes are inaccessible.
The bridge and retaining wall must be of reinforced or pre-stressed concrete.
The retaining wall must be designed as a cantilevered retaining wall.
Every component of works must be lifted by a crane that carries a maximum load of

Structural Form of Bridge

The entire project should be completed timeously. Precast beams are used for the
bridge whilst the slab will be cast in-situ over the beams. These beams are supported
by bearings on top of the column on one end and an abutment on the other end
(DRAWING ). The bearings are devices that transfer moments and loads from the
deck to the substructure and foundations. Bearings allow the bridge to expand and
contract whilst retaining the deck in its fixed position on the substructure. The
retaining structures are designed as cantilevered retaining walls which is indicated
in( DRAWING). The bridge has a design life of 50 years.
3. Geotechnical Information and Drainage
The type of soil in the area of construction is Berea Red Sand

The angle of internal friction for the soil varies between 25 and 36
Unit weight of the soil is taken as 17 kN/m3
The cohesion of the sand, c = 0. Yielding a more conservative design.

4. Design Aspects
4.1. Design of bridge deck
The slab designed to the SANS 10100 design code is one-way spanning and only the
short span will be considered for design purpose. The analysis was simplified by
dividing the deck in identical 1m panels along the long span. The single beam under
the slab was replaced by two supporting beams centralised and spaced at 580mm
centres. The advantage of this arrangement is that it cancelled the torsional effect
on the beams. It also resulted in eliminating sagging moment along the short span of
the slab.
Three load cases were considered to determine the design bending moment. The
maximum moment occurred when the slab was loaded with minimum load (Dead
Load) on the middle span between the two beams and maximum load (Dead Load +
Live Load) on the exterior portions of the slab. The analysis was carried out and it
was found that a maximum hogging moment of 7.6kNm/m was generated over the
two supports and a minimum hogging moment of 7.27kNm/m was generated in the
mid-span of the structure. From the moments obtained, it is observed that the slab
will be subjected to tension on top and compression at the bottom. In extreme cases
of excessive loading on external parts of the slab (very unlikely) and no loading in
the mid-span, the deck may be prone to lifting effect in its middle portion.
An adequate shuttering will be used for the slab to be cast in situ
During construction it is necessary that the shuttering be adjusted appropriately to
produce the final curved and cambered shape of the deck to allow adequate storm
water drainage.
Since the slab will be cast in-situ the contractor must make arrangements to
minimise traffic disruption during construction in that section of the road.
The casting of the deck on site should take place at times of negligible traffic
(Saturday and Sunday from 6.00am to 9pm) when the road can be closed for the
weekend and re-opened on Sunday night (11pm).
4.1.1. Loading
All loads applied on the deck are converted in load intensities distributed across each
1 meter panel.
Appendix A shows the various deck components considered for loading analysis.
The partial factors provided in SANS 10100 design code were used for ultimate limit
state (1.2DL+1.6LL) and serviceability limit state (1.1DL+1.0LL).
A live load of 5kN/m^2 (TMH7 part1, page 38) was used.
The finishing layer (screed) is applied on the slab width excluding the upstands
The live load is taken to be acting across the full slab width (2300mm) to be on the
conservative side. This approach was taken into account to prevent unexpected
excessive loading on the upstand in situations where the deck is crowded and some
footbridge users are overlooking a public event (cycling, drag racing, marathon) on
the road. In those circumstances it is expected that there might be people standing
on the upstands in order to have clear view of the road.
The moments at the supports and at the mid-span were calculated by considering
individual load intensities of each deck components (Slab, up stand, railings) acting
at their respective centroids relative to the relevant support and the mid-span.

4.1.2. Limit State Design

The two limit states considered are:
Ultimate limit state
The main characteristic of this limit state is collapse. It is recommended that the
entire structure and any part of the structure be safely designed to avoid a condition
of collapse due to any foreseeable overloading (ENCV2SD, Design code principles
and Limit state design, page3).
The ultimate limit state checks performed were flexure and shear. The analysis
carried out was to ensure that the stability and strength of the structure were
Serviceability limit state
This limit state considers the state of the structure during service.
Some relevant serviceability checks for the footbridge are: deflection, cracking,
For this particular project only the deflection and cracking were taken into account.
The deflection of the deck is quantified by the span/d ratio. The actual span/d ratio of
the slab (14.9) is less than the allowable ratio (56) meaning the deflection that the
slab will undergo under normal use is acceptable. Cracking cannot be completely
avoided in concrete structures but it is controlled by the presence of steel reinforcing
bars. Vibration of the deck was not an issue since the combined stiffness of the
beams and the slab is very high.
4.1.3. Reinforcement
The deck is subjected to hogging moments across the entire short span. The absence
of a sagging moment is justified by the limited spacing between the two supporting
beams. For the design hogging moment of 7.6kNm/m at the supports the required
area of reinforcement is 133mm^2/m.
The minimum area of high yield steel reinforcement prescribed by the design code
(SANS 10100) for that particular section of the slab is 260mm^2/m (SANS 10100-1,
table 23). It was consequently necessary to provide the minimum amount required
by the code. Y12 @ 200 centres (As=564mm^2/m) was provided to satisfy the
minimum As and maximum spacing for curtailment.
The bottom reinforcing bars were curtailed at the theoretical cut-off (0.4m from the
ends of the deck) calculated using the bending moment equation. Top reinforcement
was also provided over the supports to resist the maximum moment (7.6kNm/m).
Nominal steel reinforcement was provided at top and bottom along the long span of
the slab since there is no design bending moment for that span. This measure is
adopted to manage possible cracks and shrinkage of the concrete after it has
attained a significant strength.
No shear reinforcement was required in the slab since the shear capacity of the deck
is greater than the applied shear stress on the slab.
4.2. Design of Beam
Two 900mm x 350mm pre-stressed beams were designed with a span of 20.5m. The
provision of two beams reduces torsional effects caused by the overall loading of the

slab. This would also eliminate the need for torsional reinforcement, reducing the
general cost of the bridge.
Both beams were pre-stressed using the method of pre-tensioning, due to its many
advantages over reinforced concrete and post-tensioning. Princes Alice Avenue, the
road on which the bridge is allocated, is a major public transport route, especially for
buses. Therefore, post-tensioning is uneconomical and inconvenient as traffic may
have to be re-directed for a longer period of time compared to a crane lifting the
beams into position. Reinforced concrete beams would be more expensive, in terms
of the amount of steel required and size of section needed, for such large spans
compared to pre-stressed beams. Pre-stressed beams allow smaller sections to be
designed over larger spans and the beam acts elastically.
The pre-stressed beam will be constructed in a nearby factory and delivered to site.
The crane and beam should be brought to site on the same day and around the same
time as the storage space is very limited on site, and the beams cannot be
effectively stored without obstructing traffic or sidewalk.
4.2.1. Design Approach
The beam was designed to class one which permits no tensile stresses at service.
The elimination of the tensile stresses also eliminates possible cracking. The steel
will therefore have increased protection against corrosion, caused by the close
proximity of the bridge to the sea and the humid climate in Durban. The elimination
of cracks creates a more aesthetically pleasing structure during service. Cracks also
reduce the inertia of the beam, resulting in higher deflections, which is eliminated by
designing to class one.
Pre-stressed beams are generally of high characteristic strength of between 30MPa
to 60MPa (SABS 0100). A characteristic strength of 50MPa was selected at transfer,
as a higher characteristic strength has better creep properties which in turn decrease
the pre-stress loss. Concrete of such strength is also easier to acquire in controlled
factory conditions. Clause of SABS 0100-01 shows how the characteristic
strength increases with age. At age 12 months, concrete of 50MPa has a
characteristic strength of 58MPa, and it was therefore estimated that the concrete
will have characteristic strength of 60MPa in service.
Selected dimensions
The breath and height of the beam were determined so that the total stresses due
to the pre-stress force and loading met the limiting stresses in table 4.6 of SABS
0100. Hence, the pre-stress force and eccentricity would also lie within the feasible
region of the Magnel diagram. At midspan, an eccentricity of 200mm was chosen
with a prestress force ranging from 6897KN to 3125KN as shown in Figure 1.1
below. A pre-stressing force of 3744.6KN was calculated ( APPENDIX B ) using
38.1mm pre-stressing strands. At the ends of the beam, eccentricity of 100mm was
chosen so that the tendons lied within the kern, as well as met the limiting stresses.
By using a curved beam, the total stresses due to the pre-stress force and loading
along the entire beam, met the requirements of the limiting stresses and no debonding was necessary.

Magnel Diagram

(m)f min




f max










Figure 1. showing the magnel diagram for a 350 x 900 prestressed beam
Limiting stresses
The limiting stresses were calculated according to table 4.6 in SABS 0100 and
compared to the total stresses due to pre-stress force and loading, at transfer, during
casting of the slab and service. Loss of pre-stress force was accounted for during
transfer and service which is caused by concrete shrinkage and creep, as well as
steel relaxation. A loss of 5% was taken at transfer and 10% was taken at service.
The ultimate moment of resistance was less than the ultimate moment during
service therefore no reinforcement was required for flexure.

The ultimate shear resistance was less than the maximum shear force during service
therefore no reinforcement was required, however, nominal shear was provided
according to SANS 0100, consisting of Y12 links at 120c/c.
The deflection was calculated at midspan and at the ends to counter for the varying
eccentricity, over the curved beam. The deflection was calculated in three parts,
namely at transfer, during casting of the slab and at service. The maximum
deflection was 24.11mm upwards which occurred at transfer and was less than the
maximum deflection of 58.57mm upwards.
Tendon spacing
A cover of 35mm was chosen from table 1 of SABS 0100. A maximum stone size of
40mm was chosen in the aggregate. The 31.8mm strands were spaced at 72mm c/c
horizontally and 110mm c/c vertically. The actual end-to-end spacing of the strands
was 40mm which would allow the largest stone in the aggregate to pass through
during vibration
4.2.2. Contruction Procedure
Precast beams are used for the bridge
Once cast, beams need one month to cure. Thus, a date when the beams can be
safely erected onto bearings should be anticipated ahead of time.
Before casting of beams, the reinforcing and debonding must be checked as
After 28 days or more the prestressed tendons may be released and the beam
may be carefully transported.
For slinging of beams, the contractor must ensure that during the transportation
and transfer, the beam is supported on the outer most edges.
Beam should remain the right way up and the contractor must take care that no
toppling occurs.
After the beams have been lifted into place and checked for any damages and
errors in placement, formwork may be erected on the beam to allow for the
casting of the slab.

Design of Column
The column and the additional retaining wall are being designed in order to support
the loads of superstructure being erected. The column is supported on a pile cap
which is thereafter supported by four piles. Since the beams being placed onto the
column are closely spaced and fit flush onto the column, there was no need to design
a column head. This design proved to be the most suitable as it was feasible and
aesthetically pleasing for the client.
The column supporting the superstructure was designed according to SANS 10100-1.
The column was circular in nature and had a height and diameter of 5500mm and
1200mm respectively. From an economical point of view it was decided that diameter
of the column was to be designed as 1200mm, as a bigger section would require
much more reinforcement and concrete.
The column was subjected to an axial load which consisted of a permanent and
imposed load at ultimate limit state. The permanent load includes the self-weight of
the handrails, upstands, screed, slab, beams, staircase and column as well an
imposed load of 5kN/m2 which accounts for the live load of the pedestrians.
(Technical Methods for Highways, 1981) Since the column is situated on one end of
the superstructure, the design axial load was designed for half the spanin order to
compensate for the load carried by the additional retaining wall.

The column was designed as being unbraced and short. Since the column is circular,
both the x and y axis had been designed as being the same. The reinforcement in
the column contains 8 Y32 bars at equal spacing, 2Y32 starter bars and R8 links at
375mm spacing.
The top of the column contains bearings which restricts any torsional effects that
may be induced by the deck and beams. Elastomeric bearing pads were designed to
be installed on top of the column. The reasoning behind the use of elastomeric
bearing pads is due to the fact that they support vertical loads with minimal
compression and allow expansion and contraction of the superstructure with minimal
resistance. (Cosmec Inc. Structural Bearings for Bridges and Buildings, 2012) This
extensive design supports loads up to 1500kN and is furthermore easily installed and
maintained, therefore making it a suitable choice for the bridge design. Although the
bearing restricts any moments being induced in the column, impact and wind load
were taken into account, therefore inducing an additional moment.
The wind loading of the superstructure is in accordance to TMH7 method A, which
applies to a category of bridge being less than 10m above ground level. According to
method A and the topography of the surrounding area, the structure had no effects
of wind loading acting on the column. However, an additional static wind load acting
on the exposed surface area of the column had been taken into consideration.
(Technical Methods for Highways, 1981)
The design speed of the road passing under the bridge was considered to be
60km/hr. The column is situated at a distance of 3.5m from the road, thus making it
vulnerable to any impact loading. The impact loading is designed for both the
longitudinal and transverse forces. The impact loads consisted of horizontal forces
which had been applied to the column at a specific lever arm which is in accordance
to TMH 7 (Technical Methods for Highways, 1981). Although impact loads were taken
into account, impact barriers were placed around the front of the column in order to
reduce these loads.

Design of piles

4.4.1. Construction Procedure:

Area is barricaded preventing public access.
The soil is excavated to the depth of 1m and area to 3.6 x 3.6 meters which
caters for construction of pile cap and working space of 1m for shuttering boards.
The pile location is set out and marked.
Continuous Flight Auger (CFA) piling rig is set up on site and sand is augured to a
depth of 12m.
Concrete / grout mix is pumped in as the auger is withdrawn at a controlled
Thereafter the reinforcing cage is lift by the crane and placed in the
concrete/grout filled shaft.
The cage is than vibrated to allow for penetration into the mix and ensuring it
reaches the bottom of the concrete/grout auger shaft.
The reinforcement cage for the pile cap is placed within the shutters and
concrete is poured.
Concrete to be cured over 28days to reach concrete strength before loading.
Import Note:
The manufacture of the CFA piles is highly dependent on the skills and
experience of the operator and there needs to be adequate monitoring.

Piling contractor is to ensure a controlled rate at which the auger is withdrawn

in order to match that of the flow of the concrete/grout. Auger is not to be
extracted too fast as this results in the formation of necked pile shaft.
4.4.2.Design approach
There are four 500mm diameter piles supporting the load of the column. The pile cap
is a square 2.6m x 2.6 m and the piles are spaced at 1900mm C/C (> 3d). This will
prevent the reduction in vertical load capacity which results from the formation of
overlapping of pressures bulbs. The position of the piles in relation to the column is
such that the load is transferred at 46 to the centre of the pile from the column.
This condition satisfies the criteria that forms the Truss analogy method of analyses.
4.4.3. Continuous Flight Augured (CFA) Piles
CFA pile type was selected based on being the best suited to meet numerous limiting
and constraining conditions associated with the site specific conditions. These
advantages include the reduced level of construction noise which will prevent the
disruption to the built up residential areas. The construction process is relatively
quick resulting in reduced disruption to the traffic flow and road closure. The
constructions of CFA piles require constant and continual supervision and control to
prevent the sub-standard load carrying piles.
4.4.4. Pile Design
The design of the pile was an iterative process that was carried simultaneously with
the pile cap design. These components were designed by first setting up an excel
spread sheet as a design tool to calculate the various combinations and speed up the
process. The calculations shown in (APPENDIX E) are the final successful best suited
Impact loads in both the lateral and transverse direction were considered as it has a
significant influence on the piles and can cause tension and compression in piles
based on the direction of the applied forces in relation to the positions of the piles.
The pile with the highest loading was considered as the ultimate load case and all
the piles were designed to handle the load. Pile design was standardised for all piles
to prevent accidental construction mistakes and incorrect placement.
Broms charts were used to calculate the yield moment and thereafter the required
reinforcement was obtained from BS 8110 Column charts for circular columns.
4.4.5 Design of Pile Caps
The pile cap has the following dimensions: 2600mm x 2600mm x 1000m (depth).
Minimum steel reinforcement is required and this is provided by 6Y20 bars.
4.4.6 Design Considerations
The bridge site is located on the 104m contour line (eThekwini Municipality GIS
Department) with the MSL along the harbour located on the 0 to 5m contour line.
Based on historic data and the soil conditions/vegetation surrounding the site, it is
assumed that the water table is at least 20m below the ground level at the site. The
effects of the water table under these conditions are minor and will be excluded from
design calculations for this specific situation. If the water table is located closer to
the ground level during construction, work is to be stop immediately until a full
review is carried out, as effective stress in saturated sand can be 50% lower than in
dry conditions. A geotechnical survey of the site was not available and hence the
load onto the pile is assumed to be resisted purely by the skin frication. This is a
conservative assumption as the end bearing of the soil will offer resistance to the
load. It is recommended that at least one 5m borehole be drilled to assess the
underlying conditions for reference and confirmation of assumption. Wind loading

effect was neglected due to the site conditions and extensive protection and cover
by the trees and the geometric design of the road way. The geometry of roadway is
made up of a number of short curves acting as wind breakers.
4.5. Design of retaining wall
Retaining structures include all types of wall and support systems in which structural
elements have forces imposed by the retained material. When designing these
structures it is imperative that all modes of failure are considered. These include:
Overturning, Bearing Capacity, Sliding, and Fracture of elements.
A retaining wall is considered safe against overturning, bearing capacity and
sliding when the degree of utilization is less than 100%. This is an indication of how
stable the wall is against these modes of failure, whilst utilizing less than 100% of its
strength. Analysis of the wall to determine these utilization degrees was done using
Design Approach
The analysis of two retaining walls were considered and then designed for. An
abutment was designed to provide support for the bridge at one end and to retain
the earth embankment, as well as maintain a sudden change in elevation. The
second design was for a retaining wall that will be extended from the existing wall to
the abutment. The purpose of this retaining wall was to create a bigger bus stop, in
which there is sufficient space for a bus to enter and exit the terminal without
affecting traffic and facilitating the efficiency of the road.
4.5.1. Abutment and Retaining wall dimensions

Height of soil
Stem thickness
Height of wall
Base width
Base thickness
Toe width
Heel width
Table 1: Abutment dimensions
Retaining wall dimensions

Stem thickness
Base width
Base thickness


Toe width


Heel width


Table 2:

4.5.2. Parameters for both designs

Although there was no true site investigation performed, the group were issued with
results of tests that had been performed on the prevailing soil of the area. The
results had many inconsistencies so sound judgement had to be applied to the
results to get out a usable quantitative number. The output of these results is as
Soil Type : Berea Red Sand
Angle of Internal
Soil Density


17 kN/m3

Angle of Embankment

Active Pressure
Table 3: design parameters
4.5.3. Design Considerations
The internal angle of friction = 27.6 was obtained from the Shear Box test
results below. The results are completely varied, and it was this detail that led to a
logical yet conservative approach in selecting a value for . With the understanding
that sand is cohesionless, the outliers from the results were removed and those with
a cohesion of less than 10 were considered. The corresponding values of these
select results were averaged, and a value of 27.5 was calculated. This was checked
against the results with a cohesion of zero, after which a final value = 27.6 was

Figure 2 : Shear Box

test results 2013

The design of the retaining structures corresponded with the specifications of the
client Mr Jaros. The retaining wall is to be extended, ensuring sufficient space for a
bigger bus stop, and this retaining wall must also serve as a support for the new
bridge included in the design. In order to adhere to these requirements, a design in
which there are two retaining structures and the addition of a bearing was preferred.
The selection was based on the feasibility, efficiency and reliability of the design.
Retaining walls are costly structures and so one wall was designed with a smaller
height and another served as an abutment supporting the bridge. The abutment was
designed with a height that could reach the bridge beam and deck, it was decided
that the length of this wall would be shorter, just enough to support the bridge whilst
still being structurally sound. The beam and deck would rest on a bearing, which will
ensure that the massive horizontal forces that are produced from the curved beam
will be absorbed by the bearing and would not allow the horizontal forces into the
abutment structure.
The abutment must be able to support the bridge. A UDL force was calculated by
adding the reactions from the bridge and dividing that combined force by the length
of the abutment. This calculation resulted in a UDL that would be exerted on the
stem and base of abutment.
The stem was designed and checked as a column. This was done to ensure the
abutment would not fail in bending (APPENDIX G).

A table of the results from calculations were summarised below:



Retaining Wall
Table 4 : retaining wall design results

Distribution steel was designed to be Y10 @150 spacing and compression

reinforcement in the stem taken as Y8@150.
The Abutment stem was also calculated as a column to ensure that the stem did not
fail in bending. The results were that the stem needed reinforcement of Y25@150,
which was provided in both tension and compression faces of the abutment.

Design of Staircase

The projected design of the staircase needed to be not only economical and safe but
also aesthetically pleasing.
This staircase was designed to effectively follow the shape of the designed column.
As the column is circular, it narrowed down the options and made the choice of a
spiral staircase an effortless one. The stairs emulate the column to which it is
attached and spirals gradually for one and a half flights. The staircase was designed
without a landing, as a continuous flight of stairs and was spaced out comfortably so
as to make it natural for the pedestrian and to avoid unnecessary climbing.
The stairs were essentially designed as cantilever beams of equal proportions. Their
dimensions were determined according to the height of the column and are
summarised below.
Stair Length
Inner Tread
Outer Tread
Stair rise
Table 5 : stair dimensions
The loading and reinforcement of the stairs were analysed according to SANS 101001: 2000. The unit weight of reinforced concrete, in accordance with the Eurocode,
was 25kN/m3. Each Stair was analysed as a cantilever beam (APPENDIX C)
5. Bus Stop Layout
A bus shelter located 18m from the proposed bridge is situated in such a way that
buses stop on the road when picking up or dropping off passengers. This alters the
steady flow of vehicles and causes congestion.
The new layout (DRAWING ) allocates enough space for a bus to enter and exit the
bus stop efficiently and without complications. This is achieved by moving the
existing pedestrian shelter further back from its current position, which is on the side
walk, and extending the retaining wall up to the bridge to allow for one bus to
comfortably manoeuvre into the stop. The bus enters on the left hand side after

which it can effortlessly park in front of the bus shelter. The dimensions result in the
bus sticking out partially. This provides a sustainable and effective solution.
Total length of bus stop
from entrance to exit
Entrance at an angle of
Length of proposed parking
Exit at an angle of 18.2
Further walkway around bus
stop for pedestrians
Table 6 : Dimensions of Bus

2m wide
Stop Layout

6. Conclusion
All the design specifications we met in this document.
The main area of concern was the height of soil and wall of the abutment; it is
recommended that the backfilling and compaction is done in stages so as to avoid
sliding or the retaining wall. It was not necessary to backfill all the way to the top of
the abutment.

7. References

1. Mosley, Bungey & Hulse. 2007. Reinforced Concrete Design To Eurocode 2 6 th

Palgrave Macmillan, New York.
2. A. Bond, o. Brooker, AJ. Harris. 2006. How to Design Concrete Structures Using
Eurocode 2.
Published by the concrete centre
3. G.Parrot . 2008. Reinforced Concrete- Design to SANS 10100-1:2000
Shades Technical Publications.
4. Technical Methods For Highways (TMH7) . Code of Practice for the Design of
Highway Bridges and Culverts in South Africa, Part 1 ,2 and 3.
J.A. de Kock, Ed. Pretoria, South Africa: National Institute of Transport and Road
5. EN 1997-1: 2004. Eurocode 7: Geotechnical Design Part 1; General Rules,
6. Cosmec Inc. Structural Bearings for Bridges and Buildings, 2012

Design codes and Guides

SANS 10100:1
Eurocode 2
Eurocode 7
Franki Hand Guide
SABS 0100-01

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