2011 11 28 Filedoc Findings and Order After Hearing

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SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF StraNiisLaus Ly Coe Number LSE G2 > Petitioner/Plaintift: DCSS Number. —_— cof Hearing: 11-28-11 RespondenvDefendant: Other Parent, Praag ET Mudgment —( ] Recommendation DIRECTIONS: (Father Ima Dissolution action, 17% tse) proper] wity ators. ee Sin tei nieen Fam ge Dat tba2g-i) Ketan Bautista M Prins a0 Oras oe Hearing 1) Minute Order Stall be refered to as "F"; Mother Shall be referred to as "MI"; Other Party shall be referred to as " "F" is for Husband; °M" is for Wite,) PtionerRespondent/PinttDerendanyrosg OSC Motion fled Py Order [] Modification of Prior Order {Je0n Motion of {} Petitioner [} Respondent {2 Plaintiff (] Defendant] Thira Pay 1 Court matter is continued to et (OFTHE PARTIES He, Name/dob Name/dob ee ‘REBY STIPULATE AND AGREE ‘hat as to the items checked and stated below, the Court shall make the following orders; (1) NOT PuRsuANr to STIPULATION IT 18 ORDERED By THE COURT AS FOLLOWS; C1By contested (Pending trial, or until Hearing C1 By uncontested hearing further order of this Coun, existing nen Shall continue in effect excep as modified by this order. U] Necessary findings are pursuant to ‘tached DissoMaster/Guideline Calculator printout (rp SUPPORECARM)(0) shalt pay for SUPPOr ofthe minor children, the SR ade ‘Payable on the 3 it of receipt of bill. <> [A'MEDICALDENTAL: As fates cha (Spousal support aM W\0) shall Iintin the ninor dhdrenyspous)on iid Council Notice of Rights of Responsibilities (FC4063) on revert side, available at no or reasonable soot A smulten's expenses not coven py Me sl thin 30 days of receipt of bil. Heater insurance coverage assignmen (1 CHILD supPoRT ARREARAG: shall pay arrearage of § for the time period f in the sum of § er month, ae ees see commencing payable on the ‘day each month until paid in full a ee ee 1 On oO - case No. ASSQ7, OTHER ORDERS [ IMotion to bifurcate is granted. [_ Petitioner [ }Respondent is swom and testifies. Jurisdictional facts are established. IT IS ORDERED that a judgment of dissolution, status only, be granted on grounds of irreconcilable differences. [ Jurisdiction is reserved as to all other issues. [ JCurrently scheduled hearing for is vacated. [Parties have arrived at a partial stipulation as to issues pending in this matter, as follows: Oo Yjotner Orders: VAT} Ar 19:00 “pty, CUSAT wet S ees EesoWwe Ren = (the os SS yee Serco, ode f\ tf oe 2 thot se pk saws Ataly Orn judgment shall be prepared by [ Petitioner [ JRespondent. 2 page 2 ot # DP auge ( caseno. YSSF22_ OTHER ORDERS THE COURT FINDS: I acdataroani dicikcSeg nati ctva following: They are fully informed of their rights concerning support. The order is being agreed to without coercion or duress. The agreement is in the best interest of the children involved, The needs of the children will be adequately met by the agreed amount. The right to support has not been assigned to any county and no public assistance application is pending, I Devation: There is admissible evidence showing that application of the formula would be unjust or inappropriate in this paticular case, consistent with the principles set forth in Family Code Section 4053, because the following factors are found to be applicable by a preponderance of the evidence: ] Seek Work: (H)(W) shall apply for employment at least (5) different places per week, (HW) shall submit a written list of different places (names, addresses, and telephone numbers) where (E)(W) has applied for employment. The first list, stating different places, is due at the next court date. Currently scheduled hearing for is vacated. O OTHER ORDERS: nee eS) A Ley Ae ma0-cRe ‘Alphagraphics - (209) 577-2222 9i08 Pages? of y caseno, YS 92 2- DCSS NO. ff (eySPOUSAL /FAMILY SUPPORT: (F/H)(M/W/)(O) shall pay vd ideenily hae o os BIOS pec month, commencing payable on the day of each month. * Support ordeted herein’ shall continue until farther order of the court jshall terminate on unless terminated by operation of law. ‘The Parties are admonished in accordance withthe provisions of F.C. 433008). { ] SPOUSAL SUPPORT ARREARAGE: (F/H)(M/W)(O) shall pay arrearage of $___*____ for the time. period from to as of, in the sum of § per month, commencing _________________ payable on the. day of each month th unt ty ws Ri] (ATTORNEYS FEES/COSTS<(F/A)(M/W) shall pay direetly to to (F/H)(M/W)(§pouse’s attorney) $ “1OOC. $ taxable court costs) payable in installments of $2902 os ptioma) st yan) day of Ba commencing ~~~ dal paid in ful If any pujmon nto Hor Gan 10 day days delinquent, aoe balance owing shall be deemed due and payable forthwith. [ ] Attorney fees are deferred. i ] PROPERTY CONTROL: (W/M) is awarded the exclusive use of: ____ { ] PROPERTY CONTROL: (H/F) is awarded the exclusive use of: {a CONTINUANCE: Tignes continued 1 mp4 eau nassa C 1 NETH WKO) ordered to appear at Cort hearing. [ 1 Currently scheduled hearing on — { ] Within day’ of the hearing, (F/H)(M/O)(O) shall file with the Court, and mail to DCSS, to the opposing party, or to opposing counsel if other party is represented by an attomey, an Income and Expense Declaration with their three most recent pay stubs, copies of all W-2 forms, 1099 forms, and other forms reflecting receipt of income uring the previous year attached, at 2-2 amipm in Department {4 — for is vacated, {lites shall keep Court and each panty/DCSS informed in writing of any change of employment, employment status, or lng HAUTE lege te ikden O.lasadnmspagna ants, allows anions We have read the entire stipulation, We understand it fully and request the court to make our the court's order. We understand that wilful failure to comply with the provisions of this order wil ‘nd may be punished by fine and! imprisonment. We waive further notice of this, order. ipulation and agreement be a contempt of Court sil 2 . Kine | worth ann, Husband/Father ‘Wife/Mother} if — CO, PAL ‘Attorney for areca A TAutomey for Wife/Mother ¢ 0} D.C.S. 8, Anomey IP 18 SO ORDERED this __-2-) “Gay of Swen 90 14 ie WA weet {ingicommsTONp Of HE SuPARIOR COURT NOTICE TO RESPONDENTS/DEFENDANTS WITHOUT COUNSEL: The signing of fling ofthis order, oF your personal appearance in the courtroom today, does not constitute a response to the original petition, A Default may be taken against the party that has not filed a response within the time required by law. 11 Recommended order ‘THIS ORDER, WHEN SIGNED, IS THE FORMAL ORDER. NO FURTHER DOCUMENTS ARE NEC! sARY. * WAGE ASSIGNMENT: In regard to Child Support, Spousal Support, and Arrearage, a separate order shall issue, without the necessity of further application, and shall be directed to obligor’s employer. FC. 5230. 4 crus crc Q ie

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