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<!-- Based on FlexiBTS Alarm Handling Spec. v. 3.1 and FlexiBTS System M
odule HW Alarms Specification v. 3.1
A) IsMemberType uses CLogName to find out the logical name of the unit a
nd thus the string used in that call
may differ from the ones used in other rule functions. For example optic
al if is OptIF in CLogName and OIC in DB.
B) comments are allowed inside rules - between rule steps. insert commen
ts rather there, including PR number and reason for change.
version history:
lt_1103#0.128 / 30.08.2012 / Hu Qing
PR 95402ESPE04: LTE447: After RP3 cable re-connection RF module stays in
configuring mode Necessary Information Missing.
Allow main optIf reset when fault 1811 reported on it. Condition: 10 resets
per 30 minutes.
lt_1103#0.127 / 13.08.2012 / Jacek Mioduski
PR NA05233739: RL30 - Buffer over/underflow in clock crossing logic (205
4) on RF Sharing site, 10MHz LTE (40W) , 5Mhz GSM 20W
no use of handling fault 2054 on uncommissioned OIC
lt_1103#0.126 / 31.07.2012 / Jacek Mioduski
PR NA05229094: [LGuplus DVT RL30 2.0]alarm 1955 occurred in chained FXCA
instead of first FXCA in MP2.0
if 1955 comes while 32 is handled then suppress 1955
lt_1103#0.125 / 19.07.2012 / Jacek Mioduski
PR NA05233739: RL30 - Buffer over/underflow in clock crossing logic (205
4) on RF Sharing site, 10MHz LTE (40W) , 5Mhz GSM 20W
added handling of 2054 Cancel in FDDC
lt_1103#0.124 / 13.07.2012 / Jacek Mioduski
PR 80828ESPE01: LN3.0 1.4 RP3 alarm 0010 and 4046 generated when changin
g optical cable from opt1 to opt2 from slave RRH
added filtering time 60s (according to RISE) for fault 4064
lt_1103#0.123 / 28.06.2012
PR NA05123254: [LG U+_Jungbu_RL30] Disabled Cell without any Alarm
dont make reset for FR which is disconnected and if cell is already faul
ty then supress 1868
lt_1103#0.122 / 28.06.2012 / Wei Jianbin
PR 35601ESPE05: No alarm 10 when an incompatible FTLB is hot removed
When alarm 10 is processed, alarm 23 should not suppress it according to PR
34897ESPE05:"Fault 23 shall not suppress fault 10 anymore."
lt_1103#0.121 / 19.06.2012 / Zhang Xu
PR 75878ESPE01: No alarm is reported after evHWDetectionFailed for all FSPCs
if BTS status is uncommissioned, process is ignore and ShutdownFSP is not ex

lt_1103#0.120 / 04.06.2012 / Wojciech Mazur (accepted by Jacek Mioduski)
PR 110622ESPE02: Cells down after sw update to RL30 2.0
Fixed generic_group_delay
lt_1103#0.119 / 14.05.2012 / Wei Jianbin
PR 34894ESPE05: Fault 1868 is seen when fault 10 is active
1868 cancel handling is missing,if fault 10 is active.
lt_1103#0.119 / 09.05.2012 / Przemyslaw Dobroc
PR 34788ESPE05: No fault (1868) when fault (23) is active
Corrected handling of 1868. Merged change from LN4.0.
lt_1103#0.118 / 16.03.2012 / Jacek Mioduski
PR 89860ESPE04: After cancelling alarm 1907, 1906 is send and cancelled
to SEM
Dont check alarms in CheckAlarmNumber by fault_Id
lt_1103#0.117 / 29.02.2012 / Jacek Mioduski
PR 33193ESPE05: Unexpected alarm "Cell power failure" (4090) is generate
d after alarm "RF module failure" (1907) is cleared
If FR has reset then buffer/remove in FDU faults for Cells related to th
at FR
lt_1103#0.116 / 27.02.2012 / Jacek Mioduski
PR 89945ESPE04: Alarm 1905 is send twice (severity also wrong), when O&M
handles RX first
if 1905 comes on RX then give it timeout of 2s in FDU so 1905 for TX cou
ld first be handled in FDDC
lt_1103#0.115 / 24.02.2012 / Tomasz Antczak
NA05068011 added fault 4113 handling
lt_1103#0.114 / 07.02.2012 / Lukasz Tekieli
PR 86680ESPE04: Power switch off when Alarm id 1835 was generated
Switch power off after feg recalculation
lt_1103#0.114 / 07.02.2012 / Jacek Mioduski
PR 89101ESPE04: Filtering time is too long, Alarm id 1906
changed filtering time for 1906 Start from 180s to 90s
lt_1103#0.113 / 07.02.2012 / Jacek Mioduski
PR 89099ESPE04: Alarm id 1906 is not send to SEM
bug fix related to PR 87333ESPE04: handle 1906 if 2000 didn't occur
lt_1103#0.112 / 01.02.2012 / Tomasz Grabiszewski
PR 88189ESPE04: Wrong FRHA Fault name (alarm id 1912)
fix problem with detecting pluginunit after sending fault 1912 from 0x9D
lt_1103#0.111 / 31.01.2012 / Tomasz Grabiszewski
Corrected Rules errors with RulesRegression.
lt_1103#0.110 / 31.01.2012 / Lukasz Pabis
PR 59592ESPE03: Alarm id4090 after FRHA autonomous reset
Rule CellAlarms_Cancel corrected.
Handling of the 4090 cancel fault corrected.
lt_1103#0.110 / 28.01.2012 / Jacek Mioduski

PR 29607ESPE05: No FTM, no SEM connection

Execute recovery EnableDirectBTSManagerConnection if there is no physica
l connection to FTM
If connection to FTM exist then enable direct SEM connection after 10 Si
lt_1103#0.109 / 28.01.2012 / Jacek Mioduski
PR 32408ESPE05: VSWR Threshold tuning don't work
Fixed bug. bug: no mapping in FDDC for 1837 cancel - added mapping to Cu
Dont rehandle by fault 1810 other faults for antenna line
lt_1103#0.108 / 26.01.2012 / Jacek Mioduski
PR 88414ESPE04: LBT1166: when alarm 4090 is active, cell blocking and un
blocking brings cell back to working state and cell power failure reporting stop
use InformFDUOfReset while cell block/unblock to prevent not handling fa
ults by FDU after blocking cell
lt_1103#0.107 / 24.01.2012 / Bartosz Kaminski (on behalf of Lukasz Tekie
PR 86922ESPE04: After cancelling alarm id 1907, alarm id 1906 is generat
PR 87954ESPE04: Unexpected 4090-EFaultId_TxCarrierInputPowerLowAl is als
o reported when 1907-EFaultId_FrTxOutOfOrder is generated
PR 88010ESPE04: After Hot insert secondary optical cable, Alarm 4090 is
PR 88192ESPE04: After cancelling alarm id 1907, Alarm 4090 is occured
Corrected handling of fault 4090 with faultsource cell
lt_1103#0.106 / 22.01.2012 / Jacek Mioduski
PR 32408ESPE05: VSWR Threshold tuning don't work
stop handling of 4057 if 1810 is active
lt_1103#0.105 / 09.01.2012 / Slawomir Boguslawski
PR 58775ESPE03: FRHA Autonomous reset cause Failure in optical RP3 inter
face alarm id10
fix problem with detecting pluginunit after sending fault 10 from 0x9D00
lt_1103#0.104 / 04.01.2012 / Lukasz Tekieli
PR 86985ESPE04: Also LNA1 is set to faulty when overcurrent happens for
LNA2 branch, ex-Siemens MHA
Added checking of Mha recovery type in order to decide branch FEG recalc
ulation triggering
lt_1103#0.103 / 30.12.2011 / Jacek Mioduski
PR NA05044292: [LGU+_LN3.0] Cell Faulty when Cell Block/Unblock at 2GGc
Dummy commit - problem was no filtering time - it was added earlier
lt_1103#0.102 / 29.12.2011 / Jacek Mioduski
PR 57932ESPE03: RF Loss of secondary optical interface alarm id 1930 can
cel does not work
Always send 1930 for secondary OIC
lt_1103#0.101 / 27.12.2011 / Jacek Mioduski
PR 87333ESPE04: After RF module's secondary SFP hot remove, alarm id 193
0 is occured
handle 2000/2001 if it is on secondary OIC and stop handling 1906 if 200
0 occured

lt_1103#0.100 / 22.12.2011 / Jacek Mioduski

PR 85011ESPE04: RL30_LTE447_No alarm if cable between LTE-BTS and GSM-BT
S is missing or faulty
added handling of fault 4110
lt_1103#0.99 / 21.12.2011 / Jacek Mioduski
PR 87333ESPE04: After RF module's secondary SFP hot remove, alarm id 193
0 is occured
if 2000/2001 is active on secondary OIC then stop handle 1930 on FR conn
ected to that OIC
lt_1103#0.98 / 19.12.2011 / Lukasz Tekieli
PR 87179ESPE04: Mast head amplifier fault (alarm id:1834) alarm was unne
cessary send to SEM.
Added AllowInterupt(true) before timeout in FDDC for 1834
lt_1103#0.97 / 09.12.2011 / Lukasz Tekieli
PR 86801ESPE04: BTS autonomous reset as recovery action (alarm id:1806)
was unnecessary send.
Removed sending alarm before performing BTS reset
lt_1103#0.96 / 09.12.2011 / Tomasz Antczak
PR 86797ESPE04 System Module alarms are not generated in case of FSP/far
aday failure
changed amount of allowed recovery for 1806 on faraday to 1 per hour fro
m 2 per 1/2 hour
lt_1103#0.95 / 07.12.2011 / Jacek Mioduski
PR 86132ESPE04: SEM shows led lights wrongly in Faulty working state
If SFP is disconnected and OIC is connected to FR then update FR to not
lt_1103#0.94 / 01.12.2011 / Lukasz Tekieli
PR 85931ESPE04: After RF module SFP hot insert, alarm id 2000 is not can
Suppressing fault 1815 if 2000 or 2001 is stored in fdcl
lt_1103#0.93 / 25.11.2011 / Jacek Mioduski
PR 85975ESPE04: LTE447: 1930 alarm is raised when GSM reset is made
stop handling 1930 for FR if there is no 4075 for OIC connected to this
lt_1103#0.92 / 25.11.2011 / Lukasz Gemborowsi
PR 86021ESPE04: LBT1166: BTSOM raises raw alarm 4090 immediately after r
eceiving RP1 msg of inputPowerState=LOW from RFSW instead of waiting for predefi
ned time of 180s
Fault 4090 moved to generic_direct_delay
lt_1103#0.91 / 21.11.2011 / Aleksander Walerianczyk
PR 85903ESPE04: After RF module SFP hot remove, alarm id 1815 occured
1815 is ignored when 2001 is active
lt_1103#0.91 / 19.11.2011 / Tomasz Antczak
PR 85931ESPE04: After RF module SFP hot insert, alarm id 2000 is not can
changed behavior of all 3030 group faults
lt_1103#0.90 / 16.11.2011 / Jacek Mioduski
PR 85301ESPE04: After RF module SFP hot remove, alarm id 10 occured

Bug fix
lt_1103#0.89 / 15.11.2011 / Jacek Mioduski
PR 71061ESPE01: LTE447: LTE cells down during GSM cell parameter change
if 1930 then update object only by SendDirectAlarm
lt_1103#0.88 / 15.11.2011 / Jacek Mioduski
PR 85301ESPE04: After RF module SFP hot remove, alarm id 10 occured
Bug fix
lt_1103#0.87 / 14.11.2011 / Lukasz Tekieli
PR 85517ESPE04: Faraday recovery actions do not work
In OseFatalError_Start Added rule step 154 and 159 for proper triggering
of gpio reset
lt_1103#0.86 / 09.11.2011 / Lukasz Tekieli
PR 83866ESPE04: 1835 (below current) alarm is not reported
PR 84045ESPE04: Alarm 1835 not send to SEM
PR 84284ESPE04: Alarm ID 1835 not send to SEM(WMHC)
PR 84364ESPE04: Alarm id 1834 not send to SEM
Added filtering feg recalculation in MHAAlarms_start steps 10-12
lt_1103#0.85 / 08.11.2011 / Jacek Mioduski
PR 85301ESPE04: After RF module SFP hot remove, alarm id 10 occured
Fault 10 for FR should be ignored if 2000 or 2001 is on its OIC
lt_1103#0.84 / 07.11.2011 / Jacek Mioduski
PR 85170ESPE04: RF Loss of secondary optical interface alarm although ca
ble is connected
If comes 1930 with fault source FR then send alarm for secondary OIC con
nected to this FR
lt_1103#0.83 / 07.11.2011 / Tomasz Antczak
NA05020674 [RL30] VSWR alarm mismatch between FSME(RawAlarmHistory.txt)
and BTSSM.
added rehandling fault 1837 for antennalines
lt_1103#0.82 / 06.11.2011 / Tomasz Antczak
PR 68997ESPE01 FRHA1 unit auto reset if second FRHA2 bloc/unblocked, LN2
.0 EP4.0
PR 83639ESPE04 [LTE1106-b] Unit Autonomous Reset As Recovery Action (625
9) Raised After Slave Unit In Chain Is Hot Inserted Back Into Configuration
time changed from 40 to 90 in wasunitfaulty for fault 6259
lt_1103#0.81 / 04.11.2011 / Lukasz Gemborowski
PR 70554ESPE01: LTE447: Fan broken alarm is not cancelled from BTSSM and
Fault 1933 handling corrected.
lt_1103#0.80 / 03.11.2011 / Jacek Mioduski
PR NA05016145: [RL30] No alarm or Incorrect alarm display regarding Fail
ure in optical RP3 Interface
case #1: if fault is handled while handling of 32 for its faulty unit th
en stop handling such fault
lt_1103#0.79 / 31.10.2011 / Tomasz Antczak
PR 68997ESPE01 FRHA1 unit auto reset if second FRHA2 bloc/unblocked, LN2
.0 EP4.0
PR 83639ESPE04 [LTE1106-b] Unit Autonomous Reset As Recovery Action (625

9) Raised After Slave Unit In Chain Is Hot Inserted Back Into Configuration
wasunitfaulty added for fault 6259
lt_1103#0.78 / 30.10.2011 / Tomasz Antczak
PR 31069ESPE05: [LTE655-a] FRHA 1+1+1 H made extra self reset after LN2.
0 4.0 to LN3.0 P7 SW update to be OnAir
added 10 sec timeout after alarm was sent
lt_1103#0.77 / 28.10.2011 / Lukasz Gemborowsli
PR 69433ESPE01: incorrect alarm "Failure in Optical RP3 interface (10)"
in stead of 1926.
do not handle fault 10 if 1926 is active on the sam FR unit.
lt_1103#0.76 / 28.10.2011 / Lukasz Gemborowski
PR 84714ESPE04: LTE604-b: (1934) EFaultId_FrFanReducedSetSpeed is active
but SiteInfo.xml does not reflect that the RF Module or RF FANGROUP is degraded
behavior of fault 1934 changed (unit state -> degraded, module -> degrad
lt_1103#0.75 / 28.10.2011 / Song Jiangbo
PPR 84538ESPE04: Fan failure id 1933 not sent to BTS Manager
UnitType FR_FAN is not in FM map, FR_FAN is belong to FANGROUP unittype, and
n FM map only have FANGROUP and no FR_FAN . FaultId 1933 is belong to 3050 group. Cha
nge "FR_FAN" to "FANGROUP"
lt_1103#0.74 / 27.10.2011 / Jacek Mioduski
PR 55436ESPE03: RF Loss of secondary optical interface alarm cancel alth
ough cable is not connect
If 1930 comes for Optical Interface then dont send alarm if there is sti
ll active 1930 for FR connected to this Optical
lt_1103#0.73 / 27.10.2011 / Tomasz Antczak
PR 84909ESPE04: LBT1166: Fault name is missing for fault 4090
added fault text for fault 4090
lt_1103#0.72 / 20.10.2011 / Lukasz Tekieli
PR 97319ESPE02: FSP memory dumps missing from technical report
OseFatalError_start repaired rule to always collect FSP memory dumps
lt_1103#0.71 / 19.10.2011 / Lukasz Tekieli
PR 69310ESPE01: LN2.0 4.0 - FXCA: RET motor jammed alarm (1842) causing
FXCA restart (1806)
PR 83848ESPE04: Baseband bus failure (1906) and Failure in optical RP3 i
nterface (1806) are reported after triggering (1843) EFaultId_ActuatorJamAl
Corrected handling of fault 4046 start and added handling 4046 cancel
lt_1103#0.70 / 19.10.2011 / Tomasz Antczak
PR 31069ESPE05: [LTE655-a] FRHA 1+1+1 H made extra self reset after LN2.
0 4.0 to LN3.0 P7 SW update to be OnAir
Changed plugin unit from FR to FSM for fault 4099
lt_1103#0.69 / 18.10.2011 / Tomasz Antczak
PR 31221ESPE05 H-Type FRIE: eNB not OnAir with FaultID 4003 and 4099 aft
er updated to P7 from LN2.0 4.0
added ignoring of reset counter in case of fault 4099 workaround
lt_1103#0.68 / 04.10.2011 / Lukasz Tekieli
PR 94532ESPE02: Plan with specified ID XXX does not exist
PR 94973ESPE02: SW upgrade failed from LN2.0_ENB_1009_453_04 to LN2.0_EN

Handling 4102 fault implemented
lt_1103#0.67 / 01.10.2011 / Jacek Mioduski
PR 55333ESPE03: RF-Sharing: LN2.0 3.4: TX Failure in MIMO after site res
Don't handle 1815 after BTS reset
lt_1103#0.66 / 28.09.2011 / Lukasz Gemborowski
PR 68591ESPE01: [LTE452] Front End Gain is not recalculated on FRGQ afte
r 1836 alarm
FEG recalculation in case of fault 1836 in ASIG mode should be always do
lt_1103#0.65 / 27.09.2011 / Jacek Mioduski
PR 81600ESPE04: After FTM is rebooted, Site EM failed to Reconnect withi
n the 8 minutes recommended Timer
If SEM won't fetch file SiteEM.xml in 8min then do recovery EnableDirect
lt_1103#0.64 / 22.09.2011 / Tomasz Antczak
TUD62566 :RL20 Pilot: After FHEA hard power rst RET alarms not cleared a
lthough RET active
added clearing of faults on RET when fault 10 is received and
InformAntennaLineStatus recovery on cancel fault for RET
lt_1103#0.63 / 22.09.2011 / Lukasz tekieli
PR 83438ESPE04: LTE89: VSWR Minor alarm (1838) shows up as critical seve
Wrong rulestep number in AntennaLineAlarams_start, two times 46
lt_1103#0.62 / 15.09.2011 / Tomasz Antczak
PR 83118ESPE04: Alarm 4076(EFaultId_DistributedSiteSupportNotEnabledAl)
Text Description is Missing in Site Manager
text for fault 4076 missing - only description
lt_1103#0.61 / 14.09.2011 / Tomasz Antczak
PR 81857ESPE04: State of the FSP 0x14 updated only to "Degraded" after 1
811-fault of the faraday
1811 cancel removed and gpio setting to true before GPIO recovery
lt_1103#0.60 / 12.09.2011 / Tomasz Antczak
PR 82891ESPE04: "Failure in optical RP3 interface"-alarm (id 10) is canc
elled for FRHA4
also missing filtering time for fault 6259
lt_1103#0.59 / 11.09.2011 / Tomasz Antczak
PR 81840ESPE04: Alarm 4057 EfaultId_RfSwitchedOffAl (as a result of 1837
EFaultId_VSWRMajorAl) is NOT generated to BTS SEM
removed fault 4057 cancel handling and moved 10 sec filtering time for t
his fault to FDDC
lt_1103#0.58 / 09.09.2011 / Jacek Mioduski
PR 82848ESPE04: 52-alarm is sent twice
Fixed bug (wrong numbering of rulesteps) in Customer_alarms_start
lt_1103#0.57 / 08.09.2011 / Tomasz Antczak
PR 82797ESPE04: LTE91- Alarm (6259) RF module Failure generated whenever
module(FHCA) is Blocked from BTSSM
added 10 sec filtering time for fault 6259

lt_1103#0.56 / 05.09.2011 / Tomasz Antczak

PR 67099ESPE01L TE447: Secondary cable hot remove/insert cause Baseband
bus failure (1815) alarm to BTSSM view
added checking IsSecondaryOptIf for fault 1815 when cells are faulty
lt_1103#0.55 / 29.08.2011 / Marek Momot
PR 67570ESPE01: LTE977: Alarm 4076 name is missing from BTSSM view
lt_1103#0.54 / 27.08.2011 / Jacek Mioduski
PR 79602ESPE04: LBT1100-1: Failure during cell activation(id 6267) is no
t cancelled due to Cell or RF module unblock
If FR block/unblock or cell block/unblock then remove cell's active faul
ts and cancel alarms
lt_1103#0.53 / 25.08.2011 / Lukasz Gemborowski
PR 82073ESPE04: Cell should not enabled after alarm 4076 EFaultId_Distri
Before checking cabling relation to RF check type of faulty object (is i
t OptIf)
lt_1103#0.52 / 23.08.2011 / Lukasz Gemborowski
PR 81841ESPE04: Alarm 1815 (Baseband Bus Failure) is Active on FHCA Unit
That is Not Even Connected to eNB
new parameter in RemoveActiveFault to not remove currently handled fault
lt_1103#0.51 / 23.08.2011 / Lukasz Tekieli
PR 67098ESPE01: LTE447: Failure in optical RP3 interface (2005) were rai
sed when 1815 were active
Filtering 2005 if 1815 is active in Customer_alarms_start
lt_1103#0.50 / 22.08.2011 / Marek Momot
PR 67224ESPE01: Fault 1836 is not handled properly
Partial improvement added (one rule step in RULE OverCurrent_Start)
lt_1103#0.49 / 18.08.2011 / Lukasz Tekieli
PR 67098ESPE01: LTE447: Failure in optical RP3 interface (2005) were rai
sed when 1815 were active
Added additional checking of 2005 in the begining of Customer_alarms_sta
lt_1103#0.48 / 08.08.2011 / Lukasz Pabis
PR 81422ESPE04: LTE-168a: occasionally faraday postmortem.bin is missing
after faraday recovery actions
Added additional timeout in OseFatalError_Start (step 178).
lt_1103#0.47 / 02.08.2011 / Lukasz Tekieli
PR 80402ESPE04: LTE977 Alarm 4076 handling and name missing
lt_1103#0.46 / 02.08.2011 / Lukasz Gemborowski
PR 81258ESPE04: Fault 4046 generated when fault 30 EFaultId_SwUpdateAl o
recovery action informAntLineStatus removed for fault 30 according to WB
lt_1103#0.45 / 02.08.2011 / Tomasz Antczak
PR 80943ESPE04: [LTE151] Second RF module startup fails with uncommissio
ned status
added handling fault 4099

lt_1103#0.44 / 02.07.2011 / Lukasz Gemborowski

PR 81240ESPE04: LTE160- Alarm (1872) EFaultId_FormatErrorAl triggers new
fault (4046) EFaultId_AntennaLineDegradedAl
recovery action informAntLineStatus removed for faults 1871, 1872, 1873,
1874 according to WBTS_OAM_28171
lt_1103#0.43 / 20.07.2011 / Lukasz Gemborowski
PR 77548ESPE04: [LTE447] Passive MHA current consumption alarm doesn't w
Execute SetFEG recovery action for non-C/D MHA's in case of fault 1834
lt_1103#0.42 / 08.07.2011 / Lukasz Gemborowski
PR 80032ESPE04: LTE160- Alarm (1872) EFaultId_FormatErrorAl not displaye
d in BTSSM
fault 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874 remapped to -1 severity
lt_1103#.41 / 07.07.2011 / Tomasz Antczak
29913ESPE05 RL30_FM: Block cell should suppress FaultId_4003
added checking if fault 49 was send for fault 400
lt_1103#0.40 / 06.07.2011 / Lukasz Pabis
PR 52790ESPE03: FRHA recovery action does not work
Removed changes made due to PR 46496ESPE03.
lt_1103#0.39 / 05.07.2011 / Li Jie 6
79245ESPE04 Wrong reset type (Power on) in FSP recovery reset case
FSP reset not need the Hard Reset but FSPreset Type. relate to PR 79278E
SPE04 Sanna mapping warm rest to FSPreset
lt_1103#0.39 / 28.06.2011 / Tomasz Antczak
79463ESPE04 LTE86-c: TX failure in MIMO seen occasionally during automat
ed eNB block_unblock test
added checking if fault 50 is active for fault 4003 and if fault 1815 is
active for 1815
lt_1103#0.38 / 27.06.2011 / Bartosz Kaminski
LBT975-k (CN4605 FRGQ RRH and MEDUSA RFM/RRH power cycle with no respons
e) - FM
Implementation of fault 4091 added.
lt_1103#0.37 / 19.06.2011 / Tomasz Antczak
PR 89605ESPE02 Alarm is not generated when eNB SWDL fails for RF module
for faults 28 (send as notification) and 30 (send as notification if 23
is active)
PR 29642ESPE05 Alarm (3090) (30) is not correct in implementation and RI
SE when SWDL failed due to RF reset
faults 30 needs 35 sec additional timeout when unit is faulty
lt_1103#0.36 / 17.06.2011 / Tomasz Antczak
PR 79132ESPE04: LTE782: Fault name displayed in site manager needs small
Changed fault text for fault 6265.
lt_1103#0.35 / 17.06.2011 / Lukasz Pabis
PR 73022ESPE04: Failure in optical RP3 interface (0010) was not generate
d when fault id 94 was active
Cahnges in NoConnectionToUnit_start. Step 204 and 205 added.

lt_1103#0.34 / 16.06.2011 / Lukasz Gemborowski

PR 79427ESPE04: BTS autonomous reco reset alarm is sent with wrong alarm
PR 79154ESPE04: MHA was worng state(alarm id 1871)
lt_1103#0.33 / 08.06.2011 / Lukasz Gemborowski
PR 79006ESPE04: 6267-alarm is sent without name
alarm name added
lt_1103#0.32 / 07.06.2011 / Jacek Mioduski
PR 62396ESPE01: Fault ID 52 does not appear to OMS always when 1806 faul
t is generated by all FSPs
Needed some time (100ms is enough) between sending alarm to OMS and exec
uting SiteReset for fault 1806
lt_1103#0.31 / 07.06.2011 / Lukasz Pabis
PR 48791ESPE03: [LTE447] Status of the FAN module/FANGROUP reported as "
working" even those are not connected at all (Should be "Out Of Order")
PR 67206ESPE04: Status of the FAN module/FANGROUP reported as "degraded"
although those are "Out of order"
Changes in FanFailure_Start and FanFailure_Cancel. Severity for fault 19
33 changed to -1.
lt_1103#0.30 / 02.06.2011 / Jacek Mioduski
PR 78859ESPE04: 6267-fault not handled
Implementation of fault 6267 added
lt_1103#0.29 / 02.06.2011 / Ni Xian
PR 75222ESPE04
fault 2002: filtering time increased to 6 min and FD system recovery act
ion added.
lt_1103#0.28 / 01.06.2011 / Jacek Mioduski
CN4636 Detect and report downlink RF power failure in LTE
Implementation of fault 4090 added
lt_1103#0.27 / 01.06.2011 / Bartosz Kaminski
LTE977-c_FM feature flag for RF chaining
Implementation of fault 4084 added.
lt_1103#0.26 / 30.05.2011 / Jacek Mioduski
PR 78164ESPE04: FXEA Antenna Line Over Current Alarm (1836) causes Cell
Faulty after 20 minutes
Fixed coding error
lt_1103#0.25 / 26.05.2011 / Jacek Mioduski
PR 78164ESPE04: FXEA Antenna Line Over Current Alarm (1836) causes Cell
Faulty after 20 minutes
Added new feature in MapObjectFDU (mapping Antenna line into MHA and FF)
lt_1103#0.24 / 25.05.2011 / Tomasz Antczak
78258ESPE04 Cancel for 1834 alarm does not work correctly
changed checked faultId for fault 1834
lt_1103#0.23 / 20.05.2011 / Bartosz Kaminski
Changes added regarding to 4th & 5th FR
lt_1103#0.22 / 2011-05-18 / Jacek Mioduski

PR 77947ESPE04: wrong alarm after recovery reset counter is exceeded

If counter is exceeded then send alarm with fault NoConnectionToUnit to
lt_1103#0.21 / 2011-05-18 / Lukasz Gemborowski
PR 78109ESPE04: RL30_General: Alarms for LNADJ objects have wrong object
ID in almost 25% of the cases
communication faults moved to "working" rule
lt_1103#0.20 / 2011-05-17 / Lukasz Gemborowski
PR 75003ESPE04: Recovery Action not work when FXCA Antenna Line Over Cur
rent alarm (1836) is cancelled
merge from 1103 branch.
lt_1103#0.19 / Id / 2011-05-17 / Tomasz Antczak
PR 62162ESPE01: Not all 3 cells reach OnAir status
Changed warm FSP reset to hard in handling of fault 418 /removed by Toma
sz Antczak/
lt_1103#0.18 / 16.05.2011 / Lukasz Pabis
LTE882-a2_FM (System Upgrade with Backward Compatibility - FDD - additio
nal parts)
Implementation of the 4088 fault added.
lt_1103#0.17 / Id / 2011-05-13 / Bartosz Kaminski
PR 76553ESPE04: Both minor and major VSWR alarms are reported when major
VSWR is active
Changes in AntennaLineAlarms_start.
lt_1103#0.16 / 2011-05-10 / Lukasz Gemborowski
PR 76934ESPE04: Baseband bus failure (1811) after faraday recovery actio
PR 77419ESPE04: FSP reset type is wrong when Faraday failure is generate
Step 156 in OseFatalError_Start skipped
lt_1103#0.15 / 2011-05-10 / Lukasz Gemborowski
PR 50686ESPE03: 6150 GTP-U failure cancel if all FSPs are faulty
Do not cancel alarm if all FSP's are faulty.
lt_1103#0.14 / 2011-05-05 / Zhang Xueke
PR 86272ESPE02: LTE450: Handling of alarm 6264 "No MME Capacity Assigned
by Core Network" is wrong.
Added 6264 severity degraded.
lt_1103#0.13 / 2011-04-29 / Lukasz Pabis
PR 74777ESPE04 CN4230: Temperature too low alarm not correctly raised in
WN6.0 22.12-81
Corrected handling of fault 1922. Change in rule generic_direct_delay. F
ault is not ignored during runtime.
lt_1103#0.12 / 2011-04-26 / Jacek Mioduski
PR 74442ESPE04: Alarm 1807 cancel not work
Removed 1807 from severity -1 rule because start was coming with severit
y out_of_order and cancel was coming with severity degraded.
lt_1103#0.11 / 2011-04-22 / Tomasz Grabiszewski
PR 75291ESPE04: Single faraday recovery reset not working - Postmorten l
ogs for Faraday not created after Faraday failure
Removed RAN1263i from LTE RULE implementation. and changed warm to hard

reset in case of FSP.

lt_1103#0.10 / 2011-04-14 / Lukasz Pabis
PR 76473ESPE04: LN3.0: After FSPC is rebooted, Cell is disabled and Syst
em Module Failure alarm is cancelled after ~23 minutes
Recovery action with ConfigureBB parameter removed from rules. This feat
ure was implemented only in WCDMA.
Changes in NoConnectionToUnit_start, NoConnectionToUnit_cancel, OseFatal
Error_Start and BasebandBusConfFailed_Start.
lt_1103#0.9 / 2011-04-13 / Lukasz Pabis
PR 74299ESPE04: Fsp stay to disabled state after recover reset
Type of the reset changes from warm to hard for 1811 fault with FSP as a
fault source.
Changes in BasebandBusConfFailed_Start rule.
lt_1103#0.8 / Id / Tomasz Antczak
NA04776817: LTE RL10 pilot: TUD61574: eNB: MHA Alarm is sometimes not ..
Corrected correlation between faults 1869 and 1870
lt_1103#0.7 / Id / Tomasz Antczak
PR 49858ESPE03: Fault id 6259 after RF module hot removal-insert
changed fault 6259 behavior
lt_1103#0.6 / 2011-04-07 / Bartosz Kaminski
PR 49853ESPE03: Alarm id 1811 is missing BTS Manager view although alarm
is enabled
Changes in BasebandBusConfFailed_Start - corrected checking if fault 181
1 is still active after reset
lt_1103#0.5 / 2011-04-06 / Lukasz Pabis
PR 76148ESPE04: There was timeout related to sending alarm (ids 0 and 1)
after BTS "Power On" reset
PR 76141ESPE04: FSM FANGROUP not updated back to "Working" state after 0
-alarm cancellation
PR 72205ESPE04: FSM FAN and FANGROUP states are wrong in case of 0-alarm
(EFaultId_ChangeFanAl )
Changes in FanFailure_start, FanFailure_cancel and FanFailure_delay.
lt_1103#0.4 / 2011-04-06 / Zhang Xueke
PR 85053ESPE02: Alarm 6264 is not displayed correctly in BTS SM
lt_1103#0.3 / 2011-04-05 / Lukasz Pabis
TOP PCD2.1: 49629ESPE03: "Sleeping cell" after FSP reset
Fault 1811 mapped to Customer_alarms_cancel
lt_1103#0.2 / 2011-04-05 / Lukasz Pabis
PR 75598ESPE04: FSP reset do not work
Changes in Customer_alarms_start. When fault source is FSP performe FSP
hard reset.
lt_1103#0.1 / 2011-04-05 / Lukasz Gemborowski
PR 75908ESPE04: Incompatible sw btw FCM and FSPs cause site in reset loo
Step 65 (WriteDBObject) in DirectAlarm_Start corrected. It caused crash
because of incorrect assignment of dereferenced pointer.
f_lt_td#0.110 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 31158 2011-03-21 08:20:34Z tantczak

PR 58283ESPE01 LTE447: RROM_CELL_STATE_CHANGE_RESP is ok even antennacar

rier setup
added handling of fault 6259
f_lt_td#0.109 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 30997 2011-03-18 16:14:58Z mioduski
/ Jacek Mioduski
PR 73719ESPE04: FXCA Antenna Line Over Current alarm (1836) generate sit
e reset
- if fault 1836 or 4045 comes then set proper subunit also if no physica
l MHA then end handling
f_lt_td#0.108 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 30997 2011-03-18 16:14:58Z tantczak
PR 74648ESPE04: FLHA not handled correctly after OverCurrent alarm
PR 73065ESPE04: FEG not recalculated after alarm 1835 with WMHC
Added handling for FLHA in AISG mode in case of fault 1836
f_lt_td#0.107 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 30803 2011-03-18 11:39:02Z tantczak
PR 74014ESPE04 RF Loss of secondary optical interface alarm id 1930 is r
eported even failure is cancelled within filtering time
changed general_direct_delay for fault 1930 and 4075
f_lt_td#0.106 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 30781 2011-03-18 11:03:26Z tantczak
PR 75126ESPE04 Failure in optical RP3 interface (4064: EFaultId_MissingR
p301LinkAl) is not reported after RF module unblock
added removing fault 1930 in case of FR reset
f_lt_td#0.105 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 30185 2011-03-17 10:56:53Z mioduski
/ Jacek Mioduski
PR 47691ESPE03: MIMO alarm is missing after BTS reset when secondary opt
ical interface cable is disconnect
added setting state of TX which is on the same FR and in the same cell a
s fault source RX for fault 4064
f_lt_td#0.104 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 30136 2011-03-17 08:22:19Z mioduski
/ Jacek Mioduski
PR 74128ESPE04: Alarm 1835 start cancel loop
- changed to 14s timeout between turning Antena Line On and turning Ante
nna Line off
f_lt_td#0.103 / Simo Maatta
PR 74419ESPE04: MP4:No cooling fan out of order(EFaultId_ChangeFanAl =0)
alarm generate once stop the fan
Runtime start & cancel filtering time for alarm 0 changed from 60 min to
15 min. According to updated RISE requirements
f_lt_td#0.102 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 30090 2011-03-17 06:32:02Z simmaatt
PR 74456ESPE04 Incorrect RF module EACs cancelling delays
PR 74014ESPE04: RF Loss of secondary optical interface alarm id 1930 is
reported even failure is cancelled within filtering time
- added sending of fault 1930 cancels for optIf and for fault 4075
f_lt_td#0.101 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 29759 2011-03-16 08:54:23Z pabis /
Lukasz Pabis
LTE977 RFChaining
Added changes regarding to RF chaining.
f_lt_td#0.100 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 28833 2011-03-10 10:55:35Z bkaminsk
/ Bartosz Kaminski

PR 84106ESPE02: LTE450: Alarm 6264 "No MME Capacity Assigned by Core Net
work" is missing when relative capacity of all MMEs is set to 0
Added handling of fault 6264.
f_lt_td#0.99 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 28819 2011-03-10 10:19:11Z bkaminsk
/ Bartosz Kaminski
PR 74503ESPE04 When the last FSP become faulty because of incompatible S
W version, another FSPs change alarm from 7651 to 7650 after 10 min
Corrected handling of fault 23 in fddc DirectAlarm_Start.
f_lt_td#0.98 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 27811 2011-03-08 05:32:44Z liama / M
a Liang
PR 71403ESPE04: WN7.0 Flexi R1 Regression test:Failed to login Site Mana
ger after reset without FTM
Implementation of Fault 10 recovery SEM connect to BTS.(CN3826)
f_lt_td#0.97 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 27811 2011-03-08 05:32:44Z liama / L
ukasz Pabis
LTE782-d_FM (Neighbour Information Handling from many sources)
Implementation of the 6265 fault added.
f_lt_td#0.96 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 26434 2011-03-01 10:35:15Z brodzki /
Krzysztof Brodzki
PR 73708ESPE04: WN7.0 FlexiRel1 :Cancelled fault (10) visible in SiteMan
ager, when faulty ESM removed
Corrected handling of fault 74
f_lt_td#0.95 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 26372 2011-03-01 08:39:25Z brodzki /
Krzysztof Brodzki
PR NA04856907: changed handling of fault 1933
f_lt_td#0.94 / 28.02.2011 / Jouni Kemppainen
PR 73589ESPE04 FEG is recalculated after 1869 has been cleared
- removed recovery action for 1869 in RULE MHAAlarms_start
f_lt_td#0.93 / 22.02.2011 / Jouni Kemppainen
PR 73589ESPE04 FEG is recalculated after 1869 has been cleared
- removed recovery action for 1869 in RULE Customer_alarms_cancel
f_lt_td#0.92 / 22.02.2011 / Mikko Salonen
PR 23316ESPE06 ALMAG FEG recalculation is not triggered by fault 1870 ge
nerated on WMHD
Corrected handling of fault 1870 in case of AISG WMHD
f_lt_td#0.91 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 29759 2011-03-16 08:54:23Z pabis /
Wang Gongjin
PR 70367ESPE04: remove the canceled fault (32) for CANCEL_DELAY
Corrected handling of fault 32
f_lt_td#0.90 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 29759 2011-03-16 08:54:23Z pabis /
Lukasz Pabis
PR 73022ESPE04: Failure in optical RP3 interface (0010) was not generate
d when fault id 94 was active
Fault 10 should be handled although fault 94 is active. Step 3 added to
f_lt_td#0.89 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 23797 2011-02-16 10:57:38Z pabis / L
ukasz Pabis
PR 73568ESPE04: Baseband Bus failure (1815: EFaultId_BbBus_SyncFailedAl)
is not reported forward

Step 112 changed in Customer_alarms_start

f_lt_td#0.88 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 23775 2011-02-16 10:27:58Z tantczak
PR 73065ESPE04: FEG not recalculated after alarm 1835 with WMHC
added aditional writeDBobject step before SetFEG for MHAC and MHAD in MH
f_lt_td#0.87 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 23479 2011-02-15 17:44:27Z bkaminsk
/ Bartosz Kaminski
PR 46964ESPE03: Alarm id 1811 is not send forward to BTS manager
- preventing loop for fault 1811 start in BasebandConfFailed_Start
f_lt_td_0.86 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 23012 2011-02-15 07:29:27Z brodzki
/ Brodzki
CN4141: changes in NoConnectionToUnit (start & cancel)
f_lt_td#0.85 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 22001 2011-02-11 12:15:57Z tantczak
PR 58547ESPE01: Alarm 1930 Loss of secondary interface drop all cells do
added mapping 1930 fault to OptIf
f_lt_td#0.84 / Jouni Kemppainen
PR 73214ESPE04: FXFA: Configuration error: Not enguth HW for LCR (1868)
is reprorted when RFM is hotinserted
- Added original fault id checking for 1868 in Customer_alarms_start.
f_lt_td#0.83 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 21857 2011-02-11 04:20:31Z joukempp
/ Bartosz Kaminski
PR 46964ESPE03: Alarm id 1811 is not send forward to BTS manager
- preventing loop for fault 1811 start in BasebandConfFailed_Start
f_lt_td#0.82 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 20113 2011-02-07 11:25:10Z bkaminsk
/ Bartosz Kaminski
LTE2-f (CN4552 CRL0413 PR80310ESPE02 Alarm clearing on non-topology obje
ct deletion)
- handling canceling S1X2 alarms in UnitDeleted_start rule.
f_lt_td#0.81 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 19379 2011-02-04 12:24:19Z leski / K
onrad Leski
PR 73204ESPE04: FEG is recalculated after 1869 has been reported in SM
- recovery action for fault 1869 deleted
f_lt_td#0.80 / FlexiFDrules.txt 19175 2011-02-04 08:29:01Z mioduski / Ja
cek Mioduski
PR 72560ESPE04: eNB is in the reset loop when fault (6) SwDownloadAl is
- if fault source is FCM then don't do reset for fault 6
f_lt_td#0.79 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 19137 2011-02-03 17:11:45Z tokarz /
PR 70222ESPE04: Alarms are not handled correctly added diffrent recovery
action for rel1 and rel2 FSP
in Customer_alarms_start and BasebandBusConfFailed_Start rules
f_lt_td#0.78 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 19038 2011-02-03 14:06:10Z tantczak
PR 72097ESPE04: When one LNA of ex-Siemens MHA is out of use also handli
ng of second LNA is failed
PR 72897ESPE04: WMHC not handled correctly after OverCurrent alarm
Changed NoConnectionToUnit checking if fault 1836 is active and OverCurr
entStart for MHA

f_lt_td#0.77 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 18320 2011-02-01 10:56:40Z tantczak

PR 56365ESPE01 [LTE447] RF is raising alarm 1930 Loss of secondary inter
face to LTE side
supressing fault 1930 when fault 1815 for secondary optIf was received.
f_lt_ld#0.76 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 18048 2011-01-31 09:25:51Z tokarz /
Maciej Tokarz
PR 70405ESPE04: CN4294 updates to startup exceptions
PR 68617ESPE04: CN4294: faulty board is not removed from configuration
added additional faults for fsp/faraday handling in customer_alarms_star
t and Baseband bus failure
f_lt_td#0.75 / FlexiFDrules.txt 17794 2011-01-28 11:20:20Z witecki
PR 70504ESPE04: Flexi Rel1: FSP is not recoverd after fault 2036
Change recovery action for faults with source in FSP from Faraday Reset to w
arm reset
in case of Flexi REL1 Module
f_lt_td#0.74 / FlexiFDrules.txt 17794 2011-01-28 11:20:20Z witecki
alarm is cancel because the reason the unit is under res
added informing FGU of core reset end in NoConnectionToUnit
f_lt_td#0.73 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 17124 2011-01-26 15:04:30Z witecki
/ Kamil Witecki
PR 70222ESPE04 Alarms are not handled correctly
Customer_alarms_start - fixed invalid step performed if all FSP in extension
module was faulty
f_lt_td#0.72 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 17121 2011-01-26 15:00:54Z gemborow
PR 71556ESPE04: 1835 alarm is visible shortly on BTSSM
Suppressing cancels after current on (because cancel is always generated
by filter due to ALCurrentOff recovery)
Checking if new start has arrived after ALCurrentOn
f_lt_td#0.71 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 17120 2011-01-26 14:55:26Z tokarz /
Maciej Tokarz
added false step in OseFatalError rule step (75; ReadDBObject from -1 t
o 105.
f_lt_td#0.70 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 16657 2011-01-25 13:35:14Z pabis /
Lukasz Pabis
PR 69261ESPE04: LTE168-a: BTS having cell in WO-state is driven down whe
n missing RF-module is detected after BTS start up
Fault 4001 mapped to -1 severity
f_lt_td#0.69 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 16177 2011-01-24 09:54:48Z mioduski
/ Jacek Mioduski
PR 72250ESPE04: LTE76-a: NoConnection to TIlt occured after RFmodule Blo
- added checking if faulty unit is master for units that have other subr
f_lt_td#0.68 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 17120 2011-01-26 14:55:26Z tokarz /
Chen Xinlai
PR 81209ESPE02:When Alarms_FCM fault(1806) was sent by tassu, site don't
recovery reset.
Add FSM to do BTS recovery reset for 1806.

f_lt_td#0.67 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 16032 2011-01-22 12:54:38Z bkaminsk

/ Bartosz Kaminski
LTE424_2 (Automatic interface alarm correlation)
1 second Start_delay and Cancel_delay added for faults 6303, 6304, 6308,
Faults 6303, 6304, 6308, 6317 mapped to ChangeSource rule in fdfc
Faults 6303, 6304, 6308, 6317 mapped from DirectSend to generic_direct_d
elay in fdpp
f_lt_td#0.66 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 15851 2011-01-21 12:13:11Z bkaminsk
/ Bartosz Kaminski
LTE424_2 (Automatic interface alarm correlation)
In fdpp generic_direct_delay - executing updateFault for fault 6150 adde
f_lt_td#0.65 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 15604 2011-01-20 15:53:51Z adaszyns
/ Piotr Adaszynski
PR 68894ESPE04: Flexi R2: Severity of alarms are wrong - added 1 minute
timeout befor alarm reporting when all filters faulty
f_lt_td#0.64 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 15505 2011-01-20 11:32:14Z witecki
/ Kamil Witecki
PR 70222ESPE04 Alarms are not handled correctly
Customer_alarms_start - invalid step performed if all FSP in extension m
odule was faulty
f_lt_td#0.63 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 14833 2011-01-17 12:12:02Z gemborow
PR 70922ESPE04: GPS control interface not available
GPS recovery reset removed in case of fault 1898 in LTE
f_lt_td#0.62 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 14745 2011-01-17 05:59:39Z junhua /
Chen Junhua
PR 70828ESPE04: 1837, 1838 and 4057 are ignored if fault 1807 is active
for related cells
f_lt_td#0.61 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 14529 2011-01-14 11:41:22Z tantczak
/ Tomasz Antczak
PR 72097ESPE04: When one LNA of ex-Siemens MHA is out of use also handli
ng of second LNA is failed
Added checking if both MHA parts have PowerFeeding set to true
f_lt_td#0.60 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 14436 2011-01-14 04:49:07Z xuekzhan
/ Zhang Xueke
PR 71382ESPE04: Front End Gain recalculation after 1869 alarm cancel
f_lt_td#0.59 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 14286 2011-01-13 10:19:54Z wydra / P
rzemyslaw Wydra
PR 22220ESPE06: ALMAG: Wrong handling of alarm 1836 generated on Ex-Siem
ens TMA
Fault 1836 handling correction
f_lt_td#0.58 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 13613 2011-01-11 02:40:51Z shfu / Kr
zysztof Brodzki
PR 48236ESPE01: After alarm id 1911 only one cell is reported with corre
ct severity
PR 70986ESPE04: MIMO: Fault 1907 is reported for all cells when actually
it exist only on one
- changes in Customer_alarms_start
PR 54024ESPE01: SIMO: no recovery aciton when internal FSP faulty
- changes in OseFatalError_Start

f_lt_td#0.57 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 13221 2011-01-07 10:37:43Z mioduski

/ Jacek Mioduski
PR 80693ESPE02: Fault EFaultId_TraceConnectionFaultyAl report wrong alar
- changed fault severity and alarm number for fault 6261
f_lt_td#0.56 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 12911 2011-01-04 11:34:55Z mbaran /
Marcin Baran
PR 70743ESPE04: 10-alarm is not rised when incompatible alarms is active
on RF-module
In NoConnectionToUnit start rule added checking if is LTE
f_lt_td#0.55 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 12467 2010-12-31 04:35:43Z junhe /
he jun
PR 70541ESPE04: FSP state not changed immediately to FAULTY in case of 4
18-fault of faraday.
set FSP to faulty immediately after faraday become faulty
f_lt_td#0.54 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 12465 2010-12-31 04:31:15Z junhe /
he jun
PR 70541ESPE04: FSP state not changed immediately to FAULTY in case of 4
18-fault of faraday.
set FSP to faulty immediately after faraday become faulty
f_lt_td#0.53 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 11938 2010-12-23 13:23:38Z pabis /
Lukasz Pabis
PR 71374ESPE04: Active SysDangerouslyOverheatAl does not cause FSPs powe
r down.
Added ShutdownFSP in Customer_alarms_start for 4071 fault.
f_lt_td#0.52/ Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 11872 2010-12-23 10:52:25Z adaszyns /
Piotr Adaszyski
-PR 67643ESPE04: [RAN1806] No response from FTIB and WN to LTE SW update
fails after 2,5hours and no alarms reported. Fault 30 is handled even if BTS is
uncommisioned and alarm 7650 is active.
f_lt_td#0.51 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 11839 2010-12-23 09:11:07Z pabis / L
ukasz Pabis
LTE424_2 (Automatic interface alarm correlation)
Handling of the 6150, 6201, 6202, 6203, 6204, 6303, 6304, 6308 and 6317
f_lt_td#0.50 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 11745 2010-12-22 15:21:52Z pabis / L
ukasz Pabis
PR 80672ESPE02: RL15_SCTP:The fault 6204 is not handled by FDDC
Fault 6204 mapped to ChangeSource rule.
f_lt_td#0.49 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 11726 2010-12-22 14:43:35Z pabis / L
ukasz Pabis
PR 70963ESPE04: 23-alarm is not cancelled when 10-alarm is rised
PR 70957ESPE04: Unit blocked (0048) alarm after module removing
Added canceling of 48 and 23 faults in UnitDeleted_start rule.
f_lt_td#0.48 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 11839 2010-12-23 09:11:07Z pabis / L
ukasz Pabis
PR 71070ESPE04: LTE76-a: Alarm id 1834 cancel not work
Added handling cancel for 1834 and 1835 faults in Customer_alarms_cancel

f_lt_td#0.47 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 11501 2010-12-21 12:39:03Z tokarz /

Maciej Tokarz
QC Defect#5604 Added identical handling for faults coming on Tup and ord
inary faradays.
f_lt_td#0.46 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 11455 2010-12-21 09:48:35Z pabis /
Lukasz Pabis
PR 46325ESPE03: Wrong alarm after secondary optical cable removing
Correction in Customer_alarms_start. Step 44 corrected (added faults 200
0, 2001, 2002 and 2004)
f_lt_td#0.45 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 11289 2010-12-20 11:28:01Z pabis / L
ukasz Pabis
PR 46146ESPE03: FSP state is working although alarm is active
Removed handling of the 1811 cancel from FDDC
f_lt_td#0.45 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 10875 2010-12-16 11:33:18Z brodzki /
Krzysztof Brodzki
PR 69328ESPE04: Secure file transfer should be supported also when FTM v
ersion is unknown
Added setting DYN_TFTPSupported to true while handling fault 94
f_lt_td#0.44 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 10802 2010-12-16 08:30:18Z bkaminsk
/ Bartosz Kaminski
PR 70538ESPE04: Baseband bus failure 1811 is seen with wrong severity in
Changes in Customer_alarms_cancel. Handling fault 1811 corrected.
f_lt_td_0.43 Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 10565 2010-12-15 09:18:07Z grabisze /
Maciej Tokarz
PR 22221ESPE06 ALMAG: Alarm 4057 (VSWR) start-cancel loop
f_lt_td#0.42 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 10229 2010-12-13 15:38:56Z stoparek
/ W Stoparek
PR 69024ESPE04: Flexi rel2: Cells are seen as "working" with faulty RM2
with C-type config.
- added sending of alarms for degraded cells when FR degraded or faulty
f_lt_td#0.41 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 9989 2010-12-13 06:56:36Z tantczak
/ Tomasz Antczak
PR 43645ESPE03 Configuration error: Unit initialization failure (0012)FS
Added additional timeout for fault 1811 cancel when reset for fault sour
ce was requested
PR 69268ESPE04 After hot-insert RF unit (FRHA), BTS still goes On Air wi
th RF in configuring state and major alarm "Configuration error: Invalid frequen
PR 70763ESPE04 Cell states and BTS operational state are not updated SM
view correctly
Always clear fault 1868
f_lt_td#0.40 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 8372 2010-12-02 11:36:40Z mioduski /
Jacek Mioduski
PR 70055ESPE04: 10-alarm is not canceled when uncommmissioned rf-module
removed from configuration
- Cancelling alarm in case of faulty unit deleted from DB
f_lt_td#0.39 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 8321 2010-12-02 09:11:28Z mioduski /
Lukasz Pabis
PR 69879ESPE04: LTE168-a: FSP recovery reset not executed when 4019-faul

t occur to faraday
Changes in Customer_alarms_start. Added warm FSP reset in case of 4019 f
f_lt_td#0.38 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 7963 2010-12-01 09:59:51Z witecki /
Kamil Witecki
PR 70222ESPE04: if it is REL1, 458 should perform FSP reset, otherwise it pe
rforms Faraday reset,
428 should perform always FSP reset other fault will perform Faraday reset a
s earlier
f_lt_td#0.37 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 7465 2010-11-30 12:48:26Z pabis / L
ukasz Pabis
PR 61356ESPE04: Single Faraday reco reset is not done after faraday cras
h for postmortem.bin collection
Added FaradayResetForPostmortemMemDump and TransferPostmortemFile recove
ry actions in OseFatalError_Start
f_lt_td#0.36 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 7222 2010-11-29 11:51:16Z pabis / Lu
kasz Pabis
CN4456_2 (Automated System Recovery on MHA failure)
Changes in MHAAlarms_start and Customer_alarms_cancel.
FEG recalculation is not executed in case of WMHC, WMHD or when MHA conn
ection is external.
f_lt_td#0.35 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 8372 2010-12-02 11:36:40Z mioduski /
Tomasz Antczak
PR 79321ESPE02: RL15_FM_Orignal EAC alarm is always set after toggling a
larm cleared
WasAlarmNumber is ommited for EAC cancel faults
f_lt_td#0.34 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 7113 2010-11-27 14:46:04Z tantczak /
Tomasz Antczak
69787ESPE04 LTE168-a: "GTP-U Path Failure"-alarm (id 6150) is sent when
faraday having GTP-u data path supervision fails
LTE168-a: FSP state change to "FAULTY" lasts too long ti
me in case of single faraday failure
Changed bahavior of fault 180 for FARADAY for LTE according to WBTS_RECO
V_70106 -one farday faulty whole fsp faulty
f_lt_td#0.33 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 7113 2010-11-27 14:46:04Z tantczak
/ Tomasz Antczak
PR 69418ESPE04 LTE168-a: BTS recovery reset not executed (all three FSPs
Changed fault 1806 behavior when fault source is FSP and all FSP are ala
f_lt_td#0.32 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 6116 2010-11-23 09:30:37Z stoparek
/ Wojciech Stoparek
PR 53144ESPE01: BaseBand bus failure 425
removed checking if 425 fault was reported for more than 10 times
f_lt_td#0.31 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 5992 2010-11-22 13:21:20Z walerian
/ Alek Walerianczyk
PR 73963ESPE02: Changed wait timeout to 300000 only for fault 1868
f_lt_td_main#0.30 / 19.11.2010 / Alek Walerianczyk
PR 67077ESPE04: Changed wait timeout to 300000 in generic_group_delay RU
LE (110),removed (102) -according to new RISE requirements

f_lt_td_main#0.29 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 5992 2010-11-22 13:21:20Z waler

ian / Tomasz Antczak
PR 68699ESPE04: LTE168-a: FSP state not updated to faulty when 476-fault
occurs right after FSP recovery reset
- Changes in UnitReset_cancel, additional explicit informing FDU of CORE
_FR reset cancel
f_lt_td_main#0.28 / &Id& / Tomasz Grabiszewski
PR 69005ESPE04: Site Manager shows RF module detected even when it is di
sconnected from uncommissioned BTS
- Change in RULE concerning noConnectionToUnit Alarm: removed step 18, c
hanged steps 78-84
f_lt_td_main#0.27 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 5539 2010-11-18 13:08:18Z miodu
ski / Jacek Mioduski
PR 69329ESPE04: LTE899-a:Alarm id 1871: EFaultId_BusyAl not work correct
- bug fixed in AntennaLineAlarms_start
f_lt_td_main#0.26 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 5441 2010-11-18 09:22:45Z miodu
ski / Jacek Mioduski
PR 26889ESPE05: No alarm in Site Manager when 1850 SWCorruptedAl is acti
- added sending alarm 0x7654 for fault 1830 and fixed bug in FlexiFDrule
f_lt_td_main#0.25 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 5404 2010-11-18 07:35:03Z pabis
/ Lukasz Pabis
PR 77857ESPE02: BTS reset when action for FYRN and FYRN-filter failure 1
Change in ChangeSource rule. Added faulty unit mapping for 1806 fault.
f_lt_td_main#0.24 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 5308 2010-11-17 13:55:48Z tantc
zak / Tomasz Antczak
PR 67534ESPE04 and PR 67835ESPE04
UnitReset_cancel changed to always inform about cancel for MHA
f_lt_td_main#0.23 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 5055 2010-11-16 11:53:58Z grabi
sze / Tomasz Grabiszewski
PR 69519ESPE04: [LTE655-a] Alarm with EFaultId 28 should be mapped into
group alarm with EFaultId 3090
- Mapped EFaultId 28 into group alarm with EFaultId 3090
f_lt_td_main#0.22 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 5016 2010-11-16 09:55:22Z bkami
nsk / Bartosz Kaminski
PR 44946ESPE03: Alarm id 4015 is not send forward to BTS manager
- added sending alarm forward for fault 4015
f_lt_td_main#0.21 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 5016 2010-11-16 09:55:22Z bkaminsk
/ Piotr Adaszyski
PR 68410ESPE04: Flexi 2B+3C:The extension module actived too long and alarm"
Not enough DSP capacity to set up a cell" was reported
Added additional 10 seconds filtering time for fault 130.
f_lt_td_main#0.20 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 4148 2010-11-09 13:30:32Z witec
ki / Kamil Witecki
FSP cold reset incorreclty performed in WN build.
f_lt_td_main#0.19 / Id: FlexiFDrules.txt 4138 2010-11-09 13:16:23Z tantc
zak / Bartosz Kaminski, Tomasz Antczak, Lukasz Pabis

Bartosz Kaminski: PR 68477ESPE04: LTE168-a: BTS recovery reset not execu

ted when the last FSP fails due to faraday failure
BTS recovery reset bug fixed when last FSP failed due to 1806-fault
Bartosz Kaminski: PR 43517ESPE03: FYGA control lost, in case of long per
iod of GPS break
4011-fault "Control Interface not available" handling added in DirectSen
Tomasz Antczak PR 68739ESPE04: LTE101a:-Incorrect handling of fault 1907
Removed changing of fault source from core_fr to fr for fault 32
CN4456 (Automated System Recovery on MHA failure) - changed fault 1869 a
nd 1870
Lukasz Pabis: Step 95 in Customer_alarms_start corrected.
Lukasz Pabis: PR 68751ESPE04: LTE168-a: State of the FSP not updated to
"Faulty" when faraday of the FSP fails in Test Dedicated State
Changes in Customer_alarms_start: State of the FSP updated to faulty sta
te when BTS is in TestDedicatedState.
f_lt_td_main#0.18 / 05.11.2010 / Krzysztof Brodzki, Przemyslaw Wydra, Lu
kasz Pabis, Maciej Tokarz, Bartosz Kaminski, Lukasz Gemborowski
PR 67842ESPE04: Alarm 1870 and 1869 seen same time in SEM
RAN1263i added new way of handling fatal faraday and fsp faults in rules
Customer_alarms_start, OseFatalError_Start and BasebandBusConfFailed_Sta
Tomasz Antczak: 53388ESPE01: Alarm missing if PI delay in RP3 differs to
o much
Added fault 4072 handling
PR 68850ESPE04: LTE168-a: FSP state was finally "working" although conne
ction to FSP was missing
Added 10 seconds timeout for fault 10 if 32 is active, for FSP
PR 68495ESPE04: Failure in optical RP3 interface (0010) reported with wr
ong severity when RF module is missing during startup
Chnaged fault 1868 handling
Krzysztof Brodzki: PR 21554ESPE06: ALMAG: FEG recalculation is triggered
by fault 1834
Przemyslaw Wydra: PR 21038ESPE06: ALMAG: FEG recalculation is triggered by f
ault 1834 generated on "other MHA"
Bartosz Kaminski: PR 77993ESPE02: BTS site resets when adjacent BTS's go
Bartosz Kaminski: PR 68742ESPE04: LTE168-a: 4003-alarm sent unnecessaril
y when L11-x-31 configuration is in use
Added 3 seconds start delay. FDPP rulemap changed from DirectSend to gen
Lukasz Gemborowski: PR 68659ESPE04: RL20_FM: Only one GTP-u alarm is dis
omitting UpdateFault step in generic_direct_delay in case of fault 6150
f_lt_td_main#0.17 / 27.10.2010 / Krzysztof Brodzki, Lukasz Pabis, Przemy
slaw Wydra
Krzysztof Brodzki: PR 54024ESPE01: SIMO: no recovery aciton when interna
l FSP faulty
Modified OseFatalError_Start (added checking if FSP reset was requested)
Lukasz Pabis: CN4454 (FSP power off due to critical overtemp 4071)
Added fault 4071 handling
Przemyslaw Wydra: fault 141 handling added.
f_lt_td_main#0.16 / 25.10.2010 / Jacek Mioduski
PR 67386ESPE04: "GPIO crash" executed to faraday in case of 476-fault
- bug fix

f_lt_td_main#0.15 / 21.102010 / Przemyslaw Wydra, Lukasz Gemborowski, Kr

zysztof Brodzki, Bartosz Kaminski
RAN2123b_FM: Fault 140 handling added.
Lukasz G: PR 76858ESPE02: fault 6204 handling
Krzysztof Brodzki:
PR 67106ESPE04: -ALMAG: Alarm 1834/1835 occures with alarm 1836 on the s
ame MHA
Corrected handling of fault 1834.
Bartosz Kaminski:
Filtering time added for fault 4011.
f_lt_td_main#0.14 / 13.10.2010 / Marcin Baran, Tomasz Antczak, Przemysla
w Wydra
Marcin Baran:
PR 43822ESPE03: OPT-RF2 and OPT_EXT2 alarm is not send forward
Tomasz Antczak:
PR 75273ESPE02 The alarm "Transport layer connection failure in X2 inter
face(6203)" will be shown twice on BTSSM GUI
added 1 sec filtering time for fault 6150, 6200 - 6204
Przemyslaw Wydra
PR NA04766806: RU20EP1 Pilot:Unexpected occurrence of alarm 425 - change
d filtering time from 3 to 5 minutes.
f_lt_td_main#0.13 / 08.10.2010 / Jacek Mioduski
Change of revision - only TOP prontos for LN1.0 allowed
PR 67386ESPE04: "GPIO crash" executed to faraday in case of 476-fault
- changed behaviour for fault 476
f_lt_td_22#0.35 / 08.10.2010 / Lukasz Pabis
Corrected alarm number for fault 1942
f_lt_td_22#0.34 / 08.10.2010 / Piotr Adaszynski
PR 26437ESPE05: External MHA (Other BTS MHA) grayed out in Sitemanager v
Added timeouts and AllowInterupts during handling of fault 10 from exter
nal MHA
f_lt_td_22#0.33 / 07.10.2010 / Jouni Kemppainen
PR 67320ESPE04: setCellState command removed and added checking of 1837
alarm (7653 if VSWR licenses are not available)
for 4057 fault in AntennaLineAlarms_start rule and Customer_alarms_cance
l rule.
f_lt_td_22#0.32 / xx.10.2010 / Piotr Adaszynski, Krzysztof Brodzki, Maci
ej Tokarz, Lukasz Pabis
PR 67106ESPE04: -ALMAG: Alarm 1834/1835 occures with alarm 1836 on the s
ame MHA
Changed handling of faults 1834/1835
PR NA04765599: RU20 EP1 pilot VF-IT: Issue101 Cyclic "VSWR alarm" with M
HA - added cancel of 1837 handling only within tuning time
PR 67245ESPE04: State of the FCM changed to "Degraded" when FANs of the
FSM are faulty
f_lt_td_22#0.31 / 29.09.2010 / Lukasz Pabis, Aleksander Walerianczyk
Lukasz Pabis: LTE163b and LTE433b: Added faults 6261 and 6263 handling.
Aleksander Walerianczyk: CN4407: Added fault 1942 handling
f_lt_td_22#0.30 / 28.09.2010 / Marko Huusko
67293ESPE04: Dynamic attributes are cleared for plugin FSP's after the

decision for correct alarm number is done. NOTE, this correction should be done
in future so that PARA sets volatility to false for pluginunit-attribute
f_lt_td_22#0.29 / 28.09.2010 / Wojciech Stoparek, Maciej Tokarz, Jacek M
Wojciech Stoparek: PR 65171ESPE04: FXEA: Fault 4046 is not canceled afte
r RET is calibrated properly
fixed 4046 fault handling so it is removed from FDDC fault list when 184
2 fault is active
Maciej Tokarz: PR 67233ESPE04 FXEA: Alarm 1870 can't be cleared after fa
ult cancel - added handling of fault 1870 cancel
Jacek Mioduski: PR 66951ESPE04: LTE168-a: 1806 CommunicationFailureAl no
t reported in test dedicated -state
- if reset has been made then send alarm
Jacek Mioduski: PR 67207ESPE04: "Temperature alarm"-alarm (id 1927) sent
with wrong severity (7655)
- changed severity of alarm
f_lt_td_22#0.28 / 22.09.2010 / Tomasz Antczak
Tomasz Antczak: PR 61838ESPE04: "Faulty" RF module can not be blocked
added handling of fault 4070
f_lt_td_22#0.27 / 16.09.2010 / Tomasz Antczak
Tomasz Antczak: 66746ESPE04 LTE168-a: 1906-alarm comes after FSP MCU spo
ntaneous restart
added new rulestep WasUnitFaulty
f_lt_td_22#0.26 / 13.09.2010 / Tomasz Antczak
PR 65171ESPE04: FXEA: Fault 4046 is not canceled after RET is calibrated
Added supressing fault 4046 when 1842 is active
f_lt_td_22#0.25 / 11.09.2010 /Tomasz Antczak, Lukasz Pabis
Tomasz Antczak: 64991ESPE04: FRMB 1 HW incompatible fault is clear and "
OnAir" after software updated, but no transmitting and receiving power
fault 1868 handling changed - no checking if faults 10 and others are ac
tive for unit
Lukasz Pabis: PR 64428ESPE04: LTE547: No Antenna tilt control feed volta
ges from FFMB.
Added 4069 fault handling.
Tomasz Antczak: PR 66424ESPE04: [LTE655] FSP1&2 SW incompatible SW versi
on detected alarms not cleared after recovery from FCM fallback
Added canceling of alarms with different severity for fault 23 cancel (s
earch for 53519)
f_lt_td_22#0.24 / 07.09.2010 / Roman Bryling, Tomasz Antczak
Roman Bryling: 25257ESPE05, 40003ESPE03 - severity of fault 4064 changed
from degraded to faulty
Tomasz Antczak: PR 74284ESPE02: RL10_FM: 10 EFaultId_NoConnectionToUnitA
l should cancel all active alarms from the same unit
Added checking if FSPs in the same CG are faulty in Customer_alarms_star
t for fault 1906
f_lt_td_22#0.23 / 06.09.2010 / Lukasz Gemborowski, Tomasz Antczak
PR 66467ESPE04: LTE-168a No recovery actions done after faraday crash
Sent alarm changed back to -1 in case of fault 6201, alarm is decided no
w correctly by FDCL decideAlarmLevel()
Tomasz Antczak - added handling of fault 6202 and 6203 (feature)

f_lt_td_22#0.22 / 03.09.2010 / Tomasz Antczak, Lukasz Pabis, Piotr Adasz

ynski, Jacek Mioduski
PR 64260ESPE04 FSME: GSP Power Switch [0xE2] unit autonomous reset durin
g call KPI testing
set subunit as 0 for 1898, and remove itself during cancel
PR 66218ESPE04: 1913 cancel causes recoreset even all cells are not faul
Piotr Adaszynski:
PR 62078ESPE04: Extension Module recovery/ Optional BTSM parameter - add
ed reading of DYN_resetBTSIfNoLCGRes in case of 142
PR 64443ESPE04: Flexi rel1/rel2 mixed configuration, extension module re
set causes ~16 minute downtime for cells - Extension module _exist is updated to
FALSE in case of fault 10
Jacek Mioduski:
PR 64859ESPE04: RL10_FM: Some capsulated alarms are wrong reported by BT
- corrected number of alarms for faults 1906, 1930, 4011
PR 53519 - Incompatible Sw alarm
added sending of additional alarms
f_lt_td_22#0.21 / 02.09.2010 / Tomasz Antczak
PR 68635ESPE02: LTE168-a: 1907 FrTxOutOfOrder alarm from FRIE when FSPC
is restarted spontaneously
increased filtering time for 1906 to 3 min
f_lt_td_22#0.20 / 02.09.2010 / Przemyslaw Wydra, Maciej Tokarz, Lukasz G
emborowski, Lukasz Pabis, Ulla Ritta Kemppainen
PR 39851ESPE03: Check if all filters are faulty, reset FR Check if origi
nal fault is 1806 and fault source is ff
PR 65658ESPE04: VSWR tuning impossible due to 4057 alarm - added cell en
abling in VSWRTning_Start rule and
avoiding CheckObjectStatus rule in AntenaLineAlarms rule for fault 4057
Przemyslaw Wydra PR 66106ESPE04: Orange Poland RU20 EP1: Wrong MHA statu
s in Site Manager
Setting MHA to faulty state in case when antenna tilt licence is deleted
from BTS removed.
Przemyslaw Wydra PR 25935ESPE05: FRGP: Fault 1911 is not handled correct
Additional ids of RXs added.
Przemyslaw Wydra: PR 51608ESPE01: 2021: EFaultId_Muksu_StsMmAl displayed
in SM
Fault 2021 removed from fdrules, it is R&D fault.
L.G. PR 65126ESPE04: RL10_FM: SCTP endpoint failure for S1 link shall be
linked to alarm "7650 BASE STATION FAULTY"
fault 6201 send fixed 7650
PR 65602ESPE04: LTE 899a: Wrong led status when flilter is faulty(id 187
f_lt_td_22#0.19 / 27.08.2010 / Tomasz Antczak
PR 68635ESPE02: LTE168-a: 1907 FrTxOutOfOrder alarm from FRIE when FSPC
is restarted spontaneously
Added new rule WasResetDone in Customer_Alarm_start for fault 1906
PR 62240ESPE04: eNB goes OnAir state with 2 cells even Max.Number.Of.LCR
is 1 => RISE fault 4000
Sending fault 4000 as cell faulty
f_lt_td_22#0.18 / 21.08.2010 / Lukasz Pabis, Tomasz Antczak
PR 64412ESPE04: Direct Element Manager connections should be allowed als
o when FTM is missing

Added two steps (109 and 110) in NoConnectionToUnit_start

PR 25732ESPE05: FRGP: Fault 94 is not handled correctly
added 10 sec filtering time for fault 94
PR 64260ESPE04: FSME: GSP Power Switch [0xE2] unit autonomous reset duri
ng call KPI testing
Added 30 sec timeout before rehandlefault is executed in RefClockMissing
f_lt_td_22#0.17 / 16.08.2010 / Maciej Tokarz
added Shutdown FSP as a recovery action filtering - now it is being exec
uted for fault 4052 but not for 10
f_lt_td_22#0.16 / 09.08.2010 / Maciej Tokarz
back to 3min of filtering time for fault 1837 in vswr_delay rule
f_lt_td_22#0.15 / 08.08.2010 / Lukasz Pabis, Piotr Adaszynski, Roman Bry
PR 65051ESPE04 UnitResetAl_Cancel changed - mha reset does not cancel ov
ercurrent in special configuration
PR 65385ESPE04: RAN1770 temp mgmt alarms not implemented
Fault 1932 - 1940 implementation.
Fixed triggering BTSReset in case of fault 6201
f_lt_td_22#0.14 / 05.08.2010 / Tomasz Antczak
PR 72263ESPE02: S1flex: BTS operational state is wrong when S1 setup to
one MME is not successful
Changed severity of fault 6308
25690ESPE05 Fault 1930 is not reported to SitMgr&RNC when RF secondary o
ptical link is hot removed
Added IsSecondaryOptIf
f_lt_td_22#0.13 / 29.07.2010 / Tomasz Antczak, Lukasz Pabis, Maciej Toka
PR 64020ESPE04 Cells OnAir even alarms 1807 and 1874 are active
1807 severity changed to -1
PR 65138ESPE04: SIMO: Wrong recovery action for fault 476
Removed step 107 and 122 from Customer_alarms_start
PR 62183ESPE04: Alarm 1837 is not cleared after changing threshold
in vswr_delay - removed correlation with 1810 and 1837 fault cancel filt
f_lt_td_22#0.12 / 28.07.2010 / Piotr Adaszynski, Pawel Jaworski
PR 64902ESPE04: Fan failure (id=0001) is reported incorrectly. Severity
of the alarm changed to 7651 BS DEGRADED
Pawel Jaworski: PR PR 61707ESPE04: LNA gain recalculation is not trigerr
ed by 1834 and 1835 alarm
Added FEG recalculation triggering for fault 1835 on WMHC; filtering tim
eout for 1835 moved to FDM
f_lt_td_22#0.11 / 22.07.2010 / Lukasz Pabis, Pawel Jaworski, Tomasz Antc
zak, Michal Jankowski
Fault 6260 implementation.
Pawel Jaworski: Added cancel rule mapping for fault 1839 (RISE update)
Tomasz Antczak PR 64020ESPE04: Cells OnAir even alarms 1807 and 1874 are
Severity for fault 1807 set to "-1"
Piotr Adaszynski: added handling of 4057 cancel
Tomasz Antczak: PR 40019ESPE03: LTE168-a: Alarm id 3060 is missing altho
ught RNW data is incorrect
added handling for fault 6252

PR 68635ESPE Tomasz Antczak 1907 FrTxOutOfOrder alarm from FRIE when FSP
C is restarted spontaneously
Changed step 2 in Customer_alarm_start
f_lt_td_22#0.10 / 19.07.2010 / Tomasz Antczak, Przemyslaw Wydra
Przemyslaw Wydra: PR 63992ESPE04: BTS reference clock missing (1898)
Check if ClockGPS_InUse is equal to NotInUse added.
Tomasz Antczak: PR 64495ESPE04: No alarm about missing FSPC - added hand
ling for fault 4068
f_lt_td_22#0.9 / 14.07.2010 / Tomasz Antczak
Tomasz Antczak: 70420ESPE02: No 7653 CELL FAULTY (FR) alarm when fault 2
016: EFaultId_Muksu_SMTimeOffAl is generated from RF link
Piotr Adaszynski: PR 64769ESPE04: CN4332: eNB is going configured state
without reset when S1 link is broken - fixed BTS reset triggering
f_lt_td_22#0.8 / 13.07.2010 / Roman Bryling, Lukasz Pabis
Roman Bryling: 64623ESPE04 severity of faults 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874 cha
nged to working becaus notification alarm expected
Lukasz Pabis: PR 64709ESPE04: Wrong alarm text, Radio Module Switched Of
f (fault 4057)
Piotr Adaszynski: cn4332 - BTS reset triggered by 6201 when faultLocation=0
f_lt_td_22#0.7 / 08.07.2010 / Przemyslaw Wydra, Jacek Mioduski, Tomasz A
Przemyslaw Wydra: PR 64222ESPE04: Alarm 4057 does not shut the cell down
Correct 4057 handling, bug in distinguish between Medusa and non-Medusa
PR 63360ESPE04: ALMAG: Wrong WMHC behaviour when licences deleted - adde
d writing state of all MHA in cell to FDCL
PR 63706ESPE04: FXDA: Alarm (1932) not detected and reported in SEM
Fault 1932 handling added.
70420ESPE02: No 7653 CELL FAULTY (FR) alarm when fault 2016: EFaultId_Mu
ksu_SMTimeOffAl is generated from RF link
Changed subrack to bs in case of fault 2016 doallunitsreport rulestep
f_lt_td_22#0.6 / 05.07.2010 / Roman Bryling
Roman Bryling: fault 4064 added
f_lt_td_22#0.5 / 05.07.2010 / Przemyslaw Wydra, Roman Bryling
PR 63969ESPE04 - LTE155-a: RF Module Failure alarm is not cancelled in B
TS after clearing alarm EFaultid_FrTxOutOfOrder (Fault 1907) via Tassu
PR 50314ESPE01 bug fixed in Customer_alarms_cancel added IsStoredInFdcl for
Subunit and orginalFaultId
PR 63748ESPE04 - bug in Fan_delay fixed
f_lt_td_22#0.4 / 29.06.2010 / Tomasz Antczak, Przemyslaw Wydra, Jacek Mi
oduski, Roman Bryling
PR 64100ESPE04: LTE 899a: Alarm id 1869: EFaultId_MinorTMAFaultAl cancel
not work
Added checking if fault is stored to the main unit (step 48 in Customer_
PR 62878ESPE04 & PR64019ESPE04 - Added different reset behavior scenario
s for faults 1815 and 476 on LTE (warm reset) and WCDMA (cold reset). (step 151
in rule Customer_alarms_start)
PR 62434ESPE04 - System module cold start does not work
PR 64087ESPE04: added checking in FanFailure_Start and FanFailure_Cancel
if unit type is FANGROUP
PR 18599ESPE06: bug fixed in Customer_alarms_cancel.

f_lt_td_22#0.3 / 25.06.2010 / Lukasz Pabis, Tomasz Antczak, Przenyslaw W

PR 63757ESPE04: LTE168-a: Additional 4min filtering timeout for (10) NoC
onnectionToUnitAl for FSPC
Rule NoConnectionToUnit_start changed
PR 64119ESPE04: 1868: EFaultId_NotEnoughHwForLcrAl is still generated wh
en 10: EFaultId_NoConnectionToUnit has been active
Fault 1868 handling changed in case when fault 10 is active.
PR 63481ESPE04, 63718ESPE04, 61961ESPE04, 24965ESPE05, 61496ESPE04, 6768
8ESPE02, 62249ESPE04, 49273ESPE01, 63088ESPE04
removed FSPC reset for fault 6150
f_lt_td_22#0.2 / 23.06.2010 / Pawel Jaworski, Lukasz Gemborowski, Tomasz
PR 62878ESPE04: Changed reset type of the FSP to "warm" on fault 1815
PR 63109ESPE04: after clearing alarms on FR FAN-s set they state to degr
aded explicitly
PR 63481ESPE04, 63718ESPE04, 61961ESPE04, 24965ESPE05, 61496ESPE04, 6768
8ESPE02, 62249ESPE04, 49273ESPE01, 63088ESPE04
Added mapping of faultsource to 0 for fault 6201, and FSP reset in case
of fault 6150
PR 63726ESPE04 - added delay for external ALD for fault 10
f_lt_td#0.1 / 18.06.2010 / Tomasz Antczak
new branch, valid also for main workset
f_lt_22#0.99 / 17.06.2010 / Lukasz Gemborowski
NA04704448: delay before setting exist to false in fault 32 handling
f_lt_22#0.98 / 17.06.2010 / Ulla-Riitta Kemppainen
PR 17052ESPE06 and 17056ESPE06. Added atennaline ids
to Customer_alarms_start
f_lt_22#0.97 / 17.06.2010 / Marcin Pitek
PR 40539ESPE03 alarm 7652 was not send to the SEM
f_lt_22#0.96 / 14.06.2010 /W1 (Tomasz Antczak)
PR NA04717077: 7776 HSDPA FAILURE IN WCEL in FSMB+FSMB config
removed checking of resetcountercompare
48713ESPE01 Site reset overtime for Rel2 2FSME+2FRGF
Added rulestep 48 and 49 in Customer_alarms_cancel
f_lt_22#0.95 / 14.06.2010 / W1 (Maciej Tokarz, Tomasz Antczak, Lukasz Pa
bis, Pentti Rimpilinen)
PR 61874ESPE04: VSWR alarm(id=1838) reported after cell block added filt
ering of fault 1838 when 49 is active
PR 63171ESPE04: LTE85 - "Power level not supported" text is missing from
Configuration error alarm
Corrected FaultText field
PR 25325ESPE05: RF fault is not handled correctly when other fault is al
ready active
Customer_alarms_start rule corrected
PR25327ESPE05: Corrected fault 300 handling in Customer_alarms_start (FC
M, site reset)
f_lt_22#0.94 / 10.06.2010 / Lukasz Gemborowski
PR 62391ESPE04: TX failure in MIMO alarm(id 4003) is not handled after T
X failure
PR 63292ESPE04: Alarm from removed RF unit is not cancelled
FanFailure_Start and Cancel corrected to handle FAN3 & FANGROUP and unco

mmissioned FR modules.
f_lt_22#0.93 / 09.06.2010 / W1 (Tomasz Antczak, Maciej Tokarz, Lukasz Pa
PR NA04701543: Changed handling of fault 10 for ext ALD (added steps 33,
PR 62807ESPE04: Filtering time need to be adde to 4057: EfaultId_RfSwitc
hedOffAl failure
Added filtering time 3 min 10 sec for 4057 (timeout for 1837 + 10 sec)
FBIA Hot Remove and EFaultId_ConnectionToUnitLostAl (4052) - added Shutd
ownFSP as recovery action
in NoConnectionToUnit_start rule (step 76)
PR 39453ESPE03: Fault EFaultId_NtpTimeNotSetAl (26) was not raised up
f_lt_22#0.92 / 08.06.2010 / Przemyslaw Wydra
PR 63227ESPE04: LTE 654-c: O&M does not reconize 6262 EFaultId_InvalidVe
ndorSpecificFile alarm
Fault 6262 handling added.
f_lt_22#0.91 / 07.06.2010 / Lukasz Gemborowski
PR 60891ESPE04: DirectAlarm_Cancel changed handling of 1833 cancel.
f_lt_22#0.90 / 06.06.2010 / Tomasz Antczak
PR 63171ESPE04: LTE85 - "Power level not supported" text is missing from
Configuration error alarm
Changed rule working - added setting faulttext for fault 4008.
f_lt_22#0.89 / 04.06.2010 / Przemyslaw Wydra
PR 62171ESPE04: eNB reco reset is not done in case (4019) KeepAlivePolli
ngError for FCM MCU
FSM (extension module) reset when the extension module's FCM is faulty f
or fault 4019 added.
f_lt_22#0.88 / 02.06.2010 / Przemyslaw Wydra
PR 62802ESPE04: FRIE: Fault name missing for alarm id=1928 in SiteManage
Alarm text for fault 1928 added.
f_lt_22#0.87 / 02.06.2010 / Tomasz Antczak
63064ESPE04, 63077ESPE04, 60132ESPE04, 63066ESPE04
- corrected Customer_alarms_start step 95
NA04701543 MHA and RET alarm timing issue
- added checking if reset is triggered before timeout for external ALD f
or fault 10
68795ESPE02 (6200) EFaultId_SctpPathAl alarm
- removed handling of 6200 fault
f_lt_22#0.86 / 02.06.2010 / Piotr Adaszynski
PR 17454ESPE06 changed EAC alarms numbers for MEDUSA, additional lines a
f_lt_22#0.85 / 02.06.2010 / Maciej Tokarz
PR 62328ESPE04: FRIE: Alarm id=94 UnknownUnitType is not handled in prop
er way by BTS:
-Chenged true step in 4; IsMemberInt from 23 to 21
f_lt_22#0.84 / 01.06.2010 / Lukasz Gemborowski
PR 60685ESPE04: aidditional checking of MHA type in OverCurrent_Start

f_lt_22#0.83 / 01.06.2010 / Przemyslaw Wydra

PR 61914ESPE04: RL10_FM: transient alarms are sent to OMS, OMS rejecting
them with 'Unexpected transient alarm'
Faults 6309 (does not exist) and 6310 (R&D fault) removed from fdrules.
f_lt_22#0.82 / 31.05.2010 / Lukasz Pabis
PR 62660ESPE04: SIMO: unknown alarm (EFaultId=218) appears
Added fault text for 3003 group fault
f_lt_22#0.81 / 27.05.2010 / Przemyslaw Wydra
PR 40003ESPE03: Active Fault (1930) disappeared after BTS reset
Filtering time for fault 1930 added.
f_lt_22#0.80 / 27.05.2010 / Lauri Moilanen
PR 39426ESPE03: Fault 52 caused by 4015 does not make FSP faulty state d
ue to recovery reset counter
- If second reset comes in one hour, FSP status is set to FAULTY.
f_lt_22#0.79 / 27.05.2010 / Maciej Tokarz
PR 62328ESPE04: FRIE: Alarm id=94 UnknownUnitType is not handled in prop
er way by BTS:
-avoid checking for activity of fault 94 for itself
f_lt_22#0.78 / 26.05.2010 / Lukasz Pabis
PR 62698ESPE04: Wrong alarm name MAIN (4057):
Added fault text: Radio Module Switched Off
f_lt_22#0.77 / 19.05.2010 / Lukasz Gemborowski
PR 38088ESPE03:
- setting attribute exist to false and swstate to lost in case of 4011 C
ontrol Interface not available
- 4011 mapped to DirectSend rule to avoid removing this fault in UpdateF
f_lt_22#0.76 / 15.05.2010 / Lukasz Pabis
RAN2204 - added new handling for FSP faults with pluginunit attribute se
t in DB (diffrent @GroupId)
f_lt_22#0.75 / 15.05.2010 / Tomasz Antczak
PR 62032ESPE04: Alarm "Configuration error:.." is not reported for EFaul
PR 25076ESPE05: Wrong severity is reported when there is fault (95)_Unit
not supported for FRIE
Fault 4008 added to other rule, and for fault 95 added mapping of LTX to
f_lt_22#0.74 / 14.05.2010 / Przemyslaw Wydra
PR 60585ESPE04: MIMO: "16 HDSPA users per cell" should not be available
in comissioning with EP1 BTS SW when rel2 BTS HW in use
Fault 138 handling added.
f_lt_22#0.73 / 13.05.2010 / Jacek Mioduski
Moving CN4243 to flexi inc 19 mp1.
f_lt_22#0.72 / 11.05.2010 / Lukasz Gemborowski
58418ESPE04 correction, 4057 fault handling. Fault 1837 handling changed
to send alarm unconditionaly when 4057 is active.
f_lt_22#0.71 / 13.05.2010 / Przemyslaw Wydra

PR 61871ESPE04: S1 interface unavailable(id=6316) sent to manager (addit

ional R&D alarm)
Faults 6316, 6318, 6319 removed from fdrules, they are R&D faults.
f_lt_22#0.70 / 11.05.2010 / Lukasz Pabis
PR 61238ESPE04: Alarma 1869 is not cleared correctly by Site Manager
Change in Customer_alarms_cancel
f_lt_22#0.69 / 11.05.2010 / Kalle Ahokas
PR 59279ESPE0: START_DELAY: 6 minutes filtering time for fault 4000 only
for runtime; generic_direct_delay: added lines 17 and 18 and changed line
15. That way we are able to avoid temporary alarms caused by hw resource blockin
g / unblocking procudures
f_lt_22#0.68 / 10.05.2010 / Przemyslaw Wydra
PR 61791ESPE04: 4043 alarm is not handled
Fault 4043 handling added.
f_lt_22#0.67 / 07.05.2010 / Roman Bryling
PR 60682ESPE04: RF module LED in SEM orange after shortt alarm 1836 in S
M (filtering time)
OverCurrent_Start rule changed, also delay for 1836 decreased from 30s to 10
f_lt_22#0.66 / 06.05.2010 / Lukasz Pabis
PR 61518ESPE04: Alarm 1930 FRLossOfSecondaryOptIf not handled by O&M
Added fault 1930 handling
f_lt_22#0.65 / 06.05.2010 / Przemyslaw Wydra
PR 60925ESPE04: Active VSWR alarms cleared after VSWR tuning procedure.
Recovery action for faults: 1837 and 1838 removed.
f_lt_22#0.64 / 04.05.2010 / Lukasz Pabis
PR 59717ESPE04: Changes in Customer_alarms_start:
If all FSP`s on extension module are faulty alarm says that FSM is reset
ed (partial correction).
f_lt_22#0.63 / 29.04.2010 / Roman Bryling
Changed rule antenna_faults because of wrong step
f_lt_22#0.62 / 27.04.2010 / Przemyslaw Wydra
PR 61178ESPE04: In BTSlog fault Id is present but no name.
Fault text for faults: 6317 and 6318 added.
f_lt_22#0.61 / 27.04.2010 / Marko Huusko
PR7006ESPE06: handling for fault 1928 added
f_lt_22#0.60 / 25.04.2010 / Ulla-Riitta Kemppainen
PR 60056ESPE04 merge. OverCurrent_Start: added RET faulty state
f_lt_22#0.59 / 23.04.2010 / Jacek Mioduski
CN 4243: bug fixed
f_lt_22#0.58 / 23.04.2010 / Lukasz Gemborowski
PR 60639ESPE04: UnitResetAl_Start step 44 - subunit changed to subunits
f_lt_22#0.57 / 23.04.2010 / Maciej Tokarz
PR 61014ESPE04: Corrected handling of faults 1907 and 1806 (correct grou

ps mapped)
f_lt_22#0.56 / 22.04.2010 / Jacek Mioduski
PR 48017ESPE01: GPS Receiver alarm: Almanac status (4011)
- Bug fix - wrong step-rule
f_lt_22#0.55 / 20.04.2010 / Piotr Adaszyski
PR 59446ESPE04 filtering time for fault 1858 added
f_lt_22#0.54 / 19.04.2010 / Tomasz Antczak
Removed changes related to PR 65766ESPE02
f_lt_22#0.53 / 19.04.2010 / Jacek Mioduski
CN 4243: bug fixed
f_lt_22#0.52 / 19.04.2010 / Przemyslaw Wydra
PR 47886ESPE01: Alarm 133 is not reported by Site Manager
Needless recovery action for fault 134 and fault 134 removed.
f_lt_22#0.51 / 17.04.2010 / Przemyslaw Wydra
PR 60659ESPE04: Unspecified alarm (6316) is active during cell block
Fault text for fault 6316 added.
f_lt_22#0.50 / 17.04.2010 / Tomasz Antczak
PR 65766ESPE02: Recovery action not conducted after fault 2005 EFaultId_
OIC_SyncChAl sent to the system bus
added FR or extension reset in case of fault 2005
corrected Customer_alarms_cancel for hot insert FR scenario - step 50
f_lt_22#0.49 / 13.04.2010 / Jacek Mioduski
CN 4243: added handling for fault 1941
f_lt_22#0.48 / 12.04.2010 / Tomasz Antczak
58883ESPE04: Incompatible SW alarm (EFaultId_IncompatibleSwVersionAl) fo
r filter is not handled correctly
Added additional timeout for FF to aviod additional alarms
46500ESPE01: Flexi Rel2 with ESM exceeds reset time limit in Block/Unblo
ck test
Corrected rule CustomerAlarm_Cancel, EACStart, DirectAlarm_start
59386ESPE04: fault 88: filtering time changed from 6min to 3min
f_lt_22#0.47 / 09.04.2010 / Lukasz Gemborowski
- PR 38119ESPE03: Flexi BTS, RF module fan alarm is reported wrong sever
ity if both fans are broken
Alarm changed from 7652 to 7651 for FR FANGROUP
f_lt_22#0.46 / 09.04.2010 / Marko Huusko
NA04688750: DirectAlarm_Cancel modified to send cancel alarm for faults
133 and 134 correctly
f_lt_22#0.45 / 01.04.2010 / Lukasz Pabis
added handling for fault 142
f_lt_22#0.44 / 30.03.2010 / Przemyslaw Wydra
PR 60079ESPE04: EFaultId_PowerLevelNotSupportedAl(4008) is not generated
when power level defined in the RNW file is not supported by the HW
Fault 4008 handling added.
f_lt_22#0.43 / 23.03.2010 / Przemyslaw Wydra

PR 59388ESPE04: fault 3511(no conncetion to FTM) is mapped to minor alar

m 7652 (Base station notification) instead of 7650 (Base station faulty)
Setting severity as working removed for fault 95.
f_lt_22#0.42 / 22.03.2010 / Lukasz Pabis
CN4230: Removed IsStartUp for 1922 fault cancel.
Added alarm text.
f_lt_22#0.41 / 22.03.2010 / Lukasz Pabis
PR 56948ESPE04, PR 56924ESPE04
Depending on fault 4056 severity appropriate alarm is sent.
f_lt_22#0.40 / 18.03.2010 / Lukasz Pabis
CN3993: Added fault 6450 handling
f_lt_22#0.39 / 09.03.2010 / Przemyslaw Wydra
PR 58324ESPE04: 1806-alarm (0xE1) is not reported
f_lt_22#0.38 / 09.03.2010 / Lukasz Pabis
CN4230: Added fault 1922 handling.
f_lt_22#0.37 / 08.03.2010 / Jacek Mioduski
-PR 46236ESPE01: Fan alarm filtering method, serverity of alarms was cha
f_lt_22#0.36 / 05.03.2010 / Jacek Mioduski
PR 36572ESPE03: GPS receiver alarm: Almanac status (4011) should not be
shown on SEM
- Added checking if fault (4011) has fault text Almanac status and endin
g rule if it is true
f_lt_22#0.35 / 03.03.2010 / Lukasz Gemborowski
Pronto fixes:
- PR 63164ESPE02
- PR 58483ESPE04
- PR 58536ESPE04
- PR 58570ESPE04
- PR 58147ESPE04
- PR 62979ESPE02
- PR 56621ESPE04
f_lt_22#0.34 / 27.02.2010 / Maciej Tokarz
Fixed bugs from versions 32-33
f_lt_22#0.33 / 27.02.2010 / Maciej Tokarz
-PR 54625ESPE04
-PR 55493ESPE04
-PR 56191ESPE04
-PR 56262ESPE04
-Rule RemoveActiveFault moved before WaitTimeout (300000) to prevent fro
m not removing faults during reset when Cancel message comes too early
in UnitResetAl_Start rule
f_lt_22#0.32 / 27.02.2010 / Maciej Tokarz
- Added handling of fault 4056 in LicenceMissingAl_Start rule
f_lt_22#0.31 / 23.02.2010 / Stefan Guzik
PR 58010ESPE04: Cells are in disabled state after start-up (RFM reset du
ring start-up)

- NoConnectionToUnit_start rule fixed (switch position 81<->83)

f_lt_22#0.30 / 22.02.2010 / Roman Bryling
PR 56753ESPE04: Alarm 1836 on chained RET AL not always cleared
- NoConnectionToUnit_start rule fixed
- UnitResetAl_Start rule fixed
f_lt_22#0.29 / 18.02.2010 / Elvi Seppnen
- Added PR 56650ESPE04, FSP reset recovery to SRIO alarm 4015 in RULE Cu
f_lt_22#0.28 / 11.02.2010 / Piotr Adaszynski
- Fan Failure: added handling of ext modules
f_lt_22#0.27 / 10.02.2010 / Przemyslaw Wydra
PR 45530ESPE01: "licence missing" alarm for 306,307,649 not appear when
the SNTP time back to valid during trial period
- fault source from 0x10 to 0xAD changed for fault 1885
f_lt_22#0.26 / 09.02.2010 / Piotr Adaszynski
- FanFailure cancel fixed
f_lt_22#0.25 / 09.02.2010 / Tuija Jrvel
Added new fault 4044 EFaultId_IncoherencyCellConfigurationAl handling.
f_lt_22#0.24 / 08.02.2010 / Lukasz Gemborowski
PR 36567ESPE03: SendDirectAlarm for this fault with -1 and added to "-1"
section of SEVERITY
PR 36860ESPE03: simillar to PR 36567ESPE03, fault added to "-1" section
CN3989: handling of faults: 6316 - 6319 added
f_lt_22#0.23 / 02.02.2010 / Maciej Tokarz
Added faults 1836 and 4045 to InformAntLineStatus recovery Action
f_lt_22#0.22 / 28.01.2010 / Przemyslaw Wydra
Added 4003 alarm handling.
f_lt_22#0.20 / 28.01.2010 / Piotr Adaszynski
- PR 61924ESPE02: Flexi BTS resets after hot removal of RF module
filtering time for fault 2018 increased to 45s.
f_lt_22#0.19 / 27.01.2010 / Marko Huusko
- Bug fixed in Customer_Alarms_start. Step 133 removed as obsolete.
f_lt_22#0.17 / 26.01.2010 / Tuija Jrvel
Added new fault 4025 (EFaultId_MtuConfigurationFailureAl) handling
f_lt_22#0.15 / 25.01.2010 / Maciej Tokarz
Added recovery actions for faults: 1837, 1838
f_lt_22#0.14 / 25.01.2010 / Konrad Cwiakala
PR 60903ESPE02: No alarm for incommissioned BTS after successfull Autoco
- added handling of fault 4030 (EFaultId_NoCommDataAl)
f_lt_22#0.13 / 22.01.2010 / Tomasz Antczak
- InformAntLineStatus recovery action moved
f_lt_22#0.12 / 19.01.2010 / Lukasz Gemborowski

PR 35911ESPE03: Extensio module crashed under heavy load

- the timeout FD keeps before it checks amount of alarming faradays incr
f_lt_22#0.11 / 14.01.2010 / Lukasz Gemborowski
PR 57086ESPE04: 425 cancel mapped to Customers_alarms_cancel
f_lt_22#0.10 / 13.01.2010 / Marko Huusko
PR55808ESPE04: Bug in Customer_Alarms_start fixed
f_lt_22#0.9 / 11.01.2010 / Piotr Adaszynski, Tomasz Antczak, Maciej Toka
Added recovery actions for faults: 1869, 1870, 30, 1848, 1872, 1873, 187
4, 133, 134, 1834, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847
f_lt_22#0.8 / 07.01.2010 / Roman Bryling
PR 56804ESPE04 OverCurrent_Start Added WriteDBObject for TILT for MHA AISG1.
f_lt_22#0.7 / 06.01.2010 / Maciej Tokarz, Lukasz Gemborowski
New faults: 4038, 4039, 4041, 4045, 4046, 4047, 4048
Fixed line (38; SendDirectAlarm (-1; DEGRADED; CANCEL; 40468; @GroupId;
-1; -1; ""; -1; 1917) 61; -1) by changing 4046 to 40468
in fddc's RULE FanFailure_Start
f_lt_22#0.6 / 04.01.2010 / Piotr Adaszynski
PR 14047ESPE07: CN3891: EAC lines 15 - 25 are not handled correctly
Handling of 1414 to 1423 added.
f_lt_22#0.5 / 31.12.2009 / Marko Huusko
55844ESPE04: OseFatalError_Start fixed to show correct fault id when GPI
O recovery is performed
f_lt_22#0.4 / 27.12.2009 / Maciej Tokarz
PR 54669ESPE04: 'RF Module failure' alarm is reported after unblocking E
SM, final correction
-filtering fault 1907 when ESM is in blocked stat
f_lt_22#0.3 / 22.12.2009 / Tomasz Antczak
merged also version 0.2
PR 14047ESPE07: CN3891: EAC lines 15 - 25 are not handled correctly
Changed 1412 and 1413 to 1424 amd 1425.
f_lt_22#0.1 / 14.12.2009 / Pekka Seppnen
CN3829 changes added
If telecom master is in extensions module, BTS reset is needed
Changes to rules NoConnectionToUnit_start, Customer_alarms_start, Baseba
ndBusConfFailed_Start, OseFatalError_Start, ResetResource_Start
f_lt_19#0.43 / 22.12.2009 / Lukasz Gemborowski
PR 56212ESPE04: Correcting step 70 (all FSP faulty) for RBus error rule
f_lt_19#0.42 / 17.12.2009 / Maciej Tokarz
PR 54669ESPE04: 'RF Module failure' alarm is reported after unblocking E
SM, additional correction
f_lt_19#0.41 / 17.12.2009 / Maciej Tokarz
PR 54669ESPE04: 'RF Module failure' alarm is reported after unblocking E

f_lt_19#0.40 / 17.12.2009 / Roman Bryling

PR 54737ESPE04 OverCurrent_Start Added WriteDBObject for TILT
f_lt_19#0.39 / 17.12.2009 / Hannu Lantto
PR 56237espe04: 4036 mapped to 3060
f_lt_19#0.38 / 15.12.2009 / Maciej Tokarz
PR 58223ESPE02: Codec memory dumps missing from snapshot
-added new Recovery Action in case of Faraday as a fault source (additio
nal steps 134 and 135 in fddc OseFatalError_Star rule)
f_lt_19#0.37 / 15.12.2009 / Tomasz Antczak
- removed na04595178 and NA04585902: Added BTSReset as recovery action f
or fault 1893
f_lt_19#0.36 / 10.12.2009 / Ulla-Riitta Kemppainen
PR 55040ESPE04: "Failure in optical RP3 interface"-alarm (id 2011) sent
after ESM hot remove (Rel2+Rel2)
- Giving 2011 40 sek timeout also in runtime
f_lt_19#0.35 / 03.12.2009 / Tomasz Antczak
PR 55775ESPE04: BTS time not corrected alarm (id=26) after Site Reset
Increased filtering time for fault 26 to 20 min
f_lt_19#0.34 / 01.12.2009 / Piotr Adaszynski
PR 52308ESPE04: timeout increased for antena line devices during handlin
g (10) fault, timeout added during external ALDs handling
f_lt_19#0.33 / 01.12.2009 / Mikko Salonen
PR 55040ESPE04: "Failure in optical RP3 interface"-alarm (id 2011) sent
after ESM hot remove (Rel2+Rel2)
- Giving 2011 30 sek timeout also in runtime
f_lt_19#0.32 / 28.11.2009 / Marko Huusko
- Bug corrected in DirectAlarm_Cancel, Step 50. Jump to non-existent li
ne 60 from false step changed to 100
f_lt_19#0.31 / 27.11.2009 / Roman Bryling, Maciej Tokarz
- PR 58195ESPE02 added handling for faults 6150,6200,6201,6300,6302,6303
- PR 55717ESPE04 fddc RULE NoConnectionToUnit_start changed from:(107;
ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; SiteReset; "") -2; -2) to: (107; ExecuteRecoveryActio
n (-1; SiteReset; "") -2; 189)
- PR 55669ESPE04 fault 2020 removed from fdpp mapping
f_lt_19#0.30 / 26.11.2009 / Maciej Tokarz
-PR 55669ESPE04: fault 2020 removed from FDU <GROUP_ID> "3020"
f_lt_19#0.29 / 25.11.2009 / Tomasz Antczak
-PR 55630ESPE04: Fix for the bug which appeared in f_lt_19#0.26 because
of unit state update has been moved to the last step
f_lt_19#0.28 / 25.11.2009 / Tomasz Antczak
-na04595178 and NA04585902: Added BTSReset as recovery action for fault
f_lt_19#0.27 / 20.11.2009 / Marko Huusko
RAN885: fault 1802, 1803, 4036: severity is not set

f_lt_19#0.26 / 20.11.2009 / Marko Huusko

- PR33737ESPE03,PR33829ESPE03: Unit state updating is done as last step in U
f_lt_19#0.25 / 13.11.2009 / Przemyslaw Wydra
- PR 53703ESPE04: Start delay for faults 2018 and 2019 increased from 30 s t
o 40 s
f_lt_19#0.24 / 09.11.2009 / Matias Ruokamo
PR 53639ESPE04: "Failure in optical RP3 interface"-alarm (id 10) not sent if
ESM disappears during recovery reset.
-Added 5 minute timer to UnitResetAl_Start rule to wait ESM startup.
f_lt_19#0.23 / 09.11.2009 / Tomasz Antczak
- PR 38556ESPE01: Added handling of fault 4040
f_lt_19#0.22 / 05.11.2009 / Pentti Rimpilinen
- CN3920: Modified OseFatalError_Start
f_lt_19#0.21 / 4.11.2009 / Tomasz Antczak
PR 54366ESPE04: No Connection to Unit (10) -alarm is not reported for FRGF (
- added the ID 0xE3 to handling of fault 10
f_lt_19#0.20 / 2.11.2009 / Antti Kemppainen
PR 53995ESPE04 GPIO reset is skipped for 476 fault
f_lt_19#0.19 / 30.10.2009 / Arttu
PR 11909ESPE06 BTS SEM connection is not established when the unit is recove
PR 56046ESPE02 RAN1298 Automatic reconnection to the BTS site failed after F
TM recover
PR 57503ESPE02 RAN1298: No connection to Flexi transport submodule after FTM
- Removed recovery action EnableDirectBTSManagerConnection (FTM reset)
f_lt_19#0.18 / 28.10.2009 / Marko Huusko
- PR54136ESPE04: When reporting an alarm from FDDC, fault id is read from fa
ult counter only in case of FSP's GPIO recovery. In case of any other fault,
original ID from fault indication is used instead.Customer_alarms_start, C
ustomer_alarms_cancel, NoConnectionToUnit_start, BasebandBusConfFailed_Start and
modified accordingly.
f_lt_19#0.17 / 28.10.2009 / Hannu Lantto
- PR 53321espe01: FSP runtime logs requested only once
f_lt_19#0.16 / 27.10.2009 / Tomasz Antczak
- PR 13120ESPE07: fault 2047 and 2014 masked during startup on slave unit (F
DPP part)
f_lt_19#0.15 / 23.10.2009 / Roman Bryling
- 51758ESPE04 In rule Customer_alarms_start removed step 205 renumeration do
f_lt_19#0.14 / 17.10.2009 / Santtu Malinen
- 54011ESPE04: Added handling for fault EFaultId_FailureInLicenceActivationA
l (id=4037)
f_lt_19#0.13 / 17.10.2009 / Marko Huusko

-52706ESPE04: DYN_GPIOReset attribute is set to true for faulty unit when st

arting GPIO recovery. Fault 418 handling modified accordingly,
Fault ID is fetched from fault counter only if 418 is generate
d due to GPIO recovery. RbusAlarm_start, BasebandBusConfFailed_Start and ResetRe
also changed to not fetch fault ID from fault counter.
f_lt_19#0.12 / 12.10.2009 / Roman Bryling
- 51758ESPE04: dynamic attribute AutoconnNeed in BS object set to true when
fault 94
f_lt_19#0.11 / 06.10.2009 / Tomasz Antczak
- 33140ESPE03: recovery action EnableDirectBTSManagerConnection and directal
arm sending added for fault 94
f_lt_19#0.10 / 06.10.2009 / Ulla-Riitta Kemppainen
- 52340ESPE04: cancel rule removed from fault 1929
f_lt_19#0.9 / 06.10.2009 / Marko Huusko
- 52311ESPE04,52309ESPE04. NoConnectionToUnit_cancel handling is delayed 10
seconds if 4001 is active in FR
f_lt_19#0.8 /05.10.2009 / Pentti Rimpilinen
- CN3920: lte - fsp reset is done also to faraday chip, fixed BasebandBusCon
fFailed_Start, OseFatalError_Start and Customer_alarms_start -rules
f_lt_19#0.7 / 02.10.2009 / Roman Bryling
-PR 55490ESPE02: site reset is done even in not comissioned state for fault
10 for FTM
f_lt_19#0.6 / 22.09.2009 / Hannu Lantto
- PR NA04477835: 135 is RnD fault
f_lt_19#0.5 /18.09.2009 / Ulla-Riitta Kemppainen
- PR 52231ESPE04: external MHA state is changed working->faulty
f_lt_19#0.4 /16.09.2009 / Hannu Lantto
- GPIO recovery timer corrected
f_lt_19#0.3 /16.09.2009 / Ulla-Riitta Kemppainen
- PR 41394ESPE01: NoConnectionToUnit: if fault source is FT, do not check 23
fault acitivity
f_lt_19#0.2 /14.09.2009 / Ulla-Riitta Kemppainen
- PR 52355ESPE04: fault 133: severity changed to degraded
f_lt_19#0.1 / 10.09.2009 / Hannu Lantto
- PR 51866ESPE04: -2 is used as original fault id when sending unit reset al
f_lt_12#0.50 / 09.09.2009 / Ulla-Riitta Kemppainen
- PR 51998ESPE04, PR 32978ESPE03, PR 52004ESPE04
NoConnectionToUnit_start step 103 removed (WaitTimeout)
f_lt_12#0.49 / 01.09.2009 / Santtu Malinen
- PR 22992ESPE05: After sending raw alarm id 4023(EFaultId_FrParameterReadFa
iledAl),bts can't generate the related alarm
f_lt_12#0.48 / 27.08.2009 / Hannu Lantto
- PR NA04527179: OM fangroup fault doesn't cancel fan faults. faulty fangrou
p doesn't also block fan faults.

removed also rehandling of fault 0 when 1 cancels.

f_lt_12#0.47 / 13.08.2009 / Heikki Vyrynen
- PR 51633ESPE04: FRGC did not recovery reset even all cells were in faulty
state because of fault id=1806
f_lt_12#0.46 / 11.08.2009 / Marko Huusko
- Fixed step numbering for GPIO-recovery in BasebandBusConfFailed_Start-rule
f_lt_12#0.45 / 16.07.2009 / Saara Maatta
- PR NA04532099: Fault 10: If fault source is FF and all FFs of FR are fault
y: FR reset.
f_lt_12#0.44 / 08.07.2009 / Marko Huusko
- PR 50827ESPE04: GPIO recovery is now executed in case of Fault 1811
f_lt_12#0.43 / 02.07.2009 / Saara Maatta
- PR 51095ESPE04: fault 16 added
f_lt_12#0.42 / 02.07.2009 / Toni Kinkki
- RULE_OseFatalError: When MemoryDump is ongoing, alarm is sent.
f_lt_12#0.41 / 17.06.2009 / Saara Maatta
- PR 50825ESPE04: Fault 418: corrected dump handling and send alarm
f_lt_12#0.40 / 15.06.2009 / Saara Maatta
- PR 31462ESPE03, 52648ESPE02: fault 10: ignored if ClockGPS_InUse has value
f_lt_12#0.39 / 12.06.2009 / Saara Maatta
- fault 418: not send direct alarm
f_lt_12#0.38 / 12.06.2009 / Saara Maatta
- fault 418: corrected memoryDumpHandling
f_lt_12#0.36 / 08.06.2009 / Saara Maatta
- fault 4002 added
f_lt_12#0.35 / 05.06.2009 / Martti Kallio
- (PR 10416ESPE07:) fault 4019 handling added (again). FSP_Agent update seem
s to fix the pronto for Rel1 FSM.
f_lt_12#0.34 / 03.06.2009 / Toni Kinkki
PR11374ESPE06: NoConnectionToUnit: Checking of EmConnection added in case of
EnablingDirectBTSConnection + SiteReset recovery
is made if fault 10 is still active.
f_lt_12#0.33 / 26.05.2009 / Hannu Lantto
- PR 51796espe02: fault 4011: ignored if ClockGPS_InUse has value NotInUse
f_lt_12#0.32 / 13.05.2009 / Saara Maatta
- PR 50159ESPE04: fault 43: fault source FSP, do collect dsp dumps
- PR 50151ESPE04: fault 42: check before reset check is 10 active
f_lt_12#0.31 / 13.05.2009 / Toni Kinkki
-A bug fixed in 1809 fault handling which causes FDU to assert
f_lt_12#0.30 / 11.05.2009 / Toni Kinkki
CN3826 - Fault 10 and 95 EnableDirectBTSConnection recovery added

f_lt_12#0.29 / 05.05.2009 / Ulla-Riitta Kemppainen

- PR 47990ESPE04: NoConnectionToUnit_start: if unit is MHA, cell faulty and
fault 133 or 134 is not active, stop handling fault 10
f_lt_12#0.28 / 05.05.2009 / Martti Kallio
- PR 49493ESPE04: Configuration file parsing and checking alarms: Added
(copied) handling for 4035 (from 1895) and for 4036 (from 1897).
f_lt_12#0.27 / 27.04.2009 / Marko Kuusirati
- CN3812: fault 1809 removed from generic_direct_delay
f_lt_12#0.26 / 24.04.2009 / Martti Kallio
- (PR 10416ESPE07:) fault 4019 handling removed because the fault cancel
doesn't seem to be working correctly.
f_lt_12#0.25 / 21.04.2009 / Marko Kuusirati
- CN3812: fault 1809 handling
f_lt_12#0.24 / 21.04.2009 / Ulla-Riitta Kemppainen
- PR 48000ESPE03: Customer_alarms_start: 1906 is removed if any FSP reso
urce is found from same LCG
f_lt_12#0.23 / 16.04.2009 / Saara Maatta
- PR 1-345826202: fault 4034: handling added
f_lt_12#0.22 / 16.04.2009 / Marko Huusko
- PR 29963ESPE03: fault 1929: handling added
f_lt_12#0.21 / 15.04.2009 / Saara Maatta
- PR 6756D04: fault 10: first update exist false then check is 23 active
f_lt_12#0.20 / 15.04.2009 / Saara Maatta
- PR 49646ESPE04: fault 124: delay 10s
f_lt_12#0.19 / 07.04.2009 / Saara Maatta
- PR 47882ESPE04: fault 418: removed extra create log file
f_lt_12#0.18 / 02.04.2009 / Saara Maatta
- PR 47882ESPE04: corrected create file log handling, used FCM, FSP
f_lt_12#0.17 / 02.04.2009 / Martti Kallio
- PR 48866ESPE02: Modified rules SiteReset_Start and SiteReset_Cancel to
check FaultText if a site reset is done instead of BTS reset.
f_lt_12#0.16 / 31.03.2009 / Saara Maatta
- PR 49378ESPE04: fault 418: create OseFatalError_Start, create dumps al
though objcect state faulty
f_lt_12#0.15 / 30.03.2009 / Saara Maatta
- PR 29955ESPE03: fault 124: change to Customer
f_lt_12#0.14 / 28.03.2009 / Saara Maatta
- PR 49340ESPE04: fault 418 check status, added alarm text
f_lt_12#0.13 / 26.03.2009 / Martti Kallio
- PR 10416ESPE07: fault 4019 handling added back (removed in v0.7)
f_lt_12#0.12 / 24.03.2009 / Ulla-Riitta Kemppainen
- PR 30324ESPE03: MHAAlarms_start timeout increased before activefault c

f_lt_12#0.11 / 23.03.2009 / Antti Kemppainen
- PR 49235ESPE04: Corrected Generic_group_delay
f_lt_12#0.10 / 19.03.2009 / Martti Kallio
- PR 47957ESPE04: "AntLine to ""AntennaLine"
f_lt_12#0.9 / 17.03.2009 / Martti Kallio
- PR 47957ESPE04: "AntennaLine" replaced with "AntLine"
f_lt_12#0.8 / 16.03.2009 / Antti Kemppainen
- CN3756 changes: Removed fault 418 from 3000 group.
- fault 418 mapped to Customer_alarm_start and Customer_alarm_cancel
- Modified Customer_alarm_start: Added GPIO recoveryaction for faraday f
f_lt_12#0.7 / 12.03.2009 / Saara Maatta
- fault 4019 handling removed (remvoved 10416ESPE07)
f_lt_12#0.6 / 11.03.2009 / Saara Maatta
- PR 48983ESPE04: fault 41: start delay 10s
f_lt_12#0.5 / 03.03.2009 / Saara Maatta
- PR 48801ESPE04: fault 10: stop handling if alarm has already been sent
f_lt_12#0.4 / 27.02.2009 / Saara Maatta
- PR 29602ESPE03: fault 1836: read DcFeeding
f_lt_12#0.3 / 27.02.2009 / Saara Maatta
- PR 48793ESPE04: fault 1811: after shutdown send alarm, no BTS reset
f_lt_12#0.2 / 20.02.2009 / Saara Maatta
- PR 10416ESPE07: fault 4019 handling added
- PR 48111ESPE04: fault 135: send always 7655
- PR 45041ESPE04 and 47244ESPE04: fault 1836: FEG recalculation is reque
sted every affected MHA
- PR 47978ESPE04: customer alarms start for FSP faults: no reset allowed
, then shutdown FSP
- PR 32735espe01: readSwConfTable: by default flagName is converted to i
nt and it's value is checked
- PR 47054ESPE04: faults 42 and 43: start delay none
- PR 47272ESPE04: fault 1839: mapped LNAs to FF
- PR 47759ESPE04 and 47707ESPE04: fault 1836: fault source FF

- PR 47705ESPE04: fault 1860: delay added 1 min

- fault 130: corrected fault text
- PR 47652ESPE04: Neighbour faradays canceled with FSP
- PR 47272ESPE04: fault 1839: mapped to antenna alarms, and corrected se
nd alarm handling
- PR 46901ESPE04: fault 6 EFaultId_SwDownloadAl: recovery reset bug fixe
- PR 46186ESPE04: fault 1836: fault source FR_module
- PR 47306ESPE04: fault 4000: mapped to direct delay
- PR 47306ESPE04: fault 4000: delay 90s and mapped 3070
- PR 47141ESPE04 and 47118ESPE04: Do all unit reports check for neighbou
rs faraday
- fault 1896 handling added
- faults 1895 and 1897 handling added
- PR 47199ESPE04: corrected allowed 2 faraday reset during half hour
- PR 46125ESPE04: fault 4029 added
- PR 47131ESPE04, 47141ESPE04: fault 418: changed to customer
- PR 46844ESPE04: fault 23: check if same fault active FR
- PR 45878ESPE04: allowed 2 faraday reset during half hour
- PR 46639ESPE04: FSP MCU, TUP faraday and all 6 dsp faraday faulty -> s
et other faulty
- PR 46741ESPE04: fault 418: one dsp faraday not set FSP to resetting
- PR 46997ESPE04: customer alarm cancel: some faults not check is stored
- PR 28040ESPE03: fault 10: if 32 is active on same unit, keep 10min del
- PR 46887ESPE04: fault 1849 removed

- fault 4011 added
- corrected customer alarm cancel
- PR 46588ESPE04: customer alarm cancel: added is stored in FDCL
- remove set text from antenna_fault
- PR 45944ESPE04: log file name include fault source and unitSubIndex
- Remove extra faults from working severity mapping
- Mapped FF3 to TMA faults
- fault 1887: corrected severity mapping
- PR 46568ESPE04: fault 418: write unit state
- PR 45450espe02, 45992espe02:
- fault 1887: ANT set as sub unit. operating mode is checked and
if mode is current mode, only faulty unit is updated.
WMHC: both branches are set to faulty state.
- fault 1887 cancel: both MHAs set to working state
- PR 46234ESPE04: fault 48: added StoreDumpsToMaster to extension FSM
- PR 45878ESPE04: customer alarms not checked FSM status before FSM rese
- PR 43002ESPE04: StoreDumpsToMaste use subunit 1
- PR 45110ESPE02: 4004 added
- PR 44972ESPE02: Corrected step 37 in RULE Customer_alarms_cancel. CORE
_FR added to 3rd argument.
- fault 313 and 314 handling removed
- CN3688: 4015 added
- PR 45050espe04: fault 10 start: exist and SWState are updated even if
23 is active
- fault 10: FSP handling neighbours faraday chip
- faults 2009 and 2013 added
- fault 10: FSP exist updated

- PR 45566ESPE04: fault 476: If there is RP3 failure then FSP card must
be reset
- Faults 594 and 1806: warm reset
- PR 45031espe04: fault 133: severity changed to degraded. if all RXs of
cell are alarming, RXs are set to faulty state.
- PR 28139espe03: fault 1898 start: GPS reset added
- 1303 check removed from EAC handling
- PR 45749espe04: fault 32 start: FDU fault buffering started always on
faulty unit
- PR 28146espe03: fault 2052 handling corrected
- PR 44716espe04:
- fault 32 start: removal of self from FDM is removed
- fault 32 start: handling stopped if fault is already stored in
- fault 10 start: handling stopped if reset is requested
- Branches updated
<FD_SECTION OWNER="ruleloader" >
<!-- fault text for known faults. these should be given by the c
omponent who generates the fault,
but all components are not able to do that.
Note that text for licence faults can't be given here be
cause FDU doesn't know anything about licences -->
("Unit initialization failure"; 12; 13; 4040;)
("Commissioning parameter mismatch"; 87;)
("Missing NBAP Cell parameters, defaults are used"; 88;)
("SW does not support commissioning file"; 90;)
("Unknown product code"; 93;)
("Unknown HW resource"; 94;)
("Unit not supported by current BTS SW version"; 95;)
("Telecom configuration failure"; 109; 110; 111; 119;)
("Cell power parameter out of range"; 126;)
("Invalid frequency channel for the BTS HW"; 1807;)
("Incorrect carrier candidates"; 1808; 1864;)
("Transmission parameters missing"; 1825; 1826;)
("Antenna line device configuration failure"; 1848; 1888

("Incoherency in cell configuration"; 1856;)
("Incoherency with RF Modules"; 1857;)
("Faulty configuration of system modules"; 1858;)
("Waiting for RF connections"; 1859;)
("Not enough DSP resources per cell"; 1861;)
("Not enough HW for LCR"; 1868;)
("External Filter missing from LCR"; 1892;)
("RNW parameter mismatch"; 1896;)
("Invalid Configuration file"; 4036;)
("Incoherency In Cell Configuration"; 4044; 4000;)
("Power level not supported"; 4008;)
("FSP reset"; 4068;)
<!-- if delay is different in startup and in onair, the values a
re given in FDPP rules
give default value of 1min for fault 1815. -->
("1000"; 6150; 6200; 6201; 6202; 6203; 6204; 6303; 6304;
6308; 6317;)
("2000"; 1815;)
("2000"; 2030;)
("3000"; 1811; 4003;)
("5000"; 126; 1819; 2003;)
("10000"; 41; 94; 1836; 1955; 2000; 2001; 2004; 2007; 20
08; 2009; 4069; 6259;)
("20000"; 124;)
("30000"; 12; 13; 16; 109; 110; 111; 119; 138; 214; 215;
216; 217; 218; 594; 1818; 1820; 1821; 1822;
1847; 1875; 1876; 1839; 1869; 1870; 1903; 1904;
1905; 1908; 1911; 1912; 1921; 1926; 2006; 2017;
2020; 2010; 2044; 4045; 4046;)
("40000"; 2011; 2019; 2027;)
("45000"; 2018;)
("60000"; 2; 9; 125; 428; 1807; 1827; 1860; 1910; 2045;
4011; 4064;)
("90000"; 1844; 1906;)
("179000"; 1837;)
("180000"; 88; 103; 115; 116; 304; 414; 446; 1838; 2005;
("300000"; 142; 425; 2016; 1868;)
("360000"; 2002; 4000;)
("420000"; 1816; 1899;)
("480000"; 1817;)
("600000"; 133; 134;)
("900000"; 0; 1; 1850; 1858; 4068;)
("1200000"; 26;)
("1000"; 6150; 6200; 6201; 6202; 6203; 6204; 6303; 6304;
6308; 6317;)
("5000"; 2003;)
("30000"; 414; 446; 1869; 1870; 1930; 2016;)
("60000"; 133; 134; 425; 4011; 4064;)
("90000"; 1809;)
("300000"; 1899;)
("420000"; 1816;)
("900000"; 0; 1; 4068;)

<!-Set correct fault severity for every fault.

If severity is set correctly, you can use FaultSeverity variable
in FDDC rules instead of writing FAULTY, DEGRADED or WORKING
default severity is faulty - no need to map faults for that
-1 means that severity is the one that fault generator has set
- Don't set severity for EAC faults
- LTX faults severity is set by LTX rules
- also CLIC faults are already sent with correct severity
Those faults whose severity may vary depending on fault source a
re set in FDFC rules.
("working"; 2; 3; 4; 5; 9; 24; 25; 26; 27; 28; 50; 62; 7
2; 84;
114; 115; 116; 124; 130; 135; 141; 232; 301; 302; 317; 4
00; 401; 402; 404; 408; 409;
410; 411; 413; 416; 417; 419; 423; 426; 427; 432; 433; 4
34; 436; 437; 438;
439; 440; 441; 442; 443; 444; 445; 448; 449; 450; 460; 4
61; 1805; 1809;
1810; 1812; 1813; 1814; 1833; 1859; 1860; 1865; 1877;
1885; 1892; 1896; 1935; 1942; 2011; 2012; 2015; 2022; 20
23; 2029; 2037; 2038; 2039;
2040; 2041; 2043; 4003; 4023; 4034; 4037; 4041; 4044; 40
47; 4048; 6263; 6450; 6265;)
<!-In case of faults 12, 13 and 15 the severity was changed
to degraded.
See comment field for this faults in RISE.
("degraded"; 12; 13; 17; 18; 19; 29; 30; 37; 87; 88; 99;
126; 133; 134; 138; 214; 215; 216;
217; 218; 304; 307; 311; 312; 403; 405; 420; 422; 424; 4
1808; 1816; 1818; 1825; 1826; 1836; 1838; 1842; 1843; 18
44; 1845; 1846; 1847; 1848;
1850; 1858; 1861; 1864; 1869; 1875; 1876; 1882; 1888; 18
98; 1899; 1934; 1938; 2004; 2006; 2007; 2008; 2009;
2010; 2013; 2019; 2020; 2025; 2026; 2051; 2054; 4029; 40
38; 4039; 4045; 4046; 4069; 6200; 6253; 6261; 6264;)
("-1"; 0; 1; 1400; 1401; 1402; 1403; 1404; 1405; 1406; 1
407; 1408; 1409; 1410; 1411; 1412;
1413; 1414; 1415; 1416; 1417; 1418; 1419; 1420; 1421; 14
22; 1423; 1424; 1425; 1802; 1803; 1871; 1872; 1873; 1874; 1900; 1901;
1902; 1903; 1904; 1905; 1906; 1907; 1908; 1909; 1910; 19
11; 1912; 1913; 1914;
1915; 1916; 1917; 1918; 1919; 1920; 1921; 1922; 1923; 19
24; 1925; 1926; 1927;
1928; 1929; 1930; 1932; 1933; 1936; 1937; 1955; 1956; 23
02; 4000; 4001; 4011; 4030; 4036; 4040; 4056; 4057; 4071; 4076; 4082; 4083;
4084; 4085; 4088; 4090; 4091; 4099; 4102; 4110; 4113; 61
50; 6201; 6202; 6203; 6204; 6252; 6259; 6262; 6267; 6303; 6304; 6308; 6317;)

default object type is unit - no need to map faults for that.

object type for these faults is already set by sender:
LCG: 135
LCR: 115, 116, 126
("cell"; 38; 39; 49; 67; 71; 96; 1807; 1808; 1809; 1853;
1864; 1865; 1868; 1879; 1892; 4012; 4013; 4044; 4090; 6267;)
("bs"; 1827;)
<!-- those faults that belong to several groups depending on fau
lt source are mapped in FDFC rules.
If no group id is given, fault id will be used as group
id -->
("3000"; 16; 41; 42; 43; 69; 129; 225; 226; 227; 300; 30
4; 412; 414; 428; 446; 458; 594; 1817; 1819; 1820; 1821; 1822; 1875; 1876; 1882;
1891; 2003; 2027; 2030; 2035; 2036; 2044; 2045; 4010; 4019; 4025; 4068;)
("3010"; 103; 125; 1839; 1840; 1841; 1900; 1901; 1902; 1
907; 1908; 1909; 1910; 1911; 1912; 1918; 1920; 1921; 1923; 1924; 1925; 4041; 404
3; 6259;)
("3020"; 425; 1811; 1815; 1904; 1905; 1906; 2016; 2017;
2018; 2019; 2031; 2033; 4015;)
("3030"; 476; 1830; 1852; 1903; 1926; 2000; 2001; 2002;
2004; 2005; 2006; 2007; 2008; 2009; 2010; 2011; 2013; 2014; 2047; 2048; 2049; 20
50; 2051; 2052; 4039; 4064;)
("3040"; 2; 1827; 1913; 1927; 1936; 1937; 1938; 4071;)
("3050"; 0; 1; 1917; 1932; 1933; 1934; 1935;)
("3060"; 87; 88; 90; 1808; 1825; 1826; 1864; 1896; 4004;
4036; 4038; 6252;)
("3070"; 12; 13; 93; 94; 95; 109; 110; 111; 119; 126; 14
1; 1807; 1848; 1856; 1857; 1858; 1859; 1861; 1868; 1888; 1892; 4000; 4008; 4040;
("3080"; 1816; 1898; 1899;)
("3090"; 6; 28; 29; 30; 136; 214; 215; 216; 217; 218; 18
02; 1803; 1828; 1850; 1866; 1867; 4023; 4029; 4082; 4083; 4085; 6262;)
("3100"; 1847; 1871; 1872; 1873; 1874;)
("3120"; 1834; 1835; 1869; 1870;)
("3511"; 1829;)
<!-- Rules for FDU's FaultCollector ####################
Sub unit should be set as 0 if no sub units are defined
or not used for unit.
For some cases change faulty unit.
It's also possible to set severity if it depends on faul
ty unit.
(RULE working
(0; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FSP; FARADAY) -1
; -2)

(1; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 4008) -2; 3)

(2; SetFaultText ("Power level not supported") 2; -2)
(3; SetSubUnit (0) -1; -1)
<!-- fault 95 handling - if faulty unit is FT, set sever
ity as working -->
(RULE NotSupportedUnit
(0; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 225) 10; -2)
<!-- RAN1881 change - review needed -->
(1; MapObjectFDU(FR; LongFR; @FaultSource; Fault
yUnit) -1; -1)
(10; SetGroupId (3511) -1; -1)
<!-- set FF as detecting unit, MHA as faulty unit and AN
T as sub unit -->
(RULE MHA_faults
(0; IsMemberType(@FaultSource; ANT) 20; -2)
(1; MapObjectFDU(FF; FF; @FaultSource; Detecting
Unit) -2; -2)
(2; MapObjectFDU(FF; MHA; @FaultSource; FaultyUn
it; @FaultText) -2; -2)
(3; MapObjectFDU(MHA; ANT; @FaultSource; SubUnit
) -1; -1)
(20; MapObjectFDU(ANT; ANT; @FaultSource; SubUni
t) -2; -2)
(21; MapObjectFDU(ANT; FF; @FaultSource; Detecti
ngUnit) -2; -2)
(22; MapObjectFDU(ANT; MHA; @FaultSource; Faulty
Unit) -1; -1)
<!-- set FF as detecting unit, ANT as sub unit -->
(RULE TMA_faults
(0; MapObjectFDU(MHA; FF; @FaultSource; Detectin
gUnit) -2; -2)
(1; MapObjectFDU(MHA; ANT; @FaultSource; SubUnit) -1; -1)
<!-- set FF as detecting unit, MHA as sub unit and ANT as f
aulty unit.
ALMAG may give MHA as sub unit. then ANT id is deduced
from MHA id.
- set antenna id as fault text for vswr faults.
- set first fault text for vswr tuning fault. then unit
mapping is done like
with other vswr faults. finally antenna id is also set.
(RULE antenna_faults
(0; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1810) -2; 2)
(1; SetFaultText ("MAIN") -2; -2)
(2; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FF) -2; 11)
<!-- RAN1881 change - review needed -->
(4; MapObjectFDU(FF; FF; @FaultSource; Detecting
Unit) -2; -2)


IsMemberStr (@FaultText; MAIN) 9; -2)

IsMemberStr (@FaultText; DIV) 9; -2)
IsMemberInt (@UnitSubIndex; 0) 9; 10)
MapObjectFDU(FF; MHA; @FaultSource; SubUnit;

@FaultText) -2; -2)

(10; MapObjectFDU(MHA; ANT; @UnitSubIndex; Fault
yUnit) -1; -1)
(11; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1836; 4045) -2; -1)
(12; MapObjectFDU(AntennaLine; FF; @FaultSource;
DetectingUnit) -2; -2)
(13; MapObjectFDU(AntennaLine; MHA; @FaultSource
; SubUnit) -1; -1)

(RULE LNA_faults
(0; MapObjectFDU(FF; FF; @FaultSource; Detecting
Unit) -2; -2)
(1; MapObjectFDU(FF; MixedFF; @FaultSource; Faul
tyUnit; @FaultText) -1; -1)
<!-- set correct FAN as faulty unit depending on given u
nit id and current unit id -->
(RULE FAN_faults
(0; IsMemberInt (@UnitIndex; 16) -2; 20)
(6; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 201) -2; 8)
(7; SetFaultyUnit (4145) -1; -1)
(8; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 202) -2; 10)
(9; SetFaultyUnit (4146) -1; -1)
(10; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 1197) -2; -1)
(11; SetFaultyUnit (4144) -1; -1)

IsMemberInt (@UnitIndex; 32) -2; 40)

IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 201) -2; 23)
SetFaultyUnit (8241) -1; -1)
IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 202) -2; 25)
SetFaultyUnit (8242) -1; -1)
IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 1197) -2; -1)
SetFaultyUnit (8240) -1; -1)


IsMemberInt (@UnitIndex; 48) -2; -1)

IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 201) -2; 43)
SetFaultyUnit (12337) -1; -1)
IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 202) -2; 45)
SetFaultyUnit (12338) -1; -1)
IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 1197) -2; -1)
SetFaultyUnit (12336) -1; -1)

<!-- set various data for faults -->
(RULE ChangeSource
<!-- fault 10 FSP or Faraday: set sub unit as 0
(0; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 6150; 6201; 6202; 620
3; 6204; 6303; 6304; 6308; 6317) -2; 3)
(1; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FCM; FSP; FARADA

Y) -2; 3)
(2; SetFaultyUnit (0) -1; -1)
(3; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FSP; FARADAY) -2
; 5)
(4; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 10; 4052) -2; 9)
(5; SetSubUnit (0) -2; -2)
<!-- fault 10, 32, 48, 4070: set faulty unit as
FSM or FR -->
(9; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 10; 23; 30; 32; 48; 9
4; 1806; 1885; 1930; 4052; 4070; 6259) -2; 69)
(10; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 16) -2; 12)
(11; SetFaultyUnit (173) 69; 69)
(12; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 32) -2; 14)
(13; SetFaultyUnit (174) 69; 69)
(14; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 48) -2; 20)
(15; SetFaultyUnit (175) 69; 69)
(20; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 157) -2; 22) <!- CORE FR1_1_1 -->
(21; SetFaultyUnit (40192) 69; 69)
(22; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 158) -2; 24) <!- CORE FR1_2_1 -->
(23; SetFaultyUnit (40448) 69; 69)
(24; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 159) -2; 26) <!
-- CORE FR1_3_1 -->
(25; SetFaultyUnit (40704) 69; 69)
(26; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 188) -2; 28) <!
-- CORE FR1_4_1 -->
(27; SetFaultyUnit (48128) 69; 69)
(28; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 176) -2; 30) <!
-- CORE FR1_1_2 -->
(29; SetFaultyUnit (45056) 69; 69)
(30; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 177) -2; 32) <!
-- CORE FR1_1_3 -->
(31; SetFaultyUnit (45312) 69; 69)
(32; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 178) -2; 34) <!
-- CORE FR1_1_4 -->
(33; SetFaultyUnit (45568) 69; 69)
(34; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 179) -2; 36) <!
-- CORE FR1_2_2 -->
(35; SetFaultyUnit (45824) 69; 69)
(36; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 180) -2; 38) <!
-- CORE FR1_2_3 -->
(37; SetFaultyUnit (46080) 69; 69)
(38; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 181) -2; 40) <!
-- CORE FR1_2_4 -->
(39; SetFaultyUnit (46336) 69; 69)
(40; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 182) -2; 42) <!
-- CORE FR1_3_2 -->
(41; SetFaultyUnit (46592) 69; 69)
(42; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 183) -2; 44) <!
-- CORE FR1_3_3 -->
(43; SetFaultyUnit (46848) 69; 69)
(44; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 184) -2; 46) <!
-- CORE FR1_3_4 -->
(45; SetFaultyUnit (47104) 69; 69)
(46; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 189) -2; 48) <!
-- CORE FR1_4_2 -->

(47; SetFaultyUnit (48384) 69; 69)

(48; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 190) -2; 50) <!
-- CORE FR1_4_3 -->
(49; SetFaultyUnit (48640) 69; 69)
(50; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 191) -2; 52) <!
-- CORE FR1_4_4 -->
(51; SetFaultyUnit (48896) 69; 69)
(52; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 192) -2; 54) <!
-- CORE FR1_5_1 -->
(53; SetFaultyUnit (49152) 69; 69)
(54; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 193) -2; 56) <!
-- CORE FR1_5_2 -->
(55; SetFaultyUnit (49408) 69; 69)
(56; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 194) -2; 58) <!
-- CORE FR1_5_3 -->
(57; SetFaultyUnit (49664) 69; 69)
(58; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 195) -2; 69) <!
-- CORE FR1_5_4 -->
(59; SetFaultyUnit (49920) 69; 69)
<!-- set start and cancel delays -->
<!-- fault 10 and 30: FR cancel: 5s delay. other
s no delay. -->
(69; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 10; 30; 4052) -2; 73

IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FR) -2; 73)

IsCancelFDFC () -2; 150)
SetCancelDelay (3000) 150; 150)
fault 30: ALD start: 2min delay. others no

delay. -->
(73; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 30) -2; 77)
(74; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FF; EXTFF; TILT
; MHA) -2; 150)
(75; IsCancelFDFC () 150; -2)
(76; SetStartDelay (120000) 150; 150)
<!-- fault 1815: FSP start: 1min delay. others 1
s delay. -->

IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1815) -2; 150)

IsCancelFDFC () 150; -2)
IsMemberType (@UnitIndex; FSP) -2; 150)
SetStartDelay (60000) 150; 150)

<!-- set group id for 10 and 1806

set group id 3000 if faulty unit is unk
nown -->
(150; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 10; 1806; 4052) -2;
(151; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FCM; FSP; FARA
DAY) 153; -2)
(152; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 173) -2; 154)
(153; SetGroupId (3000) -1; -1)
(154; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; LTX; FR; FSM)
-2; 156)
(155; SetGroupId (3030) -1; -1)
(156; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FF; EXTFF; TIL
T; MHA) -2; 161)
(157; SetGroupId (3100) -1; -1)
(161; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 225) -2; 163)
(162; SetGroupId (3511) -1; -1)

(163; SetGroupId (3000) -1; -1)

<!-fault 1850 handling
- if sub unit in start is 0, set start delay to 0min. i
t's been set to 15min by default
- then set sub unit as 0 -->
(RULE SwUpdate
(0; IsMemberInt (@UnitSubIndex; 0) -2; 2)
(1; SetStartDelay (0) -2; -2)
(2; SetSubUnit (0) -1; -1)
<!-- no severity or sub unit setting for faults. at leas
t EACs are mapped to this rule. -->
(RULE noSeverityUpdate
(0; NoOperations () -1; -1)

<!-- severity rule mapping -->

(RULEMAP working SeverityRule
2 - 6 9 12 13 15 - 19 24 - 29 37 - 39 41 - 43 49
50 62 69 72 74 84 87 - 90 93 96 99
103 109 - 111 114 - 116 119 124 126 125 128 - 13
0 133 134 - 136 138 140 141 142 143 214 - 218 225 - 227 232 300 - 302 304 307 31
1 312
400 - 405 408 - 414 416 - 420 422 - 428 432 - 44
6 448 - 450 458 460 461 476 594
1802 1803 1805 1807 - 1809 1811 - 1814 1816 - 18
22 1825 - 1833 1840 - 1848 1852 1853 1855 - 1861 1864 - 1868
1871 - 1884 1886 1888 1891 1892 1895 1897 1898 1
907 1922 1928 1929 1930 1933 - 1938 1942 1955 1956
2000 - 2023 2025 - 2041 2043 - 2045 2047 - 2051
2052 2054 2302 4000 4001 4002 4003
4004 4008 4010 4011 4015 4019 4023 4025 4034 - 4
041 4043 4044 4047 - 4048 4056 4064 4071 4072 4075 4076 4084 4088 4090 4091 4099
4102 4110 4113 6150 6201 - 6204
6261 6262 6263 6450 6265 6267 6303 6304 6308 631
(RULEMAP MHA_faults SeverityRule 1834 1835)
(RULEMAP TMA_faults SeverityRule 1869 1870 1887)
(RULEMAP antenna_faults SeverityRule 1810 1836 1837 1838
4045 4046 4057 4069)
(RULEMAP LNA_faults SeverityRule 1839)
(RULEMAP FAN_faults SeverityRule 0 1)
(RULEMAP ChangeSource SeverityRule 10 23 30 32 48 94 180
6 1815 1885 1930 4052 4070 6150 6201 - 6204 6303 6304 6308 6317 6259)
(RULEMAP SwUpdate SeverityRule 1850)
(RULEMAP NotSupportedUnit SeverityRule 95)
(DEFAULT_RULE noSeverityUpdate SeverityRule)



<!-- Rules for FDU's PreProcessor ######################
All following xxx_delay rules work in the same way as de
scribed below
0: allow the fault to be updated during waiting period
0: If fault already exists, rule ends else proceed to ne
xt step
1: If fault is cancel, go to rulestep 4 else proceed to
next step
2: suspend rule handling for given time period expressed
in ms
3: check if alarm is still active after wait time has ex
3: If fault is not active rule ends else proceed to next
4: forward fault to FDM alarm handling and end the rule
<!-- *** Group alarm rules ***
Note: Cancel group fault is created only if there's no f
ault active with same severity -->
<!-No Connection To Unit fault handling: this fault belongs
to several groups: System Module failure,
Failure_in_optical_RP3_interface, Antenna Tilting failur
e or Mast Head Amplifier fault. If source is FT, the fault
is sent directly. Because of this own handling procedure
for the alarm is needed here.
50-52: 10: send forward, 30: create group fault -->
(RULE No_Connection_To_Unit
(0; UpdateFault () 55; -2)
(1; AddFaultCounter () -2; -2)
(40; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 10; 4052) -2; 50)
(41; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; FCM; CORE_FR; Op
tIF) -1; -2)
(42; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 10) -2; 50)
(43; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FR) -2; 50)
(47; WaitTimeout (@StartDelay) 50; 50)

IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 10; 4052) -2; 52)

SendForward () -1; -1)
CreateNewFault (@GroupId) -1; -1)
AddFaultCounter () -1; -1)

<!-- delay for Rbus error
0 Fault check in update fault is done with detecting uni
t level correlation with other faults:
3: 1815

4-5 if fault count in previous 1min was bigger than 5, s

end alarm
4-5 otherwise wait 3min before sending alarm
4-5 count of fault is for 'loop case' and 3min time for
'normal case'
2+6 1 minute delay for cancel -->
(RULE RbusError_delay
(0; UpdateFault (DetectingUnit) 8; -2)
(1; AddFaultCounter () -2; -2)
(2; IsCancel () 6; -2)
(3; IsActiveFaultFDU (1815; @FaultSource) -1; -2
(5; WaitTimeout (@StartDelay) 7; 7)
(6; WaitTimeout (@CancelDelay) -2; -2)
(7; SendForward () -1; -1)
(8; AddFaultCounter () -1; -1)
<!-- delay for fan faults
if fault severity is 'info' don't keep delay.
after delay (or no delay) create group fault using corre
ct severity -->
(RULE Fan_delay
(0; UpdateFault () 10; -2)
(1; AddFaultCounter () -2; -2)
(2; FDUCheckFaultSeverity (info) 7; -2)
(3; IsCancel () 5; -2)
(4; WaitTimeout (@StartDelay) 7; 7)
(5; WaitTimeout (@CancelDelay) -2; -2)
(7; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 0) -2; 9)
(8; CreateNewFault (@GroupId; -1; -1; -1; -1; de
graded) -1; -1)
(9; CreateNewFault (@GroupId; -1; -1; -1; -1; ou
t_of_order) -1; -1)
(10; AddFaultCounter () -1; -1)
<!-Note! in the following rules fault activity check with s
everity is not done if fault severity is working.
also RnD faults are of severity working and many of them
never cancel.
if this check is done, some customer faults may be left
group fault cancel is generated when there are no more a
ctive faults left in the group
group fault start is generated always. this is because i
f the first group fault has delay
and it's canceled during that delay, only cancel is sent
forward. if during that delay another
fault becomes active, it's filtered because the other, w
ith delay, has already been updated to counter.
this would result in a situation where no faults are sen
t forward although some are still active.
fault counter on the other hand can't be updated after t

he delay because then statistics wouldn't

have right information. -->
<!-cancel delays:
8: use delay given in FDU rules
start correlation:
20-21: 412, 448, 1820, 2047: 1819
22-23: 2036: 428
24-26: 2003: 1819, 1820
29-30: 2030: 2003
31-35: 1815: 2018, 2019, 2020
36-37: 2020: 2016
38-39: 2002: 2001
40-45: 2005: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 1815
46-48: 2014: 1821, 1819
49-50: 2011: 2005
53-54: 1859: 1868
start delays:
100-102: 5min: 1868 - not in startup
103-104: 2011: keep delay in startup
110: use delay given in FDU rules
200-202: create 3000 or send 69 for FT directly -->
(RULE generic_group_delay
(0; UpdateFault () 205; -2)
(1; IsCancel () -2; 7)
(2; AddFaultCounter () -2; -2)
(3; FDUCheckFaultSeverity (working) 8; -2)
(4; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1815; 1868) 8; -2)
(5; IsMemberInt (@GroupId; 3030) 8; -2)
(6; IsActiveFaultFDU (@GroupId; @FaultSource; @U
nitSubIndex; @FaultSeverity) -1; 8)
(7; AddFaultCounter () 20; 20)
(8; WaitTimeout (@CancelDelay) 200; 200)
(20; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 412; 428; 1820; 2047
) -2; 22)
(21; IsActiveFaultFDU (1819) -1; 70)
(22; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 2036) -2; 24)
(23; IsActiveFaultFDU (428; @FaultSource) -1; 70
(24; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 2003) -2; 29)
(25; IsActiveFaultFDU (1819; @FaultSource) -1; 2)
(26; IsActiveFaultFDU (1820; @FaultSource) -1; 7

IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 2030) -2; 31)

IsActiveFaultFDU (2003) -1; 70)
IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1815) -2; 36)
IsActiveFaultFDU (2018; @FaultSource) -1; -

(33; IsActiveFaultFDU (2019; @FaultSource) -1; 2)
(34; IsActiveFaultFDU (2020; @FaultSource) -1; 7

IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 2020) -2; 38)

IsActiveFaultFDU (2016) -1; 70)
IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 2002) -2; 70)
IsActiveFaultFDU (2001; @FaultSource) -1; 7

(40; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 2005) -2; 46)
(41; IsActiveFaultFDU (2000; @FaultSource) -1; 2)
(42; IsActiveFaultFDU (2001; @FaultSource) -1; 2)
(43; IsActiveFaultFDU (2002; @FaultSource) -1; 2)
(44; IsActiveFaultFDU (2003) -1; -2)
(45; IsActiveFaultFDU (1815; @FaultSource) -1; 7
(46; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 2014) -2; 49)
(47; IsActiveFaultFDU (1821; @FaultSource) -1; 2)
(48; IsActiveFaultFDU (1819; @FaultSource) -1; 7
(49; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 2011) -2; 53)
(50; IsActiveFaultFDU (2005; @FaultSource) -1; 7

IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1859) -2; 70)

IsActiveFaultFDU (1868) -1; -2)
IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1907) 204; -2)
IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1806) 204; -2)
IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1904; 1905) -2; 100)
IsMemberType (@FaultSource; RX) -2; 111)
WaitTimeout (2000) 111; 111)

(100; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1868) -2; 103)

(101; IsStartUp () 200; -2)
(103; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 2011) 110; 105)
(104; IsStartUp () 105; 200)
(105; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 2014; 2047) -2; 110)
(106; CheckMasterWAM (@FaultSource) 110; -2)
(107; IsStartUp () -1; -2)
(110; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 2000; 2001) 200; -2
(111; WaitTimeout (@StartDelay) 200; 200)

IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 418) 203; -2)

IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 69) -2; 204)
IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 225) -2; 204)
SendForward () -1; -1)
CreateNewFault (@GroupId) -1; -1)
AddFaultCounter () -1; -1)

<!-- *** Direct alarm rules: *** ) -->

<!-cancel delays:
5: use delay given in FDU rules
start correlation before delay:

15-16: 114: 19
start delays:
25: use delay given in FDU rules -->
(RULE generic_direct_delay
(0; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 6150; 3030) 2; -2)
(1; UpdateFault () 71; -2)
(2; AddFaultCounter () -2; -2)
(4; IsCancel () -2; 15)
(5; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1930) -2; 11)
(6; CreateNewFault (4075; CANCEL; 4113; -1; -1;
working) -2; -2)
(7; CreateNewFault (4075; CANCEL; 4114; -1; -1;
working) -2; -2)
(8; CreateNewFault (4075; CANCEL; 4115; -1; -1;
working) -2; -2)
(9; CreateNewFault (4075; CANCEL; 4116; -1; -1;
working) -2; -2)
(10; CreateNewFault (4075; CANCEL; 4117; -1; -1;
working) -2; -2)
(11; WaitTimeout (@CancelDelay) 48; 48)

IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 114) -2; 17)

IsActiveFaultFDU (19) -1; -2)
IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 4000) -2; 25)
IsStartUp () 70; 25)

(25; WaitTimeout (@StartDelay) 48; 48)

<!-- PR 58547ESPE01 need to corelate the 1930 fa
ult with faulty optIf, but
noramlly fault 1930 is reported for FR -->
(48; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1930) -2; 70)
(70; SendForward () -1; -1)
(71; AddFaultCounter () -1; -1)
<!-- Items changed due to PR 62183ESPE04: Alarm 1837 is not
cleared after changing threshold pronto - correlation with 1810 and
- 1837 fault cancel filtering removed
- severity change to working is not needed because FDDC
has to take of care of correct severity anyway.
- in cancel 1810 activity has to be checked before delay
- in start after the delay
cancel correlation:
3-5: 1837: ignore cancel if 1810 is not active
20: send without delay if 1810 is active
cancel delays:
5: use delay given in FDU rules
start delays:
21: use delay given in FDU rules

(RULE vswr_delay
(0; UpdateFault () 51; -2)
(1; AddFaultCounter () -2; -2)
(2; IsCancel () -2; 20)
(3; IsActiveFaultFDU (1810; @FaultSource) 5; -2)
(4; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 4057) -1; -2)
(5; WaitTimeout (@CancelDelay) 50; 50)
(20; IsActiveFaultFDU (1810; @FaultSource) 50; 2)
(21; WaitTimeout (@StartDelay) -2; -2)
(50; SendForward () -1; -1)
(51; AddFaultCounter () -1; -1)
<!-- rule for 1809
when cells are enabled (cancel) enable DlAntCarriers.
when disabled, disable DlAntCarriers.
if recovery action fails, print error. -->
(RULE CellActiveAl_delay
(0; UpdateFault () 51; -2)
(1; AddFaultCounter () -2; -2)
(2; IsCancel () -2; 25)
(4; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; EnableDlAntCarrie
rsState; ""; @FaultSource) -2; 6)
(5; WaitTimeout (@CancelDelay) 50; 50)
(6; RulesPrint ("Enabling of DL Antenna carriers
state failed [0x%X]"; @FaultSource) -1; -1)
(25; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; DisableDlAntCarr
iersState; ""; @FaultSource) -2; 27)
(26; WaitTimeout (@StartDelay) -2; -2)
(27; RulesPrint ("Disabling of DL Antenna carrie
rs state failed [0x%X]"; @FaultSource) -1; -1)
(50; SendForward () -1; -1)
(51; AddFaultCounter () -1; -1)
<!-1s delay for cancel of ResetAl
2: send to DB -->
(RULE ResetAl_1sDelay
(0; IsCancel () -2; 2)
(1; WaitTimeout (@CancelDelay) -2; -2)
(2; SendForward () -1; -1)
(RULE DirectSend
(0; AddFaultCounter () -2; -2)
(1; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 4011) -2; 5)
(2; IsCancel () -2; 5)
(3; IsMemberStr (@FaultText; "Control Interface
not available") -2; 5)
(4; CreateNewFault (32; CANCEL; @FaultSource; -1
; -1; working) -2; -2)
(5; SendForward () -1; -1)

<!-- DeleteFault rule deletes processed fault -->
(RULE DeleteFault (0; AddFaultCounter () -1; -1))

<!-- FDU's fault and rule mappings #####################

*** Group alarm rule mappings: ***
group faults are mapped to one rule, except R-bus error
and no connection -->
(RULEMAP generic_group_delay RuleCategory
2 6 12 13 16 28 29 41 - 43 69 87 88 90 93 - 94 1
03 109 - 111 119 125 126 129 136 141
214 - 218 225 - 227 300 304 412 414 428 446 458
476 594
1802 1803 1806 - 1808 1815 1817 1819 - 1822 1825
- 1830 1834 1835 1840 1841 1847 1848 1850
1852 1856 - 1859 1861 1864 1866 - 1868 1871 - 18
76 1882 1888 1891 1896
1900 - 1913 1917 1918 1920 1921 1923 - 1927 1932
1933 - 1938
2000 - 2011 2013 2014 2016 - 2019 2027 2030 2031
2033 2035 2036 2044 2045 2047 - 2051 2052
4004 4010 4015 4019 4023 4025 4029 4038 4039 404
0 4041 4043 4044 4064 4068 4071
4082 4083 4085 6252 6259 6262)
(RULEMAP RbusError_delay RuleCategory 425)
(RULEMAP Fan_delay RuleCategory 0 1)
(RULEMAP No_Connection_To_Unit RuleCategory 10 30 4052)
<!-- *** Direct alarm rule mappings: *** -->
(RULEMAP generic_direct_delay RuleCategory 9 17 - 19 24
26 27 37 - 39 74 89 95 96 114 - 116 124 128 130 133 134 138 140 142 143 317 418
1400 - 1425 1810 - 1812 1814 1816 1818 1836 1839
1842 - 1846 1860 1865 1869 1870 1877 1895 1897 - 1899 1922 1930 1955
3000 3010 3020 3030 3040 3050 3060 3070 3080 309
0 3100 3120 3511 4000 4003 4008 4011 4034 - 4037 4045 - 4048 4069 4075 4090 6150
6200 - 6204
6253 6264 6303 6304 6308 6317 6450)
(RULEMAP vswr_delay RuleCategory 1837 1838 4057)
(RULEMAP CellActiveAl_delay RuleCategory 1809)
(RULEMAP ResetAl_1sDelay RuleCategory 32)
(RULEMAP DirectSend RuleCategory 23 25 48 49 50 72 132 1
813 1833 1853 1855 1878 1879 1880 1883 1885 1887 1892 1928 1929 1942 1956 2054 4
001 4002
4012 4013 4030 4056 4070 4072 4076 4084 4088 409
1 4099 4102 4110 4113 6261 6263 6267 6300 6302 6306 - 6307 6265)
(DEFAULT_RULE DeleteFault RuleCategory)

<!-- Rules for by FD's diagnostic controller ###########

Use FaultSeverity whenever possible.
Using UnitSubIndex variable in every rule step is okay.
But ensure that
with those units that don't really have any sub units, t
he sub unit is 0.
Updating unit state is not necessary anymore, if correct
FaultSeverity is
put to SendDirectAlarm funtion. Both SendDirectAlarm
have affect to unit state. Unit state update is done
FDCL based on active faults on every unit.
FDCL automatically updates FSM state is all FSPs are
lty or if FSM is faulty
all FSPs are set automatically to faulty state. Same
lies with other
resources with contain relation


Alarm number and alarm severity decision is made by FDCL

. In rules use alarm number
7655. This will later be changed so that if a alarm numb
er is given in rules, it
will override FDCLs suggestion. Default alarm number wil
l be -1. -->
<!-- handling for directly reported fault starts -->
(RULE DirectAlarm_Start
<!-- allow reporting and tell FDAR that correct
NTP time is available -->
(0; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 25) -2; 7)
(1; AllowReporting (true; true) -2; -2)
<!-- cancel 26 start -->
(2; WasAlarmNumber (-1; 26; @FaultSource) -2; 4)
(3; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; CANCEL;
@FaultSource; 26; -1; -1; ""; -1; 26) -2; -2)
<!-- remove faults 25 and 26 from lists -->
(4; RemoveActiveFault (@FaultSource; -1; -1; @Fa
ultId) -2; -2)
(5; RemoveActiveFault (@FaultSource; -1; -1; 26)
-1; -1)
<!-- if 30 is already active, don't do anything.
PR 43038ESPE04 -->
(7; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 28) -2; 10)
(8; IsActiveFault (30) -1; -2)
<!-- if 25 is already active, don't do anything.
otherwise we'd send 26 alarm and wouldn't be able to cancel it anymore. -->
(10; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 26) -2; 20)
(11; IsActiveFault (25) -1; -2)
<!-- don't send alarm if BS is not commissioned
(12; ReadDBObject (bs; bsstatus; NotCommissioned
; -1) -1; 120)

<!-- don't send if object exist is false or CNBA

P is down -->
(20; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 114) -2; 30)
(21; ReadDBObject (unit; exist; true; @FaultSour
ce) -2; -1)
(22; IsActiveFault (17) -1; -2)
(23; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; TRANSI
ENT; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
<!-- send alarm as 7652 -->
(30; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1877; 4000; 4001; 41
10) -2; 35)
(31; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FCM; FSM) -2; 3
(32; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; @Fau
ltActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
<!-- send 4000 as cell faulty -->
(33; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 4000;) -2; 120)
(34; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; @Fault
Activity; @FaultSource; @GroupId; -1; cell) -1; -1)

send alarm as 7655 -->

IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 4003;) -2; 38)
IsActiveFault (50) -1; -2)
WasAlarmNumber (-1; 49; @FaultSource) -1; -

(38; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1929; 4003; 4047; 40
48;) -2; 40)
(39; SendDirectAlarm (7655; @FaultSeverity; @Fau
ltActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
<!-- update link state. send alarm after 6min de
lay. -->
(40; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 17) -2; 50)
(41; WriteDBObject (link; linkstate; false; @Fau
ltSource; -1; ""; ""; CNBAP) -2; -2)
(42; WaitTimeout (360000) -2; -2)
(43; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; @Fault
Activity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -2; -2)
<!-- Check if CNBAP has been down for 20 minutes
, OAM IUB is disconnected, and BTS Manager connection is not available -->
(44; WaitTimeout (840000) -2; -2)
(45; IsActiveFault (17; @FaultSource) -2; -1)
(46; ReadDBObject (link; linkstate; true; @Fault
Source; -1; ""; ""; -1; OAM) -1; -2)
(47; ReadDBObject (bs; emconnected; true; -1) -1
; -2)
<!-- Read from sw_conf_table if site reset is al
lowed -->
(48; ReadSwConfTable (SiteResetAllowed; 1) -2; 1)
<!-- Site reset recovery is performed -->
(49; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; SiteReset; "") 1; -1)
<!-- do BTS reset -->
(50; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 132) -2; 60)
(51; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; BTSReset; "") -2
; 53)

(52; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; TRAN

SIENT; @FaultSource; 52; -1; -1; BTS) -1; -1)
(53; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; @Fault
Activity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
<!-- 23, 24 FF: delete if same fault active on s
ubrack LTX -->
(60; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 23; 24) -2; 70)
(61; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FF) -2; 64)
(62; IsActiveFault (@FaultId; @FaultSource; -1;
-1; subrack; -1; FR) -2; 100)
(63; RemoveActiveFault (@FaultSource; -1; -1; @F
aultId) -1; -1)
<!-- PR 74503ESPE04: Change FSP state in DB and
wait 5s. After that SendDirectAlarm will be execute and if all FSPs are faulty t
hen 7650 alarms are send immediately -->
(64; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FSP) -2; 120)
(65; WriteDBObject (unit; state; severity; @Faul
tSource; -1; master; FSP; ""; @FaultSeverity) -2; -2)
(66; WaitTimeout (5000) 120; 120)
<!-- update link state. 6min delay before alarm
cancel -->
(70; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 18) -2; 75)
(71; WriteDBObject (link; linkstate; false; @Fau
ltSource; -1; ""; ""; DNBAP) -2; -2)
(72; WaitTimeout (360000) 120; 120)
<!-- if 1955 comes while 32 is handled then supp
ress 1955 -->
(75; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1955) -2; 80)
(76; IsActiveFault (32; @FaultSource) -2; 80)
(77; RemoveActiveFault (@FaultSource; -1; -1; @F
aultId) -1; -1)
<!-- update link state. don't send alarm. -->
(80; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 19) -2; 89)
(81; WriteDBObject (link; linkstate; false; @Fau
ltSource; -1; ""; ""; AAL2) -1; -1)
<!-- start alarm from ANTennas -->
(89; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 133; 134) -2; 110)
(91; CheckCellState (@FaultSource; -1; FAULTY) 1; -2)
(92; WriteDBObject (unit; state; severity; @Faul
tSource; -1; ""; ""; ""; @FaultSeverity) -2; -2)
(93; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 133) -2; 97)
<!-- set all RXs to faulty state if all cell RXs
are alarming -->
(94; DoAllUnitsReport (@OrigId; @FaultSource; -1
; RX; cell) -2; 96)
(95; WriteDBObject (unit; state; DEGRADED; @Faul
tSource; -1; cell; RX) -2; -2)
<!-- cancel 134 alarms from same cell -->
(96; SendDirectAlarm (-1; WORKING; CANCEL; @Faul
tSource; 134; -1; -1; ""; -1; 134; cell; AntennaLine) -2; -2)
(97; SendDirectAlarm (-1; WORKING; @FaultActivit
y; @FaultSource; @GroupId; -1; -1; ""; -1; -1; rx; AntennaLine; @FaultSource) -1

; -1)
<!-- if fault source FF for fault 23 add delay t
o avoid sending lower severity alarms - PR 58883ESPE04 -->
(100; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 23) -2; 110)
(101; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FF) -2; 121)
(102; WriteDBObject (unit; state; severity; @Fau
ltSource; -1; ""; ""; ""; @FaultSeverity) -2; -2)
(103; AllowInterrupt (true) -2; -2)
(104; WaitTimeout (5000) -2; -2)
(105; AllowInterrupt (false) -2; -2)
(106; IsCommissioned (@FaultSource) 108; -2)
(107; WaitTimeout (30000) -2; -2)
(108; IsStoredInFDCL (-1; @FaultSource; @UnitSub
Index; @FaultId; @FaultSeverity) -2; -1)
<!-- ignore if GPS is not commissioned. PR 51796
espe02 -->
(110; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 4011) -2; 116)
(111; IsMemberStr (@FaultText; "Almanac status")
-1; -2)
(112; ReadDBObject (bs; ClockGPS_InUse; NotInUse
; -1) -1; -2)
(113; IsMemberStr (@FaultText; "Control Interfac
e not available") -2; 120)
(114; WriteDBObject (unit; exist; false; @FaultS
ource) -2; -2)
(115; WriteDBObject (unit; SWState; lost; @Fault
Source) -2; -2)
<!-- no use of handling fault 2054 on uncommissi
oned OIC - PR NA05233739 -->
(116; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 2054) -2; 120)
(117; ReadDBObject (unit; commissioned; true; @F
aultSource) 120; -2)
(118; RemoveActiveFault (@FaultSource; -1; -1; @
FaultId) -1; -1)
<!-- handle alarms specific for TUP in LTE -->
(120; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 4030; 6200; 6261; 6
264; 6302) -2; 122)
(121; SendDirectAlarm (7651; @FaultSeverity; @Fa
ultActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
(122; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1942; 4011; 6300; 6
306; 6307) -2; 130)
(123; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; @Fa
ultActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
<!-- send alarm -->
(130; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; @Faul
tActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -2; -2)
(131; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 4091) -2; -1)
(132; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; BtsResetTimeInc
reased; "") -1; -1)
<!-- handling for directly reported fault cancels -->
(RULE DirectAlarm_Cancel
<!-- cancel using master FCM -->
(0; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1833) -2; 11)

(1; IsMasterWAM (16) -2; 4)

(2; WasAlarmNumber (-1; @FaultId; 16) -2; -1)
(3; SendDirectAlarm (7661; @FaultSeverity; @Faul
tActivity; 16; @GroupId) 10; 10)
(4; IsMasterWAM (32) -2; 7)
(5; WasAlarmNumber (-1; @FaultId; 32) -2; -1)
(6; SendDirectAlarm (7661; @FaultSeverity; @Faul
tActivity; 32; @GroupId) 10; 10)
(7; IsMasterWAM (48) -2; -1)
(8; WasAlarmNumber (-1; @FaultId; 48) -2; -1)
(9; SendDirectAlarm (7661; @FaultSeverity; @Faul
tActivity; 48; @GroupId) 10; 10)
(10; WriteDBObject (unit; state; WORKING; @Fault
Source; -1; cell; MHA) -1; -1)
(11; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 17; 18; 19) -2; 50)
(12; ReadDBObject (bs; startupdone; true; -1) -2
; 20)
(13; WaitTimeout (10000) -2; -2)
<!-- updated link state. 6min delay (minus 10s t
hat was kept in FDU) before canceling alarm. -->
(20; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 17) -2; 30)
(21; WriteDBObject (link; linkstate; true; @Faul
tSource; -1; ""; ""; CNBAP) -2; -2)
(22; WasAlarmNumber (-1; @FaultId; @FaultSource)
-2; 101)
(23; WaitTimeout (359990) 100; 100)
<!-- updated link state. 6min delay (minus 10s t
hat was kept in FDU) before canceling alarm -->
(30; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 18) -2; 40)
(31; WriteDBObject (link; linkstate; true; @Faul
tSource; -1; ""; ""; DNBAP) -2; -2)
(32; WasAlarmNumber (-1; @FaultId; @FaultSource)
-2; 101)
(33; WaitTimeout (359990) 100; 100)
<!-- updated link state. -->
(40; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 19) -2; 50)
(41; WriteDBObject (link; linkstate; true; @Faul
tSource; -1; ""; ""; AAL2) -1; -1)
<!-- cancel alarm from ANTenna -->
(50; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 133; 134) -2; 57)
(51; IsStoredInFDCL (-1; @FaultSource; @UnitSubI
ndex; @FaultId; @FaultSeverity) -2; 54)
(52; WriteDBObject (unit; state; severity; @Faul
tSource; -1; ""; ""; ""; @FaultSeverity) -2; -2)
(53; SendDirectAlarm (-1; WORKING; @FaultActivit
y; @FaultSource; @GroupId; -1; -1; ""; -1; -1; rx; AntennaLine; @FaultSource) 55
; 55)
(54; WriteDBObject (unit; state; severity; @Faul
tSource; -1; ""; ""; ""; @FaultSeverity) -2; -2)
<!-- rehandle faults from neighbouring RX units

(55; RehandleFaults (neighbours; @FaultSource; 1; CORE_FR) -2; -2)

(56; RehandleFaults (unit; @FaultSource) -1; -1)
(57; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 4056) -2; 70)
(58; CheckFaultSeverity (degraded) -2; 60)
(59; SendDirectAlarm (7651; @FaultSeverity; @Fau
ltActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
(60; SendDirectAlarm (7661; @FaultSeverity; @Fau
ltActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
<!-- cancel 4000 cell fault -->
(70; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 4000;) -2; 90)
(71; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; @Fault
Activity; @FaultSource; @GroupId; -1; cell) -1; -1)
<!-- check if fault text is Almanac status -->
(90; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 4011; 4110) -2; 95)
(91; IsMemberStr (@FaultText; "Almanac status")
-1; 92)
(92; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; @Fau
ltActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
<!-- PR 64859ESPE04 - change of alarm number for
fault 1930 -->
(95; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1930) -2; 100)
(96; ReadDBObject (unit; sharedmode; slave; @Fau
ltSource; -1; subrack; FR) -2; 98)
(97; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; @Fault
Activity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
(98; SendDirectAlarm (7653; @FaultSeverity; @Fau
ltActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId; -1; -1; ""; -1; -1; OICsec) -1; -1)
<!-- cancel alarm -->
(100; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; @Faul
tActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -2; -2)
<!-- 1885: resend cell alarms after 15s delay. d
elay is needed because otherwise RNC filters the alarm. -->
(101; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1885) -2; 120)
(102; WaitTimeout (15000) -2; -2)
(103; ResendAlarms (@FaultSource; ""; -1; cell)
-1; -1)
<!-- PR 53519 - Incompatible Sw alarm -->
(120; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 23) -2; -1)
(121; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 40192; 40448; 4
0704; 45056; 45312; 45568; 45824; 46080; 46336; 46592; 46848; 47104; 48128; 4838
4; 48640; 48869; 49152; 49408; 49664; 49920; 18; 19; 20) -2; -1)
(122; WaitTimeout (4000) -2; -2)
(123; CheckObjectStatus (@FaultSource; WORKING)
-2; -1)
(124; SendDirectAlarm (-1; DEGRADED; @FaultActiv
ity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -2; -2)
(125; SendDirectAlarm (-1; FAULTY; @FaultActivit
y; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
<!-- handling for unitBlock start -->
(RULE UnitBlockedAl_Start
<!-- if alarm is already sent, stop handling -->

(0; WasAlarmNumber (-1; 48; @FaultSource) -1; -2

<!-- If unit doesn't exist, stop handling. -->
(1; ReadDBObject (unit; exist; true; @FaultSourc
e) -2; -1)
<!-- If BTS is blocked, stop handling. -->
(2; IsActiveFault (50) -1; -2)
<!--PR 61838ESPE04 - additional R&D fault for FR
block because the block can be unsuccesfull-->
(10; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FR) -2; 15)
(11; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 48) 21; -2)
<!-- Update unit state to DB. -->
(15; WriteDBObject (unit; state; severity; @Faul
tSource; -1; ""; ""; ""; @FaultSeverity) -2; -2)
<!-- send alarm -->
(20; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 4070) -1; -2)
(21; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; @Fault
Activity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -2; -2)
<!-- WBTS_OPR_31524 -->
(30; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 174; 175) -2; -1
(31; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; MemoryDump; "";
@FaultSource; @UnitSubIndex) -2; -2)
(32; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; StoreDumpsToMast
er; ""; @FaultSource; 1) -1; -1)
<!-- handling for unitBlock cancel -->
(RULE UnitBlockedAl_Cancel
<!-- stop if alarm wasn't sent. -->
(0; WasAlarmNumber (-1; 48; @FaultSource) -2; -1
<!--PR 61838ESPE04 - additional R&D fault for FR
block because the block can be unsuccesfull-->
(1; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FR) -2; 11)
(2; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 48) 10; -2)
<!-- Update unit state to DB with no alarm sendi
ng in case of fault 4070-->
(5; WriteDBObject (unit; state; severity; @Fault
Source; -1; ""; ""; ""; @FaultSeverity) 20; 20)
<!-- Send alarm for all faults 48 -->
(10; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; @Fault
Activity; @FaultSource; 4070) -2; -2)
(11; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; @Fault
Activity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -2; -2)
<!-- rehandle subrack faults -->
(20; WaitTimeout(5000) -2; -2)
(21; RehandleFaults (subrack; @FaultSource) -1;
<!-- handling for start faults with LCR as faultSource ->
(RULE CellAlarms_Start
<!-- If BTS is blocked, stop handling -->
(0; IsActiveFault (50) -1; -2)
(1; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 4090) -2; 4)
(2; CheckObjectStatus (@FaultSource; FAULTY; -1)
-1; 7)

<!-- update LCR state in DB. -->

(4; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 38; 39; 1853; 1878; 1
879; 1880; 1883; 4012; 4013) -2; 6)
(5; WriteDBObject (cell; state; severity; @Fault
Source; -1; ""; ""; ""; @FaultSeverity) -1; -1)
<!-- 49, 96, 4008: send cell alarm and remove fa
ult 96 from lists -->
(6; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 49; 96; 4008) -2; -1)
(7; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; @FaultA
ctivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId; -1; cell) -2; -2)
(8; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 96) -2; 15)
(9; RemoveActiveFault (@FaultSource; -1; -1; @Fa
ultId) -1; -1)

PR 79602ESPE04 -->
IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 49) -2; -1)
CancelAlarms (@FaultSource) -2; -2)
RemoveActiveFault (@FaultSource) -2; -2)
WriteDBObject (cell; state; resetting; @Fau

ltSource) -2; -2)

(19; InformFDUOfReset (@FaultSource; start) -1;
<!-- handling for cancel faults with LCR as faultSource
(RULE CellAlarms_Cancel
<!-- update LCR state in DB. -->
(0; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 38; 39; 1853; 1878; 1
879; 1880; 1883; 4012; 4013) -2; 2)
(1; WriteDBObject (cell; state; severity; @Fault
Source; -1; ""; ""; ""; @FaultSeverity)-1; -1)
<!-- cancel cell alarm -->
(2; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 49; 96; 4008; 4090) 2; -1)
(3; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; @FaultA
ctivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId; @UnitSubIndex; cell) -2; -2)
<!-- resend cell alarms after 1min -->
(4; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 49) -2; -1)
(5; InformFDUOfReset (@FaultSource; cancel) -2;
(6; WaitTimeout (60000) -2; -2)
(7; ResendAlarms (@FaultSource; ""; -1; cell) -1
; -1)
<!-- send alarm -->
(RULE BTSBlockedAl_Start
(0; SendDirectAlarm (7650; @FaultSeverity; @Faul
tActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
<!-- send EAC alarm -->
(RULE EACStartRule
(0; WasAlarmNumber (-1; @FaultId; @FaultSource)
-1; -2)

ltActivity; @FaultSource;
ltActivity; @FaultSource;
ltActivity; @FaultSource;
ltActivity; @FaultSource;
ltActivity; @FaultSource;
ltActivity; @FaultSource;
ltActivity; @FaultSource;
ltActivity; @FaultSource;
ltActivity; @FaultSource;
ltActivity; @FaultSource;
ltActivity; @FaultSource;
ltActivity; @FaultSource;
ltActivity; @FaultSource;
ltActivity; @FaultSource;
ltActivity; @FaultSource;
ltActivity; @FaultSource;
ltActivity; @FaultSource;
ltActivity; @FaultSource;
ltActivity; @FaultSource;

(1; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FSM) -2; 100)

(10; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1400) -2; 12)
(11; SendDirectAlarm (7401; @FaultSeverity; @Fau
@GroupId) -1; -1)
(12; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1401) -2; 14)
(13; SendDirectAlarm (7402; @FaultSeverity; @Fau
@GroupId) -1; -1)
(14; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1402) -2; 16)
(15; SendDirectAlarm (7403; @FaultSeverity; @Fau
@GroupId) -1; -1)
(16; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1403) -2; 18)
(17; SendDirectAlarm (7404; @FaultSeverity; @Fau
@GroupId) -1; -1)
(18; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1404) -2; 20)
(19; SendDirectAlarm (7405; @FaultSeverity; @Fau
@GroupId) -1; -1)
(20; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1405) -2; 22)
(21; SendDirectAlarm (7406; @FaultSeverity; @Fau
@GroupId) -1; -1)
(22; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1406) -2; 24)
(23; SendDirectAlarm (7407; @FaultSeverity; @Fau
@GroupId) -1; -1)
(24; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1407) -2; 26)
(25; SendDirectAlarm (7408; @FaultSeverity; @Fau
@GroupId) -1; -1)
(26; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1408) -2; 28)
(27; SendDirectAlarm (7409; @FaultSeverity; @Fau
@GroupId) -1; -1)
(28; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1409) -2; 30)
(29; SendDirectAlarm (7410; @FaultSeverity; @Fau
@GroupId) -1; -1)
(30; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1410) -2; 32)
(31; SendDirectAlarm (7411; @FaultSeverity; @Fau
@GroupId) -1; -1)
(32; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1411) -2; 34)
(33; SendDirectAlarm (7412; @FaultSeverity; @Fau
@GroupId) -1; -1)
(34; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1412) -2; 36)
(35; SendDirectAlarm (7413; @FaultSeverity; @Fau
@GroupId) -1; -1)
(36; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1413) -2; 38)
(37; SendDirectAlarm (7414; @FaultSeverity; @Fau
@GroupId) -1; -1)
(38; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1414) -2; 40)
(39; SendDirectAlarm (7415; @FaultSeverity; @Fau
@GroupId) -1; -1)
(40; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1415) -2; 42)
(41; SendDirectAlarm (7416; @FaultSeverity; @Fau
@GroupId) -1; -1)
(42; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1416) -2; 44)
(43; SendDirectAlarm (7417; @FaultSeverity; @Fau
@GroupId) -1; -1)
(44; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1417) -2; 46)
(45; SendDirectAlarm (7418; @FaultSeverity; @Fau
@GroupId) -1; -1)
(46; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1418) -2; 48)
(47; SendDirectAlarm (7419; @FaultSeverity; @Fau
@GroupId) -1; -1)
(48; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1419) -2; 50)
(49; SendDirectAlarm (7420; @FaultSeverity; @Fau

ltActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)

(50; IsMemberInt (@FaultId;
(51; SendDirectAlarm (7421;
ltActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
(52; IsMemberInt (@FaultId;
(53; SendDirectAlarm (7422;
ltActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
(54; IsMemberInt (@FaultId;
(55; SendDirectAlarm (7423;
ltActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
(56; IsMemberInt (@FaultId;
(57; SendDirectAlarm (7424;
ltActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
(58; IsMemberInt (@FaultId;
(59; SendDirectAlarm (7425;
ltActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
(60; IsMemberInt (@FaultId;
(61; SendDirectAlarm (7426;
ltActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)

1420) -2; 52)

@FaultSeverity; @Fau
1421) -2; 54)
@FaultSeverity; @Fau
1422) -2; 56)
@FaultSeverity; @Fau
1423) -2; 58)
@FaultSeverity; @Fau
1424) -2; 60)
@FaultSeverity; @Fau
1425) -2; -1)
@FaultSeverity; @Fau

ultActivity; @FaultSource;

(100; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FR) -2; -1)

(101; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1400) -2; 103)
(102; SendDirectAlarm (7401; @FaultSeverity; @Fa
@GroupId) -1; -1)
(103; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1401) -2; 105)
(104; SendDirectAlarm (7402; @FaultSeverity; @Fa
@GroupId) -1; -1)
(105; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1402) -2; 107)
(106; SendDirectAlarm (7403; @FaultSeverity; @Fa
@GroupId) -1; -1)
(107; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1403) -2; -1)
(108; SendDirectAlarm (7404; @FaultSeverity; @Fa
@GroupId) -1; -1)

ultActivity; @FaultSource;
ultActivity; @FaultSource;
ultActivity; @FaultSource;

<!-- cancel EAC alarm -->

(RULE EACCancelRule
(0; WasAlarmNumber (-1; 4026; @FaultSource) 2; 2)
(1; WasAlarmNumber (-1; @FaultId; @FaultSource)
-2; -1)

ltActivity; @FaultSource;
ltActivity; @FaultSource;
ltActivity; @FaultSource;
ltActivity; @FaultSource;
ltActivity; @FaultSource;

(2; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FSM) -2; 100)

(10; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1400) -2; 12)
(11; SendDirectAlarm (7401; @FaultSeverity; @Fau
@GroupId) -1; -1)
(12; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1401) -2; 14)
(13; SendDirectAlarm (7402; @FaultSeverity; @Fau
@GroupId) -1; -1)
(14; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1402) -2; 16)
(15; SendDirectAlarm (7403; @FaultSeverity; @Fau
@GroupId) -1; -1)
(16; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1403) -2; 18)
(17; SendDirectAlarm (7404; @FaultSeverity; @Fau
@GroupId) -1; -1)
(18; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1404) -2; 20)
(19; SendDirectAlarm (7405; @FaultSeverity; @Fau
@GroupId) -1; -1)
(20; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1405) -2; 22)
(21; SendDirectAlarm (7406; @FaultSeverity; @Fau

ltActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)

(22; IsMemberInt (@FaultId;
(23; SendDirectAlarm (7407;
ltActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
(24; IsMemberInt (@FaultId;
(25; SendDirectAlarm (7408;
ltActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
(26; IsMemberInt (@FaultId;
(27; SendDirectAlarm (7409;
ltActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
(28; IsMemberInt (@FaultId;
(29; SendDirectAlarm (7410;
ltActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
(30; IsMemberInt (@FaultId;
(31; SendDirectAlarm (7411;
ltActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
(32; IsMemberInt (@FaultId;
(33; SendDirectAlarm (7412;
ltActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
(34; IsMemberInt (@FaultId;
(35; SendDirectAlarm (7413;
ltActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
(36; IsMemberInt (@FaultId;
(37; SendDirectAlarm (7414;
ltActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
(38; IsMemberInt (@FaultId;
(39; SendDirectAlarm (7415;
ltActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
(40; IsMemberInt (@FaultId;
(41; SendDirectAlarm (7416;
ltActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
(42; IsMemberInt (@FaultId;
(43; SendDirectAlarm (7417;
ltActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
(44; IsMemberInt (@FaultId;
(45; SendDirectAlarm (7418;
ltActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
(46; IsMemberInt (@FaultId;
(47; SendDirectAlarm (7419;
ltActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
(48; IsMemberInt (@FaultId;
(49; SendDirectAlarm (7420;
ltActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
(50; IsMemberInt (@FaultId;
(51; SendDirectAlarm (7421;
ltActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
(52; IsMemberInt (@FaultId;
(53; SendDirectAlarm (7422;
ltActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
(54; IsMemberInt (@FaultId;
(55; SendDirectAlarm (7423;
ltActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
(56; IsMemberInt (@FaultId;
(57; SendDirectAlarm (7424;
ltActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
(58; IsMemberInt (@FaultId;
(59; SendDirectAlarm (7425;
ltActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
(60; IsMemberInt (@FaultId;
(61; SendDirectAlarm (7426;

1406) -2; 24)

@FaultSeverity; @Fau
1407) -2; 26)
@FaultSeverity; @Fau
1408) -2; 28)
@FaultSeverity; @Fau
1409) -2; 30)
@FaultSeverity; @Fau
1410) -2; 32)
@FaultSeverity; @Fau
1411) -2; 34)
@FaultSeverity; @Fau
1412) -2; 36)
@FaultSeverity; @Fau
1413) -2; 38)
@FaultSeverity; @Fau
1414) -2; 40)
@FaultSeverity; @Fau
1415) -2; 42)
@FaultSeverity; @Fau
1416) -2; 44)
@FaultSeverity; @Fau
1417) -2; 46)
@FaultSeverity; @Fau
1418) -2; 48)
@FaultSeverity; @Fau
1419) -2; 50)
@FaultSeverity; @Fau
1420) -2; 52)
@FaultSeverity; @Fau
1421) -2; 54)
@FaultSeverity; @Fau
1422) -2; 56)
@FaultSeverity; @Fau
1423) -2; 58)
@FaultSeverity; @Fau
1424) -2; 60)
@FaultSeverity; @Fau
1425) -2; -1)
@FaultSeverity; @Fau

ltActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)

ultActivity; @FaultSource;
ultActivity; @FaultSource;
ultActivity; @FaultSource;
ultActivity; @FaultSource;

(100; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FR) -2; -1)

(101; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1400) -2; 103)
(102; SendDirectAlarm (7401; @FaultSeverity; @Fa
@GroupId) -1; -1)
(103; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1401) -2; 105)
(104; SendDirectAlarm (7402; @FaultSeverity; @Fa
@GroupId) -1; -1)
(105; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1402) -2; 107)
(106; SendDirectAlarm (7403; @FaultSeverity; @Fa
@GroupId) -1; -1)
(107; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1403) -2; -1)
(108; SendDirectAlarm (7404; @FaultSeverity; @Fa
@GroupId) -1; -1)

<!-- rule for several customer alarms. mainly for group

alarms. -->
(RULE Customer_alarms_start
(0; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 30) 11; -2)

IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1815) -2; 6)

IsActiveFault (1815; @FaultSource) -2; -1)
IsActiveFault (2001; @FaultSource) -1; -2)
IsStoredInFDCL (-1; @FaultSource; -1; 2000;

@FaultSeverity) -1; -2)

(5; IsStoredInFDCL (-1; @FaultSource; -1; 2001;
@FaultSeverity) -1; -2)
<!-- PR 67098ESPE01: LTE447: Failure in optical
RP3 interface (2005) were raised when 1815 were active
Filtering 2005 if 1815 is active -->
(6; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 2005) -2; 8)
(7; IsActiveFault (1815; @FaultSource) -1; -2)
<!-- PR 68997ESPE01 & 83639ESPE04 ignore fault 6
259 if unit was faulty faulty at least 40 sec ago -->
(8; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 6259) -2; 10)
(9; WasUnitFaulty (@FaultSource; 90; 1; subrack;
FR) -1; -2)
<!-- if there's no BS FAULTY active, continue ->
(10; WasAlarmNumber (7650) -1; -2)
(11; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1906) -2; 15)
<!-- if there's was a FSP reset during last 6 mi
n, ignore 1906 -->
(12; WasResetDone (@FaultSource; 360; 1; myCG; F
SP) 420; -2)
(13; WasUnitFaulty (@FaultSource; 360; 1; myCG;
FSP) 420; -2)
(14; IsActiveFault (2000; @FaultSource; -1; -1;
subrack; -1; OIC) 420; -2)

IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 2000; 2001) -2; 20)

AllowInterrupt (true) -2; -2)
WaitTimeout (@StartDelay) -2; -2)
AllowInterrupt (false) -2; -2)

<!-- external unit, send 7652 -->

(20; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1868; 2016) 30; -2)
(21; ReadDBObject (unit; AldConnection; external
; @FaultSource) 410; -2)

IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 10; 94) 40; -2)

IsActiveFault (1868) -2; 26)
IsActiveFault (94) -1; -2)
IsActiveFault (10) -1; -2)
125: filter if 1809 is active -->
IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 125) -2; 28)
ReadDBObject (cell; activity; active; @Faul

tSource; -1; myCell) 36; -1)

<!-- 1807: filter if 1857 is active -->
(28; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1807; 1864) -2; 30)
(29; IsActiveFault (1857; @FaultSource; -1; 1; c
ell; -1; FR; cell) -1; 36)
<!-- 1892: check my state and 10 activity for FE
. keep delay and do checks again. -->
(30; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1868; 1892) -2; 36)
(31; CheckObjectStatus (@FaultSource; FAULTY) -1
; -2)
(32; IsActiveFault (10; @FaultSource; -1; 1; cel
l; -1; FE; cell) -1; -2)
(33; WaitTimeout (60000) -2; -2)
(34; CheckObjectStatus (@FaultSource; FAULTY) -1
; -2)
(35; IsActiveFault (10; @FaultSource; -1; 1; cel
l; -1; FE; cell) -1; -2)
<!-- 109, 110, 111, 119: exception to 3070 fault
s: object state is checked. check detecting unit state. -->
(36; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 109; 110; 111; 119) 2; 38)
(37; CheckObjectStatus (@UnitIndex; @FaultSeveri
ty) 41; -1)
(38; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 4041) 410; -2)
(39; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 6) 45; -2)
<!-- 3060, 3070: directly update state to DB -->
(40; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 3060; 3070; 1818) 60
; -2)
(41; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 4039) 413; -2)
<!-- check exist and state -->
(42; ReadDBObject (unit; exist; true; @FaultSour
ce) -2; -1)
(43; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1923) 46; -2)
<!-- PR 80402ESPE04: LTE977 Alarm 4076 handling
and name missing -->
(44; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 4076) 48; -2)
(45; CheckObjectStatus (@FaultSource; @FaultSeve
rity) -2; 419)
<!-- FCM, FSP and OptIF: check FSM state. other
resources: check FR state. -->
(46; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FCM; FSP; FARAD
AY; OptIF) -2; 52)
(47; CheckObjectStatus (@FaultSource; FAULTY; -1
; subrack; FSM; unit) -1; -2)
<!-- master OptIF: check cabling unit's state an
d exist -->
(48; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; OptIF) -2; 61)

(49; ReadDBObject (unit; exist; true; @FaultSour

ce; -1; cabling) -2; -1)
<!-- PR 80402ESPE04: LTE977 Alarm 4076 handling
and name missing -->
(50; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 4076) 61; -2)
(51; CheckObjectStatus (@FaultSource; FAULTY; -1
; cabling; ""; unit) -1; 61)
(52; CheckObjectStatus (@FaultSource; FAULTY; -1
; subrack; FR; unit) -1; -2)
(53; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1930) -2; 61)
(54; ReadDBObject (unit; sharedmode; slave; @Fau
ltSource; -1; subrack; FR) -2; 56)
(55; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; @Fault
Activity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
(56; WaitTimeout (30000) 61; 61)
<!-- stop handling 1868 if 10 is active for FR r
elated to faulty Cell -->
(57; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1868) -2; 60)
(58; IsActiveFault (10; @FaultSource; -1; 1; cel
l; -1; FR; cell) -1; -2)
(60; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 4038; 1818) 414; -2)
<!-- check cabling units exist and commissioned
information - not with ext module faults
Pronto - IsSecondaryOptIf, if FR is connected wi
th two optif, stop handling if fault is on secondary optIf-->
(61; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 2000; 2001; 2002; 200
4; 2005) 64; -2)
(62; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1815) -2; 73)
(63; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FSP; FARADAY) 7
3; -2)
(64; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; OptIF) -2; 73)
(65; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1815; 2002; 2004; 200
5) -2; 70)
(66; IsSecondaryOptIf (@FaultSource) -1; -2)
(70; ReadDBObject (unit; exist; true; @FaultSour
ce; -1; cabling) -2; 420)
(71; ReadDBObject (unit; commissioned; true; @Fa
ultSource; -1; cabling) 73; 420)
(72; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 141) 403; -2)
<!-- 88: if bsstatus is TestDedicated, don't sen
d alarm, but change unit state -->
(73; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 88) -2; 76)
(74; ReadDBObject (bs; bsstatus; TestDedicated;
-1) 420; -2)
(75; WriteDBObject (unit; state; severity; @Faul
tSource; -1; ""; ""; ""; @FaultSeverity) 400; -1)
<!-- 1920: stop if cell is faulty -->
(76; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1920; 1868) -2; 78)
(77; CheckCellState (@FaultSource; -1; FAULTY) 1; -2)
<!-- 1861: stop if BS is faulty -->
(78; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1861) -2; 80)
(79; CheckObjectStatus (-1; FAULTY; -1; ""; "";
bs) -1; -2)

<!-- 1819, 1859: remove fault if source is not m

aster WAM -->

IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1819; 1859) -2; 82)

IsMasterWAM (@FaultSource) -2; 420)
1840: remove fault if 1807 is active -->
IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1840) -2; 85)
IsActiveFault (1807; @FaultSource; -1; 1; m

yCell) -1; -2)

(84; IsActiveFault (1864; @FaultSource; -1; 1; m
yCell) -1; -2)
<!-- fault 300 FCM, bts reset -->
(85; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FSM; FCM) -2; 8
(86; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 300) 362; -2)
<!-- filter out fault 1907 if Ext FSM is in bloc
ked state-->
(87; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1907) -2; 90)
(88; IsActiveFault (48; 174) -1; 100)
<!-object only by SendDirectAlarm -->
OICsec) -1; -2)
OICsec) -1; -2)
subrack; -1; OIC) 106; -1)

PR 71061ESPE01: LTE447: if 1930 then update

IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1930) -2; 100)
IsActiveFault (2000; @FaultSource; -1; -1;
IsActiveFault (2001; @FaultSource; -1; -1;
IsActiveFault (4075; @FaultSource; -1; -1;

<!--WBTS_RECOV_70106 for lte when faraday is fau

lt source whole FSP is set to faulty (69787ESPE04, 70125ESPE04)-->
(100; ReadDBObject (cabinet; cabinetid; 19; -1)
-2; 105)
(101; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FARADAY) -2; 1
(102; WriteDBObject (@ObjectType; state; severit
y; @FaultSource; -1; master; FSP; ""; @FaultSeverity) -2; -2)
<!-- update object state to DB -->
(105; WriteDBObject (@ObjectType; state; severit
y; @FaultSource; -1; ""; ""; ""; @FaultSeverity) -2; -2)
<!--CN4454 (FSP power off due to critical overte
mp 4071)-->
(106; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FSP) -2; 111)
(107; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 4071) -2; 111)
(108; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; ShutdownFSP; ""
; @FaultSource; @UnitSubIndex) -2; -2)
(109; WaitTimeout (5000) -2; -2)
<!-- 1815: accepted only for FSP and optIF. -->
(111; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1815) -2; 120)
(112; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FSP; FARADAY;
FCM) 120; -2)
<!-- optIF: restartSync recovery after 10 min de
lay -->
(113; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; OptIF) -2; -1)
(114; WaitTimeout (600000) -2; -2)
(115; IsActiveFault (1815; @FaultSource) -2; -1)

(116; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; RestartSync; ""

; @FaultSource) -2; -2)
<!-- check activity after 5min delay and send al
arm if no conn is not active -->
(117; WaitTimeout (300000) -2; -2)
(118; IsActiveFault (1815; @FaultSource) -2; -1)
(119; IsActiveFault (10; @FaultSource; -1; 1; ca
bling) -1; 400)
<!-- 2016: if all IFs alarm, do BTS reset -->
(120; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 2016) -2; 125)
(121; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; OptIF) -2; 125
(122; WaitTimeout (1000) -2; -2)
(123; DoAllUnitsReport (@OrigId; @FaultSource; 1; OIC; bs) -2; 400)
(124; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 4113; 4114; 411
5; 4116; 4117) 362; 344)
<!-- PR 56650ESPE04, FSP reset recovery to SRIO
alarm 4015 -->
(125; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 4015) -2; 129)
(126; ResetCounterCompare (@FaultSource; 3600; 1
; master; FSP) -2; 200)
(127; IsResetRequested (@FaultSource; master; FS
P) -1; -2)
(128; WriteDBObject (unit; state; FAULTY; @Fault
Source; -1; master; FSP) 400; 400)
<!-- FSP/Faraday: Faraday/FSP/FSM/BTS reset depe
nding on the fault and faulty unit
if all FSP units in subrack are alarming, do FSM
/BTS reset. -->
(129; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 6; 16; 41; 42; 43; 1
09; 110; 111; 119; 129; 225; 226; 227; 412; 414; 418; 428; 446;
458; 476; 594; 1806; 1815; 2016; 2027; 2
030; 2031; 2033; 2035; 2036; 2044; 2045; 2302; 4010; 4019; 4040;) -2; 310)
(130; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FSP) -2; 134)
(131; WaitTimeout (25000) -2; -2)
(132; IsActiveFault (10; @FaultSource) -1; -2)
(133; DoAllUnitsReport (@FaultId; @FaultSource;
-1; FSP; subrack) 343; 153)
<!-- if all FSPs in subrack are faulty (9999 is
a fake fault, to use the function in other way), do FSM/BTS reset -->
(134; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FARADAY) -2; 3
(135; DoAllUnitsReport (9999; @FaultSource; -1;
FSP; subrack) 343; -2)
(136; WaitTimeout (15000) -2; -2)
(137; ResetCounterCompare (@FaultSource; 3600; 1
) -2; 140)
(138; IsResetRequested (@FaultSource) -1; 182)
<!-- Faraday: GPIO reset for (non 418) faraday f
aults -->
(140; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 476) 150; -2)
(141; ResetCounterStoreFaultId (@FaultSource; @O
rigId) -2; -2)

(142; WriteDBObject (unit; gpioreset; true; @Fau

ltSource) -2; -2)
(143; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; GPIO; ""; @Faul
tSource) 145; -2)
(144; RulesPrint ("FDRULES: GPIO crash recovery
failed 0x%X"; @FaultSource) 510; 510)
(145; WaitTimeout (500) -2; -2)
(146; IsActiveFault (418; @FaultSource) -1; -2)
(147; WriteDBObject (unit; gpioreset; false; @Fa
ultSource) -2; -2)
(148; RulesPrint ("FDRULES: GPIO crash recovery
timer expired 0x%X"; @FaultSource) -2; -2)
<!-- TUP chip: unit type in FDCL is different ->
(150; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 44432; 44433; 4
4434; 44688; 44689; 44690; 44944; 44945; 44946) -2; -2)
(151; DoAllUnitsReport (@FaultId; @FaultSource;
-1; Chip; subrack) 159; 153)
(152; DoAllUnitsReport (@FaultId; @FaultSource;
-1; TUPChip; subrack) 342; -2)
<!-- TUP chip: check FSP counter -->
(153; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FARADAY) -2; 1
<!-- LTE: cabinetId checked, FSP level reset als
o to faraday chip -->
(154; ReadDBObject (cabinet; cabinetid; 19; -1)
160; -2)
(155; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 44432; 44433; 4
4434; 44688; 44689; 44690; 44944; 44945; 44946) -2; -2)
<!-- if FSP is faulty, check its counter instead
of faraday counter. however if all chips are not alarming, stop handling.
TUP chip has set faraday to faulty state. -->
(156; CheckObjectStatus (@FaultSource; FAULTY; 1; master; FSP; unit) -2; 158)
(157; DoAllUnitsReport (@FaultId; @FaultSource;
-1; Chip; neighbours) 160; -1)
(158; ResetCounterCompare (@FaultSource; 1800; 2
) 400; 170)
(159; IsResetRequested (@FaultSource) -1; -2)
(160; ResetCounterCompare (@FaultSource; 3600; 1
; master; FSP) -2; 171)
(161; IsResetRequested (@FaultSource; master; FS
P) -1; -2)
(162; WriteDBObject (unit; state; FAULTY; @Fault
Source; -1; master; FSP) -2; -2)
<!-- if bts status is uncommission, not execute ShutdownFSP. PR
75878ESPE01 -->
(163; ReadDBObject (bs; bsstatus; NotCommissioned; -1) -1; -2)
(164; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; ShutdownFSP; ""
; @FaultSource; @UnitSubIndex) -2; -2)
<!-- TUP chip: send alarm -->
<!-- LTE: cabinetId checked, FSP level reset als
o to faraday chip -->
(165; ReadDBObject (cabinet; cabinetid; 19; -1)
400; -2)

(166; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 44432; 44433; 4

4434; 44688; 44689; 44690; 44944; 44945; 44946) 400; 400)
<!-- get log file from correct FCM. this depends
on the faulty unit. and after that get memory dumps from faulty unit/DSP. -->
(170; IsMemberInt (@UnitSubIndex; 13) 202; -2)
(171; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; CreateLogFile;
""; FCM; Runtime; RT_FSP; -1; @FaultSource; @UnitSubIndex) -2; -2)
(172; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FARADAY) -2; 1
(173; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; CreateLogFile;
""; FSP; Runtime; RT_FSP; -1; @FaultSource; @UnitSubIndex) -2; -2)
(174; WaitTimeout (30000) -2; -2)
(175; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; MemoryDump; "";
@FaultSource; @UnitSubIndex) -2; -2)
<!-- not TUP Chip: send reset alarm for FSP if F
araday reset didn't help.
TUP Chip: send reset alarm for FSP and do FSP re
set. -->
(176; WriteDBObject (unit; gpioreset; false; @Fa
ultSource) -2; -2)
(177; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FARADAY) -2; 2
<!-- LTE: cabinetId checked, FSP level reset als
o to faraday chip -->
(178; ReadDBObject (cabinet; cabinetid; 19; -1)
181; -2)
(179; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 44432; 44433; 4
4434; 44688; 44689; 44690; 44944; 44945; 44946) -2; -2)
(180; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 476; 1806; 4019) 200
; -2)
(181; IsResetRequested (@FaultSource) 202; -2)
(182; ResetCounterCompare (@FaultSource; 3600; 1
; master; FSP) -2; 200)
<!-- If BTS is in test dedicated state set FSP t
o faulty state -->
(183; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1806) -2; 400)
(184; ReadDBObject (bs; bsstatus; TestDedicated;
-1) 186; -2)
(185; ReadSwConfTable (ResetAllowed; 1) -2; 400)
(186; WriteDBObject (unit; state; FAULTY; @Fault
Source; -1; master; FSP) 400; 400)
<!-- PR 62396ESPE01 there is needed some time be
tween sending alarm and executing SiteReset for fault 1806 -->
<!--(190; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1806) 343; 343)
<!--(191; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity;
TRANSIENT; @FaultSource; 52; -1; -1; BTS) -2; -2)-->
<!--(192; WaitTimeout (100) 343; 343) -->
<!-- if Faraday reset didn't help, FSP is reset.
Before the reset, FSP needs to be set to faulty state. -->
(200; WriteDBObject (unit; state; FAULTY; @Fault
Source; -1; master; FSP) -2; -2)
(201; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; TRA
NSIENT; @FaultSource; 52; -1; -1; Unit; -1; -1; master; FSP) 204; 204)

(202; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; TRA

NSIENT; @FaultSource; 52; -1; -1; Unit) -2; -2)
<!-- TUP chip: FSP level reset -->
(203; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FARADAY) -2; 2
(204; ReadDBObject (cabinet; cabinetid; 19; -1)
211; 207)
<!-- PR 70222ESPE04: if it is REL1, 458 should p
erform FSP reset,
otherwise it performs Faraday reset, 428 should
perform always FSP reset
other fault will perform Faraday reset as earlie
r -->
(205; IsMemberVariant (@FaultSource; A) 231; -2)
(207; ReadDBObject (unit; SWState; Configured; @
FaultSource) -2; 231)
(208; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 2302) 212; 216)
<!-- do FSP cold reset for these fault ids, diff
erent behaviour for LTE and WCDMA -->
(209; ReadDBObject (cabinet; cabinetid; 19; -1)
211; -2)
(210; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 476; 1815; 2302) 212
; 216)
(211; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 2302) 232; 231)
(212; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; DisableLinkStat
usInd; ""; @FaultSource) -2; -2)
(213; ExecuteResetAction (@FaultSource; master;
FSP; cold) -2; -2)
(214; ReadDBObject (cabinet; cabinetid; 19; -1)
-1; -2)
(215; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; ConfigureBB; ""
; @FaultSource) -1; -1)
(216; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; DisableLinkStat
usInd; ""; @FaultSource) -2; -2)
<!--PR 75598ESPE04: FSP reset do not work. When
fault source is FSP performe hard reset.-->
<!--PR 79245ESPE04: FSP reset not need the Hard
Reset but FSPreset Type. relate to PR 79278ESPE04 Sanna mapping warm rest to FSP
reset -->
(217; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FSP) 219; -2)
(218; ExecuteResetAction (@FaultSource; master;
FSP; warm) 225; 225)
(219; ExecuteResetAction (@FaultSource; master;
FSP; warm) -2; -2)
(225; ReadDBObject (cabinet; cabinetid; 19; -1)
-1; -2)
(226; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; ConfigureBB; ""
; @FaultSource) -1; -1)
<!-- Recovery actions for non rel2 FSP and LTE->
(231; ExecuteResetAction (@FaultSource; master;
FSP; warm) -1; -1)
(232; ExecuteResetAction (@FaultSource; master;
FSP; cold) -1; -1)

<!-- FR reset: FR state is checked and reset req

uest is sent for LTX.
reset is done if FR or all its cells are disable
d. -->
(310; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1900; 1901; 1903; 19
04; 1905; 1907; 1910; 1911; 1912; 1918; 1926) 313; -2)
(311; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 109; 110; 111; 119;
125; 1806; 6259) -2; 328)
(312; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; LTX; FR; TX; R
X; FF) -2; 328)
(313; CheckObjectStatus (@FaultSource; FAULTY; 1; subrack; FR; unit) 323; -2)
<!-- RAN1881 change - review needed -->
(315; IsMemberInt (@FRID; 0) -1; -2)
(316; CheckCellState (@FRID; -1; WORKING) 400; 2)
(317; CheckCellState (@FRID; -1; DEGRADED) 400;
(323; ResetCounterCompare (@FaultSource; 3600; 1
; subrack; CORE_FR) -2; 325)
(324; IsResetRequested (@FaultSource; subrack; C
ORE_FR) -1; 400)
(325; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; TRA
NSIENT; @FaultSource; 52; -1; -1; Unit) -2; -2)
(326; WaitTimeout (30000) -2; -2)
(327; ExecuteResetAction (@FaultSource; subrack;
CORE_FR; fr) -1; -1)
<!-- 1859: all cells are disabled if it is maste
r FSM in question -->
(328; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1859) -2; 331)
(329; SetCellState (@FaultSource; DISABLED; ALL)
-2; -2)
(330; SendDirectAlarm (7650; @FaultSeverity; @Fa
ultActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
<!-- 1829: do site reset if there's no connectio
n to EM -->

IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1829) 334; -2)

IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1806) -2; 339)
IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 225) 335; 339)
ReadDBObject (bs; emconnected; true; -1) 4

00; -2)
(335; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; SiteReset; "")
-2; 400)
(336; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1806) -2; 338)
(337; SendDirectAlarm (7650; @FaultSeverity; TRA
NSIENT; @FaultSource; 52; -1; -1; Site) -1; -1)
(338; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; TRA
NSIENT; @FaultSource; 52; -1; -1; Site) -1; -1)
<!-- do FSM reset for extension modules and BTS
reset for master modules -->
(339; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 300; 1806; 1820; 182

8; 1852; 2002; 2003; 2014; 2017; 2018; 2047; 2049; 2052; 4019; 4040) -2; 341)
(340; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FCM; FSP; FARA
DAY; FSM) 343; 400)
(341; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1806; 2005) -2; 354)
<!-- PR 81209ESPE02: Add FSM to do BTS recovery
reset for 1806 -->
(342; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FCM;FSM) -2; 4
(343; IsMasterWAM (@FaultSource; subrack; CORE_F
SM) 362; -2)
<!-- if extension module is telecom master do bt
s reset -->
(344; ReadDBObject (bs; tcommaster; 32; -1) 362;
(345; ResetCounterCompare (@FaultSource; 3600; 1
; subrack; CORE_FSM) -2; 347)
(346; IsResetRequested (@FaultSource; subrack; C
ORE_FSM) -1; 370)
NSIENT; 32; 52; -1; -1; Unit)

(347; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1815) -2; 349)

(348; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; TRA
350; 350)
(349; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; TRA
-1; Unit) -2; -2)
(350; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; MemoryDump; "";
-2; -2)
(351; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; StoreDumpsToMas
(352; WaitTimeout (30000) -2; -2)
(353; ExecuteResetAction (@FaultSource; subrack;

NSIENT; @FaultSource; 52; -1;

@FaultSource; @UnitSubIndex)
ter; ""; @FaultSource; 1) -2;
CORE_FSM; fsm) -1; -1)

<!-- PR 69328ESPE04 - secure file transfer shoul

d be supported also when FTM version is unknown -->
(354; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 94) -2; 356)
(355; WriteDBObject (bs; TFTPSupported; true; -1
) -2; -2)
<!-- CN3826 -->
(356; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 94; 95) -2; 360)
(357; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 225) -2; 360)
(358; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; EnableDirectBTS
ManagerConnection; "") -2; -2)
(359; WriteDBObject (bs; AutoconnNeed; true; -1)
360; 360)
<!-- CN4230 -->
(360; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1922) 370; -2)
<!-- do BTS reset -->
(361; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 9999) -2; 380)
(362; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; BTSReset; "") 2; 400)
<!-- (363; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1815) -2; 365)
(364; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; TRA
NSIENT; 32; 52; -1; -1; Unit) -1; -1) -->
(365; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; TRA
NSIENT; @FaultSource; 52; -1; -1; BTS) -1; -1)

(370; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FSP; FARADAY)

-2; 400)
(371; WriteDBObject (unit; state; FAULTY; @Fault
Source; -1; master; FSP) -2; -2)
(372; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; ShutdownFSP; ""
; @FaultSource; @UnitSubIndex) -2; -2)
<!-- handle recovery action for fault 30 -->
(380; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1848) -2; 385)
(381; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; InformAntLineSt
atus; ""; @FaultSource) 400; 400)
<!-- PR 47691ESPE03 added setting state of TX which is on the sa
me FR and in the same cell as fault source RX for fault 4064 -->
(385; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 4064) -2; 390)
(386; WriteDBObject (@ObjectType; state; severit
y; @FaultSource; -1; rxtx; TX; ""; @FaultSeverity) 390; 390)
<!-- send correct alarm - PR 64859ESPE04, PR 672
07ESPE04, PR 26889ESPE05, PR 72560ESPE04 -->
(390; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1930) -2; 392)
(391; SendDirectAlarm (7653; @FaultSeverity; @Fa
ultActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId; -1; -1; ""; -1; -1; OICsec) -1; -1)
(392; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1850; 1927) -2; 394)
(393; SendDirectAlarm (7654; @FaultSeverity; @Fa
ultActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
(394; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 6; 1825) -2; 400)
(395; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; @Faul
tActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
<!-- send alarm. correct object type is given in
fault already. alarm number is deduced by FDCL. -->
(400; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 2016) 405; -2)
(401; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FR) 403; -2)
(402; ReadDBObject (unit; pluginunit; true; @Fau
ltSource) 404; -2)
(403; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; @Faul
tActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) 570; 570)
(404; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; @Faul
tActivity; @FaultSource; 3003) -1; -1)
(405; WaitTimeout (10000) -2; -2)
(406; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; RestartSync; ""
; @FaultSource) -2; -2)
(407; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; TRA
NSIENT; @FaultSource; 52; -1; -1; Unit) 420; 420)
<!-- send 7652 for external units -->
(410; ReadDBObject (unit; pluginunit; true; @Fau
ltSource) 412; -2)
(411; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; @Fa
ultActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
(412; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; @Fa
ultActivity; @FaultSource; 3003) -1; -1)
(413; ReadDBObject (unit; pluginunit; true; @Fau
ltSource) 415; -2)
(414; SendDirectAlarm (7651; @FaultSeverity; @Fa

ultActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)

(415; SendDirectAlarm (7651; @FaultSeverity; @Fa
ultActivity; @FaultSource; 3003) -1; -1)
<!-- remove fault -->
(419; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 6259) -2; 580)
(420; RemoveActiveFault (@FaultSource; -1; @Unit
SubIndex; @FaultId) -1; -1)
<!-- extension module reset when source is optIf
(460; ResetCounterCompare (32; 3600; 1; subrack;
CORE_FSM) -2; 462)
(461; IsResetRequested (32; subrack; CORE_FSM) 1; 467)
(462; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; TRA
NSIENT; @FaultSource; 52; -1; -1; Unit) -2; -2)
(463; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; MemoryDump; "";
32; -1) -2; -2)
(464; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; StoreDumpsToMas
ter; ""; 32; 1) -2; -2)
(465; WaitTimeout (30000) -2; -2)
(466; ExecuteResetAction (32; subrack; CORE_FSM;
fsm) -1; -1)
(467; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; @Faul
tActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
<!-- RAN 1263i memory dumps and soft faraday res
(510; WriteDBObject (unit; gpioreset; false; @Fa
ultSource) -2; -2)
(511; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; CreateLogFile;
""; FCM; Runtime; RT_FSP; -1; @FaultSource; @UnitSubIndex) -2; -2)
(512; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; CreateLogFile;
""; FSP; Runtime; RT_FSP; -1; @FaultSource; @UnitSubIndex) -2; -2)
(513; WaitTimeout (30000) -2; -2)
(514; ReadSwConfTable (1638405; 1) 516; -2)
(515; ReadSwConfTable (1638405; 2) -2; 519)
(516; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; MemoryDump; "";
@FaultSource; 1) -2; -2)
(517; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; MemoryDump; "";
@FaultSource; 2) -2; -2)
(518; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; MemoryDump; "";
@FaultSource; 3) -2; -2)
(519; ReadSwConfTable (1638405; 2) -1;-2 )
(520; ReadSwConfTable (1638405; 4) -1;-2 )
(521; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; TRA
NSIENT; @FaultSource; 52; -1; -1; Unit) -2; -2)
(530; ExecuteResetAction (@FaultSource; master;
Chip; faraday) -2; -2)
(531; ReadSwConfTable (1638405; 0) -2;-1)
(532; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; MemoryDump; "";
@FaultSource; 1) -2; -2)
(533; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; MemoryDump; "";
@FaultSource; 2) -2; -2)
(534; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; MemoryDump; "";

@FaultSource; 3) -1; -1)

<!-- if FR is faulty send degraded alarms for af
fected cells for fault 1907 handling -->
(570; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1907) -2; 575)
<!-- RAN1881 change - review needed -->
(571; IsMemberInt (@FRID; 0) -1; -2)
(572; CheckObjectStatus (@FRID; FAULTY) -2; -1)
(573; SendDirectAlarm (7654; DEGRADED; @FaultAct
ivity; @FRID; @GroupId; -1; -1; ""; -1; -1; affected_cells; RX; @FRID) -1; -1)
<!-- PR 48236ESPE01: if fault id == 1911 && all
RXs in FR report, rehandle faults -->
(575; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1911) -2; -1)
(576; WaitTimeout (1500) -2; -2)
(577; DoAllUnitsReport (@OrigId; @FaultSource; 1; RX; subrack) -2; -1)
(578; RehandleFaults (subrack; @FaultSource; -1;
RX) -1; -1)
(580; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1930) -2; 584)
(581; ReadDBObject (unit; sharedmode; slave; @Fa
ultSource; -1; subrack; FR) -2; 584)
(582; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; @Faul
tActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
(584; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 28; 30) 600; -2)
<!-- PR 48236ESPE01: if cell is faulty send up-t
o-date alarm unless it was sent previously -->
(586; CheckCellState (@FaultSource; -1; FAULTY)
-2; -1)
(587; WasAlarmNumber (7653; @FaultId; @FaultSour
ce) -1; -2)
(588; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1815) -2; 591)
(589; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; OptIF) -2; 591
(590; IsSecondaryOptIf (@FaultSource) -1; -2)
<!-- PR NA05016145: case #1 - if fault is handle
d while resetting of its faulty unit then stop handling -->
(591; CheckObjectStatus (@FaultSource; RESETTING
) -1; -2)
(592; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1930) -2; 597)
(593; IsActiveFault (2000; @FaultSource; -1; -1;
OICsec) -1; -2)
(594; IsActiveFault (2001; @FaultSource; -1; -1;
OICsec) -1; -2)
(595; IsActiveFault (4075; @FaultSource; -1; -1;
OICsec) -2; -1)
(596; SendDirectAlarm (7653; @FaultSeverity; @Fa
ultActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId; -1; -1; ""; -1; -1; OICsec) -1; -1)
(597; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; @Faul
tActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
<!-- PR 89605ESPE02 & 29642ESPE05 faults 30 need

s 35 sec additional timeout when unit is faulty and

for faults 28 (send as notification) and 30 (sen
d as notification if 23 is active) -->
(600; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 28) 615; -2)
(601; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 30) -2; -1)
(602; IsActiveFault (23) 615; -2)
(603; WaitTimeout (35000) -2; -2)
(604; CheckObjectStatus (@FaultSource; FAULTY) 1; -2)
(615; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; @Faul
tActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
<!-- handling for antenna line alarms -->
(RULE AntennaLineAlarms_start
<!-- if there's no BS FAULTY active, continue ->
(0; WasAlarmNumber (7650) -1; -2)
<!-- no external nor exist checks for VSWR fault
s -->
(1; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1838) 16; -2)
<!-- PR 58418ESPE04: For fault 1837 check if 405
7 is already active, if yes, skip unit state checking -->
(2; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1837) -2; 5)
(3; WaitTimeout (1000) -2; -2)
(4; IsActiveFault (4057; @FaultSource) 27; -2)
(5; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 4057) -2; 14)
(6; WaitTimeout (10000) -2; -2)
(7; IsActiveFault (1810; @FaultSource) -1; 16)
<!-- external unit: send 7652 -->
(14; ReadDBObject (unit; AldConnection; external
; @FaultSource) 90; -2)
<!-- check unit exist and FR state -->
(15; ReadDBObject (-1; exist; true; @FaultSource
) -2; 100)
(16; CheckObjectStatus (@FaultSource; FAULTY; -1
; subrack; FR; unit) -1; -2)
<!-- 1837 and 1838: skip cell activity check if
1810 is active -->
(17; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1837; 1838; 4057) -2;
(18; IsActiveFault (1810; @FaultSource) 20; -2)
<!-- cell activity and unit state -->
(19; IsActiveFault (1809; @FaultSource; -1; -1;
cell) -1; -2)
<!-- PR 70828ESPE04: 1837, 1838 and 4057 are ign
ored if fault 1807 is active for related cells -->
(20; IsActiveFault (1807; @FaultSource; -1; -1;
cell) -1; -2)
(21; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 4057) 27; -2)
(22; CheckObjectStatus (@FaultSource; @FaultSeve
rity) -2; -1)
(23; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1838) -2; 26)
(24; IsActiveFault (49) -1; -2)
(25; IsActiveFault (1837) -1; -2)

<!-- faults 1837 and 1838: if fault 1810 is acti

ve, send alarm to EM only -->
(26; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1837; 1838; 4057) -2;
(27; IsActiveFault (1810; @FaultSource) 50; -2)
<!-- send 7654 alarm for fault 4046 -->
(28; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 4046) 47; -2)
<!-- PR 39851ESPE03: Check if all filters are fa
ulty, reset FR -->
<!-- Check if original fault is 1806 and fault s
ource is ff -->

IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1806) -2; 39)

IsActiveFault (10; @FaultSource) -1; -2)
IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FF) -2; 42)
DoAllUnitsReport (1806; @FaultSource; -1; F

F; subrack) -2; 42)

(33; ResetCounterCompare (@FaultSource; 3600; 1;
subrack; CORE_FR) -2; 35)
(34; IsResetRequested (@FaultSource; subrack; CO
RE_FR) -1; 42)
(35; WriteDBObject (-1; state; severity; @FaultS
ource; -1; ""; ""; ""; @FaultSeverity) -2; -2)
(36; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; TRAN
SIENT; @FaultSource; 52; -1; -1; Unit) -2; -2)
(37; WaitTimeout (30000) -2; -2)
(38; ExecuteResetAction (@FaultSource; subrack;
CORE_FR; fr) -1; -1)
<!-- end of PR 39851ESPE03 -->
(39; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1871; 1872; 1873; 187
4) -2; 42)
<!-- (33; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FF) -2; 36
) -->
(40; WriteDBObject (-1; state; DEGRADED; @FaultS
ource; -1; ""; ""; "") -2; -2)
(41; SendDirectAlarm (7655; DEGRADED; @FaultActi
vity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) 110; 110)
<!-- update object state to DB -->
(42; WriteDBObject (-1; state; severity; @FaultS
ource; -1; ""; ""; ""; @FaultSeverity) -2; -2)
<!-- send alarm -->
(43; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 4057) -2; 46)
(44; IsActiveFault (1837; @FaultSource) 46; -2)
(45; SendDirectAlarm (7653; FAULTY; @FaultActivi
ty; @FaultSource; @GroupId) 110; 110)
(46; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; @Fault
Activity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) 110; 110)
<!-- ignore fault 4046 if fault 1842 is active o
n TILT -->
(47; IsActiveFault (1842; @FaultSource; -1; -1;
antenna; -1; TILT) 150; -2)
<!-- update object state to DB -->
(48; WriteDBObject (-1; state; severity; @FaultS
ource; -1; ""; ""; ""; @FaultSeverity) -2; -2)
<!-- send 7654 alarm -->
(49; SendDirectAlarm(7654; @FaultSeverity; @Faul

tActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) 110; 110)

<!-- send alarm to EM -->
(50; SendDirectAlarm (-1; WORKING; @FaultActivit
y; @FaultSource; @GroupId; -1; -1; ""; 1) 110; 110)
<!-- send 7652 -->
(90; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; @Fau
ltActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) 110; 110)
<!-- remove fault -->
(100; RemoveActiveFault (@FaultSource; -1; @Unit
SubIndex; @FaultId) -1; -1)
<!-- Inform Antenna Line Status recovery -->
(110; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1842; 1843; 1844; 1
845; 1846; 1847) 113; 120)
(113; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; InformAntLineSt
atus; ""; @FaultSource) -1; -1)
(120; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1837) 121; -1)
(121; RehandleFaults (unitsCell; @FaultSource; 1; AntennaLine) -1; -1)
(150; RemoveActiveFault (@FaultSource; -1; @Unit
SubIndex; @FaultId) -1; -1)
<!-- handling for MHA alarms -->
(RULE MHAAlarms_start
<!-- 1869, 1870: go to step 160 -->
(0; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1869; 1870) 159; -2)
<!-- filtering time moved here for fault 1834 &
1835 -->
(1; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1834; 1835) -2; 5)
(2; AllowInterrupt(true) -2; -2)
(3; WaitTimeout (32000) -2; -2)
<!-- for 1834 & 1835 check 1836 activity -->
(4; IsActiveFault (1836; @UnitSubIndex) 310; -2)
<!-- fault is handled only is MHA is in Current
mode -->
<!--(4; ReadDBObject (unit; MhaOperatingMode; "C
urrent mode"; @FaultSource) -2; 310) -->
<!-- ignore if MHA alarm detection is not enable
d. if attribute is not found, fault is handled. -->
(5; ReadDBObject (unit; MHAAlarmValid; true; @Fa
ultSource) -2; 310)
<!-- if FR is faulty, turn current off -->
(6; CheckObjectStatus (@FaultSource; FAULTY; -1;
subrack; FR; unit) 299; -2)
<!-- if exist is not true or MHA is not commissi
oned, skip recovery -->
(7; ReadDBObject (unit; exist; true; @FaultSourc
e) -2; 50)
(8; ReadDBObject (unit; commissioned; true; @Fau
ltSource) -2; 50)
<!-- check MHA status -->
(9; CheckObjectStatus (@FaultSource; @FaultSever
ity) -2; -1)

<!-- WMHC/D && fault 1835, allow recovery and 18

36 activity check -->
(10; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1835) -2; 100)
(11; IsMemberVariant (@FaultSource; C; D) -2; 10
(12; ReadDBObject (unit; MhaOperatingMode; "Curr
ent mode"; @FaultSource) -2; 100)
<!-- filter if 1836 or 4045 are active on same f
ilter and subunit -->
(13; IsActiveFault (1836; @UnitSubIndex) -1; -2)
(14; IsActiveFault (4045; @UnitSubIndex) -1; -2)
<!-- suppress incoming cancels because after ALC
urrentOff they're always generated by filter -->
(15; SuppressCancels (@FaultId; @FaultSource; @U
nitSubIndex; true) -2; -2)
<!-- turn current off for 30s and then turn it o
n -->
(16; IsMemberStr (@FaultText; MAIN) -2; 18)
(17; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; ALCurrentOff; ""
; @UnitIndex; MAIN; @UnitSubIndex) 19; 50)
(18; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; ALCurrentOff; ""
; @UnitIndex; DIV; @UnitSubIndex) -2; 50)
(19; IsMemberVariant (@FaultSource; C; D) -2; 22
(20; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1835) -2; 22)
(21; WaitTimeout (14000) 23; 23)
(22; WaitTimeout (30000) -2; -2)
<!-- disable cancel suppressing before turning p
ower on -->
(23; SuppressCancels (@FaultId; @FaultSource; @U
nitSubIndex; false) -2; -2)
(24; IsMemberStr (@FaultText; MAIN) -2; 26)
(25; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; ALCurrentOn; "";
@UnitIndex; MAIN; @UnitSubIndex) 27; 50)
(26; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; ALCurrentOn; "";
@UnitIndex; DIV; @UnitSubIndex) -2; 50)
<!-- check fault activity after 1,5min (30s for
1835 on WMHC/D)-->
(27; IsMemberVariant (@FaultSource; C; D) -2; 30
(28; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1835) -2; 30)
(29; WaitTimeout (30000) 35; 35)
(30; WaitTimeout (90000) -2; -2)
<!-- check if there is start active aside from c
urrent handled fault -->
(35; IsActiveFault (@FaultId; @FaultSource; -1;
-1; -1; -1; -1; -1; true) -2; 310)
<!-- update MHA state to DB -->
(50; WriteDBObject (unit; state; severity; @Faul

tSource; -1; ""; ""; ""; @FaultSeverity) -2; -1)

<!-- Inform Antenna Line Status recovery -->
(51; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1834) -2; 72)
(53; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; InformAntLineSta
tus; ""; @FaultSource) -2; -2)
<!-- WMHC/D && !1835, skip recovery; -->
(72; IsMemberVariant (@FaultSource; C; D) -2; 74
(73; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1835) -2; 100)
(74; SuppressCancels (@FaultId; @FaultSource; @U
nitSubIndex; true) -2; -2)
<!-- turn current off -->
(90; IsMemberStr (@FaultText; MAIN) -2; 92)
(91; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; ALCurrentOff; ""
; @UnitIndex; MAIN; @UnitSubIndex) 93; 100)
(92; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; ALCurrentOff; ""
; @UnitIndex; DIV; @UnitSubIndex) -2; 100)
<!-- recalculate FEG (for both lines on WMHC/D)
&& !1834 -->
(93; IsMemberVariant (@FaultSource; C; D) -2; 98
(94; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1834) 100; -2)
(95; WriteDBObject (unit; state; FAULTY; @UnitSu
bIndex; -1; antenna; MHA) -2; -2)
(96; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; SetFEG; ""; @Fau
ltSource; true) 100; 100)
(98; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; SetFEG; ""; @Fau
ltSource) 100; 100)
(100; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1835) -2; 106)
(101; WaitTimeout (2000) -2; -2)
(102; SuppressCancels (@FaultId; @FaultSource; @
UnitSubIndex; false) -2; -2)
(103; IsMemberStr (@FaultText; MAIN) -2; 105)
(104; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; ALCurrentOn; ""
; @UnitIndex; MAIN; @UnitSubIndex) 106; 106)
(105; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; ALCurrentOn; ""
; @UnitIndex; DIV; @UnitSubIndex) -2; -2)
<!-- stop handling if BS faulty has been sent ->
(106; WasAlarmNumber (7650) -1; -2)
<!-- if exist is not true or MHA is not commissi
oned, end rule -->
(107; ReadDBObject (unit; exist; true; @FaultSou
rce) -2; 310)
(108; ReadDBObject (unit; commissioned; true; @F
aultSource) -2; 310)
<!-- WMHC/D: send alarm for both branches. other
wise only for alarming branch. -->
(110; IsMemberVariant (@FaultSource; C; D) -2; 1
(111; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; @Faul
tActivity; @UnitSubIndex; @GroupId; -1; -1; ""; -1; -1; antenna; MHA) -1; -1)

(112; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; @Faul

tActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
(159; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; InformAntLineSt
atus; ""; @FaultSource) -2; -2)
<!-- if FR is faulty, turn current off -->
(160; CheckObjectStatus (@FaultSource; FAULTY; 1; subrack; FR; unit) 299; -2)
<!-- if ALD connection is external, send 7652 ->
(161; ReadDBObject (unit; AldConnection; externa
l; @FaultSource) 290; -2)
<!-- if MHA is already set faulty, don't do anyt
hing -->
(162; CheckObjectStatus (@FaultSource; @FaultSev
erity) -2; -1)
<!-- if exist is not true or MHA is not commissi
oned, skip state check -->
(165; ReadDBObject (unit; exist; true; @FaultSou
rce) -2; 171)
(166; ReadDBObject (unit; commissioned; true; @F
aultSource) -2; 171)
<!-- check MHA status -->
(167; CheckObjectStatus (@FaultSource; @FaultSev
erity) -2; -1)
<!-- updated state -->
(171; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1869) -2; 175)
(172; IsActiveFault (1870; @FaultSource) -1; -2)
(173; WaitTimeout (2000) -2; -2)
(174; IsActiveFault (1870; @FaultSource) -1; -2)
(175; WriteDBObject (unit; state; severity; @Fau
ltSource; -1; ""; ""; ""; @FaultSeverity) -2; -2)
<!-- 1870: execute recovery action and send alar
m -->
(176; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1869; 1870) -2; 181)
<!--In case of WMHC or WMHD(currentMode, FEG rec
alculation is not executed-->
(177; IsMemberVariant (@FaultSource; C) 182; -2)
(178; IsMemberVariant (@FaultSource; D) -2; 180)
<!--In case of WMHD(AISG mode) (not in currentMo
de), FEG recalculation is executed-->
(179; ReadDBObject (unit; MhaOperatingMode; "Cur
rent mode"; @FaultSource) 182; -2)
(180; ReadDBObject (unit; AldConnection; externa
l; @FaultSource) 182; -2)
(181; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; SetFEG; ""; @Fa
ultSource) -2; -2)
(182; WasAlarmNumber (7650) -1; -2)
<!-- send alarm -->
(183; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1870) -2; 185)
(184; SendDirectAlarm (-1; DEGRADED; CANCEL; @Fa
ultSource; @GroupId; -1; -1; ""; -1; 1869) -2; -2)
(185; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; @Faul
tActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) 400; 400)
<!-- stop handling if BS faulty has been sent ->

(290; WasAlarmNumber (7650) -1; -2)

<!-- send alarm -->
(291; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; @Fa
ultActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
<!-- filter if 1836 is active on same filter. fi
lter id as sub unit. -->
(299; IsActiveFault (1836; @UnitSubIndex) -1; -2
<!-- filter if 4045 is active on same filter. fi
lter id as sub unit. -->
(300; IsActiveFault (4045; @UnitSubIndex) -1; -2
<!-- turn current off -->
(301; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; SetFEG; ""; @Fa
ultSource) -2; -2)
(302; IsMemberStr (@FaultText; MAIN) -2; 304)
(303; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; ALCurrentOff; "
"; @UnitIndex; MAIN; @UnitSubIndex) 310; 310)
(304; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; ALCurrentOff; "
"; @UnitIndex; DIV; @UnitSubIndex) -2; -2)
<!-- remove fault -->
(310; RemoveActiveFault (@FaultSource; -1; -1; @
FaultId) -1; -1)
<!-- sometimes fault 1869 wa not canceled due to
timing issue -->
(400; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1870) -2; -1)
(401; SendDirectAlarm (-1; DEGRADED; CANCEL; @Fa
ultSource; @GroupId; -1; -1; ""; -1; 1869) -1; -1)
<!-- handling for R-bus error -->
(RULE RbusAlarm_start
<!-- if there's no BS FAULTY active, continue ->
(0; WasAlarmNumber (7650) -1; -2)
<!-- check exist and state of RX-->
(21; ReadDBObject (unit; exist; true; @FaultSour
ce) -2; -1)
(22; CheckObjectStatus (@FaultSource; @FaultSeve
rity) -2; -1)
<!-- FSP or Faraday: check FSM state -->
(23; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; -1; FSP; FARADA
Y; -1) -2; 28)
(24; CheckObjectStatus (@FaultSource; FAULTY; -1
; subrack; FSM; unit) -1; -2)
<!-- check FR state -->
(28; CheckObjectStatus (@FaultSource; FAULTY; -1
; subrack; FR; unit) -1; -2)
<!-- either FSP or RX is faulty depending on how
many FSPs are alarming -->
(67; CheckObjectStatus (@UnitIndex; @FaultSeveri
ty) -2; -1)
(68; WaitTimeout (10000) -2; -2)
(69; CheckObjectStatus (@FaultSource; @FaultSeve
rity) -2; -1)

(70; DoAllUnitsReport (@FaultId; @FaultSource; 1; FSP; cellgroup) -2; 72)

(71; WriteDBObject (unit; state; severity; @Unit
Index; -1; ""; ""; ""; @FaultSeverity) 100; 100)
(72; WriteDBObject (unit; state; severity; @Faul
tSource; -1; ""; ""; ""; @FaultSeverity) 250; 250)
<!-- check if reset is allowed -->
(100; IsMemberType (@UnitIndex; FARADAY) -2; 115
<!-- if FSP is faulty, check its counter instead
of faraday counter. however if all chips are not alarming, stop handling.
TUP chip has set faraday to faulty state. -->
(111; CheckObjectStatus (@UnitIndex; FAULTY; -1;
master; FSP; unit) -2; 113)
(112; DoAllUnitsReport (@FaultId; @UnitIndex; -1
; Chip; subrack) 115; -1)
(113; ResetCounterCompare (@UnitIndex; 1800; 2)
255; 120)
(114; IsResetRequested (@UnitIndex) -1; -2)
(115; ResetCounterCompare (@UnitIndex; 3600; 1;
master; FSP) -2; 120)
(116; IsResetRequested (@UnitIndex; master; FSP)
-2; 120)
(117; WriteDBObject (unit; state; FAULTY; @Fault
Source; -1; master; FSP) -2; -2)
(118; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; ShutdownFSP; ""
; @FaultSource; @UnitSubIndex) -1; -1)
<!-- get log file from correct FCM. this depends
on the faulty unit. and after that get memory dumps from faulty unit/DSP. -->
(120; IsMemberInt (@UnitSubIndex; 13) 140; -2)
(122; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; CreateLogFile;
""; FCM; Runtime; RT_FSP; -1; @FaultSource; @UnitSubIndex) -2; -2)
(123; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FARADAY) -2; 1
(124; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; CreateLogFile;
""; FSP; Runtime; RT_FSP; -1; @FaultSource; @UnitSubIndex) -2; -2)
(127; WaitTimeout (30000) -2; -2)
(128; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; MemoryDump; "";
@UnitIndex; @UnitSubIndex) -2; -2)
<!-- not TUP Chip: send reset alarm for FSP if F
araday reset didn't help. -->
(130; IsMemberType (@UnitIndex; FARADAY) -2; 140
(132; IsResetRequested (@UnitIndex) 140; -2)
<!-- if Faraday reset didn't help, FSP is reset.
Before the reset, FSP needs to be set to faulty state. -->
(133; WriteDBObject (unit; state; FAULTY; @UnitI
ndex; -1; master; FSP) -2; -2)
(134; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; TRA
NSIENT; @UnitIndex; 52; -1; -1; Unit; -1; -1; master; FSP) 142; 142)
(140; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; TRA
NSIENT; @UnitIndex; 52; -1; -1; Unit) -2; -2)
<!-- TUP chip: FSP level reset -->
(141; IsMemberType (@UnitIndex; FARADAY) 145; -2

<!-- do FSP cold reset for these fault ids -->

(142; ExecuteResetAction (@UnitIndex; master; FS
P; warm) -1; -1)
(145; ExecuteResetAction (@UnitIndex; master; Ch
ip; faraday) -1; -1)
<!-- send alarm for RX -->
(250; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; @Faul
tActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
<!-- send alarm for FSP/Faraday -->
(255; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; @Faul
tActivity; @UnitIndex; @GroupId) -1; -1)
<!-- handling for several cancel faults -->
(RULE Customer_alarms_cancel
<!-- skip is stored in FDCL -->
(0; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 23) -2; 2)
(1; IsStoredInFDCL (-1; @FaultSource; @UnitSubIn
dex; @FaultId; @FaultSeverity) -2; -1)
<!-- no handling for these faults. 2016 must be
for FSP. -->
(2; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 16; 42; 43; 225; 226;
227; 414; 418; 446; 458; 1911; 2003; 2027; 2031; 2033; 2036) -1; -2)
(3; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 2016) -2; 5)
(4; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FSP) -1; -2)
<!-- 1806: don't handle cancel if reset has been
requested -->
(5; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1806) -2; 7)
(6; IsResetRequested (@FaultSource; ""; ""; true
) -1; -2)
<!-- 1815: keep 1.5min delay -->
(7; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1815) -2; 10)
(8; WaitTimeout (30000) -2; -2)
<!-d by setCellState in start handling.
2; -2)
<!-faulty and 7650 is active, BTS reset
bs) -2; 18)

1859: enable cells. cells have been disable

IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1859) -2; 13)
SetCellState (@FaultSource; ENABLED; ALL) check BS state and 7650 activity. if BS is
might follow. -->
CheckObjectStatus (-1; FAULTY; -1; ""; "";
check 7650 activity -->
WasAlarmNumber (7650) -2; 57)

<!-- cancel alarm -->

(15; ReadDBObject (unit; pluginunit; true; @Faul
tSource) 17; -2)
(16; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; @Fault
Activity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -2; -2)
(17; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; @Fault
Activity; @FaultSource; 3003) 21; 21)
<!-- additional timeout when FSP reset was reque
sted -->
(18; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1811) -2; 33)

(19; IsResetRequested (@FaultSource) -2; 33)

(20; WaitTimeout (10000) 33; 33)
<!-- if BTS state is not faulty anymore, do BTS
reset -->
(21; CheckObjectStatus (-1; FAULTY; -1; ""; "";
bs) -1; -2)
(22; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1827) 25; -2)
(23; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; BTSReset; "") -2
; 33)
(24; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; TRAN
SIENT; @FaultSource; 52; -1; -1; BTS) -1; -1)
(25; ReadDBObject (cabinet; cabinetid; 19; -1) 2
6; -1)
(26; WaitTimeout (120000) -2; -2)
(27; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; BTSReset; "") -2
; 33)
(28; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; TRAN
SIENT; @FaultSource; 52; -1; -1; BTS) -1; -1)

IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1811) -2; 35)

IsActiveFault (1811; @FaultSource) -1; -2)
no BTS reset -->
1913: FR reset -->
IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1913) -2; 53)

<!-- It doesn't matter if all cells are faulty,

because if we remove fault 1913
withouth reset we have at least one sleeping cel
<!-- RAN1881 changes - review needed -->
(36; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; LTX; FR; TX) -2
; 51)
(37; IsMemberInt(@FRID; 0) -1; -2)
(38; CheckCellState (@FRID; -1; WORKING) 45; -2)
(39; CheckCellState (@FRID; -1; DEGRADED) 45; 51
(45; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; @Fault
Activity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
(51; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; TRAN
SIENT; @FaultSource; 52; -1; -1; Unit) -2; -2)
(52; ExecuteResetAction (@FaultSource; subrack;
CORE_FR; fr) -1; -1)
<!-- 1837, 1838: cancel using working severity i
f 1810 is active -->
y; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -2; -2)

IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1837; 1838) -2; 57)

IsActiveFault (1810; @FaultSource) 56; -2)
IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1838) 57; -1)
SendDirectAlarm (-1; WORKING; @FaultActivit

<!-- cancel alarm -->

(57; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1871; 1872; 1873; 187
4) -2; 62)
(58; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FF) -2; 62)

(59; WriteDBObject (-1; state; DEGRADED; @FaultS

ource; -1; ""; ""; ""; @FaultSeverity) -2; -2)
(60; WasAlarmNumber (7655; @FaultId; @FaultSourc
e) -2; 62)
(61; SendDirectAlarm (7655; DEGRADED; @FaultActi
vity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) 184; 184)
(62; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; OptIF) 68; -2)
(63; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1811) 68; -2)
(64; IsStoredInFDCL (-1; @FaultSource; @UnitSubI
ndex; @FaultId; @FaultSeverity) 68; -2)
(65; IsStoredInFDCL (-1; @FaultSource; -1; @Faul
tId; @FaultSeverity) 68; -2)
(66; IsStoredInFDCL (-1; @FaultSource; @UnitSubI
ndex; @OrigId; @FaultSeverity) 68; -2)
(67; IsStoredInFDCL (-1; @FaultSource; -1; @Orig
Id; @FaultSeverity) 68; -1)
(68; WriteDBObject (unit; state; severity; @Faul
tSource; -1; ""; ""; ""; @FaultSeverity) -2; -2)
(69; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1834; 1835; 1869; 18
70) 73; -2)
<!-- 1811 cancel -->
(70; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1811) -2; 72)
(71; WasAlarmNumber (-1; 3020; @FaultSource) 80;
(72; WasAlarmNumber (-1; @FaultId; @FaultSource)
74; 184)
(73; WasAlarmNumber (-1; 3120; @FaultSource) -2;
<!-- 4057 cancel -->
(74; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 4057) -2; 77)
(75; IsActiveFault (1837; @FaultSource) 80; -2)
(76; SendDirectAlarm (7653; WORKING; @FaultActiv
ity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) 184; 184)
<!--Cancel for 1834 and 1835 faults (PR 71070ESP
E04: LTE76-a: Alarm id 1834 cancel not work)-->
(77; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1834; 1835) -2; 80)
(78; IsMemberVariant (@FaultSource; C; D) -2; 80
(79; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; @Fault
Activity; @UnitSubIndex; @GroupId; -1; -1; ""; -1; -1; antenna; MHA) 180; 180)
(80; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; @Fault
Activity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -2; -2)
<!-- InformAntennaLineStatus to cancel faults 40
46 -->
(89; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; TILT) -2; 180)
(90; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 4046) 180; -2)
(91; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; InformAntLineSta
tus; ""; @FaultSource) -2; -2)
<!-- recalculate feg for 1869 and 1870 cancel-->
(180; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1870) -2; 184)

<!--In case of WMHC or WMHD, FEG recalculation i

s not executed-->
(181; IsMemberVariant (@FaultSource; C; D) 184;
<!--If MHA connection is external, FEG recalcula
tion is not executed -->
(182; ReadDBObject (unit; AldConnection; externa
l; @FaultSource) 184; -2)
(183; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; SetFEG; ""; @Fa
ultSource; true) -2; -2)
<!-- if ALD connection is external, cancel 7652. this check can
be done for every unit, there's no harm done. -->
(184; ReadDBObject (unit; AldConnection; externa
l; @FaultSource) -2; 187)
(185; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; @Fa
ultActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -2; -2)
<!-- PR 47691ESPE03 added setting state of TX which is on the sa
me FR and in the same cell as fault source RX for fault 4064 -->
(187; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 4064) -2; 190)
(188; WriteDBObject (unit; state; WORKING; @Faul
tSource; -1; rxtx; TX; ""; @FaultSeverity) -2; -2)
<!-- PR 27138es09p: 3s delay added before fault
rehandling -->
<!-- rehandle faults of same subrack after small
delay. delay is kept to get more cancels to DB before rehandling active faults.
(190; WaitTimeout (3000) -2; -2)
(191; RehandleFaults (subrack; @FaultSource) -1;
<!-- handling for overCurrent fault -->
(RULE OverCurrent_Start
<!-- if there's no BS FAULTY active, continue ->
(0; WasAlarmNumber (7650) -1; -2)
<!-- skip checking of filter in case of Medusa R
F (FF does not exist in DB) -->
(3; ReadDBObject (unit; oam_agent_type; multirad
io_agent_1; @FaultSource; -1; subrack; FR) 26; -2)
(4; ReadDBObject (unit; oam_agent_type; multirad
io_agent_1; @FaultSource; -1; subrack; CORE_FR) 26; -2)
<!-- check FF exist -->
(5; ReadDBObject (-1; exist; true; @UnitIndex) 2; 200)
<!-- check FR state -->
(6; CheckObjectStatus (@UnitIndex; FAULTY; -1; s
ubrack; FR; unit) -1; -2)
<!-- check state -->
(8; CheckObjectStatus (@FaultSource; @FaultSever
ity) -2; -1)
<!-- turn current on and check fault activity af
ter 20s -->

(20; IsMemberStr (@FaultText; RS485) 24; -2)

(21; IsMemberStr (@FaultText; MAIN) -2; 23)
(22; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; ALCurrentOn; "";
@UnitIndex; MAIN) 25; 40)
(23; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; ALCurrentOn; "";
@UnitIndex; DIV) 25; 40)
(24; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; ALCurrentOn; "";
@UnitIndex; RS485) -2; 40)
(25; WaitTimeout (30000) -2; -2)
(26; IsActiveFault (@FaultId; @FaultSource) -2;
<!-- update antenna state to DB -->
(28; WriteDBObject (-1; state; severity; @FaultS
ource; -1; ""; ""; ""; @FaultSeverity) -2; -2)
<!-- send alarm -->
(40; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; @Fault
Activity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -2; -2)
(41; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 4069) 44; -2)
(42; SendDirectAlarm (7654; FAULTY; CANCEL; @Fau
ltSource; 3120; -1; -1; ""; -1; 1834; antenna; MHA) -2; -2)
(43; SendDirectAlarm (7654; FAULTY; CANCEL; @Fau
ltSource; 3120; -1; -1; ""; -1; 1835; antenna; MHA) -2; -2)
(44; WaitTimeout(5000) -2; -2)
(45; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; InformAntLineSta
tus; ""; @FaultSource) -2; -2)
(46; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 4069) 66; -2)
<!-- not C/D MHA recovery: always recalculate FE
G -->
(55; IsMemberVariant (@UnitSubIndex; C; D) 70; 2)
<!-- PR 60685ESPE04: additional checking of MHA
type -->
(56; IsDoubleMHA (@UnitSubIndex) 57; 90)
<!-- for FLHA in AISG mode no checking if curren
t mode -->
(57; IsMemberVariant (@UnitSubIndex; HA; DA) -2;
(58; ReadDBObject (unit; MhaOperatingMode; "AISG
Control"; @UnitSubIndex) 85; 61)
<!-- PR 60685ESPE04: additional checking of MHA
type -->
(60; IsDoubleMHA (@UnitSubIndex) 61; 90)
<!-- set MHA faulty and recalculate FEG -->
<!-- current mode MHA, DC feeding antenna: set b
oth MHAs faulty -->
<!-- if both parts of MHA have power feeding tru
e, set only one part to faulty -->
(61; ReadDBObject (unit; MhaOperatingMode; "Curr
ent mode"; @UnitSubIndex) -2; 90)
(62; ReadDBObject (unit; DcFeeding; true; @Fault
Source) -2; 90)
(63; ReadDBObject (unit; PowerFeeding; false; @F
aultSource; -1; antenna; MHA) -2; 90)
(64; ReadDBObject (unit; recoverytype; Type1; @U
nitSubIndex) 90; -2)

(65; ReadDBObject (unit; recoverytype; NONE; @Un

itSubIndex) 90; 85)
<!-- PR 60056ESPE added writing of fault to FDCL
in case of RETs connected by SmartBiasT (not through MHA) -->
(66; WriteDBObject (unit; state; FAULTY; @FaultS
ource; -1; antenna; TILT) -1; -1)
<!-- Special handling for WMHC (always powered f
rom DIV, -->
<!-- and WMHD when current mode like WHMHC, othe
r case powered from MAIN -->
(70; IsMemberVariant (@UnitSubIndex; C) -2; 72)
(71; ReadDBObject (unit; PowerFeeding; true; @Fa
ultSource; -1; antenna; MHA) 85; 80)
(72; ReadDBObject (unit; MhaOperatingMode; "Curr
ent mode"; @UnitSubIndex) 80; 85)
<!-- PR 60056ESPE added writing of fault to FDCL
in case of RETs connected by SmartBiasT (not through MHA) -->
(80; WriteDBObject (unit; state; FAULTY; @FaultS
ource; -1; antenna; TILT) -1; -1)
<!-- all MHAs of the antenna are set faulty and
FEG recalculation is requested by ROUT to every affected MHA.
DIV antenna is feeding current to MHAs. -->
(85; WriteDBObject (unit; state; FAULTY; @FaultS
ource; -1; antenna; MHA) -2; -2)
(86; WriteDBObject (unit; state; FAULTY; @FaultS
ource; -1; antenna; TILT) -2; -2)
(87; ReadDBObject (unit; exist; true; @UnitSubIn
dex) -2; -1)
(88; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; SetFEG; ""; @Uni
tSubIndex; true) -1; -1)
<!-- FEG only on alarming branch MHA -->
(90; WriteDBObject (unit; state; FAULTY; @UnitSu
bIndex) -2; -2)
(91; WriteDBObject (unit; state; FAULTY; @FaultS
ource; -1; antenna; TILT) -2; -2)
(92; ReadDBObject (unit; exist; true; @UnitSubIn
dex) -2; -1)
(93; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; SetFEG; ""; @Uni
tSubIndex) -1; -1)
<!-- remove fault from lists -->
(200; RemoveActiveFault (@FaultSource; -1; @Unit
SubIndex; @FaultId) -1; -1)
<!-- handles no connection fault start -->
(RULE NoConnectionToUnit_start
<!-- stop handling if alarm has already been sen
t -->
(0; IsStoredInFDCL (-1; @FaultSource; @UnitSubIn
dex; @FaultId; @FaultSeverity) -1; -2)
<!-- stop if reset is ongoing -->
(1; IsResetRequested (@FaultSource) 260; -2)
<!-- remove if 2003 is active on BS -->
(2; IsActiveFault (2003) 250; -2)
<!-- PR 73022ESPE04 Fault 10 should be handled a

lthough fault 94 is active -->

(3; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 10) 5; 7)
<!-- PR 85301ESPE04: Fault 10 for FR should be i
gnored if 2000 or 2001 is on its OIC -->
(5; IsActiveFault (2000; @FaultSource; -1; -1; s
ubrack; -1; OIC) 240; -2)
(6; IsActiveFault (2001; @FaultSource; -1; -1; s
ubrack; -1; OIC) 240; 8)
<!-- remove if 94 is active on same unit -->
(7; IsActiveFault (94; @FaultSource; -1; 1) 250;
<!-- if 32 is active on same unit, keep 10min de
lay for ALD and 10 sec for FSP (PR 63757ESPE04, PR 68850ESPE04)
and if it's still active after that, ignore faul
t. If 32 is not active after delay, check that no connection is
still active and continue handling. -->
(8; IsStoredInFDCL (-1; @FaultSource; @UnitSubIn
dex; 32; @FaultSeverity) -2; 16)
(9; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FSP) -2; 12)
(10; AllowInterrupt (true) -2; -2)
(11; WaitTimeout (10000) 15; 15)
(12; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; MHA; TILT; FA)
-2; 16)
(13; AllowInterrupt (true) -2; -2)
(14; WaitTimeout (600000) -2; -2)
(15; IsStoredInFDCL (-1; @FaultSource; @UnitSubI
ndex; 32; @FaultSeverity) -1; -2)
<!-- no BS faulty check for FT -->
(16; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 225) -2; 18)
<!-- stop handling if FTM ready check is skipped
(17; ReadSwConfTable (381; 1) -1; 65)
<!-- FSP: if 1827 is active, fault is removed ->
(18; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FSP) -2; 20)
(19; IsActiveFault (1827) 250; -2)
<!-- FR: if 1827 is active, no BS faulty check ->

IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FR) 23; 21)

19 - 28 -->
IsActiveFault (50) 23; -2)
if BS faulty is active, stop handling -->
WasAlarmNumber (7650) -1; -2)

<!--treat external tilt as normal tilt PR 56753E

(23; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; TILT) 25; -2)
<!-- check if unit is external unit -->
(24; ReadDBObject (unit; AldConnection; external
; @FaultSource) 210; -2)
<!-- keep delay before sending alarm -->
(25; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FF; EXTFF; TILT
; MHA) -2; 65)
<!-- check if unit is MHA and 133 or 134 is acti
ve in faulty cell RX, stop handling -->

(26; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; MHA) -2; 30)

(27; CheckCellState (@FaultSource; -1; FAULTY) 2; 30)
(28; IsStoredInFDCL (-1; @FaultSource; @UnitSubI
ndex; 133; @FaultSeverity) 30;-2)
(29; IsStoredInFDCL (-1; @FaultSource; @UnitSubI
ndex; 134; @FaultSeverity) -2;-1)
<!-- ignore if FR is faulty or blocked or doesn'
t exist -->
(30; ReadDBObject (unit; exist; true; @FaultSour
ce; -1; subrack; FR) -2; 250)
(31; CheckObjectStatus (@FaultSource; FAULTY; -1
; subrack; FR; unit) -1; -2)
(32; CheckObjectStatus (@FaultSource; FAULTY; -1
; master; FR; unit) -1; -2)
(33; IsActiveFault (10; @FaultSource; -1; -1; su
brack; -1; FR) 250; -2)
(34; IsActiveFault (48; @FaultSource; -1; -1; su
brack; -1; FR) 250; -2)
(35; IsActiveFault (4052; @FaultSource; -1; -1;
subrack; -1; FR) 250; -2)
<!-- ignore if 1836 is active (not for FF) or 23
for FF is active -->
(36; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FF) 41; -2)
(37; IsActiveFault (1836; @FaultSource; -1; -1;
subrack; -1; FR) 250; -2)
antenna; -1; AntennaLine) 250; -2)
brack; -1; FF) 250; -2)
<!-ed during delay. -->
antenna; -1; AntennaLine) 250; -2)
ce; -1; subrack; FR) -2; 250)
; subrack; FR; unit) -1; -2)
brack; -1; FR) 250; -2)
subrack; -1; FR) 250; -2)
<!-d FF -->
ultSource) 57; -2)

IsActiveFault (1836; @FaultSource; -1; -1;

IsActiveFault (23; @FaultSource; -1; -1; su
keep delay. fault handling may be interrupt
AllowInterrupt (true) -2; -2)
WaitTimeout (30000) -2; -2)
IsActiveFault (1836; @FaultSource; -1; -1;
WaitTimeout (90000) -2; -2)
IsResetRequested (16) -2; 47)
WaitTimeout (120000) -2; -2)
AllowInterrupt (false) -2; -2)
check that fault is still active -->
IsActiveFault (@FaultId; @FaultSource) -2;
ReadDBObject (unit; exist; true; @FaultSour
CheckObjectStatus (@FaultSource; FAULTY; -1
IsActiveFault (10; @FaultSource; -1; -1; su
IsActiveFault (4052; @FaultSource; -1; -1;
keep additional 30s delay for uncommissione
IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FF) -2; 56)
ReadDBObject (unit; commissioned; true; @Fa
WaitTimeout (30000) -2; -2)

<!-- do same checks as before delay -->

(56; ReadDBObject (unit; exist; true; @FaultSour
ce; -1; subrack; FR) -2; 250)
(57; IsActiveFault (10; @FaultSource; -1; -1; su
brack; -1; FR) 250; -2)
(58; IsActiveFault (4052; @FaultSource; -1; -1;
subrack; -1; FR) 250; -2)
(59; IsActiveFault (48; @FaultSource; -1; -1; su
brack; -1; FR) 250; -2)
(60; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FF) 61; -2)
(61; IsActiveFault (1836; @FaultSource; -1; -1;
antenna; -1; AntennaLine) 250; -2)
(62; IsActiveFault (23; @FaultSource; -1; -1; su
brack; -1; FF) 250; -2)
(63; WriteDBObject (unit; state; severity; @Faul
tSource; -1; ""; ""; ""; @FaultSeverity) -2; -2)
(64; WriteDBObject (unit; exist; false; @FaultSo
urce; -1; ""; ""; clear) 130; 130)
<!-- if fault source is extension module and it
is telecom master do bts reset
(58; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 174) -2; 60)
(59; ReadDBObject (bs; tcommaster; 32; -1) 180;
<!-- extFSP: check FSM exist -->
(65; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 34; 35; 36; 50;
51; 52) -2; 67)
(66; ReadDBObject (unit; exist; true; @FaultSour
ce; -1; subrack; FSM) 69; -1)
(67; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 226) -2; 69)
(68; ReadDBObject (bs; ClockGPS_InUse; NotInUse;
-1) -1; 69)
<!-- update object exist and state -->
(69; WriteDBObject (unit; state; severity; @Faul
tSource; -1; ""; ""; ""; @FaultSeverity) -2; -2)
(70; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FSP) -2; 72)
(71; ReadDBObject (unit; pluginunit; true; @Faul
tSource) 73; -2)
(72; WriteDBObject (unit; exist; false; @FaultSo
urce; -1; ""; ""; clear) -2; -2)
<!-- update FCM and FSP exist -->
(73; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FSM) -2; 76)
(74; WriteDBObject (unit; exist; false; @FaultSo
urce; -1; subrack; CORE_FSM; clear) -2; -2)
(75; WriteDBObject (unit; exist; false; @FaultSo
urce; -1; subrack; FSP; clear) 76; 76)
<!-- FSP: update faradays exist -->
(76; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FSP) -2; 105)
(77; WriteDBObject (unit; exist; false; @FaultSo
urce; -1; neighbours; Chip; clear) -2; -2)
(78; WriteDBObject (unit; exist; false; @FaultSo
urce; -1; neighbours; TUPChip; clear) -2; -2)
(79; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 4052) -2; 105)
(80; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; ShutdownFSP; "";
@FaultSource; @UnitSubIndex) -2; -2)

<!-- CN4141 -->

(81; ReadDBObject (cabinet; cabinetid; 19; -1) 1
12; -2)
(82; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 18) 88; -2)
(83; ReadDBObject (unit; exist; true; 18) -2; 88
<!-- possible need of adding IsResetRequested &
Timeout -->
(84; WriteDBObject (unit; state; FAULTY; 18) -2;
(85; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; TRAN
SIENT; 18; 52; -1; -1; Unit) -2; -2)
(86; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; DisableLinkStatu
sInd; ""; 18) -2; -2)
(87; ExecuteResetAction (18; ""; FSP; warm) -2;
(88; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 19) 94; -2)
(89; ReadDBObject (unit; exist; true; 19) -2; 94
<!-- possible need of adding IsResetRequested &
Timeout -->
(90; WriteDBObject (unit; state; FAULTY; 19) -2;
(91; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; TRAN
SIENT; 19; 52; -1; -1; Unit) -2; -2)
(92; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; DisableLinkStatu
sInd; ""; 19) -2; -2)
(93; ExecuteResetAction (19; ""; FSP; warm) -2;
(94; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 20) 112; -2)
(95; ReadDBObject (unit; exist; true; 20) -2; 11
<!-- possible need of adding IsResetRequested &
Timeout -->
(96; WriteDBObject (unit; state; FAULTY; 20) -2;
(97; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; TRAN
SIENT; 20; 52; -1; -1; Unit) -2; -2)
(98; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; DisableLinkStatu
sInd; ""; 20) -2; -2)
(99; ExecuteResetAction (20; ""; FSP; warm) -2;
<!--ConfigureBB is not implemented in LTE-->
<!--(97; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; ConfigureBB;
""; @FaultSource; true) 112; 112)-->
<!-- update TX, RX and LTX exist -->
(105; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FR) -2; 112)
(106; WriteDBObject (unit; exist; false; @FaultS
ource; -1; subrack; CORE_FR; clear) -2; -2)
(107; WriteDBObject (unit; exist; false; @FaultS
ource; -1; subrack; RX; clear) -2; -2)
(108; WriteDBObject (unit; exist; false; @FaultS
ource; -1; subrack; TX; clear) -2; -2)
<!-- stop if 1827 is active -->

(109; IsActiveFault (1827) -1; -2)

(110; IsActiveFault (50) 112; -2)
<!-- if BS faulty is active, stop handling -->
(111; WasAlarmNumber (7650) -1; -2)
(112; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 225) 115; -2)
<!-- PR 45050espe04: 23 activity is checked afte
r exist and SWState update.
remove if 23 is active on same unit. -->
<!-- PR 70743ESPE04: 10-alarm is not rised when
incompatible alarms is active on RF-module
if is LTE then ommit step 114-->
(113; ReadDBObject (cabinet; cabinetid; 19; -1)
115; -2)
(114; IsActiveFault (23; @FaultSource; -1; 1) 25
0; -2)
<!-- start FDU fault buffering
FR and FSM: start buffering for all sub
rack devices -->
(115; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FSM; FR) -2; 1
(116; InformFDUOfReset (@FaultSource; start; sub
rack) -2; -2)
(117; InformFDUOfReset (@FaultSource; start) -2;
(118; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FSP) -2; 121)
(119; InformFDUOfReset (@FaultSource; start; nei
ghbours; Chip) -2; -2)
(120; InformFDUOfReset (@FaultSource; start; nei
ghbours; TUPChip) -2; -2)
<!-- PR 64443ESPE04 -->
(121; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 174) -2; 123)
(122; ReadDBObject (bs; tcommaster; 32; -1) 180;
<!-- FT: do site reset -->
(123; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 225) -2; 160)
(124; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; DoesFTMExist; "
") -2; 140)
(125; IsActiveFault(10; @FaultSource) 127; -2)
(126; ReadDBObject (bs; emconnected; true; -1) 1; -2)
<!-- Read from sw_conf_table if site reset is al
lowed -->
(127; ReadSwConfTable (SiteResetAllowed; 1) -2;
<!-- Site reset recovery is performed -->
(128; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; SiteReset; "")
-2; 140)
<!-- PR 64412ESPE04-->
(129; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; TRA

NSIENT; @FaultSource; 52; -1; -1; Site) -1; -1)

<!-- (102; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; SiteReset;
"") -2; 189) -->
<!-- (103; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity
; TRANSIENT; @FaultSource; 52; -1; -1; Site) -1; -1) -->
<!-- FR reset: FR state is checked and reset req
uest is sent for LTX.
reset is done if FR or all its cells are disable
d. -->
(130; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FF) -2; 189)
(131; IsMemberVariant (@FaultSource; GF) -2; 189
<!-- RAN1881 change - review needed -->
(132; CheckObjectStatus (@FaultSource; FAULTY; 1; subrack; FR; unit) 141; -2)
(133; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; LTX; FR; TX; R
X; FF) -2; 189)
(134; IsMemberInt(@FRID; 0) -1; -2)
(135; CheckCellState (@FRID; -1; WORKING) 189; 2)
(136; CheckCellState (@FRID; -1; DEGRADED) 189;
<!-- PR 81600ESPE04 - if SEM won't fetch file Si
teEM.xml then do recovery EnableDirectBTSManagerConnection -->
(140; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; EnableDirectBTS
ManagerConnection; "") 189; 189)
(141; ResetCounterCompare (@FaultSource; 3600; 1
; subrack; CORE_FR) -2; 143)
(142; IsResetRequested (@FaultSource; subrack; C
ORE_FR) -1; 189)
(143; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; TRA
NSIENT; @FaultSource; 52; -1; -1; Unit) -2; -2)
(144; WaitTimeout (30000) -2; -2)
(145; ExecuteResetAction (@FaultSource; subrack;
CORE_FR; fr) -1; -1)
<!-- if all FSPs are faulty and BTS is commissio
ned, do FSM or BTS reset -->
(160; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FSP) -2; 189)
(161; DoAllUnitsReport (@FaultId; @FaultSource;
-1; FSP; subrack) -2; 189)
(162; ReadDBObject (bs; bsstatus; NotCommissione
d; -1) 189; -2)
<!-- BTS reset if master FSM or Telecom master,
otherwise FSM reset -->
(163; IsMasterWAM (@FaultSource; subrack; CORE_F
SM) 180; -2)
(164; ReadDBObject (bs; tcommaster; 32; -1) 180;
(165; CheckObjectStatus (@FaultSource; FAULTY; 1; subrack; FSM; unit) -2; 189)
(166; ResetCounterCompare (@FaultSource; 3600; 1
; subrack; CORE_FSM) 189; -2)
<!-- extFSP: 10min delay before reset. check aft

er delay if fault is still active. -->

(167; WaitTimeout (600000) -2; -2)
(168; IsActiveFault (@FaultId; @FaultSource) -2;
(169; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; TRA
NSIENT; @FaultSource; 52; -1; -1; Unit) -2; -2)
(170; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; MemoryDump; "";
@FaultSource; @UnitSubIndex) -2; -2)
(171; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; StoreDumpsToMas
ter; ""; @FaultSource; 1) -2; -2)
(172; WaitTimeout (30000) -2; -2)
(173; ExecuteResetAction (@FaultSource; subrack;
CORE_FSM; fsm) -1; -1)
<!-- do BTS reset -->
(180; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; BTSReset; "") 2; 189)
(181; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; TRA
NSIENT; @FaultSource; 52; -1; -1; BTS) -1; -1)
<!-- cancel other alarms before sending fault ->
(189; CancelAlarms (@FaultSource) -2; -2)
<!-- cancel FAN alarms -->
(190; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FSM) -2; 192)
(191; CancelAlarms (@FaultSource; -1; -1; subrac
k; FSM_FAN) 194; 194)
(192; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FR) -2; 197)
(193; CancelAlarms (@FaultSource; -1; -1; subrac
k; FR_FAN) -2; -2)
(194; CancelAlarms (@FaultSource; -1; -1; subrac
k; FANGROUP) -2; -2)
(195; CancelAlarms (@FaultSource; -1; -1; subuni
ts; TILT) -2; -2)
(196; CancelAlarms (@FaultSource; -1; -1; subrac
k; AntennaLine) -2; -2)
(197; CancelAlarms (@FaultSource; -1; -1; subrac
k; OIC) -2; -2)
(198; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FSP) -2; 202)
(199; CancelAlarms (@FaultSource; -1; -1; neighb
ours; Chip) -2; -2)
(200; CancelAlarms (@FaultSource; -1; -1; neighb
ours; TUPChip) -2; -2)
(201; ReadDBObject (unit; pluginunit; true; @Fau
ltSource) 205; -2)
(202; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FF) -2; 204)
(203; WaitTimeout (60000) -2; -2)
(204; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; @Faul
tActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) 207; 207)
(205; WriteDBObject (unit; exist; false; @FaultS
ource; -1; ""; ""; clear) -2; -2)
(206; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; @Faul
tActivity; @FaultSource; 3003) -1; -1)
<!-- PR 73022ESPE04: Failure in optical RP3 inte
rface (0010) was not generated when fault id 94 was active -->
(207; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 10) -2; -1)
(208; RemoveActiveFault (@FaultSource; -1; -1; 9
4; ""; ""; false) -1; -1)

<!-- external ALD: send as 7652. update exist an

d state -->
(210; AllowInterrupt (true) -2; -2)
(211; WaitTimeout (120000) -2; -2)
(212; IsResetRequested (16) -2; 214)
(213; WaitTimeout (120000) -2; -2)
(214; AllowInterrupt (false) -2; -2)
(215; IsActiveFault (1836; @FaultSource; -1; -1;
antenna; -1; AntennaLine) -1; -2)
(216; CancelAlarms (@FaultSource) -2; -2)
(217; WriteDBObject (unit; state; severity; @Fau
ltSource; -1; ""; ""; ""; @FaultSeverity) -2; -2)
(218; WriteDBObject (unit; exist; false; @FaultS
ource; -1; ""; ""; clear) -2; -2)
(219; InformFDUOfReset (@FaultSource; start) -2;
(220; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; @Fa
ultActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
<!-- PR 86132ESPE04 - if SFP disconnected and OI
C connected then update FR to not existing -->
(240; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FR) -2; -1)
(241; WriteDBObject (unit; exist; false; @FaultS
ource; -1; ""; ""; clear) -1; -1)
<!-- remove active faults. -->
(250; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FSM; FR) 252;
(251; RemoveActiveFault (@FaultSource) 253; 253)
(252; RemoveActiveFault (@FaultSource; -1; -1; 1; subrack) -2; -2)
(253; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FSP) -2; 256)
(254; RemoveActiveFault (@FaultSource; -1; @Unit
SubIndex; -1; neighbours; Chip) -2; -2)
(255; RemoveActiveFault (@FaultSource; -1; @Unit
SubIndex; -1; neighbours; TUPChip) -2; -2)
<!-- remove faults detected by this unit -->
(256; RemoveActiveFault (-1; @FaultSource) -2; 2)
<!-- remove fault from DB -->
(260; RemoveActiveFault (@FaultSource; -1; @Unit
SubIndex; @FaultId) -1; -1)
<!-- handles no connection fault cancel -->
(RULE NoConnectionToUnit_cancel
<!-- if fault id is not stored in FDCL, remove f
ault -->
(0; IsStoredInFDCL (-1; @FaultSource; @UnitSubIn
dex; @FaultId; @FaultSeverity) -2; 80)
<!-- stop fault buffering at FDU -->
(1; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FR; FSM) -2; 5)
(2; IsActiveFault (4001; @FaultSource) -2; 4)
(3; WaitTimeout (10000) -2; -2)
(4; InformFDUOfReset (@FaultSource; cancel; subr
ack) -2; -2)
(5; InformFDUOfReset (@FaultSource; cancel) -2;

(6; InformFDUOfReset (@FaultSource; cancel; subu
nits; CORE_FR) -2; -2)
<!-- FSP: end buffering on Faradays -->
(7; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FSP) -2; 11)
(8; InformFDUOfReset (@FaultSource; cancel; subr
ack; Chip) -2; -2)
(9; InformFDUOfReset (@FaultSource; cancel; subr
ack; TUPChip) -2; -2)
<!-- CN4141 (ConfigureBB is not implemented in L
TE) -->
<!--(10; ExecuteRecoveryAction(-1; ConfigureBB;
""; @FaultSource; false) -2; -2)-->
<!-- if BS is faulty and 7650 is active, check n
eed for BTS/Site reset -->
(11; CheckObjectStatus (-1; FAULTY; -1; ""; "";
bs) -2; 50)
(12; WasAlarmNumber (7650) -2; 50)
<!-- cancel alarm -->
(13; ReadDBObject (unit; AldConnection; external
; @FaultSource) -2; 15)
<!-- if alarm is canceled from external device,
no BTS/Site reset is needed -->
(14; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; @Fau
ltActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
(15; ReadDBObject (unit; pluginunit; true; @Faul
tSource) 17; -2)
(16; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; @Fault
Activity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) 30; 30)
(17; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; @Fault
Activity; @FaultSource; 3003) -2; -2)
<!-- if BS is not faulty anymore, do BTS or site
reset -->
(30; CheckObjectStatus (-1; FAULTY; -1; ""; "";
bs) -1; -2)
(33; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 225) -2; 37)
(34; ReadDBObject (bs; bsstatus; NotCommissioned
; -1) 70; -2)
(35; ExecuteServiceAction (@UnitIndex; SiteReset
; "") -2; 70)
(36; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; TRAN
SIENT; @FaultSource; 52; -1; -1; Site) -1; -1)
(37; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; BTSReset; "") -2
; 70)
(38; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; TRAN
SIENT; @FaultSource; 52; -1; -1; BTS) -1; -1)
<!-- cancel alarm -->
(50; ReadDBObject (unit; AldConnection; external
; @FaultSource) -2; 52)
(51; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; @Fau
ltActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
(52; ReadDBObject (unit; pluginunit; true; @Faul
tSource) -2; 54)
(53; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FSP) 55; -2)

(54; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; @Fault

Activity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) 60; 60)
(55; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; @Fault
Activity; @FaultSource; 3003) -2; -2)
<!-- update FCM state -->
(60; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FSM) -2; 70)
(61; WriteDBObject (unit; state; severity; @Faul
tSource; -1; subrack; CORE_FSM; ""; @FaultSeverity) -2; -2)
<!-- remove faults.
FSM, FR: skip step 71, because then ste
p 72 wouldn't succeed -->
(70; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FSM; FR) 72; -2
(71; RemoveActiveFault (@FaultSource) 73; 73)
(72; RemoveActiveFault (@FaultSource; -1; -1; -1
; subrack) -2; -2)
(73; RemoveActiveFault (-1; @UnitIndex) -2; -2)
(74; RemoveActiveFault (@FaultSource; -1; @UnitS
ubIndex; @FaultId) -2; -2)
(75; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FSP) -2; 78)
(76; RemoveActiveFault (@FaultSource; -1; @UnitS
ubIndex; -1; neighbours; Chip) -2; -2)
(77; RemoveActiveFault (@FaultSource; -1; @UnitS
ubIndex; -1; neighbours; TUPChip) -2; -2)
<!-- keep 3s delay before rehandling faults.
this is needed so that some faults may
still cancel before rehandling -->
(78; WaitTimeout (3000) -2; -2)
(79; RehandleFaults (subrack; @FaultSource) -1;
<!-- remove only this fault but first send alarm
, because alarm can be active in FDAR without faultId stored to FDCL -->
(80; SendDirectAlarm(-1; @FaultSeverity; @FaultA
ctivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -2; -2)
(81; RemoveActiveFault (@FaultSource; -1; @UnitS
ubIndex; @FaultId) -1; -1)
<!-- handling for FAN fault starts -->
(RULE FanFailure_Start
<!-- if there's no BS FAULTY active, continue ->
(0; WasAlarmNumber (7650) -1; -2)
<!-- check exist and state -->
(1; ReadDBObject (unit; exist; true; @FaultSourc
e) -2; -1)
(2; CheckObjectStatus (@FaultSource; @FaultSever
ity) -2; -1)
<!-- FR FAN: check FR and FANGROUP state. -->
(3; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1917) -2; 6)
(4; CheckObjectStatus (@FaultSource; FAULTY; -1;
subrack; FR; unit) -1; -2)
(5; CheckObjectStatus (@FaultSource; DEGRADED; 1; subrack; FANGROUP; unit) -1; -2)

<!-- update state to DB -->

(6; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FCM) 7; 9)
(7; WriteDBObject (unit; state; severity; @Fault
Source ; -1; subrack; FSM_FAN; ""; @FaultSeverity) -2; -2)
(8; WriteDBObject (unit; state; severity; @Fault
Source ; -1; subrack; FANGROUP; ""; @FaultSeverity) 20; 20)
(9; WriteDBObject (unit; state; severity; @Fault
Source; -1; ""; ""; ""; @FaultSeverity) -2; -2)
<!-- for fault 1933 & FANGROUP as fault source,
update FANGROUP fan states to faulty -->
(10; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1933) -2; 15)
(11; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; SetFanLED; ""; 1
; @UnitIndex) -2; -2)
(12; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FANGROUP) -2; 1
(13; WriteDBObject (unit; state; FAULTY; @FaultS
ource; -1; subrack; FR_FAN) -2; -2)
(15; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 0; 1917; 1933) -2; 17
(16; WriteDBObject (unit; state; DEGRADED; @Faul
tSource; -1; subrack; FANGROUP) -2; -2)
(17; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1933; 1934) -2; 150)
(18; WriteDBObject (unit; state; DEGRADED; @Faul
tSource ; -1; subrack; FR) 150; 150)
<!-- fault 1917 is handled from step 30 onwards
<!-- fault 0 and 1 are handled from step 50 onwa
rds -->
(20; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1917; 1933) 30; 150)
<!-- alarm is sent on steps 100-120 -->
<!-- FR1_FAN1 and FR1_FAN2, Active alarm 1917 is
canceled from another fan and after that 1917 alarm is sent with fangroup as fa
ult source -->
(30; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 40211; 40212; 40
213; 40467; 40468; 40469; 40723; 40724; 40725; 54513; 54514; 54515; 40433; 4043
4; 40435; 45297; 45298; 45299; 45553; 45554; 45555; 45809; 45810; 45811; 40689;
40690; 40691; 46065; 46066; 46067; 46321; 46322; 46323; 46577; 46578; 46579; 409
45; 40946; 40947; 46833; 46834; 46835; 47089; 47090; 47091; 47345; 47346; 47347;
48369; 48370; 48371; 48625; 48626; 48627; 48881; 48882; 48883; 49137; 49138; 49
139; 49393; 49394; 49395; 49649; 49650; 49651; 49905; 49906; 49907; 50161; 50162
; 50163; 40442; 40698; 40954; 48378; 49402; 40433; 40434; 40435; 40436; 40437; 4
0442; 40689; 40690; 40691; 40692; 40693; 40698; 40945; 40946; 40947; 40948; 4094
9; 40954; 48369; 48370; 48371; 48372; 48373; 48378; 49393; 49394; 49395; 49396;
49397; 49402; 40433; 40434; 40435; 40436; 40437; 40442; 45297; 45298; 45299; 453
00; 45301; 45306; 45553; 45554; 45555; 45556; 45557; 45562; 45809; 45810; 45811;
45812; 45813; 45818; 40689; 40690; 40691; 40692; 40693; 40698; 46065; 46066; 46
067; 46068; 46069; 46074; 46321; 46322; 46323; 46324; 46325; 46330; 46577; 46578
; 46579; 46580; 46581; 46586; 40945; 40946; 40947; 40948; 40949; 40954; 46833; 4
6834; 46835; 46836; 46837; 46842; 47089; 47090; 47091; 47092; 47093; 47098; 4734
5; 47346; 47347; 47348; 47349; 47354; 48369; 48370; 48371; 48372; 48373; 48378;
48625; 48626; 48627; 48628; 48629; 48634; 48881; 48882; 48883; 48884; 48885; 488
90; 49137; 49138; 49139; 49140; 49141; 49146; 49393; 49394; 49395; 49396; 49397;
49402; 49649; 49650; 49651; 49652; 49653; 49658; 49905; 49906; 49907; 49908; 49
909; 49914; 50161; 50162; 50163; 50164; 50165; 50170; 54513; 54514; 54515; 54516
; 54517; 54522; 54769; 54770; 54771; 54772; 54773; 54778; 55025; 55026; 55027; 5
5028; 55029; 55034; 55281; 55282; 55283; 55284; 55285; 55290; 48369; 48370; 4837

1; 48372; 48373; 48378; 48625; 48626; 48627; 48628; 48629; 48634; 48881; 48882;
48883; 48884; 48885; 48890; 49137; 49138; 49139; 49140; 49141; 49146; 54513; 545
14; 54515; 54516; 54517; 54522; 54769; 54770; 54771; 54772; 54773; 54778; 55025;
55026; 55027; 55028; 55029; 55034; 55281; 55282; 55283; 55284; 55285; 55290; 47
601; 47602; 47603; 47604; 47605; 47610; 47857; 47858; 47859; 47860; 47861; 47866
; 48113; 48114; 48115; 48116; 48117; 48122; 65265; 65266; 65267; 65268; 65269; 6
5274) -2; -1) <!-- FAN ids from FR1-5 and FRs in chain -->
(31; DoAllUnitsReport (@OrigId; @FRID; -1; FR_FA
N; subunits) -2; 320)
(32; SendDirectAlarm (7655; FAULTY; CANCEL; @FRI
D; @GroupId; -1; -1; ""; -1; 1917; subunits; FANGROUP) -2; -1)
(35; WriteDBObject (unit; state; FAULTY; @FRID;
-1; subunits; FR_FAN) 200; 200)
<!-- FSM FAN and FANGROUP: send alarm -->
(150; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FCM) 152; 151)
(151; SendDirectAlarm (7655; WORKING; @FaultActi
vity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) 153; 153)
(152; SendDirectAlarm (7651; WORKING; @FaultActi
vity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -2; -2)
(153; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1934; 1935) -1; -2)
<!-- tell CLIC to turn FAN led on -->
(154; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; SetFanLED; "";
1; @UnitIndex) -1; -1)
<!-- FR FANGROUP: send alarm -->
(200; ReadDBObject (unit; commissioned; true; @F
RID) 201; 202)
(201; SendDirectAlarm (7655; @FaultSeverity; @Fa
ultActivity; @FRID; @GroupId; -1; -1; ""; -1; -1; subunits; FANGROUP) -1; -1)
<!--Alarm 7655 is always sent for faults 1917 an
d 1933-->
(202; SendDirectAlarm (7655; @FaultSeverity; @Fa
ultActivity; @FRID; @GroupId; -1; -1; ""; -1; -1; subunits; FANGROUP) -1; -1)
<!-- FR FAN: send alarm -->
(320; SendDirectAlarm (7655; @FaultSeverity; @Fa
ultActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
<!-- FAN fault cancel handling -->
(RULE FanFailure_Cancel
<!-- 1917 is handled from step 10 onwards -->
(0; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1917) 8; -2)
<!-- cancel alarm -->
(1; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FCM) 4; 2)
(2; SendDirectAlarm (7655; WORKING; @FaultActivi
ty; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -2; -2)
<!-- tell CLIC to turn off FAN led -->
(3; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; SetFanLED; ""; 0;
@UnitIndex) 8; 8)
(4; SendDirectAlarm (7651; WORKING; @FaultActivi
ty; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -2; -2)
<!-- tell CLIC to turn off FAN led -->
(5; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; SetFanLED; ""; 0;
@UnitIndex) -2; -2)
(6; WriteDBObject (unit; state; severity; @Fault
Source ; -1; subrack; FSM_FAN; ""; @FaultSeverity) -2; -2)

(7; WriteDBObject (unit; state; severity; @Fault

Source ; -1; subrack; FANGROUP; ""; @FaultSeverity) -1; -1)
(8; WriteDBObject (unit; state; severity; @Fault
Source; -1; ""; ""; ""; @FaultSeverity) -2; -2)
(11; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 0; 1917) -2; 15)
(12; WriteDBObject (unit; state; DEGRADED; @Faul
tSource; -1; subrack; FANGROUP) -2; -2)
(13; WriteDBObject (unit; state; FAULTY; @FRID;
-1; subunits; FR_FAN) -2; -2)
(14; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1917; 1933) -2; -1)
(15; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1933; 1934) -2; -1)
(16; WriteDBObject (unit; state; DEGRADED; @Faul
tSource ; -1; subrack; FR) -1; -1)
<!-- FR1_FAN1 or FR1_FAN2, cancel 1917 from fan
group and fans -->
(20; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 40211; 40212; 40
213; 40467; 40468; 40469; 40723; 40724; 40725; 54513; 54514; 54515; 40433; 4043
4; 40435; 45297; 45298; 45299; 45553; 45554; 45555; 45809; 45810; 45811; 40689;
40690; 40691; 46065; 46066; 46067; 46321; 46322; 46323; 46577; 46578; 46579; 409
45; 40946; 40947; 46833; 46834; 46835; 47089; 47090; 47091; 47345; 47346; 47347;
48369; 48370; 48371; 48625; 48626; 48627; 48881; 48882; 48883; 49137; 49138; 49
139; 49393; 49394; 49395; 49649; 49650; 49651; 49905; 49906; 49907; 50161; 50162
; 50163; 40442; 40698; 40954; 48378; 49402; 40433; 40434; 40435; 40436; 40437; 4
0442; 40689; 40690; 40691; 40692; 40693; 40698; 40945; 40946; 40947; 40948; 4094
9; 40954; 48369; 48370; 48371; 48372; 48373; 48378; 49393; 49394; 49395; 49396;
49397; 49402; 40433; 40434; 40435; 40436; 40437; 40442; 45297; 45298; 45299; 453
00; 45301; 45306; 45553; 45554; 45555; 45556; 45557; 45562; 45809; 45810; 45811;
45812; 45813; 45818; 40689; 40690; 40691; 40692; 40693; 40698; 46065; 46066; 46
067; 46068; 46069; 46074; 46321; 46322; 46323; 46324; 46325; 46330; 46577; 46578
; 46579; 46580; 46581; 46586; 40945; 40946; 40947; 40948; 40949; 40954; 46833; 4
6834; 46835; 46836; 46837; 46842; 47089; 47090; 47091; 47092; 47093; 47098; 4734
5; 47346; 47347; 47348; 47349; 47354; 48369; 48370; 48371; 48372; 48373; 48378;
48625; 48626; 48627; 48628; 48629; 48634; 48881; 48882; 48883; 48884; 48885; 488
90; 49137; 49138; 49139; 49140; 49141; 49146; 49393; 49394; 49395; 49396; 49397;
49402; 49649; 49650; 49651; 49652; 49653; 49658; 49905; 49906; 49907; 49908; 49
909; 49914; 50161; 50162; 50163; 50164; 50165; 50170; 54513; 54514; 54515; 54516
; 54517; 54522; 54769; 54770; 54771; 54772; 54773; 54778; 55025; 55026; 55027; 5
5028; 55029; 55034; 55281; 55282; 55283; 55284; 55285; 55290; 48369; 48370; 4837
1; 48372; 48373; 48378; 48625; 48626; 48627; 48628; 48629; 48634; 48881; 48882;
48883; 48884; 48885; 48890; 49137; 49138; 49139; 49140; 49141; 49146; 54513; 545
14; 54515; 54516; 54517; 54522; 54769; 54770; 54771; 54772; 54773; 54778; 55025;
55026; 55027; 55028; 55029; 55034; 55281; 55282; 55283; 55284; 55285; 55290; 47
601; 47602; 47603; 47604; 47605; 47610; 47857; 47858; 47859; 47860; 47861; 47866
; 48113; 48114; 48115; 48116; 48117; 48122; 65265; 65266; 65267; 65268; 65269; 6
5274) -2; -1) <!-- FAN ids from FR1-5 and FRs in chain -->
EL; @FRID; @GroupId; -1; -1; ""; -1;
EL; @FRID; @GroupId; -1; -1; ""; -1;

SendDirectAlarm (7655; @FaultSeverity; CANC

@OrigId; subunits; FR_FAN) -2; -2)
SendDirectAlarm (7655; @FaultSeverity; CANC
@OrigId; subunits; FANGROUP) 100; 100)

(100; RehandleFaults (subrack; @FaultSource; -1;

""; -1; 1917) -1; -1)

<!-- start handling for ref clock faults. -->

(RULE RefClockMissing_Start
<!-- if there's no BS FAULTY active, continue ->
(0; WasAlarmNumber (7650) -1; -2)
<!-- external unit, send 7652 -->
(1; ReadDBObject (unit; AldConnection; external;
@FaultSource) 256; -2)
<!-- check exist and state. clock alarm is allow
ed although state is already degraded. -->
(2; ReadDBObject (unit; exist; true; @FaultSourc
e) -2; -1)
(3; CheckObjectStatus (@FaultSource; FAULTY) -1;
<!-- 1898: allow interrupts -->
(4; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1898) -2; 7)
<!-- delay kept in FDDC -->
(5; WaitTimeout (420000) -2; -2)
<!-- filter if link fault is active -->
(7; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1816) -2; 15)
(8; IsActiveFault (17; @FaultSource) -1; -2)
(9; IsActiveFault (18; @FaultSource) -1; -2)
(10; IsActiveFault (19; @FaultSource) -1; -2)
<!-- if PPS or ext2M is enabled check respective
send 7651 if neither PPS nor ext2M is available.
otherwise filter fault. -->
(15; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1816) -2; 25)
(16; ReadDBObject (bs; ClockPPS; Inactive; -1) 1
8; -2)
(17; IsActiveFault (1898) -2; -1)
(18; ReadDBObject (bs; Clock2M; Inactive; -1) 25
0; -2)
(19; IsActiveFault (1899) 250; -1)
<!-- if FTM or ext2M is enabled check respective
send 7652 is either ext2M or FTM is available. ->
(25; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1898) -2; 35)
(26; ReadDBObject (bs; ClockFTM; Inactive; -1) 2
8; -2)
(27; IsActiveFault (1816) -2; 50)
(28; ReadDBObject (bs; Clock2M; Inactive; -1) 25
0; -2)
(29; IsActiveFault (1899) 250; 256)
<!-- if PPS or FTM is enabled check respective f
aults. -->
(35; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1899) -2; -1)
<!-- ignore if PPS is available. -->
(36; ReadDBObject (bs; ClockPPS; Inactive; -1) 3
8; -2)
(37; IsActiveFault (1898) -2; -1)
<!-- send 7652 if FTM is available. send 7651 is
FTM is not available. -->
(38; ReadDBObject (bs; ClockFTM; Inactive; -1) 2

50; -2)
(39; IsActiveFault (1816) 250; 256)
(50; ReadDBObject (bs; ClockGPS_InUse; NotInUse;
-1) -1; 256)
<!-- send alarm. either based on BS state or sen
d directly 7652. -->
(250; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; @Faul
tActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) 299; 299)
(256; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; @Fa
ultActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) 299; 299)
<!-- GPS reset as recovery for PPS fault. -->
(299; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1898) -2; -1)
<!-- reset isn't performed in LTE -->
(300; ReadDBObject (cabinet; cabinetid; 19; -1)
-1; -2)
<!-- keep ten minutes delay before each reset ->
(301; WaitTimeout (600000) -2; -2)
(302; ExecuteResetAction (226; ""; -1; GPS) -2;
(303; WaitTimeout (600000) -2; -2)
(304; ExecuteResetAction (226; ""; -1; GPS) -2;
(305; WaitTimeout (600000) -2; -2)
(306; ExecuteResetAction (226; ""; -1; GPS) -1;
<!-- cancel handling for ref clock faults -->
(RULE RefClockMissing_Cancel
<!-- 1898: allow interrupts -->
(0; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1898) -2; 5)
<!-- delay kept in FDDC -->
(1; WaitTimeout (300000) -2; -2)
<!-- cancel alarm using normal and working sever
ity. normal severity is used with all fault ids. -->
(5; SendDirectAlarm (7652; WORKING; @FaultActivi
ty; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -2; -2)
(6; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; @FaultA
ctivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId; -1; -1; ""; -1; 1816) -2; -2)
(7; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; @FaultA
ctivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId; -1; -1; ""; -1; 1898) -2; -2)
(8; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; @FaultA
ctivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId; -1; -1; ""; -1; 1899) -2; -2)
<!-- rehandle faults. degraded alarm is sent aga
in as working. -->
(9; RemoveActiveFault (@FaultSource; -1; -1; @Fa
ultId) -2; -2)
(10; WaitTimeout (30000) -2; -2)
(11; RehandleFaults (subrack; @FaultSource) -1;
<!-- handling for BBBus configuration failed -->
(RULE BasebandBusConfFailed_Start

<!-- if there's no BS FAULTY active, continue ->

(0; WasAlarmNumber (7650) -1; -2)
<!-- if unit exist, continue -->
(1; ReadDBObject (-1; exist; true; @FaultSource)
-2; 200)
<!-- check 95 activity on cabling unit -->
(2; IsActiveFault (95; @FaultSource; -1; -1; cab
ling; -1; "") -1; -2)
<!-- OIC: restartSync recovery -->
(5; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; OptIF) -2; 19)
<!-- check fault 1900 and 1901 activity -->
(6; IsActiveFault (1900; @FaultSource; -1; -1; s
ubrack; -1; CORE_FR) -1; -2)
(7; IsActiveFault (1901; @FaultSource; -1; -1; s
ubrack; -1; CORE_FR) -1; -2)
<!-- if reset has been made in last 10 min, skip
restart sync-->
(8; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1811) -2; 11)
(9; IsSecondaryOptIf (@FaultSource) 12; -2)
(11; ResetCounterCompare (@FaultSource; 1800; 10
) 19; -2)
(12; ExecuteRecoveryAction (@FaultSource; Restar
tSync; ""; @FaultSource) -2; -2)
<!-- after 5m delay check if 1811 has been cance
led - if recovery fixed the situation - and check for faults 1900 and 1902 -->
(13; AllowInterrupt (true) -2; -2)
(14; WaitTimeout (300000) -2; -2)
(15; AllowInterrupt (false) -2; -2)
(16; IsActiveFault (1811; @FaultSource) -2; -1)
(17; IsActiveFault (1900; @FaultSource; -1; -1;
subrack; -1; CORE_FR) -1; -2)
(18; IsActiveFault (1901; @FaultSource; -1; -1;
subrack; -1; CORE_FR) -1; 180)
(19; IsStoredInFDCL (-1; @FaultSource; @UnitSubI
ndex; @FaultId; @FaultSeverity) -2; 21)
(20; WasAlarmNumber (-1; 1811; @FaultSource) -2;
<!-- check object status -->
(21; CheckObjectStatus (@FaultSource; @FaultSeve
rity) 23; -1)
(22; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; @Fault
Activity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
<!-- FSP, Faraday: check FSM state -->
(23; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FCM; FSP; FARAD
AY) -2; 160)
(24; CheckObjectStatus (@FaultSource; FAULTY; -1
; subrack; FSM; unit) -1; -2)
<!-- update object state to DB -->
(25; WriteDBObject (unit; state; severity; @Faul
tSource; -1; ""; ""; ""; @FaultSeverity) -2; -2)
(26; WriteDBObject (unit; state; FAULTY; @FaultS
ource; -1; master; FSP) -2; -2)
<!-- FSP, Faraday: if all units are faulty, do F
SM reset -->
(27; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FSP; FARADAY) 2; 160)

(28; WaitTimeout (15000) -2; -2)

(29; DoAllUnitsReport (@FaultId; @FaultSource; 1; FSP; subrack) 160; -2)
<!-- FSP/Faraday: Faraday/FSP/FSM/BTS reset depe
nding on the fault and faulty unit
if all FSP units in subrack are alarming, do FSM
/BTS reset. -->
(85; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FSP) -2; 88)
(86; WaitTimeout (15000) -2; -2)
(87; DoAllUnitsReport (@FaultId; @FaultSource; 1; FSP; subrack) 160; 109)
<!-- if all subrack chips are alarming, do FSM/B
TS reset -->
(88; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FARADAY) -2; 16
(89; WaitTimeout (15000) -2; -2)
<!--CN4294 ifsoft faradat reset has already been
done twice within last 30min - perform baseband reset-->
(95; ResetCounterCompare (@FaultSource; 1800; 2)
-2; 99)
(96; IsResetRequested (@FaultSource) -1; 116)
<!-- Faraday: GPIO reset for (non 418) faraday f
aults -->
(99; ResetCounterStoreFaultId (@FaultSource; @Or
igId) -2; -2)
(100; WriteDBObject (unit; gpioreset; true; @Fau
ltSource) -2; -2)
(101; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; GPIO; ""; @Faul
tSource) 103; -2)
(102; RulesPrint ("FDRULES: GPIO crash recovery
failed 0x%X"; @FaultSource) 249; 249)
(103; WaitTimeout (500) -2; -2)
(104; IsActiveFault (418; @FaultSource) -1; -2)
(105; RulesPrint ("FDRULES: GPIO crash recovery
timer expired 0x%X"; @FaultSource) -2; -2)
<!--(106; ReadDBObject (cabinet; cabinetid; 19;
-1) 106; 210)-->
<!-- read cabinet type. If LTE go further, other
wise jump to ran1263i implementation-->
<!-- TUP chip: unit type in FDCL is different ->
(106; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 44432; 44433; 4
4434; 44688; 44689; 44690; 44944; 44945; 44946) 107; 107)
(107; DoAllUnitsReport (@FaultId; @FaultSource;
-1; Chip; subrack) 116; 109)
(108; DoAllUnitsReport (@FaultId; @FaultSource;
-1; TUPChip; subrack) 160; 109)
<!-- TUP chip: check FSP counter -->
(109; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FARADAY) -2; 1
<!-- LTE: cabinetId checked, FSP level reset als
o to faraday chip -->
(110; ReadDBObject (cabinet; cabinetid; 19; -1)
116; -2)
(111; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 44432; 44433; 4
4434; 44688; 44689; 44690; 44944; 44945; 44946) -2; -2)

<!-- if FSP is faulty, check its counter instead

of faraday counter. however if all chips are not alarming, stop handling.
TUP chip has set faraday to faulty state. -->
(112; CheckObjectStatus (@FaultSource; FAULTY; 1; master; FSP; unit) -2; 114)
(113; DoAllUnitsReport (@FaultId; @FaultSource;
-1; Chip; subrack) 116; -1)
(114; ResetCounterCompare (@FaultSource; 1800; 2
) 180; 121)
(115; IsResetRequested (@FaultSource) -1; -2)
(116; ResetCounterCompare (@FaultSource; 3600; 1
; master; FSP) -2; 121)
(117; IsResetRequested (@FaultSource; master; FS
P) -1; -2)
(118; WriteDBObject (unit; state; FAULTY; @Fault
Source; -1; master; FSP) -2; -2)
(119; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; ShutdownFSP; ""
; @FaultSource; @UnitSubIndex) -2; -2)
<!-- TUP chip: Send alarm -->
(120; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 44432; 44433; 4
4434; 44688; 44689; 44690; 44944; 44945; 44946) 180; 180)
<!-- get log file from correct FCM. this depends
on the faulty unit. and after that get memory dumps from faulty unit/DSP. -->
(121; IsMemberInt (@UnitSubIndex; 13) 140; -2)
(122; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; CreateLogFile;
""; FCM; Runtime; RT_FSP; -1; @FaultSource; @UnitSubIndex) -2; -2)
(123; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FARADAY) -2; 1
(124; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; CreateLogFile;
""; FSP; Runtime; RT_FSP; -1; @FaultSource; @UnitSubIndex) -2; -2)
(127; WaitTimeout (30000) -2; -2)
(128; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; MemoryDump; "";
@FaultSource; @UnitSubIndex) -2; -2)
<!-- not TUP Chip: send reset alarm for FSP if F
araday reset didn't help.
TUP Chip: send reset alarm for FSP and
do FSP reset. -->
(130; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FARADAY) -2; 1
<!-- LTE: cabinetId checked, FSP level reset als
o to faraday chip -->
(131; ReadDBObject (cabinet; cabinetid; 19; -1)
135; -2)
(132; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 44432; 44433; 4
4434; 44688; 44689; 44690; 44944; 44945; 44946) -2; -2)
(133; IsResetRequested (@FaultSource) 140; -2)
<!-- if Faraday reset didn't help, FSP is reset.
Before the reset, FSP needs to be set to faulty state. -->
(134; WriteDBObject (unit; state; FAULTY; @Fault
Source; -1; master; FSP) -2; -2)
(135; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; TRA
NSIENT; @FaultSource; 52; -1; -1; Unit; -1; -1; master; FSP) 143; 143)
(140; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; TRA
NSIENT; @FaultSource; 52; -1; -1; Unit) -2; -2)
<!-- TUP chip: FSP level reset -->
(141; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FARADAY) -2; 2)

(142; ReadDBObject (cabinet; cabinetid; 19; -1)

147; -2)
(143; ReadDBObject (unit; SWState; Configured; @
FaultSource) -2; 147)
(144; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; DisableLinkStat
usInd; ""; @FaultSource) -2; -2)
(145; ExecuteResetAction (@FaultSource; master;
FSP; warm) -1; -1)
<!--ConfigureBB is not implemented in LTE-->
<!--(146; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; ConfigureBB
; ""; @FaultSource) -1; -1)-->
<!--PR 74299ESPE04: Fsp stay to disabled state a
fter recover reset-->
<!--PR 79245ESPE04: FSP reset not need the Hard
Reset but FSPreset Type. relate to PR 79278ESPE04 Sanna mapping warm rest to FSP
reset -->
(147; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FSP) 149; -2)
(148; ExecuteResetAction (@FaultSource; master;
FSP; warm) -1; -1)
(149; ExecuteResetAction (@FaultSource; master;
FSP; warm) -1; -1)
<!-- FSM reset -->
(160; IsMasterWAM (@FaultSource; subrack; CORE_F
SM) 170; -2)
<!-- if extension module is telecom master do bt
s reset -->
(161; ReadDBObject (bs; tcommaster; 32; -1) 170;
(162; CheckObjectStatus (@FaultSource; FAULTY; 1; subrack; FSM; unit) -2; 180)
(163; ResetCounterCompare (@FaultSource; 3600; 1
; subrack; CORE_FSM) -2; 165)
(164; IsResetRequested (@FaultSource; subrack; C
ORE_FSM) -1; 180)
(165; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; TRA
NSIENT; @FaultSource; 52; -1; -1; Unit) -2; -2)
(166; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; MemoryDump; "";
@FaultSource; @UnitSubIndex) -2; -2)
(167; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; StoreDumpsToMas
ter; ""; @FaultSource; 1) -2; -2)
(168; WaitTimeout (30000) -2; -2)
(169; ExecuteResetAction (@FaultSource; subrack;
CORE_FSM; fsm) -1; -1)
<!-- BTS reset -->
(170; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; BTSReset; "") 2; 180)
(171; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; TRA
NSIENT; @FaultSource; 52; -1; -1; BTS) -1; -1)
<!-- send alarm -->
(180; ReadDBObject (unit; pluginunit; true; @Fau
ltSource) 182; -2)
(181; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; @Faul
tActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
(182; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; @Faul
tActivity; @FaultSource; 3003) -1; -1)

<!-- remove fault -->

(200; RemoveActiveFault (@FaultSource; -1; @Unit
SubIndex; @FaultId) -1; -1)
<!-- RAN 1263i -->
(249; WriteDBObject (unit; gpioreset; false; @Fa
ultSource) -2; -2)
(250; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; CreateLogFile;
""; FCM; Runtime; RT_FSP; -1; @FaultSource; @UnitSubIndex) -2; -2)
(251; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; CreateLogFile;
""; FSP; Runtime; RT_FSP; -1; @FaultSource; @UnitSubIndex) -2; -2)
(252; WaitTimeout (30000) -2; -2)
(253; ReadSwConfTable (1638405; 1) 255;-2)
(254; ReadSwConfTable (1638405; 2) -2;258)
(255; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; MemoryDump; "";
@FaultSource; 1) -2; -2)
(256; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; MemoryDump; "";
@FaultSource; 2) -2; -2)
(257; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; MemoryDump; "";
@FaultSource; 3) -2; -2)
(258; ReadSwConfTable (1638405; 2) -1;-2 )
(259; ReadSwConfTable (1638405; 4) -1;-2 )
(260; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; TRA
NSIENT; @FaultSource; 52; -1; -1; Unit) -2; -2)
(261; ExecuteResetAction (@FaultSource; master;
Chip; faraday) -2; -2)
(262; ReadSwConfTable (1638405; 0) -2; -1)
(263; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; MemoryDump; "";
@FaultSource; 1) -2; -2)
(264; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; MemoryDump; "";
@FaultSource; 2) -2; -2)
(265; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; MemoryDump; "";
@FaultSource; 3) -1; -1)
<!-- licence fault start handling -->
(RULE LicenceMissingAl_Start
<!-- check exist, state and FSM state -->
(0; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1814) -2; 4)
(1; ReadDBObject (unit; exist; true; @FaultSourc
e) -2; -1)
(2; CheckObjectStatus (@FaultSource; FAULTY; -1;
subrack; FSM; unit) -1; -2)
(3; CheckObjectStatus (@FaultSource; @FaultSever
ity) 20; -1)
<!-- set master FCM as fault source -->
(4; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 1833) -2; 13)
(6; IsMasterWAM (16) -2; 8)
(7; SendDirectAlarm (7661; @FaultSeverity; @Faul
tActivity; 16; @GroupId) 21; 21)
(8; IsMasterWAM (32) -2; 10)
(9; SendDirectAlarm (7661; @FaultSeverity; @Faul
tActivity; 32; @GroupId) 21; 21)
(10; IsMasterWAM (48) -2; 21)
(11; SendDirectAlarm (7661; @FaultSeverity; @Fau
ltActivity; 48; @GroupId) 21; 21)

(13; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 4056) -2; 16)

(14; CheckFaultSeverity (degraded) -2; 20)
(15; SendDirectAlarm (7651; @FaultSeverity; @Fau
ltActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) 21; 21)
(16; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 4002) -2; 20)
(17; CheckFaultSeverity (degraded) -2; 20)
(18; SendDirectAlarm (7660; @FaultSeverity; @Fau
ltActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
<!-- send alarm and remove fault -->
(20; SendDirectAlarm (7661; @FaultSeverity; @Fau
ltActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -2; -2)
(21; RemoveActiveFault (@FaultSource; -1; @UnitS
ubIndex; @FaultId) -1; -1)
<!-- rule for several customer alarms. mainly for group
alarms. -->
(RULE OseFatalError_Start
<!-- if there's no BS FAULTY active, continue ->
(0; WasAlarmNumber (7650) -1; -2)
<!-- check exist and state -->
(10; ReadDBObject (unit; exist; true; @FaultSour
ce) -2; -1)
(11; IsStoredInFDCL (-1; @FaultSource; -1; 418;
@FaultSeverity) -1; -2)
<!-- Allowed resources: FCM, FSP and Faraday\Nyq
uist -->
(20; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FCM; FSP; FARAD
AY) -2; -1)
<!-- update object state to DB -->
(40; WriteDBObject (@ObjectType; state; severity
; @FaultSource; -1; ""; ""; ""; @FaultSeverity) -2; -2)
<!-- when faraday is faulty, whole FSP is set to
faulty(70541ESPE04) -->
(50; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FARADAY) -2; 80
(51; WriteDBObject (unit; state; FAULTY; @FaultS
ource; -1; master; FSP) -2; -2)
<!-- SECTION: LOGS -->
<!-- get log file from FCM, and after that get m
emory dumps from faulty unit/DSP. -->
(80; IsMemberInt (@UnitSubIndex; 13) 130; -2)
(83; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; CreateLogFile; "
"; FCM; Runtime; RT_FSP; -1; @FaultSource; @UnitSubIndex) -2; -2)
(86; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FARADAY) -2; 92
(89; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; CreateLogFile; "

"; FSP; Runtime; RT_FSP; -1; @FaultSource; @UnitSubIndex) 98; 98)

(92; WaitTimeout (30000) -2; -2)
(95; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; MemoryDump; "";
@FaultSource; @UnitSubIndex) 130; 130)
(98; WaitTimeout (30000) -2; -2)
(110; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; MemoryDump; "";
@FaultSource; 1) -2; -2)
(111; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; MemoryDump; "";
@FaultSource; 2) -2; -2)
(112; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; MemoryDump; "";
@FaultSource; 3) -2; -2)
(113; WaitTimeout (30000) -2; -2)
<!-- /SECTION: LOGS -->
<!-- FSP/Faraday: Faraday/FSP/FSM/BTS reset depe
nding on the fault and faulty unit -->
<!-- if all FSP units in subrack are alarming, d
o BTS reset. -->
(130; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FSP) -2; 140)
(131; WaitTimeout (15000) -2; -2)
(132; DoAllUnitsReport (@FaultId; @FaultSource;
-1; FSP; subrack) 211; 150)
<!-- if all subrack chips are alarming, do BTS r
eset -->
(140; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FARADAY) -2; 1)
(141; WaitTimeout (15000) -2; -2)
(142; DoAllUnitsReport (@FaultId; @FaultSource;
-1; Chip; subrack) 211; 150)
<!-- reset counter compare checking -->
(150; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FARADAY) -2; 1
(151; ReadDBObject (unit; gpioreset; true; @Faul
tSource) 154; -2)
(152; ResetCounterCompare (@FaultSource; 3600; 1
; master; FSP) -2; 160)
(153; IsResetRequested (@FaultSource; master; FS
P) -1; 250)
(154; IsResetRequested (@FaultSource; master; FS
P) -1; 160)
(155; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FSP) -2; 211)
(156; ReadDBObject (unit; gpioreset; true; @Faul
tSource) 159; -2)
(157; ResetCounterCompare (@FaultSource; 3600; 1
) -2; 160)
(158; IsResetRequested (@FaultSource) -1; 250)
(159; IsResetRequested (@FaultSource) -1; 160)
<!-- FSP level reset -->
(160; ReadDBObject (unit; gpioreset; true; @Faul
tSource) -2; 162)
(161; WriteDBObject (unit; gpioreset; false; @Fa

ultSource) 163; 163)

(162; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; TRA
NSIENT; @FaultSource; 52; -1; -1; Unit) 175; 175)
(163; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; TRA
NSIENT; @FaultSource; 52; -1; -1; Unit; -1; -2) -2; -2)
<!--FaradayResetForPostmortemMemDump and Transfe
(175; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FARADAY) 176;
(176; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; FaradayResetFor
PostmortemMemDump; ""; @FaultSource) 178; -2)
(177; RulesPrint ("FDRULES: FaradayResetForPostm
ortemMemDump recovery failed 0x%X"; @FaultSource) 181; 181)
(178; WaitTimeout (5000) -2; -2)
(179; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; TransferPostmor
temFile; ""; @FaultSource) 181; -2)
(180; RulesPrint ("FDRULES: TransferPostmortemFi
le recovery failed 0x%X"; @FaultSource) -2; -2)
<!-- FSP warm reset -->
(181; ExecuteResetAction (@FaultSource; master;
FSP; warm) -1; -1)
<!-- do BTS reset -->
(211; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; BTSReset; "") 2; 250)
(212; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; TRA
NSIENT; @FaultSource; 52; -1; -1; BTS) -1; -1)
(220; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FSP; FARADAY)
-2; 250)
(221; WriteDBObject (unit; state; FAULTY; @Fault
Source; -1; master; FSP) -2; -2)
(222; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; ShutdownFSP; ""
; @FaultSource; @UnitSubIndex) -2; -2)
<!-- send alarm. correct object type is given in
fault already. alarm number is deduced by FDCL. -->
(250; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FSP; FARADAY)
-2; 254)
(251; ReadDBObject (unit; gpioreset; true; @Faul
tSource) -2; 254)
(252; WriteDBObject (unit; gpioreset; false; @Fa
ultSource) -2; -2)
(253; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; @Faul
tActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId; -1; -1; Unit; -1; -2) -1; -1)
(254; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; @Faul
tActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
<!-- remove fault -->
(260; RemoveActiveFault (@FaultSource; -1; @Unit
SubIndex; @FaultId) -1; -1)
<!-- handle faults that perform BTS reset -->
(RULE BTSReset_Start

<!-- execute recovery to update SCF (workaround

for chaining problem with optIf 4) -->
(0; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 4099) -2; -1)
(1; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; TRANS
IENT; 16; 52; -1; -1; BTS) -2; -2)
(2; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; changeOptIFConfig
urationInSCF; ""; @FaultSource; @UnitSubIndex) 100; 100)
<!-- execute BTS reset - 9999 is value of allowe
d reset actions, the meaning is to ignore reset counter -->
(100; WaitTimeout (10000) -2; -2)
(101; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; BTSReset; ""; 9
999) -1; 102)
(102; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; @Faul
tActivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
<!-- ***** RnD fault handling ***** -->
<!-- handle reset start. starts fault buffering at FDU a
nd sets unit to resetting state. -->
(RULE UnitResetAl_Start
(0; IsStoredInFDCL (-1; @FaultSource; @UnitSubIn
dex; @FaultId; @FaultSeverity) -1; -2)
<!-- ALD: cancel alarms if subrack FR is in rese
tting state. this way possible ALD alarms are canceled (PR 35831es09p) -->
(1; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; MHA; TILT; EXTFF
) -2; 3)
(2; CheckObjectStatus (@FaultSource; RESETTING;
-1; subrack; FR; unit) 6; -2)
<!-- dont make reset for FR which is disconnecte
d -->
(3; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FR) -2; 6)
(4; IsActiveFault (10; @FaultSource) 100; -2)
<!-- Cancel all alarms of this unit if the unit
exists. update state to resetting. -->
(6; CancelAlarms (@FaultSource) -2; -2)
<!-- cancel FAN alarms -->
(7; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FSM) -2; 9)
(8; CancelAlarms (@FaultSource; -1; -1; subrack;
FSM_FAN) 11; 11)
(9; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FR) -2; 12)
(10; CancelAlarms (@FaultSource; -1; -1; subrack
; FR_FAN) -2; -2)
(11; CancelAlarms (@FaultSource; -1; -1; subrack
; FANGROUP) -2; -2)
(12; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FSP) -2; 15)
(13; CancelAlarms (@FaultSource; -1; -1; neighbo
urs; Chip) -2; -2)
(14; CancelAlarms (@FaultSource; -1; -1; neighbo
urs; TUPChip) -2; -2)
(15; WriteDBObject (unit; state; resetting; @Fau
ltSource) -2; 30)
<!-- ALD: stop handling. remove also faults with
ALD as faults source not just faults detected by ALD. (PR 42734espe04) -->
(20; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; MHA; TILT; EXTF
F; AntennaLine) 51; -2)

<!-- update unit _exist to false and clear dynam

ic attributes -->
<!-- NA04704448: timeout before setting exist to
false. -->
(21; WaitTimeout (6000) -2; -2)
(22; WriteDBObject (unit; exist; false; @FaultSo
urce; -1; ""; ""; clear) -2; -2)
<!-- FSM: update FCM, FSP and faradays exist -->
(30; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FSM) -2; 33)
(31; WriteDBObject (unit; exist; false; @FaultSo
urce; -1; subrack; CORE_FSM; clear) -2; -2)
(32; WriteDBObject (unit; exist; false; @FaultSo
urce; -1; subrack; FSP; clear) 34; 34)
<!-- FSP: update faradays exist -->
(33; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FSP) -2; 36)
(34; WriteDBObject (unit; exist; false; @FaultSo
urce; -1; neighbours; Chip; clear) -2; -2)
(35; WriteDBObject (unit; exist; false; @FaultSo
urce; -1; neighbours; TUPChip; clear) -2; -2)
<!-- FR: update LTX, RX and TX exist -->
(36; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FR) -2; 40)
(37; WriteDBObject (unit; exist; false; @FaultSo
urce; -1; subrack; RX; clear) -2; -2)
(38; WriteDBObject (unit; exist; false; @FaultSo
urce; -1; subrack; TX; clear) -2; -2)
(39; WriteDBObject (unit; exist; false; @FaultSo
urce; -1; subrack; CORE_FR; clear) -2; -2)
<!-- start buffering faults
FR: 'reset' ALDs in same subrack. FDM only gener
ates reset fault start and cancel
and doesn't really request reset. -->
(40; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FSM; FR) -2; 42
(41; InformFDUOfReset (@FaultSource; start; subr
ack) -2; -2)
<!-- do this in every case -->
(42; InformFDUOfReset (@FaultSource; start) -2;
(43; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FR) -2; 50)
(44; ExecuteResetAction (@FaultSource; subunits;
TILT) -2; -2)
(45; ExecuteResetAction (@FaultSource; subrack;
MHA) -2; -2)
(46; ExecuteResetAction (@FaultSource; subrack;
FE) -2; -2)
(47; ExecuteResetAction (@FaultSource; subrack;
AntennaLine) -2; -2)
<!-- remove faults 1930 from optIf -->
(48; SendDirectAlarm (-1; FAULTY; CANCEL; @Fault
Source; -1; -1; Unit; ""; -1; 1930; subrack; OIC) -2; -2)
(50; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FSP) -2; 60)
(51; InformFDUOfReset (@FaultSource; start; neig
hbours; Chip) -2; -2)
(52; InformFDUOfReset (@FaultSource; start; neig
hbours; TUPChip) -2; -2)


remove active faults. -->

IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FSM) 67; -2)
IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FR) 63; -2)
RemoveActiveFault (@FaultSource) 64; 64)
RemoveActiveFault (@FaultSource; -1; -1; -1

; subrack) -2; -2)

(64; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FSP) -2; 80)
(65; RemoveActiveFault (@FaultSource; -1; @UnitS
ubIndex; -1; neighbours; Chip) -2; -2)
(66; RemoveActiveFault (@FaultSource; -1; @UnitS
ubIndex; -1; neighbours; TUPChip) 90; 90)
<!-- if extension is reseted 5 minute timer is t
riggered to wait startup -->
(67; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FSM) -2; 80)
(68; IsMasterWAM (@FaultSource; subrack; CORE_FS
M) 90; -2)
(70; RemoveActiveFault (@FaultSource; -1; -1; -1
; subrack) -2; -2)
(72; AllowInterrupt (true) -2; -2)
(73; WaitTimeout (300000) -2; -2)
(74; SendFault (cancel) -2; -2)
(76; AllowInterrupt (false) -2; -2)
(77; WaitTimeout (5000) -2; -2)
(78; SendFault (start; 10) -2; -2)
<!-- PR 79602ESPE04 - if FR reset then remove ac
tive faults and cancel alarms from its cells -->
(80; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FR) -2; 90)
(81; CancelAlarms (@FaultSource; -1; -1; myCell)
-2; -2)
(82; RemoveActiveFault (@FaultSource; -1; -1; -1
; myCell) -2; -2)
(83; WriteDBObject (cell; state; resetting; @Fau
ltSource; -1; myCell) -2; -2)
(84; InformFDUOfReset (@FaultSource; start; myCe
ll) -2; -2)
<!-- remove faults detected by this unit -->
(90; RemoveActiveFault (-1; @FaultSource) -1; -1
<!-- remove 32 if it comes for disconnected FR ->
(100; RemoveActiveFault (@FaultSource; -1; -1; @
FaultId) -1; -1)
<!-- handled reset cancel. stops fault buffering at FDU.
(RULE UnitResetAl_Cancel
<!-- clear reset flag -->
(0; ClearReseting (@FaultSource) -2; -2)
<!-- don't update unit state to working if it's
not resetting. FDCL requires state to be resetting. -->

(1; CheckObjectStatus (@FaultSource; RESETTING)

-2; -1)
<!-- MHA, TILT: stop handling -->
(2; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; MHA; TILT) 19; 2)
<!-- end FDU's fault buffering during unit reset
. FSM, FR: end buffering on all subrack devices.
PR 68699ESPE04: Additonal send for CORE_FR as it
may have other subrack then the module. -->
(3; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FSM; FR) -2; 6)
(4; InformFDUOfReset (@FaultSource; cancel; subr
ack) -2; -2)
(5; InformFDUOfReset (@FaultSource; cancel; subu
nits; CORE_FR) -2; -2)
(6; InformFDUOfReset (@FaultSource; cancel) -2;
(10; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FR) -2; 16)
(11; InformFDUOfReset (@FaultSource; cancel; myC
ell) -2; -2)
<!-- FSP: end buffering on Faradays -->
(16; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FSP) -2; 19)
(17; InformFDUOfReset (@FaultSource; cancel; nei
ghbours; Chip) -2; -2)
(18; InformFDUOfReset (@FaultSource; cancel; nei
ghbours; TUPChip) -2; -2)
(19; WriteDBObject (unit; state; resetting; @Fau
ltSource) -2; -2)
(20; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; MHA) -2; -1)
(21; IsMemberVariant (@FaultSource; C) -2; 30)
(22; ReadDBObject (unit; MhaOperatingMode; "Curr
ent mode"; @FaultSource) -2; 30)
(23; ReadDBObject (unit; DcFeeding; true; @Fault
Source) 30; -2)
(24; IsActiveFault (1836; @FaultSource; -1; -1;
antenna; -1; AntennaLine) -2; 30)
(25; SendDirectAlarm (-1; FAULTY; START; @FaultS
ource; 1836; -1; -1; ""; -1; 1836) -2; -2)
<!-- When the MHA is a double MHA, we have to in
form FDU of reset end, because it is not
in the same subrack as the FR so step InformFDUO
fReset (@FaultSource; cancel; subrack) won't work -->
(30; InformFDUOfReset (@FaultSource; cancel) -1;
<!-- removes faults. tells FDCL to delete object -->
(RULE UnitDeleted_start
<!-- deleted object is unit. stop fault bufferin
g in FDU and remove fault 48.
if it's sub unit, just remove it's faults and de
lete sub unit. -->
(0; CancelS1X2Alarms () -1; -2)
(1; IsMemberInt (@UnitSubIndex; 0) -2; 7)
(3; InformFDUOfReset (@FaultSource; cancel) -2;
(4; RemoveActiveFault (@FaultSource; -1; @UnitSu
bIndex; 48) -2; -2)

<!-- FR or FSM: stop fault buffering of all subr

ack units. -->
(5; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FR; FSM) -2; 7)
(6; InformFDUOfReset (@FaultSource; cancel; subr
ack) -2; -2)
<!-- FR or FSM: remove faults of all subrack uni
ts -->
(7; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FR; FSM) -2; 28)
(8; RemoveActiveFault (@FaultSource; -1; -1; -1;
subrack) -2; -2)
<!--Cancel 23 and 48 faults (PR 70963ESPE04 and
PR 70957ESPE04)-->
(9; SendDirectAlarm (-1; FAULTY; CANCEL; @FaultS
ource; 23; -1; -1; ""; -1; 23) -2; -2)
(10; SendDirectAlarm (-1; FAULTY; CANCEL; @Fault
Source; 48; -1; -1; ""; -1; 48) -2; -2)
<!-- FR or extFSM: cancel 1815 from correct OIC.
<!-- RAN1881 change - review needed -->
(15; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 40192; 45056; 45
312; 45568) -2; 17)
-1; -1; -1; ""; -1; 1815) 34; 34)
080; 46336) -2; 19)
-1; -1; -1; ""; -1; 1815) 34; 34)
848; 47104) -2; 21)
-1; -1; -1; ""; -1; 1815) 34; 34)
640; 48896) -2; 23)
-1; -1; -1; ""; -1; 1815) 34; 34)
664; 49920) -2; 25)
-1; -1; -1; ""; -1; 1815) 34; 34)

SendDirectAlarm (-1; FAULTY; CANCEL; 4113;

IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 40448; 45824; 46
SendDirectAlarm (-1; FAULTY; CANCEL; 4114;
IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 40704; 46592; 46
SendDirectAlarm (-1; FAULTY; CANCEL; 4115;
IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 48128; 48384; 48
SendDirectAlarm (-1; FAULTY; CANCEL; 4115;
IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 49152; 49408; 49
SendDirectAlarm (-1; FAULTY; CANCEL; 4115;

(25; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 174) -2; 34)

(26; SendDirectAlarm (-1; FAULTY; CANCEL; 4116;
-1; -1; -1; ""; -1; 1815) -2; -2)
(27; SendDirectAlarm (-1; FAULTY; CANCEL; 4117;
-1; -1; -1; ""; -1; 1815) 34; 34)
<!-- remove faults of deleted unit -->
(28; RemoveActiveFault (@FaultSource; -1; @UnitS
ubIndex) -2; -2)
ex) -1; -1)

cancel alarms of deleted unit -->

CancelAlarms (@FaultSource) -2; -2)
delete object from FDCL. -->
DeleteObject (-1; @FaultSource; @UnitSubInd

<!-- do BTS reset and send info about reset -->

(RULE SiteReset_Start
(0; IsMemberStr (@FaultText; SITE) -2; 2)
(1; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; SiteReset; "") 5;
(2; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 142) -2; 4)
(3; ReadDBObject (bs; resetbtsifnolcgres; true; -1) -2; -1)
(4; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; BTSReset; ""; 2) -2; -1)
(5; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; TRANS
IENT; @FaultSource; 52; -1; -1; BTS) -1; -1)
<!-- do BTS reset and send info about reset -->
(RULE SiteReset_Cancel
(0; IsMemberStr (@FaultText; SITE) -2; 2)
(1; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; SiteReset; "") 3;
(2; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; BTSReset; "") -2;
(3; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; TRANS
IENT; @FaultSource; 52; -1; -1; BTS) -1; -1)
<!-- tell STUP that FD has handled startup faults and re
move fault -->
(RULE EnablingFD
(0; ExecuteServiceAction (@FaultSource; Enabling
FD; "") -2; -2)
(1; RemoveActiveFault (@FaultSource; -1; -1; @Fa
ultId) -1; -1)
<!-- resets faulty resource -->
(RULE ResetResource_Start
<!-- check that unit exists and is not faulty ->
(0; ReadDBObject (unit; exist; true; @FaultSourc
e) -2; -1)
(1; CheckObjectStatus (@FaultSource; FAULTY) -1;
(2; WriteDBObject (unit; state; severity; @Fault
Source; -1; ""; ""; ""; @FaultSeverity) -2; -2)
<!-- FSP/Faraday: Faraday/FSP/FSM/BTS reset depe
nding on the fault and faulty unit
if all FSP units in subrack are alarming, do FSM
/BTS reset. -->
(100; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 317) -2; 160)
(101; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FSP) -2; 104)
(102; WaitTimeout (15000) -2; -2)
(103; DoAllUnitsReport (@FaultId; @FaultSource;
-1; FSP; subrack) 194; 109)
<!-- if all subrack chips are alarming, do FSM/B
TS reset -->
(104; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FARADAY) -2; 1)
(105; WaitTimeout (15000) -2; -2)
<!-- TUP chip: unit type in FDCL is different ->

(106; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 44432; 44433; 4

4434; 44688; 44689; 44690; 44944; 44945; 44946) 107; 107)
(107; DoAllUnitsReport (@FaultId; @FaultSource;
-1; Chip; subrack) 115; 109)
(108; DoAllUnitsReport (@FaultId; @FaultSource;
-1; TUPChip; subrack) 194; 109)
<!-- TUP chip: check FSP counter -->
(109; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FARADAY) -2; 1
(110; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 44432; 44433; 4
4434; 44688; 44689; 44690; 44944; 44945; 44946) -2; -2)
<!-- if FSP is faulty, check its counter instead
of faraday counter. however if all chips are not alarming, stop handling.
TUP chip has set faraday to faulty state. -->
(111; CheckObjectStatus (@FaultSource; FAULTY; 1; master; FSP; unit) -2; 113)
(112; DoAllUnitsReport (@FaultId; @FaultSource;
-1; Chip; subrack) 115; -1)
(113; ResetCounterCompare (@FaultSource; 1800; 2
) -1; 120)
(114; IsResetRequested (@FaultSource) -1; -2)
(115; ResetCounterCompare (@FaultSource; 3600; 1
; master; FSP) -2; 120)
(116; IsResetRequested (@FaultSource; master; FS
P) -1; -2)
(117; WriteDBObject (unit; state; FAULTY; @Fault
Source; -1; master; FSP) -2; -2)
(118; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; ShutdownFSP; ""
; @FaultSource; @UnitSubIndex) -2; -2)
<!-- TUP chip: FSM/BTS reset -->
(119; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 44432; 44433; 4
4434; 44688; 44689; 44690; 44944; 44945; 44946) -1; -1)
<!-- get log file from correct FCM. this depends
on the faulty unit. and after that get memory dumps from faulty unit/DSP. -->
(120; IsMemberInt (@UnitSubIndex; 13) 140; -2)
(122; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; CreateLogFile;
""; FCM; Runtime; RT_FSP; -1; @FaultSource; @UnitSubIndex) -2; -2)
(123; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FARADAY) -2; 1
(124; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; CreateLogFile;
""; FSP; Runtime; RT_FSP; -1; @FaultSource; @UnitSubIndex) -2; -2)
(127; WaitTimeout (30000) -2; -2)
(128; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; MemoryDump; "";
@FaultSource; @UnitSubIndex) -2; -2)
<!-- not TUP Chip: send reset alarm for FSP if F
araday reset didn't help.
TUP Chip: send reset alarm for FSP and
do FSP reset. -->
(130; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FARADAY) -2; 1
(131; IsMemberInt (@FaultSource; 44432; 44433; 4
4434; 44688; 44689; 44690; 44944; 44945; 44946) -2; -2)
(132; IsResetRequested (@FaultSource) 140; -2)
<!-- if Faraday reset didn't help, FSP is reset.
Before the reset, FSP needs to be set to faulty state. -->
(133; WriteDBObject (unit; state; FAULTY; @Fault
Source; -1; master; FSP) -2; -2)

(134; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; TRA

NSIENT; @FaultSource; 52; -1; -1; Unit; -1; -1; master; FSP) 144; 144)
(140; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; TRA
NSIENT; @FaultSource; 52; -1; -1; Unit) -2; -2)
<!-- TUP chip: FSP level reset -->
(141; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FARADAY) -2; 1
(142; ReadDBObject (unit; SWState; Configured; @
FaultSource) 145; -2)
(144; ExecuteResetAction (@FaultSource; master;
FSP; warm) -1; -1)
(145; ExecuteResetAction (@FaultSource; master;
Chip; faraday) -1; -1)
<!-- 128: FR reset -->
<!-- RAN1881 change - review needed -->
(160; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 128) -2; -1)
(161; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; LTX; FR; TX; R
X) -2; -1)
(162; IsMemberInt (@FRID; 0) -1; -2)
(163; WriteDBObject (unit; state; severity; @FRI
D; -1; ""; ""; ""; @FaultSeverity) 167; 167)
<!-- 167: reset counter added 42936ESPE04 -->
(167; ResetCounterCompare (@FaultSource; 3600; 1
; subrack; CORE_FR) -1; -2)
(168; WaitTimeout (30000) -2; -2)
(169; ExecuteResetAction (@FaultSource; subrack;
CORE_FR; fr) -1; -1)
(194; IsMasterWAM (@FaultSource; subrack; CORE_F
SM) 211; -2)
<!-- if extension module is telecom master do bt
s reset -->
(195; ReadDBObject (bs; tcommaster; 32; -1) 211;
(196; CheckObjectStatus (@FaultSource; FAULTY; 1; subrack; FSM; unit) -2; -1)
(197; ResetCounterCompare (@FaultSource; 3600; 1
; subrack; CORE_FSM) -2; 199)
(198; IsResetRequested (@FaultSource; subrack; C
ORE_FSM) -1; -1)
(199; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; TRA
NSIENT; @FaultSource; 52; -1; -1; Unit) -2; -2)
(200; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; MemoryDump; "";
@FaultSource; @UnitSubIndex) -2; -2)
(201; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; StoreDumpsToMas
ter; ""; @FaultSource; 1) -2; -2)
(202; WaitTimeout (30000) -2; -2)
(203; ExecuteResetAction (@FaultSource; subrack;
CORE_FSM; fsm) -1; -1)
<!-- do BTS reset -->
(211; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; BTSReset; "") 2; -1)
(212; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; TRA
NSIENT; @FaultSource; 52; -1; -1; BTS) -1; -1)

(RULE FRReset_Start
(0; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 1956) 2; -2)
(1; ResetCounterCompare (@FaultSource; 3600; 2;
subrack; CORE_FR) -1; -2)
(2; WriteDBObject (unit; state; severity; @Fault
Source; -1; ""; ""; ""; @FaultSeverity) -2; -2)
(3; SendDirectAlarm (7652; @FaultSeverity; TRANS
IENT; @FaultSource; 52; -1; -1; Unit) -2; -2)
(4; ExecuteResetAction (@FaultSource; subrack; C
ORE_FR; fr) -1; -1)
<!-- Rehandle VSWR and cell power faults of same cell ->
(RULE CellInactive_Cancel
(0; RehandleFaults (cell; @FaultSource; -1; FF;
-1; 1837; 1838) -2; -2)
(1; RehandleFaults (cell; @FaultSource; -1; TX;
-1; 125) -1; -1)
(RULE VSWRTuning_Start
<!-- cancel 1838 and 1837. after rehandling they
are sent as notifications -->
(0; SendDirectAlarm (-1; FAULTY; CANCEL; @FaultS
ource; 1837; -1; -1; ""; -1; 1837) -2; -2)
(1; SendDirectAlarm (-1; DEGRADED; CANCEL; @Faul
tSource; 1838; -1; -1; ""; -1; 1838) -2; -2)
(2; SendDirectAlarm (-1; WORKING; CANCEL; @Fault
Source; 4057; -1; -1; ""; -1; 4057) -2; -2)
(3; SendDirectAlarm (-1; FAULTY; CANCEL; @FaultS
ource; 4057; -1; -1; ""; -1; 4057) -2; -2)
(4; SetCellState (@FaultSource; ENABLED; ALL) -1
; -1)
<!-- keep 5s delay before rehandling. then cell
will be activated before 1837 is handled again. -->
<!-- (50; WaitTimeout (5000) -2; -2) -->
<!-- (51; RehandleFaults (unit; @FaultSource; -1
; -1; -1; 1837; 1838) -1; -1) -->
<!-- cancel notifications of 1838 and 1837, after rehand
ling they are sent normally -->
(RULE VSWRTuning_Cancel
(0; SendDirectAlarm (-1; WORKING; CANCEL; @Fault
Source; 1837; -1; -1; ""; -1; 1837) -2; -2)
(1; SendDirectAlarm (-1; WORKING; CANCEL; @Fault
Source; 1838; -1; -1; ""; -1; 1838) -2; -2)
(2; RehandleFaults (unit; @FaultSource; -1; -1;
-1; 1837; 1838; 4057) -1; -1)
<!-enable cells. cell should be enabled in TestDedicated st

they might have been disabled by Aal2 fault -->

(RULE TestDedicated_Start
(0; SetCellState (@FaultSource; ENABLED; ALL) -1
; -1)
<!-PR 45450espe02, 45992espe02:
WMHC: update boths MHAs
operMode is current mode: updated only faulty MHA. other
wise both MHAs
recalculate FEG for MHA or for both MHAs -->
(RULE UpdateObjectState_Start
OM 100 TO 199 -->
M 200 TO 299 -->
(0; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; MHA) 100; -2)
(1; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FR) 200; -1)
<!-- MHA FAULTS -->
(100; IsMemberVariant (@FaultSource; C) 102; -2)
(101; ReadDBObject (unit; MhaOperatingMode; "Cur
rent mode"; @FaultSource) 104; -2)
(102; WriteDBObject (unit; state; severity; @Uni
tSubIndex; -1; antenna; MHA; ""; @FaultSeverity) -2; -2)
(103; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; SetFEG; ""; @Fa
ultSource; true) -1; -1)
(104; WriteDBObject (unit; state; severity; @Fau
ltSource; -1; ""; ""; ""; @FaultSeverity) -2; -2)
(105; ExecuteRecoveryAction (-1; SetFEG; ""; @Fa
ultSource) -1; -1)
<!-- FR FAULTS -->
(200; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 4084) -2; -1)
(201; ReadDBObject (unit; exist; true; @FaultSou
rce) -2; -1)
(202; WriteDBObject (-1; state; FAULTY; @FaultSo
urce; -1; ""; ""; ""; @FaultSeverity) -1; -1)
<!-- same as start but no FEG recalculation -->
(RULE UpdateObjectState_Cancel
OM 100 TO 199 -->
M 200 TO 299 -->
(0; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; MHA) 100; -2)
(1; IsMemberType (@FaultSource; FR) 200; -1)
<!-- MHA FAULTS -->
(100; IsMemberVariant (@FaultSource; C) 102; -2)
(101; ReadDBObject (unit; MhaOperatingMode; "Cur
rent mode"; @FaultSource) 103; -2)
(102; WriteDBObject (unit; state; severity; @Uni
tSubIndex; -1; antenna; MHA; ""; @FaultSeverity) -1; -1)
(103; WriteDBObject (unit; state; severity; @Fau
ltSource; -1; ""; ""; ""; @FaultSeverity) -1; -1)
<!-- FR FAULTS -->

(200; IsMemberInt (@OrigId; 4084) -2; -1)

(201; ReadDBObject (unit; exist; true; @FaultSou
rce) -2; -1)
(202; WriteDBObject (-1; state; WORKING; @FaultS
ource; -1; ""; ""; ""; @FaultSeverity) -1; -1)
<!-disabled cells. they might have been disabled by EFaultI
d_ImaLicenceMissingAl fault -->
(RULE CellDisabled_Start
(0; SetCellState (@FaultSource; DISABLED; ALL) 1; -1)
<!-enable cells -->
(RULE CellEnabled_Cancel
(0; SetCellState (@FaultSource; ENABLED; ALL) -1
; -1)
<!--LTE424_2 (Automatic interface alarm correlation)-->
(RULE S1_X2_Alarms_Start
(0; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; @FaultA
ctivity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
(RULE CellSetupFailed_Start
(0; WasAlarmNumber (7650) -1; -2)
(1; CheckObjectStatus (@FaultSource; FAULTY) -1;
(2; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; START;
@FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
(RULE S1_X2_Alarms_Cancel
<!-- In case of fault 6150 cancel check if all F
SPs are faulty, if yes do not cancel alarm -->
(0; IsMemberInt (@FaultId; 6150) -2; 10)
<!-- DoAllUnitsReport should return true if all
units of type FSP in same subrack are faulty -->
(1; DoAllUnitsReport (9999; 18; -1; FSP; subrack
) -1; 10)
(10; SendDirectAlarm (-1; @FaultSeverity; @Fault
Activity; @FaultSource; @GroupId) -1; -1)
<!-- Default rules for RD and unknown alarms. These alar
ms will be deleted without further processing -->
(RULE DeleteStart (0; NoOperations () -1; -1))
(RULE DeleteCancel (0; NoOperations () -1; -1))
<!-- FDDC's fault and rule mappings -->
<!-- ****** Start Alarm Mappings ****** -->
(RULEMAP DirectAlarm_Start StartRule 17 - 19 23 - 27 37
114 - 116 124 130 132 133 134 138 1839 1860 1865 1877 1895

1897 1928 1929 1942 1955 2054 4000 4001 4003 401
1 4030 4035 4036 4047 - 4048 4072 4088 4091 4102 4110 6261 6263 6264 6267 6300 6
302 6306 6307 6450 6265)
(RULEMAP UnitBlockedAl_Start StartRule 48 4070)
(RULEMAP CellAlarms_Start StartRule 38 39 49 96 1853 187
8 1879 1880 1883 4008 4012 4013 4090)
(RULEMAP BTSBlockedAl_Start StartRule 50)
(RULEMAP EACStartRule StartRule 1400 - 1425)
(RULEMAP Customer_alarms_start StartRule 9 95 1818 1892
1922 1930 3000 3010 3020 3030 3040 3060 3070 3090 3511 4068 4072 4076)
(RULEMAP AntennaLineAlarms_start StartRule 1837 1838 184
2 - 1846 3100 4046 4057)
(RULEMAP MHAAlarms_start StartRule 1834 1835 1869 1870 3
(RULEMAP RbusAlarm_start StartRule 425)
(RULEMAP OverCurrent_Start StartRule 1836 4045 4069)
(RULEMAP NoConnectionToUnit_start StartRule 10 4052)
(RULEMAP FanFailure_Start StartRule 3050)
(RULEMAP RefClockMissing_Start StartRule 1816 1898 1899)
(RULEMAP BasebandBusConfFailed_Start StartRule 1811)
(RULEMAP LicenceMissingAl_Start StartRule 140 1814 1833
1885 4002 4037 4056)
(RULEMAP OseFatalError_Start StartRule 418)
(RULEMAP BTSReset_Start StartRule 4099)
<!-- RnD faults -->
(RULEMAP UnitResetAl_Start StartRule 32)
(RULEMAP UnitDeleted_start StartRule 74)
(RULEMAP SiteReset_Start StartRule 89 142 1855)
(RULEMAP ResetResource_Start StartRule 128 317)
(RULEMAP FRReset_Start StartRule 1956 4113)
(RULEMAP EnablingFD StartRule 1813)
(RULEMAP VSWRTuning_Start StartRule 1810)
(RULEMAP TestDedicated_Start StartRule 72)
(RULEMAP CellDisabled_Start StartRule 4034)
(RULEMAP UpdateObjectState_Start StartRule 1887 4084)
(RULEMAP S1_X2_Alarms_Start StartRule 6150 6201 - 6204 6
303 6304 6308 6317)
(RULEMAP CellSetupFailed_Start StartRule 6253)
<!-- Mapping for RD and unknown alarms -->
(DEFAULT_RULE DeleteStart StartRule)
<!-- ****** Cancel Alarm Mappings ****** -->
(RULEMAP EACCancelRule CancelRule 1400 - 1425)
(RULEMAP DirectAlarm_Cancel CancelRule 17 - 19 23 24 26
27 37 28 115 116 124 130 133 134 138 140 1814 1833 1839 1860 1865 1885 1877 1895
1897 1928 1929 1930 1955 4000 4002 4003 4011 403
5 4036 4037 4056 4088 4110 6261 6264 6267 6302)
(RULEMAP UnitBlockedAl_Cancel CancelRule 48 4070)
(RULEMAP CellAlarms_Cancel CancelRule 38 39 49 96 1853 1
878 1879 1880 1883 4008 4012 4013 4090)
(RULEMAP Customer_alarms_cancel CancelRule 9 418 425 181
8 1834 1835 1837 1838 1842 - 1846 1869 1870 1892 1922 3000 3010 3020 3030
3040 3060 3070 3090 3100 3120 3511 4046
4068 4072)
(RULEMAP NoConnectionToUnit_cancel CancelRule 10 4052)
(RULEMAP FanFailure_Cancel CancelRule 3050)
(RULEMAP RefClockMissing_Cancel CancelRule 1816 1898 189
<!-- RnD faults -->


UnitResetAl_Cancel CancelRule 32)

SiteReset_Cancel CancelRule )
CellInactive_Cancel CancelRule 1809)
VSWRTuning_Cancel CancelRule 1810)
UpdateObjectState_Cancel CancelRule 1887 4084)
CellEnabled_Cancel CancelRule 4034)
S1_X2_Alarms_Cancel CancelRule 6150 6201 - 6204

6303 6304 6308 6317)

<!-- Mapping for RnD and unknown alarms -->
(DEFAULT_RULE DeleteCancel CancelRule)
<!-- FDCL rules are not used -->
<!-- alarm texts for alarms
first fault id, then alarm text. separated by ',' no spaces. -->
(9,"Difference between BTS master clock and reference fr
(17,"BTS RNC/I-HSPA interface signalling link failure")
(18,"BTS RNC/I-HSPA interface signalling link failure")
(23,"Incompatible SW version detected")
(24,"Incompatible SW version detected")
(26,"BTS time not corrected")
(27,"Error in file server during SW download")
(28,"File corrupted in SW download")
(37,"Mains power break, running battery backup")
(48,"Unit blocked")
(49,"Cell blocked")
(50,"BTS blocked")
(52,"# autonomous reset as recovery action")
(69,"POST test failed")
(96,"Cell block rejected by RNC/I-HSPA")
(114,"Communication Failure with RNC/I-HSPA")
(115,"Telecom cell enabling or disabling failed")
(116,"Telecom cell enabling or disabling failed")
(124,"Not enough DSP capacity to set up a cell")
(130,"Not enough resources for commissioned HSUPA")
(132,"No baseband capacity for common channels")
(133,"Rx signal level failure")
(134,"Rx signal level failure")
(138,"HSDPA 16 users per cell allocation failed")
(418,"System module failure")
(1814,"HW capacity too low for feature #")
(1818,"BTS master clock tuning failure")
(1833,"Licence missing #")
(1836,"Antenna Line failure")
(1837,"VSWR alarm")
(1838,"VSWR alarm")

(1842,"RET antenna control failure")

(1843,"RET antenna control failure")
(1844,"RET antenna control failure")
(1845,"RET antenna control failure")
(1846,"RET antenna control failure")
(1860,"Heating element not working")
(1865,"LCRs using same carrier frequencies mismatch in L
(1877,"BTS requires restart because license status has c
(1885,"Licence missing #")
(1895,"RNW Configuration file is not supported")
(1897,"Invalid RNW Configuration file")
(1928,"FPGA SW update failed")
(1922,"Temperature too low (Heating ongoing)")
(1929,"RF module optical interface configuration failure
(1930,"RF Loss of secondary optical interface")
(1942,"RF Module overvoltage protection faulty")
(1955,"Increased BER detected on the optical connection
to Radio Module")
(2054,"Buffer over/underflow in clock crossing logic")
(3000,"System module failure")
(3003,"Failure in replaceable baseband unit")
(3010,"RF module failure")
(3020,"Baseband bus failure")
(3030,"Failure in optical RP3 interface")
(3040,"Temperature alarm")
(3050,"Fan failure")
(3060,"Commissioning error: #")
(3070,"Configuration error: #")
(3080,"BTS reference clock missing")
(3090,"BTS internal SW management problem")
(3100,"Antenna line device failure")
(3120,"Mast head amplifier fault")
(3511,"No connection to Flexi transport submodule")
(4000,"Incoherency in cell configuration")
(4001,"BTS reset required")
(4003,"TX failure in MIMO")
(4008,"Power level not supported")
(4011,"GPS Receiver alarm: #")
(4030,"BTS is uncommissioned")
(4035,"Configuration file is not supported")
(4036,"Invalid Configuration file")
(4037,"Failure in licence activation")
(4038,"Radio Master Conflict")
(4041,"Retrieving backup license targetId from BTS faile
(4045,"Antenna Line failure")
(4046,"Antenna Line Operation Degraded")
(4047,"Antenna line device SW download failure")
(4048,"Antenna line device SW download failure")
(4057,"Radio resources switched off")
(4069,"Antenna Line failure")
(4072,"Parallel RP3-01 link length mismatch")
(4076,"Distributed site support not enabled")
(4088,"File System access failed")

(4090,"Cell power failure")

(4102,"Boot configuration inconsistency detected")
(4110,"Peer system module connection lost")
(6150,"GTP-U Path Failure")
(6200,"SCTP path failure")
(6201,"SCTP endpoint failure")
(6202,"Transport layer conection failure in S1 interface
(6203,"Transport layer connection failure in X2 interfac
(6204,"S1 SCTP path failure")
(6253,"Cell configuration data distribution failed")
(6261,"Failure in connection between BTS and iOMS or 3rd
party tool")
(6262,"BTS vendor specific file fault")
(6263,"Failure in trace session")
(6264,"No MME capacity assigned by Core Network")
(6265,"Maximum number of neighbour eNBs/cells exceeded")
(6267,"Failure during cell activation")
(6300,"S1 interface unavailable")
(6302,"S1 interface reset failure")
(6303,"X2 interface reset failure")
(6304,"X2 interface setup failure")
(6306,"X2 interface error")
(6307,"X2 neighbour cell configuration inconsistency")
(6308,"S1 interface failure")
(6316,"S1 interface unavailable")
(6317,"S1 interface recovery failure")
(6318,"X2 interface recovery retry")

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