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Mr. Wonderful’s ic
Island Breeze 16
Frozen Paradise ic
Nettie’s Lounge 09
Rosette’s 19
Inferno Lounge 33
Medicaid Advantage fc
Raymond’s Player’s Club 32

Bobby Albright 35
J.J.’s Tire World 06
Michelle West 05
Medicare Upgrade 27
A Brighter Day Bail Bond 04
Dr. I.M. Smartt Lottery 17
HOT SPOT Maze 36
SUDOKU Solution 39
Cricket Communications 06
DJ Dirty Redd 35
Restore Your Photos 37
Got Balloons 31
DJ Postman 13

SERVICES Around Town 20
Around Town 21
Mind of Creations 25
Around Town Extra 23
Restore Your Photos 37
Around Town Extra 29
HOT SPOT Printing 38
Around Town Extra 11
Evolution in Action 32
Around Town Extra 30
P.E. Middleton 28
Got Balloons 31


HOT SPOT Reps 23
HOT SPOT Subscribe 31
One Man’s Opinion 02
Club Inferno Monday Nights 33 HOT SPOT Rates 15
Eveready Gospel Singers 35 W. W. Law Foundation 03
Missy’s Birthday Bash 08 2010 Calendars 14
Mr. & Mrs. Julian Polite 22 Black History 07
“One Man’s Opinion”
Part I
I haven’t written a lot about government over the last year or so, I
guess I was basking with great enjoyment in the warm and fuzzy
glow of Obamary. But things do change. Recent events and trends
in local government require the expression of my opinion.

First, the trip to Austria. It makes perfect sense to me that if Europe is interested, or more so clamor-
ing for products we can produce and transport, then Mayor Johnson and Mr. Stuber an engineer,
should represent the city in any discussions, I would even hazard to say that the leader of the bio-
mass project at the Herty Foundation should also be invited to participate at the city’s expense. The
back and forth of who said what, when, is just another waste of time. “You should have told us”; “I
did tell you”; “No you didn’t”; “Yes, I did”; OK, I didn’t”; “Now what?”; “OK, you can go”. Whew. At
least common sense prevailed, but I guess that’s politics. I’d like to note, that to my limited knowl-
edge, there is no truth to the rumor that Mr. Thomas recommended the use of the “eeny, meeny,
miney, moe” system for choosing persons to make the next international trip.

Part II
The purchase and use of Tazers by local law enforcement has been in the news lately, with the City
Council and County Commission both receiving demonstrations and considering the issue. I’d like to
stop and commend our County Manager, Russ “Don’t Taze Me Bro” Abolt for his courage in volun-
teering to be Tazed. At least now he has firsthand knowledge of what kind of distress that suspected
criminals and other dangerous persons would be subjected to if the device is obtained and used.
Unfortunately, Mr. Abolt does not get to vote on the issue, only make recommendations. Perhaps, all
Council Members and Commissioners should volunteer to experience the Tazer before they vote.
OK, I know that’s not going to happen, but how about sticking a 9 volt battery to their tongue, you’d
be surprised how much that tingles, maybe they could extrapolate the feeling from the Tazer from
that experience. Better yet, why not put Tazers in their seats and the next time we get the “Yes, you
did”; “No, I didn’t” discussion at either of their meetings, citizens could go to their computers and if
enough voted, they could Taze the member during the meeting.....hmmmm.

Part III
Lastly, Franchise Fees, this one is so easy, that “A Caveman Could Do It”. If the money comes from
the unincorporated area, then it should go back to the unincorporated area. Why do I have to pay
the fees out here, only for the money to go only to the city? C’mon, Fair is Fair. Let’s settle this, even
if the General Assembly doesn’t pass new legislation. Don’t make me bring out my Tazer. (No, I don’t
own one, don’t want one, and wouldn’t know where to get one, so don’t bother me, it’s satire.)

Just, One Man’s Opinion.

“Live Long and Prosper”

Ronald A. Gilliard, Publisher

Thanks Savannah, for over 11 Years of the HOT SPOT!
6/5/1988 1/3/1979 9/17/1987


2/27/1991 11/20/1985 6/19/1991 3/26/1982


1/9/1975 3/23/1957 1/22/1975 4/3/1987

Black History: Omega L. Gilliard
(The HOT SPOT Daddy)

• Born December 11, 1919

• Sold Iron & Brass as a Boy
• Graduated Valedictorian from Butler High School
• Spent 3 Years in the U.S. Army during World War II
• Tested and Accepted as a Tuskegee Airman (Refused the
Assignment for Personal Reasons)
• Served as a Truck Driver and Interpreter of French
and German for Company “A”
• Charter Member & First President of AΦA Fraternity
Chapter at Claflin College
• Graduated Summa Cum Laude from Claflin College
• Took Teacher’s Exam and Scored Higher than the
• Took Civil Service Exam Scoring the Highest in
• Married Earline Bright (The HOT SPOT Momma)
• Taught School in Summerton, SC
• Became First African American Mail Carrier in the
Universe (OK, I made that up, but certainly in the area)
• 3 Children, Ronald, Derek and Linda
• Retired from U.S. Postal Service for 28 Years.

• Still Knows Everything…...That’s What He Told Me

Laughs Laughs
Since I had been selling water beds for Physical exercise is good for you. I know that I should do it
daily but my body doesn't want me to do too much, so I have
almost four years, I thought I had worked out this program of strenuous activities that do not re-
heard every question imaginable. But quire physical exercise. You are invited to use my program
without charge.
then a customer asked me, "Can you
deliver it filled with water?" 1) Beating around the bush

2) Jumping to conclusions
Stunned, I replied, "Are you kidding? 3) Climbing the walls
It would weigh over twelve hundred
4) Swallowing my pride
5) Passing the buck

After a short pause, she said, "Could 6) Throwing my weight around

you do it if I helped you carry it in?" 7) Dragging my heels

8) Pushing my luck

At the UPS cargo phone center where I 9) Making mountains out of molehills

worked, a woman called and said, "I 10) Hitting the nail on the head
need a baseball quote." 11) Wading through paperwork

12) Bending over backwards

I immediately answered with Yogi
Berra's famous "It ain't over 'til it's 13) Jumping on the bandwagon

over!" 14) Balancing the books

15) Running around in circles

There was a brief moment of silence be-
16) Eating crow
fore the woman asked, "What was
that?" 17) Tooting my own horn

18) Climbing the ladder of success

"You asked me for a baseball quote," I 19) Pulling out the stops
responded, "and that was the first thing
20) Adding fuel to the fire
that came into my head."
21) Opening a can of worms

"Oh," she replied. "My husband told me 22) Putting my foot in my mouth
to call and get a baseball quote." 23) Starting the ball rolling

24) Going over the edge

I asked if she wanted to ship something,
and she said she did. Then it dawned on 25) Picking up the pieces

me: "Do you mean you want a ballpark Happy Exercising...

For Advertising in the For Advertising in the
HOT SPOT Contact: HOT SPOT Contact:
Gary (843) 226-8829 Denny (912) 428-3701

Check Out Our Website:

The politician was sitting at
his campaign headquarters
when the phone rang. He lis-
tened intently, and after a mo-
ment his face brightened.
When he hung up, he immedi-
ately phoned his mother to tell
her the good news.

"Ma," he shouted, "the results

are in. I won the election!"


The politician's smiled faded.

"Aw, heck, Ma, why bring that
up at a time like this?"
Order Your Personalized
2010 Calendars Now
Many Styles Available

Call: 912.484.1143
Our publication schedule is the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays
of every month. The deadline for inclusion is the Friday
before the 2nd & 4th Wed. Our advertising rates are below.
Size Color Black & White
Covers (Front or Back) $200.00 N/A
Full Page $140.00 $70.00
Half Page $75.00 $40.00
Quarter Page $45.00 $30.00
Business Card $25.00 N/A
To Advertise: Phone: (912) 484-1143
Web Site:

“The Leader in Affordable Advertising”

Times are Tight. Your Advertising Budget is Being Squeezed. You Know You
Must Advertise to Succeed. Make the Most of Your Advertising Dollars.

Advertise in the HOT SPOT

“The Leader in Affordable Advertising”

We Will Get Your Message Out.

Phone: 912-484-1143
Fax: 866-416-0074
Being in Business and not Advertising is like Blinking your Eyes in a Dark Room.
You know what You’re doing, but Nobody else does.
Laughs Laughs

A member of the Senate, known for his hot

There once was a 94 year old nun back in the
temper and acid tongue, explodes one day in
1890s whose worn out body began to surren-
mid session and begins to shout,
der. Her doctor prescribed for her a shot of
whiskey three times a day, to relax her. How-
"Half of this Senate is made up of cowards
ever, not to be lured into worldly pleasures,
and corrupt politicians!"
she huffily declined.
All the other Senators plead to the angry
But her mother superior knew the elderly sis-
member that he withdraw his statement, or be
ter loved milk. So she instructed the kitchen to
removed from the remainder of the session.
spike the milk three times a day. Eventually,
After a long pause, the angry member ac-
the elderly pious one approached her final
hour. As several sisters gathered around her
at bedside, the mother superior asked if she
"Ok" he said, "I withdraw what I said. Half of
wanted to leave them any words of wisdom.
this Senate is NOT made up of cowards and
corrupt politicians!"
"Oh, yes," she replied. "Never sell that cow!"
Laughs Laughs
Late one night I stopped at one of those Marriage Quotes
24-hour gas station mini-marts to get
myself a fresh-brewed cup of coffee. -- At a cocktail party, one woman said
When I picked up the pot, I could not to another, Aren't you wearing your
help noticing that the brew was as black wedding ring on the wrong finger?"
as asphalt and just about as thick. Yes, I am. I married the wrong man."

"How old is the coffee you have here?" -- A lady inserted an 'ad' in the classi-
I asked the woman who was standing fieds: "Husband Wanted". Next day she
behind the store counter. received a hundred letters. They all
said the same thing: "You can have
She shrugged. "I don't know. I've only mine."
been working here two weeks."
-- When a woman steals your husband,
Some Ways to Spend the $250 there is no better revenge than to let her
Million Powerball Jackpot keep him.

-- A Twinkie for everyone in the -- A little boy asked his father, "Daddy,
country. how much does it cost to get married?"
-- Develop and market an action- Father replied, "I don't know son, I'm
figure doll of yourself. still paying."
-- Get yourself one a' them
-- Young son: "Is it true Dad, that in
"Pentagon quality" toilet bowls. some parts of Africa a man doesn't
-- Pay for a top-notch therapist to know his wife until he marries her?"
deal with the feeling that, compared Dad: "That happens in every country,
to Bill Gates, you're still not rich. son."
-- At long last: a home-Slurpee
machine of your VERY OWN! -- Just think, if it weren't for marriage,
-- Four words: Prank call to Antarc- men would go through life thinking
they had no faults at all.
-- Goodbye aluminum siding: Hello -- Women will never be equal to men
golden siding. until they can walk down the street
-- Get it all in pennies and ride the with a bald head and a big gut, and still
horse in front of K-mart, FOR- think they are attractive to the opposite
EVER! sex.
Laughs Continued…
Hardware store sold out. Next shipment of snow blow-
A diary of one person's love of snow... ers due in March. Neighbor says I have to shovel or
city will have it done and bill me. (Think he's lying...)
December 8: 6:00 PM. It started to snow. The first
snow of the season: we took out cocktails and sat for December 22: White Christmas!!! 13" more of the
hours by the window, watching the huge soft flakes white stuff & its so cold, it won't melt 'til August.
drift down. It looked like a Grandma Moses Print: so Tried to shovel - just too tired. Tried to get help from
romantic, we felt like newlyweds again. I love snow! neighbor who has snow plow on his truck but he said
he was too busy. (Sure he's lying.)
December 9: Woke to a blanket of crystal white
snow covering the landscape. What a fantastic sight! December 23: Only 2" of snow today and had warmed
Moving here was the best idea I've ever had. Shov- up to 0. Wife wanted me to decorate the front of the
eled for the 1st time in years & felt like a boy again. house. What is she nuts!!! Why didn't she tell me to do
Did the both driveway and sidewalks. Later, the that a month ago? Says she did. (Think she's lying.)
snowplow came along & I got to shovel again. What
a perfect life. December 24: 6". Snow packed so hard by snowplow,
I broke the shovel. I'm gonna get that snow plow
December 12: Sun melted all the lovely snow but driver. (I know he waits around the corner to see if I'm
good neighbor said we'd have a white Christmas. finished, then roars by at a 100, sending snow flying
Then commented that by the end on Winter, I'd all over.) Wife wanted me to sing carols with her &
never want to see snow again. open our presents, but I was busy watching for the
darn snow plow.
December 14: Snow, Lovely snow! 8" last night and
December 25: Merry Christmas. Another 20" of the
cold, too. Wind took my breath away but warmed up
slop. Snowed in again & the idea of shoveling makes
shoveling. This is the life! Later the snowplow came
my blood boil. I hate snow! Then the snowplow driver
back, again, but I'm getting in better shape. Just wish came by asking for a donation. I wanted to hit him
I didn't huff & puff so much. over the head with my shovel. Wife says I have a bad
attitude. I think she's an idiot and if I have to watch
December 15: 20 inches forecast. Sold the van and "It's a Wonderful Life" one more time, I'll throw her in
bought a 4x4; snow tires for the wife's car & 2 extra. the snow bank.
Shoveled, then stocked the freezer. Wife wants a
wood stove in case power goes off. I think that's December 26: Still snowed in.
silly - we aren't in Alaska...
December 27: Temperature dropped another 30 de-
December 16: Ice storm this morning. Landed on grees and the pipes froze.
my butt trying to salt the driveway. Hurt real bad.
Wife laughed for an hour. (I think that was very December 28: Warmed up to -25. Still snowed in and
cruel.) the wife is making me crazy!!!!!!

December 17: Too cold and icy to go anywhere. December 29: Another 10" & neighbor says I have to
Power was off for 5 hours. Piled on blankets to stay shovel the roof before it caves in. That's the silliest
warm with nothing to do but stare at the wife & try thing I ever heard. How dumb does he think I am?
not to upset her. Can't believe I'm freezing to death
in my own living room. (Won't admit that I should December 30: Roof caved in. Another 9" in forecast.
have bought wood stove: hate it when she's right.)
December 31: Set fire to what's left of the house: no
more shoveling.
December 20: Power's back on and had another 14"
of the stuff. Shoveled all day. Snowplow came by
January 8: I feel sooooo good. I just love those little
twice. Kids too busy playing hockey to help. white pills they keep giving me. Why am I tied to the
Now You Don’t Have To.
You Can See Your HOT SPOT Online at the
Following Web Sites


Website: Keyword: The Hot Spot

Keep in Touch and Find Out What’s
Going On in the Clubs and at Events,
As It Happens.
Website: Ronald Gilliard
Website: The Hot Spot Magazine
Watch Our Videos from HOT SPOT TV
On the HOT SPOT Channel
Youtube: SavHotSpot
What should you give a man who has every-
A woman to show him how to work it.

What's the smartest thing a man can say?

"My wife says..."

What's the quickest way to a man's heart?

Straight through the rib cage.

Why can't men get mad cow disease?

Because they're all pigs.

How does a man show he's planning for the

He buys two cases of beer instead of one.

What makes a man think about a candlelight

A power failure.
Snow in Savannah

The rules of Sudoku are simple. Enter
digits from 1 to 9 into the
blank spaces. Every row must contain
one of each digit. So must
every column, as must every 3x3
square. Each Sudoku has a
unique solution that can be reached
logically without guessing.
The Solution is at the end of the Book.
No Peeking.

Manny was almost 29 years old. Most

of his friends had already gotten mar-
ried, and Manny just bounced from
one relationship to the next.

Finally a friend asked him, "What's

the matter, are you looking for the
perfect woman? Are you THAT par-
ticular? Can't you find anyone who
suits you?"

"No," Manny replied. "I meet a lot of

nice girls, but as soon as I bring them
home to meet my parents, my mother
doesn't like them. So I keep on look-

"Listen," his friend suggested, "Why

don't you find a girl who's just like
your dear ole Mother?"
Sudoku Solution Many weeks past before Manny and
his friend got together again.

"So Manny. Did you find the perfect

girl yet. One that's just like your

Manny shrugged his shoulders, "Yes I

found one just like Mom. My mother
loved her, they became great friends."

"Excellent!!! So,.... Are you and this

girl engaged, yet?"

"I'm afraid not. My Father can't stand

Now You Don’t Have To.
You Can See Your HOT SPOT Online at the
Following Web Sites


Website: Keyword: The Hot Spot

Keep in Touch and Find Out What’s
Going On in the Clubs and at Events,
As It Happens.
Website: Ronald Gilliard
Website: The Hot Spot Magazine
Watch Our Videos from HOT SPOT TV
On the HOT SPOT Channel
Youtube: SavHotSpot

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