11th September 1973

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11th September 1973: Bombing La Moneda and the symbolic destruction

of Democracy in Chile
In 1970, Dr. Salvador Allende becomes president of Chile. In his own
words, the political project attempted to develop "the Chilean way to
the socialism", without guns or dictatorships rather through democracy
and social reforms, creating a distance between this project and Cuba or
USSR. Allende's project based their advances in strengthen the state role
in the building of social justice and equity. Chile had a long tradition of
republican development, in which the respect for democratic institutions
had been vital to build a respectful society and politically active. The
idea of Allende and the Popular Unity (UP was the coalition of parties
that supported Allende's campaign) was quite ambitious "a revolution
with Chicha and empanada" (Chicha is a typical Chilean drink). All the
time Allende tried to detach his government from the use of force. It is
significant to mention that Salvador Allende was a member of the
national congress along 36 years before become president, and also he
postulated for president 3 times before win, meaning that he was a
highly qualified politician, well known by all his colleagues, and by
Among the first measures to address this transformation, we can
- Reduce the high salaries for high functionaries of the government in
order to stop the creation of new rich based on fiscal funds.
- An adequate prevision and payments for retirees in order to ensure
dignity on the elderly people (60 years older)
- The government provides free education, books, notebooks, and every
cost to ensure that children complete their preliminary school, including
breakfast and lunch.
- The house is understood as a right, so the government should provide
dwellings for all inhabitants, and facilitate the payments for families
considering that the dividends cannot be higher than the 10% of
monthly income of the families.
- Free health and pharmacies.
- Tourism for everyone.
- Food free of tax.
- No more debt with the IMF.

- Ban the economical speculation.

- Create employments for everyone through public works and housing
- Create a national institute of culture and arts which must have
branches in every district of the country.
The first year of Allende's government was highly successful. The GDP
increased on 8.6%; the inflation decreased on 12.8%; the minimum
salaries were adjusted on 35%; the social housing construction increased
on 33%. Apparently, this socialist revolution through a peaceful and
democratic way became on an example for the region, demonstrating
that social justice can be implemented based on socialism and peace.
However, the success of the first year implied that several powerful men
in Chile feel threaten by this government. Also, a foreign observer
started to conspire against this Marxist ideal in South America and Nixon
administration started to pull their strings in order to shift this
uncomfortable situation.
About the participation of the United States government in this coup, a
national security decision memorandum of 1993 exhibited the worries of
Nixon administration about Allende's government:
(1) The public posture of the United States will be correct but cool to
avoid giving the Allende government a basis on which to rally domestic
and international support for consolidation of the regime, but that (2) the
United States will seek to maximize pressure on the Allende government
to prevent its consolidation and limit its ability to implement policies
contrary to US and hemisphere interests.[24]
Edward Korry, US Ambassador during Allende's administration, a few
years ago declared:
"Nixon ordered to CIA that prevent Allende for assuming the
presidency...for any means, including a military coup". Then, the former
ambassador said that three military generals swore loyalty to the
intentions of Nixon.
Other sources exposed that when Nixon realized of Allende's triumph.
the US president said: "We will make squeal the Chilean economy". From
1972, the economy was destabilized with funds providing by CIA to the
right wing sectors in Chile in order to create an atmosphere of chaos in
the country. In this process, the press (also funded by US government)
was quite necessary to aiming to reduce the credibility of the socialist

project among citizens. This destabilisation was completely successful,

in 1973 many right wing participant march by the streets against
Allende, and the massive popular support of the working class for the
president increased their efforts to demonstrate loyalty with the Chilean
socialist revolution. The country was polarized between the supporters of
Allende and supporters of his abdication. This atmosphere triggered a
reaction in Allende, who in 10th September of 1973 proposed a
plebiscite to define his continuity on the head of the nation. Sadly, it was
too late.
The military forces commanded by Augusto Pinochet (Who swore loyalty
to Allende some weeks before) headed a military attack against the
president, against the constitution and, against the democracy. The
attack was focused on "La Moneda" the presidential palace located in
the heart of Santiago, and the force used to topple Allende's government
was unusually violent considering that they do not have resistance,
Allende ordered to their collaborators to surrender peacefully and
abandon the building. In the meantime the palace was under attack, the
President call to "Radio Magallanes" to give his final speech to Chileans:
My friends,
Certainly this will be the last opportunity for me to address you. The Air
Force has bombed the towers of Radio Portales and Radio Corporacin.
My words do not have bitterness but disappointment. May they be a
moral punishment for those who have betrayed their oath: soldiers of
Chile, titular commanders in chief, Admiral Merino, who has designated
himself Commander of the Navy, and Mr. Mendoza, the despicable
general who only yesterday pledged his fidelity and loyalty to the
Government, and who also has appointed himself Chief of the
Carabineros [national police].
Given these facts, the only thing left for me is to say to workers: I am not
going to resign!
Placed in a historic transition, I will pay for loyalty to people with my life.
And I say to them that I am certain that the seed, which we have planted
in the good conscience of thousands and thousands of Chileans will not
be shriveled forever.
They have the strength and will be able to dominate us, but social
processes can be arrested neither by crime nor force. History is ours,
and people make history.

Workers of my country: I want to thank you for the loyalty that you
always had, the confidence that you deposited in a man who was only an
interpreter of great yearnings for justice, who gave his word that he
would respect the Constitution and the law and did just that. At this
definitive moment, the last moment when I can address you, I wish you
to take advantage of the lesson: foreign capital, imperialism, together
with the reaction, created the climate in which the Armed Forces broke
their tradition, the tradition taught by General Schneider and reaffirmed
by Commander Araya, victims of the same social sector which will today
be in their homes hoping, with foreign assistance, to retake power to
continue defending their profits and their privileges.
I address, above all, the modest woman of our land, the fieldworker who
believed in us, the worker who labored more, the mother who knew our
concern for children. I address professionals of Chile, patriotic
professionals, those who days ago continued working against the
sedition sponsored by professional associations, class-based associations
that also defended the advantages which a capitalist society grants to a
I address the youth, those who sang and gave us their joy and their spirit
of struggle. I address the man of Chile, the worker, the farmer, the
intellectual, those who will be persecuted, because in our country
fascism has been already present for many hours -- in terrorist attacks,
blowing up the bridges, cutting the railroad tracks, destroying the oil and
gas pipelines, in the face of the silence of those who had the obligation
to protect them. They were committed. History will judge them.
Surely Radio Magallanes will be silenced, and the calm metal instrument
of my voice will no longer reach you. It does not matter. You will continue
hearing it. I will always be next to you. At least my memory will be that
of a man of dignity who was loyal to [inaudible] the workers.
The people must defend themselves, but they must not sacrifice
themselves. The people must not let themselves be destroyed or riddled
with bullets, but they cannot be humiliated either.
Workers of my country, I have faith in Chile and its destiny. Other men
will overcome this dark and bitter moment when treason seeks to
prevail. Go forward knowing that, sooner rather than later, the great
avenues will open again where free men will walk to build a better
Long live Chile! Long live the people! Long live the workers!

These are my last words, and I am certain that my sacrifice will not be in
vain, I am certain that, at least, it will be a moral lesson that will punish
felony, cowardice, and treason.
Almost immediately after the speech two airplanes, model Hawker
Hunter, bombed "La Moneda". This building considered a symbol of
national independence and republican tradition, a built expression of the
social progression was completely burned and destroyed by the own
military forces that swore loyalty to the nation and its constitution. This
attack was a sign of the end of a republican and democratic era. The
beginning of a new Chile, imposed by Nixon's ideals. If in 18th of
September of 1818 Chile achieved independence from Spain, from 1973
the country signed dependence of the USA. The price of subscribe this
agreement was pay with blood and pain of people.
Bombing "La Moneda" meant the destruction of a democratic
government and the imposition of a neoliberal system that lasts until the
present. The reconstruction of "La Moneda" was not structural, it was
just makeup to make it seem nice. However, the structure of the building
continues cracked and weak. The bombs that destroyed it in 1973
produced deep wounds. It is the same with Chilean society. The
destruction of a democratic society has been reconstructed trying to
create a facade of Chile as a democratic country, with democratic
approximations. The true is that the bombing of "La Moneda" was a
poetic act of destruction, a meaningful event in which the structures of a
country were destroyed, and rebuild based on ideals that do not belong
to Chileans. Nixon, Kissinger, and Friedman rebuild the structure of the
nation deleting what Chileans forged by years, installing their own model
of society.

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