SECTION I-Good Manufacturing Practices

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A. Operate observing food safety policies and procedures
B. Maintaining policies and procedures
1. PIC (Person in Charge)
2. Smoking area
3. Ethical truth in menu practices
C. Hazard Analysis and control
D. Manager communication and employee training
E. Operational improvement
F. Handling emergencies
G. Program enforcement, recognition, and renewal
A. We shall operate observing the following food safety policies and procedures.
Policy: A rule that management wants everyone to follow. It is not necessarily from the government.
Procedure: How employees are to do a task.
Standard: The outcome of a procedure. A condition that can be measured and has been validated as achievable if the procedure
is followed.
It is the policy of this establishment to operate so that there is complete assurance that both customers and employees will
receive the optimum nourishment, and will never be made ill from our food, or be injured by a foreign object in our food.
In order to achieve this operating standard, we will be guided by the Food and Drug Administration's Foodservice Sanitation
recommended ordinance, our local state and city rules, and this Hazard Analysis Critical Control-Based, Food Safety Policy,
Procedures, and Standards Manual.
All persons will follow a four-step Quality Assurance cycle.
1) They will plan the food production operation, and how it can be done safely.
2) They will organize and learn to do each production step and any related tasks correctly.

3) They will operate, doing tasks according to the procedures and standards of this manual, and will immediately check
that they have met necessary standards at each production step.
4) Employees will measure and evaluate what they have done, and will make suggestions to management as to how tasks
and steps can be improved in the next operating cycle with a higher degree of Quality Assurance.
- If a person does not know how to do a task in the production of food safely, he or she will stop, ask, and then be
taught to do it correctly by designated supervisory personnel. In case of a mistake, he or she will take any necessary action
immediately to assure that customers or other employees are not injured or made ill.
- Employees will monitor their work. In case of a mistake, employees will take any necessary action immediately to
assure the production of safe food products. Employees will stop and report potentially hazardous food handling practices,
potentially hazardous conditions, or potentially hazardous foods to the supervisor, immediately.
- Employees will stop and immediately report potentially hazardous food handling practices, potentially hazardous
conditions, or potentially hazardous foods to the supervisor. Management must be notified as soon as possible if the situation is
not corrected and there is still a hazard.
B. Maintaining policies and procedures. Owner/CEO/manager shall maintain policies and procedures for employees to follow
in order to assure the production, sale, and/or dispensing of safe food products of designated quality.
1. PIC (Person in Charge)
Responsible for assuring compliance by all personnel shall be assigned to competent supervisory personnel.
Personnel who are responsible for identifying sanitation failures or food contamination shall have a background or
education and/or experience to enable them to produce clean, safe food.
Training shall include proper food handling techniques, food protection principles, and the danger of poor personal hygiene
and unsanitary practices.
There shall be at all times at least one supervisory level person on duty during all operating hours, trained in the prevention
of foodborne illness and injury.
A PIC will answer technical questions and provide coaching as needed for transfer of training, organization, self-directed
learning, and employee improved performance.
The PIC shall perform the following duties:
- Assure that no unauthorized persons are allowed in the food operations area / kitchen.
- Assure that those authorized will comply with the policies, procedures, and standards of this document.

- Monitor employee hand washing.

- Monitor employee food receiving.
- Monitor employees in the preparation of potentially hazardous food.
- Monitor the cooling of food.
- Inform consumers of the health risk when they order raw or partially cooked foods of animal origin.
- Assure that employees are properly sanitizing cleaned, multi-use equipment and utensils.
- Assure that consumers are notified that clean tableware is to be used when they return to self-service areas.
- Assure that employees are properly trained in food safety as it relates to their assigned duties.
2. Smoking areas. The PICs shall assure compliance with smoking / nonsmoking policies as declared by local or state
regulations and/or by the establishment.
3. Ethical truth in menu practices. Menus shall contain no incorrect or deceptive merchandising terms relating to the
method of preparation, characteristics, or geographic points of origin of a food product that cannot be verified by the supplier.
Any products that have been frozen, canned, or preserved to extend shelf life shall not be labeled as "fresh." The representation
of weight, price, brand, number, quality, standard, or grade of products shall be accurate or consistent with the menu and
advertised claims. Customers shall be notified whenever a food is substituted.
C. Hazard analysis and control
Owners/CEOs/managers shall:
Continually analyze the operations processes to find new and recurring food hazards through food safety audits,
environmental monitoring, and self inspections to identify jobs and processes that have hazards that could lead to foodborne
Mandate the use of the Retail Food Operation Food Hazard Control Checklist (Section XI, encl. 3) based on safety-assured
policies, procedures and standards.
Maintain appropriate equipment programs to cover the calibration, use, cleaning, maintenance, and eventual replacement of
Maintain an up-to-date cleaning and sanitation schedule for all facility areas and equipment with specified employee
assignments. Cleaning and sanitizing of utensils and equipment shall be conducted so as to protect against contamination of
food, food contact surfaces, or food packaging materials.
i. Follow a written cleaning and sanitation program for all equipment and premises (production and storage areas) that

includes the name of the responsible person; the frequency of the activity; the procedures for cleaning and sanitizing; the
chemicals and concentrations used; the temperature requirements; and the type and frequency of inspection to verify the
effectiveness of the program.
ii. Procedures for cleaning and sanitizing will be as follows: identify equipment and utensils; identify areas on the
equipment requiring special attention; and follow method of cleaning, sanitizing, and rinsing.
iii. Chemicals must be used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. There will be Material Safety Data
Sheets for all chemicals.
iv. The sanitation program should be carried out in a manner that does not contaminate food or packaging materials
during or following cleaning and sanitizing (e.g., aerosols, chemical residues).
v. The effectiveness of the sanitation program will be monitored and verified by an audit or pre-operational inspections
of premises and equipment or, where appropriate, by microbiological sampling. The sanitation program will be adjusted
vi. Operations will begin only after sanitation requirements are met.
Maintain a list of the ingredients in foods sold to customers so that employees can correctly answer customer questions
concerning ingredients used to prepare menu items.
- Employees shall be educated to know that some individuals are allergic to certain foods or ingredients and must
receive accurate information regarding the presence of these foods or ingredients in any item served or sold by the facility.
D. Manager communication and employee training
Shall provide training for PICs and supervisors in pertinent food safety matters, food safety leadership, coaching, and
employee empowerment to take action at any time to prevent a problem.
Shall provide training for new employees in pertinent food safety concerns.
Communicate the food safety program to all employees in monthly training sessions of at least 15 minutes.
Maintain a written training program.
Maintain records of training that include: date, topic, content, attendance.
All employees shall be issued with documented company rules with regard to hygiene policy.
Provisions shall be made to train those employees who are not proficient in English.
Additional training shall be provided as necessary to ensure current knowledge of equipment and process technology.

E. Operational improvement
Owners/CEOs/managers shall:
Support improvement of unit performance.
- PICs, supervisors, and employees shall constantly be aware of environmental conditions, equipment failure, and facility
and process performance. Immediate action must be taken to correct problems.
- Systematic audits shall be performed in order to evaluate prevention system weaknesses; analyze the cause of problems;
take action through improved policies, procedures, and standards and system development to prevent future problems.
Examples of charts that can be used for operational improvement include:

Weekly Self-improvement Schedule (Section I, encl. 1)

Yearly Self-improvement Schedule (Section I, encl. 2)
Corrective Action Log and Preventive Action Schedule (Section I, encl. 3)
Quality Management Team (Section I, encl. 4)
Cause-Effect Analysis Diagram (Section I, encl. 5)
Cause-Effect Analysis Worksheet (Section I, encl. 6)
Problem-Opportunity Action Plan and Program (Section I, encl. 7)
Group Action Log (Section I, encl. 8)
Individual Action Log (Section I, encl. 9)

F. Handling emergencies
Information and/or training in handling emergencies shall be given to all personnel.
- Personnel shall call 911 for emergencies, which include fire, burglary, and any life-threatening situations.
Food-related injury or illness. Customer and/or employee complaints of food-related injury or illness of which the facility
is suspected shall be reported to health authorities for investigation.
Personnel in the foodservice or food production unit must cooperate in any investigation that may be necessary. A
customer's health or life and the operation's reputation may depend on the results of an investigation. A sample of any suspect
food should be saved in a clean container kept in the refrigerator. The health department may need samples for microbiological
testing. If it will be more than 24 hours, the sample should be frozen. While freezing will destroy some of the pathogens,

enough should survive to give a positive test if they are present in sufficient numbers to be a hazard. If the sample is not frozen
and is held in the refrigerator, spoilage microorganisms may multiply to such an extent that they can greatly exceed the number
of pathogens in the food and cause the pathogens to be undetectable mask the pathogenic cause of illness.
According to the FDA, there are three primary reasons that the sanitarian or health department may investigate a facility for
reported foodborne illness. These are: (1) to identify the responsible food in order to stop its continued distribution and sale or
to recall or embargo lots already in the distribution channels, (2) to identify the causative agent so that medical personnel can
effectively treat the patients, and (3) to determine how and why the outbreak occurred so that steps can be taken to prevent future
Sanitarians have specific guidelines for sampling the product and submitting it for microbiological analysis. Cooperation
with the health department is always appropriate and necessary.
Examples of charts that can be used to prevent and handle food related injury and illness include:
Employee-Customer Report of Quality or Hazard Problem and Disposition (Section I, encl. 10)
Action to Correct (Section I, encl. 11)
Foodborne Illness Information Form (Section I, encl. 12)
Action Report (Section I, encl. 13)
Foodborne Illness Symptoms Table (Section I, encl. 14)
G. Program enforcement, recognition, and renewal
Owners/CEOs/managers shall:
Conduct verification audits to determine that all hazards are identified, controls are adequate, and actual operations are in
compliance with the company's policies, procedures, and standards.
Maintain employee records of disciplinary actions and warnings.
Recognize efforts and achievements of employees.

Renew enthusiasm by providing for celebration of safety achievements.

Hold subordinates responsible for safety results. All personnel shall be responsible for knowing how to perform the tasks
to which they are assigned. Performing tasks to prepare food safely is learned behavior. A person is not ready until he/she can
demonstrate that he/she can perform to specified standards. Excuses such as "I forgot" will result in immediate retraining.
Maintain the following policy: Any employee who knowingly fails to follow the policies, procedures, and standards in this
manual shall be _____________________________________ (fill in action to be taken).
Encl. 1
Things to do this week:

Date: From _____________ to _____________


Urgent weekly goals:


Management commitment and involvement
Hazard analysis and control
Written program
Communication and training
Problem investigation and action
Program enforcement, recognition, and renewal

2. Personnel
3. Environment
4. Facilities
5. Equipment
6. Supplies and materials
7. Food production and service

Things to do



8. Consumer


Encl. 2




Encl. 3
Brief Description of the HazardProblem

Target Date

Name of Person

Date Logged Planned Action

Date of

Initialed by

Encl. 4
Problem--Opportunity Identification Worksheet
Subject area ____________________________________________________ Date ___________________
Persons contributing _______________________________________________________________________
Hazards, Problems, Errors, Opportunities

Effect and Actual Potential Costs (Itemize)

Action Priority

Encl. 5

Desired Outcome

Mistakes / Factors Causing the Problem

Changes Needed for Control Removal and Prevention




Environment / Facilities



Encl. 6

Problem/Opportunity: Who wants it? Payoff?

What we want to make happen; operating condition to achieve.

Mistakes/Factors Causing the Problem

(Management, Personnel, Environment, Facilities, Equipment,
Supplies, Procedures)

Changes Needed for Control, Removal, and Prevention

(Who? What? Where? When? How? to achieve what goal? Propose a solution, test, make
adjustments, implement.)

Encl. 7

Goal (What is to be accomplished)

Payoff (Financial, others)

Background (Who, what, where, when, how, why)

Approval (Who is responsible, approved goal, provides resources)

Planning Steps

Who Will Do What

By When


Added Info

Encl. 8
Date __________________________________________

Person responsible ________________________________

Describe the next step, tasks, goals, and reporting data

Describe accomplishments and problems vs. plans

Date __________________________________________

Person responsible ________________________________

Describe the next step, tasks, goals, and reporting data

Describe accomplishments and problems vs. plans

Date __________________________________________

Person responsible ________________________________

Describe the next step, tasks, goals, and reporting data

Describe accomplishments and problems vs. plans

Date __________________________________________

Person responsible ________________________________

Describe the next step, tasks, goals, and reporting data

Describe accomplishments and problems vs. plans

Date __________________________________________

Person responsible ________________________________

Describe the next step, tasks, goals, and reporting data

Describe accomplishments and problems vs. plans

Date __________________________________________

Person responsible ________________________________

Describe the next step, tasks, goals, and reporting data

Describe accomplishments and problems vs. plans

Encl. 9
Person ______________________________________

Describe next step, goal, reporting date

Describe accomplishment and problems vs. plans

Encl. 10
1. Please describe the hazard or problem.

2. What effect does this have on our operation?

3. What do you think is the cause?

4. What is your recommendation to remove the cause of the hazard or problem? (NOTE: This is optional on your part. You may leave this portion blank.)

Name ________________________________________________ Date __________________ Time __________

Department where the hazard or problem was observed ________________________________________________
You will be contacted within 48 hours to acknowledge your QA Problem Report.
This report will not be considered resolved until the solution is approved by your signature on this document.

Encl. 11

Date received


Responsible manager / supervisor

Assigned to for analysis
The cause of the problem

Corrective action planned

Target completion date
Actual completion date
Employee / customer feedback to
Has the problem been corrected?
_____ Yes _____ No
Employee signature / customer acknowledgment



Encl. 12

Information received from:


Phone (______)____________ (H)

(______)____________ (W)

What is the best way to contact you?

Name of person with illness:


Phone (______)____________ (H)

(______)____________ (W)

What is the best way to contact this person?


Place food was eaten

Food items consumed

Date/Time food was eaten

Alcoholic beverage before meal

Date/Time food was saved


Suspect food

Salad (bar)



Where did customer sit?

Main course

Is customer taking medication?

Side dish

What type?

Non alcoholic beverage during meal (including water)

Was medical care sought? (doctor/hospital/address)

Alcoholic beverage during meal

Bread & butter
Alcoholic beverage after meal

Names of other persons in the party.



Encl. 13
1. EXPRESS SINCERE CONCERN ABOUT THE PROBLEM. Do not acknowledge responsibility. It may not be the fault of your operation. Ask the customer if food
was taken from the establishment. If the customer has any leftover suspect food, tell them to refrigerate it (not to freeze it) and save it for possible analysis.
2. Inform the person that the items consumed will be checked. The problem will be brought to the attention of the general manager, who will investigate and call back within
24 hours.
3. If the problem continues, the ill customer should contact his or her physician (at his or her expense).
4. Call the general manager immediately.
5. Find and save about 1 pound (1 pint) of any suspect food, if possible. Refrigerate in a clean container, covered, labeled, and separated from all other foods. If it cannot be
analyzed in 24 hours, freeze the sample.

Person recording information

Date and time of complaint

Complaint follow-up by manager

1. Customer's guest check compensated: __ yes __ no $____________

2. Local health department involved: __ yes __ no name________________________

3. Any increased employee absence due to illness: __ yes __ no
4. List food and food equipment temperatures taken on the day of the incident
5. Quantity of suspect food served during the meal period
6. Date it was prepared
7. Source and brand of involved foods

Complaint follow-up by QA

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