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MOOCs: Digital Age Learning

Its fun. Its free. Its the future.


is a program launched by IIM Bangalore with the aim of providing access to world-class education
in management and related areas to every interested learner in India and across the world. IIMB
believes in the disruptive power of technology and is committed to leveraging digital channels to bring our motto
of radiant learning to life. The Institute aims to achieve this goal by offering Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
through edX, a not-for-profit online initiative of Harvard and MIT that offers online courses from the worlds best
universities and organizations. Our mission is to deliver high-quality business and management MOOCs to learners
everywhere and create positive social impact using educational technology.
Starting July 2015, IIMBx will launch MOOCs through edX aimed at students, working professionals as well as life-long
learners in Accounting, Analytics, Economics, Finance, Information Systems, Operations Management, Statistics and

At IIMB, we recognize that the way education will be delivered in future will be radically
different, thanks to technology. People who could not afford a world-class education will
now have access to it. IIM Bangalore is Indias first management school to join edX as
a Participating Member. Through IIMBx, we will leverage new technologies and deliver
education via MOOCs. Handpicked courses taught by some of our eminent faculty will
be offered free of cost as MOOCs through the edX platform.
Sushil Vachani
Director, IIMB

stablished in 1973, the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB) is widely acknowledged as one of the premier
management institutes in India with an international reputation for its programs, alumni and faculty. IIMBs faculty have
studied and taught at some of the best universities in India and abroad. They bring vast industry, consulting and academic
experience to IIMB, making it a hub of vibrant academic activity. They are actively engaged in policy formulation, research,
case writing and consulting. Their research papers and analysis are printed in leading academic and practitioner journals and
create a huge impact in the business world.
IIMBs research centres include the Centre for Public Policy, the Nadathur S Raghavan Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning,
the Centre for Financial Markets and Risk Management, the Centre for Corporate Governance and Citizenship, the Centre for
Software and IT Management, the Centre for Supply Chain Management and the Centre for Enterprise Resource Planning.
IIMB collaborates with over a hundred leading management schools in the world for various research initiatives and student
and faculty exchange programs.

International Recognition
IIMB has been awarded the EQUIS accreditation (European Quality
Improvement System) from the European Foundation for Management
Development (EFMD) which recognizes institutions that satisfy international
The Financial Times has rated IIMBs doctoral program in the Top 50 globally.
The adjacent schools in this list include Cornell University, University of
Minnesota, Yale University and Marshal School at USC. QS Report has ranked
IIMB among the top ten business schools in the Asia-Pacific region for three
For the seventh consecutive year, in 2014, IIMB has been ranked the best
business school in Central Asia by Eduniversal, Paris. The Institute has been
awarded 5 Palmes, the highest level of recognition, in the Eduniversal
Worldwide Business School Rankings, accorded to business schools with
major international influence.

The vast Indian talent pool has traditionally been handicapped by physical capacity constraints of premier educational
institutions. Only the very best would qualify to partake of such knowledge, while an equally deserving majority had
been deprived of it. Universal access to quality education is the prime objective and driving philosophy behind the
IIMBx initiative. With MOOCs, IIM Bangalore is embracing and leveraging technology to provide access to quality
education and create long-term social benefits.
As the potential impact of this program is very broad, IIMBx will reach a much wider and diverse spectrum of learners
across India and around the world, ranging from students wanting to broaden their horizons, to teachers looking to
enhance their pedagogy.
The inaugural set of courses will be launched in July 2015. The duration of each course is 4 to 8 weeks.
IIMBx will offer courses in core areas of management, delivered by some of our best faculty in their respective areas of
expertise. Four courses on Business Statistics, IT Innovation and Operations Management are scheduled for launch.
More courses are being prepared for launch later in the year in the areas of Analytics, Finance and Strategy, among
At IIMB, we are gearing up to create the capability to teach differently. Our MOOCs embrace the active learning
methodology by giving the learner the opportunity to employ various learning modalities listening, watching, reading
and acting on the knowledge gained. Each concept is explained using a carefully designed learning sequence that
intersperses bite-sized videos with quizzes, readings and assignments. Discussion forums with thought-provoking
questions add to the peer learning experience.
What Next
IIMBx will launch around ten courses in the first year. The response to these courses will be carefully monitored and
analyzed so that we can not only improve the design of future MOOCs, but also use our learning from MOOCs to
enhance the educational experience of our students enrolled in on-campus programs.

New Age Learning and MOOCs

The MOOC is built for a world where
information is everywhere!
-Dave Cormier, Educational Activist, University of Prince Edward
Island, credited with coining the term MOOC in 2008

About edX
EdX offers interactive online classes and MOOCs from the worlds best universities,
colleges and organizations. Most topics are related to subjects such as science,
engineering, arts, philosophy, literature, business and economics. Through institutional
partners and other leading global members, edX presents the best of higher education
online, offering opportunity to anyone who wants to achieve, thrive and grow.
Founded in 2012, edX is a non-profit online initiative created by its founding partners
Harvard and MIT. EdX today has over 3 million users taking over 300 courses online
and enjoys affiliation to institutions like Stanford University, UC Berkeley, University of
Queensland, Harvard, MIT, IIT Bombay and IIM Bangalore.

The MOOC is a powerful force in online education that has

opened doors to quality education in every corner of the world.
If Gutenberg democratized education through his printing
press in the Middle Ages, MOOC might very well be called its
sequel. Whilst education in a premier institution has been the
privilege of a few until now, MOOCs use technology to enable
anytime, anywhere learning in a global classroom.

Massive, because
there is no limit on the class

Open, because
anyone with an Internet
connection can learn

Online, because
physical location is no
longer a barrier

We are honored to welcome IIM Bangalore to edX.

A leading B-school in India, IIMB will deliver highquality courses and new perspectives to the edX
learning community and reach learners around the
Anant Agarwal
CEO, edX


The following MOOCs from IIMBx are now open for enrolment:

Statistics for Business I by

Professor Shankar Venkatagiri
Statistics for Business II by
Professor Shankar Venkatagiri
Professor Venkatagiri is a faculty
member in the Quantitative Methods
and Information Systems area at
IIMB. He is a mathematician and a
computer scientist by training, and
has worked in IT consulting in and
around Boston, prior to pursuing
an academic career. Professor
Venkatagiri has a Ph.D. from Georgia
Institute of Technology, Atlanta,
USA. His interests lie in analytics
and cloud computing. He employs
tools such as learning management
systems and instructional videos to
promote interactivity and learning
beyond the classroom. He is
interested in extending the open
source paradigm to the field of
education and is deeply interested
in improving the state of public

Innovation and IT Management

by Professor Rahul D
Professor D is the Hewlett-Packard
Chair Professor in ICT for
Sustainable Economic Development
at IIMB. Before joining IIMB, he
was an Associate Professor at
Rider University in New Jersey,
USA. In July 2010, he received
Systemsaward at Asias Best
B-School Awards in Singapore.
He received theOutstanding Paper
Awardat the Eighth International
Conference on Electronic
Government, EGOV 2009, at Linz,
Austria. He was awarded theRene
Wagenaar Outstanding Paper
Awardat the Sixth International
Conference on Electronic
Government, EGOV 2007, in
Regensburg, Germany. He holds
a B.Tech from IIT Delhi, MBA from
FMS, Delhi and PhD from JM Katz
Graduate School of Business,
University of Pittsburgh, USA

Introduction to Operations Management

I by Professor B Mahadevan
Professor Mahadevanis a Professor of
Operations Management at IIMB, where
he has been teaching since 1992. He
received his Ph.D. from IIT Madras. He was
a visiting scholar at the Amos Tuck School
of Business Administration, Dartmouth
College, New Hampshire, in 19992000
and a retainer consultant to Deloitte
Consulting LLP, USA, in 20012002.
Professor Mahadevanwas one among the
40 nominated globally for the Economic
Intelligence Units (EIU) Business Professor
of the Year Award, 2012. He is a member
of the editorial board of theProduction
and Operations Management Journaland
theInternational Journal of Business
Excellence.He has published several of his
research findings inCalifornia Management
Review, European Journal of Operational
Research, Interfaces, Production and
Operations Management Journal and
International Journal of Production

What Learners Can Expect

Get world-class education for free from one of

Indias top B-schools
Earn a certificate on completion of the MOOC
for free, or an (optional) verified certificate for
Learn from globally acclaimed faculty at IIMB
Refresh business and managerial skills for
better decision-making and career progression
Interact with learners from all over the world

Who Can Enrol

Students who wish to equip themselves with business

and management education from a top tier business
Working professionals who want to improve their
managerial and decision-making skills
Faculty from other B-Schools who want to add an
additional perspective to their understanding of the
Lifelong learners who are keen to improve their grasp
of a diverse range of topics under the Business
Management umbrella

Statistics for Business

Call to Action
Register on edX at
Browse our courses at

Course Start Date:

7th July, 2015

Course Duration:

5 weeks


Basic Algebra and some Calculus

The introduction to statistics course examines data from the perspective of business scenarios and demonstrates how
to apply these data to make better decisions.

Enrol for our MOOCs

What you will learn

Start learning


Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore 560 076

To download data from prominent Internet sources

To analyse a dataset using spreadsheet software
To pose pertinent businessquestions of datasets and to answer them
To clean up a dataset and summarize the data using single point measures of centrality and dispersion
To classify variables by scale and aggregate them with pivot tables
To build an understanding of probability, joint and marginal probability, conditional probability
To apply Bayes rule to invert probabilities on a decision tree

Innovation and IT Management

Introduction to Operations Management I

Course Start Date:

21st July, 2015

Course Start Date:

18th August, 2015

Course Duration:

6 weeks

Course Duration:

7 weeks


Basic familiarity with IT use and terminology. Also, basic understanding of business and
economics concepts.


Basic concepts in statistics such as mean and standard deviation

Understand key aspects of business operations and lean management including capacity, productivity, quality and
supply chain.

What you will learn

Managing IT and Innovation requires subtle decision-making skills. You will learn how to make decisions related to:

What you will learn

Competing with IT
Managing digital networks and security
Making sense of the evolving IT landscape
Developing software and managing projects
Managing crowd innovation
Social and ethical aspects of IT

Identify an operations system with some known standard configurations

Make an assessment of the complexity of an operations system
Compute cycle times for operations and estimate capacity of the system
Understand the various components of a supply chain and the need to configure them appropriately
Identify methods for reducing Bullwhip effect in supply chains
Understand and relate the concept of lean management to ones own business situation
Initiate process and productivity improvement using NVA Analysis
Use specific tools and techniques to analyze quality problems
Monitor a process using control charts

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