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kit em hard, h it em low

Atta boy, L ets go!

Yea boom!
Bethesda, Bethesda,


Vo l u m e , nr.


We are very pleased because of the

way the pupils, teachers, m erchants,
and patrons have received our efforts
to establish a school paper. The num
ber of subscriptions h as alm ost reached
TOO copies, but we have hopes of mak!ing the Ju nior high school a 100 per
cent unit. This m eans th a t we need
at least 50 more yearly subscriptions.
Have you subscribed yet? If not, why
not do it a t once? Give your nam e to
j Robert Beall and b rin g your $.75 to

In the up stairs hall of the B ethes
da school shelves are being built. These
shelves are for our books. We have a
large number of books to be placed
on the shelves. Before we can have an
Ideal library, we m ust learn how to
treat books. The books are put in al
phabetical order and if they are not
put back th a t way w hen returned, the
librarian will have to find w here the
books go, which is unnecessary in a
high school. We m ust not w rite on,
mark, or tu rn down th e leaves of the
For how long do you th in k they will
last? Nbt at all. In fact they will be
ruined in a short order, if every child
in school put a m ark a day in or on
the books, they will all be ruined, and
where will our lib rary be? We m ust
not take books out and leave them at
(Continued on Page 2)



This is the first issue of our new
school paper. It is en tirely the work
hf the children of the B ethesda School.
|This paper which you read now, took
(nany hours of hard work, on the p art
Of these children. Some children went
to the neighboring m erchants for ad
vertisements, others went for subscrip
tions, and still others w rote stories,
Editorials, jokes and news events.
| A school paper is a very valuable
thing to have. Not in the sense of
prealth of money but of learning. It
rives the parents well founded ideas
pf the work and play th a t is going on
In the school. I t also gives the chil
dren experience th a t will be valuable
In later years.
i We hope to m ake th is paper th e best
Work of the pupils. We also w ish to
Imake it a paper, th a t every child feels
[that he is a p art of it. And last but
;not least, we hope to m ake it one of
|the best school papers in M aryland.
Wont you help us to m ake it a suc



H e te



School opens prom ptly at 9 a. m.
Tardiness or absence greatly in ter
feres w ith good school work.
In fa ir w eather the doors of the
school will not be opened u ntil 8.40.
When doors are opened, pupils are ex
pected to go directly to th eir own
If pupils have been absent or know
they are going to be tardy excuses
should be presented upon entering
Pupils should have one hour of
home w ork to do daily. If this does
not seem to be the case, parents should
see the teachers.
Bus tickets should be purchased
du rin g the first three days of the
school month.
All m onthly reports are to be signed
by a parent or guardian. This signa
tu re does not necessarily indicate ap
proval of w ork done, but it does in
dicate th a t the p arent or guardian has
examined the report.


We h eartily th an k our supporters
for th e ir subscriptions and advertise
m ents which have enabled us to offer
th is paper to the students and th eir
friends. W ith the aid of our workers,
neighboring m erchants, and friends
we hope to increase and improve our
issues as we present them to you each
succeeding m onth.
JOHN ADAIR, (E ditor)

Their Value
Why do we have assembly? We have
assembly to help to keep up the school
spirit and patriotism . It helps us to
realize, th a t we are one body, work
ing for one purpose. Like any other
organization, we m ust work together.
We should always do our best, fop it
inspires others.
F or when you hear someone reading
a good story in assembly, you wish
you could w rite a story as good as
th a t too, dont you? And, naturally
next tim e you w rite a composition
youll try h ard er to make it better. So,
in a way, assembly makes us more am
W hile having assemnly, it is a good
opportunity for m aking announce
ments, or to say anything concerning
the welfare of our school. It is easier
to talk to the school as a whole, than
to each individual class.
THE BETHESDA SCHOOL L ets try to make our assembly as
interesting as possible, by all doing
our best and working together.
One of the im provem ents th a t has
taken place in the Bethesda school is
the fixing up of the front lawn. It used
to have big hum ps and ditches in it,
but now it has been smoothed down
level. A nother im portant improve
The October meeting of the Bethes
m ent on the p art of the school is the
da ParentrTeachers Association was
getting of new tools and im plements
held in the auditorium of the high
which are used in shop.
school on Wednesday, the 13th, at 2.30
Other m inor im provem ents to the oclock. An unusually large and en
school are the cobble stones which
thusiastic crowd attended. The busi
were put in the back of the school, so
ness m eeting was conducted by Mrs.
it would not be muddy, and the en
Moore, the president, after which Mr.
largem ent of the play grounds which
Pyle talked to the group about junior
are in back of the school. The land
high school work. Tea was served in
owners gave the pupils consent to play
the kindergarten room. A splendid
on this ground, ju st back of the school.
program of work has been planned
Another improvement is in athletics. for the year. Already the association
Last year we did not have much is doing very helpful things for its
equipment, but this year we have schools and pupils. May its enthus
iasm not wane but grow with every'EUGENE ONEAL



H igh School Group
Thomas W. Pyle, Supervising P rin
cipal, Bethesda, Md., Box 7, Phone
Mrs. A. C. Miller, French, English,
4523 Ridge Avenue, Chevy Chase, Md.,
Phone 1624-W.
Ludelle H innam an, History, English,
Public Speaking, Phy Ed., Bethesda,
Md., Phone 1I7-W.
Miss Virginia Mullinix, Latin, Math,
6707 Forty-fifth street, Chevy Chase,
Rosa M. Moss, Math, Science, 209

Virginia avenue,
Phone 619.
Geneve Bourdeaux, Music, English,
1813-Kenyon street, N. W. Washington,
D. C., Phone Col. 2484.
H. F ran k lin Lehr, Physical Educa
tion, Shop, Geography, Industrial Arts,
106 W. Virginia avenue, Bethesda, Md.,-!
Phone 140-M.
Pauline P. Chambers, Domestic
Science, 1330 L street, N. W. Washing
ton, D. C., Phone Main 7870.
Dorothy Young, Alto Vista, Md.,
Citizenship, Geography, Phone Beth
esda, 205.
(Continued on P age 3)

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