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Administering System Center

2012 R2 Configuration Manager

Module 1 Overview of System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager

Student Lab Manual
0 6 . 0 8. 2 0 1 5

Lab: Installing and Configuring System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager ........................................................... 3
Exercise 1: Pre-requisites for System Center 2012 Configuration Manager ...................................................... 3
Task 1: Create GPO to configure firewall settings for SCCM........................................................................ 3
Task 2: Extending Active Directory Schema .......................................................................................................... 8
Task 3: Create container System Management and configure permissions ........................................................... 9
Task 4: Others Pre-requisites check .................................................................................................................... 16
Exercise 2: Installing System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager.............................................................. 24
Task 1: Install System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager ........................................................................... 24
Task 2: Define CMTrace as Default Log Viewer ................................................................................................... 45
Exercise 3: Configuring System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager ......................................................... 47
Task 1: Add role Fallback Status Point ................................................................................................................ 47
Lab: Performing Administration Tasks by Using Configuration Manager Tools............................................................ 52
Exercise 1: Exploring the Configuration Manager Console ................................................................................ 52
Task 1: Exploring the Assets and Compliance workspace .................................................................................... 52
Task 2: Exploring the Software Library workspace .............................................................................................. 53
Task 3: Exploring the Monitoring workspace ...................................................................................................... 55
Task 4: Exploring the Administration workspace................................................................................................. 57
Exercise 2: Searching in the Configuration Manager Console ........................................................................... 59
Task 1: Searching results in the console .............................................................................................................. 59
Task 2: Saving local Search results ...................................................................................................................... 62
Lab: Monitoring and Troubleshooting a Configuration Manager Site.......................................................................... 66
Exercise 1: Monitoring Site and Component Status .......................................................................................... 66
Task 1: Check the Site Health ............................................................................................................................. 66
Task 2: Check Site Component status ................................................................................................................. 69
Exercise 2: Reviewing Log Files by Using the Configuration Manager Trace Log Tool ..................................... 71
Task 1: Review SMSExec log File ......................................................................................................................... 71

Module 1: Overview of System Center 2012 R2

Configuration Manager
Student Lab Manual

Virtual Machines

Domain Info
Domain name

Domain Controller
Configuration Manager
Administrator / Pa$$w0rd

Lab: Installing and Configuring System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager

Exercise 1: Pre-requisites for System Center 2012 Configuration Manager
Task 1: Create GPO to configure firewall settings for SCCM

1. On the domain controller na-dc-01 login with dnosi\administrator / Pa$$w0rd

2. On the Server Manager Dashboard click Tools and then Group Policy Management

3. Expand Forest:, expand Domains, right click on and select Create a
GPO in this domain, and link it here

4. Give it a name CM Firewall Policy and click OK

5. Rithg Click on the CM Firewall Policy and select Edit

6. Expand Computer Configurations\Policies\Administrative Templates\Network

Connections\Windows Firewall and select Domain Profile

7. Double click on Windows Firewall: Allow inbound file and printer sharing exception
and choose Enabled. In the Options, write the IP address of the SCCM Server
(192.168.10x.7). Click OK.
Note: the x must be replace with the student number

8. Double click on Windows Firewall: Allow inbound remote administration exception

and choose Enabled. In the Options, write the IP address of the SCCM Server
(192.168.10x.7). Click OK.
Note: the x must be replace with the student number

9. Close Group Policy management

10. Right click on the Start button and click on Command Prompt (Admin)

11.Write the following command: gpupdate /force and then Enter

Task 2: Extending Active Directory Schema

1. On domain controller, na-dc-01, right click on the Start button and click on Command
Prompt (Admin)

2. Navigate to

3. Type extadsch.exe and Enter

Task 3: Create container System Management and configure permissions

1. On Domain Controller, na-dc-01, click Start and then Search

2. Write ADSIEdit and click ADSI Edit to open it

3. Rigth click on ADSI Edit and select Connect to

4. Confirm that in the Name are Default naming context there and click OK

5. Expand Default naming context [], expand DC=dnosi,DC=cv

6. Ritgh click on CN=System and click New and then Objetc

7. Select Container e click Next

8. Write System Management and click Next

9. Click Finish

10. Expand CN=System, right click on CN=System Management and select Properties

11. Click on the tab Security and then on Advanced

12. Click Add

13. In the Permission Entry for System Management, select Select Principal

14. Write the name of the Configuration Manager Server na-sccm-01 and click Check
Names. Click OK

15. Give Full Control permission to This Object and all descendent objects and click OK
tree times

Task 4: Others Pre-requisites check

1. On the Configuration Manager Server, na-sccm-01 logon with dnosi\administrator /


2. On the Server Manager Dashboard click Add roles and Features

3. Click next until the Server Roles option and confirm that you have Web Server (IIS)
and Windows Server Update Services roles installed. Click Next.

4. On the Features, option confirm that you have the following features installed: .NET
Framework 3.5.1 Features, Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS), Remote
Differential Compression, and BITS Server Extension Tools. Click Cancel to Close Add
Roles and Features Wizard.

5. Ritgh click on Start and click Control Panel

6. On the Programs feature click Uninstall a program

7. Confirm that all Microsoft SQL Server features and Windows Assessment and
Deployment Kit for Windows 8.1 are listed. Close Programs and Features.

8. Ritgh click on Start menu and click Search

9. Write SQL on the Search box and click SQL Server Management Studio to launch it

10. Click Connect

11.Right click on na-sccm-01(SQL Server 11.0.5058 DNOSI\Administrator) and select


12. Click on Memory and confirm that the Minimum server memory (in MB) e Maximum
server memory (in MB) are set

Exercise 2: Installing System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager

Task 1: Install System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager

1. Navigate to C:\Products\SystemCenter2012R2ConfigurationManager and

double click on splash.hta

2. If ask, click Microsft (R) HTML Application host, if not jump to the step 3.

3. Click Install

4. Click Next

5. Select Install a Configuration Manager primary site

6. Select Install the evaluation edition of this product

7. Check I accept these license terms and click Next

8. Check all three options and click Next

9. Select Use previously download files. Click Browse, double click on C:\ drive, and
select SCCM2012R2PreReq. Click OK and then Next

10.Wait the validation of the files until finish

11.Click Next

12.Click Next

13.Provide a Site code - NAC and a Site name - NOSi Academy Site

14.Select Install the primary site as a stand-alone site

15.Click Yes

16.Check the data and click Next

17.Accept the default path for data and logs and click Next

18.Confirm the FQDN of the SCCM server and click Next

19.Select Configure the communication method on each site system role e click Next

20.Accept the options selected by defaults and click Next

21.Select Join the Customer Experience Improvement Program

22.Click Next

23.Click Begin Install

Note: you can safely ignore the warnings about Firewall and SQL memory

24.The installation begins

25.Click Close when the installation is finished

Task 2: Define CMTrace as Default Log Viewer

1. Go to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\tools and double click on

CMTrace.exe. On Configuration Manager Trace Log Tool, click Yes.

Exercise 3: Configuring System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager

Task 1: Add role Fallback Status Point

1. On the Configuration Manager server,na-sccm-01, right click on Start and click Search

2. Write Configuration Manager and click on Configuration Manager Console

3. On the Configuration Manager Console, navigate to Administration workspace,

expand Site Configuration and click Servers and Site System Roles

4. Right click on the name of the server \\ and select Add site
System Roles

5. Click Next

6. Accept Default value and click Next

Note: if do you have proxy in your environment provide the proxy settings

7. Select Fallback status point and click Next

8. Click Next

9. Click Next

10.Click Close

Lab: Performing Administration Tasks by Using Configuration Manager Tools

Exercise 1: Exploring the Configuration Manager Console

Task 1: Exploring the Assets and Compliance workspace

1. On the Configuration Manager Console, click Assets and Compliance workspace

2. Navigate to Users, Devices, User Collections, Device Collections, User State

Migration, Asset Intelligence, Software Metering, Compliance Settings and Endpoint
Protection and review the settings and features

Task 2: Exploring the Software Library workspace

1. On the Configuration Manager Console, click Software Library workspace

2. Navigate to Application Management, Software Updates, Operating System and

review the settings and features

Task 3: Exploring the Monitoring workspace

1. On the Configuration Manager Console, click Monitoring workspace

2. Navigate to Alerts, Queries, Reporting, Site Hierarchy, System Status, Deployments,

Client Operations, Client Status, Database Replication, Distribution Point, Software
Update Point Synchronization, Endpoint Protection Status and review the settings
and features

Task 4: Exploring the Administration workspace

1. On the Configuration Manager Console, click Administration workspace

2. Navigate to Hierarchy Configuration, Cloud Services, Site Configuration, Client

Settings, Security, Distribution Point, Distribution Point Groups, Migration and
review the settings and features

Exercise 2: Searching in the Configuration Manager Console

Task 1: Searching results in the console

1. Click in the Assets and Compliance workspace, expand Asset Intelligence, click Hardware

2. Next to the Search box, click the arrow to Add Criteria and select Software Title and
click Add

3. In the box next to AND Software Title, type Microsoft Office and then click Search
Note: The selected search criteria appears just below the Search box. Notice that "Software
Title" appears with an operator of "contains".

Note: The list of software inventory products that contain the words "Microsoft Office"
appears in the results pane.

4. Below the Search box, click contains

Note: A drop down list appears displaying the operators that can be set for these search
criteria. Notice that are eight different operators available
Task 2: Saving local Search results

1. On the Ribbon, click Save Current Search

2. In the Search Name box, type Microsoft Office and then click OK

3. On the Ribbon, click Saved Searches and click Manage Searches for Current Node

4. In Manage Searches for Current Node, under Name select Microsoft Office and click

5. At the end of the Search box click X to close the search

Lab: Monitoring and Troubleshooting a Configuration Manager Site

Exercise 1: Monitoring Site and Component Status

Task 1: Check the Site Health

1. On the Configuration Manager Console, click Monitoring Workspace, expand System

Status and click Site Status

2. On the Status confirm that the Status is OK (means Healthy)

3. Right click on the Site System \\ with the Site System Role - Site
Server, select Show Messages and then All

4. Click OK

5. Double click in the first line and check the description. Click OK and then close de
Configuration Manager Status Message

Task 2: Check Site Component status

1. On the Configuration Manager Console, click Monitoring Workspace, expand System

Status and click Component Status

1. On the Status confirm that the Status is OK (means Healthy)

Exercise 2: Reviewing Log Files by Using the Configuration Manager Trace Log Tool

Task 1: Review SMSExec log File

1. On the Configuration Manager Server, na-sccm-01, navigate to C:\Program

Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\Logs

2. Double click on the SMSExec log file to open it.

Note: Smsexec.log show all Records processing of all site server component threads.

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