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February 4, 2015
8:00 PM
Connie Beyor, Chairperson, Nola Gilbert, David Roddy and Richard Flint.
Liza Comiskey was absent from the meeting.
Others Present:
Marcel Choquette, Principal, Karen Casavant, Winton Goodrich,
Superintendent, Lora McAllister, Assistant Business Manager, Terry Brace, Channel
16 Cameraman
Connie Beyor called the meeting back to order at 8:58pm after a recess from the
all board carousel meeting in the Highgate School Library.
Public Comments:
Approval of Prior Board Meeting Minutes
Richard Flint moved, seconded by David Roddy, to approve Jan 8, 2015 board
minutes as presented. The board approved the motion on a 4-0 vote.
Budget Information Materials Revision:
Tabled until Win comes to the meeting.
Asbestos Inspection:
The building has been inspected in 2011 and occurs every
three years.
Check Warrants
: Nola Gilbert moved, seconded by David Roddy to approve the
check warrants totaling $124,546.69 with the understanding that Lora will check
the SWISH bills. The board approved 4-0. Nola Gilbert moved, seconded by
Richard Flint to approve the payroll and regular monthly bills. Board approved 4-0.
Ag Meeting
: The Ag Meeting is scheduled for Feb. 17
at 7pm in the MVU
Administrative Conference Room.

Financial Report:Lora reported that the budget is showing over-expended by

$40,000. There is a change in tuition cost and increased health insurance
participants. David Roddy moved, seconded by Richard Flint to approve the
financial report. The board approved 4-0.
Principals Report:Marcel Choquette sent a written principals report to the board.
Mrs. Tatro obtained a grant through the U.S. Tennis Association- received
equipment and curriculum totaling about $725.00.
On Friday, the fifth grade class

is giving a readers theaters performance. The Student Support Team is working

on random act of kindness starting Feb. 9
fitting in with Social Thinking work
during the school year. They will have a green out day. Lifetouch who does the
photos and graduation book, is meeting with Marcel to extend their contract for
two years. Marcel will bring the contract to the board for their review. Grade 4
has been chosen to take the NAEP Assessment. The NAEP Assessment is Friday
morning. In-service this Friday will be around administering the SBAC test. They
are making sure that the curriculum line up with the standards based report card.
Win provided an overview of a standard and the expectation at the respective
grade level. PBIS is meeting tomorrow morning to go over new ideas. On Feb. 18
they take a school-wide self-assessment survey through PBIS. Highgate received a
grant through King Arthur Flour- they teach kids how to bake bread using math.
Fifty kids participated in this activity.

Marcel believes that Highgate does not have to start composting until 2017.
Richard thought it could be done at the same time when MVUs Ag Program uses the
field. MVU could pioneer composting in the field.
Lynn Fitzgerald and the Kindergarten class made some things for the board
meeting. She sent a note with treats and bookmarks. She thanked everyone at the
meeting for everything that they do for the Highgate School.
New Business
: Received a letter from the PTKO asking about a June 27
dance fundraiser. Tabled until the next meeting.

Connie has spoken to the Town Manager to have the school budgets informational
meeting on Feb. 19
, the same night as the Towns budget presentation. The
Select-Board will discuss it and let the school board know if sharing the night will
work for them. The board set up an alternate date of Feb. 26
if the Town does
not have enough time to include the school during the informational meeting.
Win has set up a time for the board chair, the business manager and himself to
meet with the Messenger to present the Highgate budget to the media. Connie
would like to allow the business managers to interview with the media as they have
done in the past. Win has scheduled the meeting with the Messenger on Feb. 12
at Central Office.
Next Meeting Dates:
Highgate School Board Budget Informational Meeting with
the town (to be confirmed)- Feb. 19 at 7pm. Alternative date-Feb. 26, 2015.
Executive Session:Richard Flint moved, seconded by David Roddy to enter
executive session for a student residency issue and legal issue at 10:15pm. The
board approved the motion 4-0 vote. The board exited executive session at
Connie declared the meeting adjourned on a 4-0 vote at 10:36pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Nola Gilbert
Highgate School Board Clerk

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