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The curriculum development can be referred as a common framework that is created to

achieve a new standard of education. It contains all the elements that covers curriculum
implementation, evaluation, curriculum expectations future assumptions, the purpose
curriculum development, assessment, curriculum content and curriculum material source.

According to The Dictionary (1992), the word 'curriculum' means the field of study in the

Teacher is considered as one of the important factors in curriculum implementation. School

curriculum are of a design that covers the academic activities. Based on this information, we
know that the school curriculum can be categorized into the four components. They are the
curriculum objectives, curriculum contents, the activities of the teaching and also the
evaluation process.

To ensure that the development of the curriculum run smoothly and effectively, the
teacher plays a significant role. This is because teachers are one of the important factors in
curriculum implementation. Teachers play an important role in the implementation of the
curriculum. Without active involvement from the teachers in the curriculum, the objectives
designed in the curriculum will be difficult to be achieved.
Commitment of the teachers to implement every curriculum innovation in the
classroom also affects how far the involvement of the teachers as curriculum transformation
agents. Teachers are the most important agent in the development of the curriculum. In fact,
the curriculum itself is designed and built by a bunch of particular teachers.
As we realise, teachers are occupied and equipped with the understanding and
knowledge of his subject matter and the scope of teaching materials or contents that they
used to deliver the learning content. After build curriculum, teachers need to plan the
teaching and learning process based on the curriculum designed.
Teachers play an important role in the implementation of any innovation in the
curriculum. Without the active involvement from the teachers in curriculum implementation,
the object that is designed will be difficult to be reached. Generally, teachers involvement in
the process of carrying curriculum innovation in schools is different in various challenge side
and obstacles in executing it effectively. Between the obstacles and challenges is the
attitude of some teachers who like to confront the management of the school even though

the pre-implementation had been done by the central administration which usually referred
to the District Education Department.
At the same time execution of innovation also face some obstacles due to the
presence of feeling worry, conflict, uneasiness and hardship for the teachers to change
existing practice with a new one. Moreover, there is still some obstacles in terms of
psychology such as disbelief and low confidence in the use of the electronic appliance and
also computer and applying the communication technology. Existence of threat and
concerns to the changes in curriculum which involves the use of technology is also known as
The aspect of teachers commitment towards the implementation of an innovation in
the classroom also affects how far involvement teachers in total as curriculum transformation
agents. This commitment will affect the teachers perception towards the implementation of
innovation itself. Next, the perception will also affect attitudes and behaviours of the teachers
in teaching and learning process.
Even though there are problems in the implementation of innovation, as a state that
is moving toward the developing era and has vision towards achieving the level of world
class education, Malaysia continues to introduce few innovation in school curriculum to
reach the goal. Among them are the implementation of Bestari School, Smart Lab, Net
School Project and so on. However, there are many obstacles that need to be faced through
the terms of its implementation especially in getting the support and commitment from the
teachers. The teachers might be a little uncomfortable with curriculum changes and
innovations that were introduced primarily involving teaching since this will change their role
in the classroom.
In realizing the transformation of curriculum innovation in schools, there are various
challenges that the teachers need to face before the implementation being carried out
effectively. The demographic background of the teachers, different location, teachers
capacity and capability in terms of motivation, attitudes, knowledge, and skill could
determine level of readiness of the teachers in implementing innovation itself.
Teachers motivation is a variable that becomes an important issues in the
implementation of innovation in the school. The previous studies has indicated that the
results of the work teachers, teachers competency and teachers response towards their
education practice will be more effective if their level of motivation is high. Teachers
motivation in this context refers to educators who have the ability in high derive tasks,
effective, competitive, creative, positive and attention to education goal achievement. In
addition, teachers who are highly motivated individual will always have intrinsic and extrinsic

derive that would allow them produce excellent ideas and always help the school
organization even if they have to sacrifice their time.
Do the teachers have enough level of motivation to raise the transformation and to
empower the curriculum in total? General view shows most teachers feel less comfortable in
introduction new innovation in schools because they feel worry that the changes will interfere
their comfort zone and they fear that the innovation will bring changes that affect their role in
school directly and indirectly. This happened because the increment of extra tasks in
teacher's job due to the introduction of the innovation which raises emotional among some
teachers. The teachers experience emotional disorders and high level pressure caused by
their failure to cope with the innovation. When apply with these pressure on an ongoing
basis, the work motivation of the teachers will be affected and possibly relationship with the
students and teachers with teachers will be negatively affected. In the end, this will
undermined the self-development level of the teachers and the efficiency in performing the
tasks all day in the school.
At the same time, it is also found that teachers with low motivation levels tend to go
against new innovation because of their low self-esteem and the thought that they will be
eliminated from the school. This attitude starts from attitude of the school administrator who
a lot of times ignoring their views and almost never ask teachers for their opinion related to
the implementation of innovation.
The second thing that draw the transformation of curriculum innovation in school
teachers involving their attitude. Generally, this issue can be reviewed based on several
factors that prevent involvement teachers actively in curriculum transformation process.
Among them is a crucial factor inertia where the teachers already feel comfortable and
satisfied with what is being experienced, thus they do not want to change. Next, they felt
threatened with any changes that happened, the individual teachers feel less welcome with
the appearance of in confidence to do any new changes. The final factors are time and
facilities. A few teachers often hid behind their whining saying there are not enough time and
there is no facilities to prevent themselves from involved in the implementation of the
The next issue is leading up to the aspects of professional knowledge and skills that
is important in ensuring efficiency of curriculum transformation. This is because teachers
mastery in these aspects can help them to carry out the effectively from time to time. In this
context, the will to act proactively based on knowledge and skills and the ability to
manifested knowledge and skills in the form of aberrant behaviour is the important matter to
bring the innovation into reality.

The fourth issue is related with the focus teachers. This issue focuses on the
teachers attention. This gives the sense that teachers have different level of acceptance in
receiving implementing curriculum transformation and innovation. In this context, teachers
need to be wise in giving the merit of between personal matter, work matter or towards the
implications of the innovations on his pupils.
Teachers' willingness to implement an innovation is the question that need to be
considered by the innovation executors (teachers), with their own innovation plan.
Implementation of innovation will be stuck if the authorities consider education innovation as
a requirement, while teachers look at it from different perspective. Curriculum innovation
process should also be able to change and bring new paradigm shift which is change from
tendency in the process in its implementing emphasis to technical aspects such as providing
tools and training to the aspects related to teacher development aberrant behaviour, norms,
attitudes and cultural change in schools.
The schools must be willing to accept the changes according to the age. Trend of
changes of curriculum in Malaysia happen so fast enough on decades of near this latest and
expected to be on an ongoing basis parallel with the changes will prime and global
education. With this, citizens of educators regardless the position and location must take the
opportunity to empower each of school curriculum in to enable our education system stood
up the same level with the world.

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