Values 7 1st Quarterly Exam

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Year level:___________________________


A. Multiple Choice. Read each item carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
For items 1-8, refer your answer to the story of Daniel and the Lions Den.
1. What is the name of the king of the Babylon during the time of Daniel?
a. Philip
b. Darius
c. Xander
d. Augustus
2. How many times did Daniel pray to his God each day?
a. Once
b. twice
c. thrice
d. Never
3. What did the men propose to the king in order to put Daniel into the Lions den?
a. To make a law that only the king should be worshipped.
b. To pray to Daniels God two times a week.
c. To enact a law that Daniels God should be worshipped.
d. To make a law that every man should work for eight hours a day.
4. Who saved Daniel from the wrath of the lions?
a. God
b. King
c. His knife
d. His father
5. Was Daniel eaten by the lions?
a. Yes, because the lions were very hungry.
b. No, because he was saved by his God.
c. Yes, because he provoked the sleeping lion.
d. No, because he was able to kill the lion by using his knife.
6. Did the king feel happy upon sending Daniel to the lions den?
a. Yes, because he did not like Daniel as his servant.
b. No, because he liked Daniel so much because of the latters goodness.
c. Yes, because he wanted the lion to be full.
d. No, because he wanted Daniel to be eaten by the serpent, not the lion.
7. If you were Daniel, would you still pray to your God even if theres a law that prohibits you
from doing so?
a. No, because I dont want to be eaten by lions.
b. Yes, because I know that God will save me.
c. No, because I want to become the King.
d. Yes, because I know that the lions are already full.
8. What is the moral lesson of the story?
a. You should always bring knife inside your pocket.
b. Always trust yourself.
c. Dont be afraid of everything because your friends will be there to help you.
d. Always believe in Gods grace.
For items 9-20, refer your answer to the story of Jonah and the Whale.
9. Who was the reluctant prophet that God gave a commandment
wicked people of Nineveh?
a. Japheth
b. Jonah
c. Solomon
10.What was the capital of Assyria during that time?
a. Nineveh
b. Tarshish
c. Mesopotamia
11.Who was swallowed by the whale in the bible?
a. Jonah
b. Japheth
c. Solomon
12.How long was Jonah inside the whale?
a. 3 days and 4 nights
b. 3 days and 3 nights
c. 2 days and 2 nights
d. 4 days only
13.The Lord sent Jonah to preach against what city?
a. Nineveh
b. Tarshish
c. Mesopotamia
14.But Jonah decided to go to which city instead?

to send a message to the

d. Darius
d. Iran
d. Darius

d. Iran

a. Nineveh
b. Tarshish
c. Mesopotamia
d. Iran
15.What was Jonah doing in the ship during the storm?
a. Praying
b. sleeping
c. eating
d. fishing
16.What did the mariners do to try to save the ship?
a. Sailed toward land.
b. Took down the sails.
c. Dropped anchor.
d. Threw their cargo overboard.
17. What happened when Jonah was thrown overboard?
a. The ship sank.
b. The storm ceased.
c. They sighted land.
d. All were struck dead except Jonah.
18.When Jonah finally went to the city where God sent him, how long was that city given to
a. 1hour
b. 3 days
c. 40 days
d.144 days
19.How did the inhabitants of the city react to Jonah's warning?
a. They mocked him.
b. They ignored the warning.
c. They stoned him.
d. They repented.
20.What was God's reaction the people of the city's decision?
a. He destroyed the city with fire and brimstone.
b. He laughed at their fear.
c. He changed His mind about what He had planned to do to them.
d. He turned His back on their cries.
For items 21-26, refer your answer to the story of Adam and Eve.
21.To whom did God give the command not to eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of
good and evil?
a. Adam only
b. Adam and Eve
c. Eve only
d. Serpent
22.Who was present when the serpent tempted Eve to eat the forbidden fruit?
a. Adam only
b. Adam and Eve
c. Eve only
d. God
23.The serpent that tempted Eve was _______________- .
a. A real serpent, acting on its own.
b. A real serpent, acting as a tool of Satan.
c. Satan
d. God
24.What tree that Adam and Eve prohibited from eating?
a. Tree of life Everlasting
b. Tree of Knowledge
c. Tree of Evil Borne by Satan
d. Mango Tree
25.After both Adam and Eve have eaten the fruit, what is the first thing they do?
a. Eat all the fruits.
b. Worship the tree.
c. Put on clothes.
d. Cower under the wrath.

26.Eve is most surprised by the serpent's ability to ___________ .

a. Glide effortlessly over the tree's branches
b. Select the ripest fruit
c. Talk
d. Stay perfectly still.
For items 27-35, refer your answer to the story of the Wise King Solomon.
27. What did Solomon choose when God offered him anything he wished for?
a. Money
b. Beautiful lady
c. palace
d. wisdom
28.With what nation did Solomon make an important and unusual alliance by marriage?
a. Egypt
b. Syria
c. Israel
d. Nepal

29.How many wives did Solomon have?

a. 600
b. 700
c. 880
30. Where did the craftsmen who built the temple come from?
a. Egypt
b. Phoenicia
c. Greece
31.Who was allowed to worship in the temple?
a. Rich people
b. poor people
c. good-looking
32.Into what sin did Solomons wives lead him?
a. Adultery
b. Idolatry
c. Theft
33.How did Solomon draw other nations to God?
a. He married into them and through his wisdom.
b. He married into them and through his good-looking face.
c. He threat into them and through his knowledge.
d. He married into them and through his knowledge.
34.Whose prophecy did King Solomon fulfill?
a. Samuel
b. David
c. Jeremiah
35.What did King Solomon use in judging things?
a. His talent
b. his knowledge
c. his skills

d. 900
d. Iran
d. all people
d. Murder

d. Jonah
d. his wisdom

B. BIBLE VERSES. Complete each verse below by fill in the blanks. Refer your answer to
the given choices.
1. Genesis 4:1
Now ___________ had sexual relations with his wife, Eve, and she became pregnant.
When she gave birth to _________, she said, "With the ________'s help, I have
produced a ________!"
2. Exodus 3:5
Do not come any closer, _______ said. Take off your _________, for the place where
you are standing is ________ ground.
3. Matthew 8:7
_______ said to him, Shall ______ come and _____ him?


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