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Dr. M. Venu Gopala Rao, Professor, Dept.

of ECE, KL University

Signal Processing







Syllabus: Representation of DT sequences; Basic DT sequences: Unit Sample, Unit Step, Unit
Ramp, Sinusoidal and Exponential sequences. Classification of Discrete-Time Sequences: Right
sided, Left sided and Two sided sequences, Causal and Non-Causal Sequences, Deterministic versus
Random sequences, Periodic and Aperiodic sequences, Even and Odd sequences, Energy and Power
signals, Symmetric(Even) and Anti-Symmetric(odd) sequences.

3.0 Introduction: The basic elementary signals / sequences are much useful in digital signal
processing for analysis purpose. There are various kinds of signals / sequences that are
classified according to their characteristics and are described as below.

Study objectives
After studying this chapter you should be able to:
Represent the DT sequences in various forms
Understand the Elementary Discrete Time sequences.
Explore the classification of Discrete Time sequences.
3.1 Representation of Discrete-Time Sequences:
A discrete-time (DT) x[n] is a function of an independent variable that is an integer. It is
important to note that a DT sequence is not defined at instants between two successive
samples (but not zero). A discrete-time (DT) is defined for every integer value n for

n . By tradition, we refer to x[n] as the nth sample of the signal. Various forms of
Discrete-Time sequences are illustrated as below.

Dr. M. Venu Gopala Rao, Professor, Dept. of ECE, KL University

3.2 Basic DT sequences: The basic elementary signals / sequences are much useful in
digital signal processing for analysis purpose. These signals are described both in
mathematical and graphical representations as below.
(a) The Singularity Functions:
The Unit Sample / Impulse Sequence: A discrete time (D.T)
sample / impulse sequence is defined as

1, n 0
0, n 0

[ n]

The Unit Step Sequence: A discrete time (D.T) unit step

sequence is defined as

Dr. M. Venu Gopala Rao, Professor, Dept. of ECE, KL University

1, n 0
0, n 0
The Unit Ramp Sequence: A discrete time (D.T) ramp
sequence is defined as

n, n 0
0, n 0
(b) Discrete Time Sinusoidal Sequence: A discrete
time (D.T.) sinusoidal sequence is defined as

x[n] A cos(t ),

(c) The Exponential Signals:

The Exponential signal is a sequence of the form

x[n] n for all n

If are real, then x[n] is real exponential DT sequence. Basically, if | | 1 , the sequence
grows exponentially with n, while if | | 1 , the sequence decaying exponential as shown in the
following figure.

Dr. M. Venu Gopala Rao, Professor, Dept. of ECE, KL University

If is complex valued, then x[n] is complex valued exponential DT sequence and represented
by re j . where r and are new parameters.
Hence x[n] n r ne j n r n cos n j sin n . Then the real part of the complex valued
sequence is represented by xR [n] r n cos n and imaginary part of the complex valued
sequence is represented by xI [n] r n sin n .
Alternatively, the complex exponential sequence can be represented by the magnitude
function as

| x[n] | r n , and
Phase function is represented by x[n] n .
The real part, imaginary part, magnitude and phase functions are illustrated in the following

The Exponentially Modulated Sinusoidal Sequence: The exponentially modulated

sinusoidal sequence is divined as

x[n] A n cos(t )
If cos(t ) is periodic and 0 1 , x[n] is a decaying exponential discrete time
sequence, where as If cos(t ) is periodic and is not in the interval 0 1 , x[n] is a
growing exponential discrete time sequence.

Dr. M. Venu Gopala Rao, Professor, Dept. of ECE, KL University

Exercise1: Develop Matlab scripts for the sequence given below, in the range 3 n 10
and plot them.
(a) x[n] 2 [n]
(b) x[n] 1.2 [n]

(c) x[n] 1.5u[n]

(d) x[n] 0.7u[n]

(e) x[n] sin(0.15 n) (f) x[n] 0.2n u[n]

3.3 Classification of DT Sequences:

(a) Left Sided , Two Sided and Right Sided Sequences:

(b) Causal and Non-Causal Sequences:

Dr. M. Venu Gopala Rao, Professor, Dept. of ECE, KL University

(c) Deterministic versus Random Sequences: Any signal that can be uniquely
described by an explicit mathematical expression, a table of data, or well defined rule is
called deterministic. This term is used to emphasize the fact that all past, present and
future values of the signal are known precisely without any uncertainty.
On the other hand, there are signals that either cannot be described to any
reasonable degree of accuracy by explicit mathematical formulas or such description is
too complicated to be of any practical use. Signals evolve in time in an unpredictable
manner are referred to as random signals.
(d) Periodic and Non-periodic ( Aperiodic) Sequences:
By definition, a discrete-time signal x[n] is periodic with period N (N > 0) if and only if

x[n N ] x[n] for all n


The smallest value of N for which the above equation is true is called the fundamental
period. If there is no value of N that satisfies the above equation is called non-periodic or
aperiodic sequences. The following figure illustrates the same.

A discrete-time sinusoid is periodic only if its frequency f is a rational number.

Proof: Let us consider a DT sinusoidal signal with frequency f 0 .
To be periodic, A cos[2 f0 (n N ) ] A cos(2 f0n )


This relation is true if and only if there exists an integer k such that

2 f0 N 2 k
Or equivalently




According to eq(3), a discrete-time sinusoidal signal is periodic only if its frequency f 0 can be
expressed as the ratio of two integers (i.e., f 0 is rational).

Dr. M. Venu Gopala Rao, Professor, Dept. of ECE, KL University

To determine the fundamental period N of a periodic sinusoid, we express its frequency f 0 as

in eq(3) and cancel common factors so that k and N are relatively prime. Then the fundamental
period of the sinusoid is equal to N. Observe that a small change in frequency can result in a
large change in the period. For example, note that

f1 31/ 60 implies that N1 60 , whereas f 2 30 / 60 results in N2 2 .

-----------------------------------------------------------------Ex: Determine whether or not the signal x[n] cos(0.125 n) is periodic and if it is periodic
determine the fundamental period.


The given sequence can be written as x[n] cos(0.125 n) cos

As compared with the standard DT sequence A cos(n ) , =

N 16 .and 0

For periodicity, x[n N ] x[n] resulting



(n N ) cos
16 cos
n 2 cos



Hence the given sequence x[n] cos(0.125 n) is periodic with period N 16 .

1. Determine whether or not each of the following sequences is periodic. In case a signal is
periodic, specify its fundamental period.
(a) x[n] 3cos(5n / 6) ,
(b) x[n] cos(n / 8)cos( n / 8)
(c) x[n] cos( n / 2) sin( n / 8) 3cos( n / 4 / 3)
(d) x[n] e j (3 n/4)
(e) x[n] e j n/ 2
-----------------------------------------------------------------(e) Energy and Power signals: The Energy E of a sequence x[n] is defined as

| x[n] |2


Dr. M. Venu Gopala Rao, Professor, Dept. of ECE, KL University

We have used the magnitude squared values of x[n] , so that our definition applies to
complex-valued signals as well as real valued signals. The energy of a signal can be finite or
infinite. If E is finite (i.e., 0 E ) then x[n] is called energy signal.
Many signals that possess infinite energy have a finite average power. The average power of
a discrete-time signal x[n] over a finite interval of time N n N is defined as

| x[n] |2
x 2 N 1 n

P lim

If we define the signal energy of x[n] over the time interval N n N as

n N

| x[n] |2

Ex1: Determine the power and energy of the unit step sequence.
Solution: The average power of a DT sequence is defined as
N 2 N 1

p Lim

| x[n]|2

n N

For unit step sequence, i.e., x[n] u[n] ,


N 2 N 1

p Lim


N 1
11/ N


N 21/ N



Consequently, the unit step sequence is a power signal. Its energy is infinite.

Ex2: Determine whether a DT sequence x[n] u[n] is a power or energy signal. Find the
corresponding value.

Energy: The energy of a DT sequence is described by E | x[n]|2



For the given sequence x[n] u[n] , the energy is


E 1 1
n 0 3

n 0 9

1 (1/ 9) 8

Dr. M. Venu Gopala Rao, Professor, Dept. of ECE, KL University

Power: The power of the sequence


N 2 N 1 n0 9

1 N 1

N 1 1

The energy is finite and power is zero. Hence the given sequence is energy signal.
(f) Symmetric (even) and ant-symmetric(odd) Sequences:
A real valued sequence x[n] is called symmetric (even) if

x[n] x[n]
On the other hand a sequence x[n] is called anti-symmetric (odd) if

x[n] x[n]
We note that if x[n] is odd then x[0] 0
The examples of even and odd sequences are illustrated in the following figures.

We wish to illustrate that any arbitrary sequence can be expressed as the sum of two signal
components, one of which is even and the odd.
The even signal component can be formed by

xe [n]

x[n] x[n]

Clearly xe [n] satisfies the symmetry condition. Similarly the odd signal component can be
formed by

xo [n]

x[n] x[n]

Again it is clear that xo [n] satisfies the anti-symmetric condition; hence it is indeed odd. Now if
we add the two even and odd signal components we obtain x[n] , that is

Dr. M. Venu Gopala Rao, Professor, Dept. of ECE, KL University

x[n] xe[n] xo[n]

Thus any arbitrary sequence can be expressed the sum of even and odd signal components.
Ex3: Determine the even and odd components of a sequence shown below:

Ans: The given sequence can be written mathematically as

x[n] {3 2 1 4


x[n] { 4

The even components

xe [n]


4 4 1 2 3}

x[n] x[n] 0.5 1 1.5 4 1.5 1 0.5

Similarly odd components

xo [n]

x[n] x[n] 3.5 3 2.5 0 2.5 3 3.5

Sum of even and odd components

xe [n] xo [n] = {3 2 1 4

4} = x[n]


1. John G. Proakis and Dimitris G. Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing, principles,
algorithms and applications, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2011.

2. Dimitris G. Manalakis and Vinay Ingle, Applied Digital Signal Processing, theory and
practice, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2011.


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