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NORM guide for the TDE man in the field


DSV, MB Rig 22 (TDE/1412)


DSV Rig 1, 3, 19, 65, 66, 21, and 22



OSA, Senior RPS (Omar), OTS/25 (NDF), TDE/11, TDE/12,
TDE/121, TDE/13, TDE/131, TDE/14, TDE/141, TDE/S (File).

Subject: Norm Guide for the TDE man in the field Revision 0.0
ODE Ref:

22 September 2001

The following Norm guide is meant to be a supplementary (TDE

specific) guide in addition to the existing NORM manual. It is meant
to be a complete guide on how to deal with Norm whenever a well
re-entry is made. It does not replace or supersede the NORM
In case of special circumstances an amendment will be written if
An electronic version of this document, including all the
attachments, can be found on the departmental network drive J:Drive\OM_all\TDE_all\Full Access\TDE HSE\TDE NORM Guidelines






NORM guide for the TDE man in the field.

NORM guide for the TDE man in the field

(TDE Rig Personnels procedure for handling
and shipping material with NORM
This procedure is intended to be a field guide for the TDE
department on how to handle and ship material which has NORM.
Reference is made to AFPC NORM manual (Document No:
1.HSE.8.000) and to course material from the NORM course in OMAR
(Attachment 6).
The procedure outlines the steps taken from the point that NORM is
detected up until the material which has NORM has arrived at the
NORM plant (also called NDF, Norm Decontamination Facility,
Decontamination plant).
Note 1: Pulling NORM contaminated tubing is regarded as a nonroutine operation (see NORM manual 1.HSE.8002, page 4).
Note 2: MBDO is providing the NORM PPE and the measuring
instruments under the workover contracts, while AFPC is
providing material to wrap externally contaminated tubing
(plastic sheets). For rigs which do not have NORM PPE
included in the rig contract, see attachment 10 for list of
AFPC equipment available along with Mesc numbers.
Note 3: Alpha and Beta readings for wet and dry conditions may be
different. For example, a joint of tubing may measure 20cps
Beta when pulled out of hole (ie wet condition), while after a
couple of days (pipe is now dry), the Beta may read 40cps
and there may also be some alpha. This is why we always
double check the non-NORM items prior to back loading. Wet
and dry Gamma readings are usually the same.
Note 4: Before starting work on a well, the location, xmas tree, cellar
and location isolation valve/flowline shall be surveyed for
NORM. This is done by the respective CPFs RPS. The
handover certificate from the Senior Production Supervisor
(OPX/x) shall always be accompanied by this Norm survey.
The rig personnel should always make an independent check
as standard practice.


NORM guide for the TDE man in the field

Note 5: There may be NORM contaminated items lying around the

location eg off cuts from old flowlines. It is advisable to
check around the location, and measure items that look
suspicious. Contact CPFs Senior Production Supervisor if any
NORM contaminated items are found.
Note 6: There may be radioactive sludge in the xmas tree or at top
of stuck wireline plugs. NORM contaminated sludge can be
disposed off at the nearest CPF (talk to CPFs RPS). The
sludge needs to be contained eg in plastic bag and/or
drum, accompanied by a shipping manifest and a Norm
survey report (006-SF1).
Note 7: NORM contaminated PPE can be disposed off at the nearest
CPF (talk to CPFs RPS). The PPE needs to be put in a plastic
bag and/or drum, accompanied by shipping manifest and a
Norm survey report (006-SF1).
Note 8: The CPFs RPS will assist with everything relating to NORM.
It is therefore advisable to use him as much as possible (to
do surveys and to fill in paperwork).
1. POH, lay down tubing.
Measure tubing for NORM.
If NORM, take precautions as per the NORM manual (Alpha, Beta and
Gamma levels versus PPE, handling, exposure limits and
containment of the NORM.
See Attachment 5 for extract from HSE manual 1.HSE.8.004
Protective equipment).
A PTW needs to be raised whenever pulling NORM contaminated
Material with NORM is to be kept separate, at a dedicated place.
Choose a suitable area, +/- 200m away from location (the dedicated
area should be downwind from the location). The rigs NORM area
needs to be marked with warning signs in English and Arabic and
also cordoned off with warning tape.
Break subassemblies which are NORM contaminated.
Ensure that the item being measured is far enough away from the
other recovered items in order to avoid erroneous readings due to
accumulated effects or magnetism. It is good practice to double
check the background level, if reading higher or lower than normal
background level the item needs to be moved further away.
Separating a joint of tubing +/-1 m away from the other joints is


NORM guide for the TDE man in the field.

usually enough in order to eliminate magnetic and accumulated

effects. Magnetic effects often disappear after 3-4 days.
As a general rule it should be remembered that contamination
needs to be contained;
Protectors are very good for containing internal contamination.
Flanges and items not suitable for standard protectors, need to be
properly covered with plastic.
If there is external contamination, then the contamination needs
to be contained, in order to avoid rig and location to be
contaminated. Cover the rig floor and catwalk with plastic, wrap
tubing as soon as it has been laid down, transport tubing to rigs
storage area. To POH externally contaminated tubing is a very slow
and labor intensive process. It should be emphasized to the rig crew
that it is expected to take long time, and that people must not start
to cut corners in order to save time. See pictures below for
examples of external contamination.

Picture 1.1.a: Tubing with external scale

Picture 1.1.b: Bad practice.

2. Measure tubing for NORM.

Note 1:
typical background levels are: Alpha: 0.04 cps, Beta: 2
3 cps, Gamma: 0.09 mSv/hr.
Note 2: during POH, it may be practical to measure only every 510joints. Also, as long as the rig is working in NORM mode
(ie handling NORM contaminated tubulars), measuring every
5-10joint is sufficient, as this will minimize the exposure of
the crews.
Note3: prior to back loading of NORM free equipment, every joint
that is considered NORM free has to be re-measured. It is
advisable to have CPFs RPS to do this, in order to have an
independent check and also to avoid rig personnel being tied
up with this work.

NORM guide for the TDE man in the field

Make a table, with columns for Internal, External (contact), External

(working distance) for each of Alpha, Beta and Gamma. (see
example attachment 1 and 2).
Trigger levels for sending equipment to the NORM plant (extract
from 1.HSE.8001 section 1.4):
1 cps above background
5 cps above background
0.5 mSv/hr
As an example, if an item reads 6cps Beta and the background level
is 2.4 cps, then the item does not need to be sent to the Norm plant.
Readings below background may be due to magnetic interference. A
wipe test will confirm whether there is NORM or not.
A wipe test is taken as follows: Wipe a tissue over the surface to be
surveyed, cover an area of +/- 300cm2. Take the wipe to a low
background area, and if wet allow to dry as any Alpha contamination
will be shielded by the moisture. Hold the wipe as close as possible
to the probe without touching it and note any response from the
rate meter. For a standard wipe (300 cm2), the response should be
multiplied by a factor of two in order to reflect the required level of
protection (See 1.HSE.8004, pages 5 and 6).
If in doubt, call the RPA or RPS to get verification of readings and
advice on whether to send to NORM plant or not.
Take wipe test of some of the joints (ie the highest readings and
those with less than back ground), in order to double check for
external contamination.
If no NORM: then measure all items again before loading onto truck.
It is advisable to have CPFs RPS to do this. Ensure that the shipping
manifest and MRV clearly states No NORM and also that the
shipping manifest is accompanied by Radiological Survey and
NORM Precaution Report (Form number 006-SF1), which clearly
shall state that there is no NORM in the shipment. RPS will assist in
filling in those forms, if required.
Ensure that all joints with NORM contamination is numbered and has
well number written onto it.
Ensure that once finished POH or RIH NORM contaminated
equipment, that all handling gear is checked for NORM (eg slips,
tongs, elevator).
RPA telephone number: 32509

NORM guide for the TDE man in the field.

RPS telephone numbers:

: 32560
: 36314
Thayyem : 34812
El Ward
: 38113
If you cannot get hold of the RPS, then call the safety advisor:
Safety advisors telephone numbers (e-mail addresses in brackets):
: 32213/32214 (Omar HSE adviser AFPC OPO/HSE)
: 36313/36314 (Tanak HSE adviser AFPC OSA/1W)
Thayyem : 34513
(Thayyem Safety AFPC OSA/1T)
El Ward
: 38113
(El Ward Safety adviser AFPC OPW/11HSE)
If you cannot get hold of RPS or safety advisor, then try the control
room, they always know the whereabouts of RPS and safety advisor.
Control room telephone numbers:
: 32212
: 36312
Thayyem : 34512
El Ward
: 38112

3. Make list of items with NORM.

Also ensure that all NORM contaminated equipment is numbered
and marked with well number.
4. Obtain work order.
Fill in work order request form as per attachment 1 and 2.
Give form to the CPF planner for the area. The CPF planner will make
a work order, which he will give to you straight away.
CPF planners telephone numbers (fax numbers in brackets):
Thayyem: 34594
El Ward:
(149) (Same as Tanak)

5. Call NORM plant manager.

Inform NORM plant manager of the quantities of equipment and
levels of NORM. Agree with the NORM plant manager on the day for


NORM guide for the TDE man in the field

shipment. This will enable him to make space available in the NORM
plant. Give NORM plant manager at least three days notice.
NORM plant manager: ext 32552.
AFPC NDF representative (OTS/25): ext 32761

6. Arrange transport.
Call PLS/1 and order trucks. Give PLS/1 at least two days notice.
Make it clear to PLS/1 that shipment will be NORM contaminated.
This ensures that he sends AFPC trucks and not spot hired trucks.
PLS/1: Julian Harrison / Mike Gibson, ext 34576.

7. Prepare paperwork.
Prepare paperwork / forms as per attachment 1, ie. MRV, Shipping
Manifest, Work order, Radiological Survey and NORM Precaution
Report (006-SF1), Shipping Form Norm Materials/Equipment
(008-SF1), Norm Shipment Vehicle Survey Form (008-SF2), Norm
Inventory Form (006-SF3), Norm Contaminated Equipment,
Materials and Waste Registration Form (006-SF2), Table with Norm
readings from the equipment (rig-made table). It is important to
include the information as it is done in the attached examples.
Note: the MRV is important, as the items which are ok will be
returned to stock after cleaning.
8. On the day of shipment.
Measure truck for NORM prior to loading. This to ensure there is no
previous contamination of the vehicle.
Load the truck. Ensure that all pipe is fitted with protectors.
For internally contaminated tubulars protectors will be sufficient to
contain the NORM contamination (Alpha and Beta will not go
through a protector. Gamma cannot be stopped anyway). For
internally contaminated Xmas trees, it is sufficient to cap the ends
with e.g. heavy duty plastic (attachment 4).
For externally contaminated tubulars, the preferred way from the
drilling crew point of view, would be to wrap the load of tubing as a
whole, however the NDF can only handle individually wrapped joints
or bundles of maximum 3 joints of tubing. Therefore the currently


NORM guide for the TDE man in the field.

and only accepted procedure is, to have each joint individually

wrapped, to allow processing of the load in the NDF.
Survey the truck and complete the form Norm Shipment Vehicle
Survey Form (008-SF2) (see example attachment 1 and 2). Ensure
that truck and driver details are filled in correctly.
Give all paperwork to the truck driver (make sure a copy is kept on
the rig for future reference and trace-ability).
Label the truck with NORM tags, so that the load is identified as
NORM contaminated.
Release the truck, with instruction of going straight to the NORM
Inspect handling equipment such as forklift truck and pipe racks for
NORM. Clean if necessary.
Note: It is advisable to have RPS present on the day of shipment to
measure/confirm readings and to witness trucks being
loaded/inspected before dispatch.
9. Inform NORM plant.
Inform the NORM plant of time of departure of truck and estimated
time of arrival of truck at NORM plant.
NORM plant manager: ext 32552.
AFPC NDF representative (OTS/25): ext 32761.
1. If NORM plant is full use OPO NORM storage yard. Paperwork is
to be routed via OPO in such cases. This needs to be agreed with
OPO (via TDE/95).
2. There are discussions ongoing about setting up a NORM transit
yard in OMAR. Check with NORM plant if in doubt of this
temporary yards existence.
3. Radioactive protection instruments need to be
inspected/calibrated by RPA/RPS at regular intervals (Monthly).
Records need to be kept at the rig (attachment 7).

END of procedure.


NORM guide for the TDE man in the field

1. Paperwork required. Note that the paperwork shall follow the
2. Blank master copies of the forms in attachment 1.
3. Photographs with examples on how to wrap externally
contaminated tubing.
4. Photographs of typical load with internal contamination.
5. Protective equipment levels extract from HSE manual
1.HSE.8.004 and from NORM course in OMAR)
6. Course notes from:
Basic Norm/LSA awareness course',
'NORM/LSA awareness course for supervisors',
'NORM tester (RPT) course - supplementary notes'.
7. Blank form for recording NORM Measurement Equipment checks
and calibrations.
8. Definition of RPA, RPS and RPT.
9. List of positions who are qualified RPTs on MB Rig 21 and 22.
10. List of AFPC NORM PPE (with Mesc numbers).


NORM guide for the TDE man in the field.

Attachment 1 Paperwork required. Note that the paperwork shall

follow the shipment.


NORM guide for the TDE man in the field

Attachment 2 - Blank master copies of the forms in attachment 1.


NORM guide for the TDE man in the field.

Attachment 3 - Photographs with examples on how to wrap

externally contaminated tubing.


NORM guide for the TDE man in the field

Attachment 4 - Photograph of typical load with internal


Note that for tubing, it is sufficient with protectors. Make sure

protectors are closed type not the open type.
For xmas tree, blind flanges are fine to use. If blind flanges not
practical/available, then simply use some plastic. Ensure the plastic
is properly secured, as it easily can get loose during transport.


NORM guide for the TDE man in the field.

Extract from NORM course hand-out.
Work precautions with contamination are based on the following
readings, above background, using the DP2R/4 alpha/beta
contamination probe:
Beta count-rate: >15 cps but <150 cps
Alpha count rate: > 2 cps but < 15 cps
Filtering facepiece respirator type P3 (FFP3) or a half-face respirator
with type P3 filter. Goggles, gloves, head covering, boots and a long
sleeved, disposable or impervious coverall should be worn and any
cuts or abrasions effectively covered with a waterproof dressing
before entering a vessel or a tank. Appropriate aspects of these
precautions should be taken for work on other equipment (eg
handling tubulars on a workover).
At a measured level of 150 cps (Beta) or 15 cps (Alpha)
OSA/1 must be contacted and a higher level of protection
may be specified. The protection requirements will be based on
the measurement guidelines in the attached extract from
1.HSE.8.004 (Respiratory protective equipment levels) but will also
take into account other factors such as specific work conditions, the
potential for uncovering higher levels of contamination, whether the
contamination is fixed or loose, control procedures, worker
expertise and level of supervision.


NORM guide for the TDE man in the field

Attachment 6 Course notes


NORM guide for the TDE man in the field.

Attachment 7 Blank for recording NORM measurement equipment

calibration history.


NORM guide for the TDE man in the field

Attachment 8 Definition RPT, RPS, RPA

RPT = Radioactive Protection Technician. He can use instruments.
Every CPF has a few RPTs. In addition, rigs key personnel should be
trained to RPT level, in order to do measurements and fill in
RPS = Radioactive Protection Supervisor. Each CPF has a RPS. He is
the leader for the RPTs. He is the man to call for assistance.
RPA = Radioactive Protection Advisor. Person filling this position is in
Omar. He has overview over training, does instrument calibration.
He is the leader for all the RPSs.


NORM guide for the TDE man in the field.

Attachment 9 - List of personnel (positions) who are qualified RPTs

on Workover rigs.
Crane operator


NORM guide for the TDE man in the field

Attachment 10 - List of AFPC NORM PPE (with Mesc numbers)

The PPE below is available from PLS/2 on Omar.
Be aware that the workover rigs have PPE included in the contract.

cover, 100l

Drum, steel, 1mm plate, open top, removable

Tape, self adhesive, anti-corrosion, width=50mm

Sheet, polymethyl methacrylate, clear,


Sheet, polymethyl methacrylate, clear,


Decontafix, 500ml tin, decontamination paste for


Decodusch-S, 1l bottle, decontam. agent, for


Hakavit, 1l bottle, skin paste after


Haka-dekopur, 30kg canister, cold clean

Hakapur, 30gk canister, decontaminating agent

Hakapur AS, 10l canister, decontaminating agent

Bag, sample, PVC, 0.3mm thick, size:


Bag, sample, transparent polythene, 0.125mm


Bag, sample, transparent polythene, 0.125mm


Rags, cotton, in 25kg bags

Boots, safety, polyur./Rubber, oil&acid resist,

Boots, safety, polyur./Rubber, oil&acid resist,


NORM guide for the TDE man in the field.

Boots, safety, polyur./Rubber, oil&acid resist,

Boots, safety, polyur./Rubber, oil&acid resist,

Boots, safety, polyur./Rubber, oil&acid resist,

Boots, safety, polyur./Rubber, oil&acid resist,

Rubber overshoes size M

Rubber overshoes size L

Rubber overshoes size XL

Gloves, rubber, light weight, flock lined, yellow, M

Gloves, PVC, chemical resistant, medium size

Gloves, PVC, chemical resistant, large size

Overall, disposable, with hood, white, small,

Overall, disposable, with hood, white, medium,

Overall, disposable, with hood, white, large,

Overall, disposable, with hood, white, extra large,

Spectacles, safety, polycar, clear lens & side

Spectacles, safety, polycar, tinted lens & side

Goggles, full view wide vision, EN166B, impact

Respirator, filter, face, disposable, FFP3

Mask, half face, c/w screw in P3 disposable filter


NORM guide for the TDE man in the field

Filter, P3, for half face mask

Mask, full face, supervisor, with screw-in P3 filter,

Canister, dust, fine particle, f/use w/sup.mask

Canister, P3, for full face mask 20401 or 1710521

Canister, A/P3, f/full face mask 20401 or 1710521

Label, self adhesive, radioactivity, 25x25mm,

Tape, safety, black/yellow, with LSA, 33mx50mm



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