Scienceplse Final

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P - Mammals Q - Birds R - Fishes • The exchange of gases takes place through tiny openings on (a) When the sea water was heated, the water evaporated and
EXAMINATION FORMAT changed to water vapour. The warm water vapour touched the
◆ Have hair on their bodies ◆ Have feathers ◆ Have fins for swimming both the surface and underside of the leaves.
The examination consists of one written paper comprising two ◆ Feed their young with ◆ Have a beak ◆ Have gills for breathing These tiny openings are called stomata. cool surface of the copper sheet to condense to form water
booklets, Booklet A and B. their milk droplets.
• During respiration, which happens both during the day and (b) The copper sheet was no longer cool. As a result the water
Booklet Part Item Type Number of Number of Weighting ◆ Most give birth to their young ◆ Lay eggs
night, oxygen is taken in to produce energy. The carbon dioxide vapour cannot condense to form water droplets
Questions marks per formed during this process is released to the surroundings. (c) Salt
question Question 1C • In the day, plants take in carbon dioxide during
A I Multiple-choice 30 2 60% Skill: Classification photosynthesis and oxygen during respiration. Question 6
B II Open-ended 16 2,3,4 40% Theme: Diversity Skill: Application.
Topic: Classification of Plants This is what happens during respiration:
Part I in Booklet A consists of 30 multiple-choice questions and Theme: Interaction
sugar + oxygen ➝ carbon dioxide + water + energy Topic: Magnets
Part II in Booklet B 16 open-ended questions. The weighting for
Study the classification chart below. This is what happens during photosynthesis:
Part I is 60% and that for Part II is 40%.
Plants carbon dioxide + water + energy ➝ sugar + oxygen Sharifah hung four bars made of unknown materials onto a pole.
Each multiple-choice question carries 2 marks and each She labelled the ends of each bar and ‘P’ and ‘Q’.
open-ended question carries 2, 3 or 4 marks. Flowers No Flowers
Comparison between Respiration and Photosynthesis She then placed the South pole of a magnet near the ends of
each of the bars.
DURATION OF PAPER Green leaves Non-Green leaves Green leaves Non-Green leaves RESPIRATION PHOTOSYNTHESIS
The time allocation for the paper is 1 hour 45 minutes. A B C D Takes place in all plants and animals. Takes place only in green plants.
Takes place all the time. Takes place only when there is light. south pole
Question 1A Answer the following questions based on the chart above. Oxygen is taken in. Oxygen is given off.
Skill: Classification Carbon dioxide and water vapour Carbon dioxide and water are used. magnet bar A bar B bar C bar D
Theme: Diversity In which box would you place ‘moss’, ‘fern’ and ‘coconut’ in the are produced. She observed what
Topic: Classification of Things above classification table? Energy is produced. Energy is stored. P Q
happened to each Bar A Attracted Attracted
Food is broken down. Food is produced. bar, and recorded
Study the classification chart below. SMART TIPS Bar B Repelled Attracted
Answer Key whether each bar Bar C Attracted Repelled
Things Plants can be divided into 2 groups: Flowering and (a) 3 and 4 was attracted to or Bar D Nothing happened Nothing happened
Non-flowering. (b) water, sunlight/light energy ,chlorophyll repelled by the
Living Things Non-Living Things
After fertilization, flowers develop into fruits and seeds. (c) glucose /sugar South pole of the magnet in the table below.
plants animals Man-made natural
fungi Micro organism Non-flowering plants do not produce seeds and usually (d) 1 , 2 , 5, 6
(a) Based on Statement True Not true
renewable non- reproduce from spores. Examples are ferns and mosses. the results
renewable Question 4 (i) Bar A is made of copper.
Answer Key Skill: Interpreting Graph/ Make a drawing of a circuit. above, put a (ii) Bar A can be magnetized by
A B C D E moss - Box C, fern - Box C, coconut - Box A tick (✓) in stroking it with a magnet.
Theme: Systems
Topic: Electricity the correct (iii) Bar B and bar C are magnets.
Answer the following questions based on the chart above. column
Question 2 (iv) Bar D is made of wood.
Skill: Sequence events in the order they take place Ahmad wants to connect the two batteries and the bulb below
Give a suitable example for each box, A-E. (b) Sharifah then brought
Theme: Cycles such that the bulb is at its brightest. Observation
Topic: Plant Life the North pole of the Bar A
A - ________________ B - _________________ magnet near the end P of
(a) Use lines to represent wires to show Bar B
C - ________________ D - _________________ each of the bars. Fill in the
Study the life cycle of a plant below. the connection. Bar C
E - ________________ columns with the words
4._____________ Bar D

Brightness of bulb
(b) Study the graph ‘Attracted’, ‘Repelled’ or ‘No
SMART TIPS Circuit A reaction’.
carefully. It shows the
• Things can be classified into living and non-living. relationship between the
• Living things can be classified into four groups: Animals, number of batteries and the Circuit B SMART TIPS
Plants, Fungi and Micro-organisms. brightness of a bulb in two • Get students to read and analyse the whole question.
• Fungi are not plants. They do not have chlorophyll and thus different circuits. Number of batteries • Students must do “working” before answering. This is how the
cannot make their own food. Examples are bracket fungus, working looks like
Based on the graph above, draw the set-ups for Circuit A and pole
Jew’s ears, puff balls. attracted attracted repelled nothing nothing
1. ______________ Circuit B in the boxes below to show how the electrical repelled attracted happened happened
• Micro-organisms are usually unicellular though some are components below are arranged. (Remember to draw in circuit
2._______________ S attracted P Q P Q P Q P Q
multi-cellular. They are tiny living things that can only be seen diagrams using the symbols below) S N N S
under a microscope. Some are harmful. They cause diseases magnet a a magnet a magnet a non-
N magnetic magnetic
such as sore throat and diarrhoea. Some are useful. They can be (a) State the processes that take place at the following stages . material material
used to make bread and cheese. Examples include bacterium, 1. ______________________________ • Magnets attract materials such as iron, steel, nickel and
paramecium and yeast 2. ______________________________ Wire battery battery bulb
cobalt. These are called magnetic materials.
• Non-living things can be classified into natural or man-made 3. ______________________________ Circuit A Circuit B • Materials such as plastics, aluminium, paper, wood, silver and
things 4. ______________________________
copper cannot be attracted to a magnet. These are known as
• Natural things are found in nature and they include water, non-magnetic materials.
(b) What are the 3 conditions necessary for process (4) to take
soil, oil, minerals. • The classification table below clearly illustrates what has
Some can be obtained again after use and are thus called been explained:
1. ______________________________ SMART TIPS
renewable things. Examples of renewable natural things are
2. ______________________________ Materials • Every magnet has two poles.
wood, rubber, leather, cloth, water, paper, wool. • Arrangement of batteries connected to the bulb .The amount
3. ______________________________ The pole which points to the
Some natural things are depleted (used up and become lesser) of electric current supplied by the batteries connected to the non-metals Metals
bulb depends on the arrangement of the connected batteries. non-magnetic non-magnetic magnetic
North is called the
after use. They cannot be renewed at all. Examples of SMART TIPS North-seeking pole or N-pole.
non-renewable things are metals, rocks, glass, minerals, natural Plastic Copper Iron
The other pole that points to
• Flowering plants can reproduce from seeds. The process of Wood Gold Steel
fuels. Glass Aluminium Nickel the South is called the
producing new plants from seeds involves both male and female
brighter dimmer Ceramics Silver Cobal
• Man-made materials are not found in nature but they can be cells. This method of reproduction is known as sexual Clay Bronze South-seeking pole or S-pole.
made from mixture of things that are found in nature. reproduction. There are four stages in the life cycle of a Rubber Zinc • Like poles repel and unlike
Man-made materials are new materials created to meet man’s flowering plant. Cardboard poles attract
needs. Some examples of man-made things are alloys, ceramics ♦ First, adult plants produce flowers which are pollinated.
and plastics. ♦ When batteries are ♦ When batteries are
♦ After that, the female egg cells are fertilized. Answer Key
connected in series, with the connected in parallel, the (ai) Not true (aii) True (aiii) True (aiv) True
♦ After fertilization, the flowers develop into fruits containing
Answer Key positive terminal of one amount of electric current that
seeds which are dispersed. (b) Bar A – Attracted
A - bracket fungus / Jew’s ears / puff balls battery in contact with the flows out of them will be less
♦ The seeds germinate to produce new plants, which grow Bar B – Attracted
B - bacterium / paramecium / yeast negative terminal of the next than the amount of electric
and mature into adult plants. Bar C – Repelled
C - Alloys / ceramics / plastics battery (except for the current that flows out from
• Pollination is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther to batteries at both ends), the batteries that are connected in Bar D – No reaction
D - wood / rubber / leather / cloth / water / paper /wool
the stigma of a flower. Insects and wind help to pollinate amount of electric current that series.
E - metals, rocks, glass, minerals, natural fuels. Question 7
flowers by carrying pollen grains from one flower to another. flows out of them is the largest.
After a flower is pollinated, each pollen grain grows a tube down Skill: Investigation
Question 1B • Based on the graph, in Circuit A, the more the number of Theme: Interaction
the style of the flower. The male cells develop in the pollen
Skill: Classification batteries used, the brighter the bulb would be. But in Circuit B, Topic: Heat
grain and move down the tube to reach the ovules of the flower.
Theme: Diversity the increase in the number of batteries does not seem to have
Topic: Classification of Animals • Fertilization occurs when a male cell fuses or joins with an
an effect in the brightness of the bulb. Therefore, the batteries Abu Bakar set up an experiment below. He used a copper, an
egg cell in the ovule.
in Circuit A is most probably arranged in series while the iron and a tin strip of the same size. He stuck a bead to each
Study the classification chart below. • Dispersal. When the fruits and seeds are dispersed, they are batteries in Circuit B are arranged in parallel. metal strip with wax. The candles used were similar and lighted
ANIMALS scattered away from the parent plant. at the same time. Abu Bakar observed that the beads fell off
• Dispersal of fruits and seeds give the young plants a chance to Answer Key when the wax got too hot and melted.
A B grow far away from the parent plant and other bigger plants
nearby. clamp copper strip iron strip tin strip
P Q R Reptile Amphibian
• This helps the young plants to obtain sufficient water, bead stand
parrot guppy snake frog earthworm minerals and sunlight for growth. Circuit A Circuit B candle
emu stingray tortoise toad mosquito • If young plants grow too close to other adult plants, they
crab would be sheltered from sunlight by the taller plants. The young (a) What was the aim of Abu Bakar’s experiment?
Answer the following questions based on the chart above. plants would also not be able to compete with the bigger plants _________________________________________________
for water and minerals in the soil.
a) All the animals in group A have a common feature in their • Different plants have different ways to disperse their fruits (b) List 2 other variables that Abu Bakar has to keep the same
body structure which group B does not have. What is the and seeds. Question 5 in this experiment.
common feature and state its function? • Fruits and seeds can be dispersed by wind, water, animals and Skill: Application _________________________________________________
b) What does group P represent? splitting of the fruit forcefully. Theme: Interaction
c) State one characteristic feature of animals in group P, Q and Topic: Water and Its Changes of States (c) What should he measure in order to get a more accurate
• Germination of the seed takes place when there is enough
R. result for his experiment?
water, air and warmth, the seed will begin to grow. The roots
will grow first. Then the shoots will grow. At this point of the Beaker A copper sheet _________________________________________________
SMART TIPS contained some
growth, the seedling depends on the seed leaves for food
• Animals can be divided into 2 groups: vertebrates and sea water. The Beaker A SMART TIPS
(stored). The seedlings’ first leaves will begin to grow. When the droplet
invertebrates. first leaves of the seedlings have appeared, the new plant will sea water was sea water
• Get students to read and analyse the whole question.
Invertebrates are animals without backbone. Insects are now begin to photosynthesize (to make its own food). heated until it • This is an investigative question. Thus pupils must think like a
invertebrates. boiled. A copper Scientist and imagine he/she conducting the experiment.
• Insects have 6 legs and a pair of feelers or antennae. They Answer Key sheet was then Beaker B • Students must look out for the variable that is changed in the
have a body which is made up of 3 parts- head, thorax and (a) placed above experiment in order to “tease” the aim of the experiment.
abdomen. Some have one pair of wings, for example the (1) pollination (2) fertilization (3) dispersal (4) germination Beaker A. The • In this question, by studying the diagrams, students would be
mosquito and housefly. Some have two pairs of wings, for (b) Warmth, water, air droplets formed on the copper sheet were collected in Beaker B able to tell that the variable that was changed is “the type of
example the butterfly and dragonfly. Some have no wings, for as shown in the diagram metal used as the strip.”
example the ant. Question 3 • Thus, all the other variables must be kept the same in order to
Skill: Communication (a) Describe how the water droplets were formed. conduct a fair test.
• Vertebrates are animals with backbones. Mammals fish, birds, _________________________________________________ • Based on the variable that was changed, students would be
Theme: Systems
reptiles and amphibians are vertebrates. able to derive that the aim of the experiment is to find out
Topic: Photosynthesis and respiration
• Birds are the only animals with feathers. Most can fly (except (b) At the beginning, water vapour changed into droplets on the which type of metal is the best conductor of heat
for some, for example the emu, ostrich and penguin) copper sheet quickly. After some time a large amount of water • Next, by mere observation only, results might not be accurate.
Study the diagram below carefully. The six arrows in the
• The feathers help the bird to fly, keep it warm and protect it diagram show exchanges of gases between living things and vapour escaped into the air and very few droplets were formed Measurements must be made so that a more reliable and valid
from injury. A bird has 2 legs and two wings. The legs are their surroundings. on the sheet. What is the reason? set of data can be obtained. In this case, by measuring “the time
covered with scales. Birds breathe through lungs and lay eggs. _________________________________________________ taken for the bead to drop” would be a reliable method to get
• Fishes live in water (freshwater or saltwater). They are 2 6 3 the results
animals with scales. Some fish give birth to their young alive (c) The heating was continued until Beaker A became dry. What Additional facts:
ANIMALS PLANTS was the substance left in Beaker A?
e.g. molly and swordtail. The scales protect the flesh and help it • What are good conductors and poor conductors of heat?
to swim. The fish makes use of its fins and tail to swim. The fish 1 5 4 _________________________________________________ • Materials that conduct heat quickly are called good
breathes by gills. OXYGEN conductors of heat. Examples are metals.
SMART TIPS • Materials that do not conduct heat well are called poor
• Animals with hair are called mammals. They breathe through
(a) Which two arrows show the process of photosynthesis? conductors or insulator of heat. Examples are rubber, wood,
their nostrils and lungs. Mammals do not lay eggs. • During boiling, the sea water changes from a liquid to gas.
____________________________________________ plastic and air
• The egg develops into a young inside the body of the mother. The water changed to form water vapour called steam. Steam is
The mother then gives birth to the young except platypus and invincible. The temperature at which sea water becomes steam • Heat always flows from a hotter place to a colder place.
(b) Name 2 conditions NOT shown in the diagram that are
spiny anteater. The young one looks like the adult except that it is called the boiling point of the sea water. Answer Key
necessary for photosynthesis. _____________, ___________
is smaller. The mother produces milk to feed her baby. • To change from a gas to a liquid, the water vapour or steam (a) To find out which type of metal is the best conductor of
(c) Name the product NOT shown in the diagram that is formed
Answer Key during photosynthesis. ________________ has to be cooled. When steam is cooled, it loses heat and heat/To find out which type of metal is the best insulator of heat
(a) Backbones / Spine / Vertebrae. It helps the animal to stand changes to water when it loses heat. The change of state from a (b) Distance of the bead from the candle / Type of bead / Size of
upright/ It protects the spinal cord (d) Which four arrows show the process of respiration? gas to a liquid is called condensation. Condensation can take bead
(b)Mammals. ________________________________________________ place at any temperature. (c) Measure the time taken for each bead to drop

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