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Blessings of Joy and Peace within,


I am taking a group at the sacred vortexes of Lake Tarawera and Lake Taupo, Mt
Ruapheu, .
And at the great Diamond at Tathra south coast NSW Australia for southern
hemisphere Halloween.
In Singapore on the Gemini New Moon time
Iceland for the June Solstice
Ireland for the July total Solar Eclipse
please see my website for COSMIC EVENTS UP TO APRIL 22ND EARTH DAY
with special Easter Energies and for links the relevant
Love in the One Heart Soluntra


On the Virgo Full Moon and the Liquid
Light Plasma activation within the Gold
Light Body.
The Star link up is the star that you are/I
am/we are and time to awaken to the
Shinning One that you are. The worlds and
dimensions are merging, this is creating
great strain and pain in all that is still
holding onto the illusion and duality, and
the old paradigms of Light and Dark. For
those that have chosen to unify and have an
open heart we are already in another world,
the duality dramas go on regardless but
just a distant memory and fading fast, as
we transcend them in our lightship, our
Body of Light.
Depending on where you are in the world to
the exact time of the Full Moon, but this
Sunday and the evening is the perfect time
to put yourself somewhere that really sings
to your heart, in nature under the moon to
be open to the light matrix that is
exhilarating at this time.
The light matrix links us all through the
Crystalline and Diamond Light Matrixes in
the Earth and through the light grids of our
higher/true selves as well as the Devic Light
Grid that shines so bright through all
creation and links us with all creatures, MARCH
plants and minerals all glowing so bright.
On the Universal Light day 19th February
and 20th Natural Kingdom Doorways to the
higher dimensional Earth
day the Elementals were so pleased with MARCH 8 INTERNATIONAL WOMAN’S DAY
those who consciously linked up. It has This is celebrated every year worldwide.
enabled even more open pathways to be MAYAN CALENDAR DAY; 12 (stability in expansion, union
created through your etheric web and of polarities) ED (East - electrifies, initiates) ALLIGATOR-
blueprint as the new paradigm grounds IMIX ( source of life, birth, nurturing, nourishment, trust) in
itself through you, the Shinning One and the 10 (manifestation, true essence self, intention,
Mother Earth becomes a Star. The star link motivation) UINAL (20 days) of Challenge ruled by the God
up is the Star that you are, one with the of Darkness. TEZCATLIPOCA
Star of our Earth and the Stars in the
Heavens as the old hooks of the illusion fall NEW MOON IN PISCES 25.10 degrees
away even from the deepest crevasses of MARCH 16th NZ 10am AUST EST 8am GMT 9pm
pain, guilt and fear if you choose. MARCH 15th
The star link up is us and we are the Light The New Moon is always the time to go within, to the
now grounded on Earth and fully present inner planes and parts of us that are hidden. It is also the
and alive. seed of the new beginning and when the Sun and the
Be present and allow yourself to shine, one Moon are One. In Pisces we delve into the Cosmos and
with the Full Moon and the prisms of Light the spiritual depths of our soul, a good time with the Sun
that illuminate through your heart and all also in Pisces to explore the deep inner realms of your
creation. Being and yourself as One with the Universe. Open to
FULL MOON IN VIRGO 9.59 your Celestial home and allow yourself to be open to
degrees your Hearts hidden depths and the Source where your
MARCH 1ST NZ 5.37am AUST EST essence gains its sustenance. Know that you are not alone
3.37am GMT 4.37pm FEBRUARY 28th but one with all creation, allow yourself to flow freely
The Full Moon is a time of completion and through all your filaments of Light and for the Light of
celebration, in Virgo the Goddess energy your true self to radiate through your being. This is also
flows through us and assists greatly with a time to do any deep inner healing and to love
healing and being of service polarised by unconditionally yourself and all beings. Gaining
the Sun in Pisces the compassionate, cosmic compassion and a sense of selflessness in loving service to
flow of divine energy from this full moon is humanity by being the divine aspect you are from within.
one to assist humanity out of their fears and In order to really serve humanity and have compassion
the consequent disharmony caused by this. for others we need to be from our divine self and see it in
Take yourself somewhere all humanity, as a living Christ seeing yourself and others
that is sacred and has a powerful energy to as already healed and divine. Much can be achieved on
celebrate and be illuminated by this full this New Moon in your journey to unity, selfless service,
moon. Be open to receiving the Goddess surrender and peace within and for all creation.
within your heart and see the loving, A focus on creating in the bigger picture, where are you
nurturing, compassionate energy at in the greater cycles, have you embraced the fact that
illuminating all beings as they are their full we are becoming light and changing our sub atomic
presence. particles, is there some resistance to change? If you
This full moon will also illuminate the embrace the changes then tonight before sleep connect to
beauty you are in your body, that your the Source and ask the higher aspects of you in the
body is Liquid Light Plasma and your Councils of Light, golden beings in the Greater Central
temple. When honoured and loved is your Sun and Galactic Federation to assist you to become
vehicle to not only experience all the joys of aware of your role more fully.
embodiment, but to go beyond all MAYAN CALENDAR DAY; 7 (connection with source,
limitations and fears you hold onto about mystical attunement, sacred) RED (East - electrifies,
being in it and know there is no separation initiates) WATER- MULUC (awakening, remembrance,
that your body is Light, and One with all flow, divine guidance) in the 10 (manifestation, true
creation, you are transparent and essence self, intention, motivation) UINAL (20 days) of
translucent. Challenge ruled by the God of Darkness.

By recognizing the higher dimensional

cellular structures in your body now, as we HIGHER DIMENSIONAL NEW EARTH
all know we are transforming from carbon ANCHORS INTO THE THIRD DIMENSION
to crystalline based and onto our Diamond EQUINOX SUN INTO ARIES - INITIATE
Light Body, but what this means is that the
light codes in the etheric blueprint that NEW BEGINNINGS
have lain dormant all our life and have not MARCH 20th/21st 21st NZ 6.32am AUST EST 20th
been activated in our body are doing so now 4.32am GMT 5.32pm 20TH
as we need these awakenings for fully This is when the Light and Dark are equal in the
activating the DNA codes. The etheric DNA Southern and Northern Hemispheres, and equal Light
patterns of light are releasing Liquid Light and Dark in the day. The energies are unified, Heaven
Golden Plasma that is coming through from and Earth, Spirit and Matter merge. This energy is a
our higher dimensional aspects. powerful gateway for the transformation of humanity,
and the opening of the Solar Self. Remembering the Sun
is not masculine or feminine but unified energy from
BELOW IS HOW TO WORK WITH THIS Source, the Moon reflects the Solar Rays and illuminates
ENERGY IF YOU CHOOSE. us at night, notice how Golden the Moon is now days,
and bright. In the Mayan and many Sun cultures the Sun
By being open to the Liquid Golden Light is greeted at the Equinox at sunrise as we open our
Plasma through your higher chakras and hearts to our Solar Self, the Sun within us, as we honour
down through your central channel and the Divine Creator, Infinite Spirit and the
into Earthstar chakra assists with the new interconnectedness of all. Where our peace within is
divine blueprint. To be open to the Golden merged through the Earth in harmony for all Beings, as
Liquid Light Plasma from Source in divine the Heavens are in balance with us at this time.
will and unity consciousness is the gel that The Councils of Light are meeting at this time to
activates the latent DNA. bring in higher octaves to create another shift, if you are
Connect First. conscious of yourself at that level of your Being then be
As the Liquid Golden Light Plasma flows open to working with them at this time.
down from the outer Source and Suns and At the time of the Equinox when all the energies are
into your energy field and bodies allow it to balanced amazing shifts can take place and doorways
spin; whichever way or both ways it wants from higher dimensions within the Earth and Galaxy
too in your chakras, one by one from the open. Try and connect at sunrise, noon, sunset and
highest chakra first at Cosmic Gateway midnight.
down through your central channel and the
Universal Gateway, Stellar Gateway, Soul
Star, Crown and so on and down into the AND
Earthstar below your feet. HIGHER DIMENSIONAL EARTH
You may find some chakras need it for ANCHORS INTO THE THIRD DIMENSION
longer than others.
On the March Equinox last year 2009 the higher
Then be aware of Silver Liquid Light dimensions anchored into the fifth dimension, but now
Plasma coming up from the Inner Earth with all the amazing shifts that have taken place,
Sun up through your chakras and spinning especially the with the Golden Egg anchoring at Mt
through them up to Cosmic Gateway. Titiroa in the March Equinox 2009, the June Solstice, the
3 Eclipses of July/August 09 and blue new moon, the
Once this is done allow the flow both ways, recalibration of the Second Sun on the Sagittarius New
the Golden Liquid Light Plasma down and Moon 17th December and December 21st Solstice and the
the Silver Liquid Light Plasma up and lunar eclipse of new years eve and solar eclipse of
allow the two to merge in their own way in January 15th we are in the New Earth and so the higher
each the chakra as it spins, also in allowing dimensions are anchoring. When I say we are in the New
of your own natural flow, your higher Earth of course this does not mean everyone is, as
self/soul has this all in hand, so best not try attested by media news and world wars, catastrophes
and control it. and such, but for those who have chosen no matter what
the storm or war they are in the world but not of it. So all
Your own inner being will tell you when these things can be going on but you are not affected. I
and how often you need to do this, but no have experienced this personally by doing missions in
more than three times a day, once is really war zones and not being affected at all even though chaos
enough in a day is all around and also in places of probable tsunamis and
If there is resistance to it then breathe earthquakes that do not occur due to the higher energies
into it with love and acceptance first. being held.
Remember the Key is in you, in your heart Everyone is here to integrate and open their hearts to be
and comes from your divine self that simply who they are and for some this will not be in their body
allows and loves and accepts all that you as they are not ready, and for some so much resistant
are, have been and well be. Too simple for that pain is all they feel. We know this is being
most but that’s it and the secret is in the experienced by many worldwide and instead of thinking
breath. it’s terrible or something bad, tragic or wrong focus on
NOW ON THE VIRGO FULL MOON IS holding the beam for them and seeing with eyes of love,
THE OPPORTUNITY FOR THE GOLD acceptance and allowing and give them the opportunity
LIGHT BODY to shift also by you holding the beam of unity
TO BE MORE FULLY ALIGNED WITH consciousness. This is the greatest gift you give.
As your chakras are clear and flowing now
connect into the Sun in your heart and This March Equinox the higher dimensional Earth by
allow its rays to illuminate out through all anchoring into the third dimension, Earth and you, its
of the cells of your body….as each cell getting closer to full union; Heaven and Earth one,
glows and awakens to its divinity, alive, through you/us/we all one. Your bodies will heal easier,
radiant and light. as well as your mind and emotions, your souls pain will
As the radiant Sun, the Star that you are ease and your heart open and experience joy more often
from the Source within you illuminates out as life is lighter. We are all ready there is no time, no
through your etheric body pulsating space, all is now, one. So what energies do you want to
through the old tangled energies and dark send out from your thoughts and emotions that create
blocks and fears. The old patterns of energy your world? Your intention creates the New Earth,
that have been stagnant and now can flow harmony, peace and divine love and Light.
freely as the Sun and Star that you are
illuminates the diamonds of light through
your Etheric Blueprint as they glow and We are already there, we are in the New Earth at the
clear…..Until your Etheric Blueprint is level of our fifth dimensional bodies, and it’s anchoring
clear all diamonds of golden light…..As the into matter now and through our bodies and in union
Star that you are illuminates out through with all creation, total surrender and at peace in the
your emotional and lower astral bodies stillness. There is no time, its all in the now, so in this
until they are clear all sparkling golden now moment where do you choose to be, and how do you
light…..As the golden light from the Sun choose to feel and think, do and be? Each moment is new
and Star that you are illuminates through and beautiful, you are already there.
your mental and causal bodies……Out I have seen myself in the higher dimensional Earth
through your spiritual bodes…..One Gold waving to myself here and I was already there fifth
Body of Light. dimensionally, but things have shifted so much in this
last year and our bodies becoming lighter and lighter as
we are able to integrate the lighter Earth in no time and
space, we are in the now, the stillness and have moved
through the Crossover point of the Galactic Center. You
The codings of light coming in now are to may have chosen to be a pioneer and be experiencing the
assist us to fully be our body of light and new earth more fully in your life now, being the doorway
awaken our divine blueprint, when this will for others to move through also.
fully integrate is not known by me as it is an
ongoing process and monitored by our
higher self/oversouls and dimensional
aspects as the Golden Beings through the On the March Equinox 2006 we opened up to the Sixth
Greater Central Sun, Galactic Federation Dimensional Earth and our connection to the Inner
and Masters and Angelics, the Light that Earth Sun became awakened more fully as we opened up
we are in our unified divine state. to our Earthsun Body, all our energy bodies on with the
This process is in major exhilaration as Earths energy bodies as the new light codes awakened
you know and so the years of work and more fully in our cellular memory. Please see Light Code
dedication that you have put in, is much Activations book.
appreciated and has assisted the collective
conscious of those ready for this great event Allow yourself to be with the Light from Inner Earth Sun
to be the Sun of our true self in your and meditate upon the higher dimensional New Earth. Be
physical body, as the Earth becomes a Sun, open to the light codes illuminating from the Inner Earth
our Sun a Central Sun and the Central Sun Sun, as the dimensions open for us on the surface to the Fifth
a Greater Central Sun, the graduation Dimension.
party was not possible without you, the This is a huge shift and very subtle, wonderful for those who
Goddess God you are in clear Light. Thank are open, loving and choose a world of peace and harmony
you. for all beings.
The dimensional shifts are happening in spiraling
MAYAN CALENDAR DAY FEBRUARY 28th; vortexes and light that move from Heaven to Earth and
4 (foundation, definition, form) RED Earth to Heaven. The Earth and all on her are opening
(East - electrifies, initiates) CANE - up to the 5th and 6th dimensions now and ascending, as
the higher dimensional New Earth is filtering down
BEN (time/space traveller, skywalker, through the dimensions from 6th March Equinox 2006, to
angelic messenger, new directions) in 5th on March Equinox 2009, to the 4th on September
the 9 (completion, fulfillment, expansion) equinox 2009 now with the March Equinox 2010
UINAL (20 days) of Forward Movement ruled ANCHORING INTO 3D. As the higher dimensions
by the God of Light. QUETZALCOATL awaken in us and ground and anchor through our bodies
and Earth. Just as the spiraling vortexes of serpent life
MAYAN CALENDAR DAY MARCH 1ST ; 5 force energy spiral clockwise and anti-clockwise from the
(centre, core purpose, acceptance) WHITE lower vibrations to the higher and higher to lower. As we
(North - refines, detached) JAGUAR - IX merge into one, becoming our multi dimensional self,
(shaman/magician, timelessness, divine will, embodied in our physical body and living in a higher
integrity) in the 9 (completion, fulfillment, vibrational Earth that resonates with our level of
expansion) UINAL (20 days) of Forward consciousness that pulses from the Galactic Centre and
Movement ruled by the God of Light. gives movement in stillness and unlimited possibilities.
Please see my HANDBOOK OF RA and extract with
meditations working with the New Earth.
MAYAN CALENDAR DAY 20th MARCH…. 11 (change,
Please see my book LIGHT CODE letting go, freedom) RED (East - electrifies, initiates) CANE
ACTIVATIONS for full information on the - BEN (time/space traveller, skywalker, angelic messenger,
Gold Light Body and activations, Etheric new directions) in the 10 (manifestation, true essence self,
Blueprint. Links to the chakra chart and intention, motivation) UINAL (20 days) of Challenge ruled
some extracts from my LIGHT CODE by the God of Darkness. TEZCATLIPOCA
ACTIVATION book on DNA and Light
Body and Chakras. If you wish to work MARCH 21ST…. 12 (stability in expansion, union of
with these more fully the book is available polarities) WHITE (North - refines, detached) JAGUAR - IX
in pdf download now, as well as hard copy (shaman/magician, timelessness, divine will, integrity) in
posted. the 10 (manifestation, true essence self, intention,
motivation) UINAL (20 days) of Challenge ruled by the God
If you are interested in relevant subjects
please see the ‘Light Code Activation’ book,
‘Handbook of Ra’, ‘Gateways of Unity,
Inner and Natural Healing’, ‘Egypt and
Immortality, Journey to Source; and
‘Crystals, Gateways of Light and Unity’,
and ‘Greater Central Starmap Soul
.. all in PDF download

If you have received this email via a

beautiful lightworker - networker and wish
to be on my email list for future updates of
Cosmic Events or workshops then please
email me with your name, country and
state, thank you.

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