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Processing of Graphene nanoribbon based

hybrid composite for electromagnetic shielding
Impact Factor: 2.98 DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesb.2014.09.014






Anupama Joshi

Anoop Anand

Defence Institute of Advanced Technology

Defence Research and Development Organi





P S Alegaonkar

Suwarna Datar

Defence Institute of Advanced Technology

Defence Institute of Advanced Technology





Available from: Suwarna Datar

Retrieved on: 17 August 2015

Composites: Part B 69 (2015) 472477

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Processing of graphene nanoribbon based hybrid composite

for electromagnetic shielding
Anupama Joshi a, Anil Bajaj a, Rajvinder Singh a, Anoop Anand b, P.S. Alegaonkar a, Suwarna Datar a,

Department of Applied Physics, Defence Institute of Advanced Technology, Deemed University, Girinagar, Pune 411 025, India
Research & Development Establishment, DRDO, Pioneer Lines Dighi, Pune 411 015, India

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Article history:
Received 3 July 2014
Received in revised form 1 September 2014
Accepted 21 September 2014
Available online 28 September 2014
A. Nano-structures
A. Polymer-matrix composites (PMCs)
B. Mechanical properties
EMI shielding

a b s t r a c t
The advent of graphene heralded by the recent studies on carbon based conducting polymer composites
has been a motivation for the use of graphene as an electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding material. One of the variants of graphene, graphene nanoribbon (GNR) shows remarkably different properties
from graphene. The EMI shielding effectiveness of the composite material mainly depends on llers
intrinsic conductivity, dielectric constant and aspect ratio. We have synthesized graphene nanoribbon
(GNR) Polyaniline (PANI) epoxy composite lm for effective shielding material in the X-band frequency range of 8.212.4 (GHz). We have performed detailed studies of the EMI shielding effect and
the performance of the composite and found that the composite shows 40 dB shielding which is sufcient to shield more than 95% of the EM waves in X Band. We checked the shielding effectiveness of the
composite lm by varying the GNR percentage and the thickness of the lm. The strength properties of
the synthesized composited were also studied with a aim to have a material having both high strength
and EMI shielding properties.
2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction
Electromagnetic interference (EMI) has become a serious problem whose impact can be seen from day to day life like the interference of mobile signals with laptop, television or speakers
causing ickering of picture or disturbance in sound to the space
exploration, military applications and so on [14]. The impact of
EMI is not limited to the malfunctioning of electronic gadgets but
it also affects human health, for example, continuous exposure of
electromagnetic radiation increases the risk of cancer, asthma,
heart problems, migraine and even leads to miscarriage [5]. To provide solutions to these problems there is a very active quest for
making materials which are light weight, resistant to corrosion,
exible, as well as have effective and practical shielding applications. Carbon nanobers [6], carbon nanotubes [712], graphene
[13,14], carbon foam [15,16], etc. have proved to be useful nanofillers in polymer composites. Increase in the concentration of such
llers increases the cost of the material and degrades the strength
of the composite [17]. An EMI shielding material may not turn out
to be a high strength material. Therefore, for an application such as
aerospace industry which requires a high strength material as well
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (S. Datar).
1359-8368/ 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

as EMI shielding capabilities, a very special polymer ller combination is needed to provide both the capabilities reasonably well.
Epoxy resins are thermosetting polymers and hence offer a
wide range of applications owing to their excellent mechanical
properties like high stiffness, specic strength, dimensional stability, low cost, good adhesion to many substrates, chemical resistance and so on [18]. Many groups have worked on the use of
epoxy based carbon composites to enhance its properties.
Nanocomposite with carbon ller in polymer, faces issues related
to interfacial interaction between the ller and the polymer for
high strength applications. Cooper et al. have investigated the
detachment of MWCNT from the epoxy matrix. They observed that
the shear strength depended on the size of the interface. Good
mechanical properties require homogeneous dispersion of carbon
nanoller in epoxy matrix and strong interfacial interaction
between the two [19]. Sufcient stress transfer from polymer
matrix to carbon nanostructure is required for this. This can be
achieved by chemical modication of the carbon nanostructures.
Several groups have reported enhancement in mechanical properties using epoxy/carbon nanostructure composite. Liao and his
co-workers have studied the thermo mechanical property of epoxy
based nanocomposite of SWCNT [20]. Allaouis group has investigated the inuence of MWCNTs in rubber epoxy [21]. Gallego
and co-worker used cationic photo polymerization technique to


A. Joshi et al. / Composites: Part B 69 (2015) 472477

Fig. 1. Schematic of the synthesis of composite.

enhance the mechanical properties of functionalized graphene/

epoxy composite [22]. Zaman also showed the effect of change
in temperature while sonication on the mechanical properties of
epoxy/graphene platelets nanocomposite [23]. Raee et al. have
investigated the Tensile strength, Youngs modulus, ductility, and
toughness of an epoxy polymer reinforced with thermally treated
GNRs. They have compared their results with multiwalled carbon
nanotube (MWNT) epoxy composites to establish the effect of
unzipping of the MWNTs on the mechanical properties of the composite [24].
Organic polymers having extended p-conjugated network when
doped with suitable material having either electrons or holes as
charged carriers show enhancement in their conducting properties
[25]. Among various conducting polymers, Polyaniline (PANI) has
been considered as one of the most promising candidates as shielding material due to its ease of synthesis, good environmental stability, low specic mass, relatively high conductivity and
economically feasibility [26,27]. The properties of PANI can further
be tuned by controlling the polymerization reaction and the degree
of doping. Among the various llers, carbon based llers, like carbon nanotubes (CNT) [712], carbon bers [6,28], carbon black
[29,30] and graphene [13,14] have been extensively reported to
have enhanced both EMI and strength capabilities. Graphene
sheets are 2D structures of sp2 hybridized carbon atoms and have
prompted intensive study for potential engineering applications.
Particularly, the electrical, mechanical, electronic and various other
exciting properties of graphene and graphene based composites
offer a new arena for the development of advanced engineering
materials [31]. Much interest has been shown towards the use of
graphene based composites in aerospace applications such as electrostatic dissipation, electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding
and conducting coating [13,14]. One of the derivatives of graphene
is graphene nanoribbon (GNR) which shows amazingly different
electronic and mechanical properties compared to graphene due
to the contribution of the edge states and is a promising candidate
for a plethora of applications [32,33]. In one of our publications we
have shown very good EMI properties of GNR in PVA matrix [34]. In
the present work, we have tried to enhance the EMI shielding properties of PANI by adding a small percentage of GNR in PANI during
the formation of composite with epoxy matrix. We have studied
the shielding performance of the GNR/PANI composite in the epoxy
matrix particularly in the frequency range of 8.212.4 GHz i.e.
X-band since this band is useful for many military and commercial
applications like TV transmission, Doppler weather radars, defence
tracking, etc. The main objective of the present work is to come up

with a composite which possesses EMI shielding properties along

with reasonably good strength.
Since EMI shielding is the attenuation of the incident electromagnetic waves produced by the shielding material. It is a measure
of the losses due to reection, absorption and multiple internal
reections suffered by the incident electromagnetic wave at the
interface. For shielding due to reection the material should have
mobile charge carriers (electrons or holes) to interact with the incident EM wave. Shielding due to absorption is the secondary mechanism and depends on the thickness of the shield. The electrical or
magnetic dipoles in the shielding material interact with the incident EM wave and help in enhancing the shielding due to absorption. Apart from shielding due to reection and absorption,
multiple reection also plays a part in shielding. It represents the
internal reection within the shielding material and requires large
surface area or interface area in the shield. However losses due to
multiple reections can be neglected if the thickness of the shielding material is greater than the skin depth [11].
The shielding effectiveness is also measured in terms of logarithmic ratio of incident and transmitted electromagnetic powers
(electric or magnetic) and can be expressed as

SET dB 10log10


According to electromagnetic theory, the EM wave incident on

the shielding material splits into four parts: reected wave, internally reected wave, absorbed wave and transmitted wave. Therefore, total shielding effectiveness (SET) is measured in dB and can
be described as


where SER, SEA and SEM are the contribution due to reection,
absorption and multiple internal reection. When SER is P10 dB
SEM is neglected and Shielding effectiveness is given by


From the two port network system we can obtain the scattering
parameters (S-parameters) which are related with the reectance
and transmittance i.e.,

jS21 j2 jS12 j2

jS11 j2 jS22 j2

Therefore effective absorbance (Aeff) is given by


1  R  T
1  R

SER and SEA are also expressed in terms of reectance, transmittance and effective absorbance as

SER 10 log1  R

SEA 10 log1  Aeff  log


2. Experimental
2.1. Materials
Potassium permanganate (KMnO4), sulfuric acid (H2SO4), aniline, (1S)-(+)-Camphor-10-Sulfonic acid (CSA), ammonium peroxydisulfate, Epoxy LY 1564, Hardener XB 3486 were of analytical
grade. Aqueous solution was prepared using doubledistilled water.


A. Joshi et al. / Composites: Part B 69 (2015) 472477

Fig. 2. SEM image of (a) pure Epoxy and (b) 0.1 wt% GNR/PANI composite in the epoxy matrix.

Fig. 3. (a) Raman spectra of GNR/PANI epoxy and only GNR. Inset show the Raman spectra of epoxy (b) FTIR spectra of GNR/PANI epoxy composite.

Table 1
Assignment of functional group to various peaks of Fig. 3(b).
Peak number

Wavenumber (cm1)



3000, 2860
1608, 1506

c CAH epoxy stretching
C@O stretch
C@C in ring
CAH bending
NAO symmetric stretch
CAN stretch aromatic amine
c CAO epoxy
CAN med
CH and @CH2 out of plane bending
Alkyl halide

Fig. 4. TGA trace PANI/GNR, Plain epoxy and epoxy PANI/GNR composite.

Thin Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes (t-MWCNT) were prepared

using water assisted chemical vapor deposition (CVD) technique.
2.2. Synthesis of PANI functionalized GNR
The method proposed by Kosynkin et al. [35] was followed for
unzipping of CNT using KMnO4 and H2SO4. The non-covalent functionalization of synthesized GNR was performed by a coating of
CSA doped PANI by in-situ polymerization of aniline using
ammonium peroxydisulfate as polymerizing agent under ambient
conditions [36]. For this, two different weight percentages (2.5
and 5) of GNR were added to aniline monomer to prepare two
different samples. The above synthesized PANI coated GNR sam-

ples were ltered and washed with ethanol and vacuum dried
for 24 h at 80 C.
2.3. Synthesis of PANI functionalized GNR/epoxy solution blend
Fig. 1 shows the schematic for the synthesis of composite.
0.1 wt% of PANI/GNR loaded epoxy composite was prepared by
solution blend technique by separately dispersing PANI/GNR in
chloroform and then probe sonicating the mixture for 30 min with
Mechanical Probe Sonicator (13 mm Vibra Cell Processor VCX 750)
operating at 40% of the max power 750 W. Thereafter the solution


A. Joshi et al. / Composites: Part B 69 (2015) 472477

was added to the Epoxy LY 1564 and stirred for 10 min and the
solution was heated at approx 70 C to evaporate the chloroform.
Subsequently, XB 3486 hardener was added to the above solution
in the known ratio and stirred for 5 min followed by degassing
for 10 min. The solution was then poured in the molds for preparing the desired dog bone shape of 1.7 mm and 3.4 mm thickness.
The molds were made as per ASTM D 638 Type-I standard. The
sample took 24 h to cure after which post curing of the sample
was done for 8 h at 80 C.

Table 2
Comparison of the Tensile strength and Youngs modulus of
different samples.

Tensile strength

Youngs modulus




2.4. Characterizations
The morphological details of the PANI/GNR samples were characterized using scanning electron microscope (SEM). Raman spectroscopy was performed using unpolarized Raman spectroscopic
technique. The spectra was recorded at wavelength k = 633 nm
using Horiba HR800 Raman spectrometer. The molecular structure
of the synthesized sample was obtained by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy using Brucker Tensor 37 spectroscope. The
thermal decomposition behavior of the PANI/GNR composite as
well as epoxy blended PANI/GNR composite was studied using
thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) under a nitrogen atmosphere
from room temperature to 650 C operated at a heating rate of
20 C min1. The tensile test and the Youngs modulus of elasticity
were measured using the Servo Hydraulic Universal Testing
Machine (BISS India) with total cell 10 kN capacity. The EMI shielding effectiveness of the composite lms was measured using Rhode
& Schwarz ZVA-40 1040 MHz vector network analyser. The calibration was performed using OSL (Open-Short-Load) technique.
Electromagnetic waves were injected directly into the lm using
354B X-band wave guide of standard dimension of the window
0.900  0.400 . The frequency was scanned from 8.2 to 12.4 GHz. The
EMI shielding effectiveness was measured using Rohde & Schwarz
Vector Network analyser in the range of 8.212.4 GHz.

Fig. 6. Comparison shielding effectiveness of the composite.

difference Fig. 2(a) and (b). There is very little contrast in case of
only epoxy lm (Fig. 2(a)) whereas the image becomes clear once
the ller is added (Fig. 2(b)). The small percentage of GNRPANI
in epoxy is completely changing the microstructure of the epoxy
as observed from these images. A good interaction between epoxy
and GNR/PANI is the key in getting good dispersion which can
be achieved by ultrasonic dispersion and controlled solvent

3. Results and discussion

3.2. Raman and FTIR analysis

3.1. Morphological study

To conrm the interaction between epoxy and GNR/PANI,

Raman spectroscopy and FT-IR were carried out. Since the two
techniques complement each other they can be very helpful in creating a reasonable picture about the interaction between these
entities. Both these techniques are powerful, fast, non destructive
and capable of providing detailed information about the molecular
structure of the sample. Fig. 3(a) and (b) shows the Raman spectra
and FT-IR of the composite. Couple of Raman active bands can be
observed. One important band is the G band which is due to the
in phase vibration of the graphite lattice i.e. E2g mode at
1577 cm1 which is broad in case of GNR and shifts to
1607 cm1 in case of the composite in the epoxy matrix. The
broadening of G band is due to the oxidation of GNR during synthesis and the reduction in the size of in-plane sp2 domains [37]. The
dotted dark green line shows the broadening in case of composite
where pink dotted line is for GNR. Half width in case of composite
is 107.5 cm1 where as in case of GNR is 78 cm1. The shift in the G
band after the formation of the composite could be due to compressive stress on the GNR caused by the polymer matrix [38].
The other important band is the D band which is due to the presence of defects and edge effects and is considered as A1g mode [39].
The half width of the D peak in case of composite is 78.075 cm1
where as for GNR it is 45.465 cm1 shown by blue dotted line for
the composite and green dotted line for GNR. The Id/Ig ratio of only
GNR is 1.5 whereas that of GNR/PANI in the epoxy matrix is 0.45.
This signicant reduction in Id/Ig ratio signies the formation of
bonds reducing the overall defects in the GNR. This is also
consistent with the observation of shift in G band after formation

The formation of conductive network in an insulating polymer

matrix depends on the distribution and dispersion of the ller
inside the matrix. To get good EMI shielding, it is necessary for
the composite to have closed packed network with continuous
chain of conducting ller. Fig. 2(a) and (b) show the SEM images
of plain epoxy and the composite respectively. From the SEM
image, Fig. 2(b), one cannot distinguish between the ller and
the matrix epoxy. This could be due to the fact that the ller
percentage is very low in the matrix. But one can observe a big

Fig. 5. StressStrain curves of the PANI/GNR composite in the Epoxy matrix.


A. Joshi et al. / Composites: Part B 69 (2015) 472477

of composite which could be the stress caused in GNR by bond

To further verify the conjugation of GNR/PANI composite in the
epoxy matrix we performed the FTIR analysis of the end product.
From the spectra shown in Fig. 3(b) we observe the typical signatures of GNR, PANI as well as Epoxy. These signatures are recognized as COOAH/AOH stretching of oxidized GNR in the range
from 3600 to 3085 cm1and C@O stretching at 1743 cm1. This
conrms the presence of edge carboxylic acid in GNR [35]. The
presence of NH2 bending or scissoring band 1605 cm1, the mode
at 1237 cm1 may be assigned partly to CAN stretching and partly
to the ring stretching vibrations and the band at 1463 cm1 which
is characterized as typical ring stretching in PANI. The presence of
epoxy in the IR spectroscopy was established by the presence of
strong band at 3000 cm1 (mCH epoxy) and 1089 (cCO epoxy).
The 1,4 substitution of the aromatic ring is seen at 830 cm1 for
the epoxy resin. Further the IR spectra articulates the occurrence
of absorption bands and NAH stretching and bending vibrations.
Table 1 show the details of the peak assignment. Thus from the
above discussion we can conrm the presence of GNR/PANI in
the Epoxy matrix.
3.3. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA)
The effect of epoxy in the 0.1 wt% of PANI/GNR composites
thermal stability was studied using TGA in a nitrogen atmosphere.
Fig. 4 shows the thermogram (TG) of PANI/GNR, plain epoxy and
epoxy PANI/GNR. From the TG plots it is clear that the weight loss
occurs in several systematic steps each corresponding to loss of
particular species. In case of PANI/GNR composite, the rst step
loss (25100 C) may be attributed to the loss of adsorbed water
molecules. The second loss step (106185 C) involves the loss of
dopants. The third loss step (190310 C) involves the loss of low
molecular weight fragment and onset of polymeric degradation.
The nal loss step (310700 C) corresponds to the complete
breakdown of polymeric backbone as well as heavier fragments.
Further the result reveals that thermal degradation stability of
the nanocomposite increases when it is loaded in the epoxy matrix.
These results indicate that the epoxy plays an important role in the
formation of stable and strong physical barrier for thermal transfer
in the composite. From the TGA results we may conclude that this
nanocomposite of epoxy PANI/GNR may be used as a good EMI
shielding material especially in aerospace and radiation technology
industries where high thermal stability is the perquisite.
3.4. Mechanical properties
Stressstrain behavior from the tensile test is shown in Fig. 5.
The specimens of plain epoxy failed immediately after the tensile

stress reached its maximum value, while there is elongation at

the point of break in case of samples of composites. Table 2 displays the Tensile strength and Youngs modulus comparison of
the various samples i.e. epoxy, C1 Epoxy PANI 0.1 wt%, C2
Epoxy PANI GNR (2.5%) 0.1 wt%, C3 Epoxy PANI GNR (5%)
0.1 wt%. It is observed that the Tensile Strength and Youngs modulus reduces with the increase of the GNR/PANI combination in the
composite. This is due to the particle size of GNR which leads to
stress points in the sample. Also high loading of conducting polymer based nanocomposites lead to phase segregation and extreme
of physical properties of host matrices leading to poor mechanical
properties. It can be seen that the Tensile Strength has reduced by
6.42%, 11.80% & 30.66% respectively in sample C1, C2 & C3 and the
Youngs modulus has reduced by 15.54%, 23.50% & 30.85% respectively in sample C1, C2 & C3 in comparison to the plain epoxy. Even
though the strength properties are compromised in this composite
but they may still serve well for certain applications if the material
has good EMI shielding properties.

3.5. EMI shielding effectiveness measurements

Fig. 6 shows the EMI shielding results of the GNR/PANI composite in the epoxy matrix. It is clear from the gure that the plain
epoxy is transparent to the electromagnetic waves and does not
exhibit any shielding. As the percentage of the GNR/PANI composite in the epoxy matrix increases from 2.5 wt% to 5 wt% the shielding effectiveness increases from an average value of 34 dB to
44 dB for 3.4 mm thickness. We observed a dip in absorption at
10.5 GHz in the GNR/PANI composite in the epoxy matrix. It is
interesting to see that this was completely absent in PANI in epoxy
matrix. It has been reported in the literature that the dielectric
behavior of PANI in different polymer matrix drastically changes.
Dielectric relaxation measurements were performed to support
these results. Additional relaxation processes were observed by
them which were related to interfacial polarization relaxation
effects. The nature of polymer matrix was found to inuence these
relaxations by frequency shift, change in relaxation strength and
activation energy. At high frequency, conductivity relaxation was
observed to be connected to the conductivity in the PANI cluster.
When composite of PANI is made with GNR these effects may
translate into absorption dip at particular frequency [40,41].
Further we have done the comparative study of the variation in
the shielding effectiveness due different thickness of the composite
lms. Fig. 7(a) and (b) shows the variation of shielding effectiveness with thickness. We observed that for 2.5 wt% sample the average shielding effectiveness increases from 34 dB to 50 dB and
for 5 wt% sample shielding increases from 44 dB to 68 dB.
The interaction of the electromagnetic wave causes volumetric
electronic polarization and thus forces the electron to vibrate with

Fig. 7. (a) SE of GNR/PANI composite of 2.5 wt% and (b) 5 wt% in epoxy matrix of different thickness i.e. 1.7 mm and 3.4 mm.

A. Joshi et al. / Composites: Part B 69 (2015) 472477

the wave frequency, which results in the absorption of EM waves

[42]. Due to the presence of GNR/PANI in the epoxy matrix there
is increase in electric dipole which results in absorption. From
the results obtained we can conclude that absorption is the primary mechanism for EMI shielding for the synthesized composite.
4. Conclusion
From the various studies done on the synthesized composite we
conclude that due to the absorption dominant shielding feature
this composite may be used in such areas where EMI shielding
from outside radiation is needed but at the same time they should
be protected from the EM radiation which they themselves generate. Further the mechanical results are not much comparable with
the data so far reported but the resulting composite will nd its
application in the aerospace industry where both shielding as well
as strength is the prime requirement. The dispersion of GNR in the
matrix has to be worked out to ensure improved mechanical properties along with the EMI shielding.
Authors are thankful to Defence Research and Development
Organization (DRDO), Ministry of Defence, Government of India,
for their nancial assistance. In our work authors are also thankful
to Dr. Prahalada, Vice Chancellor Defence Institute of Advance
Technology (DU) Pune. SSD and PSA would like to acknowledge
DIAT-DRDO program on Nanomaterials by ER-IPR, DRDO for the
nancial assistance.
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