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Bilal Chaudhry-20578037
Pharm 127

WHAT is a breast self- exam?


A quick and effective way to check for the presence of lumps and other signs of
breast cancer. It is a do-it-yourself procedure that takes only a few minutes to


Feb 12, 2015

should I perform a breast self-exam?

Theyre an effective way to keep track of your breast health

They help you to get familiar with how your breasts look and feel so that you can detect any abnormalities if they appear.

Can be done on your own and at your convenience without the help of a doctor.

Early detection and treatment are crucial to the fight against breast cancer, and can increase survival rates many fold.


should perform a breast self-exam?

All women who have passed through puberty are at risk of developing breast cancer and are encouraged to perform selfexams. Certain factors can put you at greater risk, including :

Age- Older women, and post-menopausal women in particular, are at greater risk

Family History- Women with close female family members, such as mothers or sisters, with breast cancer are at greater risk

Children- Women with no children, or those who had their first child after 30, are at greater risk

Hormone therapy- Post menopausal women who are receiving combined hormone therapy with both estrogen and progesterone
are at greater risk

Bilal Chaudhry-20578037
Feb 12, 2015

Bilal Chaudhry- 20578037

Feb 12, 2015

You Need to Know



to perform a breast selfexam

Lines- From the underarm, slowly move your

fingers down until theyre underneath the breast.
Move them slightly towards the center of your
breast, and then slowly bring them back up. Repeat
until youve covered the entire breast area.
Breast self-exams can be done in many
different positions including standing in front of
a mirror or in the shower, and also while laying
down. You should combine standing and laying
down positions during each exam.

In the shower- Put one hand

behind your head and
examine breast
tissue on that side using your other hand.
Check for any lumps and hardened or thick
In front of the mirror- Stand
with your hands on your hips and visually
inspect your breasts. Flex your chest and look
for dimpling on each side. Raise your hands
over your head and check for any swelling or
changes in the nipples.
Laying down- Put a pillow under
one shoulder and put that arm behind your
head. Examine the breast area on that side
with your other arm. Use different degrees of

Use the pads (tips) of your fingers when performing a selfexam. These are the most sensitive areas of your fingers and will
help you detect abnormalities better.

I feel a lump, what should I do?

If you think you feel a lump on your breast, dont panic.
This does not mean you have breast cancer. Breast tissue
naturally contains many different textures, lumps and bumps.
Certain types of aberrations in specific areas can indicate a more
serious situation that requires the attention of a doctor. These

Circles- Use your fingers to trace a large

spiral shape, starting from the outer edge of the
breast and working your way to the nipple area.
Wedges- Start at the outer edge of the
breast and move your fingers towards the nipple,
then back to the edge again Repeat until youve

A breast self-exam is not a

substitute for a doctor. You should visit
your doctor regularly for more thorough
examinations and to share any findings or
concerns you may have.
Its important to cover the entire breast
area during a self-exam. This includes the
entire breast, including the underside, the
underarm area, and all the way up to the
clavicle. All these areas contain breast tissue.
It is important to perform self-exams
every month. The best time to do one is 3-

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