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Remember What Went Right

You have had your troubles but youve had the good days too.
Much you lost, but many mercies have been granted you...
Problems there are bound to be. Life cant be all delight.
When you think of what went wrong, remember what went right.
Patience Strong
Go On Doing Good
Do what Love demands, no more, no less.
Never dam the streams of happiness....
Though your motives be misunderstood.
Go on giving. Go on doing good.
Patience Strong
Do a Kindness
Do a kindness, somebody to bless
Though you have to go out of your way...
Ease a burden. Share a happiness.
You will find that it will make your day.
Patience Strong
Think Happiness
Think health, think hope, think happiness - and in a wondrous way Things will work out for your good, though dreary be the day You will see a shaft of sunlight breaking through the cloud As you walk with shoulders squared, heart light and head unbowed.
Patience Strong
Try Again
You cant recapture yesterday. You cant put back the clock that way...
And what was said you cant unsay but you can try again.
The future beckons. Start anew, to make another dream come true
Every day life offers you - a chance to try again.
Patience Strong
Love needs joy and happiness if its to survive.
Love needs peace and harmony to remain alive...
Love will die of cold exposed to bitterness or blame.
Love needs warmth: a constant kindling of the inner flame.
Patience Strong
God put music into our hearts to make life bearable Soothing, consoling or inspiring, sad or beautiful Music leads us beyond ourselves into another land It is a language that all can speak and all can understand.

Patience Strong
The year is threaded with remembered days Strung like beads upon a rosary.
Forget them not, but count them and give praise.
They are Times most precious legacy...
Birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, christenings The dates that keep the past alive - to these the memory clings.
They linger though Times hurries on. They live on in the mind.
Tell your beads. Give thanks for what the good years leave behind.
Patience Strong
Home! ... our bit of Gods good earth. The dearest bit of all.
The spot where our affections centre, whether big or small
It stands for all the precious things weve worked and struggled for.
The hearts abode, the little world behind our own front door.
Patience Strong
Harvesting your Dreams
Time grant to you the harvesting of dreams And may your path be lit with golden gleams So that you walk down bright and pleasant ways.
Light be your heart and sunny be your days.
Patience Strong
The Turning Point
There is a milestone on lifes path
That brings us to another start Where brighter vistas open out,
Where clouds grow light and break apart.
Patience Strong
Have a Heart
Have a heart that tries to feel what other people feel.
Have a heart. A sympathetic word will often heal
The hurt of one who stoops beneath a weight that none will share With nobody to lend a hand and nobody to care.
They need your love. They need your strength. They need your kindly hands.
So have a heart, a heart that feels...a heart that understands.
Patience Strong
When youre up against it do not strain your weary mind Fighting and resisting things. Let go and you will find The situation changes as you change your point of view.
Trust the power beyond yourself to bring you safely through.
Patience Strong

The Sunshine Of a Smile
A smile is like a lantern in a dark and gloomy place
Throwing light in hidden corners too obscure to trace.
The winter sunshine of the soul, the unexpected ray That puts a glint of happiness upon the dullest day.
The smile that someone gives you when your world looks grim and grey Is twice as welcome as the smile that comes when hearts are gay.
The smile that lifts your spirits when youre under stress or strainSeems to bring a blessing with it that you cant explain.
Patience Strong
Dont despise contentment, for its something rich and rareIn an age of restlessness, frustration and despair.
It is an achievement - in itself a victory To make a world within a world and live contentedly.
Patience Strong
Good Manners
Whatever you are doing, wherever you may be Sweeten life a little by speaking amiably...
It may not seem important and yet it means so much.
Good temper and good manners give life a gracious touch.
Patience Strong
Roses Again
Where May meets June the wild rose blooms along the country lane
And in the parks and gardens theres a glory once again As Roses open out their buds to summers golden glow:
Apricot and lemon, red as wine and white as snow.
Patience Strong
Hope Deferred
Do not be despondent when your hopes have been deferred.
And it seems your prayers have gone unheeded or unheard.
Do not be discouraged when your wish has not come true.
Never lose your faith. Be patient. Take the longer view.
Give God time. Its not for you to say just when and where
You want a thing to happen, for the answer to a prayer
Must sometimes be delayed because the Providential schemes
Are wider than the expectations of your dearest dreams.
So learn to wait and learn to trust and never cease to pray.
Often do we find there was a blessing in delay.
Patience Strong

Look Forward
Look forward and your hopes will rise
Look forward!
Though stormy clouds frown in the skies.
Look forward!
The steps of Time you cant retrace
Press onward at an eager pace
Towards some finer, fairer place Look forward!
-----Look forward with a hopeful mind.
Look forward!
Resolve to leave the past behind.
Look forward!
You cant afford to let your gaze
Turn back to rest on other days.
Down brighter, better, broader ways.
Look forward!
Patience Strong
Where Memories Bloom
Where memories bloom its always Spring
And life in passing by will bring
The secret of unforgotten flowers
Of merry times and golden hours.
Patience Strong
Gardens of The Mind
Names and faces ever dear
Are remembered every year
Leaving happy thoughts behind
In the gardens of the mind.
Patience Strong
The Fruits of Time
Though many be the roads you travel and loads you bear
Make a little time for dreaming, resting here and there.
Looking round at what youve done the fruits of time well spent
Gathering in peace your little harvest of content.
Patience Strong
The Things We Cannot Say
Flowers express the things we cannot say
Were they not created to convey
Thoughts that lie unspoken in the heart?
A single flower in silence can impart
Messages of love that heal and bless
Giving comfort, hope and happiness.

Patience Strong
Make A Friend
Make a friend in every place,
Show the world a smiling face.
Wheresoever you may go
Prove your faith and let it glow.
Patience Strong
The Rose
The rose I love the best of all,
Scrambles over the garden wall.
That old red rambler comes to me,
Year by year unfailingly.
Patience Strong
Seek the country or the sea,
It matters not where you may be.
So long as you can truly find
Rest for the body and the mind.
Patience Strong
Take Heart
Take heart. Take comfort too,
Let time be kind to you.
Think thoughts that heal and bless,
With quiet happiness.
Patience Strong
The Wind That Brings the Daffodils
Wild winds come a-blustering,
Clearing a path for the feet of Spring,
To dance her way along the lane
Bringing daffodils again.
Patience Strong
The Flame
Happiness is like a candle flame - that flickers in a draught and loses light...
A breath of disapproval or of blame dims the lovely glow, however slight.
Let the candle of your happiness - keep its brightness, burning steadily...
Let it shine in times of storm and stress - undisturbed amidst adversity.
Patience Strong
Lamplight in a quiet room creates a sense of peace.

The weary eyes are rested and the spirit finds release From the agitations of the all-too-busy day.
Problems merge into the shadows. Troubles slip away.
Patience Strong
The Habit of Happiness
Get into a happy frame of mind - and keep on thinking happy thoughts all day Try to cultivate the art
Of making music in your heart
Though hard the road, go singing all the way.
Patience Strong
Changing Things Around
Sometimes when youre feeling glum it helps to change things round.
There is satisfaction and a pleasure to be found In rearranging furniture, and moving pictures too A little alteration is sometimes overdue...
Patience Strong
All Cluttered Up
Unclutter your mind. Endeavour to find
Just what to retain and throw out.
Its never too late for getting things straight
Theres much you could well do without.
And this is the day - for casting away The thoughts that are worrying you...
Keep only the best and fling out the rest.
The clearance is long overdue.
Patience Strong
Brief Vacation
You do not have to travel far by coach or train You do not have to take a trip and board a ship or plane To get away on holiday, so long as youve the will
To meditate and cultivate the art of being still Still in mind and body for a minute here and there Whenever you can spare the time, sit quietly in a chair
And take a brief vacation from the worry and the stress Make yourself a little secret world of happiness.
Patience Strong
In Between the Years
Life becomes a Summer garden,
As each bloom appears.
And we pick what time has planted,
In between the years.
Patience Strong

Bless the Day

Bless the day when it comes to your window
Stealing in on the edge of the night...
Whether its grey and shrouded in shadow Or sapphire and gold in the first morning light.
Bless the day with a heart that is singing As with hope the fresh prospect is viewed..
Bless the day for the good it is bringing Run to greet it with courage renewed.
Patience Strong
Flowers Bring Peace
Flowers bring peace into a room. A posy or a simple bloom Can dispel a restless mood. An atmosphere of quietude Haunts the place where flowers are: you forget the things that jar.
So still they stand in vase or bowl. Their silence speaks unto the soul.
Patience Strong
Power of Happiness
When the mind is happy the heart is happy too.
Picking up the message, the body takes its cue
And the feet, responding, walk with lighter tread.
As thoughts like merry dancers go whirling round your head.
Patience Strong
The Blessing
Theres a wonderful day on its way to you,
A wonderful dream that is coming true.
Today or tomorrow youll wake and see
How glorious life can really be.
Patience Strong
Roses Everywhere
Gardens bright with candy-tuft, with thrift and irises.
Pathways edged with lupins.
Pansies, pinks and peonies.
Stocks in rainbow tinges
That cast their sweetness on the air.
And roses white, pink, gold and crimson.
Roses everywhere.
Patience Strong
Time to Spare

If you find you have some time to spare

Seek a green and quiet corner where
You can be alone, relaxed, at ease,
In the silent company of trees.
Patience Strong
Joy Unfading
Happy are the young in heart,
To them the years will bring
Friendship, laughter, merriment
And joy in everything.
Patience Strong
In Between the Stones
In between the stones of life,
There fall the wind-blown seeds
Of friendship, love and loyalty,
Kind words and kindly deeds..
Often they may hide for years
And never form a flower Then opportunity in passing
Brings the destined hour.
Patience Strong
How Did it Happen?
Violets by the woodland way,
Promise of blossom on the spray.
Wonderful glow of daffodils
Underneath the windowsills.
And by the verges of the lane,
Primrose beaded with the rain.
Patience Strong
Did You Not See?
The worlds a lovely place.
Did you not know?
Have you not stood and watched a brooklet flow
Under the arches of a willow tree?
That white swan gliding by...did you not see?
Patience Strong
Summer Night
Open the window on the beauty of a summer night
And look at the sleeping garden through a veil of starry light.
Silence like a benediction rests on leaf and flower.
Take it deep into your soul - this peace - this quiet hour.
Gather up into your mind the healing and the balm
Your restless thoughts to pacify, your troubled heart to calm.
Patience Strong


The Benefit of the Doubt

Does it really matter who was right or who was wrong
So long as relationships remain unbroken, just as strong?
Never let a grievance fester. Draw the poison out Give both enemy and friend the benefit of the doubt.
Patience Strong
Flowers can speak the language of the heart.
Flowers a quiet message can impart...
Loves most secret thoughts they can convey Telling what no lips can ever say.
Flowers can heal a hurt and flowers can bless Giving comfort hope and happiness..
Flowers perform a silent ministry Bringing peace, affection, sympathy.
Patience Strong
Live Contentedly
Take what life is offering, but give back something too.
Take what time is proffering this moment - now to you...
Take the good, reject the bad. Choose well, put first things first.
Go for what is clean and straight, the best and not the worst.
Patience Strong
Somebody Said
Somebody said that somebody said. Trouble was caused and suspicion fed.
Somebody passed on an idle word. Someone repeated what someone had heard.
Many a friendship has been wrecked - through gossip unfounded and unchecked.
Mischief was made and a rumour spread. Somebody said that somebody said.
Patience Strong
Natures Symphony
The season of the flowers is like a lovely symphony.
As one song dies away there comes another melody.
When the wallflowers fade and die, leaves break, the fruit bud swells
And on the wind there comes the sound of Canterbury bells.
The primrose withers in the wood, and in the garden bed
Sky-blue irises unfold, and poppies pink and red
Strike the loud triumphant chord that marks the springs last hour And summers overture begins; the rose bursts into flower...
Lilies, pansies, jasmine, pinks and purple honesty
Weave their themes into the notes of Natures symphony.

Patience Strong

Tell Yourself
Tell yourself that everything is coming right for you.
Tell yourself so often that in time it will come true...
Tell yourself that things are not as bad as people say
Tell yourself tomorrow will be better than today.
Patience Strong
The Motive
Analyse your motives and intentions.
Were they truly selfless and sincere?
When working out new plans check your directions Then all will prosper and the way be clear...
Everything to trouble will incline If theres an obstruction on the line.
Patience Strong
Day Dreams
Day dreams take you beyond the borders of the possible Up to the edge of the wonderland of things incredible Things that lie outside the reach of any human brain To mark or measure, beauty such as no-one can explain.
Patience Strong
Feeling at Home
Feeling at home is a state of mind -Not to places and rooms confined.
Feeling at home where the heart belongs With favourite pictures, poems and songs
Brings comfort thats better than company
Wherever on earth you chance to be.
Patience Strong
The Glow
Cultivate a grateful mind. Be thankful every day For blessings undeserved and count each one along the way...
Thankfulness brings happiness because it puts a glow
On everyone and everything as through the world you go.
Patience Strong
Good Works for Good

Scatter good seed as you go Love and hope and kindness sow Where it seems no seed could grow.
Good works for good as time will show.
Patience Strong

The Little Blessings

Worried and muddled, the mind goes blind But if you look back you are sure to find It all worked out for the best for you.
Some things went wrong - but they went right, too.
Patience Strong
The Artist
To the eye that is open to beauty the world is a gallery
Of pictures untouched by brush or palette, painted for all to see...
Nature sets up her easels wherever you chance to stray Directing your glance to a sunset, or flowers growing wild by the way.
Patience Strong
Change Yourself
Its never too late to strengthen powers of mind and force of will.
Its always the moment for starting out to climb another hill...
Its never too late to change your life and prove what you can do
Building it up on strong foundations, making yourself anew.
Patience Strong
The New Life
Jump off the treadmill of habit and be - a born-again person, your real self set free
From old ways of thinking that lead back at last - to the mistakes that belong to the past.
Jump off the treadmill and make a fresh start - dare to be different, drawing apart
From worldly confusion, greed, malice and strife - learning to try out a new kind of life.
Patience Strong
Thinking and Thanking
Be not a groaner or a moaner, but a thanker be.
Greet every morning, grey or sunny, thinking gratefully.
Thoughts have the power to make your life, if rightly understood Thinking moulds the shape of it for evil or for good.
Cultivate an inner calm that nothing can destroy.
Be a thanker thinking thoughts of love and hope and joy.
Patience Strong
The File of Memory
File away your memories, the good the happy ones -

Evenings by the winter fire and under summer suns,

Walking with the one you loved along the garden way;
Pearls of precious memories - strung out from day to day.
Patience Strong

The Healers
The friendly smile, the gentle word, the touch of sympathy
Work the silent miracles of love in secrecy.
These are the saviours of the world, the healers of its pain The things that mend its open wounds, again and yet again.
Patience Strong
Time in Hand
When a busy day youve planned - give yourself some time in hand So that jobs dont overlap. Try to leave a little gap between the things you have to do A tiny pause enables you - to get your balance with no need - to rush around at
Breakneck speed - never poised or punctual. Try to make an interval - so that there is time
to spare Instead of hurrying everywhere.
Patience Strong
Say Yes to Life
Say Yes to Life and let it come
Bounding into heart and home
Giving all it has to give
Say your Yes to Life - and live.
Patience Strong
If You Let It
Ignore what upsets you, the stones and the stings.
Find something good in whatever Time brings.
Life will surround you with wonderful things...
If you let it.
Patience Strong
Sweep it Away
Sweep away the sordid clutter of the siftings of our mind.
Take a broom and brush away the rubbish Time has left behind..
Clear the ground of grievances and memories that hurt the heart ...
...Clear a way into the future - ready for another start.
Patience Strong

Every dream thats worth the dreaming can at last come true.
Every prayer thats worth the praying will be granted you...
Every aspiration can become reality.
If you always walk towards the vision that you see Never giving up because the going may be hard Forward go; The gate is open and the door unbarred.
Patience Strong

Make Good
Make good in every part of life where you are led to be.
Make something good of everything - and life assuredly Will give you back the good you made when passing by that way Making good from all the odds and ends of every day.
Patience Strong
The Heart Serene
No greater gift could be bestowed than this: the happy heart.
The world becomes a better place when once weve learned the art Of putting golden edges round the clouds that blow along
Of turning sadness into smiles and discord into song
Patience Strong
Make an adventure of all that you do Do it with purpose and zest Looking at life from the broad point of view Giving your utmost and best.
Make an adventure of life. Let it be Thrilling, inspiring and gay...
Its up to you - you can choose. You are free To make what you will of each day.
Patience Strong
Which is the best life can give us As its winding road we wend?
Is it not the boon and the blessing of a good and trusted friend?
On the hills and in the valleys - sadness fades and hopes ascend...
All roads lead to bright horizons - in the company of friends.
Patience Strong
Seeing the Best
Believe Life is good and it wont let you down
When tempted to doubt it, to fret and to frown.
Believe in the best though its hidden from view.
For this is the faith that will carry you through.

Patience Strong
Do with pride the little jobs and get into the way
Of putting every ounce into the details of the day.
Though its unimportant, do it well and see it through.
Let perfection be your aim in everything you do.
Patience Strong
Do it Now
If you want to help another, do it now without delay.
Dont neglect the present chance and leave it till another day.
Fate steps in when least expected, altering the things we plan So dont bank upon tomorrow. Do your good deed while you can.
Patience Strong
Try Kindness
Try a little kindness if you want to get things done.
Many a mountain has been moved and many a hard case won By a few words spoken in a warm and friendly tone.
Thats what breaks down barriers and softens hearts of stone.
Patience Strong
Give Life Time
Give Life Time to spin the unseen threads of destiny.
Give Life time to solve your problems. Trust and wait and see.
Providence has plans for you. Of that there is no doubt.
But they cant be hurried. Give Life time to work them out.
Patience Strong
This is Your Day
This is your day: the day when you can turn a clean new page.
You can always start afresh whatever be your age.
Youre never too old to step out on the road of hearts desire
and change yourself into the kind of person you admire.
Patience Strong
Look For it
Youll never see the sunshine if you always draw the blind.
Youll never make new friendships if you close up heart and mind.
You cant expect that happiness is going to come to you.
Youve got to go and look for it from every point of view.
Patience Strong
Making Time

Make a little time each day for putting wrong things right.
For breaking up the gloomy clouds and letting in the light.
Make the time for making friends and take some time each dayfor counting up the blessings that youve gathered on the way.
Patience Strong
Making Dreams Come True
Never think youre wasting time in planning lovely things.
Dare to reach out for the rainbow. Let your thoughts take wings.
Keep on building all the time your castles in the blue.
Keep on dreaming. Thats the way to make your dreams come true.
Patience Strong
Blessing of the Years
As days go by we live and learn and with the years grow wise.
We sift the false things from the true and see with clearer eyes.
As each birthday comes along we find that we can say
that Time has left a trail of blessings all along the way.
Patience Strong
Just Keep Going
Just keep going knowing that youll get there in the end
Just keep showing you believe that theres something round the bend....
Many falter when Misfortunes icy winds come blowing
but those who live to reach their goals are those that just keep going.
Patience Strong
When you look back over the way youve come and start to count the miles
you often find that half the fun was getting over the stiles ....
It wasnt the smooth and easy bits that brought the greatest thrill.
It was clambering over the obstacles and pushing up the hill.
Patience Strong
What is life without a friend to help you get along to strengthen you when troubles come and things are going wrong....
When problems loom like mountains and sudden storms descend
what is life without a friend?
Patience Strong
Take Today
You cannot walk the same road twice. Your steps you cant retrace.
By tomorrow youll be heading for some other place ....
So carry out that good intention now without delay.
You wont pass by this way again: so take your chance today.

Patience Strong
A Kindly Light
This is a world where people do and say the strangest things.
So do not be surprised at bark or bite.
This is a world thats all mixed up, a world of smiles and stings
So try to see it in a kindly light.
Patience Strong

Happy Thoughts
Happy thoughts can change our lives.
Theyre stronger than we guess.
Happy thoughts uplift the heart with power to heal and bless...
Happy thoughts are magic forces working secretly
to establish in our lives health, peace and harmony.
Patience Strong
Love is the Answer
Life without love is a meaningless story. Love is the answer, the power and the glory.
Love is the lamp on the untrodden road, Lighting the way to the hearts true abode.
Patience Strong
A Dream
Nowheres too far for a dream to go.
For a dream can outrun the winds that blow.
And take a rainbow in its stride,
Waiting not for time or tide.
Patience Strong
Crossing Bridges
Do not cross your bridges before they come in view.
Wait until youre there before deciding what to do.
Wait before anticipating trouble, tears and loss.
The bridge you dread may prove to be an easy one to cross.
Patience Strong
Keep On
Keep on singing though theres none to hear.
Keep on smiling though theres none to cheer.
Keep on ploughing though youve reaped no crops
Keep on marching if the drummer stops.
Patience Strong

If smiling lips and shining eyes in the looking glass you see.
You need not fear the passing years for young youll always be.
Joy imparts a beauty time cant touch and thats a truth.
Happiness is better than the passing bloom of youth.
Patience Strong
The Jigsaw
Lifes a jigsaw puzzle and when you first look at it
you wonder how youre ever going to make the pieces fit
but take your time and bit by bit the picture you will see
as the fragments come together fitting perfectly.
Patience Strong
The Worth of a Friend
Thank you for your friendship. It has meant so much to me.
Thank you for your understanding, love and sympathy.
You have helped and guided me through many an anxious day.
How different life would be if you had never come my way.
Patience Strong
Do not fret and worry over things you cannot change.
Whats the use of beating at a wall?
Accept the things that have to be with humour and philosophy.
For worrying will do no good at all.
Patience Strong

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