Mertz Glacier Tongue

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Kanook – Tlingit Nation

February 26th, 2010

On February 12th or 13th, 2010 a very sizable block of Ice broke off from the Mertz
Glacier located between Cape De la Motte and Cape Hurley in Antarctica – causing
the world’s experts in climate prediction to sputter a warning about this 985 square
mile ice blocking the production of 25% of the world’s dense and very cold
seawater. This “slowdown” in production, they predict, could result in ‘colder
winters’ in the north Atlantic.

Size of Luxembourg
Albeit the experts do not claim that “climate change” bringing about the piece of
ice breaking free from the Mertz Glacier, pointing a finger at an impact of a very
large existing iceberg slamming into a tongue of ice from the glacier.
B9B “bumps” into the Mertz Glacier Tongue
The iceberg which broke free from the 100 mile spit of ice reaching out into the
Southern Ocean, due south of Melburne is over 1,312 feet thick, estimates say there
is enough fresh water in the new iceberg to supply the needs of the world’s
population [6,822,912,265] for one year. It is also mentioned that it could disturb
the area’s biodiversity that incudes a major colony of “emperor penguins” near the
French scientific station “Dumon d’Urville”.
French glaciologist, Benoit Legrsey” who is part of a team monitoring the Mertz
Glacier tells the world, “the ice tongue was almost broken already. It was hanging
like a loose tooth.” Where once a older berg know as B9B (which separated itself
from the Antarctica ice mass in 1987) moving in slow-motion smashed into the
already weaken tongue breaking off the billion-ton piece of ice.
The Mertz Glacier Tongue had been equiped with GPS beacons and other devices
and it is hoped the event will produce some “critical data” on how it unfolded….the
world waits with baited breath on what really happens when a piece of ice breaks
away from another piece of ice. Hey, listen these guys get paid “big bucks” to bring
you this information. It has been over two-weeks and they’re still studying the data
waiting for a information release form that has to be signed by former VP Al Gore,
and other European leaders.
Since the event the two massive bergs are locked into the Mertz Glacier Polynya,
which is said to have a strong effect on the bottom water of the world, something
like 20 percent of the dense – super cold and rich in salt – sinks to the bottom of the
sea and drives the conveyor-belt circulation around the globe.

Thermohaline Circulation: The Global Ocean Conveyor

If these two bergs, both of equal size, move east and run aground, or drift into
warmer areas, they will have no impact on the conveyor network, “but it they stay
within in the Mertz Glacier Polynya, which is likely, they could block the production
of this dense water, essentially putting a lid on the Polynya,” Benoit Legrsey
Eventually these two guys will die a natural death, but if B9B is any reference its
could be a while, as their lifespan will depend on what direction they move in…adrift
they could melt in a couple of decades and if they remain stuck to Antarctica – who
Oh yes, scientists NOT associated with the infamous IPCC tell us that “climate
change” is NOT to blame for a massive iceberg breaking ouff – “it’s a natural event”
– muttering under their breath that they did give a rip what “Rajendra Pachauri”
believed or thought when he stated with tears streaming from his face proclaiming
that the warming over the past 50 years was caused by humans, even though he
now claims 90% certainity, vs 150% certainity before Copenhagen. He should be
“tared and feathered” and made to ride a donkey out of town.

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