Bacon James Lisa 1997 Zimbabwe

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BOX 6018
TgI: 54-51850



MARCH 1997


2 Chron. 7: 13-14

Yes, Zimbabwe has had her draughts, her invasion of locusts, and her

pestilence; but the people prayed, turned to God and He opened the
heavens and sent much needed rain!

So much so that now, one can hear

the little children sing "Rain, rain go away, come back another day"!!! We
know that when God blesses. He does it abundantly. The dams are full, the
fields are green. This has been the result of ALL Christians in the country
praying together in unity.

Bacons too have been at the receiving end of God's blessings. We had the

utmost pleasure of being able to spend Christmas with our children and
grandchildren in South Africa. We met our grandchildren for the first time,
altriough Jim had spent a week with the eldest boy in 1994. We are still
savouring these happy family times. We are presently organizing our move
to our new house, which was purchased in February. God intervened there
too. We had acquired an apartment from the sale of our house in 1988 when
we left Zimbabwe to study for the ministry. This would have been a place for
retirement. But we fetched a good price from the apartment, when we
decided that we would live in Gweru where our work is. With the proceeds,

we have been able to buy a small house. Praise the Lord! We will now
have our own home, a place to 'hang our hat* as the Brits would say! At our
age. the prospect of having no home can be daunting. Moreover, we
received a grant from a donor agency which will contribute towards

purchasing a much needed vehicle. We still have to buy furniture, kitchen

cupboards and utensils, drapes , carpets and the many things necessary to
set up home. Thank you all of you who have prayed for us and sent us gifts
towards our settling In. We also thank God for allowing us to carry on our
work, unhindered, despite bouts of ill-health.


Attendance had fluctuated while the congregants went back to their rural

homes to plough their fields during the rainy seasons. Others had gone on
holiday to either Harare or Bulawayo where their family reside. However, we
now average 40 adults and 40 children on any Sunday. We intend to use
an interpreter once a month to translate Jim's sermons. So far, we have
counted 26 baptisms since we started with the church in July 1995 - (3 since

The Bible studies on Wednesdays continue. The young adults enjoy being
together on that day with Lisa still teaching them.
We have started another Bible study, once a month, in Athlone, and we are

praying that this will be the start of a cell group to reach the people there.
This monthly get together will eventually grow to weekly meetings. We are
excited at the prospect.

A third Bible study, this time in Shona, has started and a local pastor from

the neighbouring Church of Christ congregation teaches on Christian Family

Life. This is proving very popular, as our Shona people are so hungry for
the Word and for directions to live a life pleasing to God. With the Aids

pandemic, many realize the necessity of teaching their children the way of

The very popular Youth Club, now called "KFC" ( Kidsfor Christ), continue
to meet on Friday afternoons.

Our ladies are still meeting on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons to sew.

A breakthrough from this Self-Help scheme has resulted in our ladies sewing
26 shorts for young boys living in an orphanage in Athlone. Despite their

extreme poverty, these women have realized that orphans need to be cared
for. A humbling thought. We are now sewing more shorts and blouses to be
6o;d this time for the project to be viable. We need to buy more material for
sewing. Another breakthrough has been that many of these ladies now
participate in a Shona choir, in the bible lessons, and have come forward to
be baptized. Many have brought their friends. This method of evangelism is
proving very successful.


Our college student, Dinki Sumaili, whom the Gweru Christian Church
supports is on the Dean's list at Zimbabwe Christian College. Dinki has
helped the church during the Christmas holidays, preached twice, and
continues to help as he comes once a month to Gweru. He is like a breath of
fresh air and very popular with old and young alike. Another young man,
Stuart Woods, intends to start college in May 97. The church will pay for his
tuition fees while Whitmers will provide for his pocket money.

If anyone

would like to assist these two young men to further their education, US$150
will pay for a year's tuition.

Whitmers have indicated that they will return to Africa towards the end of
June. This will mean that Bacons will take up new residence at the beginning
of June. We will

continue to work with the church and make sure that our

new programmes are in place. We have made a three year commitment to

this church, but should the people want us to continue working with them, we
would be delighted. This would mean that we will need to go on fund raising
and report to our present supporters towards the middle of June 1998. Our
future is in God's hands and where He sends us , there we will go.
Please continue to keep us in your prayers, as we are in the forefront of the
battlefield and there are many attacks on our work. But we know that "He will
not send us where His grace cannot keep us"

Thank you to those who sent us second hand Bibles. They are of great
value to our new Christians.

Yours in Christ's Service,

Jim and


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Wehave beenin Gweni, Zimbabwe twoyears now....Amazing Yearsll

Our invitation by the Gweru Christian Church was to an E^lish speaking congregation^ under tiie
patriachal figure ofone AIwynKetterer. But the Lord had other plans for us. We soon became
Saba' and 'Araai' - father and moflier - to the very poor, ttie jobless and tJie very sick, and the

marginalized, on the periphery of^e small city ofGweru. Our programmes and outreach brou^t
hope. Despite our lack ofknowledge ofthe Shona language, we were readily accepted We visited
these people^ and prayed with them in their homes. Our willingness to care for them brought a
difference in their sad lives. We transported the sick tohospital, paid for their medicine, and

travelled long distances to officiate at flinerals, and give pastoral care to the bereaved. The result
is that our church ouilding is bursting at the seams. So far, 36 people have been baptised. The seed
ofttie gospel has been sown, and the Lord is working in many lives. He is using us in this area of
Zimbabwe. We have also made contact wifli other Christian groups, both black and w^ite. We
are known in Gweru now and the work is growing.

Our tiiree year commitment ends in April 1998. Steve andLindar Whitmer have returned, we are in
our new home, and the congregation would like to see us continue towork with them. We hope
and prs^ that you will still be willing to support us. We need USS750, minimum per month, to
continue here. We are planning to visit the US and the UK next year to raise funds. However, we
have realized that the cost ofgoing overseas would allow us to live a whole year here! 11 We ar?

looking for si^port until June 2001. By then, Jim will be entitled to his British Old Age Pension, and

we will find ourselves a little more independent financidly. To ttiose of you who are at present

supporting us in our ministrv, we hope that, you will contimie. It could be that you may need to adjust
your contribution. To others, we invite you to become co-workers with us in this worthwhile mission,
for God's gloryandthe building of His Kingdom.



On June. 28,1997, Jhn's son in law, Bradley Moore, aged 35 died. He committed smcide m

Johaanesbm-g^Soutii Africa. He took liis life as aresult ofheavy financial burdens. We thank God

tfiat we had been able to spend time with him at Christmas. Jim is grieving, as he loved Brad as his

own son. The loss hit him at a time when he was suffering from avei-y bad chest infection. Bradley

is am-vived by hia wife, Jim's daughter Lisa, and two small childi'en, aged 6yeai's, and 14 months.

Please keep Ae family in your prayers.


We have now the help ofamissionary from the Churches ofChrist, mAus^alia, to help Lisawith the

self-help project She is avery ressourcefiil lady. Also, two interns from Johnson Bible CoHege Kelley Whitmer and her friend Matt Cable, who are helping wift the youth for the suiter.
are also working with Steve= We have had the pleasure ofhaving Rodger Edrington, from
visit us. We also met with Glen aid Paddy Millar from SJOC. Itwas so good to meet up wim . Id
Friends'. We have received many second hand Bibles, thanks to Central Christian Church, San
Jose. CA. We are always grateful for those.

Jim and Lisahave suffered bouts ofillness. Please pray for Lisa, as she is now on medication tor

Our daughter, Vanessa, is now engaged to ayoung Christian fanner, Paul MatihewB. Tliey intend
to tie the knot in March 1998.

We alwsQTs think ofyou, pr^ for you, and thank you for your concern and your love for ub.
Youth in Christ,

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8 Bradley Street

Box 6018






We have entered into the last quarter of the year 1997, and we are pleased to
report that the church is alive and doing well. Despite the transient nature
of the congregation, the church is full at every worship service. Activities
during the summer months have been varied.

The young people enjoyed the programmes organised by our college students.
The under 12's - KFC - Kids for Christ had a good time when the students

entertained them with all sorts of games, and lessons related with the games.
They still talk about their 'August Holidays' with nostalgia. They are now


the Christmas programme under the guidance of Mrs.


These young children enjoy participating in our Sunday Worship
service during the 'specials' time. We are still amazed at their knowledge of
the Bible; their prayers are so simple, yet so moving. We are sure that our
Heavenly Father looks kindly on them, smiles,

and readily answers them.

The teens had a few 'lock-in's' and participated in many lively discussions
about the current problems plaguing Gweru. These youths showed a depth of
thinking which indicated their growth and maturity. Every student is now back
at school or at college, but those who remain in Gweru still meet for prayer
on Saturday afternoons. They have a time of praise and worship, followed by a
Lisa intends to
organise a weekend seminar on 'Dating and
Pre-Marital Sex', which subject is very relevant to these young people, who
are always under the threat of the Aids Pandemic.

The ladies of the self-help group enjoyed the teaching of Rosemary Hunt during
the holidays while Lisa was busy with her new home.
This Australian missionary
enthusiastically showed the ladies how to cook cheap and nutritious meals
even on a wood fire.

She also taught them how to sew T-shirts, how to knit

and crochet simple clothes for babies and toddlers.

At present, we have some

beautiful woollen articles which need to be sold in order to make the project

Now that Rosemary is gone, Lisa

is back on the saddle.

She has

started Bible lessons before the sewing starts. She loves teaching these
women who are hungry for the Word, for fellowship, and for learning new

We are still having our Bible studies on Wednesday evenings. The group now
meets in our home. We are studying the book of James, and the emphasis is on
practical Christianity with deep closeness with our Lord, Jesus Christ. The
group consisted of young and mature adults, but lately we have been joined by
younger people, 13-16 years old. This group, meeting on Wednesdays, is keen
on serious study, and it is our intention to train them to maturity,
eventually be part of the leadership of the church.

Our Sunday Worship service averages 50 adults and 45 children. But if all
were to attend the service on the same day, there would be no space in the
Consequently, we have made application to the City Council to

obtain a vacant plot, to eventually house a church building. We are seeking

the Lord's will on this matter and are waiting for His guidance. Since the
beginning of the June, we have had 11 baptisirrs, and 6 re-dedications. Two
ladies have come forward last Sunday, 26 October, and will be baptised this
coming V/ednesday afternoon. Although the services were originally in English,
we are now including Shona songs and prayers, the sermons are translated twice
monthly, and our Shona congregants have welcomed this.

Our college student, Dinki Sumaili, whom the church sponsors, is still doing
He is a straight A student.
His sermon shows a depth of Christian
maturity often beyond his years.
We always look forward to his visits, and
his sermons, when he comes to Gweru. Stuart Woods, whom the Whitmers sponsor,
is also doing well in his first year of college. He too has grown spiritually.

JWe mention the activities of our church each time we writs, but to those who
haye been, or are, in full-time ministry, know that there is more to it than
programmes and activities.
We regularly visit our people in hospital, even
sit with their relatives outside the hospital building, often in the very
early hours of the day, or late at night.
African funerals are so different
from the Western ones, and we find ourselves being with the bereaved family
for hours, after travelling many miles to their homes. Life among the poor
in Gweru is always full of misery and grief, and Jim visits many homes and
prays with them, often helping them with food, clothes, bus fare, school fees,
or hospital fees. There is the informal counseling of a widow, of an expectant
teenage mother, of a young man afflicted with Aids, or of an old father who
has just buried his son. We find that presently it is the old people who bury
their young, because of Aids related illnesses. This scourge is wiping mainly
those aged between 18 and 40. It is the grandparents who are caring for the
orphaned young ones. Soon, when these old people pass away, the children will
have no one to teach them

their tradition.

Jim and and Lisa have realised

that there is a need to replace the missing parents and use this opportunity
to present the gospel of Christ to this orphaned generation.
There is always
so much to do in Africa!

The mission field is full of ups and downs, and disappointments are many.
There are those converts who fall by the way-side after accepting Christ, and
there are those who come to church only for the material help they can get.
Like in the Corinthian church, there is immorality amongst the people, and we
have to be ^
vigilant about this kind of sin. There are also spiritual

attacfTs of the devil, which in Africa is very prevalent.

We feel that being

on the front line of battle can be very trying and exhausting.

Please pray
for us that we can withstand these attacks and that God puts His shield of

protection around us.

There are many good things hapenning in the city of Gweru however.
pastors of all denominations who confess Christ, join together in unity with
allegiance to one Captain, Christ, to fight one common enemy.
We have a
'pastors with wives breakfast' every month.
We pray for the Church, for
unity, for the country, and for the furtherance of the Gospel. Bacons hosted
the last pastors' breakfast in their new home. All those present
prayed for

ur home and dedicated it to the Lord's work.

We had a joint Service last
Sunday - 26 October - to pray for the rains, and for the city of Gweru and its
leaders. This
kind of service make all the difference in every Christian's


Good health

for Jim and Lisa

- Our financial situation

(Gur support has been drastically cut since

- Our college students

- God's guidance for the acquisition of a plot for a church building

- Thanksgiving for Bacon's new home.
- God's protection for the Gweru Christian Church

We thank you for reading our newsletter!

We do no have a 'fancy' computer,
with all the modern trimmings.
We own just a small wordprocessor, but what
we write and say is genuine and from our heart.

We thank you for your support - in kind, in prayer, in words of encouragement.

We thank you for your friendship, your faith in us, for your partnership in
our ministry.

May God richly bless you.

Yours in Christ,

Jira/and' Lisa Bacon





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