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THBT Animal Testing Should be

Status Quo
As we know, nowadays it has been really common for every scientific research, medical research,
pharmaceutical manufacture, and cosmetic manufacture to use animal as their test subject for their
product. In every new product development, they will test it to animal, like rat, chimpanzee, pig, and
any other animal first. For example, Cosmetic manufacture usually test their new skin product to
animal first. They do it to make sure that this product will not harm any living thing, especially human,
since human is the main consumer for every product. They do such a test to make sure that their
product will not cause irritation, burning, or any other skin problem. Or they will use the animal for
studies on embryogenesis and developmental biology, experiments into behavior, studies into breeding,
genetic modification of animals to study disease, Studies on models of naturally occurring disease and
condition. We believe that this kind of testing shouldnt be banned because :

1. Animal Is Really Important For Every New Breakthrough In

Modern Science Study
Animal is the main key for every science and medical breakthrough. Every source of 21 st century
science are based on living subject experiment. Animal is the one commonly used. Animal usually being
injected with some kind of disease, and the researcher will observe the situation in its body. After that
the researcher will start to work on the cure or the vaccine. Researcher could also learn about the
effect of the disease in human like cell, tissue and organ. Thats why, researcher could not just use any
type of animal. The animal that will be used for experiment has been carefully selected and breed, so
the animal cell, tissue and organ would be really similar with the one human possessed. So scientist
cannot just use any type of animal. They usually use lab rat that has been genetically engineered and
breed for this type of research. So of course it will not affect the population, food chain or even
ecosystem. According to one of the Medical Journal in Uneversity of Jember. To test their new type of
cure for malaria, they use specific type of rat that has been genetically modified and sterilize named
white strain balb/c mice, so the result of the research would be relevant for human condition. They
first inject the mice with malaria disease, with enhancer so the disease would affect the mice faster.
Then they took the blood sample and observe it. After that they inject the rat with the new modified
cure and took another blood sample to observe the disease, after that they quickly burn the rat to
make sure the disease wouldnt spread into more horrible plague. This might sounds really mean and
evil since it looks like they are hurting the mice. But this is the necessary evil, there wouldnt be any
new cure or vaccine without this kind of way. There wouldnt be any progress significant progress or
even a progress at all since to make sure about how a disease work, researcher must observe the living
sample of an animal, the could know exactly whats really going on inside the body. This kind of way are
still much better than Human testing since it will be immoral an inhuman. Animals, even though they
got feeling and stuff, they are still a being that lower from human. If killing animal this way is mean,
why dont you say eating a non vegetarian food is mean, this kind of research own much more noble
cause than just to fulfill our desire to eat. we are not stating that eating animal is wrong, we are just
trying to make a good comparison between what the researcher do and normal people eating fried
chicken. The mice will die in much more noble condition than the chicken at fast food restaurant,
since they contribute for the continuation of human fight against new occurring disease and virus. The

result of the research could also be used for the human for better understanding of disease and how to
cure them, which is really good, considering that most of the time, human must struggle against new
occurring and much more hazardous disease, like Ebola, Polio, PES, HIV, Swine Flu, Malaria and many
other disease, the cure for them cannot be finished without animal test, so animal test hold many use
for human research.

2. The Test Would Not Harm The Animal

Thanks to 21st century technology and medical science, now we could make sure this kind of testing
wouldnt harm the living subject for too long and less painful for the test subject. Nowadays they start
to use anesthetic to put them a sleep and stay in that position during the research, the test subject
will not feel anything and the scientist could observe them calmly, since the animal will not resist at all
due to the anesthetic effect. This kind of way will make sure the animal would not suffer and feel any
pain during the research, and they will still feel nothing when they are burned to eradicate the virus
that has been injected to them. Even though they are being a test subject for cosmetic manufacture
they will not be harmed abusively. The manufacture would only swipe the cosmetic into a small part of
their skin to observe what will happen, will their skin reflect the cosmetic or accept the cosmetic. And
of course, the maker of the cosmetic definitely are not a stupid people, this type of product will never
be designed to harm human skin for the first place, but still the researcher need to be sure about what
they are doing. They test it to animal first, so they could predict the effect on human. It will be more
ethically wrong if they dont do animal test at all, since if one of their product harm their loyal paying
customer, this kind of banning will backlash the manufacture. For example, Cosmetic Manufacture A
choose to not test their new foundation cream and directly sell them into the public, what will happen
if this foundation cause rash, burning, and any other skin problem, of course the factory will lost the
trust of the consumer and probably get bankrupted. How many person would lose their job in that
factory, just because they refuse to do animal test. This is the kind of issue that we shall let it sink for
a moment. Even though accident could happen and will happen on any type of animal cosmetic testing,
the worst thing could happen is they will got rash on their skin, it will not make any life endangering
situation. Thats all another reason to still allowing animal testing

3. It Has Been Monitored By The Law

Animal testing has been managed and fully monitored by the law. The researcher couldnt just order
animal for their test subject an immediately inject them with disease and burn them afterward. No,
the researcher must to fill tons of paperwork, sign thousands document and report what they are
doing to the government in charge, since law is under supervision of government. This paperworl fills
with the morality of the research, will the research give more good impact than the bad impact. Will
the research harm the animal in inhuman ways. Where do they got the specimen. What they will they
do to the specimen after the research. And many more. So scientist couldnt do animal testing at their
will. They must to obey the rules in the law managing their research. So government could put a big
supervision whether this research is legal or not, already documented or not. So the government will
own a big surveillance and own rights to stop the research and put the researcher into jail for animal
abuse, mal practice and suspicious activity. Even at this kind of condition are being carefully managed
by the government in charge. And the government owns a very big responsibility for this research. For
example, A study is being held to study the effect of brain virus on monkey, but they have not register
their study yet. Then the government owns full right to close your study and put you in a jail, since the
government may take a backlash if Zombie Apocalypse happen. So Government and the Law are in
charge and fully supervise any animal involved research.

After considering the fact that animal testing are very very useful for the human research, and it also
wouldnt harm the animal. And any type of animal involved research are being monitored by the
law.Animal testing shouldnt be banned because it comes with a lot of benefit, from new understanding
of a disease, cure and vaccine development. Without animal testing, there will be no cure for a
disease, there will be no new breakthrough in science, there will be no development in medical
research. And thats why, Animal testing shouldnt be banned

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