Presentacion SgdWms AsambleaPNOA English

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Madrid Valladolid Valencia Logroño

Ronda de Poniente,3 Parque Tecnol. de Boecillo Uruguay 11, Suite 702 Avda de Portugal, 18
28760 Tres Cantos Edif. Galileo, oficina 201 46007-Valencia 26001 Logroño
Tel: +34 917 713 455 47151 Boecillo – Valladolid Tel: +34 941 270 870
Tel: +34 983 440 271
1) Introducción
• SgdWms is an Internet-based map server that meets the the Open GIS Consortium
WMS version 1.1.x specifications.
• It has beendeveloped entirely in Spain with the programming language C + +.
• The completion of this application has been made possible by the support of various
agencies and institutions that once bet on that development.

• The document focuses on the particulars of this server while omitting what is
common to any WMS server to which it refers to official documents
( ).
• Among the points that we highlight in this server are the following
• Management of an unlimited amount of source data, both raster and vector
supplied in their original format, without requiring specific conversions for
this server.
• Special preparation for Spatial Reference Rystems (SRS) used in Spain which
can be used whenever the data in its original SRS, and serving in any other
SRS with error not greater than one pixel at any point of the image.
• The option to serve photogrammetric flights and providing the resulting
images in stereoscopic or monoscopic mode.
Data Management
2.1) The architecture document view
• The map server works according to the document-view architecture.
• The document-view architecture is based on the idea that one part is the data
(content), and secondly how they are displayed this (view).

• For a mapping applications data comes in files with formats such as DWG, SHP, TIFF,
JP2, & ECW and the view that the map is assembled from these files.

• First you select the files (documents) that we will need to create our map.

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• Now we'll explain how we want to see this data displayed.For example we note that a
document (Map 25000) is only visible in a certain range of scale while if it enters
another scale range, is another document that is left visible (eg orthophotos). You
can also leave a certain outstanding data to be highlighted in this view (eg

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• Once the view is composed, that is displayed on the form chosen as the zoom level or
the selected style

2.2) Characteristics of the data that can be incorporated into


• • In the view both vector data (DSG, DWG, DXF, SHP ,...), as raster (JP2, ECW, TIFF,
GeoTIFF, BMP ,...). data can be included

• • The number of files that can be incorporated into the view is virtually unlimited.

• • System performance does not suffer significantly even if the number of these files
is very high.

• • Tests were carried out with over 16,000 ECW files open simultaneously
without any observed problems in stability
or performance of the system.

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2.3) Association of the view with a WMS.

• Once the view is drawn, it generates a file with information pertaining to the view
(SGV extension).
• To register on the server, the view is associated with a WMS service name.

• After accessing the service, you can make requests to it via WMS.

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2.4) The WMS Request

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Spatial Reference System (SRS).
3.1) Input SRS

• The server accepts as input SRS Spatial Reference Systems (Spatial Reference
System - SRS), commonly used in Spain.
• The list of currently handled SRS is:

• Geographical ED50 (EPSG: 4230)

• Geographical ETRS89 (EPSG: 4258)

• Geographic WGS84 (EPSG: 4326)

• UTM ED50 (EPSG: 230XX)

• UTM ETRS89 (EPSG: 258XX)

• UTM WGS89 (EPSG: 326XX)

3.2) SRS Output

• As output SRS also supports all those commonly used in Spain.That is, the same as
the previous list.

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3.3) Calculations to change SRS
• The datum shift between ED50 and ETRS89 is calculated using the method of
minimum curvature.Usually the grid matrix applied is provided by the IGN
• In the event that the calculation will have to perform in an area for which there is
no grid array, in that area, is calculated using the method of the seven parameters,
with the coefficients recommended for each area of Spain.
• In the remaining transformations (shift from geographic to UTM, zone change, etc..)
Implements the exact formulas of geodesy, whenever necessary.
• If you only have to move the origin and scaling the image, and provided that this
does not involve more than one pixel error at any point of the image, change SRS
simply shifts the origin and scale the image.
• If it is necessary to deform the image, the margin of error is always less than one
• The calculation is optimized by limiting to a minimum the number of complex formulas but
applying them whenever necessary.

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Photogrammetric flights.

4.1) The Stereo View.

• A stereo view is equal to a view of maps as described above, but also includes
among its documents data for photogrammetric flight.

• When requesting a zoom of an area, the application selects two frames closest to the area
requested, and extracts from each of the frames, the image for that area.

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• Similar to the conventional view, you can select how the stereo image is
displayed.For example you can select:
• the scale from which we want to display the stereoscopic flight, left no visible or
contours, if you include some information vector, and so on.

4.2) Displaying photogrammetric flight over the Internet

• The photogrammetric flight should be normally viewed stereoscopically, for which it

is necessary to send a picture to be viewed with the right eye (obtained from a
frame), and another to be viewed with the left eye (from the other frame).
• The WMS standard has no definition for the sending of stereoscopic images.It has
therefore been necessary to 'improvise' a solution for sending such images.
• So the solution that has been adopted is that when ordering a stereoscopic image,
it sends a double-wide image, the left part corresponds to what the eye sees the right
and the right side, the corresponding image to the left eye.This is a format commonly
used for the generation of stereoscopic images (such as JPS format).

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4.3) The visualization of Photogrammetric Flight in WMS
• WMS clients are not prepared for the reception of stereoscopic images.So when
they receive a double-wide image, each interprets the information as it best can.

• • Therefore we have developed specialized WMS client applications that are able to
interpret these two images.
• • Some are developed in JavaScript and are only able to work with images in
anaglyph mode.



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• Others, more specialized, are developed in Java and able to work in stereo mode both real
(if the client hardware permits), or in anaglyph mode (in all cases).This way more advanced
features like 3D cursor, etc.. become available.

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4.4) Anaglyph Display Mode
• As noted above, the normal WMS clients are not prepared to present dual images.
• To solve this problem, one possible solution is to make the image sent directly by
the server in anaglyph mode.
• This can be done when configuring the view (by selecting the "View in anaglyph
• This can also be accomplised explicitly in the request indicating that the image you
wish to receive in anaglyph mode using parameter STYLES (STYLES =
SGD_StereoModel: ShowAnaglyphicOn)
• The following is an example of viewing a photogrammetric flight Euskadi conducted
in 2007 via IDEE.The URL to connect to this service:
MS?&ServiceName=Euskadi2007 & STYLES =
SGD_StereoModel: ShowAnaglyphicOn

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4.4) Ortho On The Fly
• You can also ask the server to present us with the area corresponding to the window
you want to view orthorectified.
• In this case, the server that is responsible for conducting the orthorectification of the
area requested at the time that comes (OrtoOnTheFly).
• To achieve this it is sufficient that the request to the WMS STYLES parameter is
selected style: STYLES=SGD_StereoModel::OrthoOnTheFlyOn.
• The following example is a sample submitted photogrammetric flight through the
IDEE, with the fly orthorectification.The URL to connect to the service is:

• The resulting image is a real orthorectification and may overlap with any other
mapping information.

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• The following image belongs to an area in which the plot is superimposed on the

rising of SIGPAC.

• The following corresponds to the same area, but this time with the land overlapped
the 2007 flight orthorectified.You can easily see the changes.

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4.5) Examples of WMS requests photogrammetric flights
4.5.1) Concha Beach 2009 (double image / real stereo).

4.5.2) Concha Beach 2009 (Anaglyph).

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4.5.3) Concha Beach 2009 (Ortho On The Fly).


4.5.4) Concha Beach 2006 (Ortho On The Fly).

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4.5.5) Urgul 2009 Anaglyph with Contours

4.5.6) Urgul Ortho On The Fly 2007

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4.6) Advantages of the publication of photogrammetric flights
over the Internet
The publication of photogrammetric flights over the Internet, presents a number of
advantages, among which we highlight the following.
• Economy.
1. It's not that the production of flights and photogrammetric triangulation of the
data is cheap.
2. The big advantage is that these flights have already been made, or are in
progress for other things (production of orthophotos, restitution, etc.)..
3. All you have to do is take those flights (which were implemented for other
purposes and therefore its cost is already zero), and post them online.
4. The cost of the flights in preparation for publication on the Internet depends on
various circumstances (eg come in terms of the flight is already scanned or not),
but will in any case very small.

• Immediacy.
1. Another important advantage of the Internet publication of flights, is that it may
be available online in a very short space of time after they were made.
2. Do not forget that for many business (planning detecting violations, erosion
studies, recognition of plant species, etc..) Is much more important data present
that the geometric accuracy thereof.
3. With modern photogrammetric flights carried out directly with digital camera,
with absolute positioning GPS and inertial system (INS), the flight may be
published on the Internet within days of completion.
4. Later you can refine your geometric quality of the results as they become
available more accurate data. For example once you have completed the
triangulation of the flight, you can replace the guidelines of GPS / INS, by
references to the triangulation.
2) Stereoscopic vision.
1. For many types of work stereoscopic vision presents some significant advantages
over the use of monoscopic vision. Usually it will all work well for photo-
interpretation in which the 3D view represents an advantage. As an example of
work that is especially useful this type of visualization can identify the following:
2. Forest Inventory.It has been noted by experts that the display of a plant species
in 3D is a very important support for the recognition of the species in question
and to determine the vegetative state which is the same.
3. Assessment of erosion. The photo interpretation of areas affected by erosion is
much more simple and accurate using stereoscopic visualization.
4. Firefighting logistics and operations.Experts of this theme we have noted that the
stereoscopic display of a territory can be a significant help from the point of view
to face the extinction of a wildfire. First, today's flight data ensures that the
territory is now really as we're seeing. Moreover we can obtain real information
infrastructure (access roads, whether paved or not, pending the same, etc..) To
see if it is feasible for them to send equipment to extinguish them. Finally the
visualization of plant species in 3D, photo interpretation and the correct
topography can help in determining the most favorable to try to stop the spread
of fire.
5. Location of telecommunication antennas.The use of stereoscopic flights is
particularly useful in helping to locate the most favorable location for these
antennas, it helps significantly in both the location of buildings with terraces
more favorable (either by location or by the height of thereof), as in the analysis
of its accessibility and affordability in the same installation of these devices.
6. Moreover, the monoscopic vision is more comfortable and requires less hardware
requirements than the stereo. Therefore we must not forget that at the time that
the flight be preferable to see this way you can always see it that way by using
the "Sunrise on the fly.
3) Photogrammetric precision.
1. The data served online corresponding to a photogrammetric flight and therefore
have the precision for this kind of work. This precision photogrammetric, allows

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the use of these flights are posted on the Internet for some type of work

including, by way of example, we noted the following:

2. Making small work of restoration and renovation of cartography. For now, Internet
bandwidths do not justify its use for carrying out large Photogrammetric work,
but their use for the restoration of small areas or to update maps.
3. Measuring plant growth.For example, photogrammetric accuracy of the lodging,
would perch on top of a particular plant species and assess their growth over the
4. Quantification of erosion.It is also possible to land on the bottom of a gully and
evaluate how it's going and goes plunging over the years and accurately quantify
the volume of ground lost over time.

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4.7) Photogrammatic Flight Services Available Online
• Nowadays there many areas serving photogrammetric flights online.Some of the
notable include following:
o PNOA Flight Northwest Castilla & Leon 2004 (2.500.000 ha), with 25 cm pixel.
o PNOA Flight Northeast Castilla & Leon 2007 (2.600.000 ha), with 50 cm pixel.
o PNOA Flight Murcia 2004 (1.300.000 ha) with 50 cm pixel.
o PNOA Flight Basque Country 2006 (850.000 ha), with 25 cm pixel.
o PNOA Flight Basque Country 2007 (850.000 ha), with 50 cm pixel.

• There are some other flights preparations (PNOA Navarra 2005 and 2006) and others
in preparation (Murcia PNOA 2007), but as of yet not published online.
• Much of the flights available, can be accessed and viewed through the page
StereoWebMap (

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Stereoscopic images in anaglyphic mode
BILBAO (Guggenheim Museum)
VITORIA (Cathedral)
BURGOS (Cathedral)
PALENCIA (Cathedral)
LEON (Auditorium)
MURCIA (Plaza de Toros)
MURCIA (Aguilas)
MURCIA (La Manga)

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