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1. The club shall be known as
Aguilon Members Club.
2. Membership shall be limited to full and temporary members of
Aguilon Golf
and as otherwise determined by the Committee. 3. Application for
membership should be on the prescribed form and ideally seconded
by an existing member. Membership will commence after
confirmation from the Committee and payment of the annual
membership fee. 4. The aims of the club are to provide: A.
Organized competitive and social golf for its members B.
Competitions and excursions to other courses C. Social events 5. All
of the clubs golfing activities shall be governed by the rules of the
Royal &Ancient (R&A), the European Golf Association (E.G.A.), the
Real Federacion Espanola De Golf (R.F.E.G.) and/or local club rules.
6. The members shall elect a Committee to consist of at least two
members. Others may be elected or co-opted as deemed
appropriate. Two members will be sufficient to form a quorum. 7.
The Committee shall arrange for an Annual General Meeting (AGM)
to be held in October every year, giving 21 days prior notice to
members, and a request for agenda items which must be submitted
in writing, proposed and seconded. The AGM will accept at the
meeting, proposed and seconded amendments to items on the
agenda, matters of an urgent nature and any other business. The
Chairman of the meeting will be the final arbiter of what is
acceptable for resolution or amendment at the meeting. Members
unable to attend may appoint a proxy, and the Secretary must be
informed of these arrangements in advance of the meeting. At least
10 members are required to form a quorum.
8. All persons elected shall serve for a period of one year until the
next AGM. Committee members may offer themselves for reelection. 9. Handicaps will be adjusted in accordance with the
Qualifying requirements of the E.G.A. and R.F.E.G. New members will
be required to show a handicap certificate from their previous
club/society or submit 4 cards to be assessed for a club handicap.
10.An Extraordinary General Meeting (E.G.M.) may be called by the
Committee or by any member submitting a written request detailing
the reason and supported by the signatures of at least seven other
members. At least 1 weeks notice shall be given for such a
meeting. Proxy votes will be accepted. At least 10 members are
required to form a quorum. 11). The Constitution may only be
altered by a majority of those voting or voting by proxy at an AGM
or EGM. 12). The annual membership fee will be paid by all
members at the first event they play after the 1
January. The initial fee will be 5 euros per person and the amount
thereafter will be discussed and agreed at the AGM. 13). Any

member behaving in a manner that is considered to be detrimental

to the club may render themselves liable to termination of
membership. This would be decided by a simple majority of the
Committee. Any member can appeal the decision.

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