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Laboratory Rubric

BIO 002
Spring 2010 — authored by Harshani Peiris

Lab report – 35 points

Pre lab – 5 points

Very good (3) Good (2) Borderline (1)
Contains title, name, date,
Missing one Missing two Missing more than
course, teacher, period.
except title or except title or two, or title or
Logically sequenced:
Title Page name. name. Not more name.
Introduction, Hypothesis,
and Sequence Not more than one than 2 categories More than 2
Materials and methods,
category missing missing or out of categories missing
Data/Results, Discussion,
or out of sequence. sequence. or out of sequence.
Contains a clear detailed
covering some
explanation of the
aspects about the Very little
background, an
background and introduction ; No introduction;
Introduction introduction to the lab
lab; English frequent errors in English poor;
format, techniques.
generally correct; grammar;.
grammatically correct
correctly labeled
but not titled.
Declares a purpose
Clear explanation of Gives a correct Declares a with no logical
Hypothesis purpose; educates by purpose with some purpose that is explanation or does
providing context. framework correct. not declare a
Materials and Site the protocol/handout
Methods provided (only 1 point)
Includes formulas
Includes formulas
Includes and calculations Does not include
and some
formulas/calculations used to analyze formulas nor
calculations used
used to analyze data & data. Records calculations used to
to analyze data.
Data/results explains their use. observations, analyze data. No
Records some
Records observations and sometimes their observations noted.
explains their import. All import. Most Original data not
Some original
original data included. original data present.
data included.
Calculations clearly laid Calculations Calculations Dimensional is
out. Dimensional contain few errors contain some analysis not used.
analysis/Math correct. in dimensional errors in Math not shown.
and Units
Figures display data analysis or math. dimensional Figures display
correctly, all variables Figures correct, analysis or math. data incorrectly.
labeled. variables Figures correct. Units are rarely
Units are used correctly unlabeled. No labels or used or are
and consistently Unites generally legend. Units generally incorrect.
throughout the report. used correctly in used only in some
most of report. key parts of
Restates the hypothesis, Supports or
Restates the
supports or refutes it and refutes the
Discussion hypothesis and Does not address
explains the role of the hypothesis
part 1 supports or refutes the hypothesis.
data gathered to make the without restating
decision. it.
Uses data powerfully as Refers to data in Does not use data
Discussion Uses data to
evidence to support the body of the to support
part 2 support statements.
statements. report as support. arguments
The conclusion is
Conclusion is logically Conclusion is logical but poorly
forced from data and logical but not defended. The conclusion is
Conclusion –
prior knowledge. thoroughly Suggests incorrect. Does not
Logic and
Identifies sources of error defended. possibility of address possibility
and explains effect on Identifies sources error but of error.
results. of error. identifies no
References used
References used
References used from from outside
from outside
outside sources. Proper sources.
References sources. No references used.
referencing techniques Referencing
References sited
used. technique is not

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