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August-September 2015
VBS 2015Camp Discovery!

Everyone enjoyed craft time!

Mary Britton and Mark Olson lead camp songs

Laura Burfeind and Eric Gustafson in the Bible

Challenge room with the Happy Hikers

Coming This Fall...

Hold on to Your Bibles...
Family Ministry is in Action!!!
As summer comes to an end and the tents and fishing poles are put away and
slumber parties come to an end, dont be sad! The year ahead holds so much to be
excited for! Our family ministry is heading in an adventurous direction as we get
ready for Sunday school, confirmation, and youth group. I have had so much fun
over the last couple of years being a volunteer for these activities so now that I
am the organizer, I am ready to take the lion by his mane and get these crazy
fun times started!!!
First things first, Id like to start with Confirmation! There will be a mandatory
Parent Orientation on September 13th at 12:15 p.m., lunch provided. If you would
like your 5th/6th grader, or returning confirmand to attend confirmation, you will
need to be at this meeting. Confirmation will be conducted a little differently
beginning this year. We will go over the curriculum, parent/child expectations, and
also hand out the calendar. You wont want to miss this! We have exciting news
that we cant wait to share with you!!!
Second up is Youth Group!!! Calling all 7th-12th graders!!! If your child is below 7th
grade but has been confirmed they are lumped into this group so please bring
them! Youth Group will be held on Wednesdays starting October 9th from 6-7:30
p.m. Harrison and I will be heading this up and we have a fun year planned.
Last, but not at all least, is Sunday school. We are still looking for Sunday school
teachers, if you are interested or think God may be calling you to step up, please
call or email me! I would love to take you to lunch to go over the options. And
besides, what better way to show your child how to work in Gods kingdom than to
set the example yourself?!!! Our curriculum for Sunday school this year is fun,
active and feels like VBS every Sunday! Your supplies for each class will be
prepared in advance so all you need to do is show up and be ready to make a

difference in a childs life. We do not have a date for Sunday school just yet
because we need teachers before we can start! If we dont have the volunteers we
need by September 13th we will move to the family school model which will start on
September 20th.
We look forward to this upcoming year as we serve God, join you in fellowship, and
guide our youth to our living God and true Savior! Please contact me with any
questions you have!
Blessing and love,
Rachel Goodell
Director of Family Ministry

Weighing Anchor
Jim Scriven, School

I had one of those youve just got

to shake your head moments recently.
Walking up to the entrance of Planet Fitness,
where I exercise when its not so great for
being outside (translation: all winter, hit or
miss in summer), I observed someone pull
into the handicapped parking stall just in
front of the entrance. I noticed this persons
vehicle didnt have handicapped markings.
In fact, a young guy (20-something, thats
now young to me) hopped out of the driver
seat with his gym bag, heading inside for his
I turned to my wife and sighed. I mean,
really? He had to take the handicapped spot.
Why? What, he didnt want to have to walk
so far, when he was coming for a
workout??? Think about it. Thats just
Such action speaks to a mentality
prevalent our society. Many people have no
issue with following rules selectively. The
standard seems to be that if they cant see
any real problem, then theres no problem.
Thats how we have speeding on every road
imaginable, as though speed limits are
suggestions. Thats how underage
drinking sometimes seems to be expected,
rather than unusual. And dont even get me
started on Gods laws. Our culture, and even
many within the church, are visibly treating
the Ten Commandments more like the Ten
Recommendations You Might Want to
Consider to See if They Work for You.
Again, sigh

Within such context,

Lutheran School ministry
is that much more
important. At Anchor, we
dont simply teach academics.
We teach Gods plan for our lives.
We build character. We inspire integrity
as an intentional choice. We train up
children to follow Gods way because it is
best for us and those around us, as well as
being how we appropriately and lovingly
respond to what God has done for us. Being
Christian is not about proving our worth to
God, but it can be about showing the world
that Gods people stand for the best in
conduct and character, contributing
positively to our neighborhoods,
communities, and world, being Gods light in
a world of darkness.
And it can show as simply as parking
appropriately, just because you should.


How to Explain the Resurrection of

the Body to Your Next Door Neighbor

By Bill Woolsey
When talking with pre-believers, some of
the theological understandings we take for
granted often leave them glassy-eyed. We
should expect no less since in Mark 9, once
after the transfiguration and once during a
discipleship class, Mark records the
disciples did not understand what Jesus
meant by rising from the dead (Mark
9:10,32). Add in todays reincarnation
influences and the importance of explaining
the resurrection succinctly is even more
necessary. Try this
Your current body will only last for so
long. Most people get this. Im one half of a
century plus change old and I certainly get
it. Things deteriorate and the best first-hand
epic fail is my body. Most of your neighbors
will nod at this point.
Your soul, however, will last
forever. Most of your neighbors will also
agree that theres more than meets the eye
when it comes to you being you. (Those who
dont, well, ask them how theyd like being
treated like the tree in your backyard.) This
means Im more than just a body; theres
something inside that truly makes me me.
The Bible calls that uniquely spiritual you
your soul. Everyones got one. And it will
never die. Timeless. Epic eternal.
After your body dies, your soul hangs
out with God. Your neighbor hopes this
ones true its a core ingredient in all of the
feel-good religions. While the
Bible doesnt go into detail about what
happens during this post-body-death time,
Jesus does tell the befriending thief on the
cross Today you will be with me in
paradise. So Jesus makes it where the soul
goes to a happy place right away when the

bodys done lasting. No purgatory, grayish,

wondering existence. Simply in paradise
with your Creator.
God will rejoin your soul with your
v2.0 body. Ok, I know, this sounds
reincarnation-ish, which might interest
Helda, your hair stylist. But its not really,
because while reincarnation says your
uniquely spiritual you part might be
stuffed into a housefly, the Bible says the
uniquely spiritual you part gets restuffed
into your uniquely physical you body, the
one your grandma would recognize. (Admit
it: your soul in a housefly wouldnt be you. It
would be just be a really smart housefly.)
The new you 2.0 will live
forever. Smartphones and laptops long for
the latest update. But the latest update only
lasts so long. When it comes to resurrection,
though, v.2.0 is all He wrote. Perfect
uniquely physical you body no flaws,
blemishes, or break downs and a perfect
uniquely spiritual you soul no fretting,
worrying, or suffering united forever into
the Joe your parents loved. Never to be
undone again. Ever. Perfection cant be reperfected.
Jesus makes all of this possible. Heres
the clincher. Hopefully Tina has been
tracking with you and Nelson, nodding his
head. Youve basically been sharing Gospel
gift stuff, how Jesus changes our endings.
But now its time to tell them how the
resurrection becomes theirs, how death
goes from winning to losing. Short answer:
Jesus. Its Jesus that makes all of this
possible. Hes the giver who wants to give
you this. Do you believe Hes able? Do you
believe Hes the One who made death
obsolete? If you do, its all yours. If you
dont, well, good luck with the fly body.

Lutheran Social Services

of Alaska

Alan Budahl, Executive Director, LSSA

1303 W. 33rd Avenue

The annual HUGSS (Help Us Give School

Supplies) and Coats for Kids distribution has
been divided into two separate events this
year due to the renovation of the Sullivan
Arena. HUGSS was on Tuesday, August 11th
at East High School. Coats for Kids will take
place on Saturday, September 26th at the
Salvation Army Community Center from 9
a.m. until coats last.
You can find a link to the volunteer signup on-line at or on the Catholic
Social Services website by clicking on
HUGSS on the banner on the top of the page
and then clicking on Donate/Volunteer
about half way down the page. You can also
sign-up by calling the LSSA office, 272-0643
ext 10.
Please mark your calendars for the
following two fundraising events for LSSA.
The annual Harvest of Hope Auction and
Dinner is scheduled for November 13th
from 6 to 10 p.m. at the Sheraton
Anchorage. We still need live or silent
auction items so if you can donate
something please call the LSSA office. We
are always looking for volunteers to help
with our fundraising efforts so give us a call
if you would like to get involved. You can
reserve your seats at this years dinner by
calling the LSSA office at 272-0643 ext. 10.

Choir practice resumes Wednesday, August

19th at 7 p.m. If you are considering joining the
choir, you are welcome! Or contact Tamara
McCoy, Check out the
choir schedule at

Housing needed: Retired professional

Korean woman is looking for a room to
rent/Christian woman to converse with to
help her improve her English and get
acquainted with Anchorage. Contact Andrea
Chang, 242-3059 for details.

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