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Case 1:15-cv-01241-RDB Document 43-11 Filed 08/18/15 Page 1 of 8

Scott Hinckley
LordofSatire [Iordofsat(!'r
~,dIi. ~l
Tuesday, June 30, 20
9:57..PM ~
Scott Hinckley
llilIo --tgoulden@shirley-mapd.org;
Re: Here's where you get to man up, Scott.



Dear Chief Goulden:

I have already filed a report on Mr. Hinckley through your website earlier today. Before you make any
decisions, look at some of the harassing, libelous things your city resident has said about me. My wife passed
away on June 17. I am a 60-year old man with Parkinson's disease. I have no idea why Mr. Hinckley has joined
this gang of thugs he runs with on the internet, but the harassment and libel has been systematic and over a year
long. If you know libel law, you understand that I do not have to actually witness the libel for it to BE libel- it
only requires being seen by a third person. Mr. Hinckley smears me and my late wife on three different
websites: http://hogewash.com, http://thinkingmanszombie.com and http://billvsez.wordpress.com.
Check out
those blogs and see why I feel a need to keep tabs on what has been said about me. And contrary to what Mr.
Hinckley said, these ARE public sites. I have just been banned ITom replying to the filthy lies being spread
about me. They want to throw rocks, but they don't want them thrown back.




Of'2S February, 2015 at 04:45 said:

0 0 Rate This

e only thing 3d doesn't suck at is being an asshole.

PIsn'y \tasoc

at 28



2015 at 07:38 said


We , 10 be henest, he does ha"ll a 10: of practice at :ha:.

Case 1:15-cv-01241-RDB Document 43-11 Filed 08/18/15 Page 2 of 8


0 0 Rate This

"I love podcasting more than Gail"? He readily admits i1? What an eater of bags of dick.




.' 4'

Rate This

Bill SChmalfeldt is a big, fat, bald pussy. If he weren't so old, TK would probably
take a sexual interest in him.


Case 1:15-cv-01241-RDB Document 43-11 Filed 08/18/15 Page 3 of 8

June 17, 2015 at 3:51 pm

Gail Schmalfeldt is dead, and Connie Hoge is better. [ ... redacted ... ]
We are not going there. Sorry. -the Staff


June 17, 2015 at 4:00 pm

Your blog - your choice.

It is. And thanks for understanding. Maybe down the road, but not now.
-the Staff


May 27, 2015 at 7:43 am

At this point, the only thing he has a right to is a LONGdirt nap. I'd like
to see him exercise that right.

liked by 1 person

Case 1:15-cv-01241-RDB Document 43-11 Filed 08/18/15 Page 4 of 8


June 19, 2015 at 4:37 pm

I feel a small amount of satisfaction that Bill continues to prove he is

such vile scum. But this is overcome by my disgust at his lies, contradictions, and evasions.
The world will be a better place when Bill Schmalfeldt leaves it.

19.2015 CIt 10;)6


Ash. Grace. Jane, Howard. Kyle. Pablo, NL. AJ. samk and OChers
who piled on during chis rime of loss,
1. RIP, GS,'

.(If she's t"Vcn dead. and it's nOl s:.:npl)' another


is1l'1i lie

u!lhe I)'ing Uat.)

2. GFY. BS.

(Until this


post. J have not commc:ttl'<i un jackshit dur..r.g the de-

liar's "time of loss... In fact, I would hold up the silent rt:SPl'Ct I"\'c

shown for his -bdovro's"'


(see abo\'cJ o1gai:-.st his disgusti."1.~ dis-

play A.\'Y day ALL CilyJ

Bill Schmal/elde. Out

ASlhl' I)'mg. de:nented

(reak comments

seven (and. counting)


tim'l."S. Liar .

lu"~ 19. 2015 <It10,.12 Ilm

RE: Grace's POtot 1. I second her fooato:c.

would assume

Until we have proal J

Blob is trying to sca:n you aU. just lI.kr has bec-n d.one

to him so many timL"S(which he fcl1 for C'\'CI)' li.'"Ilc). I think he has fi.
naUy learned

sumctlCr.g from aU

or i1. ilnd

is trying his 0"'''' ha:-,d at


This is the avatar of the person Mr. Hinckley is responding to. Yes. That is my late wife.

Case 1:15-cv-01241-RDB Document 43-11 Filed 08/18/15 Page 5 of 8


Gravatar allows you to manage all of

your online identities in one place on the

Sign Up
Already "ave an account? Log,In.

.....,............ _ .......

9 I


0 0 Rate This

The Rectal Mouthpiece

just won't accept that, in fact, his every visit here, every F5 hit, every cut

and paste of this site, is in fact him stalking

Bildo: you actually
are not welcome

have to make a intentional

effort to see things on this site, where it is clear you

(being banned from commenting

Since YOU have to perform


_._--_ 19, .__2015
....... ..3110:07
_ am
__ .

is a blatant sign evel)'\vhere

an act, the responsibility

lies with you.


else on the web).

Case 1:15-cv-01241-RDB Document 43-11 Filed 08/18/15 Page 6 of 8

0 0 Rate This

However is gaslighting Bill as JR, I say: Well Donel!!!!

Of course, it's about as hard as catching bluegills or pumpkinseeds in any given lake, but hey, it's
still FU 'f



I \VToteto Mr. Hinckley to let him know I was aware of his identity. He lied to his blog buddies about that.

0 0 Rate This

Do you think he realizes that the newest post on the blog this ID links to is over 5 years old? Do
you think he is even smart enough to know what cyber-squatling is? Conside 'ng he couldn't
even follow the link at first, and faildoxed three others before trying with the name associated
with the blog, any guesses just how wrong he really is?
BTW, the name associated with that blog is the same as the brother of a person who shot a
president. Can you guess how many google hits that name yields?

Ukec by 2 people


But now, he admits I was correct. I called twice and left messages on his answering machine. All I want is his
word that he will stop harassing me - and yes, this is harassment because it causes people to do things like
send me horse crap in the mail,to forge letters to make it look like I'm violating the law, and other despicable
I \VToteto Mrs. Hinckley's e-mail address since Mr. Hinckley was not responding to my request to cease his
activities and apologize.
Now that he has made it clear that he is proud of this filth, I guess I have no choice but to file suit against him. I
have also filed a complaint with the Middlesex County Sheriffs Office regarding Mr. Hinckley's reckless
inhumanity in my time of grief.

Case 1:15-cv-01241-RDB Document 43-11 Filed 08/18/15 Page 7 of 8

,I .will not contact this horrible person again, except through the legal process.
I refuse to Just lie down and take it, especially when I ask people to stop smearing my late wife.
William M. Schmalfeldt
Elkridge, MD



30, 2015, at 9:40 PM, Scott Hinckley <sjhinckley@comcast.net>wrote:

Chief Goulden, Chief of Police, Shirley, MA

My name is Scott Hinckley and I am a resident of Shirley. Below, you will find a harassing and/or
extorting email from a person by the name of Bill Schmalfeldt or Maryland that he has sent to my email
address. He has also now called my house twice, and left messages, and sent additional em ails - all in a
single night. He says I must talk to him or the police - what I need to talk to the police about other than
his harassing behavior is unclear to me. He is upset that a group of us make comments online about him
and his behavior. We do this at websites he has been banned from because of his uncivil behavior - we
do not do this at public sites.
I have never met him. I have never talked to him. I have never called his house. I have never sent him
messages via email (other than copying him on this email. I have never contacted him via social
networking sites, but he is now trying to harass me by "friending" me on Facebook. I acknowledge that
am the person who uses the screen name agiledog - I have used it for years. But I have never used it to
contact him.
My wife is now fearful that this man intends to cause us harm, especially since he knows our names,
phone number and address. This man is a known associate of the Speedway Bomber, Brett Kimberlin,
bombings). Several of the online community that discuss Bill
Schmalfeldt and Brett Kimberlin have been SWAT'd since they have mentioned them. I am concerned
that one of Bill's associates may do the same to us.
He (Bill) has now started sending my wife emails - she just forwarded one to me. I will come down to
the station tomorrow morning during normal business hours to file a complaint about him.

From: lordofsatire [mailto:lordofsatire@gmail.com]

sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2015 2:29 PM
To: sjhinckley@comcast.net

Subject: Here's where you get to man up, SCott.

Case 1:15-cv-01241-RDB Document 43-11 Filed 08/18/15 Page 8 of 8

Is "Agiledog" you, or Louise?
(When you give your dog a unique name, you're not hard to find.)
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I don't want to have to sue both of you, but unless you "man up," Scott, and tell me what the hell
this is all about? My choices are limited.

Either way, I never see another comment by you under this or any other name.


Bill Schmalfeldt
Elkridge, MD

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