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10 Steps Necessary For Becoming Good With Women

By Franco

10 Steps Necessary For

Becoming Good With Women
By Franco (The Italian Natural)

Franco Seduction Copyright 2010 2011 All Rights Reserved

10 Steps Necessary For Becoming Good With Women

By Franco

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Step one: get rid of the fairy tales you have been told
about women
Chapter 3: Step two: get rid of the Madonna/whore complex
Chapter 4: Step three: learn to observe the primitive woman in her
Chapter 5: Step four: learn to always lead also when you do not
know how
Chapter 6: Step five: learn the importance of awareness
Chapter 7: Step six: learn how females communicate
Chapter 8: Step seven: learn to seduce many women to get The
Chapter 9: Step eight: never start with exclusiveness
Chapter 10: Step nine: learn how to be sexually dominant
Chapter 11: Step ten: know where your male power stands

Franco Seduction Copyright 2010 2011 All Rights Reserved

10 Steps Necessary For Becoming Good With Women

By Franco

Once cornet Obolensky asked captain Rzhevsky:
Captain, sir! Would you share your experience in
seducing women so quickly!
- But what's here to explain? Come up ttto a lady and ask:
"Ma'am! May I stick it in?"
- But captain! That's a sure way to be slapped in the face
for such rudeness...
- Well, there could be a slap in the face. But nonetheless,
I somehow still manage to stick it in.

- From The Treatise Of Love By Anatoly Protopopov

Yesterday I was behind a young couple. They were entering the same bar as
I. He was close to her and was looking little bit like a bird that just learned to
He was a very young guy. Then they went to sit at the table of the bar, the
one in front of me.
When he sat down he became to breathe faster. I could see that from 3
His cheeks became red for the excitement.
He was leaning in towards her, across the table. His right hand was fidgeting
nervously on the table.

Franco Seduction Copyright 2010 2011 All Rights Reserved

10 Steps Necessary For Becoming Good With Women

By Franco

His legs were moving under the table, like in a restless dance.
She was sitting in front of him with a neutral expression on her face.
She was laid back and was calm.
I got the feeling that she was making sure how no one could really read
what was in her mind.
Her make-up served the purpose of making her expression resemble an
enigmatic mask.
When the waiter came the poor guy did not know what to do. She waited a
few seconds and then told the waiter what she wanted.
At that point a sign of disappointment crossed her expression.
It lasted only a few seconds.
I could see that from 3 meters. He could not. He was not leading.
That made her nervous.
While I followed the behavior of this guy I was wondering how difficult and
full of insecurities must be for a young man to learn how to deal with women
Really difficult for a young man to learn how to become good with women!
How many times he would disappoint himself? How many times he would ask
from himself: How can I have this girl like me?
How many times he will be told the feared: You look like a nice guy. I think
we better be friends.
Today is Christmas.
I was thinking I might come out with a gift for young guys.
I would write a totally free book about the steps necessary to become good
with women.
Franco Seduction Copyright 2010 2011 All Rights Reserved

10 Steps Necessary For Becoming Good With Women

By Franco

I could describe for them all the steps a guy needs to go through to become
good with women. Knowing the necessary steps in advance would make for
many guys much, much easier to learn.
Here is the gift for you, guys.
Cheers, Franco
Dating Advice And Female Relationship Coaching For Men

Franco Seduction Copyright 2010 2011 All Rights Reserved

10 Steps Necessary For Becoming Good With Women

By Franco

Step one: get rid of the fairy tales you have

been told about women

Get out of the fairy tales! See women for what they are.
The first step for you along the path of becoming good with women is
demystifying them.
Get out of the romantic fairy tales about women now!
Realize that you have been told a lot of nonsense about women since your
The beautiful and sexy female teacher who told you that all the women are
mysterious angels and cannot be understood should really be spanked for
the nonsense she was teaching to you!
Realize that all what you have been told about women by parents, teachers
and the media is absolutely not true and total nonsense.
The first step for you becoming good with women is the formation of an
independent view of what women are.
To become good with women you need a realistic view of what women really
are in this world.
Things like sexuality, pregnancy and taking care of children are still full of
This is because the human being likes to believe he is a God.
Franco Seduction Copyright 2010 2011 All Rights Reserved

10 Steps Necessary For Becoming Good With Women

By Franco

Of course believing to be a God is a pure illusion.

Anyway if you really want to try that how that illusion feels the first step in
pursuing it is having the romantic belief that we, as humans, do not have
needs at all.
Gods do not have needs.
Only humans have.
This nonsense about human sexuality is due to our pride.
It is all about refusing the feeling that we might have in ourselves something
stronger than us.
Truth is that there are many instincts in the human being which are stronger
than the human being himself.
One of these instincts which are stronger than us is sexual desire.
How could children be born, how could human race proliferate if sexual
desire would not be stronger than us?
Ask yourself this question.
A good French friend of mine a natural playboy uses to say that
Romantics are the way people use to cover suffering and bullshit.
Now the romantic view of the women you have probably been fed with all
your life is this: women cannot be understood, women are something
mysterious, something illogical, something which cannot be understood by
male reason.
This is a romantic attempt to deny the fact that women are lustful sexual
creatures, who are driven by a tremendous desire for sex and power.
The romantic view of women cannot be understood comes from the fear
men and women themselves have of facing competition in matters of
Franco Seduction Copyright 2010 2011 All Rights Reserved

10 Steps Necessary For Becoming Good With Women

By Franco

Its like the struts putting his head under the sand: if we do not see a
woman as a sexual human being then there is no competition between men
for procreation.
Well the first step you need to go through is this: women can be understood.
There is absolutely nothing mysterious about them.
Why human race has been covering females with such romantic nonsense?
This is because humans do not like the idea that sexual desire might be
stronger than them.
This is also because humans tend to deny the existence of competition
between themselves in matters of procreation.
Truth is: nature uses competition between humans as a tool to increase
genetic fitness, just as it does in many other areas.
In matters of sexuality nature is as merciless as in many other areas.
We only want to deny it and for that reason we invented the most deleterious
belief about women we could ever invent.
This is the topic of the next chapter: the Madonna/whore complex.
The Madonna/whore complex is the belief that some women would be good
angels and other women would be devilish sluts.
They are the same woman. You only have been told they are in different

Franco Seduction Copyright 2010 2011 All Rights Reserved

10 Steps Necessary For Becoming Good With Women

By Franco

Step two: get rid of the Madonna/whore


There are no good women and no devilish sluts.

All the women are sexual human beings, period.
The Madonna/whore complex is in you because you have been told that the
woman spreading her legs to you at the whore house is a different woman
compared to the one who takes care of you when you are lying wounded at a
military hospital, after having been in action.
So you are used to believe that Pamela Anderson is good in bed and a slut
and Florence Nightingale totally without sexual desire and a Madonna.
Well things are not that way, not really.
The second step for becoming good with women is to get rid of the belief
that there would be two different women: the good woman without sexual
desire and the devilish slut, who spreads her leg to the whole world.
Then you have to realize that the sexual power of every woman resides in
the power she has of deciding will you have sex with her or not.
Further in this book I will help you realize that in converse - your sexual
power as a man resides in the fact that you can decide to have sex with her
or with another woman.
This disparity between male and female power is created by nature.

Franco Seduction Copyright 2010 2011 All Rights Reserved

10 Steps Necessary For Becoming Good With Women

By Franco

It creates the tension necessary between genders and that permits

The importance of this I will describe more in the last chapter of this book:

Step ten: know where your male power stands.

Realize then that all the women will use their sexual power on you as much
as you do with yours.
The good woman who is marketing herself to you as the one who will be
close to you in times of despair and never will spread her legs to other men is
using her sexual power to assure herself the safety of a relationship with you.
She, as a good woman is as horny and sexual as the other woman you
have been told of: the so called whore.
Fact is: she is using her marketing on you to have you become exclusive to
her. She has been taught by men and society that to achieve that she has to
hide her horniness from you.
The other type of woman you have been told of, the whore is nothing else
that a woman who is using her sexual power openly and without regrets.
Both women use their sexual power on you for different reasons and in a
different way.
The whore is openly telling you that she can and will decide about how she
will use her body.
As she tells that straight to your face and does not hide it like her good
sister you blame her of putting you to compete with other guys for
As this idea of competition causes in you so much anxiety that you begin to
label her as a bad woman.

Franco Seduction Copyright 2010 2011 All Rights Reserved

10 Steps Necessary For Becoming Good With Women

By Franco

Truth is: she is being direct and honest with you and using her sexual power
on you in a different way compared to her good sister.
The good woman is letting you procreate with her in exchange for safety.
The whore is letting you procreate with her because having sex is fun.
The good woman hides from you the fact that she can seduce another man
into having sex with her at the drop of a hat.
The whore openly admits straight to your face that she can have another
man have sex with her at the drop of a hat and she makes no mystery out of
Getting rid of this division between madonnas and whores is one of the
first steps necessary to become good with women.
You need to realize that such a division does not exist in reality.
To become good with women realize that all the women are sexual human
beings and that they will use their sexual power on you.
The only difference between women is how they will use their sexual power
on you.
Will they do that openly or will they do that covertly.
When you know that every woman will use her sexual power on you, you will
also be able to act accordingly.
You will see women for what they are.
This is the second step you need to go through when you want to become
good with women.

Franco Seduction Copyright 2010 2011 All Rights Reserved

10 Steps Necessary For Becoming Good With Women

By Franco

There is nothing bad and good about using the sexual power on each other.
Without that life would have been ended on our planet times ago.

Franco Seduction Copyright 2010 2011 All Rights Reserved

10 Steps Necessary For Becoming Good With Women

By Franco

Step three: learn to observe the primitive

woman in her

There is a primitive woman in her. Learn to observe what she does.

In every woman there are two women: the socially adjusted woman and the
primitive woman.
The socially adjusted woman is the woman who has been taught just like
you have been taught to be a nice girl and to follow the rules of society.
That kind of woman can be wearing a veil on her face in some Arabic country
and be a real bitch to her husband or she may be wearing a mind blowing
mini-skirt and asking child support from you in some politically correct
country, after having used you as a sperm donor.
The way female sexual power comes out changes depending from cultures,
situations and circumstances and the substance of it remains the same
everywhere: gaining power over your mind to get power over your sperms.
The primitive woman is the sexual woman in her and being sexual is not
even the most important part of it.
In fact, being sexual is only a part of the primitive woman.
The other important part of the primitive woman is the wild will of using her
sexual power on you in order to achieve what she wants.
What the words power and sexual power mean for her may differ.

Franco Seduction Copyright 2010 2011 All Rights Reserved

10 Steps Necessary For Becoming Good With Women

By Franco

It can be attention, safety, your money, validation or whatever crosses her

mind depending on what kind of person she is.
The new step you need to get in order to become good with women is to
realize that these two women are not in different places like in the
Madonna/whore complex.
They are always together in the same woman and they use their sexual
power on you in many different ways.
The next step you need to get for becoming good with women is this: realize
that every woman has a socially adjusted part in her and a wild sexual part in
Realize that for that reason she can and will use her sexual power on you in
order to obtain from you what she wants.
You do that to women: realize that women do the same to you.
Now the skill you need the most to become good with women is the skill of
asking from yourself every time she does something this question: what the
primitive sexual woman in her is doing right now? What the primitive sexual
woman is trying to achieve right now when talking to me?
Learning to observe what the primitive sexual woman in her is really doing
will get you rid of all the romantic bullshit your parents and teachers have
told you about women and will be one of the first steps for you towards a
more fulfilled sexual life and better relationships with women.
When you will learn how to observe the primitive woman in her and act
accordingly you will be able to take the necessary steps towards being good
with women.

Franco Seduction Copyright 2010 2011 All Rights Reserved

10 Steps Necessary For Becoming Good With Women

By Franco

Step four: learn to always lead, even when

you do not know how

Men penetrate. Women are receptive. All the rest is nonsense.

Another big nonsense you have been told is: males and females can be equal
and have fair relationships between each other.
You have been told in a way that sexual life and relationships between men
and women can be regulated by democracy.
This is for surely true in regard to the socially adjusted part of our personality
and it is total nonsense when we go to having satisfying sexual relationships.
Keep in mind that being democratic with the wild primitive woman in her will
bring you to only one outcome: you will end up masturbating and having a
really boring and unsatisfying sexual life.
The truth is: the next step you need to get to become good with women is
the understanding that without penetrating her on both the physical and
symbolic level you cannot have her become horny for you.
An important way you can use to be penetrating with a woman is to always
lead the interaction with her from the first very moment.
Remember: sexual relationships are not about democracy. They are about
In order for you being the real sexual man with her and having the wild
sexual woman out of her you should never stop leading her.

Franco Seduction Copyright 2010 2011 All Rights Reserved

10 Steps Necessary For Becoming Good With Women

By Franco

Leading her at any steps shows her that your act will be to penetrate her and
will elicit the natural sexual receptiveness out of the wild sexual primitive
woman in her.
Important note: all what they told you about gender equality is total
If you get into the behavior of asking her permission for leading her or
asking her stupid questions like did I Honey hurt you what will happen will
be that the primitive woman in her will first l ose any sexual desire for you
and then hate you as a man.
At the most primitive level of your sexuality you always lead her because this
shows her that as a man you penetrate her.
Dump without mercy all the women who do not go with this program from
the beginning: you are the man and so you penetrate her.
This is the frame which works for you if you want to be good with women:
you always lead.
Without your penetrating attitude a woman will not be able to be a sexual
woman with you and you will end up masturbating and getting a lot of
trouble and sorrow in the relationship.
Another thing: do not even bother to try to understand the women who resist
your leadership.
Truth is: its easier for you to enjoy sex and relationships with the ones who
are sexually receptive with you then to try to find out why a woman is
resisting your leadership, thus your penetration.
Women who resist your male leadership are not able to be comfortable with
their female receptiveness.
They mean only trouble on the short or longer term.

Franco Seduction Copyright 2010 2011 All Rights Reserved

10 Steps Necessary For Becoming Good With Women

By Franco

The best thing you can do is to dump them and spend your time with the
women who are comfortable with their sexual receptiveness.

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10 Steps Necessary For Becoming Good With Women

By Franco

Step five: learn the importance of


Women are always in hunting mode. If you want to relax do it with friends,
not with women
Next step towards the achievement of the skill of being good with women is:
realize that you cannot relax around a woman.
The primitive woman in her is all the time in hunting mode.
This is necessary for her survival as her survival depends upon her social
In spite of all the social security around these days the truth is: a pregnant
woman needs the support of the men and the social circle around her.
The fact that this social support is more stolen by men nowadays then
accepted with gratitude does not change the facts: hunting for social support
is a primitive instinct and it does affect the behavior of the woman in a way
or another.
It is hardwired in the woman to lean on social contacts for survival.
Realize that for that reason the sexual primitive woman in her never really
relaxes: she is all the time in hunting mode.
Realize also that the prey of her hunting is you!
All the time!

Franco Seduction Copyright 2010 2011 All Rights Reserved

10 Steps Necessary For Becoming Good With Women

By Franco

You are her prey: never forget this.

This is because you as a man can go to the wood and survive by fishing,
hunting and killing enemies.
You dont get pregnant and you do not deliver children.
She cannot survive as pregnant, with small children depending on her
without the help of her social circle and the help of men in it.
So she has learned to hunt all the time.
The weapon a woman uses to hunt you is not a sword: it is psychology.
In order for you becoming good with women you cannot afford relaxation.
You need to pay attention to her and what she does constantly.
If you do not pay attention you will find yourself hypnotized by her
psychological skills into senseless state.
Men usually divide their time into: time for action and time for relaxation.
When they are sure that the hunting has been going well they want to relax.
Hunting is for men something like building a company, making sure the
sales reach a top level, making new scientific discoveries, bringing an airplane
or a space ship around or simply building a new wall around their house.
When they feel that they have accomplished the goal they want to relax in
their caves.
Very often they want to relax there in the company of a sexy woman.
When they do that they live in the illusion that she wants the same thing:
relaxing with them.
Men do not notice this difference because the end goal of their hunting is
Franco Seduction Copyright 2010 2011 All Rights Reserved

10 Steps Necessary For Becoming Good With Women

By Franco

The end goal of her hunting is power over her social circle and the men in it.
When you want to become good with women you need to properly cultivate
awareness when you are around women.
This means paying constantly and carefully attention to all what she does and
says and to what she does much more than to what she says.

Franco Seduction Copyright 2010 2011 All Rights Reserved

10 Steps Necessary For Becoming Good With Women

By Franco

Step six: learn how females communicate

Women do not communicate directly because that gives them more power
and keeps more people attached to them.
Step six towards your journey in the kingdom of success with women: learn
how women never communicate directly when they are hunting you sexually.
This is because for them keeping up as many social contacts as possible is
much more important than the truth.
Again along history you were the warrior with the big sword in his hands: you
could afford being direct.
You could afford shouting like Leonidas This is Sparta!
A woman could not afford that.
For this reason women have learned to whisper what they want.
They rarely will tell you anything directly, especially when it is connected with
sexual matters.
The more a woman is sexually attracted to you the less direct she will be in
her way of communicating with you.
Another important skill you need to become good with women is the skill of
reading between the lines of what women say.
If she says Right now I feel uneasy when talking with you and at the same
times she uncovers her breasts or licks her lips you really need to be able to
read between the lines of what she is saying.
Franco Seduction Copyright 2010 2011 All Rights Reserved

10 Steps Necessary For Becoming Good With Women

By Franco

If you dont you will end up telling her Oh, I am sorry Honey, am I saying
something which disturbs you?
And her pussy will dry faster than your t-shirt left out in a hot day.
A good rule is: always follow the process with a woman and never the
content of what she says.
You should pay attention to what she does and to the non verbal clues of her
non verbal gestures much, much more than to what she says.
This is important for you becoming good with women.
If she is being direct with you like a male would do just assume that she has
no sexual attraction for you.
Normally a woman who likes you sexually begins to talk to you in very
indirect way and give you clues.
If she is being direct to you another alternative is that she is a woman trying
to copy male behavior in which case you can be deadly sure that you are
dealing with a woman who has issues.
Just dump women like this. Focus on the good ones!

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10 Steps Necessary For Becoming Good With Women

By Franco

Step seven: learn how to seduce many

women in order to get The Woman

To become good with women you need experience. Experience is more than
pure knowledge.
Next step towards being good with women is the understandings that without
concrete experience of seducing many women you will never really get That
Special Woman.
Even if you manage to get her by luck she will remote control your brain and
ultimately you will lose her anyway.
Women already since the age of 13 spend a lot of time in becoming
relationship wise, because its a matter of survival for them.
If you believe you will be able to deal with that without having experience in
seducing many women well, you are wrong.
A young woman who has been learning mind games in the area of
relationships can remote control the average guy without experience just like
you would remote control your home desktop from your mobile, given the
proper software.
The sexual power of the woman is the power of deciding will you be
permitted to procreate by having sex with her or not.
Your power as a man about this more in the last chapter is to decide are
you going to be in a relationship and have sex with one particular woman or
with another woman instead of her.
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10 Steps Necessary For Becoming Good With Women

By Franco

When you choose only one woman without having experience of seducing
many you are giving up all your sexual power.
This is because knowledge is not the same thing as experience.
Experience is more important and for the following reasons: the process of
learning is made stable not by the logical part of your brain.
It is the emotional part of your brain which at the end of the day by
making automatic what you have learned by logic and experienced again and
again and again - makes you permanently good in something.
Lets imagine you would like to be a pianist one day.
You would begin to study and repeat boring exercises over and over again.
At this stage you would be using logic a lot, understanding things a lot.
Anyway, the moment you will be able to rise from your chair and say: I am a
pianist will be when - after years and years of experimenting - you will be
able to sit in front of 1000 people and play the piano without having to think
about it at all.
Since that moment you will be able to play without even looking at the
You will play the piano and look out of the window or scratch your nose with
one hand while playing with the other.
As a young male without the experience necessary brought by having
seduced many women you will be condemned to use logic in a situation
where she has emotionally figured out all her tricks to remote control your
brain at her will.
To be good with women you need emotional experience = repeated
experience of what it means to seduce many women and have relationships
with many women.
Then and only then you will be able to pursue the one woman of your
dreams without being emasculated into being her puppy dog.

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10 Steps Necessary For Becoming Good With Women

By Franco

You cannot lead a woman like I described above without having emotional
experience of what it means to seduce many women.

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10 Steps Necessary For Becoming Good With Women

By Franco

Step eight: never start with exclusiveness

Realize that being exclusive with a woman works against the interest of the
man. You can do that only when you have plenty of experience with women.
For the reason described above to become good with women you need in
your life a long period of non exclusiveness.
You have to give your brain the chance of interiorizing what it means to lead
women emotionally into sex and lead women otherwise as individuals.
See while you were playing football and learning Karate she was already
since 13 years old focusing on only one task: how to use her sexual power to
have men serve her.
She was studying psychology with her girlfriends while you were at gym
growing your muscles.
She was studying how to maximize the power offered her by nature: the
power of deciding will a man use her body for sex or not.
The power of deciding will she give him the chance of procreating with her or
When you already as young and without experience begin your sexual life
with exclusiveness you are giving up totally to her all your sexual power.
You are giving up the power of free choice in deciding will you agree to an
emotional and sexual relationship with a single woman or will you keep on
with your hunting.

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10 Steps Necessary For Becoming Good With Women

By Franco

At the age of 19-20 she has already learned so much about how she can bind
the mental power of one male to herself that there is no way you can be at
the same level without having experience of what it means to seduce several
Without having experience of what it means not being dependent upon one
single woman in matters or reproduction and of course: in matters of having
fun you will be remote controlled like a computer by the average young
You have to start your male sexual life as non exclusive and for a long time.
Only when you are able to read a woman like an open book then and only
then you can consider having a relationship with the woman of your
If you do that before having experience you will be emasculated in the
relationship for sure.

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10 Steps Necessary For Becoming Good With Women

By Franco

Step nine: learn how to be sexually


Me Tarzan, you Jane

Sexual dominance is the skill a masculine man possesses of expressing is
natural sexuality by taking advantage of the receptivity of the female.
Without sexual dominance any other type of sexual relationship you may
have with her will hurt you long-term and will end up with trouble and sorrow
for you.
You cannot give up your masculine nature. Your masculine nature is meant to
take her, squeeze her and have her scream of pleasure.
In the area of male sexual dominance you are like the director of an
orchestra: you direct the music and she plays her violin.
If she directs the orchestra and you play the violin it goes against nature:
anything going against nature cannot have a happy end.
In order for being able to be sexually dominant the rule number one is: you
must like yourself as a sexual man.
You need to feel joy, happiness and positivity about being dominant as a
male and being a sexual creature.
One direct way to achieve this is: never, never deny the fact that you enjoy
being sexual.

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10 Steps Necessary For Becoming Good With Women

By Franco

Always honestly and directly admit that you like sex and enjoy sex as a male!
Always admit in the most direct and open way the fact that you like to have
sex with women.
When you do that you inner dominant sexual state will be projected outside
of you on your women and you will have her primitive sexual woman come to
the surface, with all the positive consequences for you and her.

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10 Steps Necessary For Becoming Good With Women

By Franco

Step ten: know where your male power


Your sexual power as a male is in the power of deciding will you agree to a
sexual and emotional connection with a particular woman or not

The greatest power of a female is to decide will you be permitted to

penetrate her body in a sexual way.
A woman who is not being highly selective in that area is labeled as a slut
and a whore.

Men are never taught where their sexual power stands.

I am going to share it with you as it is very important for you to know well
where your male power resides.
The greatest sexual power of a man is this: he can decide to connect
emotionally and sexually with one woman, with another woman or with many
women at need.

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10 Steps Necessary For Becoming Good With Women

By Franco

The sexual power of the woman is very well marketed by the media in the
shape of naked hot women in all the kind of marketing messages.
Instead men are made feel guilty for the core of their sexual power: being
able to decide will they connect with one woman or with another.
Even worse: the majority of the men never even know that they have this
A man who is not agreeing to give up that power to one woman is labeled as
a pig, a spoiled guy and a brutal macho.
This is because both genders and for different reasons are scared of sexual
competition and try all what they can to reduce the consequences of it.
This is because both genders do not like the idea that in us there could be
strength like sexuality which could overcome our reason.
If you are dealing with a single female and she is not being sexually
receptive, not agreeing to submit to your sexual dominance.
If she is putting you to compete overtly or covertly - with other males when
you become exclusive to her you are giving away your male sexual power for
When your goal is to first become good with women you cannot give up that
You cannot become good with women without a clear touch with where your
male sexual power resides.

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10 Steps Necessary For Becoming Good With Women

By Franco

Only men who are confident with the fact that they can get out and land at
need any woman they like can afford and also them with some precaution
to be exclusive to one woman.
When you are dealing with a woman and being in sexual contact with her
never make a mystery of the fact that you can - at the drop of hat - withdraw
all your emotional and sexual connection with her in the case you are not
getting your goodies from her.
Remember: withdrawing your emotional connection with her is far more
powerful on her compared to withdrawing the sex!
Being treated well and being accepted as a sexual human being by her are
between the most important goodies you can and will demand from your
women in exchange for your male sexual power.
If you fail to do that you are basically surrendering you manhood without
conditions to her.
Then she will first abuse the power you gave her and when she reduced you
to the condition of a puppy dog she will lose all her sexual desire for you.
When you, with your actions first and then with words, make adamant clear
that you will not tolerate bad behavior and that your options are open any
time you will gain her respect and keep her horniness all the time high.
In fact the knowledge that you are not giving up your sexual power will keep
her interested in you and keep her chasing you also in a long-term
relationship or marriage.
And to all of you..

Franco Seduction Copyright 2010 2011 All Rights Reserved

10 Steps Necessary For Becoming Good With Women

By Franco

I wish emotional and sexual happiness!

Paris, Montmartre, 25.12.2010

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Franco (The Italian Natural)

Franco Seduction Copyright 2010 2011 All Rights Reserved

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