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Individual Client Report Marking Rubric

Scoring level

The depth and quality of the

research undertaken by you

4- Accomplished
High Distinction

8 marks
Materials referred to are
relevant and
References are drawn from
a wide variety sources and
References support the
arguments presented and
Research is current and
from a reliable source
7-8 marks

3- Highly

2 Satisfactory

1- Unsatisfactory


The application of the research to

the task
6 marks
The report discussion clearly
addresses the issues raised in
the task and

The report is highly relevant to

the needs of the client and

The report clearly outlines the

major findings of the
investigation and the impact of
these findings on the client
5-6 marks

Most of the materials

The report discussion addresses

referred to are relevant
most of the issues raised in the
References are drawn from

The report is mostly relevant to

a range of sources
the needs of the client
References generally

The report outlines the major

support the arguments
findings of the investigation and
the impact of these findings on
Research is mostly current
the client
and from a reliable source
4 marks
6 marks

The ability to apply

appropriate accounting
theories to the context of the
6 marks

You have managed to

make clear links between
their research and
current accounting
theories and

You have explained

these links with clarity
and applies these links to
the task
5-6 marks

The ability to correctly

acknowledge sources using the
Harvard Referencing system


6 marks
4 marks
The report is professionally presented
You have used the Harvard
referencing system to
clearly and accurately

All grammar and punctuation is correct

record all cited sources in
the report and

The report is written in a style

You have provided a list of

appropriate for the client and
references which is

The report is highly engaging and easy

correctly formatted in the
to read and
Harvard style

All sections of the report have been

4 marks
included and correctly constructed
5-6 marks

You make links between

your research and
current accounting
theories but at times
these links lack clarity

You have mostly

managed to explain
these links and apply
these links to the task
4 marks

Some of the materials

The discussion addresses most

While some attempts
referred to are relevant
of the issues raised in the task
have been made to link
but lacks some clarity
accounting theories to
References are drawn from
your discussion lack

The report at times lacks

one or two sources
relevance and/or some of the
There is a lack of cohesion
You have not managed
conclusions drawn are erroneous
between the references
to explain these links

The report outlines the major

cited and the topic being
clearly and apply these
findings but lacks clarity in linking
links to the task
these findings to the clients
Research is mostly current
3 marks
and from a reliable source
3 marks
5 marks

There is a lack of
evidence of relevant
The research presented
is too narrow
The research presented
does not support the
0-4 marks

The ability to synthesise information into a

coherent and engaging report

The report is professionally presented

The majority of the grammar and
punctuation is correct

The report is written in a style

appropriate for the client

The report is engaging and fairly easy

to read

All sections of the report have been

included and correctly constructed
4 marks

You have used the Harvard

referencing system to
clearly and accurately
record all cited sources in
the report

You have provided a list of

references which is
correctly formatted but

Some minor errors in the

citations and/or list of
3 marks

You have used the Harvard

referencing system to
record cited sources in the
report but have made some
major errors in these
citations and/or

You have provided a list of

references but there are
errors in the construction
of this list
2 mark

Improvement is needed in the


There are some errors in grammar

and punctuation

The report is mostly written in a style

appropriate for the client

The report is not engaging and/or is

not easy to read

All sections of the report are included

but there are some errors in these
3 marks

The report discussion fails to

Little or no attempt has

Major improvements in the

You have not used the

address most of the issues raised
been made to link
presentation of the report is needed
Harvard system to record
in the task and the discussion
accounting theories to
cited sources in the report

There are many errors in grammar

lacks clarity
the discussion and /or
and punctuation which need correction
the links made are

The report lacks relevance in the

Not all sources are cited

The report style is inappropriate, the

discussion and/or most of the
report is not engaging and/or is not
You have not managed
conclusions drawn are erroneous

No List of references or
easy to read
to explain these links and

The report does not outline the

serious errors in the
Not all sections of the report have
apply these links to the
major findings
construction of this list
been included
0-2 marks
0-2 marks
0-2 marks
0 1 mark


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