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Important: Offer Letter for Art and Practice of

Leadership Workshop 2015 (BYLC)


Bangladesh Youth Leadership Center


to me
Dear Tashnuva Sumaiya Islam,
Bangladesh Youth Leadership Center is pleased to offer you a place as a participant at the
national workshop on the Art and Practice of Leadership (APL) in June 2015. We would like to
congratulate you, and we eagerly anticipate your presence at the workshop.
This year we have received over 400 applications for admission to the APL workshop in June
2015. The admissions committee had to work very hard to select the top 120 candidates (60
candidates for each workshop) from a large number of highly qualified and talented applicants
for two of the APL workshops in June 2015. Our committee is convinced that you represent the
kind of idealism and commitment towards the development of Bangladesh which is required to
take this country forward. We hope that the skills and knowledge that you will develop at the
APL workshop will help you to make progress in your own career as well as make a difference in
your country at large.
To secure your place and ensure your participation at the national workshop on the Art and
Practice of Leadership, please read through the following information carefully.
How to secure your place:
You will have to pay registration fee of BDT 5,000 to secure your place at the APL workshop
by Thursday, 11:59 PM, May 7, 2015. Due to the competitiveness of this program, we will need to
award your place to another candidate if you cannot confirm your payment by this date.
Payment method: There are two methods to make the payment for the registration fee for the
APL workshop.

1) bKash Payment: We will accept your payment through our bKash account. Please pay the registration
fee through your bKash wallet to BYLCs Merchant wallet number 01795890858. While making your
payment please put the reference number in the reference field carefully. Your reference number
is 299. Counter number 1. Please remember that your reference number is the only tracker of your
identification and without the reference number your registration will not be completed. Please refer to the
bKash Payment Procedure attached before making your payment. After making the payment you will get
a transaction ID. You need to keep that ID with you for future reference. After the payment, please reply to
this email by May 7, 2015, with your payment details (mention reference number and transaction id).
(In case if you do not have bKash wallet, please visit nearest bKash agent for opening your free bKash wallet.
Keep a copy of your National Identity Card or Driving License or Passport and two-copy passport size
photographs while visiting bKash agent for opening your wallet.)

2) Cash Payment: You can come to BYLC Headquarters (Address: Plot 3, Road 20, Block J, Baridhara,
Dhaka 1212) to pay your registration fee by cash. Bring your reference number with you. BYLC will issue a
money receipt against your cash payment.Please remember that cash payment will only be received
during office hours from 10.00 AM-5.00 PM, excluding Friday, Saturday, and National Holidays. Map of
our office is attached with this email.
Reply to this email after payment of registration fees:

Please do not forget to reply to this email by Thursday, May 7, 2015, with your payment
details. Once we have received your payment, we will send a confirmation email to you. After
your registration you will be placed in either APL 6 (June 6-8, 2015) or APL 7 (June 13-15,
2015) through random selection.
As mentioned earlier, we will award your place to another candidate if we do not hear from you
by this date with payment confirmation.
Should you require any further assistance, do not hesitate to contact at or call us at
01534982883 between 10:00 AM- 5:00 PM on working days only.
Again, congratulations on being offered a place as a participant at APL in June 2015. All of us at
BYLC are looking forward to welcoming you at the workshop.
With warm regards,
Admissions Committee
Bangladesh Youth Leadership Center
Plot 3 Road 20 Block J Baridhara Dhaka 1212
phone +880 (2) 883 3519 |
website | twitter | facebook
Bangladesh Youth Leadership Center works to bridge gaps in society by uniting youth from diverse
backgrounds, equipping them with leadership, problem solving and teamwork skills, and engaging them in
active citizenship.



to bcc: me
Dear Participant,
Thank you for registering for the APL 6 workshop. As part of the workshop requirement,
we would need you to submit a one-page leadership dilemma case related to your life.
Please submit the case to us by no later than May 28, 2015, in reply to this email.
Please find attached a guideline on how to write a leadership dilemma case. Moreover,

we are attaching three articles for you to read. It is important that you review the
materials before the workshop begins.
As notified earlier, the workshop will be held on June 6-8, 2015, from 10.00 am to 5.30
pm at the EMK Center (Address: 9th floor of the Midas Center, House 5, Road 16 (old
27), Dhanmondi, Dhaka 1209). As the workshop moves at a fast pace, you need to read
the materials sent to you in this email and attend all the sessions to maximize your
Please arrive by 9.40 am at the EMK Center in the morning of June 6, 2015. Should you
require any further assistance or have any other queries, please contact us through
All of us in the program team are looking forward to welcoming you at the workshop.
See you soon!
With warm regards,
APL Admissions Committee
-Bangladesh Youth Leadership Center
Plot 3 Road 20 Block J Baridhara Dhaka 1212
phone +880 (2) 883 3519 |
website | twitter | facebook
Bangladesh Youth Leadership Center works to bridge gaps in society by uniting youth from diverse
backgrounds, equipping them with leadership, problem solving and teamwork skills, and engaging them in
active citizenship.

Application for deferral of admission from APL6 to APL7

Tashnuva Islam


to Bangladesh
Dear Sir,
I am Tashnuva Sumaiya Islam, one of the participants of APL 6 which will take place from 6th June 2015 to
8th June 2015. Unfortunately, I will have to attend exams and classes on 6th June and 8th June. Hence, the
timings are clashing with the event. Please allow me to attend the later sessions, which is APL 7.
Yours Sincerely
Tashnuva Sumaiya Islam
The North South University



to me
Dear Tashnuva,
As per your request, we are placing you in APL 7 ( June 13-15, 2015). Please note that since it is a last minute
request, your certificate will contain the dates June 6-8 instead of June 13-15. Also remember that it will not be
possible to accommodate any further changes in the schedule.
Hope to see you soon.
With warm regards,
APL Admissions Committee
-Bangladesh Youth Leadership Center
Plot 3 Road 20 Block J Baridhara Dhaka 1212
phone +880 (2) 883 3519 |
website | twitter | facebook


to bcc: me
Dear Participants,
Hope you are all doing well. I am looking forward to welcoming you all to the 'National Workshop on The Art
and Practice of Leadership' on Saturday, June 13, 2015. As mentioned in the previous email, please arrive
by 9.40 am at the EMK Center on that day. I hope you have all had a chance of reading the articles that were
sent to you a few weeks back. I would also like to encourage you to write your leadership dilemma cases, if you
have not done so yet, as we will go over your individual dilemma cases in some of the sessions. All of you will
be divided in different groups, each group will have a facilitator. Your facilitators will contact you soon with more
Have a nice weekend, see you all on Saturday!
Best wishes,
Tasmia Onaiza Saad
APL Program Manager
-Bangladesh Youth Leadership Center
Plot 3 Road 20 Block J Baridhara Dhaka 1212
phone +880 (2) 883 3519 |
website | twitter | facebook

Bangladesh Youth Leadership Center works to bridge gaps in society by uniting youth from diverse
backgrounds, equipping them with leadership, problem solving and teamwork skills, and engaging them in
active citizenship.

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