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Most people in the world have a pet. I also have it. My pet is a dog, named Miko. Its color is brown. It has brown eyes, too. I got this
pet from my friend at the beninning of 2009. He bought it from a pet shop in his country. Once a week, my mother bathes him. He is
funny and smart. It often plays with my neighbour's dog. I love him very much because he can be my friend, too.
1.. Miko's eyes are ........



dark brown

2. The writer got the pet from ........

his neighbour

his friend

a pet shop
3. What is the text about ........
My lovely dog
My best friend

his mother

My pet shop
My neighbour's pet

Located just 60 km from Malaysia's capital city, Kuala Lumpur, Port Dickson - "PD" - as it is known to everyone ? is the
nearest place to find sandy beaches and five star beach resorts. The public beaches for everyone in Port Dickson are Teluk Kemang
and the Blue Lagoon where people can enjoy the waters of the Straits of Malacca in peace. They have been visited by many tourists
and local people.
Beside beaches, there are several other attractions in Port Dickson; the Port Dickson Fest and the International Port Dickson
Ironman Triathlon. Those who are looking for a touch of history can visit the Malaysian Army Museum near the Port Dickson town
that shows the history of the army from the Malakan Sultanate to the current period.
4. The text tells about ....
tourist attractions in Port Dickson
the beaches in Port Dickson
tourists activities in Port Dickson beaches
historical buildings of Port Dickson
5. Tourists can get the information of the history of the army in ....
the Port Dickson Fest
the International Port Dickson Ironman Triathlon
the Malaysian Army Museum
the Malakan Sultanate building
6. "They have been visited by many tourists . . . ."
The underlined word refers to....
the capital city and Port Dickson
Teluk Kemang and the Blue Lagoon
the Port Dickson Fest and the International Triathlon
the Malaysian Army museum and the Malakan Sultanate

Asep Sunandar Sunarya is Indonesia's most famous puppeteer in "wayang golek", a traditional Indonesian wooden puppet show
originating from the West Java province. He was born in September 1955 in a small kampong near Bandung, the capital of West
Java. Asep followed in his father's footstep and became a puppeteer while he was a teenager.
Asep is a gifted storyteller. He moves his puppets through rough fight scenes, where he throws his puppets and spin them in the
Asep like to combine modernity and tradition in performing wayang golek. Sometimes, his puppets have the face of a clown,
sticking out their tongues and he even moves puppet heads during his performances. His performances are always entertaining as
well as educational.
Asep has been invited to perform not only throughout Indonesia, but also in European, American, and Asian countries. As a
master puppeteer, he usually performs alone, but because the length of the performances and the hundreds of puppets that he
employs, Asep always has assistants to help him.
7. The text describes ....
the creator of wooden puppets
a famous wayang golek puppeteer
the generation of wayang golek

Sundanese movements
8. How are Asep Sunandar's wayang golek performances?
Showing only clown puppets. Mixing the performances with people dancing.
Entertaining and educating people.
Giving modern decoration.
9. The main idea of paragraph 3 is ....
Asep moves the puppets very slowly and carefully
Asep educates people with many clown puppets
Asep always keeps his performances with old tradition
Asep mixes the tradition with modernity
10. "... Asep always has assistants to help him."
The underlined word refers to ....
Asep's puppeteer assistant
Asep's employee
Asep's clown puppet
Asep Sunandar Sunarya
The Yogya Kembali Monument is located in Yogyakarta. It is three kilometres north of the Yogya city centre in the Jongkang
village of the Sleman Regency. The monument was inaugurated on June 29th, 1985 to commemorate the historic Indonesian struggle
for independence. Yogya Kembali means Yogya Returns, as a reminder of the returning of the Indonesian Republic Government.
There are two sections of the Yogya Kembali Monument. The first section of the Cureng Aircraft is on the eastern gate, while the
other section of Guntai Aircraft stands closer to the western entrance of the monument. The Monument has two wheeled-machine
guns which can be seen from a podium towards the eastern and the western side. In the southern end of the yard, there is a wall
engraved with 420 names of freedom fighters who lost their lives during a great struggle, from December 19th, 1948 to June 29th,
1949. A poem by Chairil Anwar, titled Karawang Bekasi, is written on one side of the wall dedicated to these unknown patriots.
The Yogya Kembali Monument is surrounded by fish ponds. It is divided into four alleys which lead to the main building. The
main building consists of different floors displaying a wide range of collections during and after the war times. It shows dioramas,
carved reliefs or collection of clothes and weapons.
11. What can be found in the western entrance of the monument?
Two wheeled machine guns.
A replica of the Guntai Aircraft.
A replica of the Cureng Aircraft.
A wall engraved with 420 names of freedom fighters.
12. What is the topic of the text above?
The Guntai Aircraft.
The Yogya Kembali Monument.
The history of Indonesian struggle.
13. From the text above we can conclude that ....
the collection during and after the war is displayed outside the building
the Yogya Kembali Monument is surrounded by fish ponds
dioramas can be seen in one of the four alleys
the main building has only one floor

An animal nursery is a kind of job. People who work as animal nursery workers work in zoos, kennels, animal shelters, and
circuses. They are responsible for feeding, watering, cleaning, bathing and exercising animals. They care for animals' health by
disinfecting them and keeping their cage clean. They keep records of treatments that the animals have received from the
veterinarian, an animal doctor.
Animal nursery workers have serious responsibilities and functions. They provide care for newborns and young animals,
prepare their food, transport them to feeding areas, and deliver food and water to them. The food they prepare is different for each
species of animals they care for. They fill nursing bottles which have been sterilized with the appropriate feeding formula. They
also take care of orphaned animals. They observe newborn animals and check for signs of disease or abnormality. They may
perform physical exam on the young animals occasionally, taking their temperatures, pulse rate and blood pressure. They are also
in charge of cleaning and preparing comfortable sleeping areas for animals, removing waste, cleaning and disinfecting them. They
also make sure all cages and enclosures are safe.
14. What is the text about?

The animals being cared by animal nursery workers.

The job description of animal nursery workers.
A dangerous job of animal nursery workers.
The work place of animal nursery workers.
The food that the animal nursery workers prepared depends on ...
the physical condition of the animals
the emotional condition of the animals
the species of the animals
the age of the animals

16. "They keep records of treatments that the animals ...... (paragraph 1, line 4)
The underlined phrase is closest in meaning to ....


17. What is the purpose of the writer to write the text above?
To entertain the readers with the animal nursery workers' story.
To explain the hobbies of the animal nursery workers.
To explain how to be an animal nursery workers.
To describe the job of animal nursery workers.

The Eka Karya Botanical Garden is a unique place to visit in Bali. There, visitors can stroll through cool and tranquil
gardens, visit temples and traditional Balinese buildings, and learn about Balinese botany and traditionals. The gardens
combine scientific and conservation goals in a cool, mountainous setting; with adjacent forests and lakes, wildlife such as
birds and monkeys, and the attractive landscaping all joined in harmony. With a rich collection of 1,187 species, the Eka
Karya Botanical Garden is not only a forerunner in conserving indonesia's flora, but also one of the most beautiful gardens of
its kind in the world.
The primary task of the Botanical Garden is to conduct research, inventory and protect Indonesian plant species, native
to moist upland areas, particularly from eastern Indonesia, also to provide useful scientific services and to increase public
appreciation for conservation.
18. What is the Eka Karya Botanical Garden like ........
19. "there, visitors can stroll through cool ........(paragraph 1)
What does the underlined word mean ........
Walk slowly
Examine carefully


Observe seriously
Stay temporarily

My favorite toy is a kite. Layang-layang or a kite is a very popular pastime toy in Indonesia. Many people like to play it. There
are two distinct types of kites. The first are those which have tails attached to them to balance the kite; and those that will be used
for one-on-one dogfights among kite flyers.
Kites for dogfights are popular among boys. They do not have tails attached to them. They are made from light bamboo and
waxed paper. The string is the most important part in kites for dogfighting. It must be sharp so it can cut other strings easily. To
make such kind of string is not easy. It must be coated with crushed glass. The string is dipped in a solution of crushed glass,
which has been boiled with glue, chemicals and dye. The mixture acts as an adherent so the tiny particles of glass will cling to the
string. The string is strung out on a small rack to let it dry. This string is used for dogfights.
20. What makes a kite keep its balance?
The bamboo.
The string.
21. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
The string for kites for dogfights is very important.
. Kites for dogfights don't have tails.
The string for the kites are popular.
The kites don't have tails.

The paper.
The tail.

22. From the text we know that ....

flying a kite is a common activity of Indonesian people
fighting kites have tails attached to them
the kite strings are made from glass
the string for the kites must be dry
Masjid Sultan Suriansyah is a historical mosque. Built 300 years ago, this building is the oldest mosque in South Kalimantan.
The mosque is located in the North Kuin Village of Banjarmasin. It was built in the reign of Sultan Suriansyah known as Pangeran
Samudera. He was the first Banjarnese King who converted into Islam. This mosque was founded on the bank of the Kuin river,
near Kampung Kraton, which was destroyed by the colonial Dutch.
The construction of Masjid Sultan Suriansyah was unique. The roof is layered. It took the Banjar's past architecture before
Islam came. Different from any other old mosque in Banjar, the mihrab has its own roof, separated from the main building.
22. Masjid Sultan Suriansyah was constructed in the era of ....
Banjar people.
Colonial Dutch.
Kalimantan King.
Sultan Suriansyah.
23. What is mainly discussed in the text?
A king reign.
A palace complex.
An Islamic location.
A historical mosque.
28. From the text we know that ....
some construction of the mosque takes the local style.
the Banjar people burned down the mosque
there is nothing special from this mosque
the Dutch colonial built the mosque
Siti Nurhaliza is a Malaysian pop singer and song writer. She was born in January 11, 1979 in Berek Polis Kg. Awah,
Temerloh as the fifth child in the family of eight sibling. Right now she is the most succesful Malaysian singer. Siti's family
members are music lovers; Her grand father was a famous violinist while her mother was a famous local traditional singer.
Siti Nurhaliza attended pre-school at the Sekolah Tabika Perkep, Balai Polis Kampung Awah, Temerloh. Here, she showed
her early singing talent at the age of six when she sang "Sirih Pinang," a Malay traditional song at her kindergarten's end of year
event. Siti had also won a singing contest when she was twelve years old. She sang patriatic song in the event. At the age of 13,
she started her career by performing in wedding ceremonies and dinner parties. The local community loved her performance. At
16, she competed in the 1995 RTM Juara Bintang Competition where she met Adnan Abu Hassan, a famous Malaysian music
composer. He helped her with her vocal performance and she won the contest.
Siti Nurhaliza was granted a contract with Suria Records and in 1996 she released her first-titled album, Siti Nurhaliza.
After the release of her first album, Siti became a well known figure in Malay pop culture.
24. The text above tells us about ....
The fifth child in the family of eight sibling.
Malaysian traditional singer.
Malaysian pop singer and song writer.
The most succesful Malaysian.
25. At what age did Siti Nurhaliza show her talent in singing?

26. What does the second paragraph tell us about?

Siti Nurhaliza released her first album.
Siti Nurhaliza started her career in singing from early childhood.
Siti Nurhaliza won a singing contest.
Siri Nurhaliza met Adnan Abu Hassan for the first time.


27. "Here, she showed her early singing talent...'' The underlined word refers to ....
the Sekolah Tabika Perkep, Balai Polis Kampung Awah. Temerloh
In wedding ceremonies and dinner parties
the 1995 RTM Juara Bintang Competition
Berek Polis Kg. Awah, Temerloh

Kediri is a name of a town. It is situated in a valley between the Kelud and Wilis mountains and inhabited by about 1.3
million people. In the center of the town there is a large hill which is called the Bathok mountain. Because of the topography of
the region, Kediri is called a chilly town by the locals. There is a big river called Brantas cutting off the center of the town.
Besides temples, Kediri is also famous for its products like cigarettes and a special kind of tofu or bean curd. This highly
nutritious food is a delicacy of Kediri and have a distinctive taste. The cigarette factory dominates the town's economy and
employs the majority of the women labor force. Kediri and the cigarette factory are inseparable and it is considered the biggest
cigarette factory in Indonesia. Most of the local people work in this factory. Those who do not work here are farmers or traders.
28. What does the above text tell us about?
The history of Kediri.
The famous products of Kediri.
The description of Kediri.
The people of Kediri.
Michael Phelps is an American swimmer. He was born in Baltimore on 30th June, 1985. He is 6 ft, 4 inches tall. He weighs
195 pounds. Those make his physique ideal for a swimmer - tall - broad shoulders and narrow hips.
He was the greatest swimmer in the 2008 Olympic game in Beijing. He had an ultimate goal - to break the 7 gold medals
held by Mark Spitz since the 1972, and he did it. He got 8 gold medals in Beijing. Although many people were skeptical that it
could be done, he proved them wrong.
Phelps' recent accomplishment will make him the world's richest professional swimmer with the salary estimated 5 million
dollars a year.
29. What does the text tell you?
Michael Phelps, the Olympic swimmer from America.
A history of a young and talented swimmer.
The world's swimming record in Beijing, 2008.
Some tips to be a good swimmer.
30. How many gold medals did Michael get when he broke Mark Spitz's record?

31. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

Michael Phelps earns much money from swimming.
The salary of a swimmer is the highest.
The richest man in the world is a swimmer.
The popular swimmer can get 5 millions dollars a year.
32. "And he did it." (Paragraph 2)
The underlined word refers to ....
getting gold medal
winning the swimming contest
breaking the record
earning much money


Manado is a big city. It is the capital of the North Sulawesi province in Indonesia. Manado is located at the bay of Manado
so it is near the sea. It is surrounded by a mountainous area. The city has about 417,548 inhabitants. The municipality of Manado
is divided into nine districts: Malalayang, Sario, Wanes, Wenang, Tikala, Mapanget, Singkil, Tuminting, and Mapanget.
The Manado city is blessed with natural beauty. With its vast sea and mountains, Manado becomes the city of a wonderful
travel destination. Water sports like scuba diving and snorkeling are very popular tourist attractions and they become the first
choice when travelers arrived here. Manado has some other travel destinations such as the Bunaken island with its underwater
view, the Ban Hin Kiong temple, many volcanoes like the Lokon volcano, the Mahawu volcano and some lakes.
Manado is also a good place for shopping. It is easy to find places to shop around Manado since many of the shopping malls
are scattered in the middle of the city, around the Pierre Tendean Boulevard. Moreover, the city has a good administration and
transportation system. The primary ways to get around are by ojek/ompreng, taxis, or Mikrolets (micros).
Manadonese food is famous throughout Indonesia for two things: there are lots of choices and they are all very spicy.
33. What does the text mostly tell us about?
Manado as a big city.,
Manado as a mountainous area.
Manado as a tourist destination.
Manado as a populated area.
34. From the text above we know that Manado will make the tourists ...


35. "...Manado has some other travel destinations such as the Bunaken island with its amazing underwater...,"
The underlined word refers to ...
the Bunaken island.
the Mahawu volcano.
the Ban Hin Kiong temple.
The largest animal alive is the blue whale. Fully grown , these great creatures reach length of over 30 meters and weigh as much as twnety four large
elephants, or more than 1,500 men. The herat of a blue whale is more than a meter in diameter.
The blue whale is not a fish, even though it depends its entire life in the sea. Whales are mammals, just like us. A mother whale gives birth to a live baby
whale, not an egg. She feeds her baby with her own milk. While fish are clod-blooded, whales are warm-blooded, and the have lungs and breathe air, like us.
For all its size, a blue whale feeds mainly on tiny shrimps. It is harmless to man. Unfortunately for the blue whales, men are not hramless to them. So many
blue whales are hunted and killedtheat very few of these magnificent animals are now left alive.
36. What is the text about?
Blue whale


37. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

The blue whale is not a fish
The largest animal is the blue whale
The blue whale feeds mainly on tiny shrimps
The blue whale feeds her baby with her own milk
38. Which statement below is true according to the passage?
Whale eats every sea creature
Whale breaks by laying egg
Whale is a huge animal
Whale is a kind of fish
39. "For all its size, a blue whale feeds mainly on tiny shrimps." What does the word "tiny" mean in the sentence?
Very big

Very small

In Beijing china, there is a special School for circus people. The school teaches students from around the world. The name of the school is The International
Circus School. This school has a lot of training gyms. The school has a modern dormitory for foreign students, and there is a large cafetaria where the students have
their food. The school also has a laundry. Older students can wash their clothes there.
Sophie is an eleven-year-old French girl. She is one of the pupils at the circus school. She wants to become a professional circus performer. Her parents are
circus performers, too. Sophie and other students practice six hours a day in a gym. They practice from Monday to Friday. On weekendsm the school often organizes
tours around town.
40. Where do the students from out China stay?
in a hotel
in their house

in a dormitory
in a cafetaria

41. How many days do the students practice in a week?

42. "They practice from Monday to Friday."
What does the word "they" refer to?
shophie and other students
Sophie's parents
Students' parents
43. What is the text about?
School facilities in Beijing
Types od circus in Beijing
Kinds of school in Beijing
International Circus School in Beijing


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