AJODO 1993 Mar 203-211 - Taken From The AJO-DO On CD-ROM

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AJODO 1993 mar 203-211 Taken from the AJO-DO on CD-ROM

(Copyright 1997 AJO-DO), Volume 1993 Mar (203 - 211): CASE REPORT Popp, Gooris, and Schur
-------------------------------Nonsurgical treatment for a Class III dental relationship: A case report
Thomas W. Popp, DDS, MSD, Christel G. M. Gooris, DDS, MSD, and Jeffrey
A. Schur, DDS, MSD
Seattle, Wash.

The purpose of this report is to review the orthodontic treatment of a patient with
a Class III malocclusion who was treated nonsurgically with extraction of the
mandibular first premolars. The basis for this treatment approach is presented,
and the final treatment result reviewed. Important factors to consider when
establishing a Class III molar relationship are discussed.


DENTOFAC ORTHOP 1993;103:203-11.)

Edward H. Angle described a Class III malocclusion as one in which the lower
first molar is mesially positioned relative to the upper first molar.1 This
relationship may result from a normal maxilla and mandibular skeletal protrusion
or a maxillary retrusion and a normal mandible or a combination of maxillary
retrusion and mandibular protrusion. A Class III dental relationship could also
exist in a patient with a normal maxillomandibular relationship. Patients with a
Class III malocclusion usually have a concave facial profile, and the lower lip
often is protruded relative to the upper lip. Sometimes a Class III relationship is
caused by a forward shift of the mandible to avoid incisal interferences. This is
a pseudo Class III malocclusion.2 The influence of environmental factors and
oral function on the etiologic factors of a Class III malocclusion is not
understood completely. However, there is a definite familial and racial tendency
to mandibular prognathism.3 In the United States true skeletal Class III
malocclusions are found in less than 1% of the general population.4,5 Most
orthodontists therefore have much less experience treating patients with Class
III malocclusions than they do in treating patients with Class I or Class II

malocclusions. For many Class III malocclusions, surgical treatment is the best

Depending on the amount of skeletal discrepancy, surgical

correction may consist of mandibular shortening, maxillary lengthening, or a

combination of mandibular and maxillary procedures. After surgical correction
of the skeletal discrepancy, the occlusion usually can be finished orthodontically
in a Class I relationship by using the same principals as in finishing a patient
with a nonsurgical Class I relationship. However, if surgical treatment is not
performed, and the final molar relationship is Class III, there are challenges
specific to the static and functional Class III occlusion that must be considered.
The following case report will illustrate some of these challenges and how to
deal with them.

Patient history
Medical. The patient was examined initially at the University of Washington
Orthodontic Department at age 12 years 4 months (Fig. 1). She was a healthy
Asian girl with no history of significant medical problems.
Dental. The patient had received regular dental care. Her oral hygiene was
poor. No caries were present, and all restorations were in good condition.
Growth. The patient had passed menarche, and in comparison with an older
sibling and her parents, indicated that minimal growth remained.
Dental relationship

Fig. 1. Pretreatment photographs at age 12 years 4 months.

A full complement of permanent teeth were present (Fig. 2). All third molars
were unerupted. In centric occlusion (CO) molar and canine relationships were
Class III, and the incisors were in anterior crossbite with a negative overjet of 3
mm. In centric relation (CR) the incisors were in an end-to-end relationship.
The maxillary midline was coincident with the facial midline.

In CR the

mandibular midline was 3.0 mm to the right of the maxillary and the facial
midlines. A 1.5 mm left lateral shift from CR to CO placed the mandibular

midline 1.5 mm to the right of the maxillary and the facial midlines in CO. The
curve of Spee was moderate with a 7 mm overbite in CO. In CR the incisors
contacted end to end resulting in no overbite and a posterior open bite. Both
the maxillary and the mandibular arches exhibited moderate arch length
deficiencies. No tooth size discrepancies were noted. The maxillary second
molars were erupting buccally. Oral hygiene was poor, and the gingiva was
mildly inflamed. All restorations were in good condition.
Radiographs (Fig. 3) showed normal bone and tooth development. The third
molars were developing, and all teeth exhibited normal root length. Although a
functional shift was present from CR to CO, no signs of temporomandibular joint
dysfunction were detected.

Fig. 2. Pretreatment study models, 12 years 4 months.

Fig. 3. Pretreatment radiographs.

Facial appearance
The patient's profile was concave in centric occlusion and straight in centric
relation (Fig. 1). The lower lip was prominent, and lips were competent with no
mentalis strain.

Vertical facial proportions were normal, and there were no

significant asymmetries.
Pretreatment cephalometric evaluation (Fig. 3)
The maxilla was slightly anterior to the cranial base (SNA 85), and in CO the
mandible was significantly anterior to the cranial base and maxilla (SNB 87).
The ANB ( 2) indicated a Class III skeletal relationship (Fig. 4). The maxillary
incisors were slightly upright, while the mandibular incisors were retroclined
(incisor-mandibular plane 80).

The mandibular plane was slightly steep

relative to cranial base (SN-MPA 35).

Etiologic factors
This malocclusion was primarily due to a skeletal discrepancy between the
maxilla and the mandible. In CO the mandible was protrusive relative to the
cranial base. The patient was unable to achieve normal function in CR and

adapted with an anterior shift to a position where she could function. This shift
resulted in an anterior crossbite and a negative overjet. Anterior dental tipping
had resulted from this skeletal discrepancy.

Treatment objectives
1. To eliminate CR-CO discrepancy and anterior crossbite.
2. To establish Class I canine relationship.
3. To eliminate maxillary and mandibular arch length deficiencies.
4. To reduce overbite.
5. To align arches including midlines.
6. To establish a functional occlusion.

Treatment plan
Because of the functional shift and the end-to-end incisor relation in CR, this
patient was treated with mandibular extractions instead of orthognathic surgery.
The following treatment plan was established:
1. Extract mandibular first premolars.
2. Establish Class III molar and Class I canine relationship.
3. Maxillary and mandibular fixed appliances (standard edgewise 0.022).
4. Initial leveling and alignment with round arch wires.
5. Mandibular space closure using rectangular wire with lingual root torque in
incisor region.
6. Class III elastics as needed.
7. Evaluate root alignment after space closure.
8. Extract maxillary second molars.
9. Finishing and occlusal equilibration.
10. Remove appliances.
11. Retention; maxillary circumferential, mandibular spring retainer.
12. Monitor third molar eruption.
Treatment progress

Fig. 4.

Pretreatment cephalometric tracing, 12 years 4 months centric


The appliances were cemented after extraction of mandibular premolars. Initial

alignment and space closure proceeded smoothly and without complication.
Class III elastics were used during space closure, and Class I canine and Class
III molar relationships were established. Patient cooperation and compliance
were good.

Near the end of treatment the patient was involved in an

automobile accident that displaced several maxillary and mandibular teeth. The
appliances may have prevented some teeth from being totally avulsed. Several
teeth required rebonding, and small, flexible round wires were placed in both
arches. The displaced teeth returned to their preaccident position quickly and
without further complication. Treatment time was probably extended 2 to 3
months because of the accident, but the final result was unaffected. Fixed
appliance treatment was completed in 36 months. Occlusal equilibration was
done before and after appliance removal to provide improved contact.

Treatment results
The treatment plan was a satisfactory nonsurgical alternative, and the treatment
objectives were achieved (Figs. 5 and 6). A Class I canine relationship was
established with good alignment. Some occlusal adjustment was needed to
finalize the occlusion. All CR-CO shifts were eliminated, and centric occlusion
and centric relation were coincident. A positive overjet was established, and
overbite was reduced.

Good torque control was maintained while the

mandibular incisors were retracted resulting in better incisal inclination after


The maxillary incisors were proclined significantly resulting in a

better upper lip prominence and an improved facial profile.

Growth was

minimal, and correction of the malocclusion was accomplished with dental


The mandibular plane angle was opened minimally with an

increase of only 1. Skeletally, the mandible is still prognathic, and the chin is
slightly prominent (Figs. 7 and 8). A final panoramic radiograph shows all third
molars are developing and may erupt into occlusion.

The mandibular right

second molar had a large carious radiolucency. The patient was referred for
restoration of that tooth and a complete dental examination.

Fig. 5. Posttreatment photographs at age 15 years 6 months.

Fig. 6. Posttreatment study models, 15 years 6 months.
Fig. 7. Posttreatment radiographs.
Fig. 8. A, Pretreatment centric relation. B, Superimposition of pretreatment
centric occlusion to posttreatment centric occlusion.

Secondary treatment
On completion of active treatment, further occlusal adjustment was performed,
and a maxillary circumferential and a mandibular spring retainer were inserted.
The patient was instructed to wear the retainers day and night for 1 year and
then at night only.

Surgical correction would be another alternative to treat this malocclusion.
Surgical alternatives included a bilateral sagittal osteotomy to retract the
mandible, or a LeFort I procedure to advance the maxilla, or a combination of
these. Current surgical techniques offer solutions in treating malocclusions and
skeletal discrepancies that otherwise would be difficult, if not impossible, to
achieve. However, there are still associated surgical risks and complications
that must be considered, as well as the increased expense. If a nonsurgical
treatment alternative can produce results comparable with those that could be
achieved surgically, then it should be considered and may be the treatment of
choice for some patients.

In this patient there was a significant skeletal discrepancy, but the presence of a
functional shift and an end-to-end incisor relationship in CR made nonsurgical
treatment a viable option. It was believed that an acceptable facial profile and
functional occlusion could be achieved by treating this patient with mandibular
extractions instead of orthognathic surgery.

Although the jaws were not

repositioned to correct the malocclusion, a reduction genioplasty procedure to

reduce the prominence of the chin was discussed as a possibility. At the end of
treatment, the chin was slightly prominent, but not enough to warrant the
genioplasty procedure.

The possibility of further mandibular growth was

discussed, but it was thought that any remaining growth would be minimal.
The mandibular first premolars were extracted to allow for maximal retraction of
the mandibular anterior teeth. Class III elastics were used during closure of the
extraction spaces to maximize the retraction and to preserve mandibular
posterior anchorage. The retraction allowed for the establishment of a Class I
canine relationship. The molars were left in a Class III relationship. In this type
of malocclusion the extraction of mandibular incisors may also be a possibility.
This would reduce the arch circumference and provide positive overjet but
would require substitution of canines for lateral incisors and first premolars for

That substitution might produce tooth size discrepancies and

compromise the anterior esthetic result.

A Class III molar relation presents some unique occlusal contacts.


maxillary first molar occludes with the mandibular second molar so the maxillary
second molar has no opposing tooth and does not provide any function. If not
addressed, the maxillary second molar can overerupt and impinge on the
mandibular gingival tissues. One alternative would be to hold the maxillary
second molar, at the plane of occlusion while waiting for the possible eruption of
the mandibular third molars to function with them. This would require a splint
for several years with the possibility that the mandibular third molars may not
erupt into occlusion.

If the maxillary second molars are extracted, no

maintenance is required, and both the maxillary and mandibular third molars
may erupt into occlusion at a later time.

In a Class I molar relationship the mandibular first molar normally occludes with
the maxillary second premolar and the first molar. In a Class III relationship the
mandibular first molar occludes with the maxillary first and second premolars.
The occlusal anatomy of these teeth can prevent good contact and

interdigitation. Occlusal adjustment during and after treatment can improve the

The most prominent interference comes from the buccal of the

mandibular molars occluding with the lingual inclines of the buccal cusps of the
premolars. To eliminate this problem, a combination of tooth positioning and
enamel recontouring is used.

The mandibular molars should be positioned

more to the lingual than in a Class I relationship, and the maxillary posterior
teeth are positioned more to the buccal. Enamel recontouring usually involves
the buccal of the mandibular molars and the lingual ridges of the buccal cusps
of the maxillary premolars and first molar. Specific recontouring depends on the
tooth anatomy of each individual patient. Although some may not consider this
an ideal occlusion, balanced tooth contact can be obtained in a Class III

The functional excursions are usually not a problem because Class I canines
and good overbite-overjet relations are established.

Incisal and canine

guidance can be achieved. Group function in lateral excursions can also be

achieved but is more difficult because of the molar-premolar occlusion. The
Class III molar occlusion usually does cause increased balancing interferences.
In addition to retraction of the mandibular anteriors, some proclination of the
maxillary incisors is usually required to establish good overjet relations. This
proclination can also add prominence to the upper lip and produce a better
esthetic relationship between the upper and lower lips. If correction can not be
achieved without excessive proclination an alternative treatment plan should be
considered. Surgical treatment may allow correction while maintaining ideal
root and crown positions.

Proclination of the maxillary incisors can also

increase root proximity. When proclined, the incisal edges are in an arc of
greater circumference than are the root apices. Therefore the roots must taper
together to fit in the smaller arc and will not be parallel. If the teeth are upright
and the incisal edges and root apices occupy the same circumferential arc, the
roots will have more interproximal bone between them. It is not clear whether
either of these positions is more desirable than the other, but extremes in either
direction should be avoided.

The health of the periodontium should always be considered in developing a

treatment plan. Minimal attached gingiva in the mandibular incisor region is
often seen. This can be a problem if proclination of those teeth is considered.
Grafting procedures are sometimes done before orthodontic treatment.
However, when lower premolars are extracted and the incisors are retracted,
the amount of attached tissue is usually not a concern. Proclination of maxillary
incisors may be dependent on gingival health and contour in that area and must
also be considered before deciding on this treatment choice.
If this nonsurgical approach to treating a Class III malocclusion is used,
consideration must be given to the orthodontic appliance to produce the best
occlusal and esthetic results. A straight wire appliance may not be the best
choice in this situation. The tips, torques, and offsets built into the brackets may
not produce the desired tooth positions. Compensatory bends in the wire may
be required to produce ideal cosmetic and functional results.

Treatment of a Class III patient with extraction of mandibular first premolars was
reported. The basis for this treatment approach was presented, and the final
treatment result was reviewed.

Some important factors to consider when

establishing a Class III molar relation were discussed to provide the clinician
with a better understanding of this treatment alternative.
We express our sincere gratitude to Dr.

Vincent Kokich for his valuable

assistance in preparing the manuscript for this report and Mr. Jim Clark for his
photographic assistance.

Eur J Orthod 1996 Jun; 18-3- 227-235 - A molecular mechanism of integrin

regulation from bone cells stimulated by orthodontic forces
R. S. Carvalho*, A. Bumann**, C. Schwarzer**, E. Scott*** and
E. H. K.Yen****
Department of Preventive Dental Science, University of Manitoba, Canada,
**Department of Orthodontics, University of Kiel, Germany; ***Departments of
Anatomy and Oral Biology, University of Manitoba and ****Faculty of Dentistry,
University of British Columbia, Canada

SUMMARY The purpose of this paper is to discuss a molecular mechanism in

the signal transduction pathways of the regulation of integrin genes taking place
in bone cells as a result of orthodontic or mechanical stimulation.


osteosarcoma (HOS) TE-85 cells were cultured in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's

medium (DMEM)/F-12 and grown to confluency in Flexercell type I dishes and
orthodontic forces were applied to the cells via an intermittent strain of 3
cycles/minute using the Flexercell Strain Unit System for periods of 15 and 30
minutes, 2 and 24 hours and 3 days. Antibodies against B, and integrins
were immunolocalized in strained and unstrained cultures.

Total RNA was

extracted and cDNA probes were used to measure at various mRNA expression
of B| (1.2 kb) and <X v (I.I kb) integrins. A cDNA probe for cyclophylin (750 b)
was used for controls of gene expression. Results showed that mechanical
stimulation caused a reorganization of integrin distribution in comparison with
non-stimulated controls. mRNA for ft expression showed a marked increase at
30 minutes and 3 days, while mRNA levels for did not change with strain.
The selective expression of integrins mRNA is indicative of a specific gene
regulation by mechanical stimulation in the cells studied.

The application of mechanically generated forces is central in the prevention
and correction of dentofacial discrepancies and dentoalveolar malocclusions.
During clinical treatment, these forces are highly effective in determining tooth
position. However, they may also generate a wide range of undesired biological

reactions associated with the force-induced response. While mechanical forces

may be regarded as beneficial in connective tissues such as bone (Wolff, 1892;
Lanyon, 1987), the cellular mechanisms involved in the translation of clinical
forces into biological responses are poorly understood.

The macroscopic

studies of orthodontically treated teeth have shown the remarkable potential for
connective tissue remodeling both in vivo (Yen and Chiang, 1984; Yen et al,
1989a, b) and in vitro (Reitan and Kvam, 1971; Yen et al, 1990). Partly due to
the effectiveness of clinical treatment, this potential for remodelling has been
largely based on the type, duration and magnitude of applied forces (Storey,
1973), specifically to those descriptions of tissue tension and compression
associated with bone apposition and bone resorption, respectively.

These concepts stem mainly from early histological observations, including a

variety of morphological and histochemical studies undertaken to clarify
orthodontic tissue response (Reitan and Kvam, 1971; Storey, 1973; Rygh, 1976;
Lilja et al, 1983; Martinez and Jonhson, 1987; Davidovitch, 1991). Meanwhile,
the clinically applied force may appear highly 'uncontrolled' at the cellular level,
possibly explaining why seemingly 'light' and 'controlled' orthodontic forces may,
in addition to acceptable tissue remodelling, generate undesired cellular

Rygh (1976, 1977) observed considerable tissue degradation in the periodontal

ligament following orthodontic treatment.

Kvam (1972) found that root

resorption was present in all orthodontically-stressed teeth, while Sims et al

(Langford and Sims, 1982; Sims and Weekes, 1985) determined that root
resorption was directly related to the magnitude of orthodontic force applied. A
possible explanation for this phenomenon may be associated with injury to the
periodontal ligament, since it has been reported that intentional ligament trauma
could initiate patterns of root resorption (Nakane and Kameyama, 1987). As
yet, theories of trauma and/or magnitude of forces can not explain the changes
induced in cell behaviour as a result of orthodontic and especially physiological
stimulation. Better understanding of mechanisms of cellular signal transduction

in mechanically - stimulated connective tissues may help to explain unexpected

cell reactions observed as sequelae in the majority of orthodontic-treated
clinical cases.

It has been suggested that the cellular environment of specialized matrix

scaffoldings characterizes the cellular responses (Ingber, 1991).
Lanyon (1987) has concluded that the matrix provides a source of 'strain
memory' which can continue the process of cell stimulation even some time
after removal of the initial force.
However, physiological and mechanically - induced processes depend on
critical recognition and binding of selected cell ligands thereby ensuring
appropriate functioning of certain cell properties such as cell adhesion and cell
migration. These interactions are manifested by changes in cell morphology,
proliferation and gene expression (Ginsberg et al, 1992a). Cell- matrix and cellcell interaction are known to be mediated by the family of adhesion molecules
called integrins.

Integrin receptors are transmembrane heterodimers formed by an a and a f S

subunit associated non-covalently (Ingber, 1991; Hynes, 1992; Yamada et al,
1992) In addition to their potential for transducing signals from the extracellular
to the intracellular environment (Damsky and Werb, 1992; Sastry and Horwitz,
1993), integrin gene expression in the nucleus and protein post-translational
modifications in the cytoplasm also appear to regulate this 'outside- in'
mechanism of cellular messages, establishing an 'inside-out' signalling pathway
(Damsky and Werb, 1992; Ginsberg et al, 1992b; Sastry and Horwitz, 1993).
This concept is highly relevant to orthodontic-stimulated tissue response. The
aim of this paper is to discuss a molecular model for the mechanisms of
mechanical signal transduction of integrin gene regulation which takes place in
bone cells as a result of orthodontic forces. Such information may be crucial in
the understanding of epigenetic control of tissue remodelling, in which both
environment and genetic mechanisms may predetermine the optimal cell and
tissue response.

Materials and methods

Human osteosarcoma TE-85 cells from ATCC (Rockville, MD, USA) were grown
in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium (DMEM)/ F-12 (Sigma, St. Louis, MO,
USA) with 5 per cent FBS, 25 IU/ml penicillin G, 25 fig/rcA streptomycin and 100
/ig/ml ascorbic acid (all from Sigma). Mechanical strain was applied by using
the Flexercell Strain Unit (Flexcell Corp., McKeesport, PA, USA) with cells
grown in Type I dishes (flexible bottoms) at 20 kPa at 3 cycles/min (10 s of
strain/10 s of relaxation).
Cells were strained for periods of 15 and 30 minutes, 2 and 24 hours and 3

Control cultures were cultivated for the same time periods using

Flexercell type II rigid-bottomed dishes. The properties of stretch (type I) and

non-stretch (type II) dishes have been described earlier (Anderson et al, 1992).

Immunohistochemistry was performed on strained and unstrained HOS TE-85

Samples were rinsed with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) fixed with 4%
paraformaldehyde for 10 minutes, washed in PBS, permeabilized in 0.5% Triton
X-100 for 20 minutes and washed again in PBS.

Monoclonal mouse anti-

human Printegrin antibodies or anti-human oty-integrin (both from Gibco,

Burlington, ON, Canada) were added for 1 hour at room temperature. Samples







immunoglobulin (Ig) G antibodies for 40 minutes.



Negative controls for all

antibodies were performed. To study the effect of mechanical strain on gene

expression, total RNA was extracted from TE-85 cells as described previously
(Chomzynski and Sacchi, 1987). Cells were rinsed in ice-cold PBS, incubated
in a denaturing solution (4 M guanidinium thiocyanate, 25 mM NaCl, pH 7.0,
0.5% sarcosyl and 0.1% P-mercaptoethanol), incubated with water-saturated
phenol, 2 M Na acetate and chloroform: isoamyl alcohol (49:1). Samples were
centrifuged (10 000 g for 20 minutes) and the water phase, transferred to
isopropanol at 70C, centrifuged, resuspended in the denaturing solution,
incubated with isopropanol, centrifuged, washed in 70% ethanol and dried at
room temperature. Samples were resuspended in distilled RNase-free water.

RNA was quantified by spectrophotometry (Bio-Rad Laboratories Model 620

Video Densitometer, Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd., Japan). RNA (20 n
% per sample) was fractionated on a 1.2% agarose gel and RNA was
transferred to a nitrocellulose membrane, pore size 0.45 /on (MSI, Fisher Sci.,
Winnipeg, MB, Canada) overnight at room temperature. cDNA probes for ft
integrin of 1.2 kb or integrin of 1.1 kb (Gibco, Burlington, ON, Canada) were
labelled with [32P]- yCTP by a random prime kit (Amersham, Oakville, ON,
Canada) and the membranes were hybridized overnight at 42C. In addition, a
probe for cyclophylin of 750 b was used as a control. The excess probe was
removed by subsequent changes of SSPE buffer (3 M NaCl, 23 mM NaH2PO4,
2 mM EDTA, pH 7.4) with varying degrees of stringency, and the blots were
exposed to Kodak XRP-LX-ray films (Kodak Canada Inc., Toronto, ON,

Statistical analysis
Data were analysed statistically by a two-way analysis of variance with Tukey's
multiple comparison test.

7-tests with the Bonferroni correction were also

performed to compare mRNA expression from strained and unstrained cells.

All data represent the average of four experiments performed under identical

Confluent TE-85 cell cultures formed bone-like material as evidenced by bone
nodules shown in Figure 1. Mineralized matrix was characterized by alkaline
phosphatase activity and Von Kossa stain (not shown). Immunohistochemical
fluorescence microscopy showed that the application of mechanical strain for 24
hours appeared to induce a reorganization of integrin distribution. (^ integrin
from untreated cultures (Fig. 2a) appeared to cluster in the centre of cells after
mechanical strain (Fig. 2b). The intensity of staining also seemed to increase,
integrin subunit staining was redistributed with strain when untreated cultures
(Fig. 2c) were mechanically strained (Fig. 2d).

Labelling of QC y integrin

showed that clusters were more intense at the periphery of the cells in

unstrained cultures (Fig. 2d). Following the application of strain, some cells did
not show labelling for <X v at their periphery (not shown), but in the majority of
cells <Xy redistributed as indicated by white arrows (Figure 2d). Northern blots
revealed that the application of mechanical strain caused a significant increase
in hybridization (P< 0.005) of P, integrin mRNA probe at 30 minutes and 3 days
of culture in HOS TE-85 cells when compared with other time periods studied
as shown in Figures 3a and 3b.

On the other hand, the application of

mechanical stimulation did not change the expression of O y integrin mRNA in

experimental cultures compared with untreated controls (Figs 3c and 3d).

Figure 1 Phase contrast micrographs of human osteosarcoma (HOS)-TE 85

cells in culture. (A) 24 hours after seeding of the cells, there is rapid growth and
the cells start forming clusters (arrows). (B) The cell clusters from (A), grow and
coalesce with other clusters until complete confluency is reached. (C) At 48-72
hours of the initiation of the cultures, increased cell proliferation takes place at
localized sites (arrows) in which mineral is deposited and bone hodules are
formed (arrow) in (D).
Figure 2 Immunolocalization studies of human osteosarcoma (HOS) TE-85
cells. Photomicrographs of unstrained (a and c) and strained (b and d) TE-85
HOS cells, (a) unstrained cultures incubated with P, integrin antibodies showed
a change in the labelling distribution when these cells were mechanically
strained, as integrin subunits appeared to redistribute towards the cell centre
(b). Similarly, control unstrained cultures incubated with a, integrin antibodies
(c) also showed a change in labelling after mechanical stimulation (d), however,
a, labelling was still evident at the cell periphery in both unstrained and strained
cells. Magnification (a-b) x 1250.
Figure 3 Photomicrographs of Northern blots showing mRNA of p, and a,
integrin subunits. (a) effects of orthodontic strain in p,-integrin subunit mRNA
expression. Note that strain (+) causes an increase of P, mRNA at 30 minutes
and again at 3 days and 1 week, when compared with unstrained controls (-).
(b) same as that shown in (a). Note the increase in PJ mRNA at 3 days of
strain'application, (c) effects of orthodontic strain in a, integrin subunit mRNA

expression. Note that strain (+) does not change the mRNA expression at any
given time period when compared with unstrained controls (-). (d) same as that
shown in (c). Note that no changes are seen with the application of strain.
Control mRNA (probe for cyclophylin) indicates comparable amounts of RNA
per lane and 28 S indicates the position of the 28 srRNA. 15' = 15 minutes;
30'= 30 minutes; 3d = 3 days and 1 w=l week.

The same amount of total RNA was used in this study for both strained and
unstrained cultures of and (5, integrin subunits. The expression of fJ, integrin
and a, integrin mRNA based on the optical density data are also shown in
Figure 4.

Figure 4 Effect of mechanical strain in the expression of P, and a, integrin

subunits mRNA. Values indicate at least four cultures for each time period
studied, p, and oiv integrin mRNA expression is represented by its ratio (%) of
to the internal control (cyclophylin expression) from densitometric scans of Xray films. *Significantly greater (P < 0.005) in strained cultures in comparison
with unstrained controls.

Therapeutic corrections in clinical orthodontics and dentofacial orthopaedics
attempt to stimulate cell and tissue remodelling by manipulation of mechanical

Since early studies showed that these forces produced a series of

undesirable tissue reactions (Kvam, 1972; Rygh, 1977; Langford and Sims,
1982; Sims and Weekes, 1985; Nakane and Kameyama, 1987), the lack of
knowledge between physiological and clinical force systems has been evident.
Of special interest in orthodontics is the response of cells from supporting
structures of teeth, such as periodontal ligament and bone, to mechanical
stimulation. Our understanding in this field has increased rapidly from a few
years ago, however, as this area expands more questions arise.

Even though the pathway or pathways which are responsible for translation of
extracellularly applied mechanical forces into intracellular signals are still not
clear, it is beyond the scope of this paper to discuss this question in detail.
These concepts have been reviewed elsewere (Carvalho et al, 1995). This
study is based on the proposition that cellular changes in morphology,
proliferation and synthetic activity are correlated directly or indirectly to gene
expression. By understanding mechanisms of mechanically-stimulated gene
regulation, we believe that ultimately, the clinical application of forces will be
delivered in such a manner as to communicate with the cells in their 'language'.
This scenario will allow the most appropriate results with a minimum of
biological tissue damage.

The cytoskeleton serves not only to provide positional information for

intracellular organelles including the nucleus, but also it has been shown to bind
directly and regulate the expression of various mRNAs (Biegel and Patcher,
1992; Simpson et al, 1994). Nuclear positioning within the cell has also been
shown to be essential in regulation of protein synthesis and gene expression
(Russel and Dix, 1992). This positioning is partly regulated by binding of the
cytoskeleton to the nuclear membrane (Bissel et al, 1982; Berezny, 1991) which
allows transduction of signals to the nucleus (Ingber, 1991; Simpson et al,

Therefore, the association of integrin receptor proteins with the

underlying cellular cytoskeleton (Ingber, 1991; Lotz et al, 1989; Hynes, 1992;
Yamada et al, 1992) partly explains their regulation of gene expression (NgSikorski et al, 1991).

In addition to stimulating gene expression, integrin receptors have functions as

signal transduction channels (Kornberg et al, 1991; Hynes, 1992) in a series of
critical recognition events of cell-substratum and cell-cell adhesion.


events are the key in a variety of biological processes such as embryonic








metastasis, cell polarity, cell migration, organ function, tissue organization and
immunological recognition (Ingber, 1991; Kornberg et al, 1991; Milam et al,

1991; Clover et al, 1992; Ginsberg et al, 1992a; Hynes, 1992; Yamada et al,
1992; Majda et al, 1994).

The mechanically-induced distribution and expression of both 0C v and ft

integrins shown here suggests that there is a specificity of response amongst
strain-induced integrin regulation.

The presence of a integrin subunits in a

particular cell type indicates that such cell type may bind to a variety of
attachment proteins (Felding-Habermann and Cheresh, 1993).
However, this diversity is regulated by the subunit.

In addition to ligand

specificity, a integrins may participate in the process of focal contact assembly

(La Flamme et al, 1992).
Similarly, PJ actively participates not only in the regulation of focal contacts but
also in the maintenance of cytoskeletal interactions. In Figure 2, we indicate
that mechanical strain alters P, integrin 'focal contact' distribution (Fig. 2a) to a
more perinuclear labeling (Fig. 2b). In contrast, the stimulation of subunits by
strain does not follow the same distribution, and patches of labelling similar to a
'focal contact' protein distribution can still be seen following strain application
(Fig. 2d).

In cell types responsive to strain, such differences possibly

demonstrate a strain-dependent regulatory mechanism, involving gene

regulation and protein maturation mechanisms.
In mechanically-induced signal transduction, signals begin in the extracellular
matrix (ECM).

The predominantly physical stimulus may be translated by

integrins to some form of chemical signals which are propagated through the
cytoskeleton and a variety of second messenger molecules. These signals are
progressively enhanced or repressed to reach finally the nucleus in which they
regulate gene expression.

It has been recently hypothesized that integrins

translate mechanical stimulation from outside to inside the cells ('outside-in')

(Sastry and Horwitz, 1993; Carvalho et al, 1995).

On the other hand, the

regulation of gene expression by integrins (Damsky and Werb, 1992) has

revealed the potential for the 'inside-out' regulation of mechanically-induced
signal transduction (Ginsberg et al., 1992b; Sastry and Horwitz, 1993). The

latter involves effectors in the cytoplasm which modulate affinity and/or

specificity for its ECM ligand (Damsky and Werb, 1992).

Thus, changes in integrin mRNAs could regulate the cellular protein synthetic
machinery through mRNA-cytoskeleton binding upon mRNA translation (Bissel
et al, 1982). By contrast, inside-out signalling of integrins may not be controlled
by control of gene expression in certain cell types, such as in platelets
(Ginsberg et al, 1992b).
In addition to nuclear positioning, arrangement of the ECM also appears to
provide positional information for transmission of mechanical forces. Moreover,
the three-dimensional arrangement of DNA, a major part of the nuclear matrix,
is believed to play a significant role in gene regulation (Simpson et al, 1994).
Thus, regulation of 'inside-out' signalling by integrins may take place by a
mechanism of interaction of nuclear factors in the nuclear matrix and
cytoplasmic proteins.
Resnick et al (1993) have identified a region of DNA in the PDGF-B gene
promoter, which appears to be required in order to confer responsiveness to this
gene as a result of mechanical stimulation. This region appears to behave as
aTegulatory 'responsive element'. The results of PDGF-B are similar to our
studies on Pi integrin seen here. We have found that expression of % integrin
starts as early as 30 minutes (Figs 3 and 4).

However, the mechanically-

stimulated response for the distribution of the integrin subunits does not appear
to follow the same pattern (Fig. 2). The latter may be expected since such
distribution is taking place following gene regulation. A partial explanation may
be the interaction of mechanical stimulation with other systems including
changes in membrane fluidity causing integrin redistribution as a result of
mechanical stimulation (Bissel et al, 1982).

Changes in mRNA levels of PJ integrin as seen in Figures 3a and 3b may be

due to differences in kinetics of the maturation process of integrins. p proteins
appear to be synthesized in large numbers in response to growth and
differentiation factors (Koivisto et al, 1994),but remain as immature precursors

in the endoplasmic reticulum, prior to dimer formation with a subunits (Santala

et al, 1994).
Application of mechanical stimulation appears to stimulate integrin regulation to
a given requirement of the precursor pool at selected time periods.


hypothesize that strain stimulates genetic regulation by a 'responsive element'

coupled to a transcription factor in responsive genes, such as the integrin gene,
in mechanically responsive cells. Meanwhile, as the search for these answers
progresses, we have been able to show to date that mechanical stimulation is
responsible for selective expression of integrins (Fig. 4) corroborating earlier
findings of stimulatory and/or inhibitory expression differences of certain genes
by strain (Komuro et al., 1991).
Although we have discussed the effects of mechanically-induced gene
regulation of selected integrin subunits, it is important to remember that
mechanical stimulation is not an isolated phenomenon.

Stimulation by

mechanical signals at cell level is also regulated by a variety of other

morphogens, such as growth factors, hormones and morphoregulatory
molecules (Simpson et al., 1994). In addition, a single system probably does
not solely explain the complexity of the mechanically-induced cellular response.

New studies on the effects of mechanical stimulation upon these basic cellular
mechanisms are starting to shed some light on the principles of cellular
behaviour that are frequently taken for granted at the clinical level.
Future experimentation both at the basic and clinical levels will greatly enhance
our understanding of both physiological and therapeutic application of
mechanical forces.

Nevertheless the main goals remain to deliver clinical

management through controlled loading patterns which could prevent and/or

reverse tissue breakdown yet provide the desired functional and aesthetic

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