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Learn With Us !




AIS-R EAGLE Honor Code

AIS-R is a school that honors and promotes respect for others, inclusiveness, individual differences, and appropriate
behavior. We believe that ethics and values are essential in a principled community, and expect behavior that
upholds the dignity and self-worth of all community members.
In order to reinforce these beliefs, AIS-R has defined what it means to be an AIS-R Eagle:
earning, and
nvironmental. AIS-R students are expected to live these dispositions, and avoid behaviors that are
inconsistent with their spirit and meaning.
Together, these five overarching characteristics comprise AIS-Rs Honor Code, and students are reminded of this code
in many different ways throughout the year.
The goal of the AIS-R Honor Code is to educate and inspire our students to be responsible, productive, and ethical
world citizens, perhaps one of the most important components of AIS-Rs Mission.
Parents and students are encouraged to discuss the AIS-R Honor Code on their own, and to always strive to be an
AIS-R Eagle no matter where life takes you.

I am an AIS-R
, therefore I am...
I am honest
I make good choices
I am empathetic
I stand up for the rights of others
I demonstrate academic integrity
I am open to multiple possibilities
I take responsible risks
I am cooperative and collaborative
I welcome constructive feedback
I am a leader and a follower
I respect and seek to understand others
I am compassionate
I accept cultural differences
I know and respect the customs of our host country
I take action to impact positive change
I am inquisitive, persistent and reflective
I seek opportunities to improve
I reason critically
I communicate effectively
I think creatively
I am responsible
I reduce, reuse and recycle
I advocate for sustainable practices
I am a model of healthy living
I care for our community





We believe:
The pursuit of excellence is worth the cost.
All people have worth.
Education is a shared responsibility of
parents, students, school and community.
People learn in different ways at different
Achievement builds self-esteem and
promotes learning.
Accountability improves performance.
Ethics and values are essential in a principled


Each student will demonstrate an ability to

think creatively, reason critically and
communicate effectively by identifying and
developing alternative solutions to real world
Each student will communicate effectively to
a variety of audiences in a variety of ways.
Each student will meet or exceed clearly
defined grade appropriate standards of
knowledge and skills as measured by various
indicators including standardized tests.
Each student will continuously choose to
improve relationships with others, grow in
character and act in an ethical manner.

We will develop at each grade level a written

curriculum, which is aligned with the strategic
objectives and a means of assessing and
monitoring both curriculum and alignment.
We will develop a variety of activities and
experiences throughout the educational
program to develop creative thinking, critical
reasoning and effective communication.
We will integrate the use of technology
throughout the educational program to assist
all students in support of our strategic
We will systematically familiarize and involve
staff, students and parents with the strategic
plan and its implementation.
We will improve our facilities to ensure that
they support and contribute to a high quality
We will enhance support for teachers in their
efforts to meet the needs of all students
within the scope of our educational program.
We will effectively communicate the
strengths of the school, promoting ourselves
as a flexible, caring institution.

Students meeting specified enrollment

criteria will be accepted.
Programs for students whose exceptional
needs exceed the scope of our educational
program cannot be offered.
If, despite our best efforts, our educational
program cannot meet a students needs, the
students enrollment will be discontinued.
Educational programs will be initiated or
retained when they:
Meet a clearly demonstrated
mission-related need
Address the impact on other programs/
Survive a cost-benefit analysis
Can be adequately staffed
Set in place an evaluation procedure.
Any behavior on the part of any student,
staff member or patron of the school which
diminishes the dignity or self-worth of a
student, staff member or patron will not be

Welcome to AIS-R Elementary School

Welcome to AIS-R Elementary School - Where Learning Happens! From the Early Years program to Grade Five
our goal at AIS-R Elementary is to create an environment rich in caring, positive expectations and participation
so that each childs innate potential for healthy development and learning will be realized. We strive to
appreciate the whole child and thus are attentive to their cognitive, social/emotional and physical needs. At
AIS-R, students are valued and distinguished in a variety of ways that allow them to express their uniqueness
and explore their potential. We believe in nurturing the whole child and cultivating learner habits by fostering
and encouraging an environment that causes learning through purposeful planning, intentional teaching, and
authentic performances.
Our student population is approximately 780 from PreK Grade 5. Throughout the week students from
Kindergarten through Grade Five have classes in math, writers workshop, readers workshop, science and
social studies. Students also explore and experience art, music, physical education, counseling, STEM, and the
Arabic language. Additionally, students are offered a variety of enrichment opportunities in our after school
program (ASA). AIS-R Elementary is a place where learning is dynamic, hands-on and differentiated, and
children are assessed based on their growth over time.
We provide our students with multiple ways to learn, grow, and play. Students at all grade levels participate in
grade level assemblies, holiday concerts, after school activities, Earth Week, United Nations Day, talent shows,
publishing parties, walk-a-thons, field trips, learning celebrations, Terry Fox Run, and Week Without Walls (to
name a few). Our faculty and staff are dedicated to teaching the whole child, accepting each child
unconditionally for who they are, and to providing children with varied opportunities to be actively involved in
developmentally-appropriate learning experiences.
AIS-R elementary school students are expected to follow our AIS-R Honor Code, which defines what it means
to be an AIS-R EAGLE: Ethical, Adaptable, Global, Learning, and Environmental. Monthly elementary school
assemblies highlight these dispositions and classroom expectations and behaviors are grounded in these
principles. We believe our elementary school children are AIS-R Eagles and that they Make a Difference.
We commit to providing an environment that honors our school mission and one where children thrive and
our parents are partners. Our greatest hope for our students is to be happy and love learning.
For additional information, please visit the ES Blog at
Jenny Canar
Elementary School Principal
Travis Klump
Elementary School Assistant Principal
Mike Romard
Elementary School Assistant Principal

Table of Contents

1. Our School
Daily Schedule
Parent Contact Information
Important Rules of Conduct
Message to Parents
Our Objectives
Students Rights
Teachers Rights
All School Rules
Playground Expectations
Other Rules
Disciplinary Procedures
Behavioral Probation
Search and Investigation of Personal property



2. Attendance

Students Departing Campus
Early Pick-up
Late Pick-up


3. Academics

Academic Freedom and Controversial Issues

Addressing Academic Concerns
After School Learning
MAP Testing
Early Release Day
Homework Guidelines
Parent Teacher Conferences
Progress Reports
Report Cards
Retention, Promotion Policy
Specialist Classes and The Rotation Schedule


4. Food Services
Dining Hall

5. Guidelines For Snacks and Lunches


6. Health Services

Student Illness or Injury

Communicable Diseases
Emergency Parent Contact


7. Policies & Procedures

Parent Conduct and Communicating Concerns

After School Activities
Animals/Pets in Classroom
Birthdays and Special Events
Campus Access
Parental Campus Access During the School Day
Gate Message
Child Maltreatment and Protection Policy
Dress Code
Eagles Nest
Elevator Usage
Field Trips
Language Policy
Lost and Found
On Campus Events
Parents as Role-Models
Prayer Room
Proper Storage of Modes of Transportation
Resource Room
Student Placement
Student Supplies
Telephone Usage
Toys, Electronic Games, and Other Treasures
Youth, Alumni, and Non-Parent Visitors to AIS-R


8. Support Program
Counseling Program
Classroom Counseling


Child Study Team (CST) Meetings and Parent Conferences

Individual Counseling
English Language Learner Program
Learning Support Program


9. Technology Usage and Guidelines

Technology Responsible Use Agreements
Device Use in the Classroom
Lost Devices
Device Requirements at home
Web Publishing Guidelines

Guardianship Form



Our School
Daily Schedule

Campus Opens


First Bell


Line up and Transition

(School begins at 8:30)




Snack G. 1,2/ Recess G. 3,4,5


Snack G. 3,4,5/ Recess G. 1,2




Lunch Kg2,G. 1,2/ Recess G. 3,4,5


Lunch G. 3,4,5/ Recess Kg2, G. 1,2


PreK - Kg1 Dismissal






Scheduled ASA and ASL Sessions Begin


Scheduled ASA and ASL Sessions End

*Reminder bell will sound

** Please refer to your PreK, Kg1, Kg2 homeroom schedule for recess times
-Early Release Day 12:00 dismissal-

Open, honest and ongoing communication is critical to the success of the educational partnership we strive for
between students, parents and teachers. The following are sources for school related information:

K-12 Activity Calendar:

A calendar of all AIS-R events is distributed to all students.
The Elementary School blog,
, contains news and
information about Elementary School activities.
Classroom Blogs:
All classroom events, homework, and activities can be accessed via your childs
classroom blog.
Families can email teachers and administration with questions and concerns. In addition,
each family is given a Gmail account that can be used to communicate with the school.
AIS-Rs blended learning platform allows parents and students
online access to Newsflash, the ES Dining Hall Menu, and general school information and resources.
Each parent is issued a Moodle ID and password.
A weekly newsletter of upcoming events, articles, and items of special interest to
parents and students is emailed to all parents and can be viewed online through Moodle.
This is a school information system that allows parents to view their childs report cards,
MAP scores, and school messages. Each parent is issued a Skyward ID and password. Please keep
your skyward contact information current.
Browse the schools website to find general information about each grade level and
general school information

Parent Contact Information

It is extremely important to have up-to-date contact information, so that the school is able to contact
parents in case of an emergency. If contact information has changed, parents can update their
information via Skyward, send an email to,
or call the Elementary School office.

For all Skyward, Gmail, and Moodle inquiries, parents can email

Important Rules of Conduct

Message to Parents
Our expectations will not be as successful at school without parent support at home. If we need to contact
a parent by phone or e-mail, we will appreciate immediate cooperation. Working together will help the
student understand good behavior expectations at AIS-R. Students will better understand these behavior
expectations when reviewed at home with parents.

Our objectives

To ensure the safety of all students at AIS-R

To achieve consistent, positive behaviors throughout the school
To provide students with clear expectations concerning behavior
To maintain a spirit of cooperation
To improve home/school communications and cooperation regarding behavior expectations that
will benefit all students

Students Rights

To have a classroom environment that is most conducive to learning

To be provided with positive support of appropriate behavior
To know behavior expectations and the consequences of inappropriate behavior
To be safe

Teachers Rights

To have a classroom environment that enables optimal student learning

To determine and expect appropriate behavior from students
To be supported by parents, a principal, and other school personnel when assistance is needed
with a student

All School Rules

AIS-R Elementary students will:

be responsible for his/her behavior.

follow directions the first time they are given.
treat staff, students and equipment with respect.
make healthy food choices and not chew gum, drink soda and eat candy.
keep food in the dining hall and classrooms.
keep hands, feet, and hurtful words to oneself.
use appropriate language at all times.
solve problems with words.
keep our school litter free.
walk, rather than run in the hallways and in outdoor walking areas.
leave dangerous objects or illegal substances at home.
keep personal items (toys, candy, DSs, Frisbee etc.) away from school. Cell phones must stay in
stay in the boundaries of the ES area unless accompanied by an adult.
follow AIS-Rs dress code.
follow AIS-Rs Honor Code.

Playground Expectations
The ES Playground is open from 8:10-3:20. Supervision begins at 8:10am.
Playgrounds are not supervised after dismissal at 3:20pm. Outside of ES playground hours, AIS-R is not
responsible for the safety of individuals on the AIS-R campus.
While on the
, students will:

stay in assigned duty play area.

demonstrate respect for each other by using polite and safe actions and language. No name calling,
teasing or cursing.

keep hands to oneself. No pushing, tripping or fighting.

stop all games

after the bell rings and whistle is blown, return all playground
equipment to the baskets and line-up in the designated area.

not climb and jump off the playground equipment.

not throw rocks, sand, or other harmful objects at any time.

keep games open to all students.

place backpacks on their lines (no backpacks at play areas.)

not have personal toys.
play by the rules of the game they are playing.
use the playground stairs and/or ramp and not jump from the wall.
remain at recess, do not climb stairs or re-enter classrooms (without prior teacher approval).
keep iProducts (handheld devices) in backpacks (or classrooms). No devices allowed during recess
unless directly supervised by the respective HR teacher

While playing
, students will:

line-up against the compound wall and no cut.

use four-square balls only.

follow all
AIS-R four-square rules

talk-through disagreements.

enter at square (#1) at the front of the waiting line.

While playing
, students will:

share the field.

allow everyone to play.

use soccer balls only.

follow the rules of soccer.

be careful not to hurt/foul others.

assign one person who gets the ball when it goes out of play.

talk-through disagreements.
While on the
zip line
, students will:
when riding
get on the seat from a sitting position at the top of the zip line platform, they will sit on the
ride one at a time.
push off or start in a straight line (do not push off to the side).
remain seated and hang on with both hands the entire time.
ride all the way to the end and allow the seat to bounce back and come to a stop before
getting off.
pull the seat back for the next rider when finished (even if no rider is waiting).
when waiting in line
wait patiently in line and keep hands to oneself.
line-up in order (without cutting).
line-up on the grass, next to the wall.
continue the line down the side of the soccer field.
when preparing to ride
wait for the seat to be returned before climbing the zip line stairs (if there was a previous
sit at the top of the platform facing the direction they will travel.
get on the seat while sitting.
While playing
, students will:

share the balls.

use basketballs only.

follow the rules of basketball.

be careful not to hurt/foul others.

one person get the ball when it goes out of play.

Other Rules

Fighting is absolutely unacceptable. Play fighting such as wrestling, Karate, or Tae-Kwon-Do is not
Jumping off playground equipment is allowed only at a height approximately equal to the student
touch tag on the shoulder is allowed. All tag games must be played on the grass field.
Loud voices are allowed and may be encouraged
High pitched screaming and shrills are not permitted
While on
Parallel Bars,
students should hang and swing with feet down under bars using both
Walk, not play, between buildings.
Walk to/from the Dining Hall.
Share all recess materials including: balls, field, play equipment, courts
Do not stand in front of/behind the students on swings

Our objective is to ensure a safe, positive and supportive environment for our students. Therefore, any
student who bullies others will be immediately referred to the counselor for counseling and subject to
disciplinary action by the principal that may include a parent/guardian conference, detention, suspension
or no program.
Bullying is the unwelcome repeated and targeted verbal, written or physical act directed at a student by
another and has the intent or effect of:

physically, emotionally or mentally harming a student.

damaging, extorting or taking a students personal property.

placing a student in reasonable fear of physical, emotional or mental harm.

placing a student in reasonable fear of damage to or loss of personal property.

creating an intimidating environment that substantially interferes with a students educational


Disciplinary Procedures
Most of our students are well-behaved and usually accept responsibility for their behavior. Each teacher
has shared a class discipline plan that students are expected to follow. However, when a classroom or
school rule is not followed, students must know that disciplinary action will be taken. All students
Kg1-Grade 5 follow the Behavior Reflection Process:
Step 1: Verbal reminder
Step 2: Remove child from situation
Step 3: Thinking time (remove the child from the group)
Step 4: Complete a reflection form and get it signed by a parent
Step 5: Referral to the Principal*
*Step 5 is implemented immediately when:


Blatant disrespect

Gross misconduct such as damaging school property, substance abuse, or possession of a weapon
of any kind


When a student is sent to the Principal, one or more of the following may take place:

The student completes a reflection form that is sent home to be signed by the parents

The principal discusses the problem with the student

The principal phones the parents informing them of the incident

A conference is scheduled with the student and his/her parents. Should infractions continue after
a parent conference, the student may receive either an in-school or out-of-school suspension.
Continued disruptive behavior may result in recommendation for no program

When severe disciplinary action is necessary, a student may be suspended from all classes and school
activities for a specified number of hours and/or school days. Parents and or guardians will be informed by
letter and a phone call explaining the reason for the suspension. Reasons for immediate suspension
include but are not limited to profane or obscene language, physical violence, teasing other students,
bullying or harassment, showing disrespect towards school faculty/staff, and any act, which may harm or
place other students in an unsafe and dangerous situation.
A student who continually violates school rules will be withheld from school-sponsored activities such as
field trips and after-school activities. The school Principal reserves the right to make the final decision on
these matters. While a student attends an in-school suspension or is suspended from school, he/she will
not be allowed to take part in any activities during or after-school.

Behavioral Probation
For the safety of all students, AIS-R has established the following behavioral probation protocols:
Students who have exhibited ongoing behavioral issues may be placed on probation (i.e. a
conditional placement) for the next school year. If a student is transferring between ES to MS or MS to
HS, that student and his/her parents must meet with the principals to discuss the conditions of the
behavioral probation and sign a letter before the end of the school year accepting those conditions.
Students who do not meet the conditions of their probation, as stated in their letter, will have their
seat at AIS-R rescinded.

Search and Investigation of Personal Property (including devices)

For the safety of all students, AIS-R has established the following search and investigation protocols for
personal property, including devices.
In cases where a student is suspected of using a device inappropriately (either on or off campus),
bringing contraband items to school, etc., an AIS-R administrator and/or faculty/staff member has
the right to search the device or personal belonging of the student, to include, but not limited to,
bag, pencil case, wallet, pockets, device, phone, car, locker and PE locker.
Devices include password protected devices, where the student is honor-bound to provide the
AIS-R Administrator/Faculty/Staff member with the password.
In turn, AIS-R administrators and Faculty/Staff Members are in
loco parentis
while school is in
session, on school trips, during after-school activities etc and thus have the right to question
students who are believed to be in violation of school rules, or are witnesses to violations of school
rules and/or the AIS-R Eagle Honor Code.
Parents will be contacted when such an incident occurs and appropriate disciplinary consequences will be
enacted once a thorough investigation has taken place.


Students are expected to attend school regularly and to be on time in order to receive maximum benefit from
the instructional program and to develop habits of punctuality, self-discipline and responsibility. There is a
direct relationship between good attendance and school success. Students who have good attendance
generally achieve better grades and enjoy school more.
Parents may demonstrate support for the education of their child by making a commitment to have their child
attend school each day except when ill. Families who match school vacations with family vacations help their
child receive the full benefit of the classroom instruction offered. Missed learning activities may be accessed
via your childs classroom blog or provided by the teacher. All summative assessments are expected to be
completed for reporting purposes. Extended absences due to traveling are discouraged and some activities
may not be able to be made-up.


If students are absent from school for an extended period of time, of 5 days or more, please notify the
teacher and the office.
When the child returns from the absence, please provide a note of explanation.
The school does not provide report cards prior to the end of a trimester.
Students who are absent for more than twenty days in a trimester may receive an N/A on the report
Students who are absent for more than thirty days during the school year may not be promoted to the
next grade level.
All absences on the report card are recorded as such regardless if excused or unexcused.
A skyward message can be enabled by the parent for the purpose of notification in the event of
absences. For instructions please contact the skyward coordinator at

Drop Off/Pick up
The school does not provide transportation for the students.
Students may enter the school campus starting

at 8:10am and should not arrive prior to this time. Supervision of students does not start until after 8:10am.
Transportation must arrive no later than 1:15pm for Pre-K & Kg1 dismissal and no later than 3:20pm for
grades Kg2 through Grade 5 dismissal. After School Activity pick-up is at 4:20pm.
Parents must contact the homeroom teacher when their child changes home transportation.
Parents and nannies must wait for children in the designated areas.

Students Departing Campus

remain on campus from the beginning of the school day until dismissal time. Students are not
under any circumstances
, to depart campus without parent/guardian accompaniment during
school hours. School staff is not permitted to accompany students off campus unless authorized by the
division Principal in the case of an emergency.


Students are expected to be in class on time. Attendance is taken at 8:30am. After 8:30am students are
marked as tardy in Skyward.
Repeated tardies will be referred to the school principal or counselor, with a parent conference to follow if
habits are not improved. Punctuality is a life-long behavior we promote beginning in the early school years.

Early Pick-up
When it is necessary to collect your child during the school day, a parent or guardian must check in with the
Elementary School office to request a
Gate Pass.
All students shall be picked up from the office. If the child
rides the bus home, please inform the regular bus monitor or driver so the monitor will not look for the child
after school and hold the bus. Any child departing campus early must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.

Late Pick-up
AIS-R Elementary School does not provide after school care. All students must be picked-up at departure time.
If 1:15pm or 3:20pm transportation is late, students wait in the Learn with Us Guard House after notifying
the office secretaries.
Students waiting for transportation may not roam around the campus and must remain in the assigned
designated area (ES Office or Guard House)
All students walking to and from school
must depart
the campus by 3:30pm unless staying for After School
Learning or an After School Activity.

Academic Freedom & Controversial Issues
At AIS-R, Academic freedom is defined as the belief that teachers and students are free to pursue the search
for global knowledge and understanding, in its many forms, and share their methods and findings in a manner
that is reflective of the AIS-R Eagle Honor Code, the IB Learner Profile, as well as the professional expectations
further discussed in this policy.
In the classroom, academic freedom also means that teachers encourage discussion of controversial issues
and develop in students a quest for knowledge, understanding and diverse points of view. Teachers present
issues in a fair and unbiased manner to allow students to arrive at balanced views. The exercise of academic
freedom will not violate the cultural norms, laws, or regulations of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, nor will it
extend beyond the agreed upon curriculum and standards of AIS-R.
The discussion of controversial issues should not be avoided just because there may be differences of opinion
on the part of parents, students, and professional staff on these issues. However, any subject discussed shall


be a part of the adopted curriculum, and the discussion shall be led and/or directed by a member of the
professional staff who has the necessary technical and conceptual expertise.
Prior to the initiation of a discussion about a subject that might be sensitive or controversial, a teacher will
seek the guidance of the principal.
Being respectful and tolerant of the culture, practices, and norms of this country is expected of all employees,
family members and students. Since the students and staff of the school are guests in the Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia, controversial issues which might be offensive to the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will
be avoided. Further, as a global community, the culture, practices and norms of all cultures will be respected
to ensure that all teachers and students create an environment of tolerance where the pursuit of knowledge,
by an individual or group, is in no way impaired by the academic freedoms of others.

Addressing Academic Concerns

Parents may email homeroom teachers at any time to address questions, issues or academic concerns. If you
have not received a response from the teacher within 72 hours, please contact the Elementary School office.
Parents should arrange a teacher/parent conference whenever there is a need for additional information or if
a problem arises.
Parents are encouraged to discuss resolutions of concerns with teachers before contacting counselors or the
If there is continuing concern, parents, teachers and administrators will meet to resolve any


After School Learning

Teachers offer After School Learning (ASL) hours on a regular basis for those students needing extra support.
ASL hours are conducted after school from 3:30pm to 4:20pm. The teacher will inform the parents of the
scheduled days for ASL hours. Parents need to arrange transportation for their children on those days.


AIS-R Elementary School uses a variety of assessments to inform instruction, evaluate student achievement,
and ensure student growth and progress. These assessment practices include: Diagnostic Assessments,
Self-Assessments, Formative Assessments, Summative Assessments, Common Assessments, and External
Assessments. Summative Assessments measure performance and summarize the development of learners at
a particular time. These assessment results are shared with parents and are carried out at the end of each
learning period/unit of instruction. Summative assessment results are reflected on each trimester report card.
No other form of assessment is reflected on the report card. Parents may contact teachers via email or
scheduled appointment to discuss assessment results.

MAP Testing
The Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) test is given thrice annually (spring, winter (rdg. only), and fall)
to our AIS-R elementary school students, Grades 2-5 and once annually for students in Gr. 1. Its primary
purpose is to inform instruction and give a students instructional level in the areas tested (Reading,
Language Usage, and Math). Growth is measured from test to test. Results of MAP testing are shared
with parents after the completion of all spring tests. When a child takes the MAP test, consideration
must be taken for any of the following: concentration, time taken to read and answer each item
carefully, interest, carefulness, alertness during testing, distraction during testing, optimal performance
(health, rest, wellness). We have experienced that some children also may have slight test anxiety or


underperform due to a number of variables given on any testing day. This, too, must be taken into
consideration. Please direct all questions regarding MAP testing to the ES Counselors.

Early Release Days

On the days listed below, your child is dismissed at 12:00pm. Transportation home at 12:00pm is the
responsibility of the parent. If your child is absent on an Early Release Day, it is recorded in Skyward and
documented on the respective trimester report card. The curriculum on Early Release days varies from grade
level to grade level and month-by-month. Please contact your childs homeroom teacher or visit your childs
classroom blog for specific Early Release day activities.

September 8
October 13
December 1
January 19
February 9
March 15
April 19
May 24

Homework Guidelines

HW targets a childs independent level and is therefore differentiated. At no time should all children
be completing the same HW, at the same time, in the same way (unless evidenced by a
pre-assessment or formative assessment).
To ensure homework is doable, teachers must
differentiate assignments so they are at the appropriate level of difficulty for individual students
(Tomlinson, 2008).
How is homework differentiated for your child? Amount, time, type, competence,
efficiency, choice, and personally relevant
When assigned, the student(s) must be given feedback on their HW performance
HW is formative and does not factor into a childs report card
When assigned, HW must be communicated with the respective parents/families (i.e. email, blog
post, assignment notebook) and not exceed 30 minutes Gr.1-3 and 45 minutes Gr.4-5.


Kindergarten students
do not receive homework
other than home reading.
Parents are urged to read nightly to their child(ren).

Parent Teacher Conferences

Conferences between parents and teachers are very helpful in creating an understanding with regard to
educational goals and objectives, solving problem situations, developing plans for helping students at home,
and informing parents of student progress.
AIS-R hosts parent-teacher conferences twice a year. Teachers meet with the parents/guardians during a
scheduled time to review and discuss student progress. The school calendar is marked with these dates. Also,


an invitation is sent prior to the conferences with instructions on how to schedule an appointment. All
conferences with the homeroom teacher require a scheduled appointment.
Conferences may be scheduled at the request of the parents, teachers, counselors or administrators.
Throughout the year to set a conference, please contact your homeroom teacher via email.

Progress Reports
All elementary students receive a progress report in the first trimester. Progress reports are prepared by the
teacher and sent home mid-trimester. Subsequent progress reports will be sent to parents when there is a
concern about a students progress, when there has been exceptional progress, or for new incoming students

Report Cards

Kg2 to Gr.5 have standards-based report cards. Student academic achievements are reported to
parents three times a year. A student must attend at least
twenty days
of school during a trimester
to receive a completed report card.

Report Cards are not issued before the end of the trimester. If a student is withdrawing before the
end of the 3rd trimester, a final report card will be issued if the student has been in attendance at
least 20 days of the 3rd trimester. In such cases, a grade for Specialists may not be listed due to
limited attendance.

The final report card is published in skyward on the last day of school. For early departing students,
the report card can only be viewed after the last day of school.

All report cards can be accessed via Skyward.

Retention/Promotion Policy
The curriculum and instructional programs at AIS-R have been designed to assure that students complete one
grade level each academic year.
Criteria for promotion/retention decisions shall include age, achievement, social adjustment, parent support,
the availability of alternative programs, and teacher recommendations. Parents will be consulted in cases
where retention or promotion is considered. The school principal makes the final decision regarding
promotion and retention. Children retained or who skip a grade are automatically moved to Conditional
Placement status.

Specialist Classes & The Rotation Schedule

The Elementary School offers Specialist classes that include Counseling, PE, Art, Learning Commons, Music,
STEM, and Arabic. The classes rotate on a 6-day schedule. This means students will have Specials within a
6-day schedule, rather than a 5-day week. A calendar identifying the 6-day rotation is in the appendix of this


The elementary art program strives to develop the creativity and aesthetic sensitivities of all students.
Instruction is aimed at providing students with experiences that instill self-esteem through the creation of
each special project. A collection of treasures is made!
Students are instructed in the use of a wide variety of art media and techniques and engage in studio
activities designed to develop visual language and vocabulary.
Students learn to make aesthetic decisions about their work. They view and discuss the artistic
achievements of cultures and people throughout history. Art activities and concepts may enhance and
reinforce the curricular programs from each childs regular classroom.

STEM is an interdisciplinary program that incorporates elements of Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics through project-based learning modules. Students will attend STEM classes once a six-day
cycle and complete projects both independently and in cooperative groups. STEM is not reported on the
ES Report Card.

Learning Commons:
The mission of the Elementary School Learning Commons (ELC) is to instill a joy of reading in each of our
students while teaching them about book care, ELC etiquette, and the skills they need to locate materials
in the ELC. While we gently recommend age-appropriate books, we allow students to choose books of
interest to them.

All students have one fixed time for book exchange with their class per six-day cycle. Books are checked
out during your childs Learning Commons special, and the books are expected to be returned during their
next scheduled Learning Commons period. If books are not returned or renewed by the due date, they are
considered overdue.
Students who have overdue books will be notified and will have their checkout

privileges temporarily limited or denied until the books are returned. In Pre-K to Grade 2, notices will be
sent home to inform parents of overdue books; in Grades 3-5, students will be informed directly by the ELC
staff. Students are responsible for the books they check out. If a book is lost or damaged beyond repair, a
fine will be assessed based on the full cost of the book + 20% of the cost as a processing fee. We are happy
to issue a refund if the book is found and returned in good condition. Students in Grades Kg2-5 are
welcome to visit the Learning Commons before school and during recess to browse, read, and checkout
books. Parents are also welcome to visit and check out books anytime during the school day (up to a limit
of 5 books). For more information about the ES Learning Commons, we invite you to visit our Learning
Commons blog at

Children in grades Kg2-Grade 5 attend Arabic classes three times a six-day cycle for 50 minutes. The ES
Arabic program targets all learners at all levels of Arabic proficiency. Our language classes are designed for
students to learn and practice Arabic according to the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign
Language (ACTFL)
as they align with the AIS-R ES Arabic Curriculum
Standards. The purpose of our program is to expose all learners to the Arabic language.
Features of our Arabic program include, but are not limited to, the following:

Language is taught through context, with new information connected to existing knowledge
Differentiated instruction aligned to individual needs and ACTFL expectations


Assessment is formative and summative, supports student learning, and informs instruction

At an additional cost, students in Grades Kg2-Gr.5 have the opportunity to participate in an extended
Arabic Language Program (ALPS) after school. Please contact the ALPS coordinator, Mrs. Odette Zakharia
at, regarding the ALPS program.

The elementary music program strives to help students acquire a lifelong love of music.
At each grade level students are introduced to and explore: rhythm, melody, harmony, tone, expression,
and style. As children study these concepts, they develop voice, music reading, listening, moving, and
creativity. A showcase of learning is demonstrated at our Winter Celebration concerts and Grade Level

Physical Education:
Students in Grades Kg2-Gr.5, participate in a developmental program where they are involved in a wide
range of safe, physical activities that are non-sports based.
ALL Students Kg2-Gr. 5 are required to wear the designated AIS-R ES PE uniform on days in which they
have PE. ES PE uniforms can be purchased from the ES office.

Food Services
Dining Hall
Dining Hall services are offered to Grades 1-5 for lunch. A menu is sent home at the beginning of each month
outlining the food offering for each day. The menu can also be accessed on Moodle.
Kg2s eat their lunch in the Dining Hall but must bring their own lunch from home.
All children need to bring their own healthy snacks for snack break (ECE 10:15 am; UES 10:30 am)
All children must have their own water bottle and bring this water bottle to the Dining Hall
Students are supervised in the Dining Hall at all times by Educational Assistants and a Dining Hall Supervisor.
All lunches are purchased through the AIS-R finance office and the amount is credited to the students ID card.
The cost is 18 SR per lunch but a minimum deposit of 200 SR in finance is required. Parents are responsible for
adding monies to their credit lunch account. A parent can access their childs lunch account via Skyward.
When a student's hot lunch account slips into the negative balance, a Skyward message is automatically sent
home to the parent informing them of the negative account. In addition, the Elementary Dining Hall staff
sends paper IOU tickets home with each child via the grade level EA.
Any student who chooses to eat hot lunch and has exceeded a negative balance of 48 SR or more will eat
lunch in the ES Office. The ES Office will call home to inform the parents.
Any credit left at the end of the year will roll over to next year for returning students, and withdrawing
students may obtain a refund for any leftover funds from the Finance Office at the end of the year.


All ID cards are kept in the Dining Hall and distributed daily prior to lunch.
Indoor and outdoor hand washing facilities are available.
Lunch card sharing between friends is not allowed.
Candy, chocolate, and soda are discouraged and students will be asked to save these treats for home. As
AIS-R Eagles and models of healthy living, we ask that only healthy options are packed for your child.
Everyone is expected to follow the Dining Hall rules to ensure order and safety. This includes but is not limited
to the following:
Use walking feet
Listen and respond to adult directions for dismissal
Keep your place in line (no cutting)
Use indoor voices
Use manners while eating
Stay seated
Keep your eating place clean
Raise your hand to leave your seat and if you need help
Clean as you go: Throw away waste into the garbage can when dismissed
No cash purchases are allowed in the ES Dining Hall
Food and drinks are only allowed in the Dining Hall or the classrooms during snack. No food or drinks
are allowed on the playground
No candy, chocolate, and soda

Guidelines for Snacks and Lunches

Nutritious snacks are essential to keep students energy at appropriate levels to keep them satisfied and
attentive to the learning tasks at hand. Sweets and foods with a high level of sugar provide false bursts of
energy and may leave students hungry and sometimes irritable.
Candy, chocolate, and soda are discouraged
and students will be asked to save these treats for home. As AIS-R Eagles and models of healthy living, we
ask that only healthy options are packed for your child.
Please find below healthy suggestions for snacks and lunches.


Fresh whole fruits such as apples and grapes

Veggies such as carrots , celery, cucumbers and peppers alone or with a dip
Rice cakes
Lightly flavored or plain popcorn
Whole grain pretzels
Sugar free cereal
Peanut butter (use non hydrogenated brand)



Fresh, whole fruits such as peaches, apples, mangoes, kiwis, strawberries, grapes and plums
Plain or fruit yogurt
Dates, dried fruits, coconut water
Freshly squeezed fruit juices (make your own and bring them in a bottle)
Organic dark chocolate
Jam sandwiches
Homemade breads
Homemade cupcakes
Homemade muffins


Tabouli, hummus
Boiled eggs
Whole wheat tortilla chips
Baked chips
Cheese cubes
Cheese sandwiches
Tuna sandwiches
Lean meat sandwiches
Slices of cooked meats such as chicken and turkey


Non-dairy mild drinks

Rice pudding
Dips and spreads

Snack and Lunches Do Nots

Please do not send the following for snack or lunch:

Chocolate bars
Foods containing high fructose corn syrup

Recommendations collected by Tamar Henry, Certified Holistic Health Counselor


Health Services
Student Illness or Injury
There is a registered nurse on campus available during school hours. We advise all children to report illness
and injury to their homeroom teacher. If on the playground, reports are made to the supervising teacher on
duty. Our school nurse treats all minor cuts and scratches reported. We keep a first aid kit and EED for
necessary treatment. All head injuries attended by the nurse are reported to the home.
In case of a serious injury or illness that requires immediate doctor evaluation, the parents are notified
immediately and the nurse will go to the closest hospital emergency room to have the student assessed and
A student who becomes ill during the school day should report to his/her teacher and then to the nurse. If a
student needs to go home, the nurse will inform the parents. Parents are to pick up their child within one hour
from the time the nurse notifies them. If the parents are unable to do so, they must make arrangements with
another adult. We cannot keep sick children for prolonged periods in the Nurses Office. Please assist by
picking up your child promptly once you are notified of an illness or injury.
A student will be sent home in the event of:
A. a fever of 100or above
B. vomiting
C. persistent diarrhea
D. injury or illness of a serious nature that the nurse determines a doctor's attention is required
E. any contagious disease (e.g. "Pinkeye" or conjunctivitis with symptoms such as drainage from the
eye, redness, swelling, burning, itching or runny eyes). They must see a physician and start on
treatment before coming back to school
F. head lice or pediculosis. Removal of all nits must be done before the student will be allowed to
return to school. The student will report to the nurses' office before returning to their class so that
they can be checked. If nits are found, they will be sent home
G. a severe rash that cannot be identified. Students must see their physician for rash diagnosis and
For Preschool-Kg2: Any child with any of the following will be sent home:
Green or yellow discharge from the nose or eyes
A temperature 100or above
Lethargic behavior
Complaints of discomfort or pain which does not go away after a rest
These guidelines are for the well-being of your child, as well as for the safety of the other students and staff.
The nurse may not excuse a student from PE. Should the nurse feel that a student is unable to participate that
day, the nurse may send a note to the PE teacher stating so, but the final decision becomes the responsibility
of the PE teacher. Parents may ask that their child be excused from PE through a letter to the PE teacher,
indicating the reason(s) for the request. The child will continue to attend PE but does not participate.


The school nurse must administer all medication that is taken during school hours. Medicines are
administered to the students only with written permission from the doctor or the parents. Any prescription
drugs required by a student during school hours must be given to the nurse complete with the students
name, class, time and dose to be given. The nurse administers all medications. All medicines must be left at
the nurses office unless special arrangements have been made with the nurse. Misuse of prescribed drugs is
considered an act subject to disciplinary action. It is extremely important to complete the health form which is
revised yearly.

Communicable Diseases
Common childhood diseases can easily be communicated through a classroom. It is very important that
parents notify the school as soon as a doctor has diagnosed a student with a communicable disease.
Early reporting helps the school alert the parents of students who may have been exposed to the disease,
which, in turn, can help control the spread of the particular disease.
If a student is diagnosed with a contagious disease, he/she can return to school after a written permission
from his/her doctor. The note needs to be sent to the Nurses Office prior to returning to class.

Emergency Parent Contact

It is extremely important that we have up-to-date emergency numbers and information on each child
you are unable to provide us with this complete information at the time you register your child, or if the
information changes, please contact us. To update or change emergency information already on file, please
call the Elementary Office, the school nurse, email, or update the information in your
Skyward account.
Thank you for being a responsible parent!

Policies and Procedures

Parent Conduct and Communicating Concerns
When faced with a potentially concerning situation, parents are asked to be proactive, communicate
effectively and keep in mind AIS-R's uniqueness and independence as a school entering its 52nd year in
existence in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. We recognize that not all parents will understand every policy or
school rule, but ask that parents follow the appropriate channel of communication and ask questions or
submit suggestions to AIS-R faculty and administration in an open, constructive and positive manner at the
appropriate time and place.
Classroom concerns should first be directed to the teacher who is most closely involved with understanding
and assisting with a parent concern. When a concern has not been adequately resolved to a parent's
satisfaction, they may then be addressed with the respective principal, in the child's designated division. If a
parent is seeking advice about a broader issue or concern, s/he may seek the counsel of the Director of


Educational Advancement. If a problem is not resolved to a parent's satisfaction, the issue may then be
addressed to the Superintendent, but only after the parent has first gone through the appropriate channels of
communication (i.e. addressed with the AIS-R employee most directly related to the concern, and the principal
thereafter). Concerns relating to School Board Policy may be addressed in written form to the Superintendent,
who will forward the concern to the Board of Trustees for consideration. AIS-R does not accept anonymous
letters, chain letters, or petitions as these would contravene Board Policy and Saudi Arabian law.

Parent EAGLE Behavior and Addressing Concerns With AIS-R Faculty Members and Staff
Following the above AIS-R Communication Flowchart, parents may address concerns with AIS-R faculty
members through email or a scheduled meeting. At no time should an AIS-R faculty member be approached to
address concerns during instructional time with students or outside of school hours unless appropriately
At all times, AIS-R parents are required to act in a respectful and positive mission-driven "partnership" in
solving a problem or issue. As valued community members, AIS-R expects all parents to adhere to the
principles of the AIS-R Eagle Honor Code and Board Policy. If a parent chooses to act or react in a manner that
does not uphold these values and principles, the teacher, principal or Superintendent will cease the
interaction and/or meeting and reschedule to another date when the parent is able to act in a manner that is
consistent with expectations of the organization. Positive, respectful communication is always the primary
focus of all meetings between parents and AIS-R employees.
If a parent repeatedly chooses to behave in a manner that does not honor AIS-R's values and principles,
and/or is not in line with Board policy, they will be subject to a Superintendent and Board of Trustees review,
which could result in a written censure or termination of their child's enrollment at AIS-R. As a private,
independent school, the AIS-R Board has the right to determine enrollment continuation or termination of any
family who does not follow school expectations. Past instances of immediate action have included issues of
slander (i.e. making false and damaging statements against an employee or community member), malicious
gossip, and harmful acts and accusations that negatively impact the reputation of the school. As a matter of
process, the Superintendent will review and assess the situation and inform the Board accordingly with details
of the misconduct, to include a recommendation.


After School Activities

The After School Activities Program offers a wide range of activities for students in Grades 1-5. Most of the
activities are designed by individual teachers and are aimed at specific grade levels. These activities are in
areas of sports and recreation, arts and crafts, computers, drama, and enrichment. The minimum number of
participants in an ASA is 10. If there are not 10 students in the ASA, it will be cancelled. The opportunity for
your child to participate in an alternative ASA may be possible but limited due to occupancy.
Information regarding this exciting program will be issued to the students periodically throughout the school
year. Confirmation of student enrollment in an ASA is communicated to the parents. Transportation at 4:20pm
is the responsibility of parents. Some compounds provide bus transportation for ASA days.

If a students transportation is continually late, the student may be withdrawn from the ASA program.

Animals/Pets in the Classroom

Students are discouraged from bringing their pets to spend the day at school. If, with ES Administration
permission, they wish to show their pet to the class
it must be with the understanding that someone can take

the pet home shortly after it has been shown

Parents must accompany the animal at all times.

An animal
cannot be on campus for more than 1 hour. No poisonous or biting animals are permissible on the campus at
any time. Any animal bite should be reported to the school nurse immediately.

Birthdays and Special Events

If a homeroom teacher schedules a special activity, the teacher will notify the parents in advance. If parents
determine that a child should not participate in any of these activities, parents should notify the homeroom
teacher and alternative activities may be arranged. To honor our AIS-R EAGLE Honor Code and being models
of healthy living the following Health Policy Guidelines are enforced:

Birthdays will only be celebrated during snack/recess or the last 15 minutes of homeroom and are
kept simple. No birthday celebrations are permitted in the Dining Hall or other shared, common
space and no outside entertainment is allowed.
The celebration of birthdays takes many different forms:
wearing a special birthday hat or special birthday shirt to school

singing Happy Birthday with the students class

posting a picture of the student with the class on the classroom blog

bringing a shown tell item to share with the class. Individual party favors are not allowed.

If a birthday is celebrated with a healthy treat (see p.14),

the homeroom teacher must be

informed. Healthy treats are limited to individual servings and must be pre-cut/bagged prior to
the celebration (i.e. homemade healthy muffins or cookies, pre-bagged popcorn, fruit, and raisins
Healthy foods only
All treats must be labeled for allergy purposes, specifically for


Campus Access
For safety and security issues, the AIS-R campus, exclusive of shared facilities with Al-Bustan Village, cannot be
accessed by students, or their families for any reason other than official AIS-R school business beyond school
operating hours. Outside of school hours, AIS-R is not responsible for the safety of individuals on the AIS-R
campus. AIS-R school hours are defined 8:10-4:20 from Sunday to Thursday, in addition to the scheduled
hours of any AIS-R sponsored event such as, but not limited to, sporting events, PTSO events, performances,
testing, etc.

Parental Access During the School Day

When entering campus, parents will be required to use their official AIS-R ID or another form of identification.
While parents are encouraged to Learn With Us and are welcome on campus to participate in organized
events, we kindly request that they not interrupt classroom activities, recess/break times, or participate in
student lunch time in any way.
Beyond organized events, parents must call ahead or report to the respective divisional office and schedule
appointments to access AIS-R faculty and/or staff members. During school hours, parents may not access their
child without notifying the divisional office and receiving permission from the divisional Principal as this tends
to be disruptive to the learning environment. This will allow AIS-R to maintain a high level of student safety,
focused learning, and campus security.

Gate Message for Parents

In our continued efforts to provide a safe learning environment for all of our Eagle Community Members, the
following will be strictly enforced for
visitors to the AIS-R Campus.
1. All visitors are required to sign in and out at times
other than
drop-off/ pick-up of students and
school events
2. All visitors are required to wear a lanyard at all times other than drop-off/pick-up of students and
school events
3. All visitors must have an appointment to meet with AIS-R personnel (e.g. teacher, school principal)
to enter campus
4. All visitors will be accompanied by AIS-R personnel at all times while on campus
5. All visitors wait in the designated waiting areas until personnel are available to escort and/or until
dismissal pick-up of students
As you know, safety and security is a number one priority. We thank you for your patience and understanding
as the well-being of our Eagles is a responsibility we take very seriously!

Child Maltreatment and Protection Policy

AIS-R supports child advocacy rights and protection. Reports of maltreatment will be taken seriously and
investigated. Maltreatment is defined as physical, sexual, and verbal abuse or neglect. Local authorities
and/or parent employers/sponsor will be notified if maltreatment is verified. Please be a responsible citizen
and notify the school principal if you are aware of a child being mistreated. Early counseling, guidance, and
intervention can stop child maltreatment. AIS-R has a child protection policy that is strictly enforced. AIS-R


has developed an education program for students, faculty and parents that supports our commitment to child
protection in our community.

Dress Code
AIS-R takes pride in the appearance of its students. We know that student dress and appearance are directly
related to school atmosphere, student conduct and the quality of schoolwork. In keeping with the traditions
and customs of the host country, modesty in school attire must be maintained. It is impossible to develop
guidelines for every fad regarding dress and appearance. Please use the following guidelines in selecting
appropriate clothing and determining a suitable appearance for your child.

Clothing worn to school must be clean, well-maintained and loose fitting. Boys and girls must keep
pants on their hips without bare midriff or buttocks exposed.
Modesty must prevail.
Clothing must be without rips, tears, or holes.
Clothing that displays offensive or distracting pictures or words or adult advertising will not be
permitted. Clothes should be age appropriate!
Shirts, blouses or dresses must have sleeves that cover the shoulders and upper arms. (Gr.3-5)
Shorts, dresses or skirts may be no higher than the top of the knee (Gr.3-5).
For safety, students should wear secure footwear to school. Shoes that stay on the feet are best
for play and running at school.
Caps and hats may be worn outside and removed once inside the school buildings. Sunscreen is
highly recommended!
ALL Students Kg2-Gr. 5 are required to wear the designated AIS-R ES PE uniform on days in which
they have PE. ES PE uniforms can be purchased from either the ES Office or the Eagles Nest.

In general, these dress guidelines are in place both to conform to our host countrys traditions and to maintain
an academic learning climate for our school. Students with dress or appearance that does not conform to
these guidelines will not be permitted to attend class. The school administration reserves the right to make
the final decision on any questions regarding appropriate dress or appearance. Parent support and
understanding for the above guidelines is needed and greatly appreciated.

Eagles Nest
The Eagles Nest is a school-sponsored store that sells a variety of school-related items including school PE
uniforms, t-shirts, sweatshirts, pencils, notebooks, water bottles, and other miscellaneous items. Store hours
are posted on Moodle. Elementary school students are welcome to make purchases at the Eagles Nest but
must be accompanied by an adult.

Elevator Usage
Elevator usage is restricted to only those individuals who have authorization from school administration.
Authorization will be granted based on individual health necessities.

Field Trips
Curriculum-related field trips are organized during the year. School faculty chaperone students on such trips.
Parent volunteers may join if requested by the school staff organizing the trip. Students must ride in the
provided school transportation to and from the field trip. All students must be picked up from school after a


field trip and not from the field trip location. For a student to attend a field trip, all necessary forms must be
signed and submitted on time. A child may not be given permission to attend due to behavior concerns,
academic concerns, or excessive absences. The homeroom teacher and ES Administration has the final say on
whether a child can participate in a field trip due to any (or all) of the aforementioned concerns as
documented in prior parent communication. A parent will be notified 72 hours in advance if a child is unable
to participate in a field trip.

A form is included in the appendix of this booklet and can be found on the blog
, for parent(s) to sign and grant temporary guardianship to another adult
when the parent(s) is out of the city/country.
Parents must complete this form for emergency purposes.
appointed guardian must sign the form and submitted to the ES Office before the date of travel.

Language Policy
English is the primary language of instruction at AIS-R. As a result, students are expected to speak English
while at school to be mindful of our communitys shared common language. We believe that language plays a
central role in not only the academic, but also the social and cognitive development of our students. We also
believe that language plays a significant role in the development of community identity and inclusion.

Lost and Found

Parents are requested to clearly label their students belongings (i.e. clothing, book bag, lunch container,
water bottle) with the name and grade to facilitate the return of missing items. Unclaimed Lost and Found
items are donated to charitable agencies.

On Campus Events

Guests other than immediate family members can attend AIS-R events. However, we have a one AIS-R
student, one guest policy. Requests to bring a guest must be submitted to the divisional principal a
minimum of three days before the event. The inviting family must attend with the guest and stay with
the guest while on campus.

Filming events:
Student assemblies, performances, and events may be recorded by AIS-R and a copy of this footage may
be available on request. Adult guests for student assemblies and performances are permitted to take
video recordings of the performance solely for their own use and enjoyment.
We ask that video
recordings of student performances
be posted on the Internet or video sharing and social
networking sites.

Middle School/High School performances:

Tickets must be purchased for all MS/HS performance from the respective divisional office prior to the
event. All ES Students and their guests must be accompanied by an AIS-R school parent.


Parents as Role-Models
While AIS-R strongly encourages parents to attend events on campus, such as Back-to-School Nights,
Parent-Teacher Conferences, assemblies, sporting events or performances, it should be noted that AIS-R
expects parents to be positive role models at all times while on campus, especially when in the presence of
students. Furthermore, parents are expected to adhere to and support all AIS-R rules and policies as detailed
by the AIS-R Board of Trustees, Leadership Team, and Student-Parent Handbooks, especially in relation to
student absences, dress code, expected student behavior, campus visitation and operating hours.

Prayer Room
ES provides a supervised prayer area for students wishing to pray. Prayer is permitted during non-academic
times only.

Proper Storage of Modes of Transportation

Bicycles, roller blades, wagons, skateboards, scooters (or any wheeled vehicle) are not permitted on the AIS-R
campus, unless as part of an authorized school activity
All bikes must be appropriately stowed and locked in
the designated bike racks outside the AIS-R school gate. All non-lockable modes of transportation need to
remain at home. AIS-R will not be responsible for lost or damaged modes of transportation.

Resource Room
In an effort to continue to offer our students the necessary resources for their learning, AIS-R has established
a digital resource inventory system to keep track of borrowed textbooks and other resources. Each division
has a resource room with a check-out system, and all learning resources will be checked out using this system.
You will be notified immediately if your child has lost a book and requires a second copy. If a book is lost or
damaged beyond repair during the school year, students are responsible for paying the replacement cost. A
new book cannot be checked out until the lost/damaged book is paid for. A receipt will be issued and will be
required for refund purposes in case a resource is found later. At the end of the year, all resources checked
out must be returned in the same condition as they were loaned (except for normal wear). Students who
check-out materials from the Resource Room are responsible for returning the same copy at the end of the
year (according to the barcodes). If a different copy is returned, the copy checked out will be considered lost
unless it is found or turned in by another student. If resources are not found, fines will be assigned, report
cards and school records will be held, and access to Skyward will be blocked until they are paid.

Emergency drills are held during the school year to practice procedures and behavior necessary in emergency

Student Placement
It is the practice of AIS-R elementary school to observe newly enrolled and placed students closely for at least
three weeks to determine whether she/he has been appropriately placed. If a teacher, counselor, and/or


administration feel the grade placement is not appropriate or the AIS-R program does not meet the childs
needs, the school reserves the right to review the case for possible reassignment or no program.

Student Supplies
The school provides textbooks, workbooks, materials and some supplies necessary for instruction. Students
are expected to care for them as if they were their own and are liable for loss. Supplies are needed prior to the
first day of school for students in PreK to Gr.5. A supply list is available in the ES office, Admissions office, and
the website. When required, supplies such as writers notebooks, book bags, and music recorders will
be purchased through the respective teacher, and you will be charged accordingly.

Telephone Usage
Due to limited phone lines and a limited number of office personnel, student use of school phones must be for
emergency use and not to arrange personal visits with friends after school.
Cell phones may not be on during
school hours and will be confiscated if ringing during class time.

Toys, Electronic Games, and Other Treasures

Toys must stay at home unless arranged with the classroom teacher for show-and-tell. Knives of any kind,
toy guns, squirt guns, or sharp objects do not belong at school at any time. All personal items of value should
not be sent to school, because we cannot guarantee the safety of such items. Consequently, we discourage
students from bringing special personal items to school such as electronic games, sports equipment, jewelry,
or motorized cars, etc. The school will not be held accountable for missing or broken personal items. We ask
students to share their special items with friends at home and not bring them to school. If a cell phone, tablet,
or other digital device is brought to school, it must remain in the childs backpack unless being used in the
classroom under teacher supervision. In this case a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Student Agreement Form
has been signed and submitted by the parent.

We are pleased to welcome parent volunteers in our school. All volunteers must clear security and sign-in at
the Admissions Office and collect a Volunteer badge. All volunteers must wear their Volunteer badge at all
times. Many parents work directly with the classroom teacher and volunteer numerous hours of their time.
Prior to volunteering in a classroom, parents will need to make arrangements with the teacher and inform
the divisional office, so as not to disrupt instructional time.
Visitor cell phone use in the classroom is not

Parents who plan to withdraw their children from AIS-R must complete the Withdrawal Notification form
found on AIS-Rs website at least two weeks prior to the students last day of attendance. It is located
Each withdrawing student will receive an official
and unofficial final transcript, their original health form and a letter of attendance. Additional copies of official
documents and Ministry of Education attestation may be ordered
Report cards for the childs last


completed trimester are available. No report cards are issued prior to the end of the trimester. If a student is
withdrawing before the end of the 3rd trimester, a final report card will be issued if the student has been in
attendance at least 20 days of the trimester. In such cases, a grade for Specialists may not be listed due to
limited attendance.

Youth, Alumni and Non-Parent Visitors To AIS-R

After checking into campus with appropriate ID, all youth, Alumni and non-Parent visitors must report to the
respective divisional office for campus access and require prior permission to visit with an AIS-R student. Visits
will only be permitted during scheduled lunch times. Note: See On Campus Events for guidelines regarding
youth visitors for after school events.

Support Program
At AIS-R, we believe that all students can flourish when given time, guided practice, and encouragement. All
teachers, K-5, differentiate instruction and assessment practices to best meet the needs of their students. Once a
student has been accepted, the schools practice is to accommodate student-learning needs to as great an extent
as possible. The elementary school offers a Counseling Program, an English Language Learner program, and a
Learning Support Group program. Also teachers offer After School Learning sessions on a regular basis after
school. While teachers and counselors provide additional support, AIS-R does not have a Special Needs Program,
or provide significant additional support for students who have exceptional needs, nor offers a selective program
for gifted children.

Counseling program
Counselors are an integral part of the educational team at AIS-R. There is a counselor at both ECE (Kg1-Gr.2)
and UES (Gr.3-5) levels. Counselors at AIS-R are trained to provide short-term individual and group counseling
to address mental, physical, social, and emotional concerns that may be impacting students learning and/or
their well-being. Counselors confer with teachers and parents regarding strategies to ensure optimum learning
potential of the student. If a student requires additional assistance, counselors can assist with locating
resources outside of school. AIS-R counselors offer support and information to parents in a variety of ways:
individual meetings, emails, newsletter, parent forums, and Moodle. Parents are encouraged to conference
with their childs counselor by phone, email, or in person regarding any aspect of their childs well-being at

Classroom Counseling:
During the school year, counselors conduct classroom guidance lessons from the Second Step Counseling
program on topics that include empathy, problem solving, and anger management. Counselors also
conduct lessons about Personal Safety following the
Speak Up, Be Safe.
They meet each homeroom once a
six-day cycle. This provides the students with an opportunity to know their counselor and affords the
counselor an opportunity to better know the students. Counselors also promote the AIS-R Eagle Honor
Code which encourages students to be Ethical, Adaptable, Global, Learning, and Environmental.


Child Study Team (CST) Meetings and Parent Conferences:

Counselors, together with teachers, parents, and administrators, work collaboratively to find the most
effective methods to help each child reach his/her academic potential. This partnership is the cornerstone
of our program. At times, a Child Study Team (CST) is required to discuss individual students and to
develop effective strategies and/or monitor their effectiveness in order to ensure the students success in
the classroom. All CST meetings include the respective grade level counselor.

Individual Counseling:
Students may be referred by parents, teachers or they may self-refer to the counselor for counseling on an
individual basis. If the problem or issue requiring counseling is easily resolved in a short time, then the
counselor will schedule time to work with the student. If the problem is more serious or complex and is
likely to require long-term counseling, the counselor will provide the family with names and contact
information for private counselors available in Riyadh.

English Language Learner Program

The ELL program at AIS-R recognizes the contribution of international students to the education of all
students. In the context of our rapidly changing world, the interaction between students of differing
geographical, national, ethnic, and linguistic backgrounds provides the basis for future understanding and
cooperation. The common task of learning English as an additional language unites ELL students in their
academic pursuits and at the same time provides them with the skills to interact with the larger English
speaking community of the world.

Learning Support Program

We believe that each child has individual and unique needs and some students require more support than
others. If these students are to reach their full potential we must recognize this and plan accordingly. Students
can flourish when given time, guided practice, and encouragement. The Learning Support Program provides
academic assistance for students identified by their teachers, counselors, or administration.


Assessment-based instruction
Small-group support for grades Kg2-G.5
One-on-one work with students for grades Kg2-G.5
On-going, informal assessment
Developmentally and instructionally appropriate materials
Instruction based on standards and best practice


AIS-R Technology Usage and Guidelines

At AIS-R, we believe that technology provides essential learning tools for students and teachers. AIS-Rs
technology program empowers students to become proactive, engaged and self-directed world citizens who
navigate the digital world to find, critically evaluate and use information. Our students will understand how to
use the power of their electronic tools to: communicate effectively, learn anywhere, enhance collaboration,
develop and maintain a healthy online identity (including social networking), reduce their global
environmental footprint, connect with the world in order to understand and positively change it, and
experience individualized and self-directed learning. In all their actions, both online and in person, AIS-R
students are deemed to be acting as representatives of AIS-R and are expected to act responsibly and

Technology Responsible Use Agreements (TRUA)

As a responsible user of technology at AIS-R, whether I am using a school device or my own, I will act
responsibly and follow the AIS-R EAGLE Honor Code.
I will only use my accounts and devices and will not attempt to access others accounts.
I will protect my privacy and keep passwords and personal information, such as my full name, home
address, and telephone numbers, confidential (unless requested by school administration).
I will not intentionally access, transmit, copy or create material that is illegal or violates AIS-Rs EAGLE
Honor Code.
I will use my device to share and collaborate with others.
I will use my device for a variety of educational purposes.
I will be financially responsible if I damage, lose or contribute to the loss of any device (my own, the
schools or another students).

I will respect the political and religious beliefs of the community in which I live and my use of
technology will not contravene those beliefs.
I will respect the privacy and intellectual property of others.
I will connect with the world in order to understand and positively change it.
I will use technology and the school network for learning and not disrupt the learning of my peers.
I will communicate respectfully via tools such as email, chat, blogs, video conferencing, etc. and will not
create, share or respond to inappropriate messages (and will inform AIS-R faculty/administration).
I will create opportunities for individualized and self-directed learning.
I will manage my device responsibly.
I am responsible for the safe-keeping of my device.
I will reduce my global environmental footprint (through the use of e-texts and reduced printing).


As a responsible user of technology at AIS-R, I will

from the following practices:
I will not use hate speech, intimidation or threats, or engage in bullying, sexual harassment or any
other hurtful or damaging communication using online tools such as SMS, Blogs, Social Networks, etc.
I will not download, share or in any way transmit inappropriate material such as writings, pornographic
images or videos.
I will not communicate with teachers via SMS, Facebook or other social networking sites outside of
school sanctioned tools such as Moodle, Gmail and Blogs (unless specifically permitted by school
administration such as during school trips).
I will not use the schools bandwidth in a wasteful or frivolous manner (downloading large files,
downloading music files, playing online games, chatting, or attempting to install unauthorized
I will not hack or attempt to hack any school systems.
I will not use proxy services to circumvent any blocked site policies, or otherwise access prohibited
material over the network (such as accessing Facebook or playing games over the LAN).
I will not plug or unplug computer peripherals, damage computer components, or use printers,
cameras and scanners for personal or inappropriate use.
I will not make or use illegal copies of any software.
I will not use the network for financial or commercial gain.

AIS-R has implemented a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program in grades 3-12. This program is called
1:World and it helps us achieve AIS-Rs Mission of educating our students to be responsible, productive and
ethical world citizens. This 1:1 ratio of devices to students provides our learners with the tools they need to
communicate, collaborate and create at a global level. That is why we have used the term 1:World, to signify
the real-world connections that this access to technology enables. For more information about this program
please review the
1:World Handbook

All students grades 3-5 must bring an iPad to school every day with a case and keyboard. The iPad model must
be either an iPad 3, iPad mini or a newer generation. The iPad needs be charged fully in the morning. The
school provides lockable charging stations in all homerooms.

Device Use in the Classroom

Although all students (Grades 3-12) are required to bring their own Device to school, the use of these devices
is a privilege and not a right. Devices are intended to be used for educational purposes only and can be
confiscated if it is deemed the student is not using the device appropriately.

Students are responsible for their own device while it is at school. When not in use the device should
be safely stored in either the students backpack, locker, or in classroom storage.
Students who purposefully damage an AIS-R or a peers device in any way will be held responsible for
the cost of repair or replacement.
Students using a device in class for any purpose other than the teacher-directed lesson, including
accessing social networks or other prohibited sites, will lose their device privileges.


Lost Devices
The school registers all devices that connect to the school network through WiFi. If a device is lost at school it
is the responsibility of the student to report the device missing immediately to either their teacher or
divisional office. Once reported, the tech department will use the network to attempt to locate the device. If
the device is no longer powered on it cannot be tracked. The facilities department will sweep the school in the
evening to look for the device. The student should continue to search for the missing device and report to the
divisional office if the device is found. If a student does not report the device missing immediately, the
probability of locating the device is greatly reduced. The school cannot be held responsible for lost devices.

Device Requirements at Home

An important component of AIS-Rs learning program is our online learning platform,

, which teachers
use to extend the learning environment beyond the classroom. Student access to

at home is essential
for students to check and complete homework assignments, receive teacher feedback, and learn what they
missed in their classes after absences. Parents can also use

to check assignments and learn what is being

taught in their childrens classes.
With this in mind, AIS-R parents should ensure that their children have access to the following at home:
Internet access (minimum 2MB connection recommended)
Chrome (recommended), Firefox or a similar Internet Browser
A PDF reader (Adobe Reader or Apple Preview)
A printer

Web Publishing Guidelines

Anything posted online (including but not limited to: Facebook, YouTube, Blogs, Instagram, Twitter, etc) that
represents AIS-R can reflect positively or negatively on the school and the person or persons posting. People
outside the community (including students applying to AIS-R, their parents, AIS-R alumni, and the general
public) will associate these materials with AIS-R.
Specific regulations for AIS-R affiliated content include:
Do not share a students photo online without their permission or the permission of their parent (if
the student is younger than 13).
Do not share a students photo with their last name attached.
Do not share personal information about a student publicly, such as email address, phone number,
or home address.
Do not share locations, dates and times of school events online.
Do not use the schools logo online without permission from the Communications Office.
Do not share any material that violates copyright laws and licenses.
Do not share obscene, illegal, inflammatory, libelous or otherwise objectionable material.
Do not share any material that contravenes the AIS-R Eagle Honor Code and the TRUA agreement
(listed above).



Dear Parents and Students,

AIS-R is a school that honors and promotes respect for others, inclusiveness, individual differences, and
appropriate behavior. We believe that ethics and values are essential in a principled community, and expect
behavior that upholds the dignity and self-worth of all community members.

In order to reinforce these beliefs, AIS-R has defined what it means to be an AIS-R Eagle:
earning, and
nvironmental. AIS-R students are expected to live these dispositions, and avoid
behaviors that are inconsistent with their spirit and meaning.

Together, these five overarching characteristics comprise AIS-Rs Honor Code, and students will be reminded
of this code in many different ways throughout the year.

The goal of the AIS-R Honor Code is to educate and inspire our students to be responsible, productive, and
ethical world citizens, and is perhaps one of the most important components of AIS-Rs Mission.

Parents and students are encouraged to discuss the AIS-R Honor Code with each other and to always strive to
be an AIS-R Eagle. In addition, each family should read the entire Parent/Student Handbook together and
become familiar with the rules and regulations therein. When you finish, please sign the Partnership for
Success indicating that you have read, understood and agree to abide by all of the policies, rules and
guidelines stated in the handbook.

If you have any questions or concerns, I will be happy to address them. Please, call, email or drop by. Thank
you, in advance, for your support; I am sure the school year will be a success.


Jenny Canar
Elementary School Principal

Travis Klump
Elementary School Assistant Principal
Mike Romard
Elementary School Assistant Principal


Date: ______________________

TO: American International School Riyadh

From: ________________________________________________


1. ____________________________

Grade: ______

2. ____________________________

Grade: ______

3. ____________________________

Grade: ______

4. ____________________________

Grade: ______

Please be informed that I/we will be absent from Riyadh and we hereby appoint
__________________________________ and _________________________________

as Guardian(s) for our child(ren) listed above. The appointment of this Guardianship is
effective from _____________________ and continues until _____________________.


Parent signature: __________________________

Date: ____________________

Home Phone: ______________________

Cell Phone: ________________




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