Science & Technology For Civil Services Examinations (English) 1st Edition (Paperback) Price: Rs. 289

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Science & Technology for Civil Services Examinations (English) 1st Edition

(Paperback) Price: Rs. 289

Table of Contents

Part I: General Aspect

1. Role of Science and Technology in India
2. Science and Technology in India
3. Institutional Structure for Science and Technology in India
4. Science and Technology Education and Research in India
Part II: Energy
5. Energy Sector and Policy
6. Fossil Energy Resources
7. Electric Power
8. Non-Conventional Sources of Energy
9. Energy Conservation
Part III: Nuclear Technology
10.Nuclear Energy
11.Nuclear Fusion
12.Non-Energy Aspects of Nuclear Technology
13.India's Nuclear Program
Part IV: Information Technology
14.Computer Technologies
15.Computer Software
16.Computer Networks
17.Security Issues in IT
18.Supercomputer Technology
19.Recent Advances in IT
20.IT Industry in India
21.IT and Government in India
22.Communication Technology
23.Wireless Communication
24.Telecommunications in India
25.Television and Entertainment Technologies

Part VI: Space

26.Space Technology
27.Space Programme in India
Part VII: Material Technology
28.Nanoscience and Nanotechnologies
30.Laser and Photonics
Part VIII: Environment
31.Global Environmental Issues
32.Environment and India
33.Earth Sciences in India
34.Meteorological Science
Part IX: Defence
35.Nuclear and other Weapons of Mass Destruction
36.Defence Technology in India
Part X: Biotechnology
38.Applications of Biotechnology
39.Biotechnology in India
Appendix 1: Science Policy Resolution
Appendix 2: Glossary Of It Terms
Appendix 3: Glossary Of Biotechnology Terms
Appendix 4: Glossary Of Concepts In Environment
Appendix 5: Acronyms And Abbreviations

Developments in Science and Technology (English) (Paperback) Price: Rs. 455

Science And Technology In India covers the developments in the science and technology fields
with a socio-economic perspective. Spectrum book

Table of Contents

Chapter One

Science and Technology in India:

A Historical Perspective

Science Policy Resolutions; Technology Policy;

Chapter Two


Technology Missions

Chapter Three

Ecology and Environment

Indian Legislation on Biodiversity; Ratification of Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety by


SFR 2011, Forest Policy; Forest Conservation; Measures Adopted for Conservation;
Controlling Fires; Afforestation and Eco-Development

Policies and Legislations; International Conventions Related to Wildlife; Project Tiger;

Project Elephant; Protecting Vultures; Protecting Gharials; Animal Welfare Division

Types and Effects of Pollution; Air Pollution; Water

Pollution; Land Pollution; Radiation Pollution; Noise

Pollution; Controlling Pollution; Controlling Water and Air Pollution

Ganga Action Plan; Conserving Lakes

Environmental Awareness and Education; Research Areas;

Strategies for the Eleventh Plan; Research Institutions; Motivation and Information
Climate Concerns

IPCCs Synthesis Report 2007; Efforts Made to Mitigate Climate Problems; The Ozone
layer and the Montreal

Protocol; Global Environment Facility (GEF); Climate Change Convention; UN Climate

Conferences in Recent Years

Chapter Four

Earth Sciences(Including Atmospheric Sciences and Ocean Development)

Monsoon Forecast

Objectives of Ocean Development; Biological Resources; Mineral Resources; Fresh

Water and Energy; Polar Exploration; Marine Environment and Coastal Zone
Management; Marine Research and Capacity Building; Coastal Community Programmes;
Ocean Observation and Information Services;

International Research Programmes Natural Disasters

Nature and Management; Earthquake; Cyclones; Floods;


Tenth Five Year Plan Strategy and Approach;

Eleventh Plan Strategies and Initiatives

Chapter Five

AGRICULTURE and rural development

Cropping Systems; Fertiliser Use; Crop Protection Environment-Friendly Agriculture

Organic Farming; Organic/Natural Fertilisers; Biofertilisers;


Crop Production; Horticulture

Cattle; Sheep and Goats; Pigs; Poultry; Fisheries

Agriculture in Hot and Arid Lands; Rainfed/Dryland Farming; Hill Farming

S&T in Service of Rural India; Institutes and Programmes for Rural Development;
Special Programmes

Chapter Six


Department of Scientific and Industrial Research; Research and Development by

Industry; Programme Aimed at Technological Self Reliance; Scheme to Enhance the
Efficacy of Transfer of Technology; Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
Technology Transfer and Export

Chapter Seven


Coal; Oil; Natural Gas; Research and Development and Conservation Renewable Sources
and their development in India

Hydroelectric systems; Solar Energy; Wind Power; Biomass; Biogas; Energy from Urban
and Industrial Wastes Alternative/New Technologies as Energy Sources

Compressed Natural Gas; Gasohol; Hydrogen; Battery

Operated Vehicles; Fuel Cells; Biofuels; Ocean Energy;

Geothermal Energy; Magneto Hydrodynamics (MHD)

Chapter eight

Nuclear Science AND TECHNOLOGY

Emission of Radiation; Radioactive Decay and Half-Life

Nuclear Fission; Nuclear Reactor; Nuclear Fusion;

Nuclear Weapons Radioisotopes

Uses of Radioisotopes; Radioactive Dating Nuclear Hazards and Safety Issues

Radiation Hazard; Hazard from Nuclear Waste;

Effects of a Nuclear Explosion

Organisation; Power Production; Fuel Fabrication R&D Units

Nuclear Tests; Indias Safety Measures

Chapter Nine


Vacuum Tubes (Valves); The Solid-State Era;


Chapter Ten

Information Technology

National Informatics Centre;

Indian Languages and Internet

National e-Governance Plan; State Wide Area Networks; Common Service Centres; State
Data Centres; e-District; India Portal; National Service Delivery Gateway; UID for

e-patra; IndoMail; INSAT-MSS; Virtual Book; Rainbow Demonstrated; Sunada

Unveiled; Direct-to-Home TV


Basic Principles; Advantages; Indian Scene

Data Networks

VSNL Internet Access in India; VSAT Applications

Chapter Eleven

Defence Research AND TECHNOLOGY

Missile Defence System Developed; Interceptor Missile Tested Successfully; Anti-tank

Missile NAG; Astra BVRAAM on Su-30 MKI; Sagarika Missile Test-fired; Agni
Missiles; Replicas of Brahmos Handed Over to Indian Army; Shourya Test-Fired
Successfully; INS Kesari Commissioned; Environment Survey Vehicle; Hawk Inducted
into Air Force; Tejas Test-fires Closed Combat Missile; Radar Inducted into the Air

Force; UAV Nishant Flight-Test Successful; Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Centre to Come
Up at Hiriyur; Indias Anti-submarine Warfare Capability Developed
Chapter Twelve

Astronomy and Space Science

Space Shuttle; Artificial Satellites; Space Probes; Orbits; Launch; Escaping Earths
Gravity; Travelling to the Planets; Reaching the stars

Space Centres and Units

INSAT System; INSAT Services

Remote Sensing; Remote Sensing Applications

Chandrayaan-1; On ISROs Agenda


Venus; Mars; Jupiter; Saturn; Uranus; Neptune; Pluto; Earth; Moon;

ISRO Plans; Dish Antenna Installed; CRMCs Developed; New Planetary System;
Asteroid Named After India; Minor Planet Named After A Keralite; Three Planets

Oldest Planet Found

Chapter Thirteen


Basic Science; Industry; Defence; Nuclear Energy; Medicines;

Communication, Processing and Storage of Data

Chapter Fourteen


Chapter Fifteen


Nanomedicine; Nanoscale Computing;

Implications and Various Concerns

Nano Mission

Chapter Sixteen

HEALTH and medicine

Congenital Diseases; Acquired Diseases

Modes of Spread; Viral Diseases; Bacterial Diseases;

Protozoal Diseases; Diseases Caused by Fungi; Diseases Caused by Parasitic Worms

Red Blood Cell Diseases; White Blood Cell Diseases; Heart and Blood Vessels; Diseases
Affecting Joints; Disorders of the Brain and Nervous System; Genetic Disorders;
Endocrine Disabilities

National Health Policy 2002; The National Rural Health Mission; National Urban Health
Mission; Nutrition;

National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme; Guineaworm; AIDS Control;

Controlling Tuberculosis;

Leprosy Control; Yaws Control; Polio Control; Diabetes Control; Controlling Iodine
Deficiency; Tackling Cancer; Heart Disease; Blindness; Mental Health

Food; Drugs

Research and Education; Pharmacopoeial Standards and Drug Testing Facilities in

AYUSH; Medicinal Plants Board

National Family Welfare Programme; Facilities and Services;

Maternal and Child Health Programme

IMA Lists Patients Rights; ICMR Code for Using Humans as Subjects of Research;

Tobacco and Its Effect on Health; Trans Fat Can Cause Harm; Swine Flu or Novel

Chapter Seventeen

GENETICS AND Biotechnology

Bioreactors; Cell fusion; Use of Liposomes; Cell or Tissue Culture; Genetic Engineering;
DNA Fingerprinting; Cloning;

Artificial Insemination and Embryo Transfer Technology; Stem Cell Technology

Medicine; Biocatalysts; Agriculture; Food Biotechnology; Fuel and Fodder;

Environment; Development of Biosensors;

Animal Husbandry

Chromosome or Genetic Mapping; Human Genome Sequenced

Organisation and Manpower; Biotechnology Information System; New DNA Typing

Laboratory; Applications and Research Efforts; Biosafety Regulations

Stem Cell Research; Sequencing Genomes; Developments in Genetic Engineering; On

The Cloning Front

About IPRs; Patents and Life Sciences; Intellectual Property Protection in India;
Historical Perspective of IPRs/Patents Law in India


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