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Class Test and Case Presentation Schedule Post-Mid Term (Section B)




Class Test
Class Test # 4
Reading: The Space Shuttle
Challenger Disaster (Readings
Class Test # 5
Reading: Integrated Project
Delivery at Autodesk, Inc. (A)
(Case Handout)
Class Test # 6
Reading: Delhi Metro Rail
Corporation (Case Handout)

Case Presentation
The Space Shuttle Challenger
by Group # 4
Integrated Project Delivery at
Autodesk, Inc. (A)
by Group # 5
Delhi Metro Rail Corporation
by Group # 6

Please note the following:

1. Each student has to take at least 4 class tests. Each class test will be evaluated out of
10. The average of the best 4 class test scores will be doubled to evaluate the class
test component out of 20.
2. Only PPT presentations of cases are to be made. No report or analysis is required to
be submitted. Case questions are provided in the next page, which are to be addressed
during presentations. Groups presenting the cases are welcome to bring out/highlight
any other issue based on their own evaluation/analysis of the cases. Each presentation
will be followed by discussions where every student present in the class is expected to
participate. Students, who will not read the assigned case/readings, will not be
allowed to attend the class.

Case Questions
The Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster
Answer the following questions.
1. Describe the process of identification, assessment and management of risks in the
Challenger disaster.
2. Draw the cause-and-effect diagram.

Integrated Project Delivery at Autodesk, Inc. (A)

Answer the following questions.
1. Discuss the characteristics and contractual agreements related to the delivery methods
design-bid-build (DBB), design-build (DB) and construction manager at risk (CM
at-risk) in the backdrop of the U.S. construction industry. What were the
shortcomings in these delivery methods that led to the development of a new delivery
method Integrated Project Delivery (IPD)?
2. What are the characteristics and contractual agreements related to IPD that
distinguished this new delivery method from the existing delivery methods, as
mentioned above? What are the advantages of IPD vis--vis the existing delivery
methods? Do you think IPD will always score over the existing delivery methods? In
all situations? In all projects?
3. If you were Bernstein, which of the following options in connection with the atrium
design would you have preferred (a) forego with the idea of the atrium, (b) choose
one of the three available options, (c) push the project team further to design a fourth
option that would meet both the aesthetics goal and the budget constraint? Why?
Delhi Metro Rail Corporation
Answer the following questions.
1. Describe the decision-making process at DMRC.
2. What is the organization structure at DMRC? How does it help in the decisionmaking process?
3. Is the DMRC model replicable in the metro projects of other cities?
4. What do you think would happen to DMRC once Dr. Sreedharan retired from

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