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Geographical Position

The position of this point when expressed in latitude

And longitude is known as the Geographical Position.

Sub-solar point-when the body observed is the sun the corresponding part of the earth.

Sub-astral point or Sub- stellar point - when the body is a star.

Sub-lunar point-when the body is the moon.


Celestial Poles ( Pn ,Ps )-are those points where the axis of the earth when the directions
for an infinite distance pierces the celestial sphere.
Equinoctial (QQ1) or Celestial Equator-is the great circle on the celestial sphere.

Celestial Meridian-is a great circle of the celestial sphere which corresponds to a

terrestrial meridian.
Hour Circle-is a great circle of the celestial sphere similar to the celestial meridian.
-it is considered to rotate with the celestial body.
Diurnal Circle or Circle of Declination-is a projection of the parallel of the latitude
into celestial sphere.

Polar Distance ( Px ) - is the angular distance of any celestial body from the elevated
Hour Angle - is the angle between the planes of the meridian passing through any
selected reference point.
Local Hour Angle (LH) - is the angular distance between the plane of the observers
meridian to the plane of the circle passing thru the body.
Meridian Angle (t) is the angular distance of the body (minor arc) from the plane of
the observers to the plane of the hour circle passing through the body.
Sidereal Angle (SHA) is the angular distance of the celestial body measured westward
along the equinoctial from the hour circle of vernal equinox.
Right Ascension (RA) is the angular distance measured eastward from the hour circle
of the first point of the Aries to the hour circle passing through the celestial body.
Greenwich Hour Angle (GHA) is the angle between the plane of the celestial meridian
of Greenwich and the plane of an hour circle passing through the body.

Ecliptic the complete annual path is a great circle.
-the sun appears to move across the celestial sphere along a path which is in the
same plane as the earths orbit.

Obliquity of the Ecliptic the plane of the ecliptic is inclined to the plane of the
equinoctial at an angle of about 231/2 ,or more accurately 23 27.
-the earths axis is not perpendicular to the plane of its orbit.
the suns annual path cuts the equinoctial at two points.

Vernal Equinox or Spring Equinox the sun appears to cross the equinoctial from the
southern celestial hemisphere into northern.
Summer Solstice - the sun will be at the position in its apparent annual path or orbit
which remote from the equinoctial in the northern celestial hemisphere. Appear between
June 21 and 23.
Winter Solstice the sun will be at the position in its apparent path which is farthest to
the southwards of the equinoctial .Occurs between December21 and 23.



The horizon system of coordinates comprises those coordinates which are measured by
the navigator himself with primary visible plane such as horizon.
Visible Horizon is the apparent boundary between the sea and the sky or the line where
the sky and sea appear to meet which to an observer when not in sight of land appears to
each encircle him.
Sensible Horizon is a small circle on the celestial sphere whose plane is parallel to the
rational horizon, and which passes through the observers eye.
Geoidal Horizon is an imaginary plane parallel to the sensible horizon.
Geometrical Horizon is below the visible horizon by the amount of terrestrial
Celestial Horizon or Rational Horizon is a plane passing through the center of the

Zenith (Z) is the point in the celestial sphere directly overhead of the observer.
Nadir (Na) is the point in the celestial sphere directly underneath the observer.

Azimuth (Zn) is the angle at the observers zenith between the plane of the observers
meridian and the plane of the vertical circle passing through the body.

Azimuth Angle (Z) is the angle between the same two planes but it is reckoned from
either the north or the south point of the horizon towards either the east or west point.
Amplitude of a heavenly body is the arc of the horizon contained between the East or
West point of the horizon, and the position of the body when rising or setting.

Altitude of a celestial body is the angular distance of the body above the celestial
horizon measured along the vertical circle passing through the body
Zenith Distance (Zx) of a body is its angular distance from the zenith of the observer
measured along the vertical circle passing through the body.

Rotation is turning on an axis .The Earth rotates daily from west to east on an axis joining
its north and south poles.


1. The direction of the prevailing winds.
2. The spinning of cyclones.
3. The oblateness of the earth.

Deflection on the surface wings

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