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2501 Portland
TX 79930

U/gfR US h G




A Highway in Arkansas...

Our tape recorder was playing the beautiful Cantata

(we've practically worn the cassette out) "Born to Die."

Inspired and near tears

from its tremendous message (of Jesus love for each of us) and beauty, I was even
more conscious of our Creator and Lord as the sky was bathed in a brilliant sunset.
As we were clicking down the highway there before us was a sign: "MEN WORKING."
Jerry slowed and I immediately caught sight of a huge, gorgeous building! What was
it -- we all asked? In seconds we knew..Sprawled across the front in monstrous letters:
MAYBELLINE. That really struck mel!! First, I realized, this is only one of many such
factories, and only one of many such brart'ds. How concerned mankind is about covering

up blemishes, making over, and being more attractive on the OUTSIDE. But lOfuit about
the. tyiS-icLz? The tape recorder had continued on and the words, "Help me to understand
the love of calvary" pierced me. I cannot understand how mankind can so flippantly
treat our Lord - I cannot understand how time can be given to every organization and
the church struggles - I cannot understand how we use our money for things we WANT
(not needs) and His work suffers - I cannot understand how a Christian can be so un
concerned! I cannot understand how everyone does not have or want Jesus as SAVIOUR!
And I cannot understand Calvary. I DO understand...God sent His Son to die for me, to
make me over, cover up by blemishes, give me strength when I am weak and weary. And
someday 1*11 live with Him eternally. Oh, how He loves me, oh how he loves you! This
takes me back to the road sign we saw, "Men Working!" ARE WE? Is the Lord and Savior
of our lives, our time, our finances, our very being? What a difference it will make

when we all get to that place. Acts 17:30,31 sys it all - read it!

OuA PfiayeA - That tkc Go^peX may

kexuit and that alt
TOGETHER may become, deepe/L, moftz. enthii6ta6t^c and moA.z vitaJi -in tkz iaJXh that

Miscellaneous Missives
. . .Here we are in Seattle, Wash.picking up our summer tour. The North American
Christian Convention was next on Schedule. Jerry had a pre-meeting so arrived a day
early for the Christian Educators Conference. Tim LIKED that - he had a couple FREE
days. He literally walked. himself out of a pair of shoesl And I doubt there was much
in Seattle he missed. He kept saying I wish I had my bike!!l
...Soon ^ MU July Sth, 7:45 p.m. Thz tong-oiAXutexl mmeyit woA /leAe. Thousands a^^emblz.d tn thz g^^at and beautliut Seattle. Cente/i and akctts fian up and dom my ^plno, a6
a band
Scottish Bag Ptpe, VlayeAS pa/iade-d oAound tht mammouth cotUemm and ai> thuy
did thzy moKohzd to and pZaytd peA^ectZy the thmz ^ong o^ thz c.on\}znti.on "AmazXng

Gn/xc-t",. .Thz nzxt 1 day6 u/ete iMondzfi^ut, tn^pVU-ng and ZKCyUting. Jt seemed iuindfLoiU
0^ {,/Ltzndi)hlp6 \fiViz A.znZLOzdand BUNCHES
nzfj ^^zndi madz. Ju^t not znough.timz,
OuA 6ckzdulz catlzd {,oK a pA-ogAom tn Vznvz^ a/iza July 13. That i^}a6 1400 mitzi,, 4o m
got tn thz Cttatton at noon on Thu/uday and Jz^y 6taAtzd to pzdaZ.1 It wJtu a LONG m,yl
...We drove across Hwy 90 th'u Wash., Idaho, Mont. & Wyo. Our neighbor had asked for
some Mt. St. Helen's ash. From Portland up to Seattle we saw none. In Seattle bought

a little vial for $1.50! In eastern V/ash it was like snow along side of road. Next
morning the steep mtns so heavily ladened with pine were crowned with white billowy
clouds. Ohl our God's handiwork is magnificent...The car seemed a little more than

sluggish. Garages kept saying it's okay so kept on going. Arrived Denver late Sat.
afternoon. A hurried hug & greeting to our wonderful friends and hosts the C-Tayton
Grimstads and then to work. Practice and set up for next day. Bed felt good that night.

...Thz new Chatitztd ChuAch ivztcomzd u6 zvzfiy po66lbtz loay. We toe/te gae6^ at a
(ztlomklp dtnnz^ and contcnazd on loith thz zvzntng -ie^v/^ce.
...This sluggish little car that Jerry had complained about was taken to hospital
this time they discovered she wasn't all there! In original assembly they left out
2nd gear. How's that for a surprise?

7/13...Grimstads took us (really we tagged along). They were taking Tim to The Organ
Grinder Restaurant. I can't tell you about it - just don't miss it if you're in Denver
or Portland. Dinners with Rick and Karen Hankins & kiddies, Norm & Betty Naylor and

Don & Donna Gardner, Eva & Hank Bentsen, Joyce & Louis Kirkpatrick were so enjoyable
all week. Breakfast with the Warren Dodds at one of our favorite places was delightful.
A picnic in the park with the Bear Valley Church Pacesetters Class was super great as
well as a wonderful opportunity for visiting and meeting new friends.
...The BIG reunion was at Bear Valley Christian CHurch July 20th. It started with

breakfast and a reception for us by the Berean Class. Bible School church followed.
At noon Joyce and Louis Kirkpatrick, our hosts the past few days, invited Ray and
Betty Underwood their son Ernie his wife Rita children. We all first met in
1956 on Western Slope of Colo. But everyone lives in Denver area now, we covered a lot
of years in the brief visit. The afternoon was filled with further joy as we hastened
in and out of John and Mary Davis England's wedding reception. How happy we were to
be there. Evening services followed...and then to Joy and Norm Baldings for Mexican
food. Tim said WOW, was that good!'We ha'd missed it.

...Hosts now were Ray &Betty Underwood in Arvada and they took us to The Old Spaghetti
Factory. Atmosphere super and food super-erl
...New friends Walt & Janie Solgate in Kitteredge, Colo, shared a beautiful meal and
time of fellowship. The children were a joy.

...7/27 SoAvlciiM Wed. Eue cut toada ChMAAtlayi brought 6uApKU>2^[ Uany p^idcXovJi
came, to hzn lu>. ToiaXtij ane-xpac^ed. How; tiwiZlzd m wJe/te., Momklp hotxK a^toA gaue
tAxm {^on, \jAjiiX^nQ.

...The Ed Dalton home was opened for a lovely evening and meal. Ed and family are with
the Mt. View church in Evergreen Colo.

...Irene and Talmage Pace, friends since forever (former minister of Bear Valley) took
us to lunch and we appreciated it so much as their schedule 1s wild and time is a

premium...Donna and Tom Hurd, Arvada, Colo, gave us a spread of Lasagna and believe me
Donna would put any Italian restaurant to shamel

...A pldYilc. In the. pcuik on Sat. and vJj>lt to Bennett, Colo. High School to
up (wj/ieAe Exnlz linde/aoood teacher} took caxt
SatuA-day tu we -6pent It mXk all
tko, UndzAWood^. A woKide/Ljjat day. Tkzy oAe pnU-czlo^^ ^A^e.nd6.
...Another busy week had passed and it was our day- with Mt. View Christian Church in
Evergreen. Again the whole day and a bountiful carry in dinner. Evergreen is a tremen
dous tourist area and though we were very familiar with it all we too, had to look!
Briefly, then a visit and lunch before church with the precious Steve Fultons (min-

ister & wife) . Iri^ haste after church we left for Colo. .Springs. At l.Q;30 arrived to
sandwich "in a"much needed visit with Marje, Jim Walton and son Jeff. Our stomachs felt

the need of food after a busy evening and the trip. Marje had already anticipated that.
In the wee hours-we found a bed-morning was soon and our hearts thrilled as we antici
pated going HOME at lastl

...Tku on 7/2S we put tlu lait 6d^auz in and kzadzd -south at 7:50 a.m., a/i/Uving

at J2:30 a.m. bu6hekl A^teA nea/Uy 10,000 mile^l

I could not kelp but think o^ the

Mo/ixU, to "The Tamily oi God." What a ^umme^ we have hid. It ufcu not ea^y, but the joy6
expe/Uenced we/ie t/Lemendou^, We p^ay that iohefie we have beenSthe tive^ we have touched

we have brought

much joy to each ojj you a6 you have to oii The^e t6 no dz^cJviption

0^ the family o{, God except LOl'E. We o/ie t^uly thankful Ht6 mtckcng, p/iotecttng and
ca/Ung and VOUR pAayeu b^iought u4 6a(^ely home...
...HOME - 109 degreesi Whoops~something wrong==JUSR the airconditionerl1 For 3 days
it was more than a little warm. HAD TO BE REPLACED. Ouch, that hurts pocket book.
...Excited - Leland Tyrrells to arrive 8/2. Warm receptionl Still above 100 degrees.

...TexaJ) Otl man heafid o{ a cojipool

he o^de^ed one tn^talZed tn kii .stationwagon.

...College starts 8th year. Voices lifted in praise Aug. 25 singing "Come Ye That Love
the Lord." Should also have sung "We Gather Together to Ask the Lord's Blessing" as
that's what it was all about. Registration still in process. You can tell when you're
on the right track - it's usually up hill. Building this college has been up hill. Do
we get discouraged? Yes, at times. Then we see the road sign MEN WORKING. Some are,
but sure need a lot more help. How about it?
SeemA eoAly to think about Ch/LUtmaj> but should you need an Inexpensive giit, Tim'6
postpaid] and my book "Hi6 Sifith Made a Vi^^e/ience - HIS Bintk Hade THE

Vi(i(^en.ence ($5 postpaid) ujitt help keep ChJiist in ChiUtma^.

...Next month back to Helen Steiner Rice...Funds hit a real summer slump. Pray for

this l:o~be 11"qTiidaTed"r"Relp^TT"y^ can".

...We -Say Bye ion, now tWi next time.. .Keep a 6ong in youA heoAt!
God Bless you each one and

We Love^u

*^je'Uiy,^K0^ema/Ly S Tm
El Paso Christian College
P.O. Drawer 31277
El Paso, TX 79931

U. S. Postage

El Paso, TX
Permit #2444

Address Correction Requested





2501 Portland

El -Paso, Tx 79930



I gazed at the softly falling rain and

watched a delicate little humming bird as it sipped

nectar from the feeder which Jerry had hung within inches of our dining room window.
The little one fluttered, filled its tummy and in a fleeting second was gone...
Breakfast was over, and as I sat drinking my coffee, my mind was full of many, many
thoughts: I missed my sister; we had gread personal needs; the College had just taken
a gigantic step forward on faith, and the list went on and on...A tear rolled down my
cheek but I quickly wiped it away when Tim noticed, "Mom, what's wrong?"' Not real
izing my emotions had become visible, I said, "Oh, nothing, Tim." I had been thinking
also about God's wonderful BLESSINGS and PROMISES. Tim and I talk a lot, and so I
shared with him my thoughts of how God has so wonderfully blessed us and that we .trust

HIM completely for all things. Olul vQAy zxAJitQ,yLcz koA-Z on tkz bondzn. aj> pO'i^iXbtz oviZy

bzcOLUit 0^ tho&2. u)ko LOl/E KIM dmi tov2- and ^uppo^t

.Vie are thankful.. .Then I ex

plained the college was FORCED into buying a building, or move in two more y.ears when

the lease expired. It was for REAL...if we did not buy, another party wanted it.
Decision: buy a part of the complex, the building behind us. It would be perfect! In
about 4 weeks with a lot of prayer and effort we were able to give the realtor $10,000
toward the 25,000 down payment. In turn we were given the key. Continuous sizeable
payments are pending after the downpayment is completed. It all seems so crucial and

insurmountable, but we KNOW in "HIM ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE." (Matt. 19:26). It really
happened so suddenly many did not know. As we were talking that day I said, "Tim, I
wish I could write a great big check!" Tim was very quiet, but finally said, "Oh, Mom,
I wish I could too. I'd give all I have, but I can't do anything but play the piano."

That lit me up like a Christmas tree! I said, "Tim, so many people have asked for you
to give a concert, well, you could give a 'Benefit Concert' for the college building


I explained that it meant people who believe in the cause you are promoting

will share in a financial way. Tim was amazed, "You mean they will do this if I just
play the piano?" I closed our conversation saying, "Tim, you do your very, very best
and God will bless your efforts." He was exuberant thinking he could do this. Thus
plans have been set in motion. The Benefit Concert will be:
Time: Saturday, November 15, 7:00 P.M.

Place: First Church of the Nazarene - 2520 Silver (corner of Silver . AlabsmX

This church is very generous to let us use the building. It really is an asset with
its central location, grand piano, and sizeable auditorium. The associate minister of
the church will record the concert "liveV and cassettes will be available to any
who desire one. The love and concern that you all have shown to us and Tim has over

whelmed us. Your encouragement and support of this project will certainly be revealed
if you should choose to reassure Tim of his efforts by sending a check for the College
Building Fund and stating if you would like the complimentary tape. Presently and
consistently your prayers for Tim and ALL of us as we work toward this event will be
appreciated... Jerry and I thank God for Tim's unique gift; and his interest and

dedication to the Lord's work. Our earnest prayer is his dream of doing something BIG
for his Jesus will be realized. (Col. 3:17) And whatever you do in word or deed do all
in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father. And Ps.
63:4: So I will bless thee as long as I live
I will lift up my hands in thy name....Tim will use his handsl

Miscellaneous Missives
. . .President's Reception by the Morgans for the students and faculty was a delight

ful time of fellowship as always, and even the it was one of the rare rainy evenings
it did not hamper us one bit.

. . ,\/olantQ.2A6 (Via ^cu/iAylng oAoand now, cZzaning the. neio biuZcUng and fieRdylng it
ion. tko, movd 4oon to come.
. . .Enrollment is at 40 - 14 are taking classes for credit and 26 audit. Life is so

hectic many feel they do not have time to commit themselves to the task of deeper
study. We are glad for those who audit.

. .
. .

. -

.Not included in that number is the area choir just being formed. Jerry has chosen
Cantata we love so much, "Born to Die." A portion will be given at Christmas and
full performance in the spring. I told you about that cantata last month...
, JLL6t thinking.. .MZ muZd not have, nxide. pKobtem^
pzopte, muZd ftace, to zhuJiah

and allow the: tovz o^ God and

lOoAd to pemXAJXtz. tkeJjt heoKt^l A simple, -botntion!

. . .Jerry says I'm a "candleholic." I bum them almost every day in most every room.

It's rare for us to eat without a candle lit. They add a special touch to any meal,
or room. They remind me constantly, "Let your light shine." Matt. 4:16. I need to
be reminded.

. ^ .It. will be a super-special day Oct. 5thI Our precious Mother will have birthday

85. She is nicely settled in her new little house and has made the necessary adjust
ments with the help of my two brothers and.their wives in adapting to many changes.

ShrisV'^onL^uf'e;ie\'rher'c^?fdr;r ml.TreT^

^oTs^^.^V?"eL-lrLr^? p:?en"^r\: 3

KNOW she'd thrill at receiving a birthdL wish I not "'"m

about mother. I

Frey Ave. S.W. - Canton, OH 44706

Breckbuhler - 5351


My bag of bones was not in high gear. OH HOIV THEY ArHPn' i

didn't add joy to my day as I struggled from bed Low^f'r^ early morning Dr. apt.

succeeded in dressing and getting to the office on

limber enough, and
hours. But they hadn't forgotten me as I thon^r
impatiently Ih
my shoes at the "weigh in." The sweet youns rhfn^
called and I kicked off
her nursing duties. I stepped back in L
k seemed ever so happy as she performed
to my examin ing room. We chatted a second ind s Hrf
finished and pennyed after her

they were not alike.'! I let out a shriek


eyes zeroed in on my shoes,

and when viewed my footsieHhe aH bu;'; n

the Dr. said - except hfdirsay hfdidn't kf

Felt I had to walk backwards out of that

my shoes! To made things evL wLse

would not have felt qufte irelbarrassL h^H


' ""1 55X51 tell what

people with the problem 1 had-

''"^""ly I

forget me!;: I was uncomfortable.. .Things were not^^Eht' So

we do not have Jesus as Savior OR if wf havrf^n7 ^ ^ ?""
We won't have a problem if we '''Have this attitnr?
Jesus." Philippics. 2:5.
attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ

this meaningful poL''by'"Hel^"sLiner"Rlce^

College. We'd like to share


The "Stairway" rises "Heaven High"-

So we can kekep on climbing

The "steps" are dark and steep.

The "Stairs of Prayer" to You

In weariness we climb them

For we are weak and vavering.

As we stumble, fall and weep...

Uncertain and unsure,

And many times we falter

And only meeting You in prayer

Along the "path of prayer"

Can help us to end\are

Wondering if You hear us

All life's trials and troubles,

It s sickness, pain and sorrow.
And give us strength and courage

And if You really care...

^^11/ yxve a-s* some* "arssuifarfce

' *

Restore our faith anew.

to face and meet tomorrowi

J: ioTJ 'JZ^r 'f'rii J


"" '


Voii and Ati x.n Tkt CJjicZz oi yoiVi Lovz

...Becmue He LLv^^!

I Enclosed is my check mad'rto'EC'PASO'CHRisflAN'cOLLEGE'^



Tim's Concert Cassette Tape

Please mail to: Gerald Baley

2501 Portland

El Paso, TX 79930

thankLl God iTusina t^Tll

have read it to tell othL=i w ^

your praye^L


the inbookit
and take"^^ting
NO glory

lives. We are dependent upon those who

Christinas.. .e covet

6. Baley

El Paso Christian College

Non-Profit Org,

P.O. Drawer 31277

El Paso, TX 79931

U. S. Postage

El Paso, TX
Mission Services
Box 177

Kenpton, Indiana 46049

Address Correction Requested

Permit #2444


2501 Portland
El Paso TX 79930

an Rx^'whatev^


everything and humans pop them like candy. Drug companies would NOT be

bathed in lavish profits, insurance companies would be wealthier (fewer claims &they'd
like that), patient load of Doctors offices, hospitals and mental clinics would be way
down. Murder, divorce, crime would be nearly non existent. Only the Great Physician can
offer such a cure and with it SALVATION. Acts 4:12: And tkoAe, ^ i>aZvcution -in no om e^e
^OA. zkzA.2. ^ no otheA nmz andz/i keaven that (uu bzen gtvm among men, bu i^kick we mLUt
be ^aved. We are a worrisome bunch, yet John 16:33 tells us so simply-Worry is distrust
in God. Oh, that we as individuals, as a nation, as the world would go on our knees to
the Great Physician. He shed HIS blood - we don't have to give oursl Quite a reverse

we give only our hearts and our lives. It's all in HIS WORD.

Miscellaneous Missives
. . . It was a BIG-EE! but oh, thru it all optimism, and lifted spirits went wildi I bet
you wonder WHAT I am talking about. Well, the move into the new college building is now
nearly completed, and it was a big job. Many faithfully worked day in and day out this

past month. Most are retired from the^workipg world but now giving their lives to labor
for the Lord. I actually think Tim hated to see the move end. He has been there every day
and enjoyed every minute. The moving is work, but with 2 stories in the old bldg. and 3
, in the new I believe the laborers felt more work was involved getting their bodies, along

with their load, up down the steps. A \J2A.y 6p2.CMlt tnJJoujtt to tkt l/eAne
Humphviojif Vofiotky Eggle^ton S T/un iA)ho ka.vz stacked up kouA upon koun, o^ donated time,
and oi coiMe att the
and -iome Ci(5 th^Jji iamLtte^. WumeAotM otkeu woAe mo.6t heZp^ut.
The building is lovely and we are all so happy & proud! Things will soon be very normal
(as normal as can be expected with the ones working there)--really, we love each other
and God has given us a WONDERFUL family at the college. To us, they are priceless and
EVERY DAY Jerry and I thank God for allowing us to serve here. Money-wise, down payment
was made. Some of it from generous friends offering a loan, but we pray soon these are
paid back. Constantly uphold our financial needs - both the bldg. fund general fund
need your prayers!

. . . If our heart skips a beat something is wrong. If we start skipping Bible Reading,
prayer & church soon we have Real Big problems.
. . . OuA good {^KiendM Vonxe^t S Edytke Mae Clod^elte/L we^e at hdie^in. Ch/LUtla.n College,
A/ite^ia., WM. We made a huMAled tfiip o\jefi on Sat. Eve, 9111. knjvivojd tn a konAtble koaji

i>tom Mctk ^og, but Atoe had the eu/ie ion. "bad loeathefvUUM." Vetic^ous ^tow at 10 p.m,!
-iuppo^ed to be eaten about 7 o^S, but u)a6 mo^e 6ea&oned by ten, I think. Weatken.
and mountains deemed u)e tfiavol. kofue S buggy -speed. ChiULch thefie Sunday mofintng, and we

headed home a^tefi lunch. A detightiul but iihoKt

We enjoyed 6o much 6eelng the

lovely campus o^ the coltege and ivo^hlpptng thefie. Ttm

he ahoay6 deLights in that.

p^evatied upon to play and

. . . The New Testament Christian Church held its annual Faith-Promise rally Oct 3, 4,
5. We had no obligations elsewhere and felt so blessed being able to attend all of it.
Hector Gonzales, of Guadalajarah, Mexico, the Church's living-link missionary, spoke.
Bill Morgan (our College president) translated. Hector speaks very little english. It
was all so inspirational. We were thankful to be able to share musically.

MoA,e )^atte^ii ion. Chatter

. . . As I was washing I noticed the thin lined scar on my neck. After 7 years it has
faded, but it is STILL there. Bone was taken from my hip, and thru my throat my neck was
fused. I was made over. The Dr. did an excellent job BUT my neck is imperfect. It only
moves to a certain degreethere are definite limitations. In Chiist w>e have no limiJia,'
tions. He ts peA^ect. He make^ u6 oveA iAJhen we become Hti.
. . . What a blessing came to Tim. He was given a free season ticket to the El Paso Sym
phony Orchestra concert season! My, how he has enjoyed the two thus far. He talks for
hours about them. Last one was Suzuki children playing string instruments.

. . .
excAting thing pfie^ently ts Ttm'-s pending "Bene^iX concwt." Hovmbefi 15th,
7 p.m. at fi/ut Chu/Lch o^ the NazoAene, 2520 Silver. He ts p-fiacttsing {oh, houAS and Vad

hi iiwpoxvl^lnq. We had hoped to make, a t'Up to Con,pLU> bat Camp-ti oAe on vacation. Ex.cUte-

rmnt jjo/L tke conaeAt hjzi peAme.atcd 60 many and we o/te thMZtzd at the. xe^pon^zl T maid
tove, to teLt you the. amount o^ gt^t6 that have. aJOie,ady come, in BUT wttt 4uAp/tX6e you

i^ttk the, totat next tune,. P-^eode feeep Thn and alt o{i
mZt be a Qlofiy to God tn zvejiy m.y.

in youn, pfiayeA^ that tmxty t^

you mnt to skoAc and haven't, -iencf youA, check

to "El VoMo ChXAJitAjan College BtUtding und" and a tape

the concent MiZZ be 6ent to
you li you Keque^t tt.
. , . Leland Tyrrell is teaching one of the extension classes for the college, on the
Book of Revelation and we are taking it. This in-depth study makes me feel so very
unlearnedl Tremendous book.

. . . "I've done the very best I can," he said. "It will be just fine for awhile."

CJust 5 weeks prior this same man was at our house). Those were the words of the piano
tuner as he left our home again. The lovely new Baldwin Acrosonic piano, Tim's gift

from Aunt Ruby, did not hold its tune. We wondered why? Simple explanation: a spinet
piano' is not built for Tim's pressure, the LONG hours of practice and playing and his
heavy touch. They are fine, he said, for easy-type playing and practice. The daintyfingered type, but when "pressure" and the "constant use" this piano gets is consis
tently applied it will be hard to keep it tuned. "You NEED to get him a Grand Piano."
CI was glad Tim didn't hear him say that). "I have tuned it to concert touch. That will

help a little." He left smiling and said, "Be seeing you soon I suppose."

Vou knot*),

m anjL like tKU! We might be tuned pen.ectZy to oun. lond and then the da^y p/Le64uA.e6
keep coming at tt4, coming at 04, and bingo! u/e too oAe out o^ tune! A^e we buxlt
^tandy enough In ouA (alth to b/Ung ouuelvei back In tune again? He'6 ALWAVS theAe
to give peA^ect ha/imony - we get dX^coAd token we get out o^ tune - don't be unhaAmonJjc.
. . . It will be a gala event!I! Jan. 29, 30 & 31, 1981 El Paso Christian College will
sponsor its first SENIOR SAINTS RALLY. This promises to be a "funtastic" event and a
tremendous spiritual uplift. SAVE the dates & plan to be here if you are a snowbird,
or take winter vacations! MORE later about program, etc.
. . . My new solar-powered clothes dryer is great! It's at the back of the house, has
8 lines stands on a pole. Know what it is? You guessed it - clothesline.

. . . Mo^e next tme. Until then, let's pondeA thu question volth Helen StelneA Rice:

Why Should He Die For Such As I?

In everything both great and small
We see the Hand of G'od irr all.
And in the miracles of Spring
When everywhere is everything





And every lovely sight and sound

Proclaims the God of earth and sky
I ask myself "Just Who Am I"
That God should send His only Son
That my salvation would be won
Upon a cross by a sinless man
To bring fulfillment to God's Plan For Jesus suffered, bled and died
That sinners might be sanctified.
And to grant God's children such as I
Eternal life in that Home on High.

Adlos ioA now.

He Keeps Me Singing.

We Love Vou So Uuch -- So Voes Me,

G. Baley
El Paso Christian College

Non-Profit Org,
U. S. Postage

P.O. Drawer 31277

El Paso, TX 79931


El Paso, TX
Permit #2444








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; "Daily Living at its best is complex!

Add to that serious illness and a child

born with BRAIN DAMAGE, gives one a

feeling of helplessness. Is it more than we

could handle? YES, but the difference is

in HIM. All things are possible! (Mat

thew" 19:26) My only prayer is that in


some way this book will help you and IN

CREASE your faith as I share with you.

Rosemary Baley is the wife of Gerald

R. Baley. She was born and raised in


w a



Canton, Ohio. Together they are serving

His Birth Made a Difference
HIS Birth Made THE Difference"

To God Be The Glory

Rosemary Baley

as Missionaries with El Paso Christian


College. Rosemary takes care of their

personal correspondance and prepares
for printing their monthly newsletter.
She, Jerry and Tim, their son, have

traveled from coast to coast presenting

the work of El Paso Christian College
and witnessing thru Sermons in Song.


















"His Birth Made a Difference..,HIS

Birth made THE Difference is the

testimony of a Christian family who have

faced and overcome many crises In their

s Hymns"
In her book, Rosemary tells not only of
the many crises in their lives, but also
how God has given their son a tremen
dous finger dexterity, and how it led to a
keen interest in piano. As parents, they
did ail in their power to encourage Tim in
his music. His little one finger, and one
hand tunes led to two fingers, two hands
and soon he was scaling the keyboard!
Tim plays almost completely by ear,
never with music and a song is never
played the same way twice. Those who

lives. Told by Rosemarj' Baley in her

delightful conversational style, this is the
story of the joys and disappointments,
the triumphs and problems and hear
taches of one Christian family deter
minedbe it in the valley or on the
mountainto serve and glorify their
wonderful Lord.

Knowing Rosie, Jerry and Tim has

made a difference in our lives...and...

reading this book should make a dif

ference in yours!"

hear and see him MARVEL at this God-

given ability, and many requests were

made for tapes after reading the book, or
hearing him thus 'Tim's Hymns He
Touched Me" was made. The name was

chosen simply because, truly God touched

this ones life. There are 17 favorite hymns
on the cassette.

William J. Morgan, President

El Paso Christian College
El Paso, Texas




2501 Portland, El Paso, TX 79930

Tears Flowed With Gratitude

and those who could choke out the words, lifted their voices

singing P-mUe God

Wkom All Ble6-6^ng.6 FZou), The LONG anti

cipated event of the evening, Nov. 15, 1980, was now history...

The dooA. to OLYL

open and John PauZ BtUXe^, cottege

t^ecuuAe/L, boomed oat to the many tn the toAge ^oyvi 6titi

vtstttng and mAXtng to hea/i: THE TOTAL OFFERING FOR TIM'S

A Savior

., .Christ,

$1,78211 We were ALL'a'stunned people, completely saturated

with the knowledge it was truly accomplished ONLY because of HIM.
Tim, the instrument which God used to bring forth this reality,

beamedl His knowledge of money is limited-he could not comprehend

the victory. BUT he KNEW, with everyone so jubilant, it must be

okay, and he was thrilled that everyone was so happy. He drank in
the response of love shown him, and he happily autographed programs. It is impossible to describe the joys, anticipations, frustrations, yes, doubts and
fears we, as parents, had in the preparation for this event. Tim has always been a part of
our musical programs for years and performed easily and acceptably. BUT suddenly, as it all
came close and he was THE TOTAL PERFORMER, excitement continued to mount and our thoughts
were-wou^ people expect peA-tjecMon? Immediately our earnest prayers were that God would

the Lord

ease our anxieties, and that those who 1istened would NOT have the ear of a "critic" but their

souls would be filled with the feeling and deep love for music Tim emits as he plays.

Miscellaneous Missives
,,,Many wonderful excited people promoted the concert anditwas visually or audibly an
nounced in every conceiveable way. A rich experience was ours as a delightful reporter
from a local newspaper came to the house for an interview. She was a precious, caring
soul and her genuine love and concern made us feel we were life-time friends. Two-thirds

of a page of the local newspaper was given to her write-up with three pictures of Tim at
the piano.

This exposure the day before the concert was tremendous.

,,,From the inception of the idea and the date set. Dad (Jerry) began even more concen
trated coaching of Tim. Hours each day... The final week their work-outs were on the
baby grand piano at the church.

The many hours of practise should qualify Tim for a night out at his favorite restaurant,
we thought. "Tim, you choose a place and we'll go," we said. "Oh, Boy," excitedly and un
hesitatingly he answered, "Let's go to Pancho's and after that to Baskin's ice cream

parlor." (Pancho's is a MacDonald-type Mexican cafeteria, and the food is HOT.) I about
choked, but said, "You're on." We didn't have to coax them, but I'm sure Dorothy & Bill
Morgan would have been a bit more enthused about going along had we gone elsewhere as
would Jerry and I. BUT it was Tim's celebration. The ice cream did cool off a hot tonguel

Since Tim has little conception about money but a great big bunch of love for all our
families, it seemed unreal to him that someone wasn't coming for the concert. A long talk
made him forget there could even be a thought of such. BUT Uncle Clyde, my youngest

brother, flew in on Saturday morning, the day of the concert. It was a surprise for Tim.
Not knowing how to get him to go along to the airport without spoiling the surprise, I
said, "Grandma is sending something we are to pick up at the airport." I cannot even
begin to describe this moment in that day, but will leave your imagination to work


1979 CPH 84-4213 Photo by Robert Hayes Printed In U.S.A.



. . .The main thrust in Jerry's coaching was for Tim to be comfortable and help him anti
cipate all happenings. Tim chose to wear a light creamy beige tuxedo trimmed in soft
chocolate brown, ruffled shirt and bow tie. We were thrilled with his choice, and he
looked like a million dollars. The program for Tim was written on 3X5 cards, listing each
piece and the key or keys he was to play it in. These were listed in order of each section.
He put them on the piano bench and picked each up as he used it. The system worked perfect
at practice. Everything went fine at the concert UNTIL his tuxedo coat swept the cards to

the floor! It could have been a devastating experience, but as quickly as it happened
Unple Clyde was there putting them back in order. The audience knew the problem, but
Jerry, behind the scenes, could NOT understand the long silence. Tim took it in stride
smiled at the audience and shortly resumed the program.





... The day had been especially busy. The College semi-annual Trustees meeting was the
night before and carried thru that morning
We had not heard much about hurricane Jean,
but she was busy doing her thing, and bad, uninvited weather was coming our way. Days
before we had 80 degrees and bright sunshine. Now, winds, clouds & rain moved in.Weather
-reports forecasted-SNOW and urged" people to stay home. Some were frightened to conie and
phoned apologies
Then a distress call - Dorothy Morgan {President's wife) has aspir
ated a vitamin pill into her lung. It was removed exactly the hour the concert began.

Oh Lond, catm oa/i

and may thZi> tmiy bz an eveyUng o^S gto^y


...Further disappointment was Tim's as Red ,Camp (his teacher) was not able to be here.

It is amazing the spark a phone call can put into one..Red really spruced Tim up when he
called...Then as we were walking out the door, the phone rang and our precious friends
the Clodfelters, wished Tim the Best - said they loved us and were praying for a succes
sful evening. I KNOW many of you, too, were doing the same and because of it we had the
proper balance to all the obstacles and felt God's presence. God is SO good! An excel
lent crowd on a miserable night spurred Tim on. He was happy and it radiated to the
audience, but the standing ovation really amazed him.. .Most-asked question: iJJkzn i>ii

youJi next conceAt? Mom Dad need a re'covery period first! I've shared all this with you
as your letters and offerings in support of Tim's efforts have overwhelmed us! To this

date (11-25) the offering totals $1,950! Wc o/ie 40 ve^y humbtexi .and tfiank^cit. \lJiy

6eZdom am I loitkoat wonxU-bat that ^

the, case now. OuX hmnX^ oJtd bu/utlng uUth thanks-

gtvlng at tha> bomZi^vJi iiOMMon, Ple/ise ^zad


THANK YOUl We pray HIS presence will fill your hearts and lives this Season and
throughout the New Year. Pray for us and WE ALWAYS Remember
Trust HIM - HE has
all the answers

P.S. Cassettes of Tim's concert are available upon

request and a donation t6 the College Building


Fund. They are not professionally cut, but a good

tape. All are mailed to those who ordered so far.

f Tim

G. Baley
P.O. Drawer 31277

El Paso, TX 79931
Mission Services
Boa 177

Kerrpton, Indiana 46049

*God sent his only begotten Son into the world,

that we mitfht live through him." i John 4:9


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