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By: Auberon Jeleel Odoom

1. In your own words, define Organization Development in a manner that would enable Jeleel’s
illiterate mother to understand.
2. List eight characteristics of OD.
3. List six characteristics of an effective organization.
4. In OD, we read about three stems. List the three stems and state their contributions to the
development of OD. Compare and contrast the action research stem and the OD cycle.
5. How would you use the OD cycle to facilitate change?
6. I am what I give to my clients as an OD consultant. Discuss. List the seven commandments
of Tony Patrella.
7. The 22nd OD code of ethics states three reasons for its development. List the three reasons.
8. List and explain the five responsibilities under the code of ethics. List eight OD ethical
guidelines and five values.
9. List seven facilitation methods you know. State the advantages and disadvantages of each.
10. List and explain five guidelines for giving and receiving feedback effectively.
11. What is locus of control and how would you use your knowledge of it in the facilitation
12. Beckhard and Harris states 6 steps in change management. List the steps. Name and explain
the 3 states of change in Beckhard-Harris.
13. What factors would affect the change success? How would you handle resistance in change
14. The NTL and Carew-Carew are both models for dynamics team building intervention. What
is NTL? What are the four stages of dynamics team building development and why do these
borders on the NTL? List two exercises and activities you are likely to use at each stage
mentioned above during a dynamics team building process.
15. List the five stages of a coaching session. List five steps needed to be followed in any
successful coaching relationship.
16. If you go into an organization, what would you see to conclude there is conflict? List and
describe the five styles of conflict handling. List the steps you would undertake in conflict
17. How would you apply your knowledge of the following in handling conflict (a) Ladder of
inference (b) Locus of control (c) Feelings and emotions?
18. What is a system? Name 3 models that reflect the system theory. Select and discuss one
model. When and how would you use the model as an OD practitioner?
19. What is the purpose of a large system intervention? Why would you recommend a large
stream intervention process for a client whose production indicates a decreasing trend with
high employee turnover?

20. Outline the steps in undertaking both open systems planning and trans-organization
development. What is an organization-environment intervention? Explain the process of
application of organization-environment interventions.
21. What factors make an OD intervention more likely to lead to sustainable changes in
organization and why?
22. Name the 4 phases in relationship building and state what activity is in each. What is the
relationship between the OD cycle and the 4 phases in relationship building?
23. How would you apply your knowledge of the following in dealing with resistance (a) What it
feels like to be a buyer (b) Levels of intervention (c) Styles of intervention (d) phasing
24. What are the causes of resistance in client consultant relationship?
25. How would you navigate the consulting process?

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