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New Players Guide

Everything you need to know to get started!


The Forums is a great place to find out what is going on in the Community. You can find things such
Discussions, Suggestions, Community events, and updates/news on what is going on on World of
Keralis. You can also see players' creative sides with pictures, videos sections.

Take a look around the Forums, and get to know our players. Don't be afraid to post on topics; put
yourself out there, and become a part of the World of Keralis Community. Everyone is welcome!
Start off with introducing yourself by creating a thread in the Introduce Yourself section.

World of Keralis Minecraft is made up of 5 different servers, all joined together to make up one
large Community. Each server's Community is different in its own way, so explore them all and meet
new people! There is no need to disconnect to change servers.
Switch between the servers with simple Commands:

/server (name)
For an example; /server towny OR /server creative OR /server donator
(Other servers such as Infinity, and BBB require a certain modpack for you to be able to play, you
can also check that out on the forums under the sub-headings such as "Infinity" and then there's a
list of threads)

World of Keralis has many different chat channels. Your focused chat channel can be toggled by
typing /g for general chat that the whole server can see OR /tc which is town chat for the towny

server, and ./nc which is for nation chat to speak to everybody that's within your nation, and your
nation alone (these chats are for towny, I'm not sure what the different chats are in the other server
such as infinity, and BBB because I've never played them, and Modpacks don't interest me, I'm
afraid) There's also a private message chat that allows you to speak to a single person which can be
activated by typing /msg (name of player) and once they've replied you can then do /r which is short
for (reply) which is easier for people to communicate quicker.


There are five servers: Towny, Creative, Donator, Infinity, and BBB (Bo-Buddy Bunkers)

Towny is a plugin for a Bukkit modded Minecraft server. The plugin itself is a manager for a
Resident-Town-Nation hierarchy, as well as a block permission manager for a grid-like protection
system. Each town has a mayor, while a nation has a king. They both have their own assistants to
help run their respective people. Players can also purchase land from the town, as well as an
optional daily tax set by the mayor. The player can allow his friends from out of town to build on his
land when even his very own town's people can't build if he so wishes.

The bases of protection follows under how the world is separated into chunks. For those unaware,
minecraft servers are broken up into 16x16x128 sections of blocks. The 128 being the height from
the adimantium floor to the clouds in the sky. The protection ignores the height an focuses on the x
and z planes. The default size for grid squares is 16x16, similar to the chunk size (configurable when
you start using towny). So claiming a townblock (a grid square) allows that section of land to follow
your town's or the plot owner's permissions.

Each town can claim up to a certain amount of townblocks, a set ratio or amount configured in the
setting that is relative to the amount of players taking residence in that town. Residents themselves
have no limit on how many they claim, however the daily tax (when using alongside iConomy) will
take a bite out of their resources. The money is tunneled to the town's bank account that only the
mayor can withdraw from, except if the town belongs to a nation. Any town belonging to a nation
may be required to pay the nation a daily upkeep as well.

Lastly, during weekend the towny staff enable player vs player weekend or (pvp weekend) it is
known as in-game. This allows every spot on the server except for /spawn to toggle to pvp and it
can't be disabled until pvp weekend is over, this lasts from Friday until Monday. Some people argue

with this because they consider friday as a non weekend day but others consider it as the weekend
after 12:00pm mid-day.

Towny Commands


- Shows the /plot commands.

claim - Resident command to personally claims a plot that are for sale. /Plot claim
auto - Resident command to personally claim an area of plots that are for sale, around the player
typing the command.
unclaim - Resident command to unclaim personally owned plots. /plot unclaim
{forsale/fs} - Set a plot for sale. /plot set forsale OR /plot set fs (Optional)
{notforsale/nfs} - Set a plot to not be for sale. /plot set notforsale OR /plot set nfs (Optional)
perm - Shows the perm line of the plot in which the player stands. /plot perm


reset - Sets a shop/embassy/arena/wilds plot back to a normal plot. /plot set reset
shop - Sets a plot to a shop plot. /plot set shop
embassy - Sets a plot to an embassy plot. /plot set embassy
arena - Sets a plot to an arena plot. /plot set arena
wilds - Sets a plot to a wilds plot. /plot set wilds


{on/off} - Edits the perm line of the single plot in which the player is standing. See here for details.
{resident/ally/outsider} {on/off} /plot perm [name] on/off

{build/destroy/switch/itemuse} {on/off} /plot perm build on/off

{resident/ally/outsider} {build/destroy/switch/itemuse} {on/off} /plot set perm
reset - Resets the plot in which you stand to the default perm line of the /town or /resident screen
(depending on if the plot is owned personally or by the town.) /plot reset


fire - Turn on/off firespread in the plot in which you stand. /t toggle fire OR /plot toggle fire
pvp - Turn on/off pvp in the plot in which you stand. /t toggle pvp OR /plot toggle pvp
explosion - Turn on/off explosions in the plot in which you stand. /t toggle explosion OR /plot toggle
mob - Turn on/off hostile mobspawning in the plot in which you stand. /t toggle mob OR /plot toggle

Everyone knows what creative is so I'm not gonna bother wasting my energy on typing something
you already know, but what separates World of Keralis from the regular creative servers is it's
unique buildings that only certain or chosen players can build on if they meet certain requirements
that are accepted. By that I mean you cannot build in creative unless you are granted the rank of
builder which you have to submit an application in order to gain access to build. But don't be fooled
not everybody can gain access to building in the creative server, you have to be very creative (ironic)
and have a vast vivid creative mind and experience in building (must show proof when applying for

You can get visit the creative server on World of Keralis to give you some frame of mind of what you
need to be in order to apply for builder (don't waste staff's time and apply for builder if you know
your not gonna even scrape the surface of getting it).

The Donator server is a basic survival server that allows you to build and roam freely without tping
(teleporting) to people or anything along those lines. This server allows you to build and salvage your
resources without getting griefed (griefing is not allowed on this type of server and will result in a

permanent ban) Obviously the donator server can only be accessed by donators which makes it so

Feed The Beast is a group of people that specialise in making high quality modpacks and maps for
Minecraft. They started out as a skyblock style challenge map that focused on the use of tech style
mods. These maps became extremely popular and in order to allow more people access to the maps
the FTB Launcher was created.

The team at FTB have worked closely with CreeperHost since almost day 1 in order to help ensure
their players get the best possible experience from online server play. They are also working with
Curse to help design and create a new client for Minecraft which will bring more awesome features
to the community.

I don't know much about Infinity so you can check that out in the Infinity section of the forums for
yourself, but what I do know is that you can download the Infinity Modpack here;

Once you have downloaded the modpack and you're fully on the game you can access the server by
typing in; INF.KERALIS.NET

Bo-Buddy Bunkers (BBB)

I don't know anything about this server as I do not play modded minecraft but I'm sure if you're
interested then you can find it here;

World of Keralis Towny Currency

In order to find out more about the towny currency and how to earn money find out more here;

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