English Question

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Q.1: Is this coat.

A. yours
B. your
C. the yours
Q.2: ..is your phone number?
A. which
B. what
C. how
Q.3: Could I have drink?
A. other
B. an other
C. another
Q.4: There arent .. for everybody.
A. chairs enough
B. enough chairs
C. enough of chairs
Q.5: Theyre . Young to get married.
A. too much
B. too
C. very too
Q.6: Most like traveling.
A. of people
B. of the people
C. people
Q.7: Saleem and Ali phone . every day.
A. A them
B. themselves
C. themselves
D. each other

Q.8: Its .. Weather.

A. terrible
B. a terrible
C. the terrible
Q.9: This is .. winter for 20 years.
A. the more bad
B. worse
C. the worse
D. worst
E. the worst
Q.10: He lives in same street ..me.
A. that
B. like
C. as
D. than
Q.11: .. help me?
A. Can you to
B. Do you can
C. Can you
Q.12: I . She ..you.
A. think, likes
B. am thinking, is liking
C. think, is liking
D. am thinking, is liking
Q.13: Who .. the window?
A. open
B. opened
C. did opened

Q.14: Why .. ?
A. those men are laughing
B. are laughing those men
C. are those men laughing
Q.15: What......?
A. does she want
B. does she wants
C. she wants
Q.16: I didnt ... he was at home.
A. to think
B. think
C. thinking
D. thought
Q.17: Ill see you Tuesday afternoon.
A. at
B. on
C. in
Q.18: I went out without . money.
A. some
B. any
Q.19: Although he felt very . He smiled
A. angrily, friendly
B. angry, friendly
C. angry, in a friendly way
Q.20: I .. to America.
A. have often been
B. often have been
C. have been often

Q.21: My mother . my birthday.

A. always forgets
B. always is forgetting
C. forgets always

Q.22: You look .. a teacher.

A. like
B. as
C. the same like
Q.23: Saheen .. have a baby.
A. will
B. shall
C. is going to
Q.24: I knew that he .. waiting for somebody.
A. is
B. was
C. would
Q.25: Gloria last week?
A. have you seen
B. Did you see
C. Were you seeing
Q.26: Shes an old friend I .... her.. years.
A. ve known, for
B. know, for
C. ve known, since
D. know, since
Q.27: We met when we .. in France.
A. studied
B. were studying
C. had studied

Q.28: As soon as he came in I knew I . him before.

A. have seen
B. saw
C. had seen
Q.29: This picture .. by a friend of my mothers.
A. is painting
B. is painted
C. was painting
D. was painted
Q.30: Try ... be late.
A. not to
B. to not
Q.31: I went to London clothes.
A. for buy
B. for to buy
C. for buying
D. to buy
Q.32: You cant live very long without
A. to eat
B. eat
C. eating
D. you eat
Q.33: I enjoy but I wouldnt like .... it all my life.
A. to teach, to do
B. teaching, doing
C. to teach, doing
D. teaching, to do

Q.34: Im not sure what ..

A. do they want?
B. do they want
C. they want.
Q.35: If you . me, I .. in real trouble last year.
A. didt hel, would have been
B. hadnt helped, would have been
C. hadnt helped, would be
D. didnt help, would be
Q.36: We watch a . On TV last night.
A. war film
B. wars film
C. film of war
Q.37: He was wearing . riding boots.
A. red old Spanish leather
B. old leather red Spanish
C. old re Spanish leather
D. Spanish red old leather
Q.38: I wonder if Aslam this evening.
A. will phone
B. phones
Q.39: Who ..you that ring?
A. Is given
B. gave
Q.40: This is the first time I .. a sports car.
A. ve driven
B. m driving
C. drive

Q.41: On her birthday.

A. she was given a new car
B. a new car was given to her
Q.42: I look forward ..you soon.
A. seeing
B. to seeing
C. to see
Q.43: If you have trouble going to sleep, try a glass of milk before
A. drinking
B. to drink
C. drink
Q.44: This is my friend Aslam. I . met, have you?
A. dont think youve
B. think you havent
Q.45: How .!
A. he works hard
B. hard he works
Q.46: Nobody phoned, did ..?
A. he
B. she
C. they
D. it
E. he or she
F. anybody
Q.47: If you were ever in trouble. I would give you all the help you ..
A. will need
B. would need
C. need
D. needed

Q.48: My wife will be upset..

A. if I dont get back tomorrow
B. unless I get back tomorrow
Q.49: Its time you home, but Id rather you .here.
A. go, stay
B. went, stayed
C. go, stayed
D. went, stay
Q.50: I wish I more time.
A. had
B. have
C. would have
D. will have
Q.51: Ahmed. ..has just come to live in our street.
A. that I was at school with
B. I was at school with
C. with who I was at school
D. with whom I was at school
Q.52: What is a talent?
A. Puppet show
B. Special ability
C. Dying wish
Q.53: We didn't want to get in trouble, _____ we parked in the lot around
the corner.
A. So
B. But
C. Because
D. Although

Q.54: "Are you and Safir in the same apartment building?" "No, we__."
A. Isn't
B. Weren't
C. Are
D. Aren't
Q.55: My brother is studying hard to be _____.
A. Writer
B. Write
C. A writer
D. Writes
Q.56: If you _____ faster, we could have turned in the project before the
A. Work
B. Had worked
C. Have worked
D. Working
Q.57: She has computer class _____ noon.
A. with
B. at
C. on
D. in
Q.58: My family and I _____ through the desert on our last vacation.
A. Drive
B. Drives
C. Driving
D. Drove
Q.59: _____ time do you spend on your homework every day?
A. How much
B. How well
C. How often
D. How long

Q.60: "What programs _____?" "He mostly uses Microsoft Word and

Is he using
Does he use
He used
He use

Q.61: Since they changed jobs, their life _____ been much easier.
A. Are
B. Was
C. Has
D. Had
Q.62: Would anybody care for _____ cold drink before dinner?
A. The others
B. Another
C. Other
D. Others
Q.63: Their new neighbor _____ brown hair and blue eyes.
A. Is having
B. Have
C. Has
D. Having
Q.64: "Is that Yazdanis new car?" "Yes, it's _____."
A. Him
B. Himself
C. His
D. He
Q.65: She _____ everywhere for her favorite perfume. So far she hasn't
found it.
A. Has looked
B. Looking
C. Been looking
D. Looked


Q.66: "You really _____ go to Cairo. You can see the Pyramids and the
National Museum."
A. may
B. Might
C. Can
D. must
Q.67: "What television shows did you watch when you were a child?" "I
_____ watch comedies".
A. was
B. Liked
C. used to
D. did
Q.68: My _____ usually goes to the office on foot.
A. Best friend
B. Best friends
C. Best friend she
D. Best friend is
Q.69: If we _____ some more money, we could go away this weekend.
A. are having
B. have
C. had
D. would have
Q.70: We went to the doctor __ she couldn't seem to get rid of her cold.
A. So
B. For
C. That
D. Because
Q.71: The secretary asked me _____ I wanted to meet with.
A. who
B. how
C. why
D. when


Q.72: If you feel full, don't _____ any more of that shami kabab.
A. Ate
B. Eating
C. Eat
D. Eats
Q.73: I had ______ soup and a sandwich for lunch.
A. A few
B. A lot of
C. Many
D. Much

Q.74: "I forgot my keys on the desk. _____ giving me a lift home?"
A. Could you
B. Can you
C. Will you
D. Would you mind
Q.75: My classmates and I enjoy doing similar things. _____ Favorite
activity is going cycling.
A. Our
B. We
C. Us
D. They
Q.76: Fehmina lives in Jamshoro now. She _____ at a large university
A. teach
B. taught
C. is teaching
D. teaching


Q.77: She always gets good evaluations. She must be _____ employee in
the company.
A. the most valuable
B. more valuable
C. the valuable
D. valuable
Q.78: Has he ever _____ to swim?
A. learned
B. learn
C. learning
D. learns
Q.79: When I last saw them, my sisters were on their way _____ the
A. on
B. in
C. at
D. to
Q.80: I want to send the Khans an email. Do you have _____ email
A. they
B. them
C. their
D. there
Q.81: The movie was over before we had time _____ the plot.
A. for understand
B. to understand
C. Understanding
D. understand
Q.82: _____ was a big parade in front of the university campus.
A. Their
B. They
C. These
D. There

Q.83: My teacher was living in Dubai when she _____ her future husband.
A. will meet
B. met
C. was meeting
D. meets
Q.84: That student passed her oral exams _____ speaking English at
every opportunity.
A. by
B. from
C. with
D. to
Q.85: Before _____ a decision on what to order, Jaffar asked the waiter
for his recommendation.
A. make
B. made
C. making
D. being made
Q.86: There isn't _____ milk left. I need to go out and get some.
A. many
B. some
C. no
D. any
Q.87: You can fly from here _____ Peshawar in under 5 hours.
A. at
B. in
C. to
D. for
Q.88: Muhammad Ali showed me his vacation photos _____ he visited my
house for lunch.
A. which
B. who
C. when
D. where


Q.89: Mr. Nasir..... fly to Quetta tomorrow.

A. to going
B. goes to
C. is going to
D. go to
Q.90: His wedding is the .. of my problems! What about my car bills? .
A. fewer
B. less
C. last
D. least
Q.91: "Those shopping bags look really heavy. ......carry one for you?''
A. Will I
B. Do I have
C. Shall I
D. Do I
Q.92: Dont forget ..... the rubbish.
A. to put out
B. putting out
C. to putting out
D. put out
Q.93: The letter ..... yesterday, but I don't know for sure.
A. may arrive
B. might arrived
C. should arrive
D. may have arrived
Q.94: If you don't slow down, you _____ have a heart attack.
A. would
B. will
C. can
D. should


Q.95: The project was _____ complicated than they had expected.
A. so
B. most
C. more
D. too
Q.96: I ..... working at night nowadays.
A. used to
B. used
C. Am used to
D. would
Q.97: I have to catch the 5.00am train tomorrow, so I ..... go to bed early.
A. needn't
B. havent
C. have to
D. have had to
Q.98: She ..... go to the dentists yesterday.
A. must
B. had to
C. ought to
D. must to
Q.99: Dont forget ..... those letters.
A. to post
B. posting
C. to posting
D. post

I clearly remember ..... them on the table last night

A. to leave
B. left
C. did leave
D. leaving



That was a great match. Ill never forget ..... Moeen score that

A. see
B. to see
C. seeing
D. seen

I thought you .....

A. will come to the party.

B. were coming to the party.
C. come to the party.
D. have come to the party.
Q.103: As I didn't have time to do my hair myself, I.......at the
A. had it done
B. had it did
C. did it did
D. had done it

I'm sorry for his bad behavior. He ......have apologized

A. must
B. may
C. would
D. should

Not speaking to anyone_____ ,but shouldn't we clean the house?

A. especially
B. specially
C. in particular
D. himself

Although it was very late, she..... book two tickets to Islamabad.

A. should
B. can
C. was able to
D. would can



It would be lovely to go to Japan, but.................thinking we can

A. There is no use
B. It is no point
C. It is no use
D. It is usefulness

It was so nice seeing Saud again! We should have called him.

A. months back
B. for months
C. since months
D. in months

She worked hard yesterday and ..... type all the letters.

A. was able to
B. can
C. could
D. would can

I wish I ..... a car, Im tired of catching the bus.

A. have
B. would have
C. had
D. had had

They laughed a lot last night. The film ..... very funny.

A. should have been

B. must have been
C. was to be
D. should be

_______ Waiting any longer. They are clearly not coming.

A. There is no use
B. It is no point
C. It is no use
D. It is usefulness



By this time tomorrow we .. the meeting.

A. will have
B. will have had
C. are having
D. will had had

Well never be able to do it said the man to nobody

A. especially
B. specially
C. in particular
D. himself

My father is a surgeon. _____ works in a hospital.

A. It
B. Father
C. He
D. She

If you _____ eating so much junk food, you'll lose weight.

A. Stopped
B. Stop
C. Might stop
D. Are stopping

I ___ the house more often than you do. It's your turn.

A. Will be cleaning
B. Have cleaned
C. Clean

Tuesday was the last time we ___ the house before we left.

A. Have been cleaning

B. Clean
C. Had cleaned


Q.119: First you have to send an application ___ the personnel


Please look ___ me. I'm talking to you.

A bout
B. At
C. For
D. To

__________ students are in the class?

A. How many of
B. How many

I don't have __________ about the Internet.

A. Much knowledge
B. Many knowledge

Can you give me __________ information?

A. A little
B. A few

Wow, what a large __________ of money!

A Number
B. Amount

__________ time do you have?

A. How many
B. How much
Q.126: I need _______ things for my new house.
A. a few
B. a little



I like to take __________ photos.

A. Much
B. Many

Mr. Saud wants to have __________ children.

A. Much
B. Many

Don't press the 'submit' button before _____ of all 10 sentences.

A. complete
B. completion
C. completely
Q.130: I don't know where I'm going on my vacation. I haven't _____
my plans yet.
A. Final
B. Finalized
C. Finally

This is my _____ vacation plan: I'm going to Lahore for a week.

A. Final
B. Finalize
C. Finally

You can buy excellent rye bread in that _____.

A. bake
B. bakery
C. baking

No, I'm not _____ . I'm just feeling very tired right now.

A. sick
B. sickness
C. sickly


Q.134: I think Kamran's been working too hard. I hope his vacation will
be _____ for him.
A. rejuvenating
B. rejuvenated
C. rejuvenate

Indicate the meanings of the words:


A. Host In thought,
B. Done with care
C. Having much to do
D. Former

Q.178: Contemplate:

A. To infer
B. Hesitate
C. Enjoy
D. Ponder


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