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From the Desk of Dr.

Bill Winston
February 2014
Join the Twitter Conversation #BWMPartners

From Faith to Faith

Dear Partners,

In Mark, chapter 4, Jesus had just preached a message often called the
Parable of the Sower, which was foundational for understanding the Kingdom
of God. After Jesus had expounded all things to His disciples, He told them,


Let us pass over unto the other side.

They soon encountered what we would call today a furious, probably
Category 5, hurricane, a storm of devastating proportions even to these
experienced fishermen. The story continues,
Jesus was sleeping at the back of the boat with his head on a cushion.
The disciples woke him up, shouting, Teacher, dont you care that were
going to drown?

When Jesus woke up, he rebuked the wind and said to the
waves,Silence! Be still! Suddenly the wind stopped, and there was a
great calm.

Then he asked them,Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?
(New Living Translation)

Another translation says, How is it that ye have NO faith?

The God Kind of Faith

The Bible tells us that every born-again Believer has been given the
measure of faith (Romans 12:3). Notice, it didnt say a measure, but the
measure meaning that we all are given the same amount when we are

This faith we refer to as the God kind of faith. Jesus told His
disciples in Marks gospel, Have faith in God. Or we could say it like this,
Have or receive Gods faith. This is the same faith that God Almighty used to
create the universe. One prophet of God describes it as real faith or Gods
Bill Winston Ministries | Post Office Box 947 | Oak Park, IL 60303 | 708-697-5100 |

When we use real faith to believe and to do miracles that were before
impossible - beyond science and psychology - we are now operating in the
class of God. Mark 4:41 says the disciples feared exceedingly and said
one to another what manner of man is this. The world is waiting for the
manifestation of the sons of God.
Counterfeit Faith

Two counterfeits of this God kind of faith are sense knowledge faith
and mental assent. Unfortunately, these two kinds of faith have been most
prevalent in the local church. Let me briefly describe them.
Sense knowledge faith says, When I see it or when I feel it, I will
know I have it. Its the kind of faith thats built on some natural
experience rather than solely on the Word of God.
Mental assent agrees with the Bible, that it came from God, and
that every Word is true. But when the crisis comes, it does not

Real faith, or the God kind of faith, says If God says its true, it is
true. It needs no physical evidence that would satisfy the senses a faith
much like Abraham had when God told him that he and his barren wife Sarah
were going to have a child. He considered not his own body now dead,
when he was about 100 years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarahs
womb (Romans 4:19). Real faith is built on the Word of God alone.

If He says Im strong Im strong.

If He says Im healed then Im healed.

If he says He supplies every need of mine He will!

Truth is the highest form of reality. Gods Word is truth and faith
converts things that are true, which cannot be seen, into things that can be
seen (the physical). Whether prosperity, healing, deliverance, victory, peace
whatever is promised to you by God in His Word is available and
delivered only by faith.

Faith is Not Designed to Stagnate, but to Grow

As mentioned earlier, every born-again Believer has been given
the measure of the God kind of faith, and it is our responsibility to grow
the measure that we have been given.

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The apostle Paul writes in 2 Thessalonians,

1:3 We are bound to thank God always for you, brethren, as it is meet,
because that your faith groweth exceedingly (emphasis mine).

We must learn how to go into the Word of God to develop the faith required
for the task that has been given to us and turn faith loose. This is how faith
grows and the way faith works. Faith is not designed to stagnate, its supposed
to grow, which is our responsibility. Real faith is designed for the impossible
and, in the process; it should grow to enable you to do bigger and better things
for the Kingdom.

Faith is Now!

Hebrews 11:1 says,

1Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things
not seen.

Faith has only one time zone NOW! You cannot use language in the
future and be in faith. To get a miracle you have to take it NOW!

Time has ruled human lives. Some say, Time is money. Well, a more
accurate description is time is temporal. It was created by God just like trees
and the fish in the sea. Time did not always exist (Genesis 1:14). We were
never meant to serve time, time was meant to serve us the same as money
and everything else in Gods creation (Psalm 8:6). The problem with time is
that it always seeks to subdue everything and everyone. It will absolutely
imprison anyone who will conform to it.

I recall some years back when the Lord first gave me the idea of the
Joseph Business School, a 9-month school for training entrepreneurs on how
to start and run a business using biblical principles. I recruited two of our
church members who had business and academic backgrounds from two
of the top business schools in the world for the project. After a few weeks
they came back and shared their results. They said it would take about 9-12
months to get the school started.

I took their information and went before the Lord to get His direction.
Remember, Hes no respecter of person, and I might add, no respecter of time.
He said, The school is to be up in two months. Be aware that most people
in the church live only according to time, knowing but not practicing how the
just shall live by faith, which is able to break the law of time. Faith elevates
you above the constraints of time.

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We committed to the two-month plan given to me by the Holy Ghost,
according to the spiritual realm, not the natural realm. The results were
nothing but miraculous. We broke the law of time, and got the school started
in two months with a full curriculum. Today this school is the only one of
its kind in the world. It is fully accredited and functioning in most of the
continents on earth. We did it By Faith, and faith is NOW.

Faith is the Holder of Your Destiny

The Scriptures caution us to Fight the good fight of faith
(1 Timothy 6:12). Why? Because our faith is the target of satans assaults.
Fear is one method he uses to sink your boat. He knows that without faith we
cannot defeat him or reach our God-ordained destiny.

Jesus had given His disciples the Word Let us pass over to the
other side. This was Gods will and His plan for their lives. And, once we get
Gods plan and commence our journey, our job is to keep the faith.

In Luke 18, Jesus asked an all important question after teaching that
men ought always to pray and not to faint,
8 Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the

By faith, let me loudly respond ... Yes!

Veronica and I thank you for being our partners and we pray for you
every day. As you sow your seed this month, sow it by faith and declare the
harvest you want to be returned to you.

We love you and remember, Keep walking by faith!

Your Friend and Partner,

William S. Winston
Scriptures to Meditate
Mark 4:35, 38-40
Hebrews 11:1

Romans 12:3
1 Timothy 6:12

2 Thessalonians 1:3
Luke 18:8
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FREE MP3 Download!

Visit the BWM Partner Caf to download a free Increase Message by Dr. Bill Winston.
Go to, select Partners and then choose Partner Caf. If you have not created
a login to access the Caf please do so today!
Dr. Winston, Im ready to go from Faith to Faith! Here is my seed for my breakthrough!




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Faith is the Holder of Your Destiny.

This special teaching is taken from the 2013 Faith Refresher.

Dr. Bill Winston shows you how to develop your faith to conquer any obstacle and to move any mountain standing in between you and Gods destiny for your life.
And, refresh your faith at the 2014 Faith Refresher!
February 19-21, 2014
Service begins at 6:30pm
Living Word Christian Center
Faith is one of the believers greatest assets!

To order please visit, call 1-800-711-9327 or mail the form below.

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