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FUNCTIONAL (3rd Level)

NAME : _______________________________________ SUBJECT: CLASS : _______

TASK TOPIC: Child Soldiers Report

Subject Outcomes: I can

I can use my knowledge of current social and political issue to interpret

evidence and present an informed view. SOC 3-15a
I can explain why a group I have identified might experience inequality and can
suggest ways in which this inequality might be addressed. SOC 3-16a
I have compared the rights of citizens in Scotland with a contrasting society
and can describe and begin to understand reasons for differences. SOC 3-17a

Literacy Outcomes: I can .

Logically organise my report
Ensure no important information is left out or repeated
Express and justify an opinion using a clear line of thought
Use and acknowledge primary and secondary quotations/sources
Use my own words as often as I can in my report
Spell almost all words accurately, including more sophisticated vocabulary
Use good punctuation and structure
Show relationship between paragraphs


1: Needs
2: Satisfactory
3. Excellent

Task - write a report on: The use of child soldiers

Word limit 200-500 words
You must include:
evidence form the sources on the next page (use may also wish to use some of the
website addresses)
why children become child soldiers
what help is provided for child soldiers
what rights are denied to child soldiers (UN Convention on the Rights of the Child)
Your views on the issue of child soldiers in the UK

Your class should agree what else to cover in this report:

o ________________________________________________________________
o ________________________________________________________________
o ________________________________________________________________

Evidence file
Source 1 - According the UN no Government
or other group should seek to recruit people
under the age of 18 into armed service.
In the UK boys can be recruited at the age
of 16 and girls at the age of 17.
Normally British troops will not be deployed
until they are aged 18.
The UK has the lowest recruitment age in
Europe. In 2010 the UK recruited 4675
under 18s into the armed forces.
(from a Modern Studies textbook)
Source 3 - Child soldiers exist in all regions
of the world.
Africa has the largest number of child
soldiers. Child soldiers are being used in
conflicts in Chad, DR Congo, Somalia and
In Asia thousands of children are involved in
fighting in Burma, Bangladesh, India,
Indonesia, and Nepal. They are mainly
involved with armed opposition groups or
clan-based groups.
In Latin America up to 14,000 children are
estimated to be involved with armed groups
in Colombia.
(from the Child Soldiers website FAQ)

Source 2 - The development of lighter

weapons - such as the AK47 - means that
children as young as eight can be armed.
The youngest are placed closest to the
enemy. In war, they are said to be fearless.
Children are cheaper to keep as they eat less
and are easier to manipulate.
Some are sent into battle high on drugs to
give them false courage.
(from a BBC World Service report)
I was brought up by my grandmother
but after she died I became homeless
at age 10. I could live on the streets or
join the guerrilla army.
In the army, after a week of basic
training, I was told to pick up a little
dog and hold it. They shot at me and
killed the dog. This made me tougher.
When it was my turn to kill someone, I
always hid my face. I went to bed
dreaming of the people I had killed.
One day I refused to kill an old man
and was sentenced to death. I managed
to run away. (a story of a former
female child soldier from Colombia
from MADRE News)

Further information:

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