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Sports council meets the governors

The welling Sports council have only just begun their work improving PE and Sport at
Welling School. They were asked to talk with the schools governors about what they
have been doing and what they wish to do in the future. Karlan Grant, Sam Donovan,
George Horrigan and Abbie Gray volunteered to represent the Sports council and were
mightily impressive! This is what they had to say….

“The Sports council has been developed so that we have a voice to change Sport and PE
at Welling School. It is an opportunity for us who love sport, to get together and discuss
ideas as to how we can make PE and Sport at Welling better and more interesting.”

“Each tutor group has a sports captain who was elected by the rest of their tutor group.
We all have badges! We meet on Fridays at 8.20-8.55 in the LRC. Sometimes, we meet
as years 7-9 or 10-13, or sometimes we meet as a whole sports council. After these
meetings we take back ideas and talk with our tutor groups. Each year group has a sixth
form sports captain as a mentor to help with discussions.”

“What have we done so far?

• At first, we were asked to help the PE department with changing the curriculum in
PE for next year. We were asked what we liked, and what we didn’t like about PE.
We were also asked what we would like to see for next year- things like doing
different activities, more activities after school like fitness and badminton. We
have seen that they have listened as there is now a fitness club on a Monday after
school for yr7-9.
• After the Olympic Assembly in November, we were asked to go back to our tutor
groups and discuss a few ideas that we can do to make sure everyone knows
about the Olympics and what it stands for. We have been told that this will be
happening after Sport Relief.
• We have been asked about rewards in PE and how the PE department can change
the way it rewards students. We have felt that not enough is done to say’ well
done’ to ordinary students who do well in PE, or celebrate achievements in PE. We
have put forward a variety of different ideas from postcards, raffle tickets and
special ties or badges for those representing the school in Sports teams. Our ideas
have been taken back to the PE department who are developing a new system for
September 2010.
• For the last 6 weeks, we have been meeting every Friday to plan a week of
fundraising activities in aid for Sport Relief. We spent a lot of time discussing
different ideas and have come up with a plan which has been put together for the
Sport Relief week- this includes working with the Catering company for a special
menu on the Friday of Sports Relief. We will be responsible for running the
activities, going into assemblies to make sure everyone knows what’s going on and
collecting the money during the week.”
“Future Vision of Welling Sports council

We want to drive change for PE and Sport at Welling School. There are a lot of talented
sports people here and most really enjoy sport. We want to;

• Ensure that there are more opportunities for our talented sports people
• We want to go round the school, to each department and lessons to see how we
can use sport to make lessons more enjoyable eg with DT to make a wooden ball-
Use sport to make lessons better;
• We want to see more sport related ideas around the school.
• Get involved more with the Olympics and get the Inspire mark.
• Meet for longer so that we can discuss more and plan at the same time.”

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