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Commission on Higher Education

The Commission on Higher Education is the governing
body covering both public and private higher education
institutions as well as degree-granting programs in all
tertiary educational institutions in the Philippines. The
CHED was established in May 18, 1994 through Republic
Act 7722 or the Higher Education Act of 1994.

Commission on Higher Education

Pursuant to RA 7722, the CHED is mandated to undertake the
following tasks:
1. Promote quality education
2. Take appropriate steps to ensure that education shall be
accessible to all
3. Ensure and protect academic freedom for the continuing
intellectual growth, the advancement of learning and research,
the development of responsible and effective leadership, the
education of high level professionals, and the enrichment of
historical and cultural heritage.

Commission on Higher Education

NO. 30
Series of 2001

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In accordance with the pertinent provisions of Republic Act (RA) 7722, otherwise
known as the "Higher Education Act of 1994" and for the purpose of
rationalizing Nursing Education in the country with the end in view of meeting
the health needs of the people through quality health services and keeping it
relevant and apace with the demands of global competitiveness, the following
policies and standards for Nursing Education are hereby adopted and
promulgated by the Commission.

Commission on Higher Education

Section 1. The authorization to open a nursing school shall be based upon the written
recommendation of the Board of Nursing (BON), Professional Regulation Commission
(PRC) and the National Student Affiliation Committee (NSAC), Department of Health
(DOH) and the approval of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED).
Section 2. All nursing programs must have prior authorization from the Commission on
Higher Education.
Section 3. The rules and regulations are herein prescribed for all nursing schools duly
recognized or authorized by the government to operate the program.

Department of Health
The Philippines' Department of Health (DOH) (Filipino:
Kagawaran ng Kalusugan) is the principal health
agency in the Philippines. It is the executive
department of the Philippine Government responsible
for ensuring access to basic public health services to
all Filipinos through the provision of quality health
care and the regulation of providers of health goods
and services.

Department of Health
The Philippines' Department of Health (DOH) today
remains steadfast in its mandate to provide the
leadership in reducing health disparities and
empowering the Filipino people through better
targeting of services, better health education and
promotion and more equitable distribution of health
benefits particularly for our poorest people.

Department of Health
Public Health Nursing in the
Philippines evolved alongside the
institutional development of the
DOH, the government agency
mandated to protect and promote
peoples health and the biggest
employer of health workers
including public health nurses.

Professional Regulation Commission

The Professional Regulation Commission (Filipino: Komisyon

sa Pamamalakad ng mga Propesyonal), otherwise known as
the PRC, is a three-man commission attached to the office of
the President of the Republic of the Philippines. Its mandate
is to regulate and supervise the practice of the professionals
who constitute the highly skilled manpower of the country.
As the agency-in-charge of the professional sector, the PRC
plays a strategic role in developing the corps of professionals
for industry, commerce, governance, and the economy.

Professional Regulation Commission

The Power to regulate the established professions in the

Philippines and to examine the applicants to practice the
same is vested upon the PRC as created by Presidential
Decree 223.
The PRC is now an agency of its own. The regulatory power
with respect to the nursing profession is conferred upon the
Professional Regulatory Board of Nursing.

Philippine Board of Nursing

The Philippine Board of Nursing is an

administrative body under the Professional
Regulation Commission that regulates the
practice of nursing in the Philippines.

Philippine Board of Nursing

Its three primary purpose is to:
1. Provide regulatory standards in the practice of Nursing by
implementing the Nurse Practice Act and by lobbying to Congress
any proposed amendment to any laws with direct relationship to
the practice of nursing.
2. Ensure public safety by administering the Philippine Nursing
Licensure Exam (PNLE) to graduates of nursing schools prior to
practice of Registered Nursing in the Philippines.
3. Maintain high standards of nursing education by auditing the
performance of Philippine Nursing Schools.

Association of Deans of Philippine Colleges

of Nursing (ADPCN)
With more than 350 nursing schools in the country and with the demand for
nursing professionals abroad, the Association of Deans of Philippine
Colleges of Nursing (ADPCN) plays an important role in assuring the quality
of the nursing education, from the undergraduate Bachelor of Science in
Nursing (BSN) to the Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing.
An association established in 1959, the ADPCN has collaborated with the
Commission on Higher Education (CHEd) and the Philippine Nurses
Association (PNA) in reviewing and revising the curricula so that the
competencies required of nurses in other countries will be covered and the
full crediting of degrees obtained locally in as many countries possible will
be achieved.

Pambansang Samahan ng mga Nars ng Pilipinas

Organized on OCTOBER 22, 1922

upon initiation of Mrs. Anastacia Giron Tupas
The PNA was awarded the Most Outstanding
Accredited Professional Organization by the
Profesional Regulatory Commission in 2003
besting 40 other professional associations and
was five time nominee for the same award.

Purposes of PNA are:

To attain optimal level of professional standards
To work for the welfare of member nurses;
To respond to the changing health needs of the
Philippine society
To establish linkages with government, national
and international agencies in the attainment of
national health goals and welfare of member nurses

International Council of Nurses

The International Council of Nurses (ICN) is a federation of
more than 120 national nurses associations. It was founded
in 1899 and was the first international organization for
health care professionals. It is headquartered in Geneva,
The organization's goals are to bring nurses' organizations
together in a worldwide body, to advance the socioeconomic status of nurses and the profession of nursing
worldwide, and to influence global and domestic health

International Council of Nurses

The functions of ICN are stated as follows:
1. To promote organization of national nurses associations
and to advise them in their continued development.
2. To assist national nurses associations to play their part in
developing and improving health service for the public,
the practice of nursing , the social and economic welfare
of nurses.
3. To provide means of communication between nurses
throughout the world for mutual understanding and

International Council of Nurses

4. To establish and maintain liaison and cooperation with
other international organizations and to serve as
representative and spokesman of nurses at the
international level.
5. To receive and manage funds and trusts which contribute
to the advancement of nursing or for the benefit of
nurses; and
6. To do all such things as may be incidental or conducive to
the attainment of the objectives of the ICN.

International Council of Nurses

The ICN meets quadrennially or every four
years. Its official organ is the International
Nursing Review which is published four
times a year. The headquarters of the ICN
is at 3 Place Jean Marteau CH 1201 Geneva,
Switzerland 27.

World Health Organization

The World Health Organization
(WHO) is a specialized agency of
the United Nations (UN) that acts
as a coordinating authority on
international public health.
Established on 7 April 1948, and
headquartered in Geneva,
Switzerland, the agency inherited
the mandate and resources of its
predecessor, the Health
Organization, which had been an
agency of the League of Nations.

World Health Organization

Nursing has continued to be an essential part
of all health and medical services of WHO.
Almost every request for assistance has
included the request for nursing support,
either through treatment, surveillance,
health education, or advice.

World Health Organization

Nursing activities in WHO include:
1. Publication of reports of expert
committees and of their advisory groups.
2. Special studies.
3. Organization of meetings, travelling
seminars, workshops and training courses.
4. Fellowships for study abroad, mainly postbasic and advance.

World Health Organization

5. Provision for nurse advisers and short-term
consultants who assist in assessing nursing and
midwifery needs and resources, in training
nurses and midwifery personnel, in
strengthening educational institutions or
establishing new ones, and in demonstrating
new methods and initiating research.
6. Supplying or arranging for provision of teaching
equipment and nursing literature.

International Committee of the

Red Cross
The International Committee of the Red Cross
(ICRC) is a private humanitarian institution based in
Geneva, Switzerland. States parties (signatories) to
the four Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their
Additional Protocols of 1977 and 2005, have given
the ICRC a mandate to protect the victims of
international and internal armed conflicts. Such
victims include war wounded, prisoners, refugees,
civilians, and other non-combatants.

International Committee of the

Red Cross
The International Committee of the Red
Cross awards the
Florence Nightingale Medals
to nurses. The award is the highest
international distinction for great
devotion and exceptional services in the
field of nursing.

International Committee of the

Red Cross
The Fundamental Principles of ICRC:

Humanity born of a desire to bring

assistance without discrimination of the
wounded on the battlefield, endeavours,
in its international and national capacity,
to prevent and alleviate human suffering
wherever it may found.

International Committee of the

Red Cross

Impartiality it makes no discrimination

as to nationality, race, religious beliefs,
class or political opinions.


Neutrality In order to enjoy the

confidence of all, ICRC may not take sides
in hostilities or engage at any time in
controversies of a political, racial,
religious or ideological nature.

International Committee of the

Red Cross

Independence Maintains autonomy


Voluntary Service It is a voluntary relief

movement not prompted in any manner by
desire for gain.


Unity there can only be one Red Cross in any

one country. It must be open to all.


Universality Worldwide organization that have

equal status and share equal resposibilities and

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